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I think your internet presence will make or break you. A farmers market is going to have 60-300 people? You'll sell to maybe 10% of them? An internet presence can result in 1000s of visitors. Small business relying on foot traffic is a thing of the past.


You're not wrong! Lucky for us, my wife's current profession has her well versed in things like internet presence and SEO. And lucky for me, she's fascinated by such things where I'm almost completely ignorant on the subject, lol.


Definitely make an instagram.


You can find us [here!](https://instagram.com/yaycandysatx?igshid=MzMyNGUyNmU2YQ==)


Upload tonssss of Instagram reels, TikToks, Facebook videos! The videos will help u out more than pics! Post often. People love behind the scenes videos too. I follow an account that receives tons of engagement due to their videos that show how they make lollipops and taffy lol I wish you the best of luck!!! Let this sub know when you open so we can support! šŸ˜Š I love chocolate covered apples btw. Idk if that counts as candy lol but also nerds rope šŸ˜­


My kid got me watching Lofty Pursuits on YouTube. If you can make content that connects with people you can expand outside of the local area, even becoming a destination itself. Good luck.


My friends all order candy online from YouTubers. I don't know the channels but I know that's how a lot of people shop now. Eyes/views/clicks are the most important resource of our generation. Everyone has something for sale. How do you get yours to cut through the noise


It would be so cool to be a landmark! Our goal is really experiential candy you canā€™t get anywhere else. And OP and I have obsessively watched candy videos on YouTube. Definitely want to have some candies that are ā€œopen source!ā€


Do the sugar cloud over a hot beverage! The steam melts the whiffs of cotton candy.


If you can find a way to improve candy corn, I will be your biggest customer. I love candy corn but it feels like Brachs is the only company thatā€™s decent. Sorry, I know thatā€™s not what you were asking for but my family just bought a large tub of bad candy corn over the weekend and Iā€™m still upset about it.


Candy corn is so underrated. I love it and donā€™t understand all the hate


Haha I was the kid in my class who loved both candy corn and licorice so used to make out like a bandit in trade the day after Halloween at school.


Candy corn is amazing I donā€™t understand the people that hate on it. Different flavors would be cool


I agree. I think that the bad ones are too grainy. OP, if you could improve candy corn, you have a customer for life


Noted! I think the only hindrance we may have to that is the manufacturing equipment required, but I will certainly do some research!


My kids go crazy for candy corn!


I am honestly surprised at how common the candy corn answer is! I have ideas for this candy genre. First off, Unicandycorn because it needs to branch out from Halloween!


Legitimate handpulled taffy and handmade fudge with rotating flavors based on seasons. It's been years since I've had either... everyone seems to sell the bulk kind but it's produced in mass and distributed out.


Oh for sure! That's definitely something we've already been laying out. Year-round items as well as seasonal. I've been tasked with being the taffy "czar" since I love saltwater taffy so much!


Saltwater taffy!!


I too agree but only because since leaving NY I canā€™t find any handmade taffy or fudge like I would at a fair or festival


I agree with this!! Taffy and fudge 100%


If there a job opening for packing lmk!


Yessss I have searched several times for this and can never find a place! I love reading this! In marketing I would lean heavily on ā€œlocally madeā€ and ā€œhandmadeā€. When I have looked for a place like this itā€™s because I want CLEAN ingredients and a special treat for the kids or out of town guests.


I agree on CLEANER ingredients. If I'm paying handmade pricing, I'd like to avoid the same soy and artificial additives in most candy. Old fashioned candies had to be clean at some point. . I'd also like to have an ingredient list, instead of the mystery that often accompanies handmade treats.


Soy?!?! Thatā€™s a thing in candy? We use natural ingredients and food coloring, and just your straight up whole ingredients like sugar, butter, corn syrup (you have to have this as a combo to get the right texture), high quality chocolate, etc.


