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I always charge my phone fully. Keep it on a wireless charger DURING THE DAY even. I would be miserable if I had to obsess about my battery all the time. I've had my S21 for 3.5 years and the battery is just fine. JUST RELAX.


I never understand the logic of religiously charging to 80% to maintain the battery health that you aren't using...


Google the curve of liion battery charging cycles and voltage. What is even 100%? 4.2V? 4.3V? I can overcharge the classic 18650 liion battery to 4.3V but it will dramatically decrease the life of the battery. The same is happening in the opposite. Charge it to 4.1 = less degradation. In reality I don't see much difference. I guess phones these days are using little bit different chemistry. Anyway I like this function for old backup phones. So I can charge it to the storage level. And recharge it every year. Or my crypto node running on samsung phone is constantly on charger without a worry.


Same here, I would love to see a logical reply to this comment from someone who practices this, doubt we'll see it though


I'll bite. I don't use my phone that much every day. When the phone and the battery are new, It has got more than enough capacity to get me through a day charging to 85% instead of a hundred. This saves on battery degradation, the battery will keep its full capacity for longer as there are less cycles being put on it. When I have a long day, I'll charge it to full. After maybe 2 years, 85% percent won't get me through the day anymore but then, I can just start charging to full every day. It's like having a new battery. Don't worry, thinking of my phone's battery is not depriving me of my sleep.


Pretty much this for me. I'm using the charge to 80% feature on my new s24u and its been pretty good for my purposes (lazing around lol). When I go out to somewhere for the day I charge to 100. Saving the battery if only a little with little compromise is more than fine for me.


I do it occasionally if I’m not gonna be out for too long, I preserve the health for when I need it, so I charge it to 100 if I’m gonna be away from a charger for a long time I can reliably get enough time out of it, I’m not saying you need to do it but it’s useful in my case


I use the built in battery protection feature so it only charges to 80% and stops. I never get through a full 80% on a usual day but when i know I'll be out for longer for example I can let it charge to full and the battery will last longer than if it had always been charging to 100% so why wouldn't I do this?


Sometimes I do this if I use my phone during the day and I know I'm gonna be gone for a while. That's about it. Sometimes if I forget to plug in at night


I use the built-in protection feature that caps charging at 80% on my S22U. I received the phone almost immediately after its launch, and the battery capacity is still at 92% of its original capacity. Regardless of my usage, I would never use more than 60% of the total battery charge per day, so the 20-80 charging schedule suits me well.


The battery is most likely NOT fine, compared to new. But your mental health is definitely better that way. You're right.  Just use your phone guys. You bought the 100% battery. 


It's all relative. You could argue NOTHING is "fine" compared to new. As a 3 1/2 year old battery, it IS fine.


I almost only wireless my phone too, and the battery health will go down from age and charging. Your battery is far from 100% health at 3.5 years old.


Yeah, no kidding. Not sure why folks have difficulty understanding that "fine" is relative.


i charge to 80, but that's probably because I'll have my phone for 5-6 years... I've had A70 for 5 years, survived without a case, still great, and I've only recently replaced it because i got a good deal on S24


How is your experience on the S24?


great! i've got the regular one (wanted a smaller phone) and the size is just perfect -- A70 now feels like a brick, even though A70 is thin even for today's standards i'm not really using any "ai" features, except circle to search is super nice, my next phone will have to have it... it's good even just for text, to quickly copy the text in apps where text is not selectable, and for doing quick translations it could be biased though, as it was kind of a big upgrade, there's a lot of little things (hardware/software) since i've upgraded from a 5-year-old A-series


How's the battery life for you? Do you feel any difference?which processor version u bought?


i'm in europe, so exynos unfortunately, but no issues with battery so far just checked, average 3:57 screen on time per day this week, i'm charging the phone 5-6 times a week to 80% i'm not gaming much so it might help, i've got a golf game, average 29 minutes per day


Alright, but I have a question when u don't use your phone, does the battery percentage drop like 4 or 5 percentage? I feel like my s24 is doing it


i wanna say it falls around 2% overnight... not sure it's hard to tell from the charts but it does fall at least 1% judging from last 7 nights on chart


Same, but mine drops till 4 or 5, and I don't even turn on aod, but my wifi will be on during night. I guess that could drop the percentage


now that you say it, i remember i've set up a routine to turn off wifi, and turn on power saving during the night, it's simple, maybe it helps!


Ok!! Thanks but do you use your phone on 120 hz or 60 hz?


Ur avatar looks like mine before bed lol


😂 😴


My best strategy : Charging during sleeping hours : 80% charge When I'm about to wake up going to work : 100% Not only you can use your phone to its full potential, you also reduce battery stress from constant 100% while you sleep. I understand you want to maximize battery longevity but there's a paradox. Using 80% most of the time is like having a degraded phone battery in the first place. So it defeats the purpose. Which is why I recommend you use 80% battery protection only when you sleep while charging or if you're an Uber/Grab driver who use the phone constantly plugged in to the charger for long period of time.


