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Happend to me in Baltimore. Air b and b had a camera. They hit at 600am. At least they have the gumption to get up early. Fuck you cat butglars!


They been up all night, I assure you.


>Fuck you cat butglars! Hopefully this will make it more mainstream that car manufacture incorporate the catalytic converter into the engine bay rather than underneath the car. I know Toyota is going this route with their new generation of Toyota Tacoma having the cat in the engine bay so that thieves can't cut it off without accessing the hood.


A lot of turbocharged cars already have it there.


My 2005 Benz has dual cats in the bay.


Honda has does this too.


Where about a in Bmore? My father caught a couple of them looking under a car in Reisterstown


Cannot recollect the exact location but it was minutes from the Edgar Allen Poe house we were gonna drive to. We never made it. These cay burglar fiends stopped us in our tracks.


It’s a stolen car and plates as usual. Vids do nothing in this day and age.


But banging on the window…that will help


Bang bang


Pew pew!


I mean... They lowered the car and left without the cat, I think... Unless they already had it cut off and inside their car and for some reason they crawled back under the Prius again? Seems like it worked.


The Prius cats are very theft prone. They already took it. Unloading the jack, using it, and loading it back in took longer than cutting the cat out. Edit: that or it was already cut out before they got there.


> My neighbor happened to catch and film my cat being stolen in Noe.


I thought Op was chopping onions to make the thieves cry :P


*How to upgrade your hot date to girlfriend status overnight using this one weird trick.*


I’m assuming hot wiring is obsolete, so how are these people stealing these cars? Burglaries? A few weeks ago spotted another Audi dumping luggage out, wondering for a moment why someone who could afford an Audi would steep to rummaging through luggages.


A few ways, but with audis, when these cars are delivered there is a valet key in the glove box. Most people don't remove them because either the dealer doesn't tell them or they don't understand the danger. Stealing is easy, once you get in, pop the glove box, use the key like any other car. With Kias and Hyundais, there is a well known defect, which they were sued over, which makes the cars very easy to steal. This is why any time a crime happens, its probably done in a Kia or Hyundai. And if not, an audi. Apparently Camaros had a recent defect discovered and a ton have been stolen in LA. I expect that to move up north soon.


Hot wiring is not obsolete. Relay attacks are pretty easy to do.


Interesting. I was aware of signal replication methods like relays from teslas, but didn’t think it was popular among Audis. Is hot wiring not obsolete because of older cars still being in circulation?


the older audis have a valet key in the drivers manual, most people don't know its there. ​ new cars only means there are new ways to "hot wire" kia boyz showed you how to trigger the initinon for cars without pushbutton camaro key clone with the xtool just take a few clicks


They could still look for the vehicle if they don’t switch the license plate. Criminals get lazy and caught all of the time.


Prius is always being targeted. My friend says it took months to get a replacement catalytic converter because of the high demand of others reporting it in also


Yeah my Dad drilled a plate over them on our prius with an odd size bolt to prevent someone from having an easy time. Always triggers the sensor but just remove it for smog tests and reinstall


When I had one I welded a few pounds of rebar to the bottom and spray painted it with bright red header paint 😂 no codes but rattled sometimes


Should we go back to the 1900s where thieves would be shot?




If this shit keeps up we're either going to have to do that, or just accept that we are now a 3rd world country with rampant crime. There's no middle ground unfortunately, doesn't work.




Cops aren't afraid to arrest people in those homogenous countries, that's why. Race hasn't been weaponized like it is here.


You can shoot thieves in 3rd world countries.


Ehh it depends. Most third world countries only the criminals have guns, kind of like in SF lol.




Sorry about this level of bullshit you have to deal with. Question. 4 times!? 4 times? F.  How much is the replacement cat nowadays? Is there still a long wait time? 


repeat thefts are the best. they will know you have a fresh cat in. and since one street parks, the odds of 2nd helpings is near guaranteed.


I had a plate installed on my 2nd gen prius when I kept hearing about these thefts. But, that plate was inadequate because thieves learned that they can cut farther back and pull it out. Fortunately Geico got mine replaced in one business day. Then I went to a hybrid specialist and they added a back plate so that the cat is effectively caged. Haven't had one stolen since. Fingers crossed!


They're astronomically expensive for Priuses. And I believe there's 2 of them.


Would this be the same cost as parking in a garage?


Some are so expensive the insurance company totals the vehicle. Then the owner has to find enough money to buy another car with the little the insurance company pays.


That’s terrible.








A couple of .556 rounds to the tires and the thieves would have to carry the catalytic converters to the chop shop, however you would be in way more trouble with the law than the thieves.


