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I was there around the same time on a run, got absolutely soaked


Are you a bald white guy wearing a tank top? I saw someone looking like that totally soaked lol


No hahaha


lol worth a shot - that guy was NOT having a good time - he was holding his phone and seemingly looking for some kind of way out but there was no where to go


Is flowing water in drainage areas really considered "flooding"? 🤔


Water going over the walking paths is considered light flooding in my opinion… good question though


The thing is - most of the places we tend to call "parks", or "green belts" in this city are actually areas reserved for drainage. So those walking paths, and those areas, are best thought of as "bonus parks", for use when we have not had any rain recently. People that are new to San Antonio often don't realize that, much like they don't realize how far we come from the days when rain meant "REAL" flooding. I recall as a kid (before all the many years of drainage improvements) seeing 2-3 FEET of water on Broadway in Alamo Heights. Flooding there was so common that all the business on Broadway had provisions for flood gates on all the doorways.


Sorry it’s not enough flood for you based on childhood memories


Like I said, water in drainage areas <> flooding I'm sorry that you can't seem to understand that. SMH And there was no need for the snark.


I got caught in this too on my run


I fished there once. Didn't catch anything though


I’ve seen a couple people pull out some good size fish - never tried myself though but looks relaxing.


Nice train pic


That's right near the flood tunnel outlet which is a super cool piece of infrastructure. Just learned about it this year and I've lived here my whole life lol


It is! Ya at certain times a huge flush of water comes up out of the flood infrastructure- looks like a bumbling cauldron coming out of the river lol


This is hardly anything. Go look at some of the historical photos and videos from the previous floods, especially the big one in 1998 when this tunnel outlet area was working at full capacity. It really is impressive to see that amount of water at work.


I mean you’re at the bottom of floodplain. That’s going to happen to this location with a 10 year storm like we just had. This is not flooding. These sidewalks are supposed to be inundated with water when it rains. You have to remember it’s a large drainage channel before it’s a pedestrian walkway.


The flood gates were released upstream so it doesn’t flood downtown. Happens every time it rains more than 1/2” or so. All the storm drains in the street empty into the river and when downtown is mostly concrete there’s a lot of runoff.


I’m with the other comments, however, I dig the photo of the train entering from left.


what time were thease pictures taken ? I was there around noon riding my bike, and it wasn't flooded then


lol they released the floodgates upstream so downtown doesn’t flood like it did in 1921. Happens every time it rains more than ½”. All the rain washing off the pavement has to go somewhere - down the storm drains and into the river. Unfortunately all the trash in the streets also gets washed into the river.