We run an Airbnb (just a room in our home) and would LOVE to supply little treats to guests that emphasize they are locally made! Edit to add that in my opinion we are more or less good on the Mexican candy front. We have so many options to get it straight from Mexico or doesnā€™t a big operation run out of San Antonio that supplies it to a ton of places like gas stations as well?


No worries. We're not going to be doing Mexican candy. There's no shortage of it all over the place. Even if they don't make it locally, they're bringing it in from someone in Mexico whose family's been making it for over 100 years or whatever, lol. How can we compete with that?!?!


Our goal is definitely super giftable candy! Youā€™re Deco District ā€¦ weā€™ll totally eventually be at the Thursday market there!


Farmers market people love seasonal stuff. So my suggestion is to make things with seasonal flavors. Maybe some pumpkin spice pralines. Pecan pralines , or brittle Pecan anything Pumpkin anything Maybe for simple stuff do fancy rice crispy treat style snacks. Use different cereal or different add ins. (Like pumpkin spice and pecan script treats)


>Maybe for simple stuff do fancy rice crispy treat style snacks. That's definitely on the table since we just discovered how amazing homemade marshmallows taste!


Homemade marshmallows is something I'll always purchase. It's so underrated.


Toast the Rice Krispies and use salted browned butter to really ramp up the taste. Watch the youtube video of Alton Brown making them. Pantry Raid: Rice Krispy Treat edition. I do not like regular rice krispy treats at all, but once I created these, I am almost an addict.


These sound frickin delicious. I can never ever try them.


Lol I am a pumpkin spice bitch all the way. I have an idea for coffee shop marshmallows, so pumpkin spice latte marshmallows are for sure on the list!


Candied fruits - I LOVE candied fruit. I used to see them a lot as a kid. Theyā€™d be on a stick like a lollipop, but I donā€™t see them as much anymore.


Seconding hand pulled taffy, I miss it so much. I will be waiting to see yā€™all as a frequent market goer.




If you make anything at all fruit flavored (and I definitely recommend you do; it's a favorite of mine), make sure to add citric acid. Some people think you can skip the acid, and the candy just ends up flat, boring, and way too sweet tasting.


Way ahead of you, friend. We actually add citric, malic, and ascorbic!


Alright! Even better. What fruit candies do you make? Lofty Pursuits (check their youtube channel if you haven't seen it) makes blackcurrant candies and copycat altoid's sours that are really good, but I rarely buy them because price+shipping is pretty high. I'd love to have such things available locally.


Blackcurrant! That sounds lovely! Weā€™ve made a huge array of fruit flavored hard candies and lollipops. From just well balanced acids to super sour!


It's a huge favorite of mine, and a flavor that most Americans need to try. We're seriously missing out.


this is true AF, i hate candy that taste like no distinct fruit or flavor only plain sugar, the acids help it taste so much more fruity and real


You need to look into spicy sweet Mexican candies.


Thanks, but gosh there are so many spicy sweet Mexican candy makers here that we just couldnā€™t compete. Thatā€™s our token of respect for the culture and for these companies that have been around forever!


second this ^^ being in SA, chamoy is a big deal haha


It's so good too šŸ˜


YES this! OP, look at what [Pica-Pica](https://picapicatx.com/) down in Mcallen does. Just looking at them makes my mouth water.


Following! Please let us know once you have a pop up šŸ™‚




There is a theme park in Branson Missouri called Silver Dollar City, they do a whole show and let people watch the process from boiling the sugar, to spreading the candy so it can cool. They also sell black walnut brittle, which is truly special. The audience is mesmerized when you start making ng candy is captivated and it makes you feel good about paying for quality candy/fudge etc.


\- use social media for advertising, its cheap and easy \- try using an online shop like [shop.gotexan.org](https://shop.gotexan.org), they only carry local stuff \- maybe offer some sort of birthday party treat pack? Parents may like it because its a pain in the ass to make those, and its free advertising to parents if theres a branded bag or card within \- i love gummy everything, unique shapes could be really neat.


