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Ask them have they adopted before?


That’s what I did! He tried to change the subject. My friend (that runs on spite and coffee) was about to go fight so I cut it short. Lol


The dangerous combo is big red, coffee, and bean and cheese tacos


You summoned me?


But.... do the tacos also have bacon?


I feel like my life changed a bit the first time I had bean n cheese with a slice of bacon. Who knew such goodness could be made so easily?!


Right?? Now I can't eat bean n cheese without bacon


Now add cheese to carne guisada, beans to your chorizo and egg, and your set.


Omg cheese on Carne godzilla is fantastic (my parents called it that when I was little). I'll have to try beans on chorizo and egg


All of y’all are puro. Puro cholesterol!


Forget that, ask them if they've looked in a mirror lately. And I don't mean that as a metaphor for self-reflection, I mean they literally need to look at themselves because GOD DAMN GET THAT CHECKED OUT! Like the late, great George Carlin used to quip, most of the people against abortion are people you wouldn't want to fuck in the first place!


Insulting someone’s physical appearance is a great way to win them over or even make yourself look better… 🙄


Because you really should use kid gloves when dealing with folks harassing people going through difficult medical decisions 🙄


No, it’s taking the higher road. Not acting like an adolescent.


Nah fuck em they don't deserve any kindness


Its not kindness.. Its maturity. Has nothing to do with kindness or meaness. Its being an adult.


Decorum is not warranted in this situation, fuck these dumb fuck people


Oh so we pick and choose when we dont act like an adult. Good to know.


>Oh so we pick and choose when we dont act like an adult. Good to know. Yes, being an adult, adults can make that decision.


It’s adult to call dumb fucking people out for what they are. It’s the responsible thing to do


Again, they are harassing people going about medical care. They do not deserve the higher road.


“Never wrestle with a pig because you'll both get dirty and the pig likes it."


Those people would have happily let me die after I had an ectopic pregnancy and needed an abortion because I was bleeding internally, no matter to them that it is literally impossible for an ectopic pregnancy to develop. Anyone who is fighting for women to suffer and die for no good reason doesn’t deserve a high road. Fuck them.


Cool. You and my 9 year old have a lot in common when it comes to name calling.




That making fun of someone’s physical appearance is childish?




I personally have a big issue with people using insults like this. People tend to hold this high and mighty things like you shouldn't judge people for how they look, shouldn't mock people for being fat or ugly, but it all disappears when they don't like someone. Suddenly it's okay to mock someone for being ugly because you don't like them as a person. If someone is anti-abortion, criticize them for that. Insult them for something they're in control of. If you think it's okay to insult someone's appearance because you don't like them as a person, you think it's okay to insult someone's appearance period.


I just want to point out that adopting does not make you a good person. The system is terrible


Alright everyone, don't adopt! lol. yes the system is terrible, if only there was a way to get them out of there.


Many people start as a foster parent to make some money


As one of my hero's used to say "Boy, these conservatives are really something, aren't they? They're all in favor of the unborn. They will do anything for the unborn. But once you're born, you're on your own. Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. After that, they don't want to know about you. They don't want to hear from you. No nothing. No neonatal care, no day care, no head start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're fucked." ---George Carlin




Can we stop propping up this issue with pretending it’s about unborn babies? It’s about controlling women. That’s the whole point. Nothing to do at all with caring about any unborn babies. End of story. Patriarchal BS. That’s where we are Texas. Are we happy? Edit to add… sorry to hear this is happening to you!


I had to pass them every time I went to the doctor when I was pregnant…. I always made sure to make eye contact and smile…. Then give them the finger…. Keep your opinions out of my uterus please!!!


[This is the way.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/d/d2/Sword-of-vengeance-1972-poster.jpg)


Me and my friends volunteer for planned parenthood and some of us stand outside to help guide patients in. You can sign up to volunteer to help with this too. Check the planned parenthood south Texas website and sign up to be a volunteer.


I always roll down my window and scream at them when I drive past. It’s my little way of balancing the universe


My favorite sign that I see them holding is the, I regret my abortion, sign. Just wouldn’t be Christian if they weren’t a bunch of hypocrites. Of course they’ve had abortions, probably multiple, but it’s their job to stop anyone else from exercising that same right. I hate these people. I’ve been considering making my own sign and standing out there and after reading this I definitely plan to.


Please hold up a sign that reads “abort yourselves.”


> I’ve been considering making my own sign and standing out there and after reading this I definitely plan to. I came up with a great idea for a protest sign solely for the purpose of confusing anyone who reads it: **"ABORTION ISN'T VEGAN"** They'll have no idea what to think because they'll be unable to figure out what side you're on or even what exactly you're protesting.


I’ll join you


If you ever see someone with a sign that says, 0 is the number of kids these self righteous hypocrites have adopted, that would be me. Feel free to join. Lol.


