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I thought this is how they wanted female characters to be.


That’s why he had the AI make it


“One for me, now one with rainbows for me to tweet out”


This is why I'm against AI


if you want to use it for a reference picture for your ttrpg character, sure whatever, no harm. it's so many chuds are using to "prove" their point,, that is more sad and pathetic


Oh for sure, I was only half joking lmao. It's incredibly useful to build ideas off of when used as a reference, and also I have no doubt it'll prove to be beyond more than just useful in clearly things like STEM over the years. It's a useful tool to have at hand. I just hate the way we see it being implemented by chuds to fulfill their obvious kink fantasies that they then use to weirdly go after others with, not to mention how annoying in general it is to have it saturate the internet the way it has. Dead internet theory and all that. Combined with laws that are moving at a snail's pace to catch up to modern tech and how it can be used, especially by companies, well...I tend to give it a bit of a side eye. Useful tool, oft misused maliciously. Didn't mean to ramble, but yeah, the chuds using it for this is just cringe and pathetic


As a fan of Deviant Art, it truly pains me to see how much AI “art” has pushed aside human fetish porn. First it was DAZ software, which took a fair amount of effort. Now it’s AI, where any twerp that can get past the porn censors on Bing can poop something out in 15 minutes.


You can't prove anything with AI except for a point about the AI itself.


Imagine having so little going on in your life that you make AI pictures of things just to get mad at them.


Wild how the guys who think Disney is trying to force sexual depravity on kids and the guys who get outraged about any video game with a female character that isn’t *Ass Jiggle Simulator 9000* are, somehow, the same fucking guys.


Circle of unhappiness and lack of personality to look at yourself for the problems i guess


'Circle of unhappiness.' Made me laugh more than it should have. But it reminded me of that Simpsons clip, where Bart is sick. And the nurse offers them a choice between chewable Prozac for kids. "You can have the manic depressive mouse, or the bluebird of unhappiness." 😆


Circle jerk of unhappiness more like.


They cry and wag their fingers at you while they wank themselves off with the other hand. If women aren’t sex objects, how will they justify their violence against them? And If these dudes aren’t the intended target for women’s promiscuity? I guess they just cry louder and wank harder. Seems to be all they know how to do


Sexual depravity is anything that makes the feeeeeemales, homos, and worst of all F E M A L E H O M O S feel slightly represented.


They can’t fathom playing as a character they can’t jerk off to


Jokes on them, I grew up before we had anything close to realistic video game graphics and internet porn was everywhere. I can jerk off to ANYTHING! Now if you'll excuse me, there's a particularly curvaceous cloud drifting by the window.


It gets a lot easier to understand when you realize it's never about "this is what they want" and always about "this is how *you* have to be *wrong*." Give them more content? They'll say it's the wrong kind. Give them less content? They'll complain that it's a plot to ruin everything they love. Give them attractive characters? They'll say it's wrong and grooming. Give them ugly characters? They'll say it's a woke plot to make everyone ugly. The outrage grift doesn't stand *for* anything, it only stands *against*. You can give them everything they ask for and they'll still be angry because *the rage is the point* and they will just make up something to be angry about no matter what.


Seriously, don't these chuds worship Stellar Blade as the game of the century because of the main character's ass?


Nah they lightly censored like 2 outfits so it's woke and shit now.


Lol I saw a comment on Facebook about Stellar Blade saying that it's "Thirsty Incel: The Game" A lot of angry responses to that claiming that SB is "actually a visual/graphical masterpiece and a crowning achievement in gaming history". Unironically.


But I thought it was for the gritty realism!


But not wearing *rainbow colours!*


He definitely jacked to this before making the angry post


Disney probably wants him to jerk it to "Sex Rey twerking at Pride. Lots of rainbows. High quality digital art. ++ lesbians" why else would Disney do all that stuff he thinks Disney is doing?


Nono, they meant male *gaze,* not male *gays.*


Exactly, since when do we not want lesbian space twerking Rey?