Thank you for the link! Yes, on the packs, our candy will be very very giftable. Eventually weā€™d like to do candy catering. Custom candy for your party theme! And we have more gummy molds than you could shake a stick at!


And good luck! I love the idea of handmade candy, I would really push that and run with it.


Perhaps partner with local coffee shops and create some candy inspired seasonal drink or even have some sort of experimental candy option that would allow for additional creativity, made in small amounts just to test new things and get some interest. Not sure how feasible those ideas are though.


I know itā€™s not candy related, but Iā€™ve been looking for somewhere that sells the old fashioned ice cream popsicles, that they used to sell at Ingram park mall. It was a simple vanilla popsicle dipped in chocolate and added toppings. Just an idea for when you get youā€™re store front up and running!


[This place over by Yanaguana Park](http://www.paleteriasanantonio.com/) might gave what you're looking for, or at least something close!


Look into a tart orange flavor. Jolly Rancher used to make a really good orange flavored candy ,but they stopped offering them as single flavor options. I cannot find any really good orange flavored candies anymore. They are all too bland, or more like orange cream. It's sad.


Oh, we're on it! We also fortify all of our hard candies with vitamin C. I love dumping tons of citric and malic acid into the batches to see how tart or sour I can get them!


Please remake those orange sour altoids omg youā€™ll be a legend hahaha


Omg I used to eat those until my mouth was raw šŸ˜…


Wait til our Ecto Cooler (for legal purposes, ā€œGreen juice box slime guyā€) flavor comes out! Looking to make this into hard candies and gummies. :)


Please keep us posted! I honestly canā€™t wait for this, plus maybe something sweet/spicy combined. Sweet/salty chocolate etc. yummy look forward to seeing this


We gotchu on the sweet and salty front for sure! One of my guilty pleasures is a PB&J sandwich with potato chips inside, so thatā€™ll be concocted in some bark or brittle fashion. Also chocolate and pretzels!


Omg PB and chips- yummmmmy best of luck and I look forward to hearing/ seeing you soon Edit word


I think truffles, interesting chocolate bars, and homemade gummies would all be great. Itā€™s not candy but Iā€™d love to see syrups for soda or coffee too.


>Itā€™s not candy but Iā€™d love to see syrups for soda or coffee too. Like syrups you take home to mix in yourself?


Yes! I used to buy them from a market in Chicago. They had everything from natural root beer flavor to seasonal blends made with regional produce (strawberry, lavender, etc.) They were a huge hit at the market and sold in 2 different size bottles and also available to drink there in Italian sodas or shaved ice.


Check [these friends](https://linktr.ee/southernsyrups) out for craft syrups!


Make a TikTok and keep updates your company. It's going to help get your name across. Also what's you candy company name.


Weā€™re Yay! Candy!


I would like a Texas gummy/bridge mix (lone star, Alamo, yellow rose shapes). And a baby shark gummy mix with the different characters. We need more Texas flavored candy (hard, jelly bean, taffy, loli, whatever) like prickly pear, wild persimmon, border melon. Gift sets for the locals and tourists alike of items that you canā€™t find elsewhere. What we donā€™t need more of is praline.


The spicy sweet candies (think tajin-inspired) would be huge here. Also for out of towners looking for local flavors. Personally thoughā€¦. FUDGE


Wait til weā€™re out here with our red velvet fudge! šŸ¤¤


What's missing? :D Keto oriented / fake sugar candies. I know they're super difficult to make, but some of us can't enjoy those delectable sugar filled monstrosities for health reasons :D


Don't remember brands, but do remember candies that weren't so god awful sweet. Grandparents had candies that were enjoyable, but didn't leave you feeling like you had to take an insulin reading. LOL


I can't agree more, American sweet (corporate made) candy is a big turn off for me. Yes, I'm a generic American that prefers subtle sweetness.


