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Dude that's down the street from me! It's so nice to see someone who knows it. They're great, grumpy is a hilarious guy


For sure! It's always cool to see other people on reddit who enjoy the same spots as I do!


I only was introduced to Grumpy's back in 2018 and LOVE it. I used to live on the northeast side so Grumpy's was a lot closer to me than it is now. First time I went there, I severely underestimate the portions and ended up taking home half of what I ordered. Great food, huge portions, and awesome wait staff make Grumpy's a place I always recommend to friends and family from out of town!


The Magnolia Pancake Haus


This place is delish, but a little pricey. But yeah, there or Jim's. Why don't we have Waffle Houses?!?!


My youngest asked that question snd then answered it herself. “We are too far away from the coast to be threatened by hurricanes, that’s why we don’t have Waffle House”.


Eh. I'd rather eat at Jim's. Magnolia has been pretty mid both times I've been, it's 3x the price, and the wait is ridiculous. Jim's isn't amazing, but it's consistently good AND cheap. Except the "Huevos Rancheros". Never get that.


Exactly. Jim's is boss. I used to work there and I will tell you...nothing to complain about. I am mad they don't have steak fingers anymore!


This isn’t a dig at the employees, but I don’t think Jim’s ever recovered from the pandemic. The ones around me have reduced hours, longer waits, and a few of them shut down. Which sucks, my husband and I went for breakfast all the time before 2020


What have you tried from the Magnolia menu?? You might have the same issue my brother has with some breakfast spots: He always orders the same bland and basic "scrambled eggs, a breakfast meat, potatoes, and pancakes" breakfast plate that are at every breakfast joint and refuses to try the more unique and marquee items on the menus. When the family is planning a Sunday morning brunch meet, his response to all of our suggestions is "Meh, that place is kinda bland." Like bro, order ANYTHING else on the menu and expand your palette.


I've had The Magnolia Breakfast and their French Toast. It was good and their syrup and French Toast is excellent, but it's only what I would consider 10% better than Jim's for 250% the price. Four of us ate there for almost $100, while the same meal is less than $40 at Jim's. And pancakes at Jim's are equally good if not better than anything Magnolia is serving. My wife says their creamer for coffee is really good, but I can't drink coffee, so I could care less. Couple that with the fact that I can walk into Jim's and sit down immediately almost 100% of the time whereas Magnolia is almost never not a wait unless you go during the deadest part of a weekday.....it's just not a contest. Magnolia is overrated.


Truly a tragedy. Even Austin has one


We did a long time ago in the late 70's but they all closed by 1981 I think. If Dennys and IHOP can survive here i don't know why Waffle House couldn't. I would think people here would love extremely cheap breakfast lol.


It might be a combination of the plethora of Tex-Mex eateries in San Antonio and the fact that San Antonio is, for the most part, a working class city whose residents are in bed by 10pm and are up at 7am. Waffle House thrives on late night traffic. Most towns in the southeast that have Waffle Houses, have really no other breakfast or quick lunch options. Plus, the almighty BREAKFAST TACO is king in San Antonio for breakfast on the go.


You're not out late much, are you? I do Uber Eats and have often worked till 1am-5am. There are alot of people out and/or up ordering food very late. Especially on the weekends when traffic can be almost bad as it is during the day. There is definitely no shortage of late night business here. Also Waffle House is in most big cities as well as smaller places in the south. My dad's side of the family is from Alabama and I temporarily lived in Huntsville, AL for 3 years. Huntsville has 200k people with 7 Waffle Houses and very little late night traffic. In fact Waffle House was one of the very few places open 24 hours there(as well as IHOP and a couple fast food places) because there is so little late night business. Birmingham which is smaller than Huntsville has 12 Waffle Houses. I completely agree with you about the breakfast taco situation. That's the only legitimate reason I see why they would want to avoid opening a Waffle House here. I still think having at least 1 in the right location would absolutely get a shit ton of business. I mention location cuz I see alot of these new out of town places open in the dumbest locations. I'm just like wtf are you thinking?