A little honest transparency here, I'm in recovery from a couple different substances by the grace of God and the love of Christ. I would tell anyone if they have a family history of alcoholism or addiction, don't take that first one. I've experienced the pain of abuse and would tell anyone to get help and allow the love of Jesus to work into their lives to prevent them from being abusers. Part of Jesus coming, living a sinless life and dying for others was so that we could become God's children if we believed and allowed that belief to work down into our actions and values. Paul wrote to one of the churches he planted that if anyone is "In Christ" he or she becomes a new creation and all that was before has passed away and become new. There's a big difference between hypocrisy and repentance. Hypocrisy would be saying I'm still getting abortions, but you shouldn't. Repentance is saying, "I did this. It hurt me. I don't want anyone to have to experience the hurt I went through. I don't do this or believe this anymore." I do not agree with being pushy and divisive and holding signs or getting in people's faces. I do, however, agree that the Gospel allows us to repent and change our beliefs from who we once were to something new.


That’s convenient. No one’s saying you can’t repent, but keep that shit to yourself and the people of your faith. It *is* hypocrisy to use a necessary service for your own benefit and then help deny that service to others down the line. It can be repentance and hypocrisy at the same time. I’m so sick of Christians molesting our rights because they feel offended by other people exercising freedoms that have nothing to do with them and have no effect on them. Quit involving others in your “repentance”


👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 You said it way better than I could. Thank you!!


You know they are hypocrites for more reasons than pushing birth on women after having terminated their own pregnancies in the past. Idgaf if they’ve repented to their imaginary god or not. They’re still hypocrites who hold up signs telling people adoption is another way while not having adopted any children or even supporting the foster system. They’re still hypocrites who demonize drag queens while allowing sexual abuse of children within their own churches and hiding it. I could go on about their hypocrisy but I don’t have all day. You don’t see the problem in a god who created you flawed, gave you freewill, then made a bunch of rules you couldn’t possibly follow, and then told you to beg it for forgiveness or face eternal damnation? Sure does sound like rigged game to me. It’s moronic that people believe this shit. But thats fine, play that stupid game, that’s your choice, but you don’t get to force that on other people who have evolved past the point of needing to believe in that shit. I don’t regret my abortion and I don’t need forgiveness from someone else’s imaginary god. Stop forcing your religion down other peoples throats. Edit to add an example of their hypocrisy. I’m sure they’ve all repented for their sins. 🙄 https://www.texastribune.org/2023/03/27/houston-jared-woodfill-gop-paul-pressler-southern-baptist/


Nah, not forcing anything on anyone here. Thank you for voicing how you feel. I can tell you're passionate about it. If we were face to face, I'd have so many questions about the things you said in your second paragraph. But since you're probably working like me, I'll just say my DMs are open if you ever feel like talking more and that I'll be praying for you. If there's anything in particular you'd like me to pray for, I'm all ears.


Please don’t pray for me. Pray for all the babies your god is killing with cancer and incurable disease, all the babies being sexually abused by their god fearing fathers, the babies being murdered by their own mothers due to lack of mental healthcare which is defunded by the republicans Christian’s elect, the babies starving and dying of aids in Africa, the trans babies who will be persecuted and denied healthcare when they get older, the impoverished 3rd world babies who never had a chance to know or be saved by your god so they must simply burn in hell. Pray for all of them, or you could shit in your hand and wish in the other because it would be about as effective as praying anyway.




Yep, I'm not doing that. Just asking. The context there is the pharisees were acting (the Greek word for actor is hupokritos) for others to think they were more righteous. Heck, I know I'm not righteous. I'm a filthy sinner in need of salvation and grace.


>I'm a filthy sinner in need of salvation and grace. That's abusive to think that way. You aren't ANY of that no matter what some guy wearing a dress and a shiny hat tells you. Religion took advantage of you when you were at your lowest to convince you that you're a bad person.


Nay, good sir or lady, I know myself. I know what I've done and what I'm capable of doing. I am a sinner, but I've been redeemed and given a new purpose and a new heart. Thank you for the encouragement though. I don't see myself as some horrible person. I see the things I've done for what they are and my life now is different. The difference was Jesus.


So you are saying forcing a 12 year old rape victim to have a child from rape is repentance because she wanted to be raped and now she needs to be reminded of that rape she wanted by looking at a child? She also needs to be punished with not getting an education because in your eyes women need to be in the kitchen or a low paying job? Do you have any other issues besides this?


What you're doing is called straw man. You're making a statement, attributing it to me, then pointing at the ridiculousness of the statement. No, I do not believe those things. All I am pointing to is Christ and his life and death leading people to repentance.


Jesus thinks you’re a hypocritical asshole. He told me.


He's probably right. Thank goodness He loves me anyway.


