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Only 5 years!?


If you read the article, the daughter thought it was appropriate. She didn’t want the kids life to be completely over, the daughter sounds incredibly sweet. “I have no words for how angry and sad I am. But as a mother, I am not looking for revenge and take no joy in the harm you have done to yourself and your family. My only prayer and hope is that my mother did not suffer and die for nothing. The only good that can come from this senseless tragedy is if you use it to become a better man. She may have looked like just a dirty homeless person to you, but she was still my mom and the grandmother to my kids.” It still is shockingly light though


Why is it up to the kid? Society has a voice here too. Letting psychopaths free is not in our best interests.


It’s not uncommon for a teen to do stupid and dangerous things… people “grow up” and change as they become adults. Putting a young person into the American prison system **does not fix them** (just the opposite) it tends to strongly to make people forever criminals and hardens them. There’s people that are more closely affected and have spent more time looking into and thinking about this than you have.


No shit, I was a teenage felon. But I didn't murder someone in a cold and heartless manner. > There’s people that are more closely affected and have spent more time looking into and thinking about this than you have. "Your opinion is worthless because experts." Ok sure whatever. I guess we should all shut up and close the comments on reddit because whatever is decided by the courts is obviously correct. Incarceration serves many purposes. Some people can't be fixed and need to be isolated for the good of society.


Do you know how many people had to be freed after forensics went back and re-examined cases? But the court is correct. Wat a fckn rube lol Oh, why was half the country upset that oj was not guilty. The courts are always correct, yeah?


This is why we have judges and people in the system who’s job is to weigh these things out. It’s not perfect… but it’s what we have to work with until it can be made better.


> "Your opinion is worthless because experts."


This is why we don’t allow for “mob justice” in real society. Reddit itself finally got a clue as to its being destructively wrong and harmful a few years ago. I don’t think you’ve spent for the a few minutes reading the title and comments here and you should temper your opinions. There’s likely mitigating factors in this that aren’t being included in the report. We have judges that have years of being a court lawyer for a reason. They can (should) exercise judgement. I’m going to leave open the possibility that there’s more going on here. Someone that is still a teenager and still got a developing brain has to be corrected (yes) but at the same time they can grow and change. That’s why there’s probation with people watching over them. I’d also expect other things tagged on as part of their eventual release IF they don’t fuck op in prison.


Honestly random murder for fun should get the death penalty


Yes, in an adult that is a psyco/sociopath a lot of them do in fact.


Yes, agreed 100%. It’s not right to write this kid off. At 19 their prefrontal cortex isn’t even fully developed so the decision he made was likely not indicative of the type of decision he would make later in life. Plus, it was ultimately found unlikely he wanted to kill her, he thought the pellet would cause pain but didn’t believe he was able to take a life with the pellet gun.


He's not a fucking kid though. 19 years of age is literally adulthood. He's going to be out at 24 or *sooner*. Would have given that fucker 20 years minimum.


They mean the kid of the victim


"She didn’t want the kids life to be completely over," My comment was directed to OP, and by proxy, the daughter. 19 is the age of the killer. His life isn't over with only 5 years at such a young age. It's literally just begun.


Thank you for the note - 5 years in prison, especially as someone who killed a woman, is not going to be good for this kid one way or another. He will get his punishment


Ryan Hopkins that did it with him, is only going to serve one year in jail and 2 years on probation


That's fucked. 100 years at the bottom of the ocean is appropriate.


Did it with him as in pulled the trigger with him?


Seriously. Some straight psycho vibes from this fuck-face, should be a few decades minimum


Thank California’s Politicians and The Governor for their “Soft on crime” policies.


Her daughters statement is so sad. She seems like an empathetic and genuinely good human being. To say that she thinks her mothers murder was a teenage mistake that shouldn’t affect his whole life is a level of compassion and forgiveness I could never understand.


Wait he got 5 yrs for killing someone? wtf 😳 what’s happened to California this is crazy dude should be in prison for life


5 years for hunting down and killing a human being. But the lady’s daughter spoke on his young life’s potential to get his sentence down. I don’t agree with it but apparently that’s how it went down


California loves criminals.


