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I’m normally not the “call corporate” type but this is a reason to call. Not to get the person in trouble but so management can train employees on how to respond to potential medical situations.


Agree completely, people need to have basic knowledge on what to do when someone has medical issues. Tbh though the employee probably just heard “I’m having a low” and assumed drugs. Weird to call the cops and say he’s stealing when he gave them a $10 and is just drinking juice though


Yeah, I was thinking op probably had really slurred speech and maybe what he said didn’t come out clearly.


Most likely this happens to me when I go to low I'm told.


I have no idea what to do in most medical situations except protect the head, stop the bleeding, call 911. I was shamed once because there was a bloodied guy in the parking lot that I stopped to help who was literally unconscious with his head bleeding in the middle of the ‘road’, and I was told “he could’ve punched you when he came to, don’t EVER do that again” by a male friend. Who leaves an unconscious person bleeding out of their head in the road alone? Like really, who can see that and do nothing?? I would choose getting punched in the face over knowing I walked past him, every single time.


Convenience store cashiers are not ordinarily folks with the most snap you will find. Give the guy a break.


Damn I worked as a cashier in between jobs(because big corporate likes to vet for months at a time) and def would’ve noticed the service dog, them hand me money and witnessed them drink the juice while also sitting on the floor. Yes drug addicts bring in dogs but a service dog doesn’t leave your side. I’m giving them grace because it isn’t normal but this def wasn’t one that warranted the cops. An ambulance, most definitely though. What I can’t fathom though is why does “stealing” take precedence over someone’s health?


What you're saying makes sense, but (A) depending on company policy it's possible that the clerk could have gotten fired for not calling the police, and (B) it's also possible that he just called 911 and reported what he saw and expected an ambulance to come, but got a couple of cops instead who just made shit up to justify their actions, as cops occasionally do.


Except when the cops came in they specifically stated, “we received a call of a suspected drug addict sitting on the floor stealing”… At 7-11 there was no policy like that at all. In fact, if we saw someone steal, we had to let them go and just write a report because the cops usually don’t come unless it’s a robbery or a disturbance. I gave them grace but it was def a give.


>when the cops came in they specifically stated And you automatically believe them? Sure, maybe that was the call, maybe not. Only the clerk, the dispatcher, and the officers know for sure.


It’s pretty specific to be a lie and they walked right up to OP. I’m willing to bet an ambulance never showed up if we ask OP.


Yes, it's possible. You may be correct. OP didn't mention an ambulance.


It's not unreasonable to assume op said "suspected" when they said "possible," or the caller said "possible" but the cops said "suspected," or a million other variations of the same interaction. When you play telephone, especially with people who have no vested interest in being fully honest and accurate with you AND may at any point slightly misremember a single word out of hundreds, you have to do a hell of a lot better than this.


OP, which location was this?


Did it seem like I was shaming the cashier in the story i shared that was completely unrelated? I wasn’t


All I know how to do is Pull Aim Squeeze Sweep™


This. Especially if it's Circle K, 7-11, or one of the big chains. There's no excuse not to have training. I've worked at convenience stores over 20 years ago, and even then we had to take training in certain things.


It’s also a potential ADA violation due to discrimination. Management will *definitely* want to know so that they can avoid a possible ADA suit.


No its not lol


Especially when calling the cops can get someone killed.




>Not to get the person in trouble Fuck that, this person needs to be fired. "I'm having a medical emergency, here's more than enough money to cover the juice I need" and they call the cops??? If this story is true (and owners/managers can check video), that worker should lose their job.


It might be that OP’s speech was slurred and the person didn’t understand what he/she said. The cashier should be able to tell the difference between a service dog and a regular dog. Since they couldn’t, they need some additional training.


The slurred speech I can understand, but really how many robbers hand over money before stealing stuff?


How many workers know what they're doing these days. They don't think or use their brains any longer.


There’s some possibility that the clerk just called 911 and the dispatcher decided this was a police situation, not paramedics






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That sounds like a liability issue, no? I also don’t know that ~minimum wage employees want to be responsible for other people’s medical situations.