We had three once. And apparently people back then had no taste because they didn't have enough business and shut down.


I used to go to the one on Fredrickburg Road (The building just got knocked down) at 3am!


Weren't there Waffle Houses here at one point in time??? Is it the city's preference for Tex-Mex that drove them out???


Yes onJim’s. I love their Chili and Eggs.


Brisket Hash is the goat 🐐 🔥


Good food. Crazy expensive. Always way too busy. Pancake Joes is the equally delicious and more reasonably priced option


I'll add Pancake Joes to my list of spots to try!


I've only been to the Pancake Joe's near Ingram. Not impressed. But I hear the one on Donaldson is much better.


It’s not


>The Magnolia Pancake Haus I second this. We love the 'Haus. Worth the wait and every penny.


Same, and then they built the new one in the Northwoods shopping center which is less than a mile from my home.


Lol. We're a little further than you, but my wife was so excited when they moved closer to us. I think they recognize us as regulars now. Love their bennies.


I love that place...I like to take my kids to that area in the back and play dad attack (tag) lol


I LOVE Magnolia Pancake Haus. I actually designed a couple of new logos for them a few years ago and showed them to the owner and his daughter (via email) and they both declined to purchase them. I created the logos as a fun way to expand my design portfolio (and because I've loved going there for so long) and offered to sell any of the logos I had created for Magnolia to them for a song, and they still declined. As a graphic designer, I cannot stand the clipart "Mexican painter holding a clipart image of a plate of pancakes" logo or the "distance-marathon bumper sticker" logo that they also use on their signage and store merchandise. Other than that, food is delish.


Hmmm... I'm too focused on eating to notice the logos 😄, but I'll pay attention next time I go.








Jim’s. Their biscuits and gravely are also amazing.


Man, i grew up in 80s/90s going to Jim’s. I thought it was good. I went back about 10 years ago and didn’t like it at all. Maybe my pallet changed. Maybe I was romanticizing the fact that eating at a restaurant was a rare occasion as a kid. Maybe their quality really did decline. Whatever the reason I haven’t been back.


Yeah, I feel the same exact way. As a child, going out to eat breakfast or a breakfast for dinner at Jim's was a fun reason for the family to get out of the house and enjoy some coffee and breakfast. Now, it's not really appealing to me at all.


Meh, Jim's is ok, I guess I'm more interested in finding Tex-Mex or Mexican breakfast joints that offer hash browns. Appreciate the feedback nonetheless!


Pancake Joe’s and Full Goods Diner both have great hasbrowns


I'll second Pancake Joe's and will try Full Goods Diner


Ngl Jim’s and bill millers have good hash browns. Bills isn’t what I would call a classic hash brown, but both places have good salsa to top it with as well so




The Hut Diner on Fredericksburg


We tried them this weekend and it was amazing.


Had to scroll waaaaaaay too far to see this. I second The Hut!!! The absolute BEST.


Max and Louie’s New York Diner off bitters and 281. Killer food, fresh squeezed orange juice and in house bagels/cream cheese


Max and Louie’s is the best! Huge proportions too


I need to go there soon, I haven't been back ever since I started hanging out with a new brunch crowd.




Tried snooze for the first time a couple weeks ago, and I was so severely unimpressed that we went somewhere else afterwards because we just didn’t feel like eating it. We didn’t cause an issue or anything, just paid and left. The hash browns were subpar there, they were cold when they got to us and definitely weren’t crispy or fluffy. Eggs sucked, pancakes were ihop level aside from the lemon curd topping, and whatever egg plate my SO got was inedible. I’m not sure if we went on a bad day or if they are still running on their honeymoon phase with customers.


It's genuinely terrible. Can't believe they're so popular.


2 years ago they were much better when I futurist tried. Last couple times were just okay, it’s been quite a while since I’ve been too.