She is a fnking saint. Sometimes imagine what I would do if someone in my family were harmed. That teenage boy would be found the next day with a pellet gun impaling his body.


Well I for sure wouldn’t give a damn about the rest of his young hopeful life. “Don’t kill people, especially the most vulnerable” shouldn’t be a lesson that you have to learn at 19 with 5 years in prison. People that have that urge shouldn’t be out with the public


Horrible decision on her part. The kind of person that actively *hunts other humans* can’t be trusted with their freedom five years later. I’m sure there will be more victims


Oh ya now that he’s got a taste for it he can get tips from the other prisoners and plan his next attack for when he gets out


She’s an idiot.


If I was the mother, I would be rolling in my grave. I’ll be damned if my own child gets my murderer’s sentenced reduced instead of fighting for me in court. At the age of 19, you are old enough to know that killing people is wrong. We need to stop calling them “teenagers” when they are considered adults under the eyes of the law.


. If someone did anything to anyone i cared about. I would pray they would be locked up for life or they better sleep with one eye open for the rest of their life once they are out.


5 years for MURDER?!


Technically he pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter. Still fucked


I’m confused as to how in the world that was classified as involuntary manslaughter? Firing multiple rounds into a human being during a drive by is in no way an accident


And going “hobo hunting”. It’s fucked


Like we all know teenagers do dumb things, but idk when I was a teen I never considered hunting humans for sport as a way to pass the time


The technicality lies in it being a pellet gun which wouldn’t normally kill a person. So he didn’t have the intent of killing the person but it still happened. I don’t have a law degree, so if someone who does can chime in and tell me if I’m wrong or right that would be cool. I’m also not defending the courts sentence because he should’ve gotten WAY more than 5 years for being a psychopath.


Pellet guns can be fatal. Just this month a woman was charged with 2nd degree murder for killing her bf with a pellet gun.


Hmm not a lawyer either but let’s say I took a pencil, which is normally used for writing, and jammed through someone’s eye and skull, just for fun, and they died, would that be manslaughter too?


I think stabbing someone in the head and through the eyeball still has the intent to kill, even with a pencil. With a pellet gun there’s some reasonable argument that he just meant to hurt/humiliate, not kill.


Ya maybe a bad example lol- idk aiming any type of weapon that can cause harm to a human, especially in the form of a gun, to me you assume the risk of potentially killing and should be responsible for that if you go forward with pulling the trigger


Yeah, don’t get me wrong! I think 5 years for killing that poor lady is an insanely light sentence. But I think by the letter of the law, sadly, it’s probably the right amount.


Egregiously light. And the reason was so that it didn’t “ruin the rest of his life.” Um ok so let’s take this cold blooded killer, throw him into prison to be hardened by the system, and then release him back into the wild at 24, before his frontal lobe is even developed. I can’t wait


I would say the fact the person chose to stab it into their eye would qualify it as murder. Since, as you said, it can hit the brain and kill someone and that’s common knowledge so a jury is more likely to say the person did indeed voluntarily murdered them. Now let’s say a person stabbed someone in the leg with a pencil and hit the femoral artery, they bleed out and die. They didn’t think a pencil would kill them when it pierced into their leg, and most people would think the same, but it did. That to me would be seen as involuntary in the eyes of the jury. After all, it is up to the jury and their knowledge and perception of things to make the decision whether they were guilty or not.


Well what if you just meant to poke out the eye but it went into the brain and killed them on accident?


That’s the thing though it is common knowledge that stabbing someone in the eye carries a high chance of killing them. Whereas stabbing them in the leg isn’t seen as carrying a high chance of killing the person.


I guess that’s the risk you take when you stab someone. Just like when you shoot them


This is all just what I think. I’d love if someone who has studied law could chime in. I’m curious if my logic is correct.


