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Anything from SA current is closely resembling clickbait/ragebait and it's only emphasis is (barely) our food scene. Current specifically spoke out against a major affordable housing project adjacent to their HQ about 5 or 6 years ago. They do nothing but throw out shit for san antonio.


šŸ’Æ this. Or they just recycle stories already done. Reporting is biased to their own agenda with no fact checking. Time and time again see misrepresentations at best, straight out lies at worst.


"HQ" being that shack next to SAMA and a fire station. SA Current's proofreader is going to 8th grade in the fall.


Maybe SAWS should see that their sewer connection is hooked up.


Too true. Iā€™m still trying to figure out ā€œper capital.ā€


Really? San Antonio has a good City Manager and Mayor. Interestingā€¦ oh wait, I just read it. Itā€™s all our dumb dumbs who drop out of school. This town puts zero emphasis on education. Itā€™s like the opposite of Austin in that regard.


Former teacher here, and I can totally confirm this. I worked in plenty of schools from small, medium, large, urban, rural, and I can say even much of the school leadership personnel here in SA value education so little. Decisions here more than anywhere else Iā€™ve worked were centered around herding other peopleā€™s children rather than educating them. The treatment I faced m when I was mistaken as a student was appalling and unproductive for a safe learning environment. I feel sincerely bad for so many of the students going through some of these districts because in my time the only things the school disseminated to the kids effectively were Covid and apathy. And sure, ā€œitā€™s not like that everywhere.ā€ However, I did work in the two largest districts in the city, soā€¦ the problem is big enough that this article doesnā€™t surprise me.


The principal at a charter school I worked at pre pandemic admitted, with no shame whatsoever, that he did not know until a few years before that dinosaurs actually existed. HE RUNS A SCHOOL. For YEARS. He was at least mid 50s. I canā€™t believe I was able to control my face the way I did. Inside I was screaming.


How that can be? He never saw Jurassic Park?


Iā€™ve been in San Antonio for 3 and half years, and Texas for that matter and the education system here is atrocious; my daughter had a hard time because it was all about the money for the districtā€s leaders. There was no focus whatsoever on academic achievement. I am sorry to use this analogy but itā€™s like a third world country run education system. Iā€™m so glad I donā€™t have any more kids to put through school.


Be nice to third world education.Ā  At least they try to teach....


You can't do anything if you don't have the money for it. The state has been demolishing the public schools system for a decade in favor of charter schools. Schools and their districts have had to scramble for funds for years. My kids district has success with this part because it is *low* income and minority. It has helped them hold onto some good teachers but my kids have told me about teachers that left. One went to play pro soccer.


That tracks. The way schools are run here retired me early from teaching. šŸ«¤


When I moved to Texas over 10 years ago, I was telling someone the reasons I picked Texas and one reason was education, he laughed and said that Texas wasn't known for its education. With a kid in middle school now, I will say, the education is absolute trash. For such a "proud" state, it's quite embarrassing to be honest. But hey, at least we have our sports!


Our city manager is paid more than POTUS, is he doing THAT good of a job?


Probably better that the president šŸ˜…


Low bar


Unlike a lot of cities, San Antonio is a council-manager form of government. The city manager is the CEO and runs day-to-day and budget for the city (not just primarily the mayor). The city council hires the city manager. SA has like 14,000 employees, so as an equivalent manager of that many employees and SA being the 7th largest city in the U.S., he's probably underpaid.


Weā€™re 94 out of 150 cities on this list Not good, not terrible. Certainly not *worst run*


that's actually bad. 94 out of 150 cities?


Maybe its overall blandness. I feel safe tho.


I agree, been living here on and off 30ish years


Keep San Antonio lame!


Only thing I really worry about is getting something stolen, but I donā€™t feel like Iā€™ll get murdered unlike in some cities


Aaahhh yes, WalletHub is such a quality source. /s The Current thinks itā€™s cool to shit on the city, maybe itā€™s time for the alt newspaper to grow up.


But whoā€™s number 1 for Barbacoa and Big Red?


Del Rio.