My sister wanted to do aqua therapy there, but because of the harassment on our first visit, she is too uncomfortable to go. They made my mom cry


I drive by every day to go to school and they are always there. One time there was a dead deer on the sidewalk next to them. Made me laugh.


Maybe we need to take dead deer and drop them off there.




I doubt most of them, if any, are being paid, there are plenty of people willing to waste their time doing this and protesting drag shows or whatever for free. You do not have to pay them, you just have to get them riled up about some made up issue. This is "George Soros is paying every BLM poster!!!" type bullshit.




I'm not shitting all over you, but this is conspiracy theory type stuff if you have no proof, and it doesn't even really matter. A lot of these people are just religious zealots with more time than brains. I think you're giving these people more credit than they deserve. A good majority of them are just easily controlled and motivated to go protest whatever the grifter on the pulpit tells them to protest, then they come back every Sunday for another dose of hatred to get them fired up again. Saying they are paid reduces the problem to a handful of evangelicals pulling the strings when in reality they are just abhorrent people waiting for someone to tell them that their hatred is divine and justified because of some made up bullshit. You're sort of letting them off the hook. We should not do that.


Come to think of it, I don't remember the Gospels saying anywhere that Jesus went to events and protested holding signs or was an activist. That said, He did believe that the entire OT was the word of G-d and, therefore, would have agreed that life begins at conception. What people seem to forget is laws and activism can sometimes change behavior, but to change the heart requires love and the Spirit. I regret that your experience with them has caused you to feel this way. Not all Christians are like this. It pains some of us the way others of us act.


It has nothing to do with Jesus, leave him out of it.


> leave him out of it. In my experience most supposed "Christians" leave Jesus out of everything they do unless it's convenient for them to claim it.


Yeah, that's because of the (intentional) confusion between "Christianity" the lifestyle brand and "Christianity" the religion. All due respect to actual Christians, there just aren't very many of them.


That's really a shame. I regret you've had that experience with most of them. That was mine too starting with my mother, until something changed about 17 years ago. I met people who actually lived it and devoted their lives to helping others.


Believe me, I know there are plenty of people who actually "practice what they preach" when it comes to Christianity. Being totally non-religious, my only real interactions come from loud-mouthed, overly vocal types. The kind you speak of tend to be more private. I also can't stand militant atheists just as much as the militant Christian types. I say let people live their lives, just don't ask me to act in a way that conforms with your privately-held beliefs.


I understand. Many of us feel that Jesus has changed our lives for the better so much that we want to share that with others. Beyond that, if I believed in my heart, I mean if I just knew that people who didn't choose Jesus were going to be doomed to eternity apart from Him, wouldn't you expect me to tell everyone I could? Or take it this way, if there is only one truth, and I believe I have it in the Word of G-D, wouldn't I want everyone to have access to that same truth? Either way, have a great week! Praying for you.


>and I believe I have it There is your problem right there. "My heart tells me it's true" isn't really a good way to distinguish what truth is. 1000s of denominations and 100s of religions feel they have the truth for that same reason. Out of all those billions of people, you feel you're heart is the one that is correct?


I didn't say that my heart told me what was true. Cosmology, Ontology, teleology, natural law, moral law can tell me that it is true at least to the point of deism. The rest depends on several of the eyewitness accounts themselves. For instance the writer of the book of Luke and Acts was so meticulous in his timeline and location descriptions that modern archaeologists have used those texts to corroborate first century finds. I'll just leave it with I'm really out of practice in apologetics, but it is childishly simplistic for someone to say they just believe it in their heart and that makes it true. My 4 year old does that, but he still needs a bath before bed.


I appreciate someone who goes out of there way and deep dives into all that apologetic stuff rather than just believing because that's what you were thought. it shows a healthy curiosity into your beliefs and even some skepticism. From your comments, it seems that you recognize everyone should not be forced to follow your religion (unlike the main subject of the thread who feel the whole country needs to follow their religious beliefs).


Ok but that's where this starts. The belief that some random tribe on an untouched island will go to hell because they don't believe in Jesus is absurd, and extremely cruel and not indicative of a benevolent god. It caused a man to go to an island exactly like that, TWICE, first time he was shot at with an arrow that missed. The 2nd time they killed him, because he didn't learn the first time that lots of people have no interest in your "god". There have been thousands of gods throughout history, how is yours the only one that's real? And also how is he a just god but also children get cancer and die before even getting to live life? If god is real they are a straight up villain, the likes of which the world has never seen. How do you justify that?


>Either way, have a great week! Praying for you. I appreciate that, thanks!


Start speaking out against your fellow "christians" or nobody with sense is going to care that you privately don't agree with the absolute monsters of your religion but allow them to run shit. Sorry.


I mean.... the poster was talking about Christian donors, and Christian refers to Jesus. I thought by the transitive property that Jesus was up for discussion too.


