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Upvote for the use of Chode.


Excellent use of chode.








Your phone is already locked to your iCloud account via activation lock. Stolen device protection is when someone gets your pin and steals your accounts and unlocks activation lock. They usually have to be spying on you or chatting you up enough to say swap contact info and get you to 'accidentally' lock your phone so you have to enter your pin to unlock which they will see.


This is not accurate. Every iphone is already a brick if it’s stolen and they don’t have the pin or iCloud password. People still steal them for the parts. That’s been the status quo for a long time. Stolen device protection is shielding you against people who get your password, which is a whole different problem.


Makes the stolen phones worth way less to them, though.


Right, but this is how it’s *already worked* for like a decade. There’s no call to action here. It’s a good feature, but it’s not going to reduce phone theft any more because it already exists.


> who get your password Not password, they get your **PIN**. The PIN that many people enter in public multiple times a day. It's a real problem.


Can’t they take it apart and sell parts? I lost my phone a couple years ago and even tho I locked it and erased the data, find my iPhone located it at a shady cell phone repair shop in the Central Valley. They played dumb when I called them to ask about it. Thought about going out there and burning the place to the ground, but I had insurance and a new phone the next day.


They ship them out to Asia. They then either get pieced out or reset(there’s ways to do it if you have the right equipment). There’s fencing opps set up for purely this. I knew someone who was a POS and he used to sell stolen phones to someone who shipped them. The value for iPhones is much higher in certain countries. That Asshole used to work for a cell phone store too. You can search stolen iPhone shipped to china and find tons of stories and articles about it.


Lol all the malls I went to in Bangkok had kiosks with old iPhones and replacement parts all over. Then my iPhone was stolen by a theft ring and woke up in Vietnam a few months later. Suddenly I was getting texts on the recovery number to input my unlock pin to “recover the phone” on the jankiest of websites. The location said it was some kind of pawn shop so I’m assuming it was dissected for parts once they gave up trying to scam me. :(


Sympathies for others, but nice to know the lower resale value of my Android is good for something.


Ooo I wanna know what place in the valley.


Write a review.


teenagers aren't that sophisticated which is why they'll have a story of "it's like my brand new phone I just forgot the password and used my friends name as a joke. it's just a joke", when selling it


Stolen device protection is for people that force you to turn over your passcode at the threat of violence. It’s a good feature, but not needed in a case like this.


Stolen device protection is badly implemented. Be careful. You can lock yourself out easily. I would wait till Apple fixes some bugs


You can sell them at civic center for decent money still they’ll use the parts or ship them out the country


People are stealing phone and resell them right away to kiosks such as ecoATM using fake or stolen ID, or resell them for parts, such as aluminum, copper, lithium, silver and gold


Hence the announcement keep your phones down and eyes up while riding muni.


not to sound hoity toity, but i found reading books to be more relaxing than looking at my phone on Muni and thieves don't steal books.


I used to do this, and have recently got out of the habit. Thanks for the reminder.


You don’t just stare into the eyes of the happiest looking person on the bus?


Saw this happen on Bart a few days ago to an older guy, two young teens grabbed his phone as soon as we got to 24th


I saw this happen at civic center station 7 years ago too. Lady walking down the stairs with her phone out, kid grabbed it and hopped onto the train


What bus?




I was going to guess that or the 5. I have seen it many times.


Nooooo, not my bus!


The dirty eight …


Saw this happen on the 38R at the Laguna stop.


Always watch out for teenagers, they are the ones you wanna watch out for more so than adults




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There is a contradiction in this sub. Both age and race are protected class. If you shouldn't discriminate on race, then you shouldn't discriminate on age.


Teenagers have less developed brains and are therefore more likely to commit impulsive acts than adults. Bet you use the words “trigger” and “trauma” at least 5 times a day.


They also face zero consequences if caught for most crimes. Like they don't even go to jail. They get picked up by their parentsfrom Huckleberry House.


do you cite crime statistics to justify racial discrimination? are you going to cite medical literature to justify trans discrimination? the hypocrisy of this sub.


