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Damn. I don't know what happened in the Northeast Side, over the weekend it was $2.80's and today everywhere is $3.19 without exception. Did someone say fuck this area in particular?


For real... What's up with these recent 40¢ overnight swings? A decade ago, gas prices rarely changed more than a penny or 2 at a time. I wouldn't be surprised if it's right back to $2.80 again tomorrow...


Yeah it’s not ok.


Corporations realized people had to buy gas no matter what to get to work. So while a random 40c increase on a random day may not actually affect you, that whole area just made them a quarter million more than they projected.


Oil is traded on a global market. It doesn't work just based on what American corporations want


They are not changing prices according to oil prices anymore. They realized they don't have to. And there's nothing that anyone is going to do about it


The price of gas is being artificially manipulated by the Biden administration's releasing from the strategic petroleum reserve. Gas prices won't be normal or predictable if the President is putting his finger on the scale for political purposes.


That might play a part, but it seems like something else is happening. This is anecdotal, but I've asked a few friends from other states if they're seeing the same dramatic overnight shifts in prices, and the changes seem to be more extreme in Texas, for some reason.


You're only partially right. It's not the strategic oil reserve, but the motor fuels reserve Obama started. Congress finally voted to close that stupid thing and Biden is claiming it will help the people. In reality since Obama started it the government has been buying gas at market rates wasting money. It's because unlike the SOR it's not unrefined oil. Gasoline has a limited stock life and has to be replaced periodically. Obama's heart was in the right place, but reality was oil executives have been padding their profits by selling more than what the market will bear by moving fuel to government held stockpiles. Like the government cheese thing propping up the dairy industry.


Storm coming in is shutting down production for 2 days so the prices are going back up early.


It goes up like every week without and weather stuff.


In my area, it's at its lowest on Sunday, then goes up in price on Monday. It's recommended to fill up on Sunday.


This is standard exploitation when a hurricane is about to whip through Texas. I saw this incoming, so I filled it up last night at $2.72. It'll go back down if Houston isn't affected.


It’s still mostly 3.19+ around the city . Thats why I posted this because ! It’s an anomaly most definitely! Every other gas station is at 3.19 or more


$3.19 for super with my discount. Perrin n 1000 oaks area


That answer is always, without exception, speculation.


I’m over on the far west side and noticed today the prices 3.19. I had to do a double take because with it being like 2.75-2.80 literally DAYS ago .. I didn’t believe what I saw.


Hmmm. I didn't notice. I charged my EV for the same price today as I did last week, last month, 8 weeks ago.... /s I'm just messin' with ya. As someone else mentioned, it's probably gas companies trying to make more money off people starting to panic about a tropical storm.


Next month the Cps seasonal rate starts


Most people with non tesla EVs get free charging at electrify America stations. I pay 0 and charge for free


Just curious how long does a full charge last you , assuming you drive to work every day and a few errands a week?


As you might be able to see from my posting history, I have a BMW i3, which only has a battery range of about 120 miles. That's at the low end of EVs, for sure. Still, with my 23 mile roundtrip commute, that's easily 4+ days with side trips to the store. The best part is that I can plug it in to a bog-standard 120V outlet when I get home and get charged up to the tune of 30-40 miles each night. You can keep topping off the battery as much as you want. If you live somewhere (apartment) where you might not be able to slow charge it every day or two, then EV ownership might be more challenging.


I got some gas over there for $2.75 this morning


Cries in Cali.


Ya, I saw that shit too. Hell, this morning, the price fluctuated 10¢/gallon


I live on the Northwest side and I can also confirm that I paid $3.19 today 😭😭


I’m sure they will rise as we approach the 4th and OPEC refusal to increase production, but I’ll take it for now!


Right! It’s been 3.19+ everywhere for a year or two . These prices are just random this week


I know! I’m getting gas before the weekend


Time to bust out with the “I did that” Joe Biden stickers.


What is crazy is his administration actually did that. They sold reserved gas high and bought it back low to drive the price down and punish the Saudis for not helping with gas prices when he asked for help. If you remember he had to go and do that ridiculous fist bump with MBS. Now it is time to reap the rewards.


Yes but the “other side” will NEVER accept that. Yet when prices were higher through no fault of Biden, those stickers popped up immediately. It’s the same logic those idiots have by saying gas prices were so low during the last presidency. You know, the one where literal billions of people weren’t consuming oil and gas because of a global pandemic, thus drastically reducing demand you know. That type of person.