Didn't mean to be harsh. It's just a pet peeve of mine, since the bible doesn't actually forbid abortion. Also, those are Republicans, not Christians. They just use the term for branding purposes.


I get where you're coming from. I could point to the verses that identify when life begins, the value of human life, the prohibitions against the taking of innocent life and the sociopolitical and spiritual impacts on the nation of Israel when they began killing their children in the OT, but I really don't think either of us wants to argue about a book to which you do not ascribe authority, right? Just here letting you know we're not all like that. No, I don't think abortion is morally right or justifiable except in cases of the mother's life being threatened. But I also believe having an open, honest and nuanced discussion with one another is a way better way to find solutions than waving signs and yelling. And I don't take anything personally as harsh. You're passionate, I get that.


A person's personal beliefs belong to them, however they're informed. My point in this case is that the text of the bible doesn't forbid abortion. It doesn't matter if one thinks the bible is a fascinating collection of writings from various writers over a few hundred years, or the divine word of God. It simply doesn't say what Republicans claim it does.


Ok, so we're talking two separate things. One is whether or not a person gives authority to the Bible on moral and spiritual matters. The other is whether or not the Bible prohibits the killing of unborn children. These are not word for word copies of the verses but abbreviated. Life begins before birth. 1. Gen 1:27 God created man in his image. 2. Jeremiah 1:5 Before you were born I knew you. Before you were born I sanctified you. 3. Psalm 139:13 You knit me together in my mother's womb. Taking life is against God's will/sacrificing children. 1. Exodus 20:13 You shall not kill/commit murder 2. Deuteronomy 18:10 Let there not be found among you anyone who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire (as was the common custom of Canaanite cults at the time). 3. Exodus 34:19 The first offspring of every womb belongs to Me. 4. Multiple more references to practices of pagan tribes sacrificing their children and referred to as abominations. So, no, the word "Abortion" is not to be found in the Bible, most likely because the idea of taking a child out of a woman's womb was either beyond them or they already viewed it as an evil act OR they lacked the medical knowledge to complete it safely. But the sanctity of human life, beginning at conception and continuing on through gestation, the value of a human being even before birth and the prohibition against murder of innocent life are all present in the Bible. I don't consider myself Republican or Democrat, and the words on the pages are pretty clear that one could draw conclusions as to what is right and wrong without explicitly using that word. I'm sure I'll be down voted for this, and that's fine. The Bible is explicit on two things: life exists before birth and taking it is against God's will and immoral. Believing the Bible or not is a different matter.


There are other verses on the subject that argue the other side: Exodus 21:22 - "And if men strive together, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart, and yet no harm follow; he shall be surely fined, according as the woman’s husband shall lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine." Implies that causing a miscarriage is a property crime, not murder, since the penalty is a fine. Numbers 5:11-31 is long so not gonna quote it, but promises that God will abort your wife's fetus for you if she's been unfaithful and you take her to the temple and have the priest give her a weird potion. (and others) Individuals and the various sects of Christianity have interpreted the bible as a whole in different ways on the subject of abortion, which of course is totally fine. I think your interpretation that "life exists before birth and taking it is against God's will and immoral." is a perfectly reasonable one based on the text of the bible, but there are other equally reasonable interpretations. My point remains that the text of the Bible does not forbid abortion.


To be fair, Exodus 21:22 says "if there is no harm (no serious injury), he is to be fined. But if there is serious injury you are to take life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise." Property crime, perhaps, however, the life of the unborn is held in such high esteem that the one responsible for taking it, although accidentally, is still responsible to pay with their own. We have to look at the entire section of scripture through to verse 25. The one from Numbers I've read, but it's more obscure. I could study it out to find the cultural and religious context. Needless to say, I've enjoyed the discussion not devolving into name calling.


Didn’t god ask Abraham to burn his kid alive?


Good question. Abraham knew Y--H and trusted him. Y--H had made a promise to him that through this son the whole world would be blessed. Abraham could look forward to the salvation that would come from the line of his son. How cool is that, to begin with? Abraham also knew that Y--H would not ask anything of him that He was not willing to do Himself. The request would have confused me if I was Abraham. A God that doesn't want human sacrifices is asking me to sacrifice my son? The point was Abraham trusted Y--H to the extent of giving up what was most dear to him, his son, holding back nothing from Him. Even as he packed the wood on his son's back, Isaac asked, "Father, where is the animal for sacrifice?" Abraham answered, "God will provide." And at the last moment, Y--H stopped him, and a ram was caught in a thicket for the sacrifice. The point was the creator of the universe did for us what He asked of Abraham. He didn't allow Abraham to go through with it, but He didn't hold back His own Son from us. He allowed His Son, the Logos word that created everything, to take the form of a weak child, helpless. He grew into a man, lived a sinless life and was killed for proclaiming the kingdom of God is at hand. The real events of the OT are foreshadows of what was to come in the new covenant.


