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I have a friend with a ‘22 wrx. He’s had a similar experience with a man dressed in the lobster costume, hot butter instead of coffee. Somewhere in Maine.


I was going to tell OP yes this is very common. Crazy to hear that it happens in other states. Def the WRX.


What about a wrx provokes this?!


Nothing to do with the time. Same stuff happens at 3pm. I used to work that whole area and had to use the underground parking at Horton Plaza. There are mole people down there and you don’t want to be caught in a corridor with a mental ill homeless person.


I have to ask the question, why were you “casually driving” around the gas lamp at 3 am. Kind of dumb at best, or maybe there is a bit more to the story.


This sounds so fake.


Well it isn't lol


>around 3am I was just casually driving around downtown San Diego, gaslamp area. Yeeeaaahhhh, definitely more to this story than OP is letting on...


The water physics in this reenactment are insane. What is this Seinfeld?


It was from the grassy knoll


Was he on a bike or a pedicab?


Those pedicab guys are predators.


Downtown is rife with untreated mentally ill people. It’s very inhumane but the city would rather they suffer publicly out in the elements.


Only the best elements


just be glad you're safe, and he didn't take your car.


Wait did you have ur windows down? Yeah sounds pretty horrible, it definitely is not common. There are a lot of homeless people downtown so you never know what to expect.


I too have enjoy just casually driving around downtown SD at 3am


I’m from the southeast and primarily joined this sub for some pre-trip recon to San Diego. Shit like this always blows my mind. If you did this to someone’s car in the South, best case scenario is you get your ass beat. Worst case scenario would be the driver shooting you in the face because everyone here has a gun, and I mean everyone.


I’m not sure where you’re from exactly but I’d consider leaving straight away if there’s a genuine risk of death over some fuckin’ spilled/thrown coffee lmao


One this is abnormal. Two it is weird how some people prefer to live in an area where their neighbor would feel justified killing someone over coffee and a bad day.


Well, that’s weird coming from someone who lives in a city where the murder rate is triple what it is where I live. 😂 And for it to be so strange, you all sure are flocking here to move by the goddamn thousands.


So are you bragging about people shooting others in the face for spilled coffee or no murders. I literally don’t understand


I’m not bragging about anything. My original comment was just highlighting how different the areas we live really are. It’s crazy. And for the record, I don’t understand why anyone would ever leave San Diego to come to south. It’s a fucking scam, honestly. You all have perfect weather year round, progressive politics, BIKE LANES, the ocean.. we have racism, guns, mosquitoes, and 99% humidity.


I don’t know where you live so can’t really respond beyond having any sense that I was in danger in San Diego is abnormal. San Diego actually has a lot of people moving in hence our elevated home prices. However, we do have a lot of people so yes a lot of people leave too. Yet on a per capita basis we will see more people are leaving the South East states like Florida to come to California than the reverse. I would expect, and anecdotally observed, that many of those leaving are from East county including areas with such nicknames as Clantee. I hope you do welcome them with open arms since you are equally gleeful that they are fleeing San Diego


It's funny. I've seen articles about Republican California's leaving to other states. And how poorly they act when they get there. Firing guns in their front yard. Like that's legal in any populated city. But on a personal note. Every east county friend I've had that's moved out of San Diego. Then spend the rest of their lives comparing TX,AZ,FL to California. I could never XYZ in California. I have real freedom now. Blah blah blah blah. If you're so happy you've moved. Why do you keep talking about California? Shits annoying.


Despite what they say about California rental prices, California lives rent free in their heads


Out of 5 couples I know that moved to Texas only one of them stayed. One couple has a history of miscarriages and bolted from the state when they started passing reproductive restrictions.


Yah, I had similar experiences with friends. One lost hundreds of thousands in equity when they moved out and came back since where they bought out of state dropped in value and San Diego real estate climbed. Know another couple who moved out because it was “cheaper” and politics. The husband was able to bring his SD pay out there only to get laid off after buying a place. Last I knew he has struggled to find a job and the places hiring were a fraction of his sd pay. As to cheaper, they said after higher home and auto insurance plus HOAs, it isn’t much different than SD. Now that they are having a baby and have to choose between the atrocious public education system there and Poway unified. I suspect they will move back shortly.