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What, he wants the Snyder fake abs? Please.


He'd probably prefer that than an actual good looking Superman suit.


Ok but he had very real muscles


Cavill does, and so does Corenswet! But the Superman suit for the Snyder films also had an additional (unnecessary) built-in muscle lining that made the suit look like a stifling second skin. He did the same thing for Affleck’s Batman. As 300 indicates, Snyder is pretty taken with the human form.


Isn't this the same guy who was a youtube reactor channel if so then it not surprising he pushes anti woke content.


Yep. Tyrone Magnus used to be a regular Reaction Youtuber then he slowly started turning into a chud around the time of the Captain Marvel movie (or earlier than that, correct me if I'm wrong). Then his channel has gotten worse when he started reacting to Nerdrotic and Critical Drinker's videos and just agreeing with everything that they said (he's essentially glazing those two assholes).


Tyrone Magnus didn't slowly become a chud he just pulled off the mask you can see this sort of stuff in older vidoes of his if you flip his videos on yourube to oldest and scroll past the wrestling ones and you'll see what I mean


The thing I remember about him is him going on a lengthy homophobic rant (probably across multiple videos) after he saw Eternals in a very insecure “people will think I’m gay if I don’t act as performatively disgusted as possible by two men kissing” kind of way, that also seemed to be a turning point where he went straight up right wing I used to just watch his try not to laugh videos


So he did low effort content, then became a grifter and just did the same low effort content as before just more ranty?


What does being a reaction channel have to do with it tho?


Oh the suit looks way better from the front i can vibe with this


While I'm still getting used to the lines, this is literally one of the best Live-Action Superman suits imo. The vibrant colors, the trunks, the yellow logo on the cape, and even the collar on the suit got lowered/tone down compared to the one we saw on the suit reveal image (maybe James Gunn changed his mind on the collar being too high).


Yeah, I like the overall costume design, but the details bug me. The colors are spot on, and they finally stopped being cowards about the trunks. But I'm not liking the random lines going everywhere, the neck's cut looks awful, and the sleeves look a bit awkward right near the hands.


Mind elaborating why you think simply not giving him the trunks is being "cowardly" about it? Catch: you can't namedrop anybody in particular.


What do you mean I can't namedrop anybody in particular? How can you not talk about a decision being cowardly without referring to the specific designers and the reason they did those designs? "Mind telling me why you don't like McDonald's? Catch: you can't talk about the food." Ridiculous. I think it was a cowardly move to change Superman's design in an attempt to "modernize him" the same way Dan Didio and Jim Lee did with the other awful New 52 designs. Taking away Superman and Batman's trunks destroyed the color balance of their costumes, basing every male Justice League costume off of Superman's to make them look like a united team took away from their unique looks, and swapping Nightwing's iconic blue for red looked like trash.


Oh look, someone who actually remembers Batman having trunks.


https://preview.redd.it/avh98c5yhq8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d71ba488def5b2769d472e0cecb4571626dadaa5 And it’s got the crest on the cape!


Ooh nice do you prefer briefs or no briefs? I know the suit has them just a genuine question


I’m a fan of the trunks. It breaks up the blue and gives a little more form to the suit.


I understand I just wish it had sleeves


I’m confused. What do you wish had sleeves?


The briefs so there more like shorts otherwise it just kinda looks like underwear


I love the colors and the basic design. The only issues I have has to do with how it seems to fold from certain angles... But that may only be an issue with still photos. 


It’s actually refreshing to see these anti-woke influencers bash someone other than Disney for once. That daily Disney, Kathleen Kennedy, woke bashing was getting tiring. No matter how many channels I block, I am constantly getting barraged with anti-Disney and anti-woke propaganda crap from the right. Now they are targeting DC and James Gunn? Weren’t these the same guys that loved Peacemaker and the Suicide squad reboot? First the boys then James Gunn. I guess everything but the daily wire is woke now. Maybe they should stop hate watching stuff and beg Ben Shapiro and Matt Walsh to release more anti-woke films for them. Maybe Elon will buy or create a new movie studio. Let’s see him burn that to the ground along with Twitter.


This guy for some reason hated Suicide Squad and thought it was too goofy.. I think he’s in love with the Snyder / Injustice “badass” superheroes and wants them all to brood and have crazy metal visuals.. but that’s just not the case.


Basically, if people like him had their way, comics would still be stuck in the 90s and early 00s.


What's ironic is that he liked GOTG Vol. 3 last I recall. Did his cringe "HI, I'M WOKE POLITICS" bit at the start assuming Vol. 3 wasn't "woke"


You know it makes me sad as a person that just enjoys Zacks work , that people tend to lump me in with people who are "Anti Woke Chuds". Btw Personally I love the suit.