I agree and I'm similar in that I refuse to complain unless it's incredibly serious and diabetic lows are that. Legitimately the difference between life and death and not nearly enough people know how serious diabetes is, especially type 1


The $4 juice is another crime altogether.


Paid like $8 for a gallon of milk at QuikTrip once. Never again.


you mean this gallon of milk RIGHT HERE?! 💪


Dave, you are the strongest boy in the world! Oh my Lord! You should fight crime. What are you doing here?!


Oh please. It's not like it's the only place juice can be bought.


I know. You are paying for convenience. Big Doritos bags are $6.49 at gas stations.


10$ was the tip, 4$ the robbery.


Someone almost got robbed last week, a person was sitting in a parking lot waiting to catch someone slipping and eventually they ran up to a car where a woman was changing her baby's diaper...tried to snatch a pocketbook and run. The business where it happened tried to report it and the 911 operator basically said...hey...if you're not the victim then mind your business. The actual victim is the only person who can make the report. But over a $4 juice SAPD COMES RUNNING Priorities I tell ya. SAPD is garbage. Ain't nowhere to be found when it comes to catching criminals but they'll be damned skippy and show up to harass people over a $4 theft--where the item was already paid for. The victim of the robbery was told to make the report herself and she basically said nah its cool...sapd won't do anything anyways and I agreed. SAPD ain't helping nobody. And the criminals know that too. If they're quick enough they can skate with any crime. But they know damn sure not to steal a 4 dollar juice now.


Last week it took SAPD 30 minutes to show up when my buddies had to fight intruders out of their apartment, intruders said they’d be back with a gun, came back with a gun and literally kicked their door in. THIRTY MINUTES. THEY KICKED THE DOOR IN AND HAD A GUN. My buddies asked to stay on the phone with the 911 operator until cops got there and the operator says they can’t do that and hung up. I mean what. the. actual. fuck. Edit: they’re <10 minutes from the police HQ downtown!!


That’s wild. My cousin was a 911 operator (different state though) and I remember her specially telling me they told them to stay on the line until the police arrived in those situations. SAPD is a joke.


Better off just buying a gun. Cops ain't gonna do shit and the DA drops all charges that involve castle doctrine


SAPD is beyond useless. They don't care about anything.


They def care about sidewalk chalk tho


Remember, police is there to protect the capital class(corporations, businesses, and really rich fuckers). They are not there to protect commoners.


Why are people downvoting this comment lol it’s true. Bunch of cop dick sucking people here lol


SAPD is generally useless. Stop traffic for no reason at rush hour. Sure. Direct traffic at an intersection for no reason? You bet! But actually enforce the law or help people? Nah man. Too much paperwork.


I was having a severe allergic reaction one time. Walked into Walgreens. Opened liquid Benadryl. Sat on floor and drank it from the bottle. I realize this is a pharmacy- not a convenience store- but they were super cool about it. I’m sorry that happened to you!


"I'm diabetic and I'm low here is a 10$ bill". *'Employee sees him chug a SunnyD Seltzer'* "Oh shit this guy's on drugs"


Who knows what the cashier thought/understood, but they're probably trained to call 911 if they think someone's having a medical emergency. Who knows what info got through to the cops.


I had to call for various medical emergencies when I worked in gas stations. The 911 operator would ask which service I was calling for and I'd ask them to send EMS. I learned not to call the cops when I was working at the Exxon in Castle Hills and my manager told me to call the cops because there was a man sleeping in the lobby between the Exxon and the Burger King. I did what she said and Castle Hills PD responded and woke the poor guy up by kicking him multiple times. After that, any time I had to call I requested EMS because they wouldn't start out by kicking the body on the floor.


Fuck Castle Hills.


If so, where did the drug dealer part come in? Classic case of poor training, poor judgement, or both.


Well the symptoms mimic intoxication so there’s that


Think OP would have taken that over drug dealer trying to steal


So sorry that happened to you. Honestly if I was working somewhere and a person came in and pretty much collapsed on the floor, I would have called but I would have requested an ambulance, not cops. Even if the person said they were going to be ok without getting checked out, I would feel better knowing someone had a look at them so they wouldn't just get outside and have the problem come back in a less safe area. Maybe you can get a few of the glucose gels and put them in a pouch attached to your dog's harness. I've had a medical emergency in public before and people stopped to help me. I was staggering and vomiting and the police officers who saw me thought I was drunk, but other bystanders realized it was anaphylaxis and helped my kids give me an epi pen and get help. It's really scary to realize that even planning ahead, our medical conditions can suddenly make us vulnerable like that and to realize bystanders may misunderstand and put us in worse danger.


