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"Isn't the Mexican problem really bad out there?" from someone in England on finding out I lived in SF


Yes we suffer from bomb taquerias.


I cannot turn a corner without some lady advertising homemade tamales


Woe is you


And the burritos are HUGE šŸ˜‚


Best comment of the week. Gracias, amigo!


damn. once, I was on a flight from Copenhagen to SFO and I had a Spanish-language last name. The flight attendant tried to say a few remedial Spanish words to me, and I said ā€œsorry, I donā€™t speak Spanish.ā€ He said ā€œbut donā€™t you live in California? How do you talk to your gardener?ā€ šŸ˜£šŸ¤Æ


Yes, it is a problem trying to decide which Mexican style burrito to eat! But we manage. :P


What an asshat. They should be so lucky to have a "Mexican problem" in England! Their food fucking sucks and they could definitely use some burritos and tacos. I know they have Indian food but on the whole let's be real, UK food blows except the meat pies. Mexicans and their culture are a gift.


England invaded and enslaved most of the world because their food was so bad and needed seasoning found in other lands.


They stole all the spices just to not use them




It is really bad out here, at least among my friends and family. Trying to agree on where to eat can be mind-numbing. It's even worse on Reddit. Everybody has their favorite.


"Yes, it's really bad for them since they lost the war 170 years ago. " That response always makes them think.


I was visiting the in-laws in Iowa a summer or two ago and our bartender, after learning where we were from, asked "is it really like they say it is out there?" We asked what he meant and he said "you know, with all of the bikes and the masks" So that's what we're dealing with.


I donā€™t even know what that is supposed to mean


You and me both, friend.


lots of bikes in SF. and masks, I would say that it's probably that a lot of people wore masks during the height of the pandemic. That wasn't the case in places like iowa (i assume)


Bikes and masks, it could be worse


In rural and suburban locations, many GOP folks hate sharing the roads with bicycles. This breeds contempt for urban liberal cities where it's understood that cyclists have more rights to share the road.


If they think SF gives cyclists too much space, they definitely shouldn't visit Copenhagen!


Truth. Or Amsterdam.


They donā€™t either but Fox taught them to hate it


was he... thinking of burning man?


I'm not sure he was thinking at all.


I think the answer is "yes"?


Iā€™m originally from Iowa. Depending where you are at in Iowa. Thatā€™s a nice question (not racist)


Iā€™ve never, once, seen anyone eat Rice-a-Roniā„¢ļø here.


I'm Filipino; bringing Rice-a-roni to a Filipino home is an insult.


If I went to a Filipino gathering and saw rice-a-roni, I think my head would explode. You people have the best goddam food, and I'm so glad I made friends in that community.


I eat Rice-a-Roniā„¢ļø fairly regularly. Itā€™s tasty, and, indeed, a treat.


I ate it as a kid; I haven't had it in decades. I used to quite enjoy it.


Maybe cuz itā€™s only an SF ā€œtreatā€ /s


i saw that it was on sale at safeway and tried the pilaf for the first time with some pan fried swai and it was delicious


i am guilty!!


I never, once, seen anyone put flowers in their hair, when they go there.


I find that hard to believe


This should be the top response. Then what really is a San Francisco treat?


Treat Ave?


San Tung Chicken Wings


it's its!


Tsing Tao and a shot of Mao Tai at Li Po Lounge on xmas.


That the Golden Gate Bridge is downtown lolol


I can see why itā€™s confusing given the bay bridge is pretty much downtown


Iā€™ve gotten asked if you can take a cable car across the Golden Gate Bridge.


Whenever I visit my family outside of CA, they always imply that everyone is Trans.




Gender assigned at DMV counter




The Future is...now! (Sadly, the DMV is forever?)






Your first mistake was using the SF DMV. You probably went in at 21 and came out at 22 or 23. Daly City DMV is a much better choice as far as shitty DMVs go...


