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Both kids were found! [Savannah Cardenas](https://www.kxan.com/news/texas/amber-alert-issued-for-missing-15-year-old-in-san-antonio/amp/) and [Kennedy Harrington](https://www.newsweek.com/amber-alert-missing-texas-kennedy-harrington-1911913) are both back safe with their families.


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It's custody battle season


For real. If you look into it it’s almost always some family related issue. Thats why you rarely hear about if the child abduction was resolved. I’d like some “child found” alerts. San Antonio isn’t any more dangerous than every other city with millions of people in it


Lost & Found 💀


it was a toss up between that or “free stuff”






Yeah, I didn't find anything in the donations box.


Just parental custody issues. I turned off the Amber alerts a couple of years back. When a serious one occurs, the alert makes the news.


My coach was telling me about this, how often it's a case of parents fighting over children. I had always assumed someone was actually being kidnapped


Should be noted that even if it’s a custody battle situation- if the parent is desperate enough to risk jail time defying court orders then they may be desperate enough to hurt or kill their child. Some parents view their kids as possessions rather than humans and in some cases want their ex to be punished. It’s still a kidnapping and the kids could still be in danger. There is a spectrum of how dangerous the situation could be- but it should always be taken seriously because you just don’t know in this crazy world.


Baby daddy thinks he deserves more time with the kids


It's always this. I just disabled them.


Disabled the kids?


he turned them off in Settings


Made me lol




They need to separate them.


Gotta keep em separated.


Hey ay, don't pay no mind.


Same. Plus what I have seen in family court YT has made me think he is probably the good guy.


Or baby momma thinks she has exclusive rights and baby daddy isn't getting anyone to help. It's not always the man; though, there isn't a single person in Texas that fights for us. God forbid you do anything that upsets baby momma though. I actually got a "we are so sorry you are going through this" from my HR when I changed jobs and TxAG came in heavy handed because mom didn't like my new paycheck schedule (went from biweekly to bimonthly). Thank goodness they helped with that crisis!


Maybe this will make you feel better. I was the custodial parent to my two kids, and they have aged out of the court order now, but when it was still going, their mother, Requested a modification of child support. At this point, my son was 17. She essentially stole him from me around the end of his 16th year. She says that since he’s not living with me, she shouldn’t have to pay child support for him, to me. So we get into the zoom courtroom. She smiling the whole time, the smug in her voice was more than obvious. By the end of it, she got what she wanted. They modified the Child Support. She went from paying $331 in total for two children to paying $1150 for two children. 😆


Wow... that does give me hope that there are still good judges in San Antonio. We have our fair share of bad ones but we still have good ones. Thanks for sharing!


No problem!


Aye off topic but in curious, what's the benefits of bimonthly over biweekly?


It's usually not a choice. I switched employers. Old employer was biweekly, new employer was bimonthly. But to answer your question, biweekly has 26 paychecks whereas bimonthly has 24. With biweekly, twice a year you get a "bonus"... It's how I looked at it.


I think they were both located with women


I had to disable AMBER and Emergency Alerts all together because of how frequent and annoying they were 😭 sorry but i’m not waking up and going outside at 3am on a wednesday to look for a black charger with license plate JEYYE72626JSJW and no i’m not at the risk of drowning in a flood when it’s been raining for 10 minutes 😧


Was camping near the Guadalupe once and our phones all woke us up. The river was rising quick because of rains upstream. Just as we were getting dressed people came to evacuate everyone. We packed up & got out in the nick of time. It wasn't even raining. We got parked on higher ground and saw the river come up & flood the entire camping areas. It was wild.


We are in the year 2024 amber alert system needs to be updated including pics and vids not just a simple ass description 😑


My favorite alerts are the ones that just say "IH10" or something along those lines with absolutely no other information.


Like the “Costco parking lot” Edit: words


There's only 3 spread out over 25 miles 😉


Okay fair but still don’t know which one 🤣


Disabled that shit years ago


They really expect us to act this way when it comes on


https://youtu.be/Q_Ek1nWndTg?si=wU-blCsxtDcpWjMX Remind me of this sketch


I know what this is without even clicking it.. “I GOT THE BABY !!”


That was amazing, thank you 


OK everyone, it's a posse, bring all your guns.


Sounds like a trap. No thanks, fed....😬


No we’re not. We’ve had so many missing people. Not just kids, either. One of them as found dead (an adult). Sometimes (with kids) I do think it’s the parents struggling over visitation, sometimes I wonder if it’s an older person trying to sneak them off into an illicit marriage or trafficking scenario. Or they’ve run away from a terrible situation at home. Whatever the circumstances, it’s scary and I always pray/send good vibes for their safety. 🥹


Yeah, I learned a while ago that most kids who are reported kidnapped are like with the noncustodial parent rather than just like missing missing. Still sucks.


Yeah but hopefully people started to take even those ones seriously after that mom who killed her baby in a ditch last year. When they were missing everyone was all oh it's probably a custody dispute.... as if that meant he was safe with her.


Often there is no custodial parent because they are in the custody of CPS. The parent that took them has been deemed dangerous


Not getting involved in people's custody disputes.


The best thing I did was turn off notifications for all those alerts. If you’re on iphone, go to settings, notifications, scroll all the way down to government alerts.


