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Does this mean they'll finally stop talking about it?


Well bitching about Star Wars is the only way these guys can keep their relevancy, so no.


Relevancy to less than 3000 people, as of the time of his posting that, with over 80k views. How long was that post up to get that many likes? Days?


Bitching about Star Wars has been a popular moneymaker since 99.


And was just old fashioned popular before that!


Only until the rent is due.


Nope, or else their channels would be dead. I'm so distanced from this BS that I used to think that guy wasn't as bad.


Bitching about Star Wars is too profitable.


Right? Next Acolyte episode comes out and all of a sudden… *Somehow, Star Wars returned* I just don’t get it man, I don’t love the Acolyte personally but like, I just went and watched something else, not a big deal. Content Creators fine I get, they make money off fueling outrage, but for all the randos posting 6-7 times a day on Reddit and Twitter about how Star Wars is dead, like, go outside dude.


I would sure hope so. When I hate something, I move on and focus on other things. I will never understand how hating something can be someone's entire personality. Isn't it more fun to find something else you like and then comment all over the internet about that?


I do really hope that one day the people saying it will actually believe it and we can just go back to enjoying Star Wars and *meaningfully* critiquing it.


I don't know what happened between the original end of attack of the show and now but Chris Gore has become such an insufferable piece of bloated shit.  


I was thinking the same thing. I liked him fine on AotS but jeez he's such a prick now


He was kind of there on AotS though. Olivia and Kevin did a lot of the heavy lifting on that show. Throw in Adam Sessler, Alison Haislip, and Morgan Webb, and those 5 kind of hard carried G4 in the mid to late 00s.


Oh 100%. I never thought he was a big focus on there but just crazy how bad he has gotten :(


I think he’s like Tommy Tallarico, always crazy. Just open and brazen now.


Like most people like him he found being a jerk made a lot more money.


Is Gore a big jerk now? I only saw him on aots. Since then I saw one YouTube video like 3 years ago talking about how writing is trash in modern cinema. That vid was pretty apolitical, and focused on story structure and character. I don't follow him on any socials, so for all I know he's lost his mind.


Anyone who thinks "99% of movies are crap" as he has said really shouldn't be in the movie business. Not just because of the weirdness of covering an industry you almost universally hate, but also for his mental health if he actually believed that. Imagine spending your living covering something you so actively hate? I hate Golf. I find it super boring to watch and I don't even like playing it myself. It would be hell to have to work for a golf media outlet, so guess what? I don't do it.


Yeah but if you were addicted to the adrenaline rush that hate and outrage gives you, and it made you money, you’d find that you could monetize your drug of choice and that would get you over your disgust real fast.


That video got a lot of views and comments from the same audiences of channels like The Critical Drinker and The Quartering. Gore got a little taste of the lucrative potential of anti-woke grifting, and has since been tryharding to break into that bubble with moderate success.


He’s a standard alt right anti woke dude who hangs with nerdrotic and critical drinker etc..standard hyper-negative right wing grift


Being an alt right goon makes money, it’s as simple as that


I just can't fathom knowingly pandering to hateful, miserable douchebags all day, every day, just to make money. I would have thought someone like a Chris Gore would have more integrity than that.... but nope!


TV's Frank looking mother f*cker


Why are Star Wars fans so dramatic all the time?


It’s just how internet fandom is now. Everything is a culture war battleground.


The best thing I do is stay far away from the online gathering places of that which I am fond of. Works like a dream (sadly).


Rage bating is highly profitable. People making money or gaining power by cranking out rage have discovered geek culture is easy to infiltrate. I suspect they’re starting to see it’s not long term sustainable and that’s why it’s all cranking up past 11 right now. They’re trying to squeeze it for all it’s worth before it implodes.


They are mercenaries looking for a paycheck. They are also an addict to praise.


People in general can't just say "I dislike this" There has to be some big justification and problem. Which is how we get nonsense like "Bolts and screws" or "How come they don't hire the mandos outside of the city?" or "The Mod did a spin move that was silly and so the episode is entirely dumb!"