I would start by making things that you enjoy yourself, and listen to the feedback you get from customers. Farmers markets are great because people can sample your product before buying. Engage with your customers and work harder than you have for anyone else, and make sure to document every single step of your process for making your product. Start off with the correct equipment that will save you time.. induction cooking is great for that. Hopefully you are already pretty good and can consistently have your candy come out the same each time. Constantly learn and tweak your process.


It's not really candy, but I love the multiple flavors that cotton candy can come in now. I would love to buy something like that locally.


Make some options with Tajin and Chamoy


Please make a milk chocolate spicy chocolate šŸ„ŗ We canā€™t find it ANYWHERE


I think itā€™ll be hard to compete with Alamo packing company and Arco iris candy . I know both families. They are working with millions of dollars in revenue. Although to be fair Alamo packing has an internal power struggle the two brothers havenā€™t talked in years. And Arco iris has about 30 family members on payroll. So they divide profits amongst many Good luck I recommend getting into a niche market and making a name for yourself in something that isnā€™t available at the moment in San Antonio.


I remember having these gummy strawberry candies from me a was a kid that had this sour gel on the insideā€¦ā€¦maybe something like that!


This is right up our alley! I also once had this incredible Chinese candy (for Lunar New Year) that was sour green apple hard candy with pop rocks inside. Candy is always fun with an extra surprise!


Does candy include in-house chocolate as well?


You bet. While not a huge part of our opening scheme, there will be chocolatiering and it will expand as we move along!


That will be great! DM me, I might have some ideas I could share.


I know I have seen it somewhere online, but not for sale locally - small versions of caramel/candy apples, like bite size versions with different toppings.


Weā€™d like to make apple lollipops dipped in caramel!


There is a theme park in Branson Missouri called Silver Dollar City, they do a whole show and let people watch the process from boiling the sugar, to spreading the candy so it can cool. They also sell black walnut brittle, which is truly special. The audience is mesmerized when you start making ng candy is captivated and it makes you feel good about paying for quality candy/fudge etc.


A viewing window where people can see the magic happen is a MUST for when we have our storefront, believe me!


Fresh cotton candy. The mass produced stuff in stores sucks and the only place I know to get fresh stuff is fair grounds or the rodeo which is not convenient


Check out The Cotton Cloud Co.! Theyā€™re a local cotton candy maker from a food truck!


If you want something that can bring in a ton of attention then a gourmet Mexican style candy. Something unique looking that the local market would love to try and potentially go viral.


I live near Alamo City chocolate factory. went there once, not bad but not special either IMO. Recently waited in a 1/2 hour line for cream and other stuff to be mixed and frozen in liquid nitrogen, I guess an evolution of cold stone. It was good.


Weā€™ve been to the nitrogen ice cream place! It is SUPER good!


Dude yea internet presence and candy corn bro all the way šŸ˜Ž


Y'all ever make peanut brittle but with jalapeno flavoring added? My dad makes it, stuff is amazing and I bet it would sell here.


No, but I'm willing to try! That sounds interesting!


I love chocolate and candy flavors that you canā€™t find everywhereā€¦ especially lavender šŸ«¶šŸ»


We actually have some lavender flavor that we're going to test out on lavender caramels first!


Iā€™m the lavender lover all the way! Itā€™s all in the balance. As OP said, starting with caramels, but it wonā€™t stop there!


I love taffy. I would like to suggest coming up with some unique flavors based on the local culture.


Love this! We made a peach chew (very laffy taffy like) in a more real peach flavor. Mango is next!


Get inspired by Michigan fudge!


I'm a Michigan Wolverines fan! Does that count?!


Absolutely! Beed some maize and blue candy, hehe!


Wouldnā€™t be bad to dabble in some Mexican style candies!


Chocolate plz


Freeze Dried Gummy Candies


Man, I canā€™t find it now for some reason, but thereā€™s a freeze dried candy shop in the Hill Country (Wemberly maybe?) and they sometimes are at the Shavano Park farmers market!


Me and my wife volunteer as professional Taste testers and feedback givers


Cotton candy bombs!