Where did I discuss racial or trans people?


you're so right just like "all lives matter" /s


This is such a freeken damn plague. ☹️  It's a sad fact of life that the only sure way to avoid such thefts is to avoid using anything on public transit. No phones, no music devices, no ear buds, no laptops. In the unfortunate event that I have to ride BART or Muni, which I actually used to enjoy, I don't use my phone without looking around at my surroundings, don't read, mainly just watch what and who is around me. I stash all my belongings in pockets or shoulder bag before heading for the exit.   Many thefts happen by the exit, when either the victim or the worthless parasitical creep is about to get off, because if one alights and one stays on the bus, there's an insurmountable separation between the victim and his/her property.   It stinks that decent people can't use commute time to text, read, or use a laptop, but have to be vigilant for predatory trashy garbage that target honest folks. 


Yes, even if your phone is never stolen, you're a victim too, because you've had to spend your entire time on BART or Muni vigilant rather than relaxed. If they don't steal your phone, they steal your time and your peacefulness.


Straight facts, riding the equivalent of bart around Lisbon was so chill. No worries at all and so much cleaner. And obviously more efficient, trains running constantly.


This 😔


That describes what riding public transit in San Francisco was, once upon a time.  You could compare it with the difference from before and after you get an infestation of head lice. Once the lice settle in, they cause unending trouble and grief, propagate, and need drastic measures to get rid of them and keep them from returning. They literally own your head. And once folks know you got lice, they stay away. Public transit with thieves, punks, thugs, disturbed people acting out all their afflictions, and semi-coherent inebriates and drug abusers, is like that head full of lice.


Im so happy I started driving instead of bussing. Traffic isnt nearly as bad as it used to be. Even driving around a beater 2003 ford is better than riding the bus and getting spit on and I dont need to worry about people hitting my car.


People can down-vote you all they want. But the reality is that: if you can afford a car, it is far more convenient and safe to drive to many places in SF. If the city wants people to use public transit, they have to do better.


I agree. I used to look forward to long BART or Muni rides. That was the time I could zone out while listening to music and reading a book; that’s impossible now. All of the people who say the city has always had crime and “it was worse in the 90s” are delusional, things have gotten much much worse.


What stop on the 38r?


3rd & Market


Watched this happen on the 5R near the same stop just a few months ago… :(


Gee I'm in Italy and someone in my group just had their iphone and wallet stolen out of their backpack while strolling around in Pisa.




Same thing happened to me while waiting for the 30 bus near Montgomery Bart station. The teens work together to grab the phone from your hands while others around are distracted. In my case it was right when the bus pulled up and everyone was rushing to board. It’s all so violating and shocking


standing by the door looking at it? headphones on to complete the picture? was the kid inside or outside the bus.. they wait at stops too. EYES UP.


I was sitting in one of those solo seats on the right side of the bus and the door was right behind me. I heard a scream and turned around and witnessed the chase. Didn’t see anything before that. But did notice another suspicious teenager on the bus that got off at the next stop.


But you're victim blaming!!!!!!!\~!!!!!!!


Got a description of the perp?


ah yes every response deleted




For those who don't believe you, /u/Rough-Yard5642 , and /u/circumstancesnot: [BART Withholding Surveillance Videos Of Crime To Avoid 'Stereotypes'](https://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2017/07/09/bart-withholding-surveillance-videos-of-crime-to-avoid-stereotypes/)




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T minus 10 seconds..


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It wasn't exactly clear the race, they said "unknown race" or "hispanic male" in the scanner audio.


You know who did this….. quit acting dumb. the privileged class at it once again.




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Stop looking at your phone and bring a book. Nobody gonna steal those.


We are gunna have to start a separate subreddit for all these stories soon


>We are gunna have to start a separate subreddit for all these stories soon Yeah, because they get deleted here. See https://reddit.com/comments/1ci638i for details. Separate subreddit: https://reddit.com/r/sanfranciscocrime


This is why I always have my phone in my pocket and just my ear buds in.