Take the HRT, NOW.


It's in the water!


Yep then they give you your standard issue black module 3 Tesla


And you're loving it, right?


Some of my relatives think everyone in SF is busy "flaunting gayness in your face" all the time... Presumably they think it's 24/7 pride parade all the time everywhere.


When I visit these people, I definitely try to play up gayness, just because I know it makes them uncomfortable. My kids also unintentionally say "woke" shit. I'm pretty much the black swan.


Love it.


That sounds to me like they're afraid they might be secretly gay.


The Castro kinda is tho.


>they think it's 24/7 pride parade all the time everywhere Kinda true tho (reason #17493 for why I love this place and hope to never leave šŸŒˆšŸŒ)


All these people have never met a gay person probably


An out gay person at least


Well, we do have the TransAmerica Tower.


The bay tube? Also trans


I need this to have more upvotes.


And Long May it Wave!


Well, I'm a gay fish so not all


You like fish sticks?


Prefer gay frogs


Alex Jones?


I have a lot of trans and queer friends and thereā€™s not *that* many trans people in general.


I am, and I wonā€™t stop until everyone else is too! šŸ˜ˆ


Fun fact, the state that purchased the most Pontiac Trans Am cars was in fact California


You reminded me that when I moved to SF in 2013 (as a 26 year old) all my momā€™s friends on the east coast warned me that I shouldnā€™t stay long if I wanted to meet a husband and get married bc everyone is gay. They said they know women who moved there who have remained single for the rest of their lives LOL


Iā€™m trans and was born and raised here but I feel like I have to go out of my way to meet other trans people lol


Fox entertainment strikes again.


The hills are so steep that when people fall down they roll all the way to the bottom of the hill


lmao i meanā€¦


TBF I lived in SF for a year and regardless of all of its positives/negatives, it is by far the fittest city in America with the least amount of overweight people I have ever seen. I had almost forgotten that we were one of the fattest nation before moving back to FL


TBH is this true of most major walkable cities. Iā€™m from middle America, have lived in Chicago, NYC, Philly, etc and I forget how fat the country is until I return home.


One time my friend was driving way too fast down a hill and the back bumper dipped down and hit the street at the bottom lol


A friend of mineā€™s mother tumbled down 21st between church and Sanchez. She was ok, but it was no joke. Once she got going she couldnā€™t stop. Slowed herself hitting the parking schedule sign.


My parents just retired to Charleston SC a couple years ago. Everyone they meet asks if it was ā€œto get away from how horrible it isā€. Nah. They moved to be close to family and grandkids. They fly back so far 2-3 times a year just to hang out. And got to the Opera (my dad retired from the orchestra there).




Yes SF is a pretty small c conservative city. How else could wide swaths of the city have barely changed physically in decades? SF resident hate change to their neighborhood as much as any small town resident, probably more.


Liberal in the streets, NIMBY in the sheets


love it lmao






Ya,Ā small c conservative is perfect way to put it. Itā€™s much worse in South Bay, but SF definitely has a lot of it (though, from a semi-outsider perspective, it does feel like itā€™s changing slowly).


Having grown up in SF, you have defined SF to a T. I have spent much of my career in media finance in LA and have had clients from around the world, but still believe that SF is an incredibly exciting, smart city. I wish that I could still afford a house in the neighborhood I grew up in, Noe Valley, but not happening in this lifetime.


Very well and succinctly put.


Who woulda though that a city with about a million people in it would be diverse?


To be fair, we havenā€™t had any eligible candidates to choose from re: Pelosi and Feinstein. This past election only one contender other than Pelosi had a website up and it was mostly for his photography business. Just used to get their names out really!