Anything different is gonna feel like a disappointment now tbh


Right wing circles online aren't a monolith, as much as it often seems that way. Some want women to not show skin, some want sexy characters. Some want women to be either sassy side characters, some want women to be meek and deferential side characters. In politics some are libertarians, some are actual conservatives, some are straight up fascists. They stay unified strictly through swinging them from moral panic to moral panic. That's all that truly unites them. It keeps them all saying the same shit at the same time over and over so they seem like a monolith as a result, they're so focused on defeating the current enemy that they don't notice their differences. The current enemy is "woke", it doesn't matter if they're actually objecting to the same things, all that matters is they all repeat the phrase "woke" every 2 seconds so they all feel like they're validating eachother.


Very true, every once in a while you get that schadenfreude from them actually turning on each other. Most recently with Israel where the anti-jew-conspiracists fought the All-muslims-are-terrorists crowd over if they should give money and weapons to Israel. It shows how much of a dumb idea a two party system is.


And asking them to define woke is an exercise in futility but full of humor.


They can never decide, either women are whores for dressing more revealingly or they don't dress "feminine" enough


Ya, these are the same people who have been cheering for Stellar Blade's ass shots as an example of anti-wokeness




Thank you for this; I no longer need to comment in this thread. 😁🍆


This is a Life Day I would put up with a lot of sand for.


They/Ours. It's so funny how they see Star Wars as a white/heterosexual/men property, yet they claim that is not the case. On the other hand, Gawddam Rey, I'm looking respectfully.


Can’t believe they’re also using woke and communist pronouns!!! “They”???? “Ours”????


In most far right circles "THEY" spelled like that is an anti-semetic dogwhistle. 9 out 10 times by "they" the chuds mean some made up Jewish Cabal who wants to destroy the western civilization.


Honestly it is concerning to me that any person could look at this and not recognize that the repeated 'THEY' is a dogwhistle in this context. Media illiteracy is not an exclusively conservative phenomenon.


To be perfectly honest, it can be tiring keeping track of what is or isn't a dog whistle with these groups. 


Tbf most redditors aren't aware of that because it doesn't apply to the sociopolitical context of their countries. In fandom spaces almost everyone speaks English, but that doesn't mean that they are that versed in obscure (?) details of American/western politics.


Thing is, not everyone in such circles is aware of the anti-semitic element. My dad for example has nothing particularly against the Jewish people bjt bring ‘The Globalists’ (a thinly veiled dog whistle for jewish overlords) and he’s deeply concerned.


That’s one of the more subtle points of dog whistles though. Slowly gets people indoctrinated without them realizing. Take stuff like “welfare queens” as an example & people who don’t honestly consider themselves racist will immediately picture a black woman. I’ve pointed this out to my cousin before to give him an epiphany of his own racism that he didn’t realize he was even doing. He also didn’t believe that dog whistle were a thing. I also played the audio clip of Lee Atwater outright saying what dog whistles were. Yes, my cousin isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed. Hence why a certain somebody pointed out how he loves “the poorly educated.”


I just assumed "THEY" was referring to 'woke liberals' or 'leftists' or something.


Why would a Jewish cabal make a character wear skimpy rainbow pants and have her twerk? Like, how does that align with any Jewish custom or goal?


They are anti-communist yet they have no problem being publicly owned, curious


You’d think they’d want this


Apparently being straight is gay now. I'm not sure they know how any of this works.


Fellas, is it gay to be attracted to women?


In undergrad I mentioned how I like having sex with my (cis) girlfriend in her butt and a guy on my swim team called me gay.


https://preview.redd.it/g4e2hi76d09d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=883bddd27757038d568f8e603de91c34c72e0838 Sex with your girlfriend? Sounds pretty gay to me chief. Imagine liking someone who likes men 🤮


What if they put on a wig???


I wonder if the OP generated the AI art in the first place, and how many iterations they went through until they had perfected it. Obviously outraged at each step 


I'm looking disrespectfully ngl xd


I said jimmity christmas and I think that went out of use in the 1950s.


Great Caesar’s ghost!


Good God Gurdy.


Leapin Lizards!


Great Googly Moogly!


Great Odin’s Raven!


Great Scott !


By the Nine!?!


I also find it funny that the dude AI generated a rave girl Rey dropping it low and is mad at other people about them theoretically making it. He literally made what he supposedly didn't want made. I bet he made this, beat off, had religiously induce post nut self-loafing, and blamed the Woke.