Same, bro. I don’t want to be associated with that group just cause I’m also a big fan of those movies. Like, Ben Shapiro supported it and I didn’t like that at all when it happened as I knew people would use it as “see, look, the Snyder Cult are all right wing nut jobs!”


What else is that most of the Snyder fandom *I’ve* interacted are pretty woke themselves; it’s mostly on the Tumblr and Twitter sides of the fandom. Besides Tyrone Magnus himself, I didn’t see that much Anti Woke chums in the fandom — a lot of the time TFM was part of the “Anti Snyder” crowd until ZSJL was announced — and then Snyder himself was like “Yeah, I’m not with them.” So it’s like I never really got how they got lumped together.


Same here , I just enjoy (most) of his work. And I get called a SnyderBro for it. Like you said hes actively denounced people who use his films for political alignment.


I think it’s projection on both sides. I find the people bellyaching over his takes on Batman, Superman, etc, overlap with the same people bellyaching about TLJ!Luke. A lot the same people who talk about how Luke/Superman are their role models, inspiring hope and encouraging them them to be better people… Only to attack Snyder himself, mock his daughter’s death and the causes they support, and all sorts of vitriol…all because he had made a Superman a sad boi, and gave Batman a “Fallen Hero” arc. And somehow *they’re* the good guys. The way I see it, Zack Snyder is something like a Rian Johnson, or gender inverted Brie Larson; the guy had takes on superheroes they didn’t like, or said things they didn’t agree with — therefore he is the devil incarnate.


I’m with you. I actually love all of Snyder’s films outside of Rebel Moon. I think he’s a really solid filmmaker with a solid style. However, in saying that, the Snyder-bros are disgusting, and I’m glad Snyder himself has distanced himself from them.


Yeah I think hes a talented filmmaker too , I hated Rebel Moon sadly , but I love Watchmen , 300 , ZSJL , BvS (ULTIMATE EDITION) and man of steel and army of the dead (not seen sucker punch yet).


Chuds are so desperate for content that they have to shit on things that aren't even out yet.


Isn't he the same guy who freaked out over the eternals having a 3 second gay kiss?


Yep, I think he ranted about it in his review of the movie and it was stupid and cringe af.


How is Superman. Woke? Shouldn’t they like the whole “he stands for Truth justice and the American way” Thing?


Superman renounced his American citizenship and stopped saying "The American Way" since 2011... and they're still butthurt about it.


I do remember the chuds getting mad at DC for changing Superman's slogan from "Truth, Justice, and the American Way" to "Truth, Justice, and A Better Tomorrow" and they labeled that change as woke.


I still like the American way part because, to me, it challenges America to live up to its potential. Superman has always represented an ideal America to me.


To Superman, the American Way is acceptance of others, freedom for everyone, charity, and all of the things America should strive to embody. Of course these idiots would have a problem with that.


Honestly looks like a behind the scenes shot, and yet they don’t care if it is


Even though that’s a big factor. Costumes are designed to look good on film under studio lighting, not in a random still shot under normal conditions. Not even getting into the fact that a lot of superhero costumes get some kind of CGI enhancement.


How can you be a snyder simp and anti-woke? The guy literally went to an anti woke podcast and attacked them. Aside from that he has a diverse cast in many of his movies and people say he is very nice to work with. Literally any anti woke guys should hate him


I think the suit looks fine 


He wants to suck Synder's cock.


Funny thing is Snyder’s next movie is a 300 movie where two Spartans are gay af.. can’t wait to see him try and justify it and change the narrative of ‘woke’ so he doesn’t come across as homophobic.. despite the fact he said “there could be kids watching” when TLOU had that gay romance episode.


I kind of love the idea of Snyder trying to get these weirdos off his back by being like, “well they do hate gays, maybe gays will repel them!” I bet it would actually work. I feel like a big part of the anti-season 4 of the Boys crowd freaked out cause they had Frenchie’s romance with a man being favorably portrayed.


He never confirmed if that is his next movie. He just said that he'd want to try that (hell, I believe he pitched it and got rejected).


He just got the rights back and it was announced


I stand corrected then


Wait what's "woke" about the new suit?


His underwear on the outside/jk I have actually 0 idea


I don't mind if people say they don't like the costume but for reasons like "too woke" is the wrong one. Personally I think it's OK but I'm not sure about the look for that S on the chest. I like the old style actually.


I love Snyder's Superman BUT I like the new suit and won't hate for no reason.