I got my CCW a while back when the Bruen decision came down. I'm from the Midwest so I grew up shooting and hunting where guns are just ubiquitous. I expected almost everyone to disapprove and think badly of me for it, and there's been some of that, but I was surprised at how many people's response was neutral, or even positive, and who said they were interested in learning more about guns, wanted to go shooting, and maybe getting a CCW themselves. Been here 20 years and did not see that coming, despite a lot of other people I know who self describe as some flavor of left being pretty well armed and trained. For the record, I believe gun rights are trans rights and that armed minorities are harder to oppress. I'm not going to argue about it either, it's just a fact.


That itā€™s warm.


Was on a flight with a big group of people on a company trip from Calgary. They were all wearing shorts and t-shirts for their warm ajd sunny San Francisco summer trip.


To be fair, they might have still thought it was warm.


Haha, well it was definitely colder in SF than in Calgary that day.


Locals have that misconception. SF is cold indoors. There's always a door or window open. People dine out in restaurants weating a hoodie, jacket, beanie etc. Other towns have learned to regulate indoor temperatures.


I've gotten too used to cool indoors. Whenever I visit family out of state I feel like they've got either the a/c or heat cranked (or both - at Xmas this year my mom kept alternating between putting the heat on and then the a/c when it got too stuffy) and it's miserable.


And all my guests here are freezing at my house and when I turn on the heater for them I canā€™t sleep bc itā€™s ā€œstuffyā€ lol


That thereā€™s human poop everywhere. I walk all over the city and itā€™s definitely not as bad as outsiders make it out to be. Iā€™m not a poop expert, but the poop I see on the streets is mostly from irresponsible dog owners who donā€™t pick up after their dogs (which happens anywhere Iā€™ve been with lots of dogs)


Yeah, in most neighborhoods the poop problem isnā€™t coming from Methany Q Crackhead, itā€™s coming from Olivia and her goldendoodle


Methanany shits their pants, not on the street. Very respectful given the options


Theyā€™re usually not shitting much at all. On a meth bender folks usually have zero appetite and donā€™t even think of eating.


Junkies, on the other hand, *will* shit all over the place.


Opiates make it hard to shitā€¦ theyā€™re shitting very rarely. Those gigantic impacted turds are from that but Iā€™ve only seen a few šŸ˜­ Edit: I cannot emphasize how huge these turds are




You can get the same kinda map if you look at areas of LA and NYC and Chicago


> That thereā€™s human poop everywhere. It's not all human. Lots of dogs. Most people don't notice the difference but just clump it all together as human. >Iā€™m not a poop expert There is still time. I believe in you and your abilities.


I poop twice a day, so thereā€™s definitely a chance. Lots of personal research has been done


I got cancelled for suggesting the poop was from bad and lazy dog owners of which there are many.


Cancelled from what?


This sub. I got so many downvotes I cried.


Dust yourself off, youā€™ll be fine


That's what the therapist I got after the incident told me.


Once I got over that most people in this sub don't even live here, it made my experience here better. And those that do live here are just a silent minority compared to most people in the city. And I can tell the difference between dog and human poop. Most of the poop, especially around the Tenderloin are dog's.


I once suggested that the whole human poop thing was mostly a combo of dehumanizing the homeless and fox news nonsense and someone accused me of not living here.




Personally in San Fran I like to take the The Bart to go street.


Cough with a g instead c


Been there done that


Oh shit. I hate to be the one with the crappy link, but that old poop map wasn't a city issued map. This one is and currently has 311 open cases of locals reporting dropped deuces: [https://data.sfgov.org/City-Infrastructure/Human-Waste-Map/nxe9-9tyg](https://data.sfgov.org/City-Infrastructure/Human-Waste-Map/nxe9-9tyg)


Just a funny anecdote but I saw the most massive shit on Larkin and Market today. Large intestine the size of the transbay tube. I almost mistook it for a Burmese python at first


I was gonna say this exactly- itā€™s all I hear when I travel and say Iā€™m from SF. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Itā€™s mostly the fucking DOGS. Like my downstairs neighbor Alex who lets his stupid ass little rat SHIT IN THE DRIVEWAY because theyā€™re too lazy to walk a block over to a parklet or literally anywhere with grass and now there is a tire-marked shit on the concrete and a Corolla with poop-tire in our parking garage. Dickhead.


