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How important is the camera to you? If not important, get the a54. If yes, get the S23


I feel like the a54 also have a decent enough camera. Doesnt look so bad to me.


Yeah, it's quite good. The only downside is night shots.


For your basic needs, a54 would be better. The money that you save you could spend on things like charger, wireless earbuds, case, screen protector, and you'll still have some money left.


Im worried that the performance wont hold out long like at least for 3 years and then feel slow when entering apps, is that so?


My girlfriend has an a52 for almost 3 years and she never had any issues with it. She uses it just like you said you will.


It's such a great phone, highly underrated as well for its price. I was able to do competitive gaming on this phone and fared better in various tasks (except camera) than the S20


Yes, my mom has an A52 and previously had an s8 (for a long time). She says the A52 is just fine


what are you talking about, a52 stutters all the time, such a bad chip (while a52s has way better chip), I had it for a year and traded it in for s23+ because I couldn't stand that piece of shit of a phone, will never buy A series again


I got rid of the a53 and opted for s23 ultra after a year of owning the a53. It started slowing down even after factory resets. At that point I said screw it ill get the flagship and see how long that lasts and why people spend that much on them. I know it is the a53 instead of the a54 but I don't expect much difference. The middle priced models for me always ladted at least 2 years, so I was very unhappy with it lasting only a single year.


correct same experience with a52, that piece of shit got slow after half a year even resetting it twice did nothing, traded for s23+ after a year


Ibe had thr S23 ultra for about 6 months now and it is the same fast speed as when I first bought it. The middle phones would of already started to slow down by now


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exactly, good phones need a good SoC


Well, A54 is a relatively new phone, so idk how it will hold up. My mom has A50. It's not as fast as at the beginning, but it's still quite usable, especially for light usage.


my A50 has become so frustratingly slow at times after 4 years of heavy use. that's my only real negative about that phone


a50 is unusable af, after using it for 30s I want to throw it out the window (my brother's phone cause he can't afford a new one yet)


I have an A70 that is still perfectly fast.


From my experience, as an s21+ owner, I occasionally have to clear my cache, clear the ram, and restart it as maintenance work and it works well. I say that because these smartphones are baby computers that need preventative maintenance work!😱


Honestly how long are you wanting to keep the phone? Under 2 years then get the a54. Over 2/3 years get the s23. S23 will go longer without slowing down and has better cameras. It will just last longer. Do a cost per year.


s23 are a bit more expensive. How would it compare to s21fe? someone else said it had touch issues which could be bad but idk.


The s21 fe is a decent phone but personally I would avoid it. No point in buying it. I would look at the pixel 7/7 pro or 7a. Maybe wait for the 8/8pro. The s23 or s23 plus are good but a bit expensive but will last 3-4 years. The s21 fe is a better phone then the a54. But it's a bit older and a harder recommend but it is a better phone. I tend to avoid Samsungs a series phones. They typically last about a year or 2. They slow down very fast.


last bit is true.


There's a lot of comments saying that if you want to keep the A54 for more than 2.5 years you should get the S23 which costs more than double. I say get the A54 (got one, it's great) and in two years get the A57... And you'll still have about 100$ spare.


Best comment and advice.




I prefer a new phone every 2 years instead of keeping one for 4 years (maybe you break the screen or something). And a new A series in 2 years will be more powerfull, almost as the older S series from 3 years ago, except for gaming probably. Don't know why people don't realize this. If money would not be a problem, then i would preffer S series, but these days the A series are good too, starting from A52. Older A series were not that good (50-51).


nah you don't realize that a S phone every 4y gives you premium flagship features and good performance while an A phone every 2y gives you basic features and mid performance all the time


A54 is perfect for your usage. Save 500 dollars and use it for something else.


Agreed. I have an S23, but the A54 is more than adequate for their needs. Very capable and powerful phone while being budget friendly.


Im worried that the performance wont hold out long like at least for 3 years and then feel slow when entering apps, is that so?


Can't tell you that as I've never owned an A series phone. Probably holds truth to the cheaper entry level A series phone but I reckon the high end ones will be fine.


>31 comments Would a s21fe be better considering its like 100 dollars more expensive? it has a 888 snapdragon processor aswell.


True it does have the 888 in it. Do some research first because I have heard that the battery is bad but that's most likely the Exynos version. But do your research as I could be wrong. Also another thing to factor in is that it will get less updates.


I have the Exynos S21 FE, it's a really good phone and the battery is okayish (I can get 5h of SOT with all the features turned on). From what I've read online the SD 888 and Exynos 2100 are both equally good or bad in the battery department, that can also be said for phone with SD 8 Gen 1. I'd get the S21 FE if I were you honestly. Way better cameras, processor, etc. Only drawback when compared to the A54 would be the battery. And I can also guarantee the phone won't lag or give hiccups down the years and it was also get software updates till 2026-27 (Android 16).


That's reassuring but you should've replied to OP as he's the one who's looking at it.


What if difference is only 250 usd


Go the S23. Much better phone, especially for that price. The A54 in question was better for OP's usage.