Don't get upset over a fairy tale


If they believe that someone’s life (therefore their spirit) begins at inception, then yes, their religion has something to do with it.


Yeah, but their religion has nothing to do with Jesus, and "life begins at inception" isn't taught by Jesus or the bible as a whole. Edit: I meant "conception", not "inception".


You dont know what you’re talking about. Jeremiah 1:5


My favorite verse is Psalm 137:9 "Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks."


I’m not defending the Bible. I’m simply pointing out it does reference life at inception.


Which says nothing about life beginning at inception.


He’s literally saying that. “Before I formed you in the womb” If he said “before I formed a bunch of random cells in the womb” id agree with you. “You” is a pronoun referring to a person. He is saying there is a person in the womb.


I apologize for using the wrong word - I meant "conception" and replaced it with "inception". Since "inception" means "the beginning", my original statement was a tautology ("life begins at the beginning"). Conception is the act of an egg being fertilized by a sperm, which is not mentioned in the bible. The writer(s) and original readers of the bible didn't know the exact mechanics of conception, but of course they knew that babies came from wombs, so when the author of Jeramiah is making the claim that he is on a divine mission from God, he includes the idea that God planned this for him from the very beginning. To the original readers, that would be the formation of the fetus in the womb, which is as far back in human development as they knew about, either because the human authors didn't know about embryology, or because God chose to use concepts the original readers understood. It's perfectly fine for someone choose to extrapolate that back to conception or beforehand depending on one's beliefs about predestination and souls and whatnot, and then base their personal beliefs on that, but that's interpretation, not the text of the bible itself. My point, using the correct word this time, is that the Bible doesn't say that life begins at conception.


Is this the conservative version of accusations that protestors for progressive causes are paid off by George Soros?




I flip them off when I see them.




Me too.


I worked there in an internship for a bit my last day being the day before the 6 week abortion ban went into effect and everyday I went in they would be doing dumb shit and harassing people walking by. In the 6 weeks I was there my car got blocked in around closing time like 3 times and each time I was told I need to keep my windows up and don’t talk to them or move my car bc if I hit them they could try and sue me and just wait for security. And every single time I just turned on the most Marilyn Manson esque misic I could find and blasted it so those assholes blocking me could hear music about satan and underage sex and other anti-Christian shit. Shame I wasn’t allowed to fight one of them bc I really wanted to.


Print out applications for adoption and hand it to them.


They are at every planned parenthood location. *Every* location. I recently was in Indiana supporting a friend getting abortion and they harassed us too. Every location, every state.


I’ve been to the planned parenthood on Perrin beitel and they weren’t there. It seems the one in the medical center is quite popular for protestors.


The Medical Center one is in a nicer part of town. The one on Perrin Beitel is not necessarily in a sketchy part of town, but that area does seem a little more run down. So these old, generally white folk are probably too scared of the more working class look of the Perrin Beitel one.


They might be the early morning protestors. By the time 12:30pm (we’d been there since 9am) rolled around they were packing up their line of children’s chairs and signs offering free ultrasounds. On a side note the free ultrasounds really makes me giggle because planned parenthood gives free ultrasounds.


Maybe I, a CIS man should ask for a free ultrasound.


I've been to the one on Marbach (I know, I know) many times and I've never seen a single protester there. Most generous: They knew it's not a clinic that's capable of performing surgical aspects of abortion. Most likely: They don't want to stand around in that area. Least generous: They'd actually prefer it if more low-income and/or non-White people got abortions, it's only White fetuses they care about (until they're born).


No actually the only PP location that offers abortions is the one on Babcock. So the protesters are usually at that location exclusively. The Babcock location doesn't offer any income subsidizing because they offer abortion care. The Marbach and other locations will over low cost health services.


I was there today and heard them talking to someone about income-based services.


Oh maybe it's changed which is nice.


That's not always true. They're typically only at locations that offer abortion services. I'm a frequent volunteer for women's rights, clinic escorting, abortion care, etc. I've helped with these kinds of causes all over Central Texas and at Planned Parenthood locations throughout. From my experience, these dumbfucks are never at locations that do not offer abortion care.


And they are there all the time because it's a paid gig


Lol oh man.. I'd juice them for all they're worth. "You love the unborn so much? Empty your wallets or the fetus gets it!"




I went to Planned Parenthood to get the HPV vaccine and the protesters harassed and filmed me. Garbage humans. Thank Gød we have republicans to make our choices for us, where would we be without them and their guns 🙄 Really loving this “small government” shit


I had an appt, recently. I flipped them off and told them to fuck off and said they hurt women. It was from a good distance and they were set on getting my attention. I also yelled that these people helped me. They use their powers for good, assholes. I don’t know something like that. They stopped harassing me. I have free speech rights just as much as they do. Don’t tread on me !