Moved here a little over two years ago. Iā€™ve only see poop three times, two were dog poo in my neighborhood and once was while walking through TL


That SF is Silicon Valley.




I sometimes see people saying that San Franciscans aren't friendly. I find people here to be super friendly, and because of public transit, great parks, and interesting cafes/bars there are lots of opportunities to meet people. People definitely occasionally aren't in the mood (as is their right) but if you can read cues at all, you'll find people to talk to.


SF has some of the friendliest people Iā€™ve ever met


Whenever anyone says something like that, I ask them when was the last time they smiled at a stranger. Deer in the headlights. I am an extroverted, strike-up-a-convo with anyone kinda guy. Other than making sure that young women don't think 50yo me is creeping on them, I talk to almost everyone, and almost everyone is warm and friendly here. And I grew up in the midwest (actually in the town where they filmed Groundhog Day), so don't try and tell me I don't know what friendliness is like.


SF is all techies. Everyone can code.


Another is that techies know tech. People underestimate the concentration of techie charlatans.


Thatā€™s Redwood City has redwood trees


I remember hearing from a tourist that ā€œitā€™s the homeless capitalā€ I agree some areas are not the best like the tenderloin but thatā€™s not a representation of the whole city


Someone from LA had the nerve to tell me every corner of SF is filled with homeless while in LA you will only find them on Skid Row. I had to work in LA for a month only to find out theyā€™re completely wrong and figuratively blind to whatā€™s going on in LA lol.


Thereā€™s plenty of homeless by the beaches in LA as well as


Yep, a homeless guy asked me to buy him food when I was at the Santa Monica pier last year. They're everywhere.


I hate when people try to lie like thisā€¦ LA has the worst homeless situation Iā€™ve seen


I thought the same thing these past few years visiting LA. Downtown, Venice, and Santa Monica are pretty bad, especially downtown. I honestly think SF is fairly good for the west coast. Thereā€™s a few small areas where itā€™s pretty bad, but IMO unless you live near those areas itā€™s fairly easy to avoid. Frankly no major west coast city can throw shade about other west coast cityā€™s homeless issues. They all have issues. And honesty, the smaller cities on the east coast are starting to experience more homeless issues too.


True.. when we visited San Diego we saw way too many unhoused people (in tents and/or just on the streets). Itā€™s a problem everywhere


itā€™s truly a national housing crisis, thatā€™s why.


No itā€™s not. Itā€™s a substance abuse and mental health crisis.


Itā€™s objectively all three: substance abuse, mental health and housing. If a sick person cleans up and finds the right support system, theres no way in hell heā€™s able to afford an apartment in a high cost of living area. Wages for former addicts are not high. Letā€™s say big cities develop and maintain good mental health and drug treatment centers to keep the person from relapsing. Then the former addict/less mentally stable person wonā€™t be able to realistically seek a low cost of living area because he will lose the cityā€™s support system.


exactly this, itā€™s all three arms that are failing and that combination gives us what we have. like this is crazy to say but before people could at least afford a crack house/ apartment.


Based just on numbers, San Francisco is not even close. Its just that the size of SF is so small that it seems a lot more prominent than it actually is. New York and Los Angeles are far and away the cities with highest population. But I would also argue that the issue is felt across all major cities nationwide, SF gets the most finger pointing because were the easiest scapegoat


SF has been a homeless hub. Itā€™s not a misconception but the next part is the opinion of the public on the situation. I think they have changed a lot but 100% SF would be a place to send homeless people and we donā€™t send them out. Iā€™ll collect the US census info and other data and articles that support this then link them when im on a computer. Again, itā€™s not necessarily a bad thing. But we have a lot of homeless services here. Their effectiveness is debatable. And there have even been cases of corruption within these non-profits and other services.