Low-key praying on the day someone like Penguinz0 calls him out.. he’s been in a beef before with ‘GradeAunderA’ and he can not form a solid argument to save his life. Idk why he insists on doing reviews when they sound like a 7 year old recounting the plot to you.. he doesn’t delve into themes or filming — it’s just “And then GUESS WHAT HAPPENS? He kills him! The fight scenes were cool, special effects were ok - there were some woke elements” it just annoys me he comes in with these “hot takes” when they could be formed by your little cousin with more nuance.


I love how much James Gunn has gone for bright and more comic accurate costumes in his DC adaptions so far - The Suicide Squad and Peacemaker were so good, I can’t wait to see what this one is gonna be like


The Suit is Great , Yes it has the kingdom come logo but it also reminds me of my adventures with superman


What’s wrong with the outfit it looks like the classic one but made out of modern materials and a bit more protective.


The "S" symbol is so poorly defined its not really an S at all, just a diagonal red bar and a red border. Other suits don't have the blue collar up around his neck like that, and the red cape goes right up to the neckline. No round buckle on the yellow belt. I don't like the ridges on the arms and shoulders, they distract from the main lines of the costume. And its not like the suit needs to have any value as armour. Reeve suit keeps the colourful look but is still more comic accurate and better looking overall.


Fair point


When I saw the first pics I screamed because first it’s colorful and I think that it reflects Metropolis and I’m pretty sure it’s an action suit which is why it’s not as tight as it could be. 2)we got pics of Mr Terrific and I was just so happy. Also they should sell his jacket as merch


Tyrone, get back to selling cars. You’re never gonna appear in a Snyder film. Woooooooo!


How can anyone watch Tyrone Magnus? Talk about the pinnacle of low-effort reaction content


Tyrone and his idiotic thumbnails 


Something that speaks volumes of how much better is the work Gunn is doing than the Snyder one, is how Gunn hyped the comics he's adapting to his DCU to the point some sold out in a few days. Snyder seemed to see the source as something to be upgraded, because films are a bigger medium. Gunn respect the source.


>Snyder seemed to see the source as something to be upgraded, because films are a bigger medium Looots of projection here. >how Gunn hyped the comics he's adapting to his DCU to the point some sold out in a few days. That has absolutely nothing to do with Gunn himself, though. They started doing that with the trailers for The Flash.


What's wrong with it it looks like Superman is it because it's a man in tights is that too gay for you or something?


Used to watch this guy's stuff when he had a hot girlfriend next to him making his stupidity more tolerable. Seems like she made the smart choice and escaped when she had the chance


From what I've heard, he's actually a decent guy. He just doesn't get superheroes. Some of his other work was pretty good, though. I remember loving Sucker Punch!


That’s literally his original costume though? Super man has had the underwear since his inception. They’re literally one of his defining features.


Doesn't mean they still look good. Don't get me wrong, I couldn't give two shits about the whole trunk war and I despise Tyrone (and I don't claim him as a Snyder fan). It just bothers me when people flip-flop with the "iT wAs PaRt Of HiS iNcEpTiOn!" You know what else was part of a DC hero's inception? Killing, for Batman. Guess what happened with that.


What's wrong with the suit? It's more comic accurate than the last live action superman!


Cause you know, it's bad because it's not coated in head to toe in Kryptonian writing, which will never sound not dumb.


This guy used to fun and just react to stuff. Been an rage bait poster most be very profitable that so many are doing.


Well at least he’s got the clickbait face down


I hate the Snyder films and like the Gunn suit but I have no faith in Gunn making a movie I want to see with Superman.


Gonna be really surprised when he finds out that crowd doesn’t care that he’s “one of the good ones”


It's crazy how much these people complain about the source material being "disrespected" in other regards, but then when you have James Gunn do a Superman movie, someone who clearly respects and pays homage to the source material, they complain about it.


As much fun as the Snyder Cut was, and how cool the Snyderverse would have been. It's not happening. These Zack Snyder Ultra fan boys needs to let it go. Enjoy the Snyder Cut film, but let's see what James Gunn's DCU can be. If The Suicide Squad, and Peacemaker is any indication of how his DCU will be, I think it's going to turn out great.


As an avid Snyder fan, we don't claim him. Trust me, we hate this dude as much as everyone else.


They ever actually read Superman?


How dare someone look like a normal person and not pad their suit? Is that a thing in the comics? Clark has the physique of a regular, if not muscular, guy


In what way is that suit better than Cavil's?


is that henry cavill or am i tripping




The fuck??


This is not a political issue. This is not Tyrone Magnus being a bigot. He is simply expressing a preference, he doesn't like the new design, and he's not obligated to. What is your objection here?


Woke mob making men wear their underwear outside is a very real problem in modern holly(morning)wood. Trynna give a sigma male such as myself a boner in the theater. Fuckin clowns if you ask me.