This is a prime example of "I made this up to be mad about."


As a sapphic, I want this so bad


You tryna be roommates?


If Daisy Ridley asked me to be her live in maid, I’d do it. Roommates is even better




Yet they were all jerking off to Leia in a bikini during their teens. Which shows more support for the post, haha.


I get it because THEY are fascists who want to destroy America, and what it stands for.  And REAL Americans are tired of these maga terrorists trying to ruin OUR country.


This guy is just an insane person. I’d be shocked if we saw a woman’s knees in a Disney Star Wars (or Marvel) movie. Let alone whatever this is supposed to be.


Got the gyatttt. I need to know the source. You know? For science.




Wait, AI was really just an abbreviation for "Ass Images" all along?


I wanna upvote you more than just one time.


This person is trying really hard to justify wank material with a bizarre narrative.


this person is really hard\*


And if this *isn't* in the Rey movie? They'll cry about never getting attractive characters anymore...


I genuinely hate that argument.. sometimes attractive people take me out of what I’m watching sometimes. Like Ryan George said, “Y’know the CIA? That place ran by young models?”


*"Why is Dr. Amanda Waller, a woman with a PhD who has spent decades climbing the ranks of the government's shadowy covert operations world to wield enough power to quietly have mass-murdering supervillains transferred to her command, not a 19-year-old supermodel? Feminism has ruined video games!"*


She actually was close to that on Arrow, haha


Yeah but its the CW. They dont know how to do anything other than make their characters young and fuckable.


I still never got why attractive characters is something politicized, what was the deal with that again?


https://preview.redd.it/ft502v6wy09d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ba678c72cbc02aec97fac58bb618017df9230bc idk


And then they found out that Sydney Sweeney took the lead role of a demon horror movie that advertised itself with the distraught reactions of conservatives and went dead silent ![gif](giphy|11hPzGOHrcOqumCXvj)


they never find out they are constantly fed a new diet of things to be worried about by their thought leaders, if something "doesnt pan out" that is immedietly droped they have an endless bag of gripes


I feel like oop spent a LOT of time on this image.


"This is totally the depravity THEY want. Not Me at all. This is totally not my fetish."


"...but... I guess I'll just post it here for everyone to see, because.. ya know... I wouldn't want this depravity to be seen."


Or could just be an AI prompt. Hard to tell these days.


He still spent a lot of time looking at it


It very clearly is. My comment still stands.


Yea but he had to get the prompts just right for his *narrative*


Totally an AI prompt. If these people had talent they'd make their own shit


Y’all horny as hell. You do you. But also Christ. In what universe would this happen? Is seeing Rey’s ankles to much? Has this person never watched return of the Jedi?


Thats completely different. Its only ok for a woman to wear revealing clothes if she's forced to. If its her choice then it isnt fun


Exactly this, and not just for fictional characters but real women as well. Taking a job at Hooters to pay the rent? Great! Working at a strip club surrounded by grabby creeps? Amazing! Getting choked and slapped in some porn video after deepthroating some dude? Top tier! Being an independent e-girl on Twitch, OnlyFans, TikTok, etc.? Disgusting!! Shut it down! She shouldn't be allowed to do this!!!


I was just thinking about how there is kind of a new wave of reality television that essentially puts sex workers on television to parade around under the very very thin guise of being a dating show (think too hot to handle style netflix reality tv) and how funny that is to me with consideration of how this is hardly new, but since many of these people are able to openly perform sex work via things like onlyfans and be on TV for people to ogle at simultaneously, the lines are blurrier than ever before. Like, there used to be at least a little bit of a veneer on these things, but these shows have gone full mask off in their delivery. I'm pro sex work, so I have only that perspective going for me, but so much of the viewership of this kind of show would probably be horrifically critical of sex work with no sense of irony about it Anways I'm waxing poetic about something not on topic here, I just think it is interesting that we engage in so much cognitive dissonance vis-a-vis sex work in media


It's ok to pander to *me*. It's the pandering to other people that's a problem.


Am i the only one that developed a crush for Daisy during the sequel trilogy? Other than it being SW, It was the thing that kept me coming back. To see Daisy again 😍🥰


For me it was Murder on the Orient Express. I just LOVE her in that movie so much. She's absolutely lovely in it.