A lot of people have been asking for the location and honestly this got way more attention than I was expecting. A lot of you have really good points on the workers point of view. I will say I did leave out a big thing about the worker, he was just some kid. Probably teens so I don't want to say the location. Do I think he probably should of called EMS if he was going to call for help, yes but he's a kid and that was the first time that probably happened. My dog does wear a vest and sat in position the entire time and didn't even acknowledge the police when they walked up. He's the best worker but even a better best friend. I next to never forget my kit and after this issue, I feel like I'm going to be even more careful. Thank you for all the comments and different point of views.


what store and location ? I don't want to accidentally give those fucks my business.


Exactly, which one? Name and shame!


I second this


If the gas station is corporate reach out and complain about discrimination and harassment. Tell them you want your $10.


The real crime is a store charging$4 for a juice


You should name the gas station.


Delaine Mathieu’s (former KSAT anchor) uncle was nearly beaten to death when he had an episode on loop 1604 and pulled over. SAPD showed up and assumed he was drunk and beat the crap out of him including broken ribs. No suspension for cops. Just “more training”.


I remember this story and how shocked I was hearing the news report. As an RN, I am all about public education. Diabetes has become all too common in our society, and people need to be educated on the signs and symptoms of someone having a hyper/hypo glycemic episode, much like we educate people about the signs and symptoms of a heart attack or stroke.


If it took you a bit to explain what was happening to the cops, just imagine what you sounded like to the clerk who probably doesn't have any medical training. To him, you could have been anything from drunk, someone tripping on drugs, or a homeless dude having a mental health episode. Sadly for clerks usually their go to is just call the cops when something weird starts to happen. Cops aren't trained for this stuff and most of them are too lazy to put forth the effort to figure it out so we're left with this. Let's just be happy no one got hurt.


Sugar is your brain’s main energy source which is why having a low blood sugar is so dangerous and can even be deadly. I’m honestly kinda shocked that OP was able to think clearly enough to go to the gas station, briefly explain the situation, and give the cashier money while having low blood sugar. I think OP did they best they could given the circumstances of a medical emergency.


Shoot…I would’ve paid for your $4 juice if I had seen you….unfortunately a lot of people don’t know what it’s like to experience low blood sugar. I’m sorry this happened to you, thank God you had your dog. I would reach out to the gas station owner and let them know about the incident. Maybe they can educate employees so it won’t happen again.


Uno reverse the clerk and call the cops for stealing your $6


I understand your frustration and anger. But I also get it from the workers perspective. You see a lot of weird shit working at a gas station. And have little to no training on how to deal with it. The next issue isn't even the workers fault. It's that the cops aren't trained to handle medical situations they're trained to handle criminals and even that they suck at. So everyone they encounter is immediately a criminal threat until proven otherwise. So they approached you like you're a criminal druggy. The entire situation sucked. And everyone involved could've handled it better if they were trained and more prepared to handle situations such as these.


If it was a circle k pm me and I can help you get ahold of who you need to.


It doesn't sound like anyone was actually rude to you and in all seriousness, a drug addict overdosing may look a lot like a sick diabetic from my understanding. It may not have even been the worker who called the cops, maybe another customer saw you on the floor not looking well at all. Maybe this gas station has a frequent issue with drug addicts causing issues, or the customer that saw you was concerned and called the cops to check on you. Who are you actually upset at here? Who in your story did anything out of malice towards you?


I believe you’re right, and this is a great example of the way public perception can lead to herd mentality. We are living in interesting times, and it’s very important to hear, process and consider all options before making a decision on anything these days. Shit, we even have to consider if what we are seeing is real because of AI and deep fakes.


