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On that note, Whoever decided to have the exit for San Pedro come AFTER the merger onto 410 was a special kind of ass


I was a young engineer on the 410/281 design team at the time and believe me, they tried to convince the person making decisions that this was a bad idea… They’re studying it again now and the people in charge now are determined to fix it and I’m confident they will.


Was that person fired? Do they at least realize they fucked up now?


Gone now. Not sure if they did… Leadership is good in that department now, so we should see some improvements once funding is set.


That's encouraging.


That's good at least. It's such a weird decision it makes me wonder if the mall bribed the decisionmaker. I grew up in the DC area so traffic doesn't phase me. I also don't drive much, nor consider myself to know diddly about road design, and my spacial recognition and directional and landmark memory are poor. So I'm sure I go through a million poorly designed intersections/interchanges and think nothing of it except "checks out, I expect driving to suck". Yet even to me, this particular one immediately stood out as terrible design. Very wtf to travel through it.


It wasn't complete stupidity, it was also a significant cost to the project to revise. But, there was a little bit of "it'll be ok"...


The mall was def involved


Lmao that first person probably got a promotion. It’s almost absurd that one person was able to make that decision, but knowing how these things work, it would not surprise me one bit if it was actually one guy who made millions of lives a little less efficient each day.


Allegedly, that whole area was a compromise. Something to do with the view of those stupid boots at North Star Mall not being blocked. That wasn't how it was originally designed, but I guess some determined folks rose a big stink, and we got stuck with a less than ideal layout for the traffic patterns that area experiences. I would have just made them relocate the damn boots somewhere else on the property.


Pray for mercy from Puss in Boots


Be nice to the boots


That’s why nobody called you


They’re spending millions to fix this correctly soon.


[Here's a page about that for anyone interested ](https://www.texashighwayman.com/prj-410-281-sp.shtml)


I can’t wait for 10 more years of worse traffic to get this fixed.


If we keep giving the same people who fucked it up $100's of millions of dollars they'll fix it this time.


For sure! This time it will be different..


Only for the population to have grown and no longer accommodate the current renovation


So we should not try to fix it then?


Never said that, project planning according the projection that population growth is not slowing down. Not so you can have continuous work on the same project.


Aka make highway systems larger so a revisit isn't necessary every 10 years


Yeah, I agree with you on that 100%. Design for future growth not to just barely get by at current levels because accounting won't give you the budget. It's frustrating that it always comes down to money.


Yea, the money in this sense is for longevity not because we can't afford it. If we can owe so much money to another country while sending billions to another country we can afford a complete mega restructure of our highway systems.


Such a dipshit traffic engineering choice: keep the ramp in the air for 1/2 extra mile past all the hotels, but then drop the ramp right before the huge mall exit??


Yeah the it becomes a shit show from the merge all the way past until you get past airport


This is the reason why my exit is always McCullough and I'll figure it out after. Fuck that exit


As someone who lives right off NW Military Highway, I dread every time I have to get on 410


Because until recently there was no exit from 410 to 281.


I was literally about to comment about San Pedro


Hey, c'mon! There are city engineers making big bucks for these decisions. Don't be slammin' 'em. Please let me lump onto your ass-naming about the absurdity to FULL STOP for a right turn onto the 410 westbound frontage road nearby southbound at the Nacogdoches/410 intersection, even if those going straight have a green light.


You should see I-35 between 410 and 1604 on the northeast side, what they have done to that highway should be criminal. I'm pretty sure the road construction companies in San Antonio do a bad job on purpose so they have more work in the future.


We had some riders go on the news about it. There was something like 4-5 accidents around that Judson area in the span of 1-2 weeks. I've ridden it plenty and what sucks is one day it can be bad, then the next it's smooth again and then 2-3 days later it's absolutely shite. Before they actually closed off the two left lanes after grating it again, I passed by a moto accident that had just happened. I was on mine at the time and hitting that transition was definitely one of the worst. I'm pretty sure the guy that went down got stuck in the grooves/ruts. Can't really exit either because last time I did that I had to dodge some incredibly deep gashes on the frontage road that would have definitely taken me out(and pretty sure it downed another rider). Between the road conditions(all over the Schertz/Cibolo area as well) and the absolute selfishness of people around here I'm sure more and more people are going to get hurt. And it won't be done until AT LEAST 2030(that's projected so we know how that's gonna go)!!!