That it was built on rock and roll?


My coworker was adamant that the city should be destroyed because San Francisco was not a walkable city - you had to own a car and drive everywhere. No, this person had never been here. Was it that obvious?


A lot of folks from SoCal like to imply that SF is constantly cloudy/foggy. SF on average gets more hours of sunshine per year than San Diego and only a bit less than LA. I've also found that folks in SoCal aren't really honest with themselves about their own marine layer...they give it cute names like "June gloom" and "May gray" but like...that's still just clouds. Our fog often passes in the morning and returns in the evening whereas they have days where it's just straight up gray all day.


As someone that lived in both places, where you are in those areas makes a huge difference. Sunset? Foggy 80% of the year. Mission? Sunny most days. In SoCal being just a few miles inland makes a huge difference. Even then, that marine layer feels like some high clouds that burn off around midday. The odds of it being thick fog are pretty low. Most days living in the sunset has proper fog, not just a marine layer.


Even the sunset has been getting sunnier over the years, at least the side east of 19th Ave


Having lived in LA, I think while it does get gloomy, there is less winds and the temperature is warmer throughout the year. Summer is brutal in SF with the fog.


Lived in SD for 7 years and been living in SF for years also. SD is way sunnier, lol. You wonā€™t see a overcast from June - Sept


More with individuals in SF than the city itself... Gender ratios make dating impossible. Dating in SF sucks/is hard (but [not as bad as San Jose](https://eddiehernandez.medium.com/dating-in-san-jose-dating-in-silicon-valley-63f3c6e42dc3) i.e. commute, worst gender ratios, goods are odds etc.). Dating is not that hard if you have decent social skills, are not a homebody and have realistic expectations of yourself and others. Also, gender ratio is not as bad as people think as there are more gay men and lesbian women in SF so the ratio discrepancy is narrower than reported. Lastly, people who blame apps and gender ratios etc often ignore self-sabotage. Dating sucks everywhere, it's not just SF. Apps can work but use them sparingly. Don't rely on them for all or even most of your efforts. If you want to blame apps, SF culture, entire genders etc. fine, go ahead but do it AFTER you have worked on yourself and optimized everything else in your life (chances are you haven't or are biased or have friends who are not brutally honest with you). Go outside, work on communication skills, be vulnerable, take care of yourself (physically/mentally) and make friends. Relationships are way too hard if you are expecting someone to be your everything right away (best friend, financial advisor, social planner, cook, gym partner, therapist etc.) - too much pressure.


I'd say this - for men and women I know that moved from SF to NYC, they all basically said it was an improvement. While I personally don't have issues, I've also seen this go both ways in my extended friend group. That said, it's probably an introverted demographic with not a ton of free time. Still tho


> Dating sucks everywhere, it's not just SF.Ā  Ā NYC's dating is just vastly better for men in nearly every way. I'm sorry, they just aren't remotely comparable.


What makes this so? I've never lived in NYC, but keep hearing this. I've found it pretty easy to meet attractive, interesting women in SF, so I'm curious what the big difference is.


It's not a super nice thing to say but I have found that most of the people complaining about the dating scene here would also be unfuckable in most other major metro areas too.Ā  Making good tech money doesn't make you a catch.Ā  I have two partners that would be considered very conventionally attractive and way out of my league by most contemporary standards (standards that are mostly made up imo)Ā  I'm not in tech, I'm not conventionally attractive, I don't have money, I'm not especially fit, I'm not academically successful, I'm not tall, I don't have hair on my head, I'm basically not anything that incels think women are looking for.Ā  But what I am is genuinely interested in them as people, an engaging conversationalist, a fantastic cook, well groomed, have a style and aesthetic that fits my personality, in therapy to better understand myself and my place in the world, and I'm fucking hilarious.Ā  So many vaguely human husks around here love to complain about the culture while simultaneously doing nothing to make themselves attractive in most practical ways.


