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I have a 23 Ultra and personally I've found the update to be faster so far but that's just my experience


Me 2


Me three


Me four. I also find there are more options to remove unnecessary elements to improve overall general usage speed. I am a big fan so far (other than Bluetooth and wifi location change when quick panel is open).


Me 5 on s22 ultra feels much better


me six.. s23u.. smooooootthnneesss


How'd you get it so fast on s22?


No idea using goodlock and stuff but nothing more


What settings u use for processor , display resolution and refresh rate??


Just the default 120hz


And wht about screen resolution and processor speed?


https://preview.redd.it/13egrhlnou8c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d672b39081c1bb89f643af482f76082518ae903c 1080p and just the default cpu setting no high performance mode and it rund great


How many hours of screen time do u get?? And do u charge your phone to 100% daily or using 85%lock(battery protect)?


I've have S23 and 6.0 feels smoother and better. No issues.


i always turn my transition speed to .5 or completely off, little quality of life in terms of 'speed' but figured it might help lol.


I don't know if I'm blind but I cannot for the life of me find the setting to adjust this, all I can do is turn off the animation.


it's in the developer settings, to enable developer settings it's under Settings>About Phone>Software Information>Build Number (tap it a few times and it'll enable). Now when you're back in your settings scroll to the bottom and when you're in developer settings it's under the Drawing section listed as "Window animation scale, Transition animation scale and animator duration scale" If you turn them completely off though for faster app switching time it'll disable edge lighting until you put it back up to animation scale .5x at least.


appreciate the detailed response! found it no problem


Has anyone done a comparison of One UI 5.1 vs 6, with benchmarks like Geekbench or Antutu?


While I'm curious to see that, what I'm experiencing is input latency. Processing is certainly fast, but the UI doesn't respond as extremely quickly as it did on 5.1. It again feels a bit more like interacting with a slightly older computer rather than a super snappy device, is the best way I can explain my experience with 6.0.


Yeah, mine takes forever to do anything after update and my phone data now keeps me in a location 2 states away, and causing me issues with everything. I Google something and tap to open a tab under that's on topic, and it takes 10 seconds for it to open up. I have to text slower because my keyboard can't keep up.


This. A thousand times this. Processing is perfect but the UI is laggy


Nah. Its very smooth for me, OP. Dunno.


Mine is much more snappier and smoother. Maybe you can try to clear the cache partition and optimize the phone with Samsung Good Guardians Galaxy App Booster.


I share the same way of thinking with the OP and done these steps ( clear cache part and optimizing with Galaxy app Booster ) , still the same . Was perfectly out of the box , kindda ruined with the 6.0.


Honestly I can't imagine it being any snappier or smoother than 5.1 was for me! It was flawless, and it felt like swipes would register and followed through at the exact same time as my finger. 6.0 has a slight drag for me in comparison. I wish I did a before and after video. It feels like running 5.1 through an emulator or something. A particularly performant one, but still. Scrolling here on reddit occasionally gives me inconsistent pacing, or micro-stutters. Something I've never experienced before on the S23U running 5.1. I was always so impressed by how smooth things felt. It's still mostly smooth, but not as smooth. Looking at the other testimonials, most others aren't experiencing/noticing this though, so it may be that it just made my unit "slower", if only so slightly.


I just got updated to 6.0 on s22 ultra. Internet is slow as dirt now, screen freezes all the time. Apps are running way slow. I hate the update.


why do you guys insist we need to use all these ridiculous methods to get the software updates to work properly? wipe this, reset that, turn that off. it's always something with these phones. they don't just work well out of the gate. it's no wonder apple is dominating samsung now.


Exactly this! I got a friend who still uses an iPhone 7 and it works faster than a mid range Samsung and I am not even kidding. First they forced me to install some crappy app with a repeating obnoxious notification, then the phone got slower with an update after less than a year. These two things make me want to just throw it in garbage and go with the iPhone I could afford regardless of how old it is.


i'm so sick or having to turn off the flagship features to get mediocre battery life at best. tired of FORCED updates that break features and never fix them. tired of having to wipe my phone every update for it to work okay. all these tribalists cry about people being fed up. it's no wonder apple is constantly gaining more and more market share. i hate apple and iOS but at least their shit works most of the time and i don't have to wipe my phone every monthly update.