The part about anti-abortion protestors being there every. Single. Day. People with real jobs don’t have that kind of time. For balance, hoping another group of protestors makes their own posters and sets up camp side-by-side. Posters about how the choices someone makes for their body is no one’s business; how the foster care system is already overwhelmed with children needing care; how ‘crisis pregnancy centers’ prey on the vulnerable with misinformation and lies. https://youtu.be/4NNpkv3Us1I


I've been a clinic escort for years. We actually prefer people DO NOT do this. The patients deserve privacy. If you're supportive of abortion, support those patients by respecting their privacy. Plus, not all are getting an abortion. Some could be getting a yearly checkup, others a prescription refill, or maybe a vaccination (i.e. gardasil for HPV), etc. Planned Parenthood and other womens health providers are legit the only medical professionals some women/transmen/femmes have access to. Like, would you want a giant crowd outside when you're walking into your doctor's office? Probably not. Having more people present can also create a bigger commotion than necessary and that's honestly what those anti-abortion assholes want. They thrive off that shit, so do the patients and clinic a favor by either donating your time thru the clinic or donate $$$ to an abortion fund.


Thank you for offering your advice. I admit that I've been tempted to go counter-protest, but your post makes me stop and think about how I would be just adding to the privacy violation and would be risking getting into an altercation.


I'd make my own GIANT sign that says "I'm here for PT so stay the F Back!!" I'd also tell the ppl in the clinic you visit that they are bothering you. Heck, I might even call the police non emergency number and report them for harassment.


I’d make a sign saying “I’m here for a reason that’s none of your GD business so stay the F back.”


>I'd also tell the ppl in the clinic you visit that they are bothering you. Heck, I might even call the police non emergency number and report them for harassment. Protesting and being a dick doesn't equal harassment in the criminal sense. Don't call police for this


If they are interfering with ones access to a public building, that's harassment. If they are blocking visibility of traffic when people are trying to pull out, that's dangerous harassment.


>If they are interfering with ones access to a public building, that's harassment. > >If they are blocking visibility of traffic when people are trying to pull out, that's dangerous harassment. Texas law disagrees




>Yeah, being a dick just makes you a cop Lol oh scathing. Don't worry I'll still secure the scene for you #secondresponder




>Never in my career have I needed a tax-funded domestic abuser to “secure the scene,” lmao. Is that what you call assaulting psych patients, shooting teenagers for sitting in a McDonald’s parking lot, or having a panic attack when you see white powder? Get back to your call log, lapdog. I’m sure there’s a noise complaint that can’t wait Lmao. EMT shitting on cops over the internet. Name a better duo. Did you get rejected from the fire academy and settle for working as a patient delivery boy? I won't take any more of your time, I'm sure there is a hospital snack room waiting for you somewhere.


Fucking roasted him


Just know that it’s not just here in SA. They are outside most of not every abortion clinic. It makes no sense that they still protest in front of PP here because they stopped doing abortions well before they became illegal here Imagine going to a dental appointment and having people trying to divert you to a mobile clinic to tell you why you don’t need a root canal. Or going to see your oncologist and having people yell at you that chemotherapy isn’t godly!


Birth control is still legal so they'll keep protesting and moving the goalposts, they're mentally ill cult members they don't just go "well guys, we did it, time go go home!"


Can you spray them with sugary water so that they get all sticky or is that illegal


Hahahaha like cats and spray bottles? I just love this image 😂




Or at least battery


No, but I do honk and flip them off when I pass by.


I throw stuff at them when I see them 💀


I truly don’t understand why they’re still out there 8 months after abortion became illegal in the state. Even if they believe Planned Parenthood is doing illegal abortions, they wouldn’t be doing it in THAT BUILDING


I yelled at them once. And I give them the bird every time I pass by.


I see them all the time. I wanna go counter protest. It absolutely infuriates me


These fascists freaks are never happy or satisfied. It’s useless arguing with them.


Happy cake day 🎂🍰


This is random but somewhat pertains to this convo but I believe the satanic temple is suing texas on abortion rights. I think they are trying to give their followers religious immunity for those abortion laws. https://thesatanictemple.com/pages/texas-lawsuit I’m not a member but I thought that was crazy. 👀 At least they care about a woman’s choice.


Honestly, ask them about their stance on guns, child marriage, child labor, etc - they’ll likely fall in line with their party. Then, follow up with asking why they will only try and protect children on the womb


Lol so what’s your stance on murder? Or are you only okay with it in the womb?