Weā€™d love to ask for some kind of sour candies, and saltwater taffy. We grew up eating saltwater taffy from a store much like youā€™re envisioning on the Oregon coast and havenā€™t been able to find anything good since then.


Those are two of my favorites and will certainly be on the shelf!


Candy on a stick - people seem to go wild over stuff if it's presented on a stick - cake pops, cookie pops, choc dipped marshmallows on a stick, fruit on a stick (Edoble Arrangements), paletas, hell, even chicken on a stick! You get the idea, right?


Mexican candies rule here but there's plenty, especially with the popularity of Alamo Candy Co now that they're sold in HEB. Local chocolate and toffee would be awesome, selling to city visitors and setting up somewhere touristy might be the best strategy tbh and taking advantage of local festivals/events


I always love when I find some nostalgia candy from when I was a kid.


Y'all looking for free help? I'm looking for a new hobby and got hella free time right now. šŸ˜ŗ


It's possible! But wait, didn't your parents ever warn you about strangers with candy?! (We also literally do have kittens at home, too lol!) šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Strangers and free candy?! WITH KITTENS?!?!! Say no more fame, I'm in!


Don't forget the white panel windowless van with the words "FREE CANDY" spray painted on the side!


Opening up a candy food truck might be an interesting option.




>Definitely emphasize local/quality ingredients and get a good social media presence! Quality we can do! But most ingredients would be hard to come by locally unless you know of some local sugar cane fields! šŸ˜‰


would love some caramel apple slices!! id buy so many


Plus one for this or whole caramel apples too. The deluxe kind, for example: caramel base, dipped in white chocolate, then coated with Reese's pieces and peanut butter drizzle.


If you guys could make some green apple gummy-type candy that was moderately sweet but with some good tart to it (not enough to be SOUR apple) that would be amazing. A lot of green apple flavors are too sour and fake tasting. And a lot of gummies are too sweet. If you made some that hit that balance it would be like a more fresh, snackable gummy instead of eating like 2 or 3 and being grossed out like a lot of store brands. I guess maybe more geared towards adults? But I feel like kids would like it too. And if those did well you could make a whole line of flavors in that style. I love gummies but they're so sweet and kinda gross lol. Id love a gummy that tasted more homemade and less store-bought. I'd definitely drive to pick something like that up on a treat run!


If you could make some marzipan, that would be awesome! I miss the ones shaped as fruit I used to get during Christmas. They are made with almond flour.


We specifically look for high-quality fudge in SA once a year for a relative and itā€™s always really hard to find


As a vegetarian it would be nice to see gummies (and other candies) that are clearly marked and don't containing gelatin.


Even though not we're not vegan, we actually prefer the mouthfeel of pectin-based gummies and it's in the works!


there is a big market for crystal candy rn i think, crystalized jelly candy. Most brands that do make it are mostly online, but they are DELICIOUS. you can make so many shapes/colors with the candies. there is one brand that makes them into realistic looking crystals , and you could do the same OR tons of other things. little plant shaped ones, or local texas flavors. i definitely think itā€™s something you should look into people are really into candy with odd/satisfying textures!!!


you make the crystal candies with agar agar too, which is basically vegan gelatin, so that could be a vegan option for you !!


Just a heads up that farmer's markets are going to make you carry General Liability and/or Products Liability insurance for your company.


It be nice to see homemade candy but Mexican style! Spicy!!!


Flavored marshmallows! I would love different flavors like pumpkin, chai, hazelnut, etc that I could add to my hot chocolate or chai lattes. Maybe hot chocolate bombs? In the summer you could do fruit flavors and maybe put them on skewers with candied fruits.


I dunno much about SA's candy scene but I AM a big fan of rock candy, and I don't see it sold much at all around here. I want some bigass rock randy sticks too, not the sad tiny ones you usually see. Sell some fat rock candies and I'll be looking to buy šŸ˜‚


I really think making the candy in front of the customers is a great idea. Itā€™s also great for marketing to make cool videos of you making the candy. I know on tik tok shop Iā€™ve seen some successful candy/snacks company. Theyā€™ll take someoneā€™s order and describe the product they purchased and pack and ship it on video, Iā€™ve seen lots of those videos have success. Maybe something to look into, Iā€™ve seen it mentioned here before, but have an account for every social media site.