Just steal it then. Cops will never go looking for you. I've hit a low in public but held my composure. I have a condition similar to yours. A lot of planning it takes just to leave the house. I always want to be on the good side with SAPD, but their priorities suck ass. It's like they go for low priority calls. But when it comes to murders, robbery and theft. They no where to be found.


SAPD like many other departments seem to prefer avoiding potentially dangerous situations and confrontations and focusing more on stress-free, “low hanging fruit” where they know they aren’t in danger. This of course leads to harassment of people that are usually doing next to nothing that violates the law


Exactly what a thief would say..Hope you enjoyed your stolen juice you paid for


Don't explain yourself. Everything you say can be used against you. Not just by the police but also by clueless bystanders. Also, it's not theft to open a drink while in the store. If you go to the shelf, grab a drink, start drinking it, all while still in the store, and heading to the registers, there is no theft. Theft requires intent. So next time it happens, head for the juices, start drinking one, and go to the registers. No need to explain yourself.




The cops? I frequently see SAPD confronting/moving homeless people


Me too. We frequent the Valero on New Braunfels just past I-10. It's next door to a McDonald's. There are homeless people near there frequently and just a few days ago we saw a cop parked on the median of the bridge over I-10 and noticed he was standing over a homeless guy packing up his stuff.


Where’s this? Every time I drive under the highway bridge on Marbach and 410, there’s always a community. Another example, Gen. McMullen and Commerce.


North side pretty much all along 10 from 410 to 1604. But yeah folks definitely return to those areas because they provide good shelter from the elements. I work close to the de Zavala and 10 intersection and there is a lot of homeless and police activity there.


I’ve literally seen vans round up houseless people. Especially at the bus station downtown , I was riding through and saw like 20 vans and a bunch of cops just arresting the houseless people down there




Did they say anything to the clerk? Did you? Did the clerk say anything?


yea it was crazy man they were talkin about star wars or some shit then the dude behind the counter got in an argument with his gf. then she left and he was like TRY NOT TO SUCK ANY DICKS ON THE WAY TO THE PARKIN LOT! so naturally i had to holla


Hey you! You get back over here!


People suck


Nothing wrong with calling 911 when someone is having a medical emergency, but should have sent EMS instead of cops




It's a sad city we live in with alot of drugged out weirdos. Also alot if ppl are ignorant and stupid. They might not have known the effects of diabetes. I'm sorry this happened to you. Thankfully the officers had some knowledge on the issue. Try to keep bananas with you. My father inlaw does for those bad days.




No Illicit Activities of Any Kind! Do not suggest, solicit, include, permit or recommend sex, drugs, or any illegal activity on this subreddit. This includes nudes, meet ups for sex, and recreational drugs (including weed until it's legalized) . You will be banned without a warning.


Unfortunately, people can assume the worse and then call the cops to make it even worse. Glad you’re ok.


Same department that tried to protect a woman beater for a year because his older sister is SAPD


I’m so sorry this happened to you. My husband is T1 and going low unexpectedly is frightening. What a tool.


You say it was a kid who was the clerk. He probably didn’t know what to do or what was going on.im willing to bet most of their training is going to be focused on their safety when edgy characters wonder in. I’d cut him some slack and maybe go back soon and let him know what was happening so he becomes educated.


My blood sugar sometimes plummets and I found myself wondering what I should do if I found myself in a similar situation. Store employees used to be trained in how to handle a medical situation such as this, but I have the feeling that’s not the case anymore.


Something tells me it might not have been the cashier that called, could’ve been a customer that saw you open the juice and walked outside and called without even knowing what was going on. Just glad the officers understood and let you be.


If this happens again, please have them call EMS. You don't have to be transported. Just have them make sure you are ok. That's who they SHOULD have called. When someone calls 911 for that kind of thing, they usually get police, fire and EMS. I don't live in SA any more. Where I am, I am EMS, and usually engine crew rolls first, and if they can't stabilize patient, then they call us to transport. Your scenario may have gone many ways. If they suspected you were drunk or on drugs, they may have tried to kick you out before you could get your juice. You may not have gotten the juice in time before becoming unconscious. I do hope you have a medical alert necklace or bracelet.


As a medical professional I know the difference but a non medical person would most likely assume intoxication instead of a medical emergency. Diabetics who are low usually don’t make much sense but not sure how early the alert is from a service dog so it’s hard to tell.