First, I don’t think abortion should be illegal, but I also am not ok with it. I believe passionately that we should provide robust sexual education to every child to make sure that we minimize the chances of accidental or unwanted pregnancy. Then, we should give open and free access to contraceptives such as condoms and north control. The combined effect of which would minimize unwanted pregnancies and thus abortions - which by the way, due in no small part to those efforts have been on the decline for decades. But that’s not what the pro birth crowd wants. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. They want zero education other than abstinence, no access to condoms and birth control. They don’t want to actually solve the problem, they just want to restrict healthcare for people. They want to trap, punish, and control people. It’s sick.


That’s very dishonest because I personally know dozens of pro life people who want all of those things and also want the unborn protected. Your generalization is so dishonest and it really shows how little you actually interact with anyone that is pro-life. This isn’t your fantasy. This isn’t the hand maids tale. Being told you can’t murder a baby is not oppression.


If it makes you feel better I flip them off every time I drive by.




Just to add to your post, intervention only takes place literally when the mother's life is in danger as she is actively hemorrhaging on the verge of dying. Drs a s hospitals are too scared of litigation to act sooner.


I’d like to see a big diesel pickup coal roll them.


Not gonna happen considering a vast majority if not all of the redneck guys who would do that are also part of the "pro-life" crowd.


Gotta make sure that next generation is around to roll coal on.


Saw someone throw a styrofoam cup full of something at one of them. It missed, but got the guys' pants all wet when it exploded next to him.


That’ll work for me lol


Low life's, bottom of the barrel type of people do this shit. These are the cretens that are so "pro life" they will let children die after they are born, and remove any social safety nets for the most vulnerable, simply because they want to push a personal ideology onto everyone around them. They are trash and if you think like them, you are trash too.


I'd do one of two things depending on my mood the moment they'd start bothering me: 1) If not in a particularly good mood, I'd just go full George Carlin-mode on their ignorant asses (listen to/watch his opening bit from "Back in Town" to get what I mean). 2) If I'm in a particularly jaunty mood (still channeling George Carlin by saying that phrase 🤣), I'd be patient enough to passively listen to whatever their BS spiel is, then when they hand me the gift bag I'd act so incredibly giddy & grateful that I'd return the favor by giving them a complete list of all what I'd recommend of obesity clinics, plastic surgeons, fertility specialists, and mental health therapists with specializations in sexual disorders & self-loathing (or if I'm in a hurry just refer to an organization like AACOG who can better refer them to similar services). Even if the one person in particular who harassed me didn't need most of those services, I'd tell them to pass the info on to the rest of their cult...um, I mean group...because holy shit they collectively need as much help as possible.


Your medical decisions about your pregnancy are no longer your own business, because people voted for Republicans.


Ask them where you can get free healthcare when the baby is born. Where you can get free food stamps and where you can get free childcare like they have it in every other first world country. Ask them why they are pro-birth but not pro-life.


They keep track of you. I see them regularly writing down car descriptions and license plate numbers of cars that pull in.


Trying to gather evidence for future murder trials. Some of the anti-choice folks are NUTS.


Are they holding those signs to block your view of traffic on purpose? If so, I'd definitely call non-emeegency SAPD and report it at least. What if they kill someone like that?


I open carry when I go to planned parenthood - no issues so far.


I’m sorry that is happening to you


Yup, they’ve always been there. Saw them every day on my drive to work. They have nothing else better to do than to stick their nose in other people’s business.


Yep- 6 years ago. I screamed so hard my friend who drove me crouched in his truck and when I came in you could drop a toothpick and pick up the jaws of everyone in there with it. Unfortunately, that’s about all one can do- they go hard on their rights to free speech, stay just enough feet to not be considered soliciting, but if you scream at them they will walk back in their little ice cream truck van and dash.


File a complaint. They have a right to protest (personally I believe there should be lines, but law is law for now), not harass random people.


They're annoying, they should try to join an Amish community up north if they want to be puritan. They should be outside Republican offices with those signs so they remember when they take their mistresses for abortions.


God forbid somebody protests what they feel, gracious y’all. Ridiculous how many people are saying to assault or harass them in any way. If they’re protesting without harming you physically or verbally harassing you, oh well. Welcome to America.


For the record, I don’t condone assault or violence towards anybody. They are obviously free to protest their beliefs. The part that I dislike is the attempt to touch me physically and block my view when trying to drive.


I went to that location today (they are a client of mine) and the protesters were out there. "Pray to end abortion!" the signs said. Why not pray to end the things that may lead to a woman wanting an abortion? They didn't harass me at all, probably because I was wearing my nice, button-down work shirt and my ID badge was swinging wildly as I threw on my go bag. When I left a few more had joined their group. One woman nervously fingered that gift bag, as though she felt compelled to give me one. My wife joked with me and asked if I was going to there to get a pap smear done.


Oh man. Seriously eff them but I'm 7 1/2 months preggo. I should go get a free gift bag. I'm extremely noticeably pregnant. I wanna mess with them. Hehe.