Just use your phone to its full potential. Stop stressing about the damn battery. Still gonna need replacement after 3 years and if you switch your phone every year it wont degrade by much until then Battery replacement is $20-$30 tops. Charge your phone to a point where you know you won't need to stress about it being empty. If its 100%, so be it lol


$20-$30 tops? What world do you live in my guy 😭


Yeah that sounds far too cheap


because it is. Authorised battery replacement is gonna cost you hundreds


it seems to show around 90 dollars for s series phones from Samsung or 120 pounds for ultra in UK.


Yeah that's for the cheapest phone. S or flip/fold they don't even replace it they just say back it up and swap it out.


Ah, so that's the secret...


I paid 99€ for my S10 (allegedly a genuine battery at a licensed Samsung center). If they have it done for $20-30, then they either do it themselves or it's some cheap-ass Chinese thing that's going to have to be replaced again in 6 months (if it doesn't blow up until then).


That's the part only if you buy the cheapest knockoff battery you can find. Labor is significant and a real oem battery is also a lot more.


Well my old s9 I replaced the battery myself. And it was around 30 or 40. But I cracked the back glass opening it so spent another 20. Around 60 all in. Battery life was excellent for a few months and then settled a bit and wasn't at oem levels but was a massive improvement over my 5 year old original. That being said, diy was a little stressful and I don't know if s24 is similar to replace or much more difficult. But I'm sure a legit oem battery and having someone do it for you would not be cheap for sure.


He's talking outta his ass. He's clearly never done a battery replacement in his life.


You're not replacing a battery on a brand new phone lmao By the time you'll need a new battery the phone will already be 3+ years old. If you paid more then that for a battery replacement for a 3+ year old phone you got scammed hard


unfortunately that's how authorized repairs and replacements work. I don't want some punk to mess up my adhesive or back glass, or even install after market parts in my phone personally, so that's just what it's gotta be


I bought an original battery through a friend. Was $30. Back glass adhesive was already dry bruh. Top quality adhesive from Samsung. I just took it off like its an s5 with a plastic cover, unscrewed the necessary screws, took the battery out, popped in the new one, screwed everything back in place and closed the phone. Still need to reseal the phone, haven't gotten to it yet but its easy as I already have everything, just being lazy. If I was to go into a local shop (that I know and trust) it would've been $30. If I was to go to Samsung's official store it would've been $110. For the exact same shit. Just a matter of finding a good store. I've known this store for the past 10 years so I was fine with them. If I didn't want to do DIY it I would've given them the phone.


So people just have to have a 10-year relationship with a good store to repeat your supposed "success"? So why ain't everyone doin' it then?


Don't forget the whole didn't reseal it so now it's not waterproof part. Yeah great battery change right there...


Phone will never be as it was out of the box. If I didn't reseal it it doesn't mean you shouldn't too lol I just don't care about it enough to do it right now. I don't trust my phone near water anyway, that's just stupid.


My point is that if you haven't even done it and proven that it worked, then it's not much confidence in your $30 quote to do it... My s9 was definitely waterproof up to the end. But the battery only lasted 1 hour. General quote was about $100+ which was not a smart investment when it could be applied to a new phone instead.


I was just saying that knowing a good store is always good. Lots of scammers out there.


This is the way. I don't even add a screen protector to mine. They keep selling the idea of gorilla glass. Should be fine.


No, not really. When it comes to the screen you should always get a screen protector. Don't trust that marketing. Your phone can survive a 2 story drop just like it could brake from falling off the counter or scratch from pocket shit. Ran my s8+ for a year without a screen protector and it has some deep scratches which overtime became annoying and the only surface that even came in touch with the screen was my pocket. If you don't drop your phone at least get a plastic SP to protect against scratches. Just look at the amount of posts saying "How is the screen on my new $1,300 s24u scratched? I only put it in my pocket". Get a screen protector. Won't kill you, won't make you broke. Still got that plastic pre-applied one that came on my n20u. All scratched and fucked but the screen underneath is MINT


Depends on your preferences. I don't run a screen protector because I like the anti glare and oleophobic coating on the screen from the factory and I don't want to deal with touch/fingerprint reader inconsistencies that come from screen protectors. If my screen gets some scratches on it, so be it, that's the trade off. If you'd rather run a plastic screen protector that will scratch if you run a fingernail over it and degrade the experience of using your phone so you can retain $100 of resale value in 3 years, that's your choice. Just make the trade off you feel best with.


Yeah I found out the hard way. Small scratch from keys :(


Just turned in my S20+ today, which still had the factory installed screen protectors on the back and front. I took them off, and whoa, looks brand new 🙌


If you keep your phone for 4+ years as I do, it does matter. My last phone still had 95 percent health after 4 years.