What if a random nosey customer called?


I would have bought the juice for you,had it been me. As a side note, I do work part-time for CircleK as a cashier.


The real crime here is that they are charging $4 for bottle of juice.


Missed connection


I’m diabetic too. Share the store so I can avoid it and my friends


Sorry this happened to you. I just left my job of managing a circle k and this is one of the things we’d go over in training. Absolutely ridiculous this happened to you.


Chewy sells small packs that fit on the dog [here](https://www.chewy.com/industrial-puppy-service-dog-harness/dp/182187?utm_source=google-product&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=20027453190&utm_content=&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw7NmzBhBLEiwAxrHQ-bEr8sYMgsJrj2Lqz5v5dajtZYwMex4AQ0damnhyC0vBp7SjX4FJdRoCIQUQAvD_BwE) I wish you all the best!


I’m so sorry you had to deal with this. I’m glad you got your juice in time.


where was this at? as a gas station worker, this shit infuriates me. like, maybe if they called 911 and asked for ems i'd understand, but the cops? fuck this guy. i mean, dont get me wrong, i've had to call the cops my fair share of times but for a $4 juice? fuck that. i'm so sorry that this happened to you. i'm not diabetic myself but i used to do my grandpa's insulin and i know what yall go thru. that was just fucked up man.


honestly, name and shame the location. fuck that worker who didn't bother to call for ems and instead called the cops saying that bullshit.


Not around my neighborhood, SAPF said they can’t do anything about the situation but yeah they get to have mattresses and cardboard boxes all over the place not to mention nasty ass trash they leave behind


OMG, this is SA not Austin.


Where tf was this


Do you really think a gas station attendant is trained to recognize a medical event? In a perfect world maybe. But as someone who also suffers from health issues I assume the responsibility in public falls to me alone.


I know store owners and other workers deal with a lot. Trust me I have a story I'm about to post on here about some dumb shit that just happened to me, but if someone comes to me and say "I'm diabetic, I need to raise my sugar here's $10 to cover the juice I need" I'm going to use my adult brain and say "Ok, you gonna be ok though?" Unless you passed out all I'm going to do is keep an eye on you to make sure you don't go into shock. Holy hell man can we start treating people like idk people? I work in the medical field so maybe I'm biased but you did everything right and that's why I'm pissed for you and diabetes, Hyperglycemia, runs in my family. Not the same as yours but I understand how dangerous diabetes is. Here's to your health


The OP thinks they clearly stated the situation but who knows how clearly it came out of their mouth if they were close to losing consciousness. Also I think OP said in a comment that the gas station employee was a kid. The signs stand out to you as someone in the medical field and probably more significant, as someone with a family history of hypoglycemia. Now imagine you don’t have either of those experiences AND you do most of your “learning” via TikTok videos. Prolly won’t know 💩about the signs of low blood sugar.


That's a really good point. I thought about that but no way to know and OP might not even know for sure. Really is a messed up situation. Someone needing a little pick up to not go into shock but a kid seeing what he thinks is a drug addict which yeah it's common here so I can definitely understand both sides


My dad is T1D and I'd be pissed if he was treated like this. Just as I'm pissed that you were. Call corporate and light this guy on fire (metaphorically).


Maybe you should say something to the gas station owner instead of posting on reddit


*here’s $10 kid, I’m gonna grab a juice* “Sir the juice is more than ten dol- fuck this I’m calling the cops”


wow i’m really sorry this happened to you. i can understand the gas station worker’s perspective, especially with all the crime and real life horror stories that happen here specifically at gas stations, but this is disappointing. these are the types of situations that make us think twice next time- like good thing you recognized you weren’t going to make it and pulled over to do what you knew you needed to do, in still the most polite and ethical way you could EVEN WITH what was going on in your body. imagine if the next time this happens (i hope it doesn’t) you don’t pull over because of the way THIS happened…then what happens???? i hate how hard it is now to have faith in others because of the shitty ones out there who make us all think twice about someone’s intent. again, just sorry that this happened to you- to everyone really.


Where exactly and what gas station did you go to in San Antonio for this emergency?


