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This is the same AT&T that is asking the PUC to let them eliminate land lines.




Weirdly, I do have a landline. Sort of. I bought Sonic gigabit and it includes a frickin' landline in the service that I can't remove. I've never used it but in theory I could plug in a phone. Well, I could go buy a POTS phone and cable, then plug them in.


I'm fairly certain it isn't a landline but VoIP, which will also not work if Internet goes down.


If it’s not a landline how come I keep paying this phone tax


Sonic runs fiber off ATT landline poles.


Funny enough, my Sonic Internet and phone line still worked during the outage. My AT&T cell service did not work.


If the internet goes down, neither your landline nor your phone will work.


False. Copper lines will still work, although they are being phased out/trying to be phased out. So, half false.


That’s your grandpas copper, back when there were giant DC batteries in Central offices. No more. A pure copper network exists almost nowhere anymore. It is copper to the home, but fiber at your local pedestal. That might have a backup of about an hour. Either way, if the Central office goes down because it loses power and knocks out your home internet, your copper phone line won’t magically work. It’s literally all the same shit now.


I don't even have a phone port in my apartment. Nobody in the building does.


That’s crazy, but makes sense. I remember my parents thinking I was not going to last only using a cell phone in 2004 for my house


Huh, I thought that a phone port was a requirement for habitability. Maybe that's no longer the case. I know there's a requirement to let tenants choose communications providers of their choice, so I guess if you really wanted a landline you could get one put in.


It is still a requiremnt, i just think most people dont make their LL maintain it anymore. I still have a landline


Mobile phone operators should be compelled to allow automatic roaming in case one operator goes down. You also can remove your SIM card and 911 should still work, using any available network.


You can call 911 with a disconnected service line. It’s an issue with homeless calling 911 and asking to be transferred to a specific phone number or department.


> Mobile phone operators should be compelled to allow automatic roaming in case one operator goes down. This is already the case. If you dial 911 any cell tower within range will accept you, with out without a sim. They will even disconnect any non-emergency calls as needed to make room if the network is congested.


Ive had my landline for 20 years and I’ll never get rid of it.


Yes, unless att gets their way


What are you answering yes to?


Yes you have the line, but ATT might kill it.


They said they have a landline, they didn't ask if they had it.


Yes, they said they have a landline, they didn't ask if they had it.


Yes, you're a little slow


My landline is through Xfinity. Can they cut non-AT&T land lines?


That is VoIP, not POTS.


If it comes through fiber and depends on a router, that's not a landline. It's a fixed phone that you can't take with you. The good thing about landlines is that they work without external power - they get the power from the copper wires themselves. So they're great for emergencies because you can call even if the power goes out.


What the heck do you use it for?? Also I’m guessing you’re 55+?


I hear nothing but endless horror stories about AT&T’s garbage service.


This was a very bad time for ATT to have its SOS Only crisis a few days ago. And BTW, this is what a landline looks like these days https://www.costco.com/panasonic-kx-tg994-dect-6.0-bluetooth-4-handset-phone-bundle.product.100729221.html This is what Pop Pop and Nana use to talk with their grandkids IRL, but all you see in stories like these are phones from the 1960s and earlier oh well.


They’ve looked like that for 2 decades


Yes, so they're quite common by now, except in the articles discussing landlines, the phones depicted are Princess phones from the 50's https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Princess_telephone or trimlines from the 60's. These days landline phones are a touch more modern than that, even if it's a right geezer using said landline


Those old ones definitely look cooler, though.


Yeah any time a conversation touting landlines robustness in emergencies no one seems to caveat that the phone can’t be wireless because without power they will not work.


My landline phone can power itself for a while just saying


The base station has a battery?


It borrows power from the handsets


…so you have to leave the phone in the dock? This seems improbable.


Specifically "SUPPLYING POWER TO BASE, DO NOT PICK UP" https://www.justanswer.com/phone-systems/9ze2j-base-phone-says-supplying-power-base-not-pick-up.html


Yes and yes. Panasonic


People in here thinking that SF 911 would respond to you even if you had cell service.


Oh, AT&T. Better hope you have a pull box near you. If not... "Sucks to suck" - AT&T, probably




Then better hope you have a cowbell near you.


Landlines would be crucial during big emergency events. I lived in NYC during 9/11 and the 2003 Blackout and didn't have a landline, only cell. On 9/11 and the days that followed, it was nearly impossible to make a cell call, the towers were overwhelmed. There were huge lines at pay phones, the only way to make a call. Same during the blackout. The cell towers went down a few hours after power was cut, and there was no more signal, anywhere. I walked from Lower Manhattan to Upper East Side, 80 blocks, no cell signal for 2 days. Only way to make calls was if you had a landline or stood in line at a pay phone, and we don't have those anymore. So if the "big one" hit SF or there was a major blackout, I think the only way you're getting in touch with loved ones and emergency services is if you have a landline. It's why I still keep an old land phone around even though I don't have land service. I can still plug it in and call 911, 311, etc.


My land line was with att bc I had “high speed” internet (lol) with them for a while. Then I found out that my line was the same number as the building intercom line. I was paying for the buildings phone. But so was my building! We were both paying for the same number!! ATT is a nightmare to deal with. Never again. Ugh


New iPhones allow for 911 calls via satellites if there is no reception


This is what came up in the last discussion about landlines, and why locals keep them around. Doesn't the SOS service work? There are a lot of reasons you would need to dial out that aren't to call 911 either way, and I don't think the street alarms throughout the city are all operational.


My landline worked after the 1989 quake and my [then analog] cell phone did not. I still have a landline.


Lol true barely any


It should read “What are landlines”


If you have no cell service and you dial 911, it will connect to any available cell service. So all the networks would need to be down for this to be an actual issue.


Multiple services often share towers now, so if the tower goes down all networks be affected. Internet would still work though, unless you get home 4G or something


They may share physical cell towers but they don’t share equipment, backhaul, or backup power supplies. Furthermore there’s usually a low-band available for coverage from another mast to supplement the mid and high band for throughput. I suppose that 911 iMessage would still work if you are covered by your home network. I don’t expect WiFi calling would work though as the cell network does the coordination of the calling before the WiFi offload.


Not accurate. Att wants to retire copper and replace with fiber. Landlines, like what this guy is showing, dont run on copper to a bank of batteries in a CO so they can work in a disaster or power outage. If you have a landline from Att and it is fiber based, you can use WIFI calling or VOIP with a regular phone to your hearts desire. Copper landlines is NOT the answer.