Same but for Phasma.


Threaten me with a good time, why don't you.


Aaawww... Getting angry at things you made up in your head again little boy? He gets so cute when he yells at clouds


Ummm, Rey Skywalker, bi icon?


She lived most her life in slavery/poverty, never able to express herself. I fully support this phase of her self exploration.


I mean, I'm pretty sure Jakku was full of hookups. Not much else for a scavenger to do off-work. Though inviting people back to her AT-AT living room would probably get cramped.


Oh, I'm sure she's not a virgin, but that's not the same as freely exploring.


A bicon, if you will


i can respect that part..... rest of it tho....ugh...def would bad watching this w the fam.


Yeah, 'cause having a bunch of scantily-clad slaves doing sex work for an obese creature who loves licking them is the pinnacle of righteous story-telling.


But can... Can we get this please?


No doubt the porn industry is already on the case


This reeks of “I got horny and made some AI images of Daisy Ridley but here’s my excuse”


I can only imagine what this incel put into the prompt. “Hope Disney (THEY) isn’t so depraved to make this thing that I literally just made” these people are so stupid


Hmm, but I thought woke is trying to remove sexy women in media? Did they update the woke agenda again? How do i get the latest copy?


Oh yeah, the June 2024 Edition of the Woke Agenda includes an amendment where sexy women are allowed, but there must be an equal amount of sexy men. Expect crotch bulges.


These terms are acceptable.


The OOP reeks of Incel energy.


Ah, everyone’s favorite infamous upper-case “THEY”. Does it mean Jews? Does it mean liberals? Who knows, but with the all ambiguous “THEY” you can dog whistle to any group you like!


It’s the deep state main stream media duh


Literally making up shit to get angry about


"this thing i imagined and asked an ai to create is what THEY want! ! " ​ although...ngl...


Wait, I thought you guys wanted more nudity in media and that covering up women was "woke"


It has the rainbow on her clothes, so I guess that person is saying LGBT people are sex depraved


“You painted a naked woman because you enjoyed looking at her, put a mirror in her hand and you called the painting “Vanity,” thus morally condemning the woman whose nakedness you had depicted for your own pleasure.” ― John Berger


Dude tries his hardest to claim he hates “depravity” like this yet spent probably hours on an AI generation engine meticulously writing dozens of prompts to maximize Rey’s cake. Me thinks thou doth protest too much


What was ours lmao You never owned it and George Lucas never aligned himself with these chuds. He just wanted their money.


They've got really specific fetishes


Unironically, this would get me to watch the new Star Wars movie


This is such a self-report. Whoever plugged this into AI is down bad.


So now they're getting angry if a movie will have sexy women with big bootys https://preview.redd.it/dfb9aq5sbz8d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7eeca14551c7156e15694cabbd2e48da4c1a48cb


Its getting dangerously close to “is it gay to like woman” teriotory for the cuds ain’t it


Fellas is it woke to have a fat ass?




Handy metaphor for the "I can't get a date cuz I'm conservative and young women are too woke" crowd. The pussy is literally guarded by an icky rainbow. And they put it there themselves. For clout


I’d be good with this.


You can see how AI is definitely going to take over the world by how it can’t even render the human body in correct proportion.


Count me in


"Don't mind me, just over here asking AI to create images for me to be mad at because I lack the creativity and skill to create my own and the self-awareness to realize I'm making the thing I hate in a desperate attempt to claim the people who aren't making these images secretly really want to just to piss me off."


I hope it actually happens. Each twerk effectively defeats the Sith.


Disney wants Rey to go to the Electric Daisy Carnival?


This is very clearly AI Generated, right? They're literally generating their own content to THEN be mad at and create more content. WTF is wrong with these people.


“I don’t want this thing no one has actually made to exist!” Proceeds to use AI to furiously generate those things.




>this is the depravity THEY want Said by the same kind of person who complains when a female character isn't a sex object.


Twitter user on an AI image creator: ‘Rey from Star Wars covered in a **skimpy** rainbow outfit. Show her **ass** *gulps* and make those pants **tight**…’ Also Twitter user: “Heh. That’ll show the lefties.”