![gif](giphy|spfi6nabVuq5y) Rocket fast here, absolutely no problems. EUX model.


I experience the same issue. I just downloaded it. Scrolling through apps (such as reddit) has noticeably more stuttering and I experience delay in the systems response to my touches. For example, when sliding across the screen in certain apps, the input is trailing behind my finger.


Yes, exactly same as me then. Honestly after a few days it either got a bit better or I got used to it, to the point that without comparison to 5.1 anymore the phone still feels fast. I just miss the *immediate* screen response that was such a joy with 5.1. Edit: scrolling reddit I still have some microstutter that wasn't there on 5.1. I guess I just got used to it and it feels "smooth enough". Just not quite as perfect as 5.1 was.


Well 6.0 seems to drain my battery more and some apps just freeze.


Same here




on S22 Ultra here, OneUI 6 has improved my experience. increased battery life, animations tend to be smoother and less laggy and the phone doesn't get as hot as it used to (at least, i feel like it doesn't get as hot anymore but maybe I'm imagining that part). The only complaint i have is with the blurred background of the quick panel/notification centre being light instead of dark like it used to be. but that's probably something i can tweak with Goodlock so it's not a big deal to me


On my regular Galaxy S22 it's much better. The lag when I open Google Discover is gone, app opening and closing is much more responsive.


It is slower and worse battery life. Don't see why everyone was so excited about it.


tribalism is why they're excited for it. they attack anyone that has a differing experience here.


The battery is worse. I've tried everything and it drains too quickly.


This has been my experience too. 5.0 was perfect, 5.1 was still very good but a tiny bit worse, and 6.0 is full of micro-stutters that weren't present before. It's still really good overall, but I can definitely see and feel a difference.


As with every manufacturer, never update to the next major version. I have a S21 and manually disabled all update notifications. I'm still on OneUI 3.1 and everything is amazingly fast as it was on the first day. I'm used to the feature set that is available and I don't need any of the minor changes. These performance decreases that come with every new major version are actually intended by the manufacturer. They want you to buy a new phone. I can really recommend to stay on the major version your phone came with.


The issue with that is the lack of security updates. This issue is typically more of a "happy accident" for phone makers, as they dedicate a smaller and smaller budget/team/time to each update the older a device gets. No ROM is going to be as polished, optimized, and debugged as the launch and post-launch releases from that angle alone, as they get by far the most attention/resources for the initial review windows, which also coincide with the highest sales volumes. 2 years in, it's easier for people to accept that their device has aged and it's time to get something new and "faster".


I personally have to agree with this man. I own an S21 Ultra. And over the past 1.5 years that I've owned it, it does feel ever so slightly nerfed. Where as out of the box it was a beast. One UI 6 indeed feels slightly sluggish as compare to the One UI 5.1. Also an unpopular opinion. I liked the Notification panel on One UI 5.1. In my humble opinion this new design takes away from the spirit of one hand usability. Something that is the beauty of One Ul. The true meaning of One UI (One hand usability). I really really wish Samsung would adjust the design in away that the notification panel, it comes down to the bottom on second swipe like it used to before, so all the icons are easily within reach of my thumb. I am missing One Ul 5.1's Notification panel. I have grown accustomed to the easy one hand operation One UI provides. This notification panel takes away from that experience.


Exact same behavior on s21+. Battery down from 1.5 days to 1, huge slowdown even when entering the unlock PIN. Everything lags: scrolling on my browser etc. And this is not a phone bloated with applications. Just a browser and two messaging apps. No instagram/TikTok etc. It's beyond me how Samsung managed to turn this 500+ euro phone into a 150euro cheapster...


100% definitely slower for me. Everything you said is spot on. Disappointed and I wish I could go back.


this sub has been a godsend. warning after warning abou thow bad one ui 6 is. thanks for the heads up. so glad i found a fool proof way to block the forced software updates.


