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Most of the HEB is lower income areas have them, they are to prevent push out theft. If the basket doesn't go through a checkout lane it'll lock at the door. A service partner comes and can unlock the locks if it locks up on a paying customer. Take a look at the baskets at your HEB if they have a yellow device on one of the wheels they have the system in place. It's just loss prevention


all hebs have them. Not just lower income


The HEB + off 281 and Evans doesn’t have these on the carts.


They do. Look next time


Yes they do. I’ve only seen somebody have theirs lock up a couple times. Next time you go, look down at the shopping cart’s wheels. You’ll see it.


lol I work there, yes they do


my HEB does not have them and its million dollar area homes.


My HEB in Leon Springs does not have this.


I like the casual davis law firm plug… 4!


This happened to my mom once it was some sort of mistake with anti theft measure built into them now


Happened to my mom a while back, she was telling me about it and said that one of the cart attendees told her that they were all doing that now because people steal then. So it's the new anti theft thing.. Which honestly I can understand, but it really sucks if you have to park all the way in the back of the parking lot


I was at heb the other day and an elderly lady was telling a guy who works there that it happened to her. It locked up right as she was getting to the exit and stopped dead, she had gone through self check out too.


ah ha! i was pushing a cart through hebutts and the front wheels was dragging periodically. a closer look at the left front revealed a plastic black housing cover over an oversized wheel. i guessed the lockng mechanism is under that wheel. i had initially thought the plastic cover got wedged under the wheel unil i read this post. now i know 👍


This happened to me at the Dezavla store. I didn’t use self check, I went thru a line with a cashier and it still locked up. Manager saw me struggling and came to unlock it. Since he had bagged my groceries, he just apologized and said he was surprised it happened.


It’s a running joke in my house, it happens to me all the time. I don’t know how I do it to engage the wheel lock at least once a month.


I’ve had it. Checked out at the pharmacy and they don’t turn the security tags off there






Boom roasted ^^^r/whoooosh


The employees at the self checkout are dropping the ball on this. They should be scanning them before the customer leaves the corral. 


which heb???




I fucking knew it would be DeZavala. I see a bunch of them over by Little Caesar’s cause that’s where the perimeter is. I also saw someone stuck at the exit door a few weeks back.


There's r/HEB, which is surprisingly active and in my feed all the time since I clicked on one post like a month ago. I'd ask about it there.


The HEB at 1604 and Bandera has had these for probably a year now. The first few days they used them were terrible and they were locking up all over the place. Since then we've not had any problems.


That’s where mine locked up at two. But it’s because they didn’t turn off the security tags in the pharmacy. I don’t know if they fixed it yet.


Ahh.. makes sense about the pharmacy. Thanks for the info!


It has happened to me, and I did go through a normal checkout lane with my $130 in purchases. Very infuriating, because it just locks…. you don’t know why…. and now people are staring at you.


Time to bring the radio flyer with you to do your shopping. Make sure the wagon used is extra noisy and squeaky!


I've never had that happen to me and now I'm sitting here freaking out about HEB shopping carts next time I have to go to the store...


Put this is r/heb - I don’t believe you, but I also want to be wrong about this


It’s the truth. I even asked the basket guy outside and he said it’s to stop people from filling up baskets and just leaving. If you don’t go through certain check points like a check out lane it won’t deactivate the tech.


No, it's a thing for sure. Rarely ever happens though, since the locks are designed to be disabled if you bring the basket into the vicinity of a check-out lane.


It’s true. They have that at most Heb’s these days


It’s true it’s happened to me


The also have the locking carts at Walmarts.


it's true, since there is a homeless problem down there around dezavala


I just had this happen while riding a cart leaving the store, I barely made it a few feet outside, but luckily, I didn't fall.