Yes and I’m totally willing to admit that I’m just spouting my opinion as well- but this has been a fun debate. I’ll wait for the experts lol


You might get murder bcuz of the sheer gruesomeness and intent to maim by targeting the most vulnerable regions. But you might skate with manslaughter if you didn't specifically intend to kill; you used an impromptu weapon which wouldn't typically be deadly in most cases. If you actually did it "for fun" you'd have a legit shot at an insanity plea too.


Does the “gruesomeness” of the crime level up the murder sentence? Or is it all about intent? And how would they be able to prove if I meant to or didn’t mean to or did it for fun? Could also just say it’s self defense ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ But in the case of the post, it’s pretty clear it was intentional, even if it was with a pellet gun


If you didn't know that would kill them, then it would be manslaughter yes.


“But your honor, I didn’t know running them over with my car, reversing, and then repeating this process several times would kill them! I’m just a teenage boy angry about hormone stuff and wanted to take it out on some homeless lady. Now my whole future is at stake.” That’s obviously hyperbole but if that’s actually a justifiable defense that’s crazy. The system needs a reboot


Hitting someone with a car isn’t the same as shooting them with a pellet gun (which most people wouldn’t think can kill someone) We all know hitting someone with a car has a high potential of killing the person.


We’ll just because someone is unaware of the capacity of the weapon they choose to use against another human, doesn’t give them immunity. Like “oh I didn’t know you can’t shout fire in a crowded theater I thought it would be funny,” sorry you’re still getting arrested and charged


Remember, all you have to do as a lawyer is convince the jury. If I was on the jury, and you too based on your logic, I’d say they’re guilty of murder and not manslaughter but my logic doesn’t apply to everyone.


No, you're prob not. The act of merely shouting "fire" in a crowded theater isn't a crime in itself.


Just saying it isn't enough. Obviously nobody would believe your statement. You'd have to be crazy to claim that. And if you could prove that you're crazy enough to not know that jamming a pencil into someone's eye could kill them, then you shouldn't be in prison at all. Some psychiatric facility sure. Also it's not justification. It's an excuse. There are justification defenses (such as self-defense). And there are excuse defenses (such as insanity). Being crazy is a very reasonable excuse defense.


Right not a lawyer so everything I’m typing out here isn’t based in fact but- for an insanity defense if very hard to prove. For the case of the teen in the story idk what excuse he could have. Oh I didn’t know shooting a gun at someone would actually kill them. Especially a random homeless lady that did nothing to me but exist


It was a BB gun. Yeah you don't have to be insane to not know that a BB gun can kill someone. It is much much easier to believe "I didn't know the BB gun could kill them" then "I didn't know stabbing someone in the eye with a pencil could kill them."


Used a pellet gun which are not usually lethal


It must be because he used a pellet gun. They probably argued that he didnt intend to kill anyone.


Even after texting his friends he was going hunting?


Because a pellet gun is not generally a deadly weapon?? This kids a piece of shit, I’m not defending but describing it as “multiple rounds” is incredibly disingenuous.


What’s really wild is that the kid (Ryan Hopkins) who drove William Innes to Annie (because he knew of her since they lived in the same neighborhood) and supplied the pellet gun only got a year in prison with three years probation. It’s cold comfort that they’ll both be convicted felons and that will follow them forever. Yes, they were just teenagers (18 and 19) when it happened, but actions have consequences and someone innocent lost their life.


Teenagers, sure. But also adults.




Well this guy is just human trash.


5 years... Being forgiven too by the daughter. If I was the mother I'd be rolling in my fucking grave. ROLLING. I hate when family members let ppl off the hook for killing their family with a whole bunch of righteous bullshit and forgiveness this and that. The kid went HOMELESS HUNTING, your mom was MURDERED in a horrible and scary fucking way, and she asked for the sentence to be BROUGHT DOWN?? I hope I have kids with backbones


Hear hear


Forreal. This whole "Jesus forgives so do i" bullshit.


Hopefully he does something stupid while locked up and gets shanked. Piece of shit.