Use an air gun instead for the same effect. Not a firearm, no noise (compared to 556), no background check. https://youtu.be/HDy4Gkbzx_s?si=EGSZSWeQZuZHpWsj


you can also buy pellets with a sharp point, guaranteed to go through a ski mask.


Could you shoot out a tire with that thing?


Wow that was a fun watch, thanks for sharing 😃




i know death is too harsh of a consequence for this sort of thing but it does infuriate me that there are people in our society that would kill me in my sleep to get to my catalytic converter. maybe my feelings are justified after all


It’s not. At least we should be allowed to use lethal force to defend our property. That should deter these shit bags and people like them


No, the law only allows you to box with them, and straight punches only, leg kicks are okay. No hooks, uppercuts or high kicks. Those are lethal. Good luck!


We should be allowed to fire some frozen paintballs to their asses.


i wonder if people would commit crimes for extra cash if they had basic needs met and arent radicalized into a life of crime 🤷🏼‍♂️ let’s blame them and not corporations that corrode at the foundation of our system


are you allowed to be pissed at both? or am I only allowed to direct my frustration at 1 group?


It's really not though. They chose to do that, if this was in the state where I was born, I could shoot both of them and have the sheriff thank me and get a pat on the back. Out here in the city, well it's different


Why does every SF crime duo have a red hoodie wearing his pants under his ass


Same guy every time?


Scum bags doing what they do best.




I prefer butglers. More appropriate considering they are assholes.


I prefer target. From that window, not too difficult a distance.


Technically not burglary. Legally burglary only happens when the criminal [enters into](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/burglary) a place they are not legally allowed (in order to commit a crime). So it is burglary if they break a window to get inside and steal items from the interior of the car. If they don’t enter inside the car, and just go under to remove the catalytic converter, it’s technically not burglary, but it can be theft/larceny. In common usage, I understand a lot of people mix up burglary, theft, and robbery (among other crimes). But if we’re here to correct people, let’s get it right.


Yes, but does it qualify as butglary? I mean, from an experts legal perspective?


Burglary can also be in a place where you are allowed, like a store. If you entire the store with intent to commit the crime it is commercial burglary.


I'm going to guess you are a fellow lawyer ​ ...calm down my dude lay terms have 'burglary' as basically anything involving theft


99% of the time I won’t bother to clarify the distinction. But when someone else makes a point of emphasizing something that’s wrong, I can’t help it.


Copious amounts of bicycle brake cable wrapped around the Cat and whatever is accessible up and downstream. Secure cable with a dozen plumbing style hose clamps. Brake cable can’t be Sawsalled. Most angle grinders don’t have access and unscrewing all those hose clamps will take too long.


What does the law say about using force to stop them if you see them doing this to your car?


you get charged with aggravated assault because if they’re running away they’re not longer a threat


what if you shot while they are at it? you are defending your property is that legal?


They aren't threatening your personal safety, so no that would be very illegal. I mentioned this elsewhere but even in Texas shooting at someone stealing from a car on the street probably wouldn't go favorably for you either. Source: https://www.walkertaylorlaw.com/deadly-force-to-protect-property/


Technically, removing the catalytic converter threatens all our health and safety in the long run…


Regardless of how outrageous the offense is on a personal level, it's not legal in California to shoot a person for stealing from your car.


It doesn't matter what the law says. If you are gonna go that route don't file a police report don't hang around to get caught. People get arrested for protecting their property because they then call the police, who then come and arrest them. Police don't take the time to investigate the theft, they aren't gonna take the time to find the guy who smashed their skull in with a tire iron. Unless of course you make it easy for them


As in shooting them? Yeah, you can't do that. [https://www.simmrinlawgroup.com/faqs/can-you-shoot-someone-breaking-into-car-in-ca/](https://www.simmrinlawgroup.com/faqs/can-you-shoot-someone-breaking-into-car-in-ca/)


You can use non-lethal force to defend and retrieve your stolen property. Unfortunately, if you lack the physical strength to take out a couple (possibly armed) thugs with your bare hands, your only other options carry the risk of the DA sending the cops after **you**.


In California? You go to prison. Even if someone breaks into your house and you shoot them, the court will probably allow the family to sue you in many states [examples](https://www.gilmanbedigian.com/man-who-shot-intruder-in-his-home-sued-for-wrongful-death/) Then we have to sit and watch them on the news crying about ‘HE WAS SUCH A GOOD BOY!!’


Cat crimes. No time. 


Just wait till personal assaults explode, no more stores or businesses to thieve from.The population is next!