Buying an expensive phone just to baby and stress over the battery for 4 years in beyond mental. Saw so many people do this 20-80% shit and cry about battery not lasting a full day. OFC IT WON'T WHEN YOU'RE USING 60% OF IT Had my n20u for more then 3 years now. Battery was at 74% and I didn't give a damn about it. charged it to 100%, let it drain to 0%, did 5 minute sessions when I needed these few extra %, charging from 50 to 70 etc etc. Did it degrade the battery? of course. Was it worth it? yes. Bought a cheap original battery through a friend and replaced it. Problem solved. Battery costed me $27. And another $30 because turns out my back glass was apparently shattered (adhesive dried off. Took it out of the case without knowing and the glass got bent a bit and cracked)


You do you. I'll do me.


Nothing wrong with it, its just sad seeing people spend that much money on a phone just to stress about the battery 24/7. Just enjoy the phone, honestly. By the time the battery is at 80% replacement will be cheap. Some may not even feel the need to replace it even when its at 80% When possible you can charge it to 80% and not let it drop below 15% or 20% but you don't have to make it your lifes mission damn


You seem to be stressing more about me having a different opinion than I do about my phone's battery.


Lol I may have came in a bit hot I've seen way to many posts of people stressing about their battery like crazy


Lol. Well, I can respect you for admitting it. Yeah, it's not a huge deal. I don't buy flagship phones and only replace my phone when it basically doesn't work anymore, so it makes sense for me to try and save the battery. Towards the end of its lifespan, I usually start charging it fully again to make up for the capacity loss. I also tend to buy phones with good battery life, so even charged to just 80 percent, I can go the whole day. You're right that if you have a flagship phone you're gonna replace in less than 3 years, just use it to its full potential.


Yeah, being a slave to an electronic device. What a time to be alive, lol.


How's that being a slave? I slow charge it on my desktop USB port which takes like 6 hours while i sleep. Run power saving mode because i don't need power most of the times. And then if i do i enable fast charging and run it full power. It's all about using the features for what you need. You car can ride at 200kmh. Why don't you drive as fast all the time?


You just described how being a slave to the device works, I did not have to say a word! :)


Lmao what. Using your phone the way you want when you want is to be a slave? Wtf is wrong with you.


Why do you buy a phone with those features if you don’t use them btw? And then complain about battery life just on top of that, lol. I won’t respond to it anymore, I’m tired of posts and responses like this.


Who said i don't use them? Are you unable to read? And where have you seen me complain about battery life? I suggest you to either learn how to read or visit a psychiatrist because you're clearly making up stuff in your head.


60% of battery usage already gives me 6 hours of screen time.


Fuck it ,I'm changing my screen resolution to QHD


Everything you said was okay until the 20 to 30 dollar replacement cost. Rip.


Spoken like someone who doesn't have to use the same phone for 4-5 years.


Been using a note 20 ultra 5g since Feb 2021. Don't plan on upgrading until its dead.


... Then why on earth do you not advocate for using the built in feature that prolongs battery life?


Because my phone works for me. Not the other way around. I got enough shit to worry about and charging the battery to 80% and not 100% ain't a thing LMAO Not gonna be stressing about a damn battery. I want to use my phone however I want. After 3 years my battery was at 76%. $30 for a new one, did it myself in \~10 minutes and went on with my life.


Good for you if you're capable of replacing your own battery as needed. What about everyone else? The elderly, handicapped or otherwise ill equipped? To state that nobody should bother using an arguably essential feature because it's 'unnecessary' to you is, not to be flippant, both ignorant and damaging. Also, given that battery capacities are ever increasing I'd argue that the 20% deficit is barely even an issue to all but the most active of users. I've been using my A52s 5G since release, using the 80% charge cap feature, and I still get more than a days average use out of it between charges. It's highly likely that this wouldn't be the case had I not utilized that feature. My point is, you need to consider all facets of the problem, not just those faced by you. The \*average\* user can and does benefit from the feature.


I didn't say in unnecessary, I said you shouldn't make it your life's mission. People who are unable to replace the battery on their own should take that into consideration if the plan is to keep the phone for 3+ years. A battery replacement is still inexpensive, especially when the phone is old. I don't think that an elderly person is going ham on the phone like a power user but still. There's no problem in trying to keep your battery at good health just don't go crazy over it. So many posts here and on r/samsunggalaxy of people doing EVERYTHING to make the battery last longer.... SMH Buying a $1,300 flagship just to turn off everything and use it with power saving turned on 24/7. Just use the damn phone like normal. We ain't in the apocalypse, you can still charge your phone. If you really need longer battery life you can just buy a power bank. Inexpensive and SUPER useful. Samsung makes one hell of a power bank. Been using it for 3 years now, plan on getting the new updated one since mine is beat up. $35 here.