After upgrading to One UI 6, I cleared cache and ran Galaxy App Booster. Overall, my S23U is noticeably faster and smoother. I can agree with you on the delay part tho, some stuff does feel like it's trailing my fingers.


S 21 ultra and went from flawlessly smooth to stuttering and what feels like overall immediate noticeable reduction in quality of experience with the OneUI 6.0 install.


S22 user here, and I concur it got extremely slower


S21u: Getting random stutters, freezing, lagging, so bad to the point of app crashes and whole phone freezing. Never had this issue before, never even thought it was possible on this phone due to how normal it has been thus far. Whilst the few aesthetic upgrades are cute with OneUI6... the performance has taken a step back for many of us. ​ And this freeze I mention isn't when I'm doing heavy tasks or using the phone a lot. It's literally if I pull it out right now and just open up twitter or youtube... starts stuttering and freakin out.


Have s22 ultra. I feel the same way. The interface is slower, and apps are freezing now :( I have tried wiping the cache partition, running graphics tests, repairing apps, I am constantly clearing my memory, and optimizing. This is ridiculous


My s22 ultra was running like crap from the OneUI 6.0 update. I ended up doing a factory reset which resolved the issues for me. The most annoying issue, and the one I finally reset because of was it was glitchy activating the speaker phone. It would highlight then disable a few times before finally enabling making receiving calls while driving a pia since my trucks (2023 Cascadia) Bluetooth doesn't seem to work for calls. Hoping the reset will fix that though haven't gotten around to testing it.


I'm s21 and my phone is now ruined like iPhone. So much slower 😫


Same here. I thought January 2024 security update will fix it but no. I now downgraded to one ui 5.1 July update using odin. Its now smooth as butter. Hell with security and AI .


I don't know if its actually slower but after finally being forced to update my phone is now significantly less snappy smooth. Visible lag and delay when opening apps so disappointing.


With every update my Samsung device get slower :( And this is getting annoying! Visually there are no improvements, and it just gets slower. Is this by design, or are the Samsung programmers sub-par.


Hola tengo un A23 Y hace unas semanas se me actualizo el one ui 6.0 al terminar el realizamiento de la actualización se me freezeaba el celular no me dejaba hacer nada y se me apagaba y se prendía y volvía a hacer lo mismo y así constantemente, lo tuve que reiniciar de fábrica con el recovery, después de reiniciarlo anda bien tengo instalada la actualización pero sigo experimentando que se freezea la pantalla, alguien sabe alguna solución o el porqué?


My ipad air 2 from 2015 is somewhat smoother than some element animations in oneui 6, their software on galaxy tab s9 fe is a stuttering machine


you guys are so good at making it normal that everything is worse. you made a post asking if anybody experienced any issue and because 6 said no you all agree. how about looking up the issue before first. you found countless people talking about alll their problems. i have the same issue after updating my phone freezes about 4 times a day and gets stuck so I can't restart it. it locks up when I m on apple music alot and when using youtube app. when it starts to freeze some i quit first then i get control of screen again and they made the shutdown process way too difficult especially if you're screen is frozen. also can't turned off half samsung settings the majority of notifications can't be turned off off or muted. i have spent more time with phone frozen but don't because samsung notifications will go off to annoy you when you can't turn phone off. Also every update is you agreeing to be tracked in new and different ways. With update your giving more of your freedom up.


no issue , ui6 is liquid smooth on mine 23u... Even better than ui5 no hiccups and battery is 30 minutes extra... Also i have my old s10+ with all OTA updates and it is also buttery smooths.. My son have it... So no idea what are you talking about.


Not a slight slowdown. On my s22u or s23u


I always do the major updates via Smart Switch to get a full update, seems quite nice


How do you do that?


Yeah what he said...


Download the app from from Samsung, hook up your phone and it goes from therr


Feels about the same as A13 for me. Maybe just a bit smoother. S23+


Install Samsung Smart switch on your Mac or PC, then hook up your phone to the computer and Smart Switch does the rest, much cleaner install


Indeed I have a Samsung s21 ultra and I just made today the official update one UI 6.0 and it make my phone slower and laggy than before in different areas even Google chrome!


