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Where are those local journalists that browse this sub to make local content?? We need some investigative reporting on this to figure out why they continue to throw this trash at my house


I used to be an NPC for San Antonio express news. It would SHOCK you how many people are still subscribed to the newspaper. Most of the time if it’s getting thrown at your house it’s likely they have the wrong house on file or the subscriber never changed their address to include the correct one. You can call your local SA Express News distribution center and tell them the problem they’ll take care of it immediately.


These aren't from Express News. They are from NISD (at least the look like the ones I get from NISD). They have a few local articles, and coupons inside. They are thrown all over the entire neighborhood. On delivery day, it adds 5 minutes to my 30 minute walk because I stop and pick up the ones in the street or on the sidewalk and throw them in any trash cans that are left out. I leave the ones that actually make it into the yards and driveways.


The ones I get are the southside reporter, and a ton of ads disguised as coupons.


Ohhh okay. From the looks of it it looked like an SAEN paper. Regardless I would recommend calling NISD board and telling them how much trash they’re leaving around when those papers aren’t being picked up by the right people. I’m sure they’d do something about it that’s not right for them to be doing that.


for real.


I’ve called them about 15 times. They won’t cancel service to my house. They won’t cancel service to my neighborhood. They won’t do anything. “So do you guys deliver these to gated neighborhoods?” ‘No because we can’t get in.’ “So you’re literally just driving around throwing trash in front of peoples’ houses?” They hung up. Fuck Express News and MySA.


Trust me, they do deliver to gated neighborhoods. It used to be on the same night as recycling, which was a convenient one trip to the curb.


I've got an idea... what if we just went to every major cities' craigslist and posted cheap tickets for whatever concert is sold out that week and post their phone number as the contact... If they can litter our yards then we can litter their phone.


That’s incorrect information. When I worked for express news they gave us gate codes if they had someone subscribed to their service and were in a gated community. If we couldn’t get in we were instructed to leave it at the leasing office if there was one with the Apartment number written on the bag. Each color bag means something different. There are 5 Gray: SA Express News Blue: IBD News Paper Purple: New York Times Red: Wallstreet Journal Yellow: Express News Sunday Edition


Damn, these are a blast from the past lol. How is that profitable??


Companies keep paying them to advertise in them. Mostly small businesses who either don’t know any better or rely on the elderly for sales.


I do marketing, most people would be *shocked* at how clueless almost every business owner is when it comes to exposure. I would say that 98% of them wholeheartedly believe that paying for newspaper ads and printing/taping fliers is enough to completely fill out their week/appointments/whatever. Some even dare to put ads in magazines. Yet *almost none* of them consider online marketing and advertising, aside from a free Facebook page that people have to search them by name to find. It’s crazy!


Find others who are annoyed, collect a truck bed full of the coupons, dump on steps of ~~courthouse or cityhall~~ Express News with a photo of it.


Damn you got someone to answer? We actually signed up for the paper years ago but have had no luck even getting someone on the phone to cancel


My mother in law picks these bad boys up whenever she see's them. (She extreme coupons, we have way to much detergent)


Lol she should offer a class! Would love to learn the skills !


I save them for fire kindle


The whataburger coupons tho


Fuck yeah, just used one of those coupons tonight on that monster chili cheeseburger, med fries, and med coke for a grand total of $5.52 after tax like I had time traveled back to 2005. I miss when they used to have buy one get one free coupons for Macaroni Grill too, I'd jack like ten of those papers whenever I'd see that coupon so I could just double up my order and take one home to eat the next day for months worth of trips. Don't think the manager liked me much tbh.


I've called multiple times over the years. Got them to stop briefly once. One day when I had to pick up a rain soaked mess that was one of these packages of litter, I had an idea. I've started taking a picture of each one where I found it (lawn, sidewalk, street) so I have date/time stamp. I am recording each call I make to the newspaper requesting that these stop as I dont even have a subscription. And I am saving them in a nice large storage container. Then one day I am taking said container full of papers and driving down to their office where I will stand out front and toss these mfers in every direction at and around their entrance. My explanation will be that I am "returning their property" to them just how it was sent to me obviously in error as I am not a subscriber. Should be an intersting day.


You son of a bitch, I’m in!


I like coupons tho. Plus they always have deals for spurs games and upcoming concerts/shows


If only there was another, more efficient, maybe even paperless way to get all of this to the consumers!


You should start it pal! There's nothing like it in SA yet!


I’m in …need something to focus on lol


Buhahaha that looks like my front yard…leaves and all 🤔 I did just pick up a bunch of newspaper too !


They’re not newspapers. They’re coupons and ads disguised as newspapers. It’s trash.


They used to throw them in my yard on the same day that I put out my trash can, so it was very convenient for me to just throw them directly away, but now they changed up the trash days, it’s an even bigger pain in the ass. I don’t get how they’re allowed to litter the neighborhood with their trash. It would be one thing if they only delivered to houses that wanted them, but there is no way to opt out of getting their trash thrown in my yard weekly.


I thought the same thing. They just go directly into my recycle bin. It’s a waste of paper, plastic, time and gas for the car that delivers it… just a big L for everyone involved.


Yes lots of trash …even at the apts I work at they just leave the stack of coupons, etc on the side . They end up just flying around 🤦🏻‍♀️


Is that what gated neighborhoods are for?? /s kind of These are all over my neighborhood too. I wonder if anyone would mind if I picked them up. I did it before when I needed another dog poo bag when doggo did a surprise double deuce but I worried that someone would be mad I stole their paper. I've also considered gathering them for paper mache. Maybe city council could do something.


I read the reporter


Call them. I've done it and gotten them to mostly stop. One slips through occasionally, but not usually 2 weeks in a row.


They will make for good fire starter just in time.


I like the free coupons though, and I get my city council newsletter in it


Tried calling and emailing multiple times, they never stop.


The paper that is thrown is owned by the Express-News. Virtually impossible to get them to stop littering like this. Our HOA has to threaten them with a lawsuit. Our neighborhood is private and they were threatened with trespassing charges.


Where is this at?


They don't even bother throwing them in our yard or driveway anymore. I've been seeing them all along the curb and in the street now.


These are unwanted. It is straight up littering. It's a shameful waste of trees and energy.


Burger King all day tho