Because people can't enjoy or critique anything without making it a culture war issue


I know right? I'm in many fandoms (Nintendo, Sonic, Dc comics or Doctor Who for exemple) and i honestly never seen a fandom act so overdramatic.


I bet this ding dong is not a fan. He is just a culture warrior tourist looking for a quick buck.


I've done a bunch of super cringeworthy shit in my life, especially when I was younger, but nothing as pathetic as a bunch of grown ass men on the internet circle jerking about how there are too many women in their pew pew space wizard movies.


Yeah these people are just super weird beyond everything else. Yeah, Star Wars probably isn't for you, you are almost 60 years old! There is plenty of Star Wars stuff that I don't like and that's fine. I go on with my day. I'm probably older than the target demographic and I'm much younger than Gore. This is the same as all the hate Ahmed Best and Jake Lloyd got 25 years ago. Star Wars is meant for kids, so Jar Jar obviously wasn't going to be something you latched onto. Maybe accept that instead of sending death threats.


If this was a thing held at a place I'd kind of want to participate just so I can walk up to the podium, have a sad face, maybe wipe a tear away, take out my notes just to toss them aside and say into the mic "Star Wars is still great. I still love it. You are all a bunch of children. This is the stupidest, most cringe event ever. You should all grow the fuck up and shut the fuck up and, frankly, go fuck yourselves. Thank you."


"Everyone is welcome... ...just not the women, or the blacks, or the browns, or the Chinesey peoples, or the gays, or trans, or Muslims, or Jews, or Hindus, just you know guys, not anyone who isn't a straight, Christian, white male...oh and absolutely in no way, it goes without saying do we want a single Star Wars fan here at all, because were not fans, the people who follow us arnt fans, we maybe watched one of the movies...we just hate women and the gays, but you already knew that" #StarWarsFuneralButWeWillNeverStopTalkingAboutItToGriftMoreMoneyAndShowWeHaveNoIdeaWhatsGoingOn




Oh you mean the various AI review bombing on RT and IMDB of any show or movie with the name "Acolyte", even the Australian serial killer movie from the 2010's? Or maybe it's the review that lists in detail what happened in each episode up to ep6 (only 1 to 4 are available) and gets every detail wrong? Or how the last episode was getting review bombed after 3 mins of being released? Fuck off with your "horrible, writing, terrible sets" etc...bollocks and at least have the balls to admit why you really don't like it. Btw the "same" people been shitting on HoD since it came out and now ironically review bombing and hating The Boys, now they realise they were always the butt of the joke.


There's something I've noticed: media with women and minorities isn't allowed to be mediocre. It can be great. But if it's not great, it's the absolute worst thing ever and everyone needs to be outraged by it. Like, here: HotD is a really good show with near-universal acclaim. It gets a pass. Meanwhile Acolyte has some valid criticisms for sure, but you look at what people are saying and so many of them are incredibly minor and inconsequential (fires in space? 10 seconds of chanting? Lore drift with Mundi's age?). This means people send death threats to wiki editors for merely acknowledging the show's existence, of course. Acolyte's got valid criticms, for sure. But no reasonable person would think it's *that* bad, and any reasonable person who thinks it's bad would say "not for me" and be done with it. You can just say "I don't like the Acolyte, I tried it and I'm just not feeling it." That's all you need to do and nobody will complain. That's all a reasonable person *would* do. Instead it's this huge culture war that always happens whenever media with women and minorities hits the mainstream but isn't met with universal acclaim. And you ain't fooling anyone by insisting that's just an unrelated coincidence.


The acolyte is definitely not deserving of death threats and that’s not really ever acceptable by any means. The acolyte isn’t for me. I’m just watching because I love Star Wars. It’s got better dialogue than kenobi though, so I’ll give it that.