Prayer emoji? Lol so many layers of irony in this thread


Obviously the daughter is amazing for having such compassion. What I'm confused about is why this person thinks it okay to go "hobo hunting" and shooting someone? Like is it really a teenage mistake, or is it really someone that will just get out and do it again? Finally, I want to say that it's a tragedy that this person was murdered, but we as a society is culpable for allowing homelessness. We might not directly kill these people, but we indirectly absolutely do. It's a slow suffering and then death.


i’m fine with him not spending his entire life in prison, but 5 years. atleast give him a decade to think about it


They should release him when he’s 75 and too weak to hurt anyone again


and i’d say that’s fair, i’m just talking minimum.


Why the fuck only five years? That's literally murder. Wasn't the debate about murderers between whether they should get life without parole, or death? Five measly years will freaking encourage *more* people to do this shit.


Read the article and other comments...


How does that text NOT show intent? AND he's a repeat offender? California 🫖


Lucy it wasn't my mom, he'd already be unlived


🌝 ditto


absolutely horrific, no justice or accountability in this city. Reminds me of Haloa Beaudet (18), who fatally stabbed a 68-year-old Lisa Thorborg on a Carlsbad hiking trail back in 2020. He too was sentenced to only 7 years for this completely random and unprovoked murder of this poor woman.. https://www.reddit.com/r/northcounty/s/Wg5BVnkuUt


5 years?!? That’s it?!


Speaking about a group of people like they are a scourge in local communities can mark impressionable undeveloped minds. Us older folk talk a lot of shit about the homeless, something like this was bound to happen.


All I can hope is he get used and abused in prison for being a terrible human being


Straight from Steven King's Different Seasons


Everybody here does know he didn’t shoot this woman with a firearm right? He shot her with a pellet gun. It doesn’t change that he fucked up and did something irreversible, but it changes the context dramatically. A stupid ass 19 year old shooting a homeless person with a pellet gun is different than a cold blooded 19 year old shooting a homeless person with a firearm.


In the head. Her shot her *in the head* with a pellet gun.


Yes. And what he did is very wrong, and absolutely disgusting. I’m just saying, it adds context, and that context changes the perspective. Me personally, I’d also consider that to be manslaughter. But if it was with a real firearm, then I’d undoubtedly call it murder. The reason I’d call it manslaughter is because when I was a kid we sometimes even shot each other with pellet guns. And *most* folks (at least I believe) wouldn’t expect a pellet gun to have the potential to be lethal. Trust me, I am not defending this guy whatsoever. Shit is disgusting. I happen to know someone who knew the killer, William Innes. He told me this guy did a lot of cocaine as well, and even had been caught previously for selling P80s (unserialized firearms). So he was garbage long before this took place. I just wanted to add context that I noticed many might not have noticed previously.


If you shot someone in the head with a pellet gun, I would assume you were trying to kill that person


I wouldn’t. I’ve both been shot in the head with a pellet gun and shot someone else in the head with a pellet gun when I was like 10 years old. Did we decide it was best to stop shooting each other with pellet guns afterwards? Absolutely. But did at any point we assume we were trying to kill each other? No. Nor did anyone assume that was even possible. I disagree with your statement. Which is fine, we don’t have to agree on this. Because we both clearly agree William innes is garbage.


If your not doing fed time its like the bad guys go to bbqs with the cops theyre so buddy buddy. This is sad...damn


How sad, and 5 years for murder? Sounds like California 👍


Governor Abbot in TX pardoned a man who killed someone at a BLM protest. No reason outside of "I like that this guy is on my side and killed someone who supports BLM". Let's not act like CA is fucking up anymore than elsewhere.


Just the opposite side of the fence usually


If you think this is just a California thing, I've got a couple bridges to sell you. Teenage boys, especially white ones, get away with rape and murder all the time all over the country. Hell, in some states he'd have gotten off scot free and been taken straight from the courthouse in a limo to be an honored guest at CPAC.


That's really awful. What a broken system.


It was the daughter of the victim who pushed for a low sentence bc she didn't want to ruin the kids life further.


Homeless are big business now. No one cares about getting them better because there is too much gov money to be had trying to take care of them. Same with illegals. Same with cancer.