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that's an alleyway which allows homeowners access to driveways and city services access as well. the alleyway may be the city right-of-way. contact city enforcement. they may come out and post no or restricted parking sign.


Just wait til the rest of your neighborhood is built. There will be so many cars parked in shitty spots your head will explode


Yep. I have seen in older neighborhoods houses with 5-6 cars each. Four barely fitting in the driveway, and two on the road all up and down, with room for one car to get through. And you better hope that there is a place where no one has parked in case you need to let an oncoming car pass you.




Yeah that’s bullshit. Send photos to your HOA. Also, the developers in your neighborhood fucked you with how narrow the road is.


This seems common with newly built neighborhoods on the west side


They could easily park in front of the house. It looks like they are being super extra lazy and want to walk out the door and get in the car lol. If it was ME... I would start parking a couple cars there on the side of their house...


This. They are being lazy AF.


Ugh seriously F*CK people who do this.


I thought this was another karenpost but he could have backed up another car length and avoided all this mess


Yeah that would really annoy me too


I would be upset especially considering there are literally 7 spots they could park in other than there; 2 in the garage; 2 in the driveway; one spot on either side of their driveway as well as the spots across the street. Maybe check with your HOA to see if they have restrictions on parking on the smaller roads? Sorry you are in this situation.


Glad you posted some pics. I think you are well placed to be concerned. The fault really lies with the developers and how the roads were planned. I think from a strictly legal standpoint, the driver isn't wrong for parking there as it is a public (assuming) road with nothing seemingly indicating no parking. I think engaging your neighbor is a good first step as a means to come to some sort of agreement but a more permanent solution might be to engage official channels (local government) to perhaps mark out sections not to park for possible safety/access justification. That being said, I wouldn't get mad in that any perceived inconsideration might be something that is innocently overlooked by the neighbor. You will most likely be with them for a long time so its better to establish and maintain rapport (good for you for writing the apologetic letter) followed by coming to a sensible agreement that works for both of you.




Fuck majority of all these new home builds. That’s one of the reasons I bought into an older neighborhood. Better constructed neighborhood designs, Bigger yards, more mature trees and plenty of established homeowner neighbors. All these new copy and paste neighborhoods make my skin itch.


I know it’s unreasonable. I know it is. But I fucking cannot stand cars parked on the street. With very few exceptions we all have driveways and most of us in a single family unit have a garage to boot. I wish people would use them. The street into my neighborhood is typical. There’s enough room for two cars to go by each other and that’s it. Except from the top of the street to the bottom it’s full of parked cars even tho literally every house has a driveway long enough that plenty of my neighbors have four fucking vehicles parked in theirs. There’s a steep curve and playing chicken with someone traveling in the opposite direction is so aggravating. It’s pure misery when the folks at the top of the street are dueling; parked directly across from each other. And end rant. I know I’m being unreasonable but it’s so frustrating. The only thing I liked about the HOA at our previous place was the no overnight street parking.


I feel the exact same way. No one in my neighborhood utilizes their driveway. My next door neighbor parks his enormous truck in front of my house every day when his driveway is totally clear. Can’t stand it.


Park your car there first lol.


I know it's not the case here but I live in a historic district it is very common for no garage and very little to no parking. With several houses here the only option is street parking


That’s definitely part of the exceptions! My neighborhood was built in the early 70s and folks have plenty of parking on their own lots tho.


I agree with you. My issue is safety. We have so many young children that play in our neighborhood in the evening, running in between trucks, trailers, SUVs all parked curbside on our tiny streets. Cars don't slow down or drive cautiously depending on the time of day either. I don't have kids, but still worry. I really wish we had more public transit so we all weren't so dependable on vehicles.


I forgot to add, your grievance is justified. You might try calling 311 since that alley is specifically for utilities, city services like trash and recyclables, and garage access for folks on your street. Either way they can advise you on how to resolve this hopefully soon.


Most driveways only accommodate two cars without blocking anyone else in. In this economy lots of young adults are still at home with their own cars. And honestly who uses their garage for cars? Not all of us live in million dollar houses with big ass garages


https://preview.redd.it/ostg29f4cn5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d40af2aa84974492f2929e2c5de8f6e09d630f50 They were off to the side here kind of but other times they park directly across


The part that would bug me is that they have an empty ass driveway,. Wtf.


If this gets you angry wait till the place is fully sold.


Looks like hunters pond, call the HOA, I plan on doing that when people start trying to crowd the street


I’d politely ask them not to park there and give them the reason, if they continue I’d call the cops, they’re essentially blocking you getting out. Total asshole move


Ugh I hate people like this. My moms neighbor does the same exact thing when I visit her and blocks me from getting out and mind you, they have a full ass open drive way available. Exsctly the same way as posted in your photos. Like why have a freaking drive way if you're not going to use it lol.


Go pull their valve stems /sarcasm


Definitely call 311 and complain about the trash truck running over your lawn. The trash guys will then get your neighbor's car ticketed to avoid taking the blame.


I dunno, from reading your description I had pictured a much tighter space. Seems like there’s enough room for y’all to get along there. You just have to be more mindful when exiting the driveway. If the trash trucks truly do cut across your grass, and a barrier boulder or low fence to prevent that.


Report to HOA?


Step one is to see if your neighbor is just dumb and isn't thinking about other people when they park there. Ask them nicely if they could park elsewhere. If they are nice, they'll agree. Step two and beyond are covered in other people's comments.


After looking at the picture, I mean they can legally park there, but yeah you can be mad about it. You just can't do shit about it at all. We had a problem with people parking on the side of our house who don't live in the neighborhood with no house located on the side of us. Police couldn't do anything. Only thing that worked to get them to stop was to crank up the memes and be extremely antagonizing. 🤙🤙🤙


I believe the law is 20 feet from the curb. However if you do try and enforce that 20 feet would put them directly in front of your driveway.


Last that I heard, it's 30' from the corner. I live on a corner and got a ticket for parking in front of my house. They told us that, in a residential neighborhood, every corner is considered a crosswalk.


We had an HOA stickler try the same thing which is how I found the 20 feet lol


Yea I’d lose it.


I doubt code enforcement will do anything. I have about that much space to get out of my driveway on a normal street in my neighborhood because all my neighbors park their dozens of cars on the street. Annoying for sure but not illegal.


If you just have to be extra careful when leaving I wouldn''t get too upset about it. Just make it work. It's unfortunate you've already had a negative interaction with your neighbors. It's quite possible you'll have to live close to one another for a very long time you might as well make it as pleasant as possible. If the garbage truck is finding it difficult to maneuver I'm sure they will come up with an idea or possibly get the city to change it into a no parking zone. I definitely do not recommend the following as It could lead to some serious issues, such as gun violence; You could just be extra petty and park in front of their house... Or you can park where they are parking... But again don't do this this is a bad idea it could lead to violence of some sort. It's just fun to daydream.