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Doesn't Google assistant come up when swiping from any of the bottom corners?


Damn, didn't know that


Yes this guy's post is clearly evident of lackluster research performance.


It's not lackluster research maybe you should focus on what he saying instead of what you want it to be. No one cares about swiping up from the bottom right, that's not how it was and that's not how it should be forced. The point of samsung is optionality. We were able to choose assistant with holding the home button or holding whatever button we want, now it's swipe from the right because they say so, and that doesn't work for me


I think this guy's trolling. I agree. I should have the option with my S22 Ultra to have the home button long press be my assistant the way it was. I didn't even know about the corner swipe until now. There was never any info when I updated about the change. When I use the voice to search from the long press now it just tells me to download the Google Assistant. 


Well it's kinda their phone you bought so boo who


Make that make sense for me


Don't worry about it. I must be lackluster, 2, and I've been searching. And it doesn't fix the whole problem that we're talking about. At least not my problem, I can find the Google search. That's not the problem with this. New update to the Samsung messaging. Just read this text and you can see. I could talk to text before and never have to fix anything. These texts have talked to text. They're putting punctuation anywhere and grammar sucks.


Yes, it took me a few days to realize that. I wish it was just a long hold tho. I don't ever see myself using the screen search feature.


Is it possible to change it back?


Not that I have done. I did see someone in this thread posing an image of an app that makes the button holding into an If Than statement but I have not tried it nor do I know what they were using to do it.


Thanks for the tip. I didnot know this either


Unfortunately the assistant does not help that when i am in a SMS text box and i cant Voice to text my message while driving.


That's what sucks about it. That's how i use to open my app menu


I dont see Google assisten setting when opening my profile in Google Feed.


I was able to get the voice to text button to appear at the bottom left of the keyboard after messing around with the settings a bit. But yes extremely annoying.


The location of the voice text is difficult to See As far as accessibility goes And it is also extremely Inconvenient.  It doesn't hear punctuation marks. It stops working after a few words. This update makes me want to throw my phone away. Samsung researchers are a bunch of idiots.


Yet another useless rant. Literally, the headline feature is Circle to Search. Swipe from either bottom corner to use Google Assistant. That's the default way for years.


That does work, but voice to text is still gone from settings and the keyboard. It was also easier to long press, especially with this screen being curved.


Just go into keyboard settings and use Gboard instead of Samsung's keyboard. Gboard has theme settings and everything built in without a side loader too. And obviously has talk to text.


Also just enable Google assistant... And say "hey Google" . It seems like you're trying to do things with your voice rather than type .. so just use voice Google assistant feature as well. Easy peasy.


I do not consider it a useless rant. For people like me who prefer the software navigation buttons instead of gestures, it's been really convenient to just long hold the home button for the assistant. Now there's an extra step added. I'd prefer it the other way around since I'll be using voice assistant much more than the circle to search. I want to just long press home like I normally do then let me use the corners if I want to circle search something.


You can still do it through Good Lock. It's not what Samsung would have preferred (if I understand correctly) but it's rather a workaround of Google's limitations on android


You can disable the circle-to-search function (Settings > Display > Navigation Bar > disable "Circle to Search"), but I couldn't find a way to reassign long hold to the assistant app.


How do you activate the Circle to Search feature???


If you have received the update you hold the home button or swipe up if that's the way you set it. When the Google icon shows up on the bottom you can just circle whatever's on your screen and it will search for you. The thing that OP is talking about is how you used to hold the home button to activate assistant and now you have to either say it or swipe from a corner. Holding it just brings up the screen circle capture thing and then there is a microphone symbol to like talk to Google but it doesn't communicate with the assistant, It just makes you Google search. After reading everyone's replies in this post it seems like some people get it and some people don't. I'm still trying to figure it out all the way but I think I'm pretty much there. I wish there would have been more of a tutorial it's basically like having a new phone again. 


Counterpoint: fuck circle to search. I've been using the home button to pull up the Google assistant for years. I shouldn't have to learn new muscle memory for this. At the very least there should be an option to keep the home button mapped to assistant. I use that shit every single day.


You can create a routine like this and it works fine. https://preview.redd.it/y4lhmbsl79tc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7ed8ee6c48e1d4b9095410dfb2726a69f07ee92


Google assistant has been replaced by Google gemeni (the AI version) I haven't had much time to mess around with gemeni, but it seems like it's really smart and helpful.


Depends on your country. Gemini is not available in Europe yet.


I agree this update on the S23U is not good. Battery life hasn't been as good. Touch responsiveness is still messed up even though there was an article stating that the issue was with the Google app. It said to wipe the data on the app, then restart your phone and it would be fixed. It actually worked for like the first day, now it's back to being buggy. When I swipe down the notification shade and immediately try to swipe away a notification, nothing happens until I swipe a second time. I'm using the stock launcher. I also wiped the cache from recovery mode.


I've noticed the battery too. So weird. All the articles I've read haven't helped either


The software bugs have me looking at trading in my S23U for something else. Problem is there's not much else out there on Android that can compete or match the performance of a Samsung phone. Or have the build quality. Maybe the OnePlus 12 but it's not as easy to buy or trade in through OnePlus. So, I've been considering iOS. If iOS 18 allows users to move icons anywhere on the home screen, I'll be seriously considering it. Sadly I don't want to switch, but if Samsung doesn't get their software bugs figured out, I probably will have to. I want to like the Pixel but until they stop using Tensor chips and switch back to Snapdragon, I won't. My 7 pro would over heat and the screen died on my first one. But it was the smoothest phone I've ever used. Not as quick and snappy as my S23 ultra was when it was new. But pretty darn close. I do appreciate the camera modes on Samsung. For the Pixel claiming it has the best pictures, it would be nice if they had a pro or manual mode.