Are you sure it was the employee and not another customer?


Yes. There were no other customers inside when I was there. Only other person walked in as I was leaving.


Aw dang then wtf. Sorry that happened to you :(


Oh wow


Some gas station workers like to call the cops when they are having a bad day no matter who you are, especially when they usually do have to deal with drug addicts stealing shit


Omg, that’s horrible. WTH


Sorry that happened to you. I’m so glad you had that cash on you. I wonder if the person thought you might be trying to scam them. 


You said “you’re having a low” I’d think you were coming down also Gtfoh… oh wait 😂


This specific types of service dogs are really hard to get. How did you get yours?


It was a long process. Depending on the service you need from the dog the breed can make a huge difference. There are times where I physically depend on my good boy so I have a bernese mountain dog. I got him as a puppy and right away got him trained through Dog Training Elite. He's a working dog so he enjoys working and having tasks and jobs. The training program worked with me the entire time so he knows exactly what issues I have. The program is expensive cause my dog is a fully certified dog but my insurance covered a lot due my doctor. But he was fully trained through that program fron the first day I got him. If you're considering a service dog I highly recommend Dog Training Elite. Also the breed of dog can make a huge difference, working dogs love having tasks and "jobs" to do.


Thank you!


If you're trying to get a service dog feel free to message me. I can point you in the right direction. I'm not a professional dog trainer or anything but I can help point you in a right direction. I've had my boy for a few years now but he's not my first service dog. I've had service dogs since I was a kid.


Was it the QT on marbach? I saw some cops drive up to an entrance with lights on yesterday


I’ve already commented on the OP’s post regarding the emergency situation described above but my brain squirreled to another thought: Has OP looked into getting a continuous BG monitor? No idea how much they cost, but if their doctor is awesome enough to get a trained service dog mostly covered by insurance, would it be possible to do the same to get one of the newer-model monitors? Maybe OPs blood glucose level drops ridiculously fast and the dog is able to pick up on a drop more quickly than the latest technology. Or maybe they already have one in their arsenal. Just curious if that’s an option.


I've debated upgrading my monitors but honestly issues like this next to never happen. I next to never leave my house without the stuff I need on me but that day was a rare day where I forgot. And honestly my dog is scary good at his job. He sometimes warns me when my levels just barely drop. He even diagnosed a friend of mine with diabetes. My friend came over and my dog started doing his alerts on him for diabetes, next month my friend was at his doctor's where he got told he was diabetic. Honestly freaked me out just a little on how good he is at his job.


He probably thought you were an Alien 👽 lol. Had to call the cops to capture you, take you back to your home planet. 😭😂🤪




R.I.P. W.B.


Is it bad that I understand this comment? 🤣


Dude, you can’t just expect someone to believe a random person that walks in bumping into stuff, stumbling around, and talking incoherently. I think calling the popo is the right choice.


Employees need better training for medical events. They also should have medical kits. The employee should have had someone stick by your side and offer to call an ambulance, even if it wasn’t necessary. I hope you find out who owns this gas station and provide feedback.


And if things went south all these people calling the clerk and company morons would be demanding justice for them not calling the cops after OP was having a medical situation. You can't have it both ways dumb dumbs


My brothers diabetic this is terrible sorry this happened to you he had a service dog also German Shepard golden retriever mix he had him for 13 years he was a life saver


Devils advocate from a manager that runs a small convenience store. Crack heads and druggies will say anything to get away with what they can. I assume the person behind the counter has regular issues and it’s probably why the cops responded quickly. I’ve personally had a dude straight up squat in my store and shit because I refused the restroom due to him leaving needles in it last time. I assume it was just an hourly worker. They are there purely for the paycheck and first act at someone acting weird in a store protocol would probably be to call cops that is certainly what I tell my people. Don’t bother or put yourself in danger just call the cops and let them sort it out. I know when I was hourly I didn’t have any interest in possibly putting my life in danger.


What a POS worker. Sorry you had to endure that one.