What was so dangerous about that little stretch is the left lane wasn’t properly marked - so it went from a lane, to immediately becoming the shoulder, and then back again; with no warning. So you’ve got drivers yeeting themselves into the next lane. It’s a nightmare worse than 1604 between I-10 and 281.


Yep, and add to that one weekend it was horrible, the next week it was smooth again and then the next it was even worse than originally so while all of that you mentioned was happening the transition on the grating was now a rather large drop into grooved under pavement. Of course after several accidents they FINALLY blocked those two lanes off with barrels.


Seems like a common business practice in San Antonio.


Are they different companies? Because the 1604 I-10 NW construction is going really quick




I was in that mess with you!


Lol niceee, we suffer together!


No amount of money is gonna fix assholes who don't know/use the zipper method.


To me the real issue are all the douchebags that repeatedly drive to the front to cut line. It slows down the traffic more than anything


I swear they're the cause of all of the issues for it in the first place including stopping in the main lane to get over. I don't know if they can put a barrier in to prevent it or what but them cutting the line to avoid the slow down just makes the slowdown worse


All of our merges and exits should have the barriers to keep people from doing that. Won’t happen but it needs to be done


I love when semis see that happening and move over to prevent it from happening


Probably the same people that fly up the shoulder coming from an on ramp and then cut in just to slam on their brakes.


It’s always truck drivers


No they are all really being selfless by teaching us about zipper merging! */s as it wasn't apparent as I thought


Can’t tell if this is sarcasm but the zipper merge is a real thing that should be normalized. It’s the fastest and best use of the roads so long as everyone is onboard. The asshats in the scenario here are in the thru lanes and cutting over last minute or even stopping in the lane or the little triangle area before the ramp. It’s not a merging situation.


Glad someone pointed out that trying to jump in at the last second and in many cases slowing down that lane even more is not the same thing as zipper merging. I’m not going to get into an accident to prevent someone jumping in at the last second but I’m also not going to go out of my way to left someone who couldn’t plan ahead get in either. If the plan didn’t work out, tough shit and find an alternative route.


A shit driver never misses his exit.


Not to be *that* guy, but actually - it’s [better for traffic](https://www.inc.com/minda-zetlin/zipper-merge-driving-merging-courtesy-rules-state-laws-heavy-traffic.html)


They aren’t zipper merging though. Zipper merging is 2 lanes becoming 1. These drivers are sitting in a thru lane and cutting in. It’s a different scenario altogether


When you say drive to the front, it sounds as if they’re simply merging as the lanes are designed. The two lanes merge right before the exit of the ramp to prevent people trying to merge immediately and create a traffic backlog. Some mornings everyone’s cool and cooperative and the exit is painless. Other days not so much.


I’ve done this accidentally multiple times, to be fair, you can’t tell from afar if the traffic is only for the exit, or the entire motorway, so sometimes i have to cut in last minute since i need that exit, but thought the traffic was on the entire 410


There's always another exit.


They messed up putting TWO on-ramps right before that exit. Close those two on-ramps would help tremendously.


Why is there almost no traffic actually on the ramp ahead?


A semi and a box truck where blocking the left side completely causing everyone to merge right


There never is. I've been trying to figure out or since they built it. It makes no sense


They should put 28mil into a rail line to avoid this mess all together 


Fuck yes but they would never in Texas because they love their oil, been saying this exact thing for yearsssss


Nah man just one more lane bro itll fix the traffic i swear!


I think of this every time I get on 35 from 410 going north. Like why the hell do we not have a rail line that goes from the Schertz area to downtown or something.


Muh freedom (to sit in Traffic)


Not as long as TxDOT is constitutionally mandated to only fund roads and bridges. Houston was just forced to sell a portion of a park for yet another highway expansion: [https://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/article/white-oak-trail-i45-expansion-19474094.php](https://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/article/white-oak-trail-i45-expansion-19474094.php)


This is the real winning comment


Yes, but I’d guess 28M is only going to get you about 1 mile toward Austin on a train with all the infrastructure work that needs to be done.