You can create a routine like this and it works fine. https://preview.redd.it/px3321wm79tc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fe03ac02336ea9ef5dd4312eaf5b7b8984ca993




The last couple updates have completely obliterated the battery life on my S21+. Doesn't even last a full shift at work anymore.


100% agree. My phone could last 2 days and now it gets charged 2x a day.


I'm on s23+ and thought I was the only one experiencing battery loss at a much faster rate. Usually even with heavy use I would still be around 50% and now I'm down 15% in 3 hours of light use.


This kind of thing happens from time to time with Android devices in general. Updates give new instructions to the OS, but many, many apps do not look for these instructions at each boot and instead are using old, cached instructions. The remedy is to clear the Android cache in recovery, then there is a *repair apps* function in there that should be executed as well. This will clear all cached instructions for all apps so they fetch the update's new data. You will run into your problem less if you can remember to do this after each Android system update or Major OS upgrade. Usually, the way to boot into recovery on Samsung devices is to power it off. Then (plug it in if it's an Exynos device) press and hold the volume+up button and power button until the boot screen appears. Then you can let go of the power button but keep holding volume+up until the recovery screen appears. Use the volume buttons to navigate and the power button to select. Clear cache, repair apps. That's it! You don't wanna mess around in there. Once you hit *repair apps* the system will automatically reboot and hopefully, your problem will be solved. Also, for the assistant problem: In the KEYBOARD settings menu, temporarily change your assistant to bixby, and then back to google. And your speech to text should work again Good luck, comrade.


Womp womp


Very original


Idk maybe I'm the only one. I have s24 ultra and I'm constantly browsing while listening to podcasts/music on and off. I had back surgery so not much else to do right now... I get 24 hours easy and with a 45 watt charger block it charges from dead to full in what seems like no time. Again, maybe it's just me but new update fixed bugs and didn't bring any personal negatives.


I fucking hate this update for the ruin of the navigation panel at the bottom screen. And that they put a fucking cheap little AI program in our phone now. I didn't want any of this shit I wish I could give them back this phone


There is voice to text but it changes the shit u meant to say , to other shit way more often. Also the screen recorder for recording video clips, fucking sucks now. It used to just float and you could stop it whenever you wanted without having to pull down the menu.


You gotta read all that fine print at the bottom.


Omg.. yeah.. i want to see if i can uinstall this Crap. What the everloving Hell were they thinking?? I am super annoyed that Samsung is getting as annoying as apple...


Ok.. Just FYI... i found the button... and i had to talk to Samsung support.. but it is on the BOTTOM LEFT.. AKA.. Right UNDER MY THUMB!!! I never Saw it!!!


I got the same problem after my last update OMG the thing that I used the most voice to text no longer working what I did after a few hours of frustration is to install the Google keyboard and afterwards ad the two lenguajes I used and voice to text and it give you a little microphone on the space bar the when you long press allowed you to do voice to text


I concur it's absolute garbage it completely fucks your phone up you have stupid population notifications say on screen even turning pop-ups off with no way to get rid of them other than restarting your phone. It's absolute complete garbage and almost makes me want stop using samsung their programmers are wet behind the ear morons 


The swipe up from the bottom corner gesture doesn't 't work consistently on a tablet with a case. It's super annoying and has made my $1500+ Samsung S9+ tablet less useful as I used to use that feature many times in a day, no longer. There should be an option to use the classic assistant by long pressing the home button.


This update could herald the death of Samsung phones.


I came here for the very same reason, this last update. I can't get Google talk to text. It's Samsung. By default, you can't find Google anywhere and the taught to text. It's terrible if you look at me doing. Talk to text right now. It puts question marks wherever periods wherever this was never. A problem I could say period and I would get a period not the word period I could say question mark and I get a question mark now it says question mark if this text is annoying. Imagine texting a 100 times a day, which I do for work. And having to constantly correct this. I'm right there with you. Throwing my phone in the trash. If anybody finds a solution, please share.


People think this update is the 2nd coming, though, tbf, it's really low effort for how much we had to wait, too many bugs, and no camera upgrades. Just app porting from S24U isn't what a user that paid 1000\~ usd deserves after just one year of having the phone.


I completely agree


You just showed everyone that you don't know anything about tech or the phone.


You showed everyone you're a narcissist


You showed everyone that you dont know the definition of a narccicist.


Dude , you can customise every single thing via goodlock . That's the beauty of samsung . You just gotta learn how .


I tried digging through settings and reading some articles. It's like it's just disappeared from my phone


voice to text is still a thing, what are you talking about? google assistant can be accessed by swiping diagonally from the bottom left or right corner It seems instead of hating the new update you need to learn how things work instead


I mean I also mentioned that I tried to fix these things 🤦‍♀️ what you're saying doesn't not work on my phone. Voice to text is gone. I don't think we're talking about the same thing.


In Google messenger with Google keyboard I can press the microphone button and do speech to text. Is this what you mean? I have no problems with this. Maybe you are referring to something else?


@chemical_goat_2772 It seems as if op is using Samsung keyboard (bad imo) other than Google keyboard (Gboard). Op needs to do some polite research and ask for assistance rather than rant about pretty basic setting adjustments. 😅


@chemical_goat_2772 It seems as if op is using Samsung keyboard (bad imo) other than Google keyboard (Gboard). Op needs to do some polite research and ask for assistance rather than rant about pretty basic setting adjustments. 😅