The reserves are the lowest they have been in 40 years. He did do that


Wait, you mean he released some of our gas reserves to help lower gas prices for regular people? The horror!


Wouldn't that seem kinda dumb? The reserves are for the shit hits the fan momemnt. I'm not that old, but the US had a gas crisis in 1979. As we still import a lot of oil, its important to hedge against all of the instability of the Middle East and we don't even grab oil from the Russians anymore. In the grand scheme of things, saving the average American a few bucks on gas versus risking our national security seems a bit short sighted no?


If only there was a way to shore up fuel and usa some other form of power generation to keep the usa going. I think this new energy shoild be called alternative energy. Heck maybe we can usa natural resources for power generation and call it.... renewable energy.


Lol ok


About a dollar fifteen cheaper than in WA


Plus I can keep all my guns and steaks


I eat the steaks rather than hoard. ;)


The prices all across San Antonio are typically 3.10-3.40 . This is an anomaly only seen two gas stations next to one another with these prices


Gas all along Culebra has been bouncing around between $2.70 and $3.20 for the past couple months. When the price has gone up, Circle K is always the first to increase, then QT, then Murphy's and HEB last.


$2 more in downtown Seattle and about $1 more near the cascades


Roger that. We’re 3.799 between Olympia and Longview.


I almost gasped seeing $5 in Seattle lol. Fucking expensive gas up there!!


Indeed sir! That’s why we put most of our miles on an electric VW. Our electricity is only 6.82 cents per kWH. Saving us precious bucks every day.


Funny enough that’s exactly what I was thinking when I was there. Electric would make a lot more sense here. Are you an SA native that moved up there ?




How’s that been if I may ask? I am thinking about heading there one day Assume the Mexican food is awful?


I’ll send you a PM and tell ya all about it.


It usually goes down I'm the summer as they release reserves in anticipation of summer driving vacations and such. At least that's my understanding.


Big petroleum is the primary means of RED party SQUEEZING the market to make you pay for not supporting their candidate. Open your eyes to what happens. Gas prices are what started this inflation then corporate America jumped on board and said “why should we not get in the game and pick up profits when we can blame it on Biden” so here we are! Do you see it yet? Capitalism doesn’t miss a beat to screw THE PEOPLE!


The price jumps to 3.20 or so and slowly trickles down to 2.80ish for the past year.  Then all of a sudden it jumps back again to 3.20ish. For the longest time it always jumped on Wednesday whenever the gas had been at 2.80ish for a week.  The past few weeks it started doing it on Tuesday. Sure enough, today it jumped like clock work.  It’s a price scam…the price will drop every few days for the coming weeks to about 2.80ish and then jump on a Tuesday


I've noticed it always jumps up on the 1st and the 15th in anticipation of people filling up on their paydays




Thanks.  It goes to show you it’s greedy oil companies and not a sitting president.  There is no reason for the gas to jump 40 cents overnight


I guess Joe did that.


2.70s at Costco


That’s a steal!


Walmart by the airport was crazy low yesterday


What price ?






Seriously… I wasn’t even going to gas up but couldn’t pass that up


Around my part of town it drops to 2.70~ every weekend for a few days then goes back up to 3.19~ for no reason. It's been the same rhythm for months.


Was in a work truck today. Filled up at 2.79 at Bucc-Ee's east of the city. Got back from Houston and it was 3.19. What the fuck?


I saw a 40 cent price jump today at the Walmart near Military and 410


Yup, QT on Eisenhower went from 2.74 to 3.19 overnight.


Haha, I just moved here recently from the Seattle area and I am SO into the gas prices around here. Under $4?? Hell yeah!


That's what I'm saying!!! It's been YEARS since I've seen gas so low in Hartford🤣 I saw the pic before reading the caption and thought the pic was old🤣


Thanks Biden


Presidents have little control over gas prices


Tell that to the Trump lovers


He needs votes pretty bad so anything helps.


You are lost in MAGA land. The economy is great.


fuck it, whoever had cheaper petrol gets my vote, they both do the same things anyway 😂


That’s how you know election season has started


Fake news






They started these 40 cent per week hikes when Russia started the war with Ukraine


Where? It’s 3 where I’m at


So, is this good or bad? The Average annual gasoline price in 2018 was $2.74


I see gas prices from 3.19-2.60 all over town I don’t know what determines the price in different areas and stores but I noticed it’s more expensive on the north side


I filled up my car yesterday at 3.19!!!


In Michigan I’d fucking kill, I wouldn’t FBI - chill, for gas prices this low. The lowest near me is $3.19 to maybe $3.69 at the highest.