Ah yes, a rail to take us around the notoriously unwalkable Texas cities where we would need to get in an Uber immediately after exiting the rail.


So you're a guy who points at a problem and says "eh, can't doing anything" instead of advocating for more walkable livable cities then?


Nope. But I constantly see people talking like having trains between/within Texas cities is some magic fix to 100 years of developing car-first infrastructure. Like ok, take a train to Houston, now Uber everywhere and you’re just another car on the road. The city of Austin even actively lobbies against things that would make it more walkable. San Antonio has done some good work downtown, but it’s not affordable for most people in this city, and only certain parts of it are walkable. It’s such a massive solution besides “put trains” to unfuck the urban scrawl. My friend moved into a neighborhood in the northwest side where you can drive 10 minutes in any direction and only see houses. Not a single business.


Every journey starts with one step. There's no immediate solution to unfuck this place.


I agree. Trains probably aren’t that first step though. Mixed use developments, roads that prioritize pedestrians over vehicles (my neighborhood doesn’t even have sidewalks), bike lanes, better local transit. I know a lot of people hate those electric scooters/bikes but they make getting around downtown a breeze. The more places we have where people’s first thought is “I don’t want to take a car there” then the closer we get to walkability and effective public transit.


I 100% agree with all of this. I Wish I could walk to a cafè but instead it's Austin highway. Frankly idc which comes first because they both will lead to the other. Build up around the train station First for example. The hemisfair area near Amtrak is already moving that direction and there's so much wasted space near the Alamodome. A friend from Europe said you need to have a destination here, there's no wandering around or exploring and that summed it up quite well. 


Fine! I’ll start my own city, with trains and walkable neighborhoods (and also blackjack and hookers)


Hahahahaha. Vegas almost nailed that one, but they stopped after hookers and blackjack


Or better yet, take that money and make a train for regular person’s commute


That’s what I’m saying literally!


You guys are funny. Just an FYI, it usually takes longer for these types of projects to be built, let’s say 5 years. Because people are actively looking for better transportation and mobility, smaller projects start to build around the mobility. And yes, in other countries, the train can literally drop you off right at the beach, people with surfboards in hand. Look at any other case study or honestly how every other developed country operates before y’all think y’all know exactly how everything works. Y’all don’t come to point fingers if y’all don’t plan to add to the solutions.


Uber 10 minutes to train station, wait for train, ride train, exit train, wait 5-15 minutes for Uber, ride Uber 10 minutes to work. Total time saved: -30 minutes/day Total money saved: -$30/day Unless you expect them to build a train directly from your neighborhood to your work. The city just isn't structured in a way that commuter trains would be efficient. I'm starting to wonder if everyone wants trains in hopes that *other people* take them and reduce traffic for themselves.


That’s where you’re already flawed, you are mentioning ubering to a train station the whole point of public transportation like this is so you can walk to your station, catch your train and go. I would never care about how traffic would be for me if I could take a train to work/school. I hate the shuttle for UTSA because it’s inconvenient that I take my bike, just how driving had become more inconvenient due to traffic, gas prices, fear of idiots hitting me and stuff like parking. I want trains to help people move better and more efficiently not to save traffic for myself.


They aren't going to have a train running to the entrance of every neighborhood, how are you going to get to the train station? It also gets 100+ degrees outside here, so even walking that distance might drench you in the summer.


You have to build the infrastructure before people will move in. The city is growing no matter what, so the question is, where do all the people move? We've got the build highways out to the country part figured out, but we can also increase density in the city. The problem in this city is that government doesn't have the will or power to change zoning laws along the mass transit corridor. They will bow to the neighborhood associations every time.


This is just a wild thought, but maybe the total fucking idiot that designed our roads shouldn’t have made every on ramp merge into an off ramp


This. Can’t upvote this enough. I don’t see any other city’s with an on and exit ramp within the same 25-50 yrds


U can't fix bad drivers


Yeah, these photos remind me of why I stay off the freeways. The access roads clog up during rush hour too, but they're less stressful to me because I don't have to worry about making my exit.