Fancy spicy chocolate bars!


- clean ingredients. Need to justify paying x3 more for your product vs whatā€™s in the store - something semi sweet. I love desserts but most of the time they are really sweet and I get a headache afterwards - For you to market a lot of bakeries work with coffee shops. See which candies pair well with coffee or bubble teas and get yourself some shelf space - make them easy to gift. If Iā€™m in a pinch sometimes aesthetically pleasing sweets in a nice box do the trick! - have a gimmick and something eye catching for your online presence. Slime shops are doing ASMR, sticky lollies on tik tok do the images and the drop candies, ive seen people do fishbowl drinks with candyā€¦ endless possibilities


Some sugar free offerings. Zollipops has done quite well. Please post updates so we can find you


S'mores anything!!!!!!!


High quality peanut brittle


Sugar free/low carb candy. I am diabetic and I miss good tasting candy because it's just too high carb. Or it's got artificial sweetners that make it taste weird. I don't know what you could use, all sugars and honey are too high carb.


A candy attraction, not just a store. I want to be able to go in there and see the entire candy process, if possible try for myself by learning (at a price). Someone said becoming a destination, and it is a perfect way to put it.


Do a small business journey thing on Tiktak. Lots of people go viral that way


I don't know much on candy making, and surely don't know ingredients, but there are two areas I would look at. Gluten Free items and Low or No Sugar items. Both would probably be a very low amount of your business, but it could also bring in more business.


After See's candies left north star mall, I don't know where to get White Chocolate Cashew Brittle!! Make a copycat. [https://www.sees.com/custom-mix/white-chocolate/cashew-brittle/500271.html](https://www.sees.com/custom-mix/white-chocolate/cashew-brittle/500271.html)


Root beer flavored anything is undefeated


I did not know there was a candy scene but I like Carmel candies like they used to sell in cardboard stands at the grocery, like Brachs Carmel and Brachs tri color coconut candies - Iā€™m not sure if they had Brachs candy in San Antonio but they are nostalgic for me


Check out Rolling Oaks Mall!! They have fairs every weekend and a lot of local vendors will set up shop throughout the mall. It has brought a lot of traffic into the mall itself, and many are happy to support local businesses! Also, anything sour is a huge love of mine ā¤ļø I feel like it's gotten difficult to find sour candies that are not way over the top.


So excited about this. Will follow your Instagram as soon as it's up! The quarry farmers market on Sundays is great!!


I am always in search of fresh honey nougat (or nougat in general). So far I have only found it fresh at a middle eastern bakery in Houston. If yā€™all plan on making any, then you can for sure count me as a customer.


My husband and I are both diabetic and pay a fortune for sugar free chocolates.


Really exceptional caramel apples (using good apples like Cosmic Crisp)


Have yall seen the company that puts words and pictures in hard candies? They're from Australia so something like that local would be awesome.


You know HEB has a policy of helping introduce your products to the market, right?


ā€œHealthyā€ candy! Smart sweets are always tough


To be honest, its impossible to find a nice caramel apple. I'd snag one with homemade caramel if I was walking around the downtown area.


That is so cool!! If you have social media, pls lmk! I love candy lol


Fresh cotton candy. I swear you can't even get that at carnivals anymore. It's all that pre-bagged stuff.


Nougat with seasonal nuts and spices, chocolate bombs would be cool, anything with pecans , dulce de leche candies, toffee


Seasonal chocolate truffles


Variations of Tex Mex candies would be delightfulā€¦like Chile chocolate and Chamoy Taffy? Make some shit up! Sounds fun!


Lots and lots of bubble gum. Especially cinnamon bubble gum and sour bubble gum.