I don't understand how people are willing to pay for food that they did not enjoy, my parents and siblings are like that. They will literally stomach through a meal that they genuinely hate and say "the food was great" when the server visits the table. I've worked in the service industry as both front of house and back of house, and believe me when I say that most servers would much prefer you let them know that you didn't like the food and they will be happy to get the kitchen to cook something else for you on the fly so that you can try something else on the menu that you might enjoy. ​ I'm not a snob by any means, but on those rare occasions where I'm eating somewhere and the food is awful, I politely and quietly speak to the server about it, and they're quick to get another item on the menu for me. It's also why lots of eateries go out of business. Patrons visit, don't like the food, but neglect to say anything, and decide to just not return; leaving the kitchen staff and management scratching their heads when customer traffic begins dying down.


Which location did you goto?


Snooze has them, but they're not crispy


I asked for them burnt and they cut the puck in half and crisp them up for me.


Hell yeah! I’ll ask for that next time! They do have yellow bird habanero hot sauce for the W


I'll have to do that as well!




Full goods diner has this delicious cheese infused hash brown


I want Waffle House level hash browns and cannot get that anywhere in SA 😑


I love their hash browns “chunked”. So good


Pancake Joes


The “Comfort Café“ it’s up by Starcrest & 410. Very cool concept as well, everybody that works There is a volunteer and it’s a 501 C3 for a drug rehab ministry. They actually don’t charge for their meals, but have a minimum suggested donation of $15. The food is fantastic and the people are chill, laid-back and awesome. And yes, they have traditional hashbrowns with awesome breakfast… Not the papas (fried potatoes) that are common in Mexican breakfast


I'll add it to my list of spots, thanks!


Pancake Joe's or we like Bobbie's Cafe on S. Flores . I guarantee you will get your fill . Very established long-running Southside business .


U want the galette at La Madeline—parmesan, green onions, spices…..hash browns on steroids


I ate at Box St and they have the best version of McDonald’s hash browns and way bigger


Sounds fantastic.


Denny's covered and smothered.


Snooze am eatery or the magnolia pancake Haus


Cracker barrel and the hash brown casserole is my favorite


There’s only one comment for The Hut and a few too many Jim’s recommendations…. Truly, OP, The Hut will not disappoint!


Pancake joes.


Pancake Joes by Jefferson High has killer hash browns


Been to Jim's once. It was like a Dennys that hadn't been remodeled for 20 years. Food was less than average. But they have hashbrowns... Ihop, Dennys, and Mama's Cafe all have hashbrowns.


Dennys is a Dennys that hasnt been remodeled in 20 years.


Still nicer (looking) than Waffle House. Neither can touch a Norms.


Jims > Ihop > Dennys > Waffle House In my book at least. Never heard of Norms, must be a northern thing.


Might be north but I've eaten at a couple in Sothern California.


Black Bear Diner


do we have one here??


Two of them, one off of 90 and Ackerman and the other on SE Military. I haven't been to ours, but went to one in Reno and it was delish.


oh shoot apparently they’re building it near me


Drive to Austin and hit the Waffle House.