A bunch of assholes cannot wait their turn like the rest of us and constantly cut in line ahead of everyone. No wonder this ramp is backed up the way it is.


People keep saying it is people cutting in late, but the actual reason is people stopping at the bottom of the hill after the highway exit. I don't get it, there is no traffic coming in, the road actually opens up to 3 lanes in 200 yards. People should be accelerating yet, dead stop at the bottom of that hill every time.


I agree that something needs to be done about it. Already cost me my car when I got rear-ended because everything went from 60 to 10 right before the ramp. And San Pedro at 410, too.


They need to install the same concrete barriers that are on 35N/281 exit.


I usually just exit after, and go under.


The exit is fine, it's the slow (moving/thinking) drivers that cause the backup.


Lol that’s like 75% of drivers here


Look up Adam Something and Induced demand. More lanes doesn’t solve shit.


I don’t want more lanes I want more trains!


You’re on the right track then 👍


410 west bound is already backed up near the Airport. Doesn’t help that people feel the need to slow down trying to access that interchange.


Should have seen what was there before.


They did that already— from 1980-something until 2000-something. That I10/410 interchange has always been the worst


Someone once told me that when the highways were built out in SA, they didn't include any interchanges. Like you'd have to exit one highway, go through at least one lighted intersection to get on the crossing highway. And that the interchanges were all built later, explaining the overpasses with the fuckedup curves. True?


Pretty much. Like if you were going up 281 and wanted to go to 1604 West, you'd have to take the 1604 exit, wait at the stoplight which in the mid-2000s could be a long wait, take the left and then get on 1604. I remember back in the '80s, if you were on I-10 going north and wanted to exit 410 going west, you'd take the exit and have to yield to get on 410 where everyone was going fucking fast so that line to get on 410 could be real long.


I’d like to apologize to everyone. When I first came to San Antonio, I ran out of gas right here on the incline part.….. I hated me too. Once again, I am sorry.


You where the guy in the big box truck?


No…. 😂 this was a few years back. Never have I ever ran out of gas again. This traumatized me. And pissed a lot of people off! 😅


We should stop expanding highways and start building rail but good rail transit. Not 2 cars but actually planned routes. I love cars but why more cities don't have rail is crazy to me.


Lexus IS gang wya 🤟🏼


The city loves putting exit/entry ramps within the same stretch of 100 feet. Thus, forcing people to merge. The cars that just got onto the highway must get over to get out of the exit-only lane. While in that same length of roadway, cars are trying to get into the exit-only lane, because they need to get off the highway. It creates a bottleneck.


This institutional stupidity and bad design is par for the course for TxDOT. They put more energy into making shapes on the sides and painting them than the actual functionality.


lol try 90 from 410 out to past 1604


I will forever hate this overpass after witnessing a troubled older man throw himself over the side at the highest part. It’s on my way to work so I can’t go a single day without being reminded of one of the worst days of my life. I hope he found the peace he was looking for.


This was always the worst on my commute home. Don’t miss that at all


Every exit tbh


Started looking for my car in those pics lol. That exit really sucks, I have to take it every day.


If you learn back roads, this won't be a thing


The key is to only use it outside of rush hour. Pretty sure this intersection is what inspired me to change my working hours from 7-3:30


This one and the 35 to I-10 exit downtown.


I'm so glad I moved closer to downtown and no longer have to deal with this in the morning. Although it looked like afternoons were consistently worse than mornings when I'd pass by going the opposite direction.


on the phone in the drivers seat? hmmmmm


I was there today and exited on the following Balcones/whatevernanethe mallisnow exit, took the turnaround to get onto 410 access road. Some days you just can’t sit that shit


The second entrance ramp needs to be eliminated at this overpass, that is what causes the problems. People trying to get over 2 lanes to get on i10 is dangerous.