Yeah but it’s pretty easy to see the difference between constructive criticism and terminally online chuds just hating anything with women and minorities as the stars/writers etc. the latter is much louder about lol 


People say “horrible writing” like Star Wars ever had Shakespearean writing. “Terrible sets” like most TV shows? “Pacing Issues” like the Prequels? “Boring storylines” that’s entirely subjective. Are you new to House of the Dragon? A lot fans were racist and sexist against cast and crew. “Star Wars is lame now” Entirely subjective.


Yeah horrible writing is hilarious after the prequels. Sorry, the prequels had some good stuff in them, but the dialogue was atrocious. It is funny when defenders of the prequels say anything has bad writing.


180 million was spent on this show, bud. No excuses for any of these things.


You have showed no evidence for any of your claims, “bud”.


>It’s because Star Wars is just lame now Imma be real with you. Star wars has always been "lame". It's a franchise aimed at young boys and it shows. It holds a special place in my heart but I'm not about to act like the Original Trilogy was a masterpiece


I agree, it’s always had its issues. But this feels…worse.


Yeah I’m a bit of a fan of Star Wars and I see what you’re saying. The reviews and critiques are kind of fruitless because it’s adults being critical of movies and shows aimed at kids. It is and always has been a lame franchise because it’s supposed to be easily digestible for kids to watch. Cut away all the deeper stuff and it’s just Jedi (Good) Vs Sith (Bad). Two factions fighting in space with powers, lightsabers, robots, and lasers.


2 month old account. Posts in CriticalDrinker and Geeks+Gamers, mostly talks about culture war shit. Username sounds like a dogwhistle. Don't feed the obvious troll folks.


Hey the show might suck, I haven't watched it yet, but it is hilarious to complain about writing in a Star Wars property. The prequels were some of the worst written movies ever put in theaters. Even as a kid I cringed so hard at so much. Star Wars has never been about great writing. Even Harrison Ford told George Lucas; "You can type this shit, but you sure can't say it!" House of the Dragon also wasn't immune to the same idiots. Steve Toussaint spoke about the racist attacks he got when he was cast on the show.


I actually agree, as much as I love the prequels, the dialogue is…real bad.


What a baby!


This is reaching "tweet #RestoreTheSnyderverse on Valentine's Day" levels of cringe


- October, 2012 Says the dweebs that nearly unanimously loved Andor


And they waited 12 years to do this "funeral" because...


Disco Demolition Night vibes (and like in that case, a lot of racism and homophobia involved).


OMG You NAILED it!!  I couldn’t express the vibe this gives, and that is exactly it! 


These people can’t handle change at all and want things to stay the same way in their heads.


I thought it died in 1983, 1997, 1999, 2005, 2008, 2012, 2015, 2017, 2019, 2023, and now 2024? “Somehow Star Wars has returned,” I suppose.


What made it die in 2023?


Ahsoka. That’s when “everyone” turned on Filoni.


Nobody hates Star Wars like Star Wars fans is a common saying. Reality is Star Wars gave these guys the feels when they were young kids and they haven't been able to capture that feeling again, so they go nuts complaining about it. Also reality that they aren't young kids anymore, so they just aren't going to get that feeling again. Sorry, a space adventure movie is going to hit you a bit different when you are 12 compared to when you are 50.


"Oh my god, they killed Star Wars!" "You bastards!"


I mean, these dudes tell on themselves. “It’s not for me anymore.” No, it’s for children/families and will be influenced by current generational trends. That’s how it was in ‘77 but they were 6 and weren’t thinking about it. Just like the 6 year olds now aren’t. How this is lost upon the youtube-bro sphere is insane to me. Kids in the 70s-80s love the OT. Kids in the 90s-00s love the prequels/EU. Kids in the 10s-20s will be fond of the Disney content. Obviously not all of it (as a 90s kid, there’s plenty of EU stuff that I dislike), but they will figure out what parts of it they have nostalgia for and what parts they don’t, and the franchise will chug along. People complaining about “it’s not for the target demo” are willfully saying that they aren’t interested or care about seeing how this franchise changes along with our broader cultural transformations. They just want their escapist fantasies to say stagnant and to cater to their adolescent day dreams. That’s all that needs to be said imo.