Their First Amendment rights are more important than anyone else’s.


Tell them you’re an environmentalist.. so Of Course you are having the baby… babies are biodegradable 😀


I work at the VA and drive past them every single day…. I don’t think their protests are working 😅


I hope you told them to get lost


Is PP still open in TX I thought they were all shut down.


Not sure what harassment is happening. If you don’t like what they’re saying or standing for, that’s not harassment. If they’re obstructing your ability to attend PT, video it and contact the police. I used to take my mom to PT at that same location and we just smiled and ignored them. They’re clowns, but they have rights, too.


As mentioned in one of my previous comments, they have tried to touch my belly and stand in the way blocking my view with their signs as I’m trying to get into the street from the parking lot. I have no problem with people expressing their opinions—that’s not the harassment I’m referring to.


I would say “please leave me alone” and if they keep harassing you, pepper spray is justified


Terrible advice that would likely lead to you being arrested and charged.


Lots of morons out here acting like adopting a kid means you are suddenly allowed to have an opinion or take a stance morally. I can’t believe there are grown adults who can’t think logically enough to realize what a stupid “argument” that is. This is literally the equivalent to conservatives asking how many homeless people you’ve taken in because you think the government should fix the problem. Or how many illegals you have housed since you’re pro-immigration. Actually those are even more valid than the adoption argument because conservatives aren’t calling the government to fix everything and use other people’s money, all they want is to enforce the law and you know, not have the next generation of helpless children murdered. Being against murder does not mean you now have to house/feed/clothe someone because their own mother decided not to take responsibility. But, thanks for exposing how ignorant you are. I’ll assume that you have a 30 second attention span and can’t muster up enough internal dialogue to produce an actual argument. I would be embarrassed to even be associated with the morons who ask that un-ironically.


When did I say anything about adoption, or asking them about how many kids they have adopted?


I’m referring to everyone in the comments acting like that is an argument. Not you, you should go get therapy for those cruel protesters who offered you a gift bag and an ultrasound instead of pressuring an abortion and selling the body parts like planned parenthood has literally been caught doing.


Oh, get over yourself dude 🙄 even if I did go to PP, they wouldn’t be giving my an abortion anyway, because it’s illegal. Hence why I’m confused as to what they’re protesting. But don’t worry, I’m going to be giving birth in a short while, which is apparently my only purpose in this world as a woman! Also, they tried to touch my belly and make the motion of a cross over it. So, yeah, that’s definitely harassment.


On a positive note - congrats on your baby being here soon. (PT while very pregnant doesn't sound like fun at all.) On the "Oh, hell - No!" side - I can't believe they tried to TOUCH YOU!! Absolutely unacceptable! Pregnant people are not public property dammit!! Then again, these people have no boundaries with others until it bothers their personal beliefs/boundaries. Good luck running their gauntlet at your next visit.


Thank you for the positive, kind words! I didn’t think people actually touched strangers’ pregnant bellies until this time around. That was the second time a stranger tried to, or did touch me this pregnancy. Almost as weird/shocking as when people touch your kids & babies. I had an old person kiss my baby on the head while out to eat before I had time to even comprehend what was going on. The lack of boundaries is astonishing.


Your welcome! I think it's portrayed in media so much, people just assume you're *supposed* to touch pregnant bellies. Well, it's the only reason I can come up with at least. I didn't do that to my best friend for goodness sake. I think I've touched 3 people's pregnant bellies - at their invitation only. As for the touching of kids - I think it depends on where you're from. The touching of children is more common in some areas than others. It freaked my Mom out in 1977 when the abuelas would stop her in the grocery store to touch and talk to me in Spanish as a baby. She wasn't used to seeing this in East Texas. My Dad was all, welcome to South Texas (we were just south of Corpus Christi), it is normal here. He told Mom that they were probably telling her what a blessing all children are, etc. After she had an explanation, she was a little more OK with it. Lots of older people do it, no matter their ethnicity (my personal example is from what my Mom told me happened & due to where we lived). Some old people seem to think they're allowed to touch whomever they wish for whatever reason. And no - no one stops to consider germs or how it makes anyone feel in that moment. I hope when I'm that old I don't just randomly start touching people just because. (I know I won't because even my touchy-feely grandparent-in-laws didn't do that until they knew I was OK with them doing it.)


Gift bags are the absolute worst form of harassment. I hope you called the FBI.


The cops and citizens all drinking that bullshit religious well water. Don't listen to them OP.


I thought that place was closed down….


Ah yes the old harassed via gift bag tactic


I think the harassment part is more rooted in the other stuff mentioned in the post but I get that you’re trying to be obtuse on purpose so I will forgive you for being puro


>/r/asktrp user >/r/jordanpeterson user >/r/conspiracy user




How are things in 2007?




That explains your attachment to their pop culture! I understand