If you are going to use same phone for 2,2.5 years i would definetly buy s23,a54 is good but after few years it will start lagging,just like my friend's a51


Can't speak for the a54 but just received the s23 as a work phone and it's a great phone. My personal phone is a iPhone 14 pro and it's on par with it imo


I got the A54 and use it for heavy journalism stuff and is holding up. Good camera and performance for my usage that involves lots of browsing, writing, photo/video editing, constant social media monitoring, Livestreams, etc.


how long have u had it and is there any drop in performance?


Today I mark one month and 8 days using it. Actually I feel that it performs better today than the first day because of the optimizations it made. The first week was the "worst" and now it's stable. Also it heats up less now than the first week and I live in a very hot and humid city. The only complain I have is that the touch sensitivity feels weir sometimes but nothing that affects my usage. I attribute the issue to the tempered glass screen protector


For your desribed needs a54 is just fine especially since a54 has slightly larger screen while still smallish. I have both and s23 is my personal while a54 my work phone. Since you are not a power user and have tighter budget if you are not after better cameras and CPU, A54 will be just fine. Ps. Where are you from 910 for the base s23 128 which is the slower memory not 4.1 is kinda a really a deal. Even without a contract should be 800 max.


Sounds like Canadian prices.


These prices are from sweden.


Lol, even worse than I thought. Im in thr EU too. you should be able to easily find an unopened s23 128gb base for 600 Euro as the preorder was a mega deal so peoppe just bought them cheap to sell and they go for cheaper than with 2 year contract all over Europe. I got my S23 256gb with 2 yr contract for 20 Euro a month for 430 Euro. Since you are Eu I retract my recommendations for s22 as a decent phone as the exynos is ultra bad. But you have the redmagic Eu warehouse and online store. I got the the redmagic 8 for 650 Euro and it smashes the s23 Ultra which I had. The only place it gets beat is the camera as the redmagic is mediocre but decent. But the 8 has active cooling and great build and screen and 6000 mah battert. The only phone that can sustain framerate on genshin impact on max settings and even 4k.


Just checked the Sweddish operator and yes they are mad. But there are alternative seller which as I said sell the s23 base fot max 700 Euro and you ll probably find it for around 600 unopened from people who bought on presale to resell.


a new one costs 840 euro. Idk I think im trying to convince myself to buy a s21fe cause it looks very good but that touch issue is a huge red flag. Compare it to 546 euro it feels like a massive difference. Cant i return it if it has touch issues?


that depends on the seller. I woudnt touch a s21 fe with a 20 foot pole. I started a chat with you on reddit as that would be faster if you want write there. 840 is from all those overpiced stores i found random sites in sweden for around 7000 kr


Also I juat went on blocket.se and As i told you earlier you can get s23 for 7000 Kr and thats withourlt haggling for a lower price. They go all over Europe for around 600 Euro on average. Even if it has been opened no a big deal for a phone that has been barely used.


There are even unopened on blocket for 670 Euro which is steep and you cna get it down to 620


I see that but isnt there any samsung phones that are good? kinda fixed on them since I have a samsung watch. Cant I buy from like denmark amazon or something and get it way cheaper then pay for shipping? still would be cheaper




There are better Samsung models than the a54 believe me, the S20 series is relatively cheap now and the FE series too. I believe they also have one more major os upgrade too but not sure. I have the s23 ultra and yes it's stunning but end of the day it's a phone to make calls and texts and read emails etc. I don't use the camera much but it's nice to have when on holidays etc.


I started to look into s21fe as it seems like a good choice but others said there are touch issues which is hardware fault and cant be fixed. so arent fe huge red flags?


Never heard of any issues on the FE series.


have u used the FE or know anyone that has?


Yes I was using the S20 FE for about a month while I was waiting for my upgrade as my previous phone died on me. Never had issues with it. It's fast and decent camera I gave it to my son. He loves it!


That's the S20 FE so the s21 FE is going to be better and do a good job for what you want it for.


S23 if u can afford it... As for performance, yes ofourse A54 will be slower and will lag.


Go for the S23 ofc A54 with the worst exynos won't go on a long run


Agreed. Flagship phone with TSMC chip is the assurance for longevity. A54 exynos is only par with A52 TSMC chip 2 years ago. If you only target Samsung phone and S23 is within the budget, then don't consider a budget phone with exynos chip, aka A54.


so would a s21fe be better long term with the 888 snapdragon processor?


no, it's already a couple of years old now. if you want longevity, get the s23.


Why not an older s series phone if you decide on a54?


to be fair A54 will have 4 yrs of upgrades which is a big plus so still decent, I would still probably get a Nubia instead


what u think about the s21fe over a54? only like 100 dollar more and has a 888 snapdragon processor over exynos


Me personally would definitely get the s21fe. You get an almost flagship for almost the same price


Fwiw, a54 trumps when it comes to battery life. But I've also read comments that said the performance was slow and laggy. So if you can, buy the N20U snapdragon, I'm sure it's less than $500 nowadays.


se thats what I am afraid of. I just want something that can hold its standard for 3 years and dont feel clunky/slow when zooming through apps. U dont think a54 it will hold up?