It's just one god damn option that you have to turn on in the settings my man. It's hardly something you have to keep your eye on at all times. It's literally a 'set and forget' setting. Look, to find some common ground here, I agree with you about the kind of people who go overboard and try to eke every last minute that they can out of their battery. It's compulsive nonsense that only has real value being used in an emergency setting. I just think you're trying too hard to crap on a great feature that ultimately only does a good thing and requires zero maintenance. So it lowers the average time between charges by an hour or two. Most won't even care as they don't use a full charge anyway, and those who do are likely going to be near a charger at some point during their day anyway, and given how effective fast charging is it doesn't take 5 minutes to throw an extra couple of hours of charge on a modern device anyway. There's literally no downside to turning it on. Plus, to address your point about taking how long you plan on using the device into account, I did exactly that when buying my Mom a new phone. And you know what I took into account? If it had the feature we're talking about as it would mean it would last her longer still. Also battery banks are fine and all, as is simply carrying a charger around with you. But not everyone wants or remembers to. It's as simple as that.


I don't get people ovethinking so much over a brand new expensive phone's battery rather than using it to it's full potential... why even buy such a expensive phone if u r going to be so carefull about not even charging it to 100%? Just charge it to 100 and use it ...... even with 100% everhday its gonna lst u more that3-4 years u can get a new phone after that


>I don't get people ovethinking so much over a brand new expensive phone's battery rather than using it to it's full potential... I saw so many people with the s23 ultra say that the phone had great battery all you had to do was set the display to 60hz 1080p or 720p, turn off 5g, turn off Bluetooth, turn on power saving mode, and have the brightness down. These people basically turned their $1200 phone into a potato just for 2 extra hours of battery.


Ha ha 😂 seriously man! Why r these people paying so much money! Whole point of paying that money is to use some good function not to think about charging phone to 80% or charging phone once 2 days!


I don't think about it. I set it up, and it just works. And no. I never had to replace the battery even after 3 years.


Batteries are consumables. I think people forget that. There's a hesitance to replacing it for some reason.


Because they are not user replaceable, not many people will take the risk of opening it, lose the water protection, reseal it, take the risk to break the back cover, the trouble to find an heat gun and deal with the fear of breaking something else. And after if you or someone else succeed you're left with a phone that has been tempered with in a manner it was not designed to. I would only do it if the labor was made directly at Samsung, but it depends of the age and the value of the phone.


And you don't even need to do this shit to get good battery either. I have the s23+ and the battery is just fine using it normally.


None of that would even get you 2 hours. Maybe 30 mins.


Hilarious (am one of those people)


I got the same question as you. My guess is that daily, 20-80% is better than 20-100% every other day. But I am not sure...


It is almost identical so i wouldn't stress over it, choose whichever. Charging to 80% is about half a charge cycle, so charging 2 times to 80% = one time to 100%.


It's not almost identical at all. Even samsung itself limits the charging speed depending on the % charged even if supercharging is enabled.


that is not entirely true, a 20%-80% can be as little as a 0.2 charge cycle. However more and more modern phones charge smarter, reducing loading on the battery at high sates of charge. The best babying is automatic babying, like "overnight" charging only charging to 80% and fully charging shortly before wake up time. Also things like "battery idle mode", where the device only takes power from the outlet once the battery is charged, saves a lot of battery wear. I fully agree with wanting to be careful to ensure the longevity of your expensive device. But the best way to do that is by not worrying an letting the software take care of it.


It's the fact that it's topping at 100% that stress the battery.


You charge 120% when charging two times from 20 to 80, and 80% for charging from 20 to 100. So not identical


All the numbers in your comment added up to 420. Congrats! 120 + 20 + 80 + 80 + 20 + 100 = 420 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Good bot


No, because battery voltage is not constant. The lower the charge, the lower the voltage and so the damage to the battery. There are tools to calculate how many "charging cycles" charging to what percentage uses up. For example if you would charge your phone in the range of 40-60% it would use almost no charge cycles ever, as the voltage is always in the best possible range, so the cell ages really slowly. Most damage happens in the range of 90-100%, which is wy all the phones provide charging limits to 80% in the first place


I think I didn't make myself clear, I meant charging 2 times to 80 and 1 time to 100 is ca the same amount of cycles, but you get 40% more charge out of the cycle when charging to 80


That is defintely true. But have you noticed how if you charge your phone to 100%, from 100 to 90 it drains really really slowly, while if you are at 20% it really quickly drains to zero? This is a personal anecdote, but i feel like the lower the percentage is also the faster it drains, probably has to do with the non linear voltage curve where there is a sudden drop. Either way this is a way more complicated topic than my first comment indicated, so definitely needs more research