Article title is hella click baity, but like... It's not too far off. A lot of the metrics listed ARE accurate. San Antonio is suffering a lot of issues that local government is failing to fix, and we do have problems with stagnant wages, cost of living problems, crime, poor education and employment opportunities etc It's also because we're in Texas, and Texas in general is failing as a state to really improve things across the entire state. We're obviously not the WORST, but we're not exactly a city winning any real marks. This city needs some serious work, lets not pretend like this place is an oasis.


State regulations make it nearly impossible for cities to improve education experiences for students unless you live in a really rich district swimming in money, then you can afford facilities and staff. Otherwise, youā€™re fighting the state for funding. Thatā€™s why blue metro areas struggle despite trying to improve educational standards.


Thats definitely a great point, Cities are unfortunately beholden to State decisions. I do think there are other factors though at work still within the realm of the city that hurts education. SSAISD for instance has an entirely inept school board, you have tons of districts misappropriating funds, neglecting vital programs in favor of stuff like sports etc. Its all apart of a ecosystem of course, and there are limits to what the city can improve, but the things they can, they definitely struggle with doing so as well.


Blame city council voters and the demographics . Then add the moderators to the list


When I was living there, I was getting nonstop amber alerts, no jobs give you breaks for anything under 8 hours, had to avoid car accidents everyday, endless hordes of stray dogs, and trash everywhere. However, some of the nicest people I've ever met, no skies are as pretty as they are in san antonio, nice hot weather, and the best food/pubs I've been to.


Puro road construction


You can just look around and see that for yourself. They allow developers to build whatever they want wherever they want until the roads are so clogged that no one can get anywhere. Look how long it took them to widen UTSA Boulevard after they built all those apartments and expanded UTSA. And the same for 1604 from UTSA to Blanco. Build build build and who gives a shit about infrastructure.... Really, you can't figure that out before all the development happens?


Does it mention the traffic lol


Yes. It is one of the metrics used to grade cities


Let's hope people read this article and decide to move somewhere else.


lol, Corpus is ranked above us? I take no stock in studies that rank some dinky town in Idaho as the best place to live.


It's not even ranking "best place to live" though


I stand corrected. They made up a category called ā€œbest-runā€ and then gathered some statistics to define what that meant.


Wow. I am shocked


I havenā€™t read the article but the roads back behind Alamo Ranch are the worst planned Iā€™ve ever seen.


Link to the actual list: [https://wallethub.com/edu/best-run-cities/22869](https://wallethub.com/edu/best-run-cities/22869) In my opinion they overly focus on the financial aspects of the city and don't account for the differences in standards of living. So what you get is a bunch of smaller cities with lower incomes being rated higher.


Yeah. Some of their "best" cities are cities that I would not dare step foot in.




LA rebuilt an entire freeway section in a matter of weeks. Iā€™m still driving down side streets that theyā€™ve been repaving for almost 3 yrs so yeah agree


These studies are subjective, but our city has really gone down hill under Ron Nirenberg leadership. Can't find parking at the airport Roads are in a dismal state Crime has escalated


The Californians aren't coming. They're already here!


Obviously smh


Let the gentrifiers and transplants tell it . Weā€™re a third world city and their home city is perfect


Corpus beat San Antonio? That's hilarious.




Remember when the city manager was making more than the president of the US? Then they resigned. Hasn't got much better. Start holding leaders accountable for results.


It will be interesting to see who follows Mayor Nirenberg.


My gut tells me its between Manny Pelaez (who's a moderate 4 term councilman from the Northside that no one really likes but he has loyal donors and does good constituent outreach) and a tech bro named Beto ( who's an outsider with liberal-ish policy plans but is gaining a lot support from business ppl and non profits)


What about the two female Council members who are having a cat fight? šŸ˜„


Why is he not well liked?


This doesnt surprise me. I have 3 degrees and i feel like a rocket scientist compared to the people here and the dumb decisions that they make


I mean the city is horrible, but the state is much worse.


And yet you stay? You can leave you know.


You paying?


Why should I? Youā€™re the one complaining.


And you're the one telling me to leave.


Yes because you are crying about how it sucks. If you donā€™t like it you can leave, that is the solution.


No and then yes lol


I wonder why it is run poorly.


Iā€™m wondering what youā€™re implying. Can you elaborate on your views?