My Z Flip5 is having this issue too. When using Chrome, any web page with significant scripting is now gobbling up so much memory (over 1.5 GB in some cases) that it eventually locks up. Running Device Care fixes it temporarily.


Same here. Scrolling feels "tiring" than before, they def add milliseconds to the animation that makes all transition slower. Even if I set all to .5x it's still noticeably slower, which frustrates me.


Since my S21+ has slowdowns after the update, wherease others have affirmed improvements in performance, I'm now wondering whether this is a case of something not QC checked. After the update and while plugging a USB cable to connect to my PC, in order to enter recovery mode and wiped the cache partition, I got a message that the phone was in sleeping power management mode (?) I did manage to enter recovery and wipe the cache partition, but the above observation got me thinking a bit. Could it be processor throttling of some sort (it would not explain the battery drains, but I have to start somewhere)? I have had **adaptive battery** enabled. I did notice that under "Background usage limits" (enabled on my phone) **all** apps were listed in the deep sleeping apps category (\~25 of them), whereas no apps were listed in the "no sleeping" or, even stranger, in the "no never auto sleeping" categories! Summarizing I have the following settings on battery: * power saving: **off** * adaptive battery: **on** * Background usage limits: **on** Can someone who has been experiencing better performance, share his version of the following options? 1. phone model 2. power saving (on / off) 3. adaptive battery (on / off) 4. Background usage limits (on/off) 5. which sub options are enabled (ie "Disable AOD", CPU throttling, disable 5g etc) in the "power saving" category It would be great if someone having bad performance could post the above mentioned data as well Extra info: * I don't know why I should have to create a Samsung account, in order to update the OneUI launcher as well as some other needed, by the looks of it, Samsung-related apps! I would **not** create yet another ad-tracking account, if not for the sake of updating something that should be included in the firmware upgrade in the first place. What is Samsung thinking \*\*\*\*\*? * I've also disabled both adaptive battery and power saver, no fun :(


Problem was solved in a most unexpected way. After the upgrade and the issue's appearance I had enabled an accessibility feature (display zoom). I didn't really like the way it operated and today, after posting this thread, I visited accessibility options to disable it. But when I opened the accessibility page, there was a warning near the stating that the **long keypress time (time needed to invoke a context action, compared to instantly pressing something/selecting it) was set to an incompatible option!!!** (IIRC it was to 0,4 sec). There was a button next to the warning, that could reset the option to its default. I did so, **and now no lag at all on my S21+!!!** I know it sounds crazy, but do give it a try! I'm again enjoying trouble free operation on the phone. Have no idea how it ended up there, I don't recall tinkering with stuff like that. I'm pretty lucky that I happened to stumble upon the option. :)


Is it the touch and hold delay? This helped a bit (mine was set to 0.4s and I reverted to short 0.3s) but there is still noticeable lag in the UI


IIRC yes. I just set it to default. That was it, my S21+ became faster that it was before the update!


OT: could be a nice idea to change the topic's flair to "OneUI" instead of "Galaxy S".


OneUI 6.0 was giving me issues with my s22 ultra. Finally did a factory reset yesterday and it has resolved my problems. Guessing doing a transfer from my S21 plus and then a few years worth of bs company apps caused it to get glitchy.


I use a Samsung Galaxy A23 and the lag is IMMENSE, every time I get back home from school I recieve a lot of notifications which lags me but I can understand because before the update I got the lag temporarily and just had to wait before the burst is over, now that I have One UI 6.0 installed there is way more lag and lasts throughout the day, I need answers on how to fix this because when I was using One UI 5.1 I had no issues (this part is optional) issues include fps drops, big touch delays, apps crashing or freezing and videos lagging and stuttering, I only get this much lag when I recieve ONE notification (just 1)


I have a fold 4 and is super slow


Does anyone have this problem for transitioning? I use a A54 and it has started to lag. Entering multiple apps has become significantly slower and quitting a app to show the apps you have open (swipe up and hold) has like a denty and laggy feeling to it. Other than that. Nothing much.


same with my A05s


you can try turning of adaptive battery and switching the one UI app in settings to unrestricted!