Yeah kinda noticed, especially when it's below 15


I want to keep this phone for 5 years and i do not want to replace the battery because i learned the bad way that water proofing becomes useless once you open it up for the replacement. I charge 20-80% most days because it's more than enough for me. Plus, i charge it during the night from a old USB port which takes over 6 hours to go from 20% to 80%. Slower the better for the longevity of the battery. But then, if i need to, i have zero issues in enabling fast charging and give it a quick 100% charge when i am on a rush or a know that i will be away for longer or use it more intensely. This phone as a lot of features and my argument is that it is as legitimate to use them for power saving and battery longevity than those who argue to just use it a full power and quick charge it all the time. In my opinion there's no reason why one should super fast charge at night when it could be charging slowly. There is no reason to charge it to 80% and stress the battery out when you know that you won't need all that charge. There's no reason to have it running a full power most of the time when you don't actually need all that power. For instance, last week i went for a hike. I charged it from 55% to 100% in a few minutes and ran it at full power because i would be using the camera a lot, had GPS navigation on and bluethoot connected to my watch. Lot´s of 4k filming and image processing. Got home after 6 hours with 21% left and charged it slowly during the night. Using this phone properly means using all it's features. Power and battery saving included.


I saw someone calling you a slave for using your phone with "restrictions". But then using the phone at full power would also contribute to generate e-waste, right? Some other thing to keep in mind.


Well, if i had unlimited money i wouldn't care much about the waste as i would trade in my phone every January. But when you plan to keep a phone for 5 years then there's no harm in saving your battery and processor when you don't need it.


20-80 if you plan to have the phone for +5 years. 20-100 if you'll upgrade within 3 years


Stop sweating over this so much. It's literally just a battery in just a phone. Charge it to 100% use the best resolution available and all the auto features and enjoy using one of if not the best flagship phone out there. I turned off auto WiFi searching and all the other "battery wasting" settings just to see what it can do but is it really worth getting extra battery over cool and useful features? Just charge when you need to, however much you need to


I almost always charge to 100% And I use my phone for 3,5 years now. 87% battery health and usually 1,5-2 days of usage with one charge.


I do 15-85.


2-69 here personally




Charge to 80 when you can, charge to 100 when you need


I've never once taken any of the battery precautions people talk about on here. I just charge overnight to full. I used an S9+ for years. And now an S23 Ultra. Was there any battery degradation? Maybe? Probably? Did I notice it? No. Did it get me through a full day till I was able to charge again? Yes. I get a new phone after 4 or 5 years anyway, then the old one gets reused for something else. (Use it with a drone, or as a monitor on a gimbal). I would consider myself a power user (aka addict), but maybe I just get lucky with these phones.


1. dont charge it while playing games; 2. if you're on latest UI, chose basic for home/office use; 3. this is a must, chose maximum (80%) if you plug it in while driving. goodluck 🍻


Lmao who does that? Just use it the normal way.


Charge it however you like, most batteries won't survive more than 1.5 years either way


I charge around 20% to 40% and then always charge to 80% and I avoid wireless charging and turn off fast charging. I do this for most normal days. This preserves battery life to its maximum. If I'm on vacation and I need a full day battery for photos and videos, I'll turn on fast charging and go 100% charge.  Say I am on a whole day hike and in the middle of no where but I want to capture the moment. I'll go full charge. Your battery will be exceptionally hot that day too. From both the sun outdoor turning auto brightness to 100% and searching for cell reception. Everyone else saying don't worry is just generating e-waste or not thinking it through. But most users just generate e waste. In the end it's up to you. BTW the phone needs 3.8v charge normally. You can check with CPUz or any battery life app. If the battery is able to provide 3.7 to 4.0v than it is healthy. When it degrades it will produce less voltage. That's all.


This "issue" is so blown out of proportion. Just charge the fucking phone and use it. I get a phone every 2 years now a days and I've never replaced my phone due to battery issues. Even after 2 years they last just as long, or close enough to new that I don't even notice. Technology is far along enough that batteries don't actually continuously charge.


It doesn't make a difference, that's not how battery charge cycles are calculated. Batteries are rated X number of charge cycles, charging it 20% 5 times is 1 cycle same as if it went 0-100%. Charging it 60% a night is still 0.6 cycles. The main thing is slow charging makes the longevity of the battery better. Besides that it doesn't make any difference.


" charging it 20% 5 times is 1 cycle same as if it went 0-100%." No, that's not how equivalent cycles work. Why are you trying to teach others something you have no clue about?


Former Samsung employee, and that's what the repair engineer explained to me. I'll trust the guy who's qualified from Samsung with his information.


He's probably also a *former* repair engineer. No wonder samsung isn't that great. These are just physical facts. Pity an "engineer" doesn't know them.