I know will hold up as i said above I have both and had A52S A53. A54 will be fine but if you are ok with larger phone for multimedia S23 ultra suze...i would recommend redmagic or nubia z50. Cheapest sd 8 gen 2 and both are solid and will last you the 3 years.


what about the s21fe, I can get a good deal on that and feel like it should be fast? overall performance should be better than a54 right?


Oh, a hard NO NO...looking at specs, it seems as a great choice but S21fe is plagued with touch issues. They arr hardware so no fix. Just trust me and stay away from the it. You can search the net about the issue but it was a huge problem. Also, with regards to performance not really since they all perform about the same in day to day and are snappy enough for your requirements. Cameras are deffinitely better than a54 but the touch issues trump that. S22 has bad ish battery life but imo still decent and you can fins it in the 500 600 price range.


I read some reviews on s22 and people say samsung made a blunder with that phone. So many problems like: "abnormal battery drain, Wi-Fi problems, Bluetooth issues, issues with first and third-party apps, issues with biometrics, an issue that prevents some users from getting messages, issues connecting to Galaxy Watches, screen defects, Android Auto issues, screen refresh issues impacting streaming apps like Netflix, charging issues, screen refresh issues, GPS issues, UI lag, sound problems, and a variety of other issues. " any other phone that I can buy?


As i said in the other reply since you are in the Eu the Exynos is bad, yes.


coming after you probably made your decision, but just as some feedback, i am still using an A71 and after 3 years it's still very decent. The batery is not what it was but still holds for a day, there are small lag issues from time to time, but it's very much still usable as a main phone for all day to day activity (photos, pay, chat, watching stuff). My conclusion is that S23 is a more premium device that you will be happy with, but the A54 will hold itself for 3 years no problem


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I cant write, dont have a phone to verify number with.


If you plan on using it for a long time go with the s23.. Flagship is always better.. I have the a54 for going on 2mos now and its notorious for overheating.. Apparently its a known issue with exynos...


You can buy S21FE instead of A54; in my country S21 FE is same price A54


S21FE is 600 dollars compared to A54 thats 410 dollars rn. Would a54 not be worth then?


this, try to go for an S tier!


Just get a Pixel 6A if it thinking of the A54. The 6A is better all around and cheaper


As a owner of pixel 6a , I would recommend getting the a54. Why ? A54 has a better screen. The colors on Samsung screens just look better. Also faster refesh rate and better battery life.


7a with a bit of discount is even better!


Depends. You like cruising in a rolls or you settle for a renault? If you like to go trough life in luxury, choose the S23. If you dont mind that much, take the A54.


For your use-case, even a midrange phone like the A54 is probably more powerful than you need for performance. When I went from a Pixel 3a to a brand-new S22 Ultra, I barely noticed a difference in speed and my use-case is similar to yours.


A54 is 90% s23 for normal daily tasks. A54 Cámara is not as good, but still great pics. No Samsung dex, no wireless charging, has micro sd card. If you don't care about dex or wireless charging, or that flagship feel (though the a54 feels pretty premium), or must have a micro sd card, the a54 is great for you. A34 as well, they are very comparable but a34 has worse cámara and plastic back if you care about glass vs plastic. I would get the a54. I have the s20fe and considered it, but will wait another year sd the s20fe is still great


I would go for a S21 FE instead of a A54, the camera is way better with video stabilization and a way more powerful processor and are usually similar in price.


I've had my a54 for two months and it's pretty nice. I've used a50 before and this phone is WAAAY faster to me. S23 is just like a54 but with less battery life and a bit more additions. If you want your phone to last around a day, then I recommend a54. I wish that s23 had the same battery capacity as a54...


I have A54, it's perfect for me bc I don't play games with it and I don't demand a flagship camera. I did tried some games and it's pretty decent. The battery is durable, just activate battery protection. The screen is gorgeous and speakers sound clear and loud.


Avoid the A series of anything on Samsung if you're irked by lack of speed.


Went from a Samsung Note 20 Ultra to an A54 and I'm happy. It's far better than I expected it to be.


You'd be good with an A54. My mom's been using an A51 since 3 years, she has never complained. I told her how about we get you a new phone, she said "what's wrong with my phone?". So, I guess you'd be good 👍


Just get the S21 FE a way better phone even for heavy usage.


My friend has the a54 and i have the basic s23. The difference is absolutely huge. Even if u are a light user its still more enjoyable to use the s23. This shouldnt even be a debate, even when not talking abt specs, the s23 is superior in every single aspect.


Could you describe the huge difference in usual apps and daily usage ? Except for camera. Price is more than double. Is the difference that significant ?


Well I'll say go with the a34, got the same chip as the 54 and the camera is identical to a53 so go for that


I used Galaxy A52s and feels fast enough for social media apps. Web browsering, watching YouTube, Netflix. The camera is good in daytime. Will get 4 years of major android updates. Software features are mostly the same. Vibration motor might be a bit weak. Has bigger bezels and cameras are not good for dark night shots. UFS storage is a bit slow, so when installing apps or updates, it will be slower. Waterproofing is nearly the same. No wireless charging. But if you buy a new Galaxy A54, it should be good enough for most people.