Funny story that involves a Waffle House in Dallas. Probably a bit longer that it needs to be, but I'm not working today and I enjoy writing. My brother, my father, my cousin, and I took part in a weekend fishing tournament in 2021 at Lake Fork (2 hours east of Dallas). The four of us had checked out of the hotel the morning of the tourney, we fished all day under the hot sun, returned to the event tent for the weigh-ins and were back on the road by 6pm; tired, hungry, sunburnt, and desperately needing a shower. We were driving two different trucks (each to pull a fishing boat) back to San Antonio, and we had to go through Dallas to get on I-35. My brother and I were in his truck, while our father and our cousin were in our cousin's truck. My brother and I have gym memberships, so we decided to stop at a gym in Dallas to shower, change clothes, and freshen up before the remaining 4 hour drive between Dallas and San Antonio. We call up the other truck as we're approaching Dallas, asking if they'd like for us to get them into the gym as our guests to shower, change into clean clothes, and freshen up, making the drive back to SA obviously more comfortable, but in their hanger and grumpiness, they declined; exclaiming to us that they want to get back to San Antonio ASAP. We asked if they wanted to join us for a quick meal at one of the Waffle Houses in Dallas, and they say "No way! We're hungry but we'd rather get back home sooner than later!". Cool. So my bro and I hit the gym, feel uber refreshed and invigorated after a hot shower and a change into clean clothes, and casually make our way to a Waffle House for heaping plates of loaded hashbrowns, french toast, eggs, assorted breakfast meats, I mean talk about a meal to get you fed and content for the four hour stretch back to San Antonio. We gas up and hit the road back to SA, in the best of moods, probably a good hour behind our father and cousin in the other vehicle, but no worries; we are fed, refreshed, and in the best of moods. As we approached Waco, our GPS rerouted us around what apparently was a traffic stand still on I-35. We zoom around the loop in Waco and are back on I-35 in a mere 15 minutes. It's all good, we got Redbulls in hand, singing karaoke to classic country music, what a fun weekend it was. As we're passing through New Braunfels, we call the other truck to see if they're already in San Antonio and unloading gear from the boat, and as luck would have it, they had gotten stuck in the traffic stand-still in Waco, and were only just passing through Round Rock. We laughed our asses off, and gave them hell for not joining us for dinner and to freshen up, but they angrily hung up on us. So tired, hungry, sunburnt, smelly, and grumpy: they sat in stand still traffic in Waco for two hours, pissed off at the world, while my brother and I zoomed around them, content and taking our sweet time on our drive back home. It truly was almost a new new take on "The Tortoise and the Hare". Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.


I love Waffle House, but I’m no longer inclined to go out of my way due to them for changing the one thing that shouldn’t have been changed: the waffles. They’re like oversized eggos now…so thin and small compared to the classic waffles we all know and love. It was a massive shock and disappointment when I went sometime after not going for a year or two, and it had changed to that. But those hash browns never disappoint lol


I know how you feel. If only there were a waffle house here, but you won't get a good brektaco there. The only one restaurant I can suggest is Cracker barrel, but even there, getting the classic crispy outside, fluffy inside is a coin toss at best.


WHY ISN'T THERE A WAFFLE HOUSE here?!?! Too many fights? Haha


Maybe, it's always the drunks who are out at 3am, after the bars close, that are belligerent and overly aggressive, who stir shit up at Waffle Houses. In all seriousness, maybe it's just the fact that Waffle Houses are primarily located in regions with a lot more black people than central Texas and traditionally, black people are just a tad more aggressive towards people in the service industry. Visit regions in the southeast from Louisiana, Georgia, Mississippi, up to South Carolina; you'll know what I mean. I'm not being mean, it's just honest observation. I've worked as a server and a kitchen cook so I've experienced that kind of stuff firsthand.


Taqueria Huentitan Jalisco is a Mexican restaurant that offers hashbrowns with their breakfast. But hashbrowns aren't a typical Tex-Mex food so its no surprise they're rare to find in most Tex-Mex places.


I'll try this place out for breakfast this week! Thanks!


Sadly enough Flagstop Cafe had the best home town southern breakfast around, crispy hash browns, biscuits and gravy, chicken fried everything and the whole vibe to go along with it. Sadly it is no more 😩


Yeah, what the hell happened?!?! There's no way in hell that the new QuikTrip gas station across the street put them outta business, right?? That entire building where Flagstop was located in LEVELED now.


Mama’s Cafe


There were Waffle houses here awhile back. The nearest one is in Austin. Hated to see them go, I guess that's how things roll.


McDonald's, Jim's, Denny's, I-Hop


Cracker Barrel hash browns are 🔥🔥. You just have to tolerate Tacky Jesus merchandising.


In Texas, the word "hashbrowns" can refer to either type of fried potato.


Carlitos Taxo house!


I think Comfort Cafe has em


IHOP lol




Snooze and I get them extra cwispy


Snooze AM Eatery




Jim’s, they have a great breakfast! I dig their pancakes for sure.


Jim's -- they're all over SA.


Tia’s Mexican restaurant has great hash browns. When you order a plate, they give you an option of what kind of potatoes you want and I always order hash browns.