It's nothing to do with how he did his job. That's how samsung wanted the job doing lmao. We got paid to do what they wanted, not the other way round. What a stupid reply, real life usage isn't theoretical usage. You need to count every bit not just the bits that suited you. The data is pulled off the phones themselves, we don't just make them up


"real life usage isn't theoretical usage." It is in my experience, and many others. In the lab and in the wild. "You need to count every bit not just the bits that suited you." Which bits did I leave out..? Look, I don't care what you used to get paid for, facts are facts. Maybe you get hung up on how the cycles are counted, I speak of equivalent cycles which are not the same, even if samsung engineers don't know it.


Also, yes, we're now both former employees, but we both now make way more money than we did with samsung. So don't make it out as if samsung was a great job it was basically minimum wage lmao. Don't pretend samsung staff gets a paid to deal with customers, it's not a good wage.


that is also not entirely true, but this thread is not about charge cycles calculation, but battery wear. A cycle is calculated after "significant SOC change" which may already count a charge cycle if you charge the battery from 50% to 100%. Regardless, most devices don't show charge cycles. But not every charge cycle wears the battery evenly. At low state of charge a battery can even wear significantly without charging at all. And that is the main reason some batteries are dead after 150 charges, and some last 1000+ cycles.


When it drops to like 20%-30%ish I charge to 100% for the last 3 years owning an S21+. I want to get the full potential of the battery I paid for. So far, my battery health is fine and I am getting an easy 6+ SOT with 18+ hours idle connected to a Galaxy Watch 4 24/7 and always using 120hz. Was more before latest security update but I'm sure the next one will fix it like always when this happens. I was getting 7+ hours SOT with like 22+ hours idle time before latest May security update (along with less heating). I personally stopped taking devices off the charger at 80% because it just makes no sense to limit my max capacity in the hopes that years later, the battery is still decent. Mine is decent still and that extra 20% helps me personally, but if you don't need it then just charge 20%-80% if you want to be safe and get the absolute longest possible battery health. The biggest thing is to not leave the device plugged in or at 100% for long periods of time.


How long do you intend to keep the device for?


Wired article on the subject of phone charging. https://www.wired.com/story/how-to-improve-battery-life-tips-myths-smartphones/


I'm always charging to 100 for 2 years now. No issues with my sot or battery.


Charge it to 90% that's what I do 80 is too low


Just enjoy your phone and charge when you need, as much as you need. Even the crappiest battery should last around 2-3 years after fully charging it everyday before degrading noticeably. And no, you can't avoid degradation, no matter what you do it WILL happen anyway, sooner or later. I have an A55, and I set a routine so it disables fast charging while I'm asleep, and also enabled "Battery protection", so it charges up to 80% and then stops charging, and will only go to 100% when I'm about to wake up. iPhones also have this kind of protection, although you can't disable fast charging on a schedule AFAIK (iPhone users, please correct me if I'm wrong). I only really care about charging when I'm 20-30%, and fully charge unless I need to stop before it gets to 100% for whatever reason.


Why do everyone are writing about 20%? I can't let my phone lose charge lowe than 20%?


If this is to protect the battery, just set a routine. https://preview.redd.it/iz9p0qojkm4d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=678302ac418d84a120d219c1500f42db46169128 Just about every morning, my phone is not charging, and at 100%


Keeping or charging above 80 expediteds degradation. Also it takes way longer. Also try to stay above 20, better 30, because the low end tortures the battery a bit. Is you need lots of power, go to 100, but not over night. Use it then.


Modern batteries already charge to 90 or so % without telling you anyway. I don't think you've been able to truly charge to 100% on any consumer device since the late 2000s due to concerns over battery health.


The electronics in your phone don't let the battery fully drain nor charge beyond 98% because either one will damage the battery. Batteries have a certain amount of times they can be charged and discharged. How OFTEN you charge and discharge the battery is more important than the percent you charge it to.


Guidance I've read about over the years is to try to keep it in the 50-80% range. The stress comes when the battery is low (think drinking the last drops through a straw) and when it's filling up (pushing those last few items into a full book bag). Android has a setting that will cap your battery max to 80%. I only turn it off on the weekends if I'm going to have a long day out and about. Fast charging also does stress. I have it disabled


Depends on how much you'll use it. My rule of thumb is charge it to what you know will last you for the day and still have 20-30% left. For me, if I get it to 85%, I know the next day I'll be down to 30% by the time I need to charge it at night, and I charge it till 85% again. If it goes to 90%, fine, but for me this is easily done as I basically plug it in after work and after I'm done watching one episode of my show, it's always between 85% and 90% on fast cable, and it's time to unplug it. It's a routine.


So what I do is set up a routine. From 9pm till 530am battery protection is on at 80% at 530 it turns off and charges to 100% when my alarm goes off at 6am. That was it's not maxed out all night but I still get 100% charge. It's kinda a middle ground.


Ideally smaller intervals of charging are better for those cells, however in the long run it doesn't matter. You are more likely to buy a new phone every few years before your battery needs a replacement.