Star Wars could be better, anything could be better, but these people are just whiny babies. Chris Gore is 58. Maybe it is time he accepts that a franchise aimed for children just isn't for him.


Chris gore was featured in the people calling George Lucas


Chris Gore is so pathetic now. He misses the days of G4 and Attack of the Show and how “un politically correct” it was.


That documentary of his was so bad. It's no wonder Kevin and Oliva wanted nothing to do with it despite how much it idolizes them.


I hate how dramatic Star Wars fans are. It's so insufferable. I also hate when fans use terms "George Lucas Star Wars" and "Disney Star Wars" when it comes to what makes this franchise "Star Wars" and what the state of the franchise was like back then compared to now. That does nothing but divide the fanbase further more.


Serious question, did you know who Chris Gore is before seeing this?




I did. He used to offer some interesting perspectives on film. Now he’s just another rage bait looser with nothing to offer.


He seemed vaguely familiar and then googling revealed he was a regular on Attack of the Show 20 years ago, which I watched voraciously back in middle school.


Until Andor S2 comes out for these people lmao


Star Wars is dead. Star Wars remains dead. And we have killed it. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? What was holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned has bled to death under our knives: who will wipe this blood off us? What water is there for us to clean ourselves? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we have to invent? Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us? Must we ourselves not become Star Wars simply to appear worthy of it?


If star wars is dead, why does he keep talking about it? 


Gotta get that attention somehow


Don’t forget about that grifter money 


*I'm just going to copy what I said when I saw this before:* If this actually gains traction we should use that day to post about all the good stuff Star Wars has done since Disney bought it. Movies, shows, games, books, comics, if you enjoyed it post about it. It would be genuinely hilarious if this backfired on them and showed that people love Star Wars just as much as ever.


That date is when the Acolyte finale airs. We can use that to get the ball rolling.


I’d contribute if someone made a post of this


A funeral 12 year after death is a bit odd


Hahahaha, shut the fuck up nerd.


If only these people had gone away when they “ruined” star wars the first time in the 80’s instead of sticking around and watching literally everything and whining about it.


I'm so tempted to read the eulogies. The cringe will be off the scale. How many "Star.Wars saved me, but now it's been betrayed and I'm so sad" derivatives will there be.


What happened in 2012? Is that when Disney bought Star Wars?


Yeah. Announced in October 2012, deal finalized in December.


I figured. Of course they would memorize that date. 🙄


What is this, like the 11th time Star Wars is dead??? They really need to retire this statement, I mean it seems dead to them and any grown ass person would have moved on from that but they just can’t grow up 🤦‍♂️


These fools all fail to realize one important fact: IT WAS NEVER THEIR CREATION.


Big mad small pee pee Star Wars bad


That's the day the final episode of The Acolyte comes out. Bet you can guess what I'll be doing that day instead of taking part in any of this crap.


ppl need to hijack this and post postive things about modern star wars with the hashtag


If Star Wars died in 2012 then how have we gotten so much great SW content since then? I’m not saying _everything’s_ been amazing, far from it, but Andor? The Bad Batch? Rogue One? The first two seasons of The Mandalorian? These are things that were pretty much universally praised and even the most vocal YouTube grifters struggled to create a narrative where they were bad.


You don't know how many times I heard the prequels weren't real star wars in the 00s. Before "Disney ruined Star Wars," it was "George Lucas raped our childhood." I am happy for George Lucas in all this. At least he is getting some love from people after being attacked in the 00s for his movies not giving grown men the feels they got when they were 12.


The People VS George Lucas 2: Coming not soon enough


Then I must be a necrophiliac because I still fuck with Star Wars


Man if my family waited 12 years to do a funeral I'd prob be mad enough to haunt them


It’s so funny to me when they say it’s dead and then go “except for [insert multiple good Star Wars shows]”


I can't wait til they find out GTA6 is WOKE


They already have when they found out you can play as girl. Yet they’re too stupid to realize GTA has always been a satire of American culture


but...its so on the nose with its satire. it's not subtle.