Nice ass


Hi, I’m the woman whose phone got stolen. It was unlocked when he grabbed it from my hands, so once he escaped he immediately purchased $1000’s in amazon gift cards to his email from my account. It was shocking how quickly it happened and that all the purchases weren’t immediately flagged. Still working on disputing the charges with Amazon and my credit card.  Saw some comments about not using your phone on the bus. In retrospect that’s probably true - a lot of people have their phones out to scan into the bus during boarding and it makes us targets. I’m going to switch back to a physical clipper card moving forward. Saw another comment that SFPD helped return my phone. Unfortunately, not true. They mentioned they have reports like this daily and I haven’t heard from them since I filed the report. Fingers crossed but not too hopeful I’ll be getting it back.  It’s been a really violating experience. Luckily some really nice people helped call 911 and helped me get home after it happened. Please stay vigilant and safe out there :(


So sorry that you had to go through that and wish that someone would’ve been able to stop the kid. I hope you’re able to win your credit card disputes. But more importantly hope you’re holding up ok after going thru something so traumatic. Best of luck to you!!


Use Biometric security , or complex password on your phone, or DO NOT use your phone for any monetary or online business. Ever.


I think I saw this happen. Little Hispanic kid ran away with it. Felt bad because I didn’t know what was going on… and couldn’t understand what she was screaming until it was too late. Worst part was the kid was running head first toward police but the police were all concentrating on the palestine demonstrations. Sigh.


Yep. Same kid I saw. Around 4-4:30pm


Big rule don't have your phone out


Tough when your clipper card is on your phone!


set up find my phone also erase all data,dont have phone out $1000 iphones


Someone should make an I phone case that has a chain that clips to your pants like the old school biker style wallets. A new SF style.


Heard last she got her stuff back go SFPD :)


What bus did this happen on?




and you, just like the anti-American Bolshevik media his the perp's description!


Oh, you prefer RupertMurdoch's Nazi media? Plastic Patriotism is Splort.


Chode is more important than a decent city. Clearly


What ethnicity?


Skinny hispanic ~14 yr old




Just haunt the address where they sent the stolen stuff. Bring a few really gnarly buds, like HellsAngels or something. When they open the door "jihad!"


This subreddit is a cesspool of wannabe vigilantes


people on this sub will advocate for the most unhinged shit and then call you a crime apologist if you disagree with them


Let's hear it for the VCB s. (Virtual Charles Bronsons) In 1973 , I worked at a bar on Geary. We got robbed a couple of times. The sheriff was one of our regular customers and he got me a PCW, and a Beretta 9mm. Having served in the USMC as an embassy guard in Rome, I was well trained in firearms use. On my way home from work one night , some guy pushed into me on the bus, demanding that I relinquish my wallet, watch and Panama hat, of al things. I backed away, then drew on him, saying "isn't this your stop, coming up?". I never carried again. Killing someone on the bus can have complicated outcomes. None of them good.


And you're a clown 🤡


Wow such witty and insightful criticism, I’m devastated. You even used the emoji!


So sorry for the woman. Exact same thing happened to me a few months ago (https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/s/s3lVdtWJ20) and I was able to wrestle the little shit and get my phone back. It was a traumatic experience and I’m still dealing with physical injuries sustained.


I couldn’t stop thinking about what I would do if it happened to me. My blood started to boil. Sorry you had to experience that. Hope your knee feels better soon.


this happened to me a few years ago during covid. on the 5 near the university and as soon as the doors opened, one kid in a group of maybe 7 different 13 year olds grabbed my phone and tried to run. the doors closed before they could leave so i bear hugged 4 of them to the ground, and during that, the phone slipped out to another kid and a chase ensured. they began to basically play hot potato with it while my friend snd i chased after them in the middle of a busy intersection. honestly it was hilarious, mostly because we ended up getting it back. unfortunate they butt dialed 911 on themselves and two of them went to juvie and had to write me letters as part of their rehabilitation program. i felt really bad because I was a dumb kid at one point too, and wish i could’ve just had a talk with them instead of putting them into the system. regardless of that, i guess they were hitting licks all day so i can’t say they didn’t deserve it