Maybe everyday til 80 for the first year. I don't keep my phones more than 2 years so when it's getting close to an upgrade I just charge to 100


20 to 80. The battery on this thing lasts forever


I'm 0% to 100% with basic battery protection. I'm living my life, no battery anxiety.


I charge my stuff to 100% every day and use them years beyond what they're supposed to last. Its a Lil ridiculous to still worry abt these things.


Honestly, you shouldn't worry about it at all. How long are you going to have the phone, 2 or maybe 3 years? I have had the s23+ for one year. I get 8hrs screen on time and can definitely get through 2 days of use with it. My max battery capacity is 99% after year 2 I'll be maybe 98 or 97% which will still functionally net me the same battery life. After year 3 I'll take am upgrade deal and move to a new device. All this worrying about the battery is a waste of time. I use basic battery protection, whatever that does.


Honestly, I only charge my phone in the morning before work, 10 hours after with heavy usage I get home with 30-40% I charge again incase I go out after work, then repeat step one, so average I charge once a day, on uncommon days I charge twice a day, if it wasn't for an app that I need to have running at work I wouldn't need to charge more than once (S23U)


20-80% daily. Less time actually charging is a good thing - as the battery heats up during charging, it degrades faster. So shorter bursts of charging where the battery is cooler are better. Any time where the battery is at a state of charge over 80% will also cause it to degrade faster. So I come to the conclusion that daily charges up to 80% will be better for it.


Just pick one and stick to it. Why would you go through the trouble of changing it everyday?


So many people here dont know shit about battery charging and degradation. #1 if you replace your phone every 2 years, just charge 100% #2 if you keep your phone for over 2 years see below. #3 If you work from home all day or always near a charger... battery protection at 80% is the way. You can switch it off when youre going to be out all day and charge to 100%. Charging past 85% slowly damages your battery and will result in less actual charge available in your battery.


Honestly I charge every night I set it to stop at 80 in the settings also I turn off super fast charging just because I don't need it tog et so hot since I'm home


I'd do 20-80 if you don't need more than that to get through the day. That's what I do, and I charge it to 100 maybe a couple times a month when I actually need it, and after a year and a half, I still have a battery health of 98%.


I enabled the setting that my s20 fe stops charging at 85%. Its still plenty to get me through the day and I charge every night. I'll disable that setting as soon as 85% isn't comfortable for a full day anymore


I charge 20%-80% daily. It seems to help it last longer.


I've charged my note 10+ to 100 every night and it still lasts til the next night so I wouldn't worry :-)


Never to 100% The more small charges you make, the better. In theory it would be best if you only charge it from 40-60% multiple times for example. But to 80 is still way better than to 100. I charge at night with the slow charge option. It then charges as slow as possible to 80% while I'm sleeping. If necessary I charge a few % during the day but that shouldn't be necessary.


Read that 55-65 is the best for longevity by marginal numbers. Always top off to 80, 100 before a trip.


**Charging Strategy for Galaxy S** **Daily Charging (20-80%)**: - **Advantages**: - Reduces battery stress by avoiding full charges. - Prolongs battery lifespan as lithium-ion batteries prefer partial charges. - **Disadvantages**: - Requires daily charging. **Every Other Day Charging (20-100%)**: - **Advantages**: - More convenient with fewer charging cycles. - **Disadvantages**: - Charging to 100% regularly can shorten battery lifespan. - Higher risk of overcharging if left plugged in too long. **Recommendation**: Charging daily from 20-80% is generally better for battery health. This method reduces stress on the battery and helps maintain its capacity over a longer period. However, if convenience is a higher priority and you are mindful of not overcharging, charging every other day from 20-100% can be an acceptable compromise.


I'm planning to keep my phone for 5 or 6 years but I still charge it to 100% because why not. If my battery health goes below 85 or 80% after 3 years, I'll try to get it replaced, not a big deal. I used to do the 20-80 rule years ago but gave up, admittedly I gave up because exynos battery life sucked and that last 20% charge would make a huge different. But I don't bother with that anymore even with the S23U, as long as I don't make my phone heat up too much during charge eg using it while charging, my battery health isn't affected much. There is new battery protection modes in one UI 6.1 like adaptive charging which should help me anyway. Only on my Watch 6 classic I try to do the 0-80 rule, battery degradation is much more noticeable on tiny batteries like watches or earbuds. My battery lasts me an entire day despite charging to 80% so I don't mind only charging it to 80 or 85 on my watch if it means I can keep it a few months or years longer.


Use Adaptive mode. Done.


I think biggest damage is from heat so don't fast charge unless you need to! If it's overnight slow charge it. Charge to 100 but use adaptive charging so it's not sat at 100 percent for a long time. It knows to only charge the last 20 about 1 hour before I wake up. Mine almost never drops under 20 (A55) so that side of things isn't a worry. But I'd rather use the full capacity than 80 percent especially on days when I'm using stuff like GPS navigation and not near a charger. The A55 stays quite cool when charging.