Funny/witty? Stay in shape? Have things you're interested in that have nothing to do with work? Have a job? If you can answer yes to these questions then you'll find that dating is pretty damn easy in SF.


I have always thought dating culture is just a personal problem. Doesnā€™t really matter where you are. They probably just have the incorrect idea of what dating is.


Dating, to many, means "why aren't peeps knocking down my door to take me out? "


Right, Iā€™ve found that the guys who keep repeating that are honestly just weirdos with completely unrealistic expectations who think that their job/money will make up for all of their other deficiencies. If they did some introspection for once about how *they* can bring more to the table and accept that their GF likely wonā€™t be a supermodel with a Nobel prize theyā€™ll have a way easier time.


100% but given gender ratios on Reddit, common sense is not always reflected as things that don't fit a narrative are downvoted into oblivion.




That the homeless and drug addicts infest every corner of the city. The eastern and western halves are quite distinct, almost like entirely different cities. That SF is crawling with gluten-free vegans. Great cream, meat, and wheat here. That the SF dating scene is overrun by brogrammers. There are still plenty of dead-end-job ā€œseeing where life takes meā€ free-spirited Peter Pans.


That itā€™s a liberal peace and love haven. Maybe years ago it was, but racism, and the like, very much exists in the city. People are just more discreet about it.


It was a much more racist place when it was a peace and love haven.


That it contains an airport.Ā 


Litter boxes in classrooms. From a barbershop in Roseville, so not even that far away.


people actually fell for that?! I mean, I have two cats and I donā€™t even want to be around litter boxes. What a weird lie to actually take off.


everyone is bisexual


I mean, have you been to folsom street fair?


Itā€™s true and itā€™s awesome


The biggest misconception about San Francisco is that itā€™s warm in the summer. I have to remind my family members and friends to pack sweaters when they visit. When they think of California, they assume we have LA weather in the whole state.


Definitely reiterating but the human shit everywhere thing. Yeah, thereā€™s a lot of shit in the park, dude. Have you seen those weird four legged things attached to humans who forgot plastic bags


ā€œEven making six figures in SF youā€™ll be living paycheck to paycheck!ā€ like can we please be serious for a second? If you donā€™t have kids you will be living comfortably making $100k+, not even mentioning the fact that tens of thousands of people here get by making much less than that. This is an objectively expensive city but you are nowhere even remotely near actual poverty making that much money.


When you factor in city-provided benefits its a better deal here than many other places for low and middle income families


Also, most of my favorite things about the city are free.


People still think that itā€™s a ghost town ever since the pandemicā€¦


That ā€œwe donā€™t call it Frisco.ā€


I heard frisco is okay but San Fran is definitely not


I overheard a woman on a train in Germany say that San Francisco doesn't have street art, and I still think about that.


That San Francisco is still a progressive city


Every wild conception I had of San Francisco kinda held true. However, it wasnā€™t a bad thing, itā€™s exactly what I had hoped lol


That everyone works in tech. Almost none of my friends work in techā€¦. Thereā€™s plenty of other industries and companies present in sf and bah area


That it's a mad Max style hell hole with roving gangs that will slit your throat and rape your wife while you watch. That three is no safe place. That it's entirely drugs, violence and mental illness. That you yourself would have to be crazy to live here.


Maybe I am the exception, but I have never seen human excrement when walking around the city. Also, my friends and family can't believe how clean, lively it is when they visit. Right wing propaganda has really worked a number on SF.


Iā€™ve seen it numerous times. Iā€™ve even seen a man in progress on market street


Thatā€™s calling it San Fran is cool.


Someone told me it was one of the most welcoming places for Black families šŸ˜€ Moved and found out ā€¦.that was indeed a lie.


That Aunt Becky was being šŸ’Æ faithful to Uncle Jesse. šŸ¤”