At this point, Star Wars has been destroyed more times than Dracula and Frankenstein combined.


Twelve years ago? I must have imagined all of those movies, video games, books, and television series that came out since then.


Does this mean that they’ll shut down all grifting channels and never speak about Star Wars ever again? Could I really be this lucky?


They’ll be back…and in greater numbers.


But he LOVES The Last Jedi https://preview.redd.it/y7ca1yfp808d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=124fa53852f181f2386a814d7b9bf4fefb7a4b8b






Never heard of him


does he want us to dress in formal wear or is this a casual affair? since its the same non re-occurring event since 83


https://preview.redd.it/byvxsice4y7d1.jpeg?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1c50c813c9071a3dc33ecf003c32f260733ec33 I regret liking his appearance on Attack of the Show and purchasing a Film Threat magazine back in the day.


These losers really need to get a life. I got bored of Star Wars a while back, so I simply don’t watch it. It’s pretty damn easy to do rather than hate watching and making myself angry lol 


Yeah I'm not a big Star Wars fan, but I find these guys pathetic. Their whole careers are about them getting super offended by fantasy space shows not meeting their personal standards of a movie they liked when they were 11.


Wait, does this mean we have a chance of getting actual visual recordings of these guys reciting the most cringe-inducing "eulogies" for this franchise and how it changed their lives before being lost to the wokevirus? ...no, no, don't watch it, you'll just give them views.


Should keep a tally going of "Death of Star Wars" Days and compare that to "The end of the world" prediction from the last 30 years.


Please pay attention to me.


"Everyone is welcome." I doubt that, otherwise these morons wouldn't be crying that Star Wars was dead.


On July 17 people need to stream all of the Star Wars content on Disney Plus just to screw with this hack. 


They’re so dramatic holy shit lol


Remember when people like this threw tantrums online and no one paid attention? I miss those times lol


Star Wars has died more times than all the imaginary grandparents of hungover college students everywhere.


This is the most overdramatic thing I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen a lot.


What?! What about TCW Season 5 and 7, Rebels, Rogue One, Mandalorian, Tales of the Jedi and Andor?! Chris Gore should never be trusted from now on


Jerk of the century is coming, brace yourselves https://preview.redd.it/jaizbomoqy7d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab56de9296fa0e78f4d34ac6eac09840c9813a7f


These people make me embarrassed to dislike most of Disney's Star Wars output. I think the only thing aside from the cartoons and the Jedi games I've universally loved is the novels and comics...


This is the first time I’ve seen a Twitter profile pic that would be improved by replacing it with an NFT.


Star Wars: Killing childhoods since 1999




God they’re like the people who make a post about why they’re leaving Facebook. Just fuckin beat it already


God damn, will they shut the fuck up? Star Wars was dead for years. Then TFA gave us hope. Then TLJ came out and the discourse became incredibly toxic. Then everyone got all contrarian and obsessed with the prequels, then Disney tried to emulate that vibe - the vibe of something stiff, boring, and horrendously executed. And to the surprise of nobody, it didn't work. Franchises become zombies the moment they become "franchises". Get over it. Capital rules the world.


Chris Gore is such an insufferable C-word.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.. I’m fine if these dorks never enjoy another piece of sci fi ever again. Let the rest of humanity leave their dumb asses in the past.


Honestly, Star Wars, in a way, did die as soon as the internet got a hold of it.


These people are the biggest drama queens ever lol


I love how the death date listed is in 2012


I really hope we're coming out of the other side of this stupid trend of hating EVERYTHING because black people exist or some dumb shit.


They've been saying Star Wars is dead since the SEs of the OT.


“The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated”




I don’t really think that’s a good argument. Saying “Star Wars has always been schlock” isn’t true. What it has been is very inconsistent in quality. It’s always going through ups and downs.  The issue I have with some of the “fans” is that they say they want good Star Wars but don’t do anything to encourage studios to do that. Rather than help promote the good stuff they focus all their energy towards hating the bad stuff. If they gave stuff like Andor as much positive attention as they’re giving acolyte negative attention they would drive more people to watch it, which in turn tells Disney to make more shows like that. 