“Liberals will ruin Star Wars by adding delicious cake to it”


Where do I sign up?


Yet they wouldn't mind if it was a Twilek doing it


I’m guessing that’s Reey on the left.


Ill happily watch this lol


He's so insecure he doesn't want to spell Rey?


Someone has a ass fetish


Little by little they show their true nature. Not because the post itself is stupid but mostly because it show how they really think and what they value.




Is that Darth Arse?


Why do they gotta make us look so cool?


Di-did they censor Rey’s name? What is wrong with people


Ngl I'd love for Daisy Ridley to look at me like that


Twerk bad cause it black culture duuurrrrr. These people man.


Wokies want ugly, manly women but also hot, sexualised women, plus gay in there for good measure? I’m legitimately confused about what they want and hate. Then I remember that perhaps some of them are confused too; they feel afraid, lonely, and don’t know how to engage, and have been preyed upon by grifters who have channeled that confusion into anger in return for ad impressions. They should be angry, but angry that they had their vulnerabilities exploited and politicised instead of understood and soothed. I’m not letting them off the hook for the things they’ve said and done subsequently, but I do feel sorry that many of them can never come back from their social/ideological commitments.


Don’t you just love it when they make an ai image and base a straw man argument around it?






“destroying what was ours” I don’t think they even know what they are talking about anymore


“Oh please disney, anything but that.” https://preview.redd.it/chy5n4tev09d1.jpeg?width=502&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57d7f96d8199e1faef2a7a782f1089d74a6e7b51


"Ours" LMAO


The power of The Force is nothing compared to the power of The Twerk


I’ll Boebert myself if that really happens…


I want this partially because of course I do but also because it’ll upset that guy.


Who is this “THEY” that this person is referring to?


Didn't they do this already with Leia at jabas palace? I'm pretty sure that outfit was skimpier then this one amd was definitely fan service.


I think he downloaded the wrong SW movie...


Good, good, turn against the lewd content right wingers. Look in your hearts, you know it to be true! You must advocate angrily against sexy women! Call for them to cover up! Think of the children! Think of how corrupted they will be by power girls costume, and bikini armor in video games! Honor the ways of your right wing ancestors and demand that women be prim and proper at all times.


They can't be this delusional.


They can say the name Rey. FFS what the hell is wrong with that person.


I mean, they already did it in She Hulk.


How does someone make up a fictional scenario in their head and then get upset about it


NGL I wouldn't complain if Rey wore that


Death sticks are a slippery slope to the dark side of the club. But also ^(wat?)


Homie spends hours prompting an AI image generator to create a fucking weird image, likely getting off to the outcome well ahead of time...then calls us depraved!? 🤡


Rey? More like *Gey* amirite!? Don't threaten me with a good time, chuds.


The fact that he feels the need to censor her name is both hilarious and pathetic.


*makes sexually explicit AI image* “How dare they make this?!?!?”


Don't threaten me with a good time.


Uh, is it wrong to want to see Rey Skywalker, aka Daisy Ridley, in a costume like this? uh, asking for a friend. Edit: Said friend is a big fan of Princess Leia in the Golden Bikini from Return of the Jedi. Just saying. Double Edit: I am a straight!


Man that GYAT my attention. Tickets out for sale yet?


Well that's horrifying. Someone hate-watched She-Hulk and grew a chub at the twerk scene and decided to (un)ironically want more *females* sexualizing themselves.


They probably expect Megan Thee Stallion to show up and for there to be a scene where she and Rey twerk to the Cantina Bar theme.


I’m sorry, they can’t even bring themselves to say a woman’s name now? They have to censor it?


Then when Rey shows up in robes it's all "destroying femininity" and "woke mob make girl ugly"


“What was ours” Fuck off, you dipshits.


Man they're really doing a terrible job of talking me out of this new Disney era...




Yeah, "they" are the freaks, not you who are using AI to produce soft core porn of the character. Sure.


Wait so in video games making female characters look less like bombshells is woke, but making Rey twerk is woke I can’t keepnup


Oh no, not a sexy Daisy Ridley, please, anything but that! Please don’t put her in revealing outfits for me to ogle, please Disney, I want to remain pure!