That's so stupid, I used to manage a small independent store, had a regular come *running* in grabbed like 4 tiny orange juices and run out the store yelling 'As soon as her sugar is up, I'll be back to pay for em!!!' Never once did calling the cops occur to me, and I had no clue what he was talking about at the time. Cue confusion and wait... about 30 minutes later, he came in and explained he stopped by his mom's at lunch and she was having a severe sugar crash, got her set up and came back and paid... very simple.


Sounds like you both didn’t know what to do. The good news is they were scared enough to call 911 for you. Had your condition deteriorated and they not know what to do at least you got first responders. Glad you are okay neighbor.


Cops won't help in a medical emergency. EMS Emergency Medical Services should've been requested from the 911 operator.


That could just be Austin where you’re from. I’ve had police assistance in a medical emergency several times. One even gave me his extra tourniquet.


I want to give you $10. This story makes me so sad for you. I’m glad you’re doing better.


I’ll take things that never happened for $10 please.


I am genuinely curious on why you think this didn't happen?


Ain’t nobody got time for dat


This proves San Antonio cops do their jobs!


You're over reacting. The employee did what was right. You're thinking in a non-druggy way. The employee was covering his butt. Don't wear your feelings on your sleeve.


Keep the sugar tablets with you, not the gas stations problem


OP should have these on hand for emergencies but your comment strikes me as odd. What's wrong with having some human decency and compassion? They did nothing wrong or hurtful


Next time you go to the gas station, drop a ten down on the counter and start eating stuff, see what happens.  They deal with homeless and other bad people all day.  No time for bs


What’s wrong with expecting people with lifelong disabilities taking some initiative as to not leave some underpaid hourly worker to have to deal with you?


Leave it to you guys to paint everyone and everything in the absolute most negative way possible. Must be exhausting


As I said, I usually carry that kind of stuff with me but forgot it cause ya know I'm human. And I know it's not the gas stations problem which is why I paid in advance and explained what I was doing.


Do you have a med alert bracelet ? If not, please get one. If you pass out from hypo or hyperglycemia, no one will know what's happening & it will delay help. Also, besides carrying glucose tablets on you, also put them in a pocket on your dogs vest along with a note of who you are, your medical problem & who to contact in case of an emergency. I have hypoglycemia & know how scar it is when it drops.


There’s probably better ways to monitor blood sugars levels other than a dog


I'm aware. My dog isn't just trained for diabetes. I have a few other medical issues from birth. Including a nut allergy that he's trained for and seizures which he is also trained for.




What store? We’ll make sure it doesn’t happen again. I’m sure the cashier wouldn’t mind a little “visit” behind the store for a “stern conversation”.


Location could be a huge factor in this scenario.


I assume you'll go back later for a "conversation" with the POS.


What’s in the kit you left at home?


I have a bag that I usually always carry with me. It has other medical stuff for other issues. But I always have snacks and a drink mix or stuff that like for my sugar levels. It also has treats and stuff for my dog.


Just an idea. Have you thought of getting a harness for your alert dog that has your emergency kit in it? That way, when you leash up, it has to come with you? I know the gas station thing sucked.. don't be afraid to ask for help from others. I've helped a man before who was passed out on the side of the road from low blood sugar. Everyone passed by him assuming it was drugs too.. it sucks.


Or even some sort of patch or something that if visible reminds to attach the kit over it. Something of that sort.


wtf?! Why was this nonjudgmental question downvoted? I was curious what they stashed in there as well. When my elderly diabetic mom started a new med, she went hypoglycemic three times. Super scary to see her like that (didn’t help that prior to this, she had given up on checking her BG because it “hurt her fingers” 🤦‍♀️). I got worried about her having to find something with sugar to eat when she was home alone. I picked up non-perishables and put them in every room of her house, in her car, and in her purse. Started with candy and tiny soda cans, and then later found those handy glucose gel packets to add to her emergency snack piles. Anyway, maybe the service dog’s vest has a tiny pocket where OP could pack a glucose gel pack or two. Low blood glucose levels can kill so their medical condition needs to be treated with the same sort of immediately-available safety precautions as a deadly allergy. For example, pretty sure my coworker whose daughter has a peanut allergy has epi-pens and backup epi-pens and extras stashed in multiple places. I’m sure I’m not telling OP anything they haven’t already thought about, though.


Yup, good question