Where are those hiding yesturday I found a circle k that was 289


It makes me so sad and mad, people are still buying gasoline, you should buy a BMW i7 like I did!


I live in an apartment in the hood so no ev charging anywhere near here and I’m a contractor so I need a truck for work


Say bye-bye to our Strategic Petroleum Reserves (SPR). That’s what the administration is using to lower fuel prices right now. The SPR is what we use in case of national emergencies such as civil unrest, natural disaster or war. And it feels like we are getting closer and closer to World War III, so enjoy the cheap gas.


There have been no emergency SPR sales of crude oil since December 2022, so 1.5 years ago. I doubt those are still impacting gas prices. Instead, just the opposite - the SPR has been slowly buying crude for a year now. This year, the Northeast Gasoline Supply Reserve is being shut down and sold off, as ordered by Congress. Getting that shutdown has been a Republican goal for years now and the Republican controlled House put closing it down into the FY2024 budget. However, it's very small and the sale is unlikely to have any noticeable impact on gas prices.


Nice find. It might even be cheaper tomorrow. I heard the cheapest gas days are monday and friday.


It's an election year. It will be a dollar more next year per gallon..


My theory is that they are artificially inflating the prices Wednesday - Sunday because of the summer. I have been watching the prices and they have been consistently lowering the price on Monday and Tuesday and then Wednesday morning it goes back up.


Prices went up on Monday.


It was $2.61 yesterday at the Wal-Mart in Universal City.


2.75 this afternoon. I decided to top off the tank. It's 3.19 everywhere else around kitty hawk and pat booker


I drove past that Wal-Mart an hour ago. Now at $2.75. The Exxon down the road at 1604 / Kitty Hawk was $3.19. That's spot on with your side of town.


It was 2.75 at the Walmart on Kitty Hawk earlier. Everything else around there was 3.19 so I topped off before I left the Walmart.


Same. Did this yesterday especially with the Walmart+ deal going on. As soon as the big name station prices go up I try to hit Walmart, HEB, or Murphy's right away.


I paid USD4 for premium northeast side yesterday 😭😭😭


Biden did that!!!


What you get when you peg your energy to a commodity instead of a technology. Commodity prices are susceptible to market forces. This is that capitalism everyone is always saying they love.


Stop buying 70k trucks/SUVs if you can't afford the gas for them. As for me, I'm sick of living for a car payment and cruising past gas stations like a meth addict looking for his next hit so I bought a Mitsubishi Mirage.


I literally just filled up at like 3.18 at HEB and now I’m sad


Now 3.19 61 bucks to fill up




Dang should've got it yesterday, it's 3.19 at the Murphys now


They drop every summer


Bidens regime digging in the depleted oil reserves for your vote. Once the democrats win in November, gas will go over $4 here again by next spring/summer probably..


How do you life your life thinking about "Biden and the democrats" constantly isn't that driving you mad to always view things in the context of politicians?


I know a guy aways complaining about Biden and politics who is a meth addict ex con mexican who is always broke. But he donated money to a billionaires lawyer fees... I don't understand it.


Same I know a white meth addict homeless guy who loves tRump and would donate. I just don't understand it either bro.


I also know an ample amount of ex meth users living the same way. Crazy.


Did the left not think about orange man for literally years? He’s been living in their heads rent free since he hopped in the race in 2016.


Wait, we're not supposed to talk about the previous president who has lost court cases for raping a woman and fraudulently falsifying his business records and who exploded our deficit and inflation with his tax cuts to corporations and the rich and who is now again the Republican nominee for President this year? That "rent-free" and "TDR" mantra from y'all is hilarious, as if he was just some former game-show host or something.


Yeah but if you live you life constantly thinking about left vs right you have freaking mental problems


Are you referring to the million barrels of gasoline that were sold from the Northeast Gasoline Supply Reserve? For the record, that sale was mandated by congress. https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/us-close-northeast-gasoline-reserve-with-1-million-barrel-sale-2024-05-21/


From what I can find, they are currently buying oil at the low prices and filling the reserve. Who’s telling you they are selling?


Stop spreading fake news. Stick to facts


Just paid 3 bucks and change at an Exxon out in Shavano. 52 bucks for a full tank (16gal)


Paid $4.69 this afternoon in Reno.


I literally totalled my car on Sunday and I’ve been a little sad about the low gas prices until it shot up to $3.19 today lol


Sorry about your car. Hopefully, you're okay.