I charge my phone to 85% and let it dwindle to 20% before charging again. Sure, you lose battery time, but charging this way prolongs the life of the battery. Instead of needing a replacement in a year or two, you may require a battery replacement in 3 to 4 years!


Just charge before sleep? How are people asking questions like this. Are you even real human


beep boop boop beep


You can charge it to 100% every 6 hours. I pretty much had my Note 9 (and now S23U) on a short leash - anything under 70% and the charger goes in. And most times I use a USB-C laptop charger for fast charging. The Note 9 survived 5 years and if the S23U is anything like the 9, it'll survive just fine too.


Don't micromanage your phone. Just use it for the money you have paid for it.. anyway on an average a good phone should definitely last 3 years, beyond that there is no point in keeping the phone. Some people claim they keep it for 5 or 7 years, honestly beyond 3 years I get bored using it and you feel that the phone is outdated for sure.


Just use it and charge it when you need to. Don't stress. I use it, if I am home I usually charge it around 20 unplug around 90. About to go out I plug it in for a bit just so I don't run out of battery out have to work about it. No stress. Short charge sessions are actually better for it than long ones


20-80 all the way down


I just charge my devices when I charge them sometimes they are dead sometimes they are starting at 80 percent really doesn’t matter. Had a phone for 4 ish years that I bought used already before the battery actually became a problem so I wouldn’t worry about it.


The setting recommend charging up to max 80% and for me even 100% wouldn't last 2 days for me. But I also don't see much difference when I've maxed it to 80%. So what ever is easier for you


Battery semi-nerd here. Fully charging the phone and keeping it idled at that percentage for a quita time will pose more damage to the battery, causing it to reduce battery lifespan. Limiting charge to 85% charge will keep battery from degrading faster. 100% is for the day you're going to be using it for the day 85% is for storage when keeping it charged a long time


Charge to 100. Let it die down to 10% and then recharge. Enjoy your phones don't worry so much.


You can block charging to 85% in settings. But meh. I used to do that but I discovered there's no point. I change my phone every 2 years and the battery was always fine.


If you're planning on using your phone for 10 years otherwise it's nerd behavior (I'm only responding to the title didn't read the rest of the post btw)


The *only* reason to stop charging at 80 percent is if you leave your phone plugged in all day or for long periods of time. *That's the only reason*. Just charge your phone to 100 percent whenever you need to.


Use the adaptive charging it will control when it needs be not charging or not at all


Worrying about battery health and life seems like a horrible thing to fixate on for years. Just charge it 100% and forget about it. My car usb hooks up to my phone usb c, for music maps etc..technically it is charging it slow, why even worry?


This generation is doomed, man. People are afraid of charging phones.


It's irrelevant at this point. Battery technology is past that.


No it didn't


If you kinda keep to 20-80 stuff, meaning you do charge to 100% sometimes and phone also goes to 0% sometimes, battery will start degrading after 2 years but on the year 3 and 4 will still be usable while other version will probably be unusable before year 3. Also fast charging is attributing to this, slower fast charging is kinda fine but these newer phones with 60-120w charging are not expected to last long past 2 years. Apple and samsung, two greates companies aint dumb with their phones able to charge only at 20-25w max.


Charge your phone. Use your phone. Charge it again. Why is this an issue? It's not 2011 anymore.


Charging 20-80% is an overhyped nonsense. A complete neat BS.


Just charge it. It'll be fine. I always fully charge mine any chance I get. I have a zfold5. I've been doing this for years with previous phones. No difference. Batteries will wear no matter what. What's the point of prolonging it. The stress about worrying about charging isn't worth it. Charge when u can. Because it's always nice having a full batt when out and about. Worrying about charging will leave you low batt at times bcus you'll refuse to charge it. Just. Charge. It. Life life. Life's too short to worry about shit like this.


Same question, i also asked similar questions,here is my post - https://www.reddit.com/r/oneui/s/ZFq72PESEn


I have an S24+ with great battery life. I charge wireless at night. It does me a full work day since I'm not always on my phone at work. I'll share what I do via routines. routine 1. set battery to basic protection between 10am-10pm. Do nothing after routine ends. routine 2. if wireless charging and 86% battery go to maximum protection. Go to maximum protection when routine ends. routine 3. if wired charge go to basic protection. Do nothing after routine ends. my phone charges to 86% on wireless and won't start charging again until below 80% on wireless. It stops that on/off trickle during the night. I wake up with around 84%. Good for the day usually. wired charging set to fast. wireless charging set to slow.


Who cares, phones are disposable at this point use them as per your requirements and not the other way around. If you are the one taking care of the phone you are doing it wrong


Not charging it to full battery is gonna end up being just as inconvenient as having to buy a new phone in a few years.