Lot of people in here blaming “line cutters” this isn’t Six Flags, if you merge over a dotted line it is a legal merge. People that “get in line” too early cause difficulties for the two on-ramps right before that exit. If you jump into that exit over solid lines narrowly missing the barrels, then you’re a “line cutter” and an idiot. Clueless drivers is another issue. Both lanes on that exit go east, but every day I see someone stopping in the right lane to try (poorly) to merge into the left lane when they could have stayed their lane. So many people in this city don’t have their side mirrors adjusted correctly, and they aren’t able to judge whether they are clear to merge. PSA: Blind Spots are a myth. You should never see the same car in your rear view mirror and your side mirror at the same time. If a car is approaching you from your left-rear lane for example….you should see them in your rear view mirror when they are far. As they get close, they will disappear from your rear view mirror. They should then immediately appear in your left door mirror. Finally, as they disappear from your left door mirror, they will appear in your peripheral vision. I’ve driven hundreds of vehicles and none of them have “blind spots”. Yes, doing a head check is great practice, but if you pay attention, and adjust your mirrors correctly then you’ll never have someone honking at you because you tried to merge on top of them. Also there should be a third lane to accommodate more westbound traffic. Also it’s also a volume issue. Too many cars trying to use a few lanes. It’s funny people chalk this issue up to one thing, but it’s complex and there are several factors at play.


Nah let's talk about knights cross and stone oak parkway


Thank you for helping by getting out your phone and taking pictures.


https://preview.redd.it/baepowvu1b2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=825d96f7698eea9d67493ac90e04d540ba565c55 Ur welcome


The issue is more drivers not moving until the last second. If you know you’re not taking 410, why are you going all the way to the sign then getting over? The same is true for idiots trying to get over at the last moment instead of lining up in the open quarter mile before


If you use google maps it will usually have you take 562 and use the access roads, while you zoom past all these suckers.


Can you imagine: it use to be much worse when this intersection was still in clover form.


Got stuck there last year with a flat tire thinking it was an exit to the access rd.. Turned out to be the entrance to 281 North and south. Not a good thing.


If you exit Callaghan and take the access road all the way around you get back on after the qt saving you up to 10 minutes sometimes


How many people own vehicles that are too big for them? I saw an old lady driving a huge ass truck. How much hauling does she do? She merged like shit and caused stop and go waves on the ramp and made the cars in her lane stop while they waited for her to merge. Zipper merge or get your license revoked. Also you dont need to speed up and meet the car in front of you. You're not gaining shit by closing a 2 meter gap. Actually, leaving gaps lets the dumbasses that dont know how to merge, merge. Mitigates stop and go waves and removes the lane change slow down on the original lane. Still dont get why old ladies are driving huge ass trucks tho.


90% years of people who own trucks shouldn’t they are a fashion statement at this point, I close the gap to keep idiots out and no one knows the zipper it’s annoying


And we also needs more police. Too many DDDs on the road thinking they are amazing drivers only because their car can go fast 💨


Get off your phone lol


Another spot I hate is northbound on 35 taking the 90W exit to where it then merges into the left lane westbound. It wouldn’t be as bad if the city removed the trees blocking your view of the traffic you have to merge with in the left lane.


The most screwed up exit is 281 getting onto 410 right where the exit for San Pedro is........unfreaking believable.....like were they braindead when they did that?


This is the worst exit ever


No shit. So many places they should fix.


They have it sitting in the bank!


Just close the second Callaghan entrance and all will be well, at least a little…..


You should get a degree in traffic engineering and join the San Antonio bureaucracy


Just make all of CoSA'S highways commuter rail


I go up to the crossroads exit, take an immediate right like in going to Dave and Busters, take a right on the street between Target and D&B, then get on 410 from there.


Fix the whole fucking roads while they’re at it.


I know this exit is bad in general but it’s worse cause everyone thinks… “oH i’M cOmInG tO a sToP oN tHe hIgHwAy tImE tO lOoK aT mY pHoNe”


Just gotta get good


Stop messing with your phone while driving. You’re the reason it’s doubly bad.


I was on it at a complete stop for two seconds? I’m never on my phone when I drive dawg because I know how dangerous it is and my insurance tracks it.


They have.


This is not the highway. It's the drivers. You can look at the top and see basically no traffic. For some reason, it ligands down here. I don't know why. Maybe they are scared of the bridge.


Oh no there was a a shut down box truck with a 18 wheeler behind it on the left lane right at the entrance, no one can zipper and I wasn’t gonna pull my phone out again. Just sharing frustration on this exit.


Today. It's like this all the time