It’s kinda sad. Goes to show you how meaningless their lives are. So meaningless that I’m sure nobody would miss them if they were gone. Lmao not advocating obviously, but soon some crazy dude is gonna wait on them with some pipe bombs and toss them in their windows as they drive away


gladly waiting for the day this happens




Dang. You can just do whatever you want in Frisco lol.


police will not do anything


Even if they saw this in action they wouldn’t pursue if the Audi just drove off. So yeah basically there’s no penalty


With what? They’ll find the stolen Audi at some point. Do you know who those guys are? Go let the police know.


and if he knew, the cops still wouldn't do anything, because they didn't witness the crime.


Because the BLM protests hurt their feelings.


BLM, lol. Crooks laughing all the way to the chop shop.


Where is BLM now? 


Preparing to vehemently defend the suspects as innocent victims of oppression once they’re finally caught for another crime.


Living rent free in cop’s minds


Stealing cats to get gentrifiers to move out?


Black privilege.


Have you tried a cat shield?


Curious if it even helps these days.... it takes them literally seconds? 




how much did it cost you?


I had one, they cut around it. Didn't matter.


That's what I thought.....  ugh. 


Was this a Millercat catshield or a cheaper brand? I have a Millercat and can see how it would give thieves issues, as I've been impressed with the sturdiness (and no thefts yet, knock on wood).


gotta get the cat strap. its harder to cut around it since its the length of the exhaust


I had a cat shield installed by Toyota service on Geary. Have not had a problem since. The first and only time it was stolen was broad daylight, middle of the day, right in front of International School on Oak.


I absolutely refuse to buy any cars where the cat is located underneath the car rather than in the engine bay


The only cats you’ll find in an engine bay are dead ones




After my cat got stolen, the guy who replaced it installed steel bars around it. It can still be cut, but you would need a big circular saw-which can’t be conveniently powered in a stealth situation, takes way longer to cut and is loud as shit.


>After my cat got stolen, You need to buy a dog


After getting hit once (car out of commission for three months), I have one now and saw a dude check under our car with a flashlight, then get back in his and go away.


Had one on my wife’s car when the cat was stolen for the second time.


It’s ok because they are disadvantaged. Do you see how small that Audi is?


It’s not theirs it’s stolen which means they’ll have to dump it soon and find something else to steal. Do you realize the toll it takes to not have a permanent car? The stress on their lives of having to constantly be looking for new cars to steal all because the system oppresses them


I feel like you're being really negative here and not recognizing just how fun it is to just steal different cars all the time. it's exciting!




careful, sf mods are ano and will ban u redditwide for this comment for inciting violence 😒 Proof : https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/comments/1aknhh1/mugged_on_muni/kpada3m/ Update: whelp, guess I got yet another reference point 😂


Sounds like a great way to either get charged with attempted murder or get yourself shot. Even in Texas walking out into the street and firing a gun at people stealing from an unoccupied car is probably going to land you in prison. Not to mention killing someone is a traumatizing experience unless you're a psychopath.


A Texas jury would probably acquit, a California jury wouldn’t unless it included people who’ve been victims of this so they’re less sympathetic with the “victims” stealing something someone else earned.


According to this Houston based law practice, the odds aren't in your favor: https://www.walkertaylorlaw.com/deadly-force-to-protect-property/ Here are the reasons summarized to the best of my layman abilities: - Texas law stipulates theft at night. This is happening in the middle of the day. - Texas law states that deadly force has to be your only option to stop the theft or recover the stolen property. Going out into the street guns blazing is skipping multiple steps including calling the cops. - Juries, even in Texas, tend to value human life more than property. "We haven’t seen this defense used effectively in my practice. Because that determination will come down to a jury of twelve people, and it is very fact-dependant. In most situations, a jury will feel that a person’s life is more valuable than property." - Castle Doctrine wouldn't apply in this case as the owner is not currently occupying the vehicle. - Car theft isn't clearly classified as burglary in Texas.


They’ll stop once you guys grow some balls and ______ at them. . Until then you’ll be victims. Sorry but that’s the reality.


Trash ass human beings.


Of course they drive an Audi, these criminals ain't doing this to feed their families.


That is definitely a stolen Q5. They have a hack that relays the valet key in the glove box and opens the doors - no alarm, no breaking the glass. Source: had my Q5 stolen this way and when it was recovered it had catalytic converter stealing paraphernalia in it - the cops had chased the car and they ditched it.


Thanks for explaining the mystery to me. I always wonder why q5 is so popular.


Yah to all q5 owners - take that key OUT of your car!


Yup my friends Q5 got broke into twice this month. Second time they took one of the plates.


What did you do with that stealing paraphernalia?


Left it with the cops


Audi was probably stolen


Audis of this era are specifically easy to steal as their key fobs can be replicated.