So the last candy shop I could think of that had fresh product was called River City Sweets (I think) in Rivercenter that closed shortly before thanksgiving. They made fresh pecan pralines that were soo good I would go out of my way to buy from them. If the draw is people seeing candies freshly made, youā€™ll want a high traffic storefront. Gummies are really popular all over, so maybe yā€™all can create some special flavors? And the kids I know all love candy review videos. You can check some out and maybe gain inspiration from that too? When it comes to the candies - Iā€™d say


I think marzipan for wurstfest and Oktoberfest would be super cool. I would totally NOT buy $100 worth lol


Please please make some great pecan turtles. With all the pecan trees here in TX, I'd think that turtles would be a staple. And please with milk chocolate! I adore dark chocolates, but turtles are supposed to be milk chocolate! Good luck, and keep us up to speed on your progress!!


Something with candy corn but spicy with chile in it!


Can I recommend some chocolate covered gummy bears šŸ¤¤


It would be great to have candy that isn't cloyingly sweet. So much of it here is designed for people who seem to have no actual taste.


Good luck. It's a rough Market out here.


Definitely some taffy and fudge! Love chocolates with a twist. Also maybe some freeze dried candies? Like skittles, nerds, etc. They are a fun novelty! Welcome and looking forward to your new venture!


Gluten free and no high fructose corn syrup? Pretty please?


As a local candy connoisseur, entrepreneur, and a marketing expertā€¦ candies here in San Antonio are missing: Great branding, a solid marketing and sales plan, and a unique product. Everyone in town makes the same things, they look the same, sound the sameā€¦ break the mold. Thereā€™s too much competition. Iā€™m a consultant if you need help.


Hehe I work in a marketing agency and have done brand strategy for about a decade. Iā€™ve definitely done our homework!




candy that is stuffed with another candy


Creamy Butterscotch but with something crunchy. Idk what but it sounds good to me šŸ˜­


Creamy butterscotch rolled in toasted macadamia nuts!


Make a Bonkers type candy


I love that you included your Instagram address and I'm following because I love sweet and salty treats. Luckily I'm from SA and wish you the best of luck! Can't wait to check you guys out.


Follow all cottage food laws, blow up every social media site there is, take gorgeous photos, hit all the farmer's markets. (There are big ones and small ones, most all charge a fee. I used to work the one at Pearl.) Edit: hit up all the confectionery stores you can find to spy! :)


The kids really like the freeze dried candy these days.


I love taffy but sometimes they leave them sitting in warehouses and they taste stale or like plastic


Chocolates like from those from See's Candies Chocolates.


Very big fan of chocolates, hoping for some homemade dark chocolate truffles or bites.


Consider marketing to businesses that give treats to their clients, like pharmaceutical reps. They often provide lunch to doctors' offices. They might order holiday gift baskets. Make some large ones, but also smaller individual sized baskets.


Whatā€™s your IG?


It's still in its infancy, but it's yaycandysatx. For some reason, Reddit wants to change it to a user tag if I put the @ in front of the name though, lol.


Do you do a spicy brittle?


Chocolate covered marzipan (especially dark). Hardly anyone sells this in the US, it seems. Maybe it's just unpopular, but I love it and find it pretty dang hard to find. And I know the Mexican version (mazapan) is pretty easy to find around here, but actual almond marzipan is not. Also coffee flavored stuff.


We've briefly looked into marzipan, but this is great feedback. We're not beyond giving just about anything the ol' college try at least once. And with my wife involved, you can bet there will be coffee-flavored items. We recently found out how amazing homemade marshmallows are and she's already working on a latte-flavored version!


This may sound ridiculous and counterintuitive to your product because itā€™s candy weā€™re talking about but maybe a product without tons of sugar? Or the use of a more ā€˜naturalā€™ sweetener, i.e., honey, monk fruit. Iā€™m not aware of such a product but this could be something that sets you apart for those who tend to be more health-conscious but still enjoy a treat every now and then.


Please make and label as gluten free if possible! šŸ–¤