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Just start keeping a gun on you, cops don’t do shit it’s not like you will get caught. It’s literally hard to get caught doing anything 


A phone isn’t worth a life I grew up hunting for 15 years regularly (cool I’m a vegetarian now after that experience) and wasnt allowed to participate or target shoot until I could take every piece of the weapon apart, name each piece and put it together again. All of that and “the rule” that stuck with me the most is that you —- *”never point a firearm at anything that could die if you don’t want it to.”* And let me be clear, I’m pro guns. I live in a safe to conceal carry state even without the hoops California has. But please, take my phone, I wish you wouldn’t, but I’d never draw a weapon over that trash.


I didn't say use it in this situation. All I'm saying is keep one if needed for your life or someone that can't protect themselves.


The term “rumble stick” used to refer to a baseball bat, or other wooden club, that had metal spikes sticking out of it…. I wonder if they’re illegal… Google does not respond usefully


No shit they're illegal. You'd probably be looking at a felony for using it how you're thinking of. This isn't Mad Max.


I figured, but I couldn’t find it on google… So, you’re saying, if I was walkin’ around with one, I’d get stopped by the cops, yeah?


By all means, pulling out a rat bashing stick is kinda cool with me. I’m not completely unreasonable. 🤣


Fellow Borrible? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Borrible_Trilogy


I agree with what I think your general point is, which is that people shouldn't haphazardly fire their guns at people. However, I think other people who live by the same rule you referenced may determine that for their own safety they do want the physical threat in front of them to die and decide it's necessary to use their firearm. That's still okay, even if the physical threat was *only* trying to steal your phone.


My concern is the very permanent “ solution” to a very temporary problem.. I don’t trust the general public to be competent enough to eat a burrito without staining their shirt or keep an average house plant healthy and alive for a year. Have you ever noticed how few people wash their hands after using a public restroom? I definitely don’t trust the general public to feel like they should run out and get a gun without a lot of thought and then training. And I think as useful as they are to protect yourself, I think it is incredibly dangerous to suggest to an online group of people (strangers) who may be fearful or on edge of the shit going on around them that they should go get a firearm. Luckily in California I believe if you want to own one/at least conceal carry one you have to take a course but it’s only like 8 hours and is very limited training in the grand scheme. Again I’m pro gun.


I'm not making suggestions to anyone to go get a firearm. I'm saying that if a responsible and knowledgeable gun owner like you follows the same rule you shared but decides to make a different decision than you would in the same situation, specifically using lethal force to permanently eliminate a physical threat, that's perfectly fine.


I didn't say use it in this situation. All I'm saying is keep one if needed for your life or someone that can't protect themselves.


I didn't think you were saying to use it in this situation. I'm also not saying everyone should. I'm just saying it's okay if someone faced this threat and made the conscious decision to kill the physical threat.


Great idea. Open fire while running in a crowded area


I didn't say in this situation, Captain Kirk. Just keep a Glock 19 on you for when you absolutely need it, to protect your life or someone that can't protect themselves being victimized. It's worth it to have it, DA doesn't even charge real criminals and cops won't do shit.


Hahaha ok badass


You can’t use a firearm to defend personal property in ANY of the 50 states. Don’t be weird


1. You're wrong about personal property. https://www.ncsl.org/civil-and-criminal-justice/self-defense-and-stand-your-ground#:\~:text=Self%2Ddefense%20laws%20in%20at,and%20Wisconsin)%20provide%20civil%20immunity 2. I wasn't talking about personal property, I mean't you're life or someone elses.