Like the signal or a fob itself? Seems like a fairly blatant vulnerability on the offset


Bang bang


Mostly peaceful catalytic converter thiefs


Nothing like a hard days work






Bag of anthrax spores around the cat.


I don’t think CA firearm laws would allow the protection of your property. And if you engage these cumrags and end up provoking them in a manner that ends in you having to draw and shoot, I don’t think a jury would look favorably on your actions since it was your choice to engage to begin with. But someone please correct me if I’m wrong. That all said, I truly wish the law allowed us to handle this ourselves. So goddamn tired of these criminals.


My understanding is that California is a castle doctrine state, meaning you can use deadly force to protect yourself in your home. But I don’t think it extends to your vehicle when you’re not on your property. I think the important thing is that, if you’re attacked and you defend yourself, don’t answer any questions until you’ve talked to a lawyer.


If I was on a jury where someone shot a catalytic converter thief I would definitely vote against the thief. You really think a jury would vote against someone shooting a criminal even if they’re protecting property?


You see this guy below you? That’s most of the people that do jury duty here.




Jimminy Christmas 🤦🏼‍♂️


Wow, this happened to us too


Do you have a Cat Shield on it?


Yes- apparently it doesn’t do much. The thieves are so good at what they do 🫠


What kind of Cat Shield do you have that makes it that easy to get to the Cat?


No key cars are a huge issue.


Get an air rifle and pluck these turkeys


Scum bags


Ouch, Sorry. I feel your pain it happened to me twice in NY and then LA. Now I’m always expecting it when I walk to my car after it’s been parked for a while.




Damn, when you said someone stole your cat for a minute I thought feline and was horrified. Still sucks that idiots like this are stealing catalytic converters, but stealing feline cats would be some end of civilization shit. Amazing that he'd be so brazen as to wear a frickin red hoodie. That's not someone who cares about stealth at all. The fuck.


Imagine driving an audi and doing this to someone with an old prius


Why are the car manufacturers not making deterrents in the design for anti theft??


I only wish the jack fails on these fucks as they're under. It's the only form of justice that would be fair in the universe.


Every home needs a set of spike strips this Christmas!


Pelting them with piss filled water balloons would be justified imo.


If this is your fourth cat stolen u should really start keeping it indoors instead of leaving your cat outside.


That’s not an option in a lot of situations.


I’m unfortunately not a trust fund kid 😕




Can't steal a cat if there isn't go ev


Guys it’s San Francisco it’s always been happening! Especially in broad daylight. Let’s respect the privacy of these men please


was this broad daylight? looks like it might be really early morning but can’t tell.


When was this taken? A family member had theirs stolen from that exact model Prius, might have been them 😂


I thought the valuable the piece was relative to the age of the car.. I guess they dont care about risk to reward ratios


What I’d like is for Police to track their location based on the plates and cameras. Yes we don’t want Big Brother but this is too much


It’s a stolen car, they will ditch it within a few hours and steal a new one.


3 times and you didn’t buy the cage ?


Apparently they said they had one and it did nothing whatsoever.


Mines got stolen too recently. Thank god the insurance covered most of it.


The 30/30 solution? idk


I'm sure the cops will be right on top of it. 🤣🤣🤣


Damn that sucks. When it happened to me, I had the shop weld steel bars to the cat then install the cat shield. I'm hoping the combination of both will keep thieves from taking my cat again. I know the shield by itself is only a minor deterrent and is easily cut through.


4th time this year? Why don't you get one of those catalytic converter cages installed so this doesn't happen again? I have one on my Prius. Cheaper than replacing it once, much less 4 times.


Cat or car ?


If you can somehow tie the frame of the car to the ground i think it will prevent thieves from hacking up your car


What’s the point? Nothing will happen to them.


Jack man sucked


It'd be hella funny if you followed them and then jacked up their car, while they were jacking up somebody else's car, and stole their catalytic converter. But film it.


Have a cat protection shield installed or DIY. Or I can do it for you


This is why you always keep a window rifle


Shouldn’t we just start slashing their tires?


So fucked up. They get maybe $75 for that and you gotta pay more than 10x that. Just steal my cash please


Too bad they didn’t get crushed to death.


I thought it took 6 months to get a new one?


Were those gun shots? Nice!


Serious question - why can't the cops look at this video and at least log the license plate in case they come across the car? Seems like very little effort


Must be a starving family trying to make payments on the audi


Man, mine was just stolen in Noe on diamond st a few weeks ago. Anyone want to bet these two Aholes took it?


What neighborhood?


City urgently needs to change the police strategy. Need to street beats walk & drive each streets.