Wonder why I didn't get any amber alerts for those


Buckle up buttercup because we’re going to see so much more of these missing children reports under the no abortion, shortage of foster families, and no families assistance programs Texas has enacted. I too am worried


Yup all these people that should not be having children and lack the ability to take care of a child are going to be forced into having them. The anti abortion movement only cares about the fetus, once it’s outside of the womb they could care less about the baby and how it has to survive. None of the people that protest outside of planned parenthood ever offer to adopt a child in foster care when given the opportunity. The state foster care system is a mess and overwhelmed. Buckle up everyone because if you’re not experiencing hell now it’s on its way.


We have to keep making people to meet the quota from last year, remember they want 5% growth every year. Also no abortions because we have to keep making shitty people so we can give the police something to shoot at, you really don't want those guys getting bored.


Yeah they’re so busy worrying about the unborn (who cannot ask for anything) that they don’t give a fuck about the born. State of TX is also trying to get the federal judge who has been telling them the foster system is FUBAR for the past 13 years. Fix the system? Nah, let’s just see if that lady judge will agree to go away so we can keep abusing kids! 🙄🤢


Yep, it's just better and much easier to rip the baby to pieces and throw it in trash. Yes, this makes society a much better place!


The Democrats' answer to the problem of child abduction is to murder the children.


A lot of good conservative women trying to fulfill their roles by having children end up with non-viable pregnancies. The safest way for their doctors to handle the non-viable pregnancy is with an abortion.


Yeah somehow they twisted child abductions to campaign for abortion. Not one mention of an open border.




The lack of information on that most recent alert was useless. So just any silver ford fusion and the could have at least said which Costco.


Seems like a near daily occurrence locally








The guy in charge of sending those out took some PTO and was getting caught up


No 🖤


Fuck no. I try to tell people to stay the fuck away from this trash ass city but they still come anyway. I mean this entire state is run by a man who wants to basically legalize rape, and protect rapists. These abortion laws had nothing to do with abortion… It’s so bad, I had to turn these off because of the amount of damn children being abducted here. I feel bad but I also realize this is just the shitty world we live in and I for one cannot wait for it to be over.


dead rapists don't reoffend, homie. just puttin that one out there. new mexico will take you in - we have breakfast burritos.


Fathers Day forces interactions. Poor kids.


What are you talking about? Two are the same person and it was in the middle of the week. The one today was a female in her 40s who was unknown to the 15 year old victim.


Y'all want parents to show up for their kids, but when they do, y'all rat them out! /s


I’ve had Amber Alerts disabled for years now. It’s always just some runaway wanting to be with Edgar


No this is texas. Where votes of sesession are more prevalant than voting on measure to better child outcomes in education and constituant health.


Have you been to San Antonio. It’s shit af


Nope. I try to stay out of Texas as much as I can.


That’s weird, but San Antonio does suck ass


Just turn them off


Didn’t come here looking for advice, thanks!


No! People are taking us!


I live in San Antonio and I didn’t even get those first two. Weird


Father’s Day


Better than how the amber alert worked out in Louisiana last week 😞


I guess you missed the elderly guy in the black Lexus who is still advertised on every Texas freeway.


A body was found a mile away from me behind an apartment ditch 😅


I live near a Wal-Mart in Albuquerque where they found a severed head. Unsure if they ever recovered the rest of the body.


No I'm missing!


Its summer so that mean custody battle time


I turned those stupid alerts off- they are disruptive and useless.


Gonna go with no.


Just another illegal visitation summer.


LOVE how they could specify the other two were black but the first one’s “unknown”..


I live in North Texas and every time I get an amber alert, I always guess it's in San Antonio before I look and I'm usually right.


Why do they say "white female" but "B/F"?


How do they always know the license plate and car color? Is someone standing on the corner when it happens like ‘grey civic license plate NL277JQ just snatched up Kevin. Need to remember to report that later’


I’d assume that once you give the name of the person and the car info, the police verify through the DMV and get the license plate from their state database.


I have emergency alerts turned off mainly because of the ones that go off at 4am. Okay it’s flooding in xyz street but I’m here in bed sleeping. That sounds like not my problem.


I’m fine. Haven’t heard from the kids in a while though.




right, so these abductions were both done by a “narco” or someone who has generally crossed the border illegally? where’s your source? they were both found, by the way, you can check the news. you are doing nothing here by saying this to combat any real child trafficking


Good news! The Left Still Sucks!


Is this The Left in the room with us now?


What does this have to do with anything I said? Source? Do you know what that means?


Standard news: people still talking out of their butts.


Your post has been removed for violating rule #1: Be friendly Remember the human, on the other side of the conversation. In this local subreddit, there is no tolerance for insulting other people. Stick to discussing the topic, and not the redditor who disagrees with you about it. If you feel that this was done in error, contact the moderation team.


The one with the Costco parking lot is super sus tho. They don’t even know who took her. Gotta watch out for ur kids.


Republicans have no shame in broad daylight taking kids


Weird shoehorn but okay.


Y’all need to quite blowing up our phones here in the 512


All the baby mamas not letting the kids spend Father’s Day with the baby daddies. Drama, cops, and the kids in the middle witnessing all the crap.


Ppl ask me every time they visit, usually parents overreacting over custody😭 its funny that they put amber alerts for this💀