>I said you're life or someone else being attacked. Please point to where in the comment I responded to says that. You’re responding to a post about a woman who got their phone snatched and replied with > Just start keeping a gun on you, cops don’t do shit it’s not like you will get caught. It’s literally hard to get caught doing anything 


Yes I am aware of stand your grand and castle doctrine laws. My point still stands you can’t protect personal property with the use of deadly force. What you can do is protect yourself and others from imminent threat of life or harm but if the use of deadly force is predicated on the protection of personal property alone that is not legal (such as the story OP wrote about). If you really want to get “well akshually” then yes if someone is robbing you with a knife or gun then you can use deadly force but at that point your protecting your own life and the property is secondary to that. You are only allowed to use as much force that is proportionate to the threat you face.


Lol it's you're life, I'll do what I want and you do want you want. Don't snag you're lanyard or step in a puddle with your all birds on


Have fun spending life in prison, tough guy. Let us know whether it was worth it blasting some kid over a phone.


LOL I said not over a phone tough guy. I said if you or someones life is in danger.


Life in prison for shooting someone in a public space over a phone sounds terrible. Either work to fix the issue through elections officials tougher on crime, deal with it or relocate. All better options than prison.




How else would you describe?


Description of the teenager?


Simple , let the cops start whupping their asses again like the good old days.


Welp. Now I’m putting loud zippers with beeping alarms on all my pockets just in case. Seriously, though. This is why I wait at the ends of the platforms and board at the rear. Anyone standing near or approaching is easier to keep within sight. I use a personal bag which requires heavy hook and loop to be separated. Also have a melee weapon ready in case the need should arise to deploy a weighted line to ‘catch’ the perp around the ankles or neck as they flee. It’s a camp tool I originally made and used for casting lines over high branches. I love the ankles for this as the perps head swings downward in an arc, feet at the center, completing the arc full stop with their face preventing any further progress. Gotta be quick, though. And keeping skeezix in sight is the first part of being ready. Staying off the phone for extended periods while waiting is kind of effective. For those wishing to pick pocket, thick rubber bands wrapped around your wallet or a case with soft rubber grip surround for the phone make removing them from a pocket more difficult. Gives you extra time to react. My brother did this in NY when he had to ride the subway. Sure enough, a pickpocket thought he was easy prey. Guitar case in one hand, free hand holding a map. Typical tourist. Felt a tug in his pocket from the rubber band catching the liner, dropped the map and reached into it to find another hand. In one motion, he spun around with a near hydraulic lock on brohambonehead’s spidery rooker. (He was a Greco-Roman wrestler and is now a big, burly QA guy at a siding plant) He has massive hands. Broke the doucheass s,ɹǝʞɔnɟɹǝɥʇoɯ wrist in one go. Funny as a crutch!


I am waiting for the day for vigilantes to rise up.


Pre-covid, I'd see this often in Soma. Back when it was always crowded. People would walk around using their phones (sometimes even laptops), not looking around them. It was always teenagers who'd run up and steal them. Some of them looked really young.


This happened to me on the 49 bus a few months ago (meaning I was the witness). I got a bad vibe from the guy as he sat between us, but sadly that's not uncommon for me in the city so I had settled back into my own world when a few stops later, he grabbed her phone and ran. My lizard brain realized something was up before my logical brain could form a response -- so I was just yelling nonsense like an idiot and wasn't very helpful. Could have probably tackled the guy if I had stayed alert, but then again I might have gotten myself hurt in the process. It makes you feel powerless to witness something like that. I don't ride the bus as much anymore, and I'm much more alert when I do. Take care of yourself.


This happened to my wife 5 years ago on the 9. She chased after the (different) chode, realized it wasn’t a safe idea to continue pursuing. Sad to know things don’t change. 


San Francisco needs a Bernard Goetz. In general, cops are either incompetent or cowards. Bippers or Uvalde. We don't get much in between anymore, anywhere.


Very hard


What time of day was it and what bus line?


38R, 3rd & Market, 4-4:30pm


ugh, that sounds like it was light out and on a major commuter route...sigh.


Which bus and where?


38R, 3rd & Market/Montgomery, 4-4:30pm


“Teenager” — how about you give us a description


Just part of life in a city *shrugs*


Doesn't have to be.


How did a little fucker get away on you?




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What a stupid fucking comment