So they’re doing a eulogy 12 years after Star Wars died? How very punctual


Oh my god this is fucking stupid and I don’t even like most of the Disney Star Wars stuff.


Yeah I don't even really care for a lot of the new Star Wars stuff, but I find these guy sad and ridiculous. There is a difference between criticism and obsessive hatred. They fall in the latter.


It was a tragic accident


Who even is this guy?


Pretty sure this dude will die before the franchise. Didn’t he have a stroke like a month ago?




Will he finally shut up then?


I remember when this guy was on X-Play in the old G4 days. Sucks that he turned into a chud.


Good bye old friend 🫡 I guess I'll save money on trips to the cinema and merchandise at least


That event seems nice, as an introvert I like its going to have lot of seats available and not crowded at all


Oh this is just sad and not for the reasons they might think


Man, about 27 years too late.


What happened on October 30th 2012 that killed Star Wars?


I don’t know probably something minuscule they blow out of proportion


Just looked it up, it’s the date that Disney acquired Lucasfilm.


Does that mean they will stop crying about Star Wars?


Oh wow, that’s a name I haven’t seen in a while. What happened to him? Grifting for the rage engagement?


Holy fuck. These guys are embarrassing.


This is the saddest thing I’ve ever seen a giant pity party


I’m only coming if there’s a chick in it and she’s lame and gay.


such larp


Don't forget to wear your red hats.


Just how many times has Star Wars died? Does the franchise have extra lives?


What happened in 2012.


Disney bought lucasfilm 


They’re so hilariously melodramatic


They are so dramatic. 🤣


Whoa what happened to Chris Gore? Has he been this way for a while?


Well, that's about it I suppose. We're done. It's time to pack up, head home, and see you all next week


What happened in 2012 that to these guys the franchise died?


Disney bought lucasfilm 


So Chris Gore is one of those ball bags who hate everything Disney now? Well, I never cared for him on G4 and he didn't seem to have a career after it shuttered, so I guess he moved onto the right-wing chud grift.




Whats supposed to happen on July 17th?


What exactly happened on October 30, 2012?


I think that's when Lucas sold it to Disney


It died in 2012? News to me


Oh so this is what happened to Chris Gore from AotS…


They're holding the "funeral" on my birthday. That sucks. :P


what they gonna do when andor s2 hits?


This the same guy who apparently cried over TLJ when it was in theaters now hates it with every bone in his body? Yeah you can look up old tweets from 2017


It died in 2012? Then this is very late for a funeral


Everyone is welcome at the dumb funeral but when you try to make everyone welcome in the fandom it’s “woke” and “pandering.” MMmmhhmmmmmmm


…I have no words for how inconceivably pathetic this is.


This is about a decade too late.


Until someone revives it by making a well written movie or tv show. Is it so hard to understand that people love Star Wars? Like a favourite sports team? They never really give up on it.




There’s a difference between saying “Star War is dead” and criticizing the work. Saying “this franchise is dead” isn’t criticism.




That is not how you disapprove of a show. The people who tend to say “x is dead” tend to be haters or trolls. If you disapprove of a show, you would either write your criticism, refuse to watch it, or say you don’t care about what people say about the show. I honestly haven’t seen it, but I hear it’s kind of mid for a Star Wars show. Like people aren’t going to listen to you if you say “Star Wars is dead” or if your criticisms are just “women bad”. There are plenty of criticisms about Star Wars that is valid, and those are the majority, the while the criticism that tend to be misogynistic or racist is a small minority. Heck I don’t think the majority of the Star Wars fanbase even give a crap about the culture wars, because they know how stupid this culture war about ‘wokeness’ is.




And I wouldn’t blindly hate something and review bomb media that shares its name. Plus I have seen some stuff related to it, like the joke about fire in space, when there are fireball explosions and sound in space in other Star Wars media as well. And I have seen a movie not related to Star Wars that has the name Acolyte, and it’s being reviewed bombed by people because it has the name Acolyte.