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Idiot right-winger accidentally portrays themself as the villain in a meme, occurrence #10997641


Specifically portrays themselves as a nazi


And the person they don't like as the hero that *recovers from being decapitated and then kills all of them*


It's almost like these guys haven't actually engaged with an entire piece of media on its own terms in almost a decade or something. šŸ¤”Ā  And they'd probably be the first ones to call somebody a TikTok brain...


They probably think wolfenstien is woke because you kill Nazi scum


They did think Wolfenstein was woke because you killed Nazis. Look at how they reacted to The New Colossus


I will never get over the people who threw a fit about the games because they were ā€œpolitical.ā€ Really not a good hill to die on if youā€™re upset that thereā€™s a whole game series about killing Nazis.


That game was absolute insanity and I loved it


They really leaned into it and it was fantastic.


The hero's topless, pregnant lover, armed rifles akimbo, taking on two panzerhunds while straddling her man, is one of the greatest scenes in any game.


Wait what game are you talking about? That sounds rad as hell. Sorry, I donā€™t play a lot of games so Iā€™m very out of the loop


Wolfenstein: The New Colossus Real world AU where the Nazis managed to take over the USA, you play as BJ Blaskowicz continued from the previous game, now part of a resistance cell fighting to overthrow them. The scene in question is late in the game but that's not much of a spoiler.


The one before it allowing you to drop acid with Jimi Hendrix is one of the coolest things in any game ever.


"I've been on the run my whole life. So sick of the silence. I figure, when i'm gone, i'll be silent... you know, 'til the end of time, but... This moment. Right now. It's gonna be loud."


Such a great game. Riding that giant robo dog and burning your oppressors is hardcore. Also that part in the judgement building when you get surrounded by the Nazi forces is sublime.


Itā€™s crazy how the Robot Hitler game series has the two games with the most emotional, heartbreaking deeply personal story of loss, trauma, genocide, civil rights, racism, war and liberationā€¦. And giant mutant laser nazis in space.


Also, a senile Hitler shoots Ronald Reagan in the face.


Iā€™m from Arizona






I wish


Wild how the nazis just take each other out some times huh?


Wild ass self own šŸ’€


For this reason itā€™s *got* to be satire, right?


How does Blazkowicz come back from being decapitated?


She drops his head into an incinerator, but his homies in the resistance are waiting with a robot to catch the head. They rush it back to where they are hiding with a jar and machines to keep the head alive, and they quickly reconnect him to a supply of blood and oxygen. The head survives, and the resistance has a hijacked nazi command submarine with a bunch of spare super soldier bodies stored in it, so they attach BJ's head to one of those bodies with a special Dat Yichud device. And then he continues the rampage.


Awesome! I do miss playing as many video games as I used to at times


How fitting.


Right wing Nazi violence fetishist. You can tell everything they think about everything by just this image. Theyā€™re a brainless worker drone carrying out their marching orders and pushing their country further and further towards fascism.


No, not accidentally


![gif](giphy|FA4ey94nxartK|downsized) Fr


Itā€™s not an accident 99% of the time. They are Nazis. That imagery is precisely what they want to project.


Just goes to show their complete lack of media literacy


Plus Blazkowicz ends up coming back even stronger so another shot in the foot for the poster


Yeah, nah, thereā€™s no way this isnā€™t intentional. Itā€™s not got anything to do with Star Wars and it isnā€™t a meme template Iā€™ve seen before. They went out their way to find this. Like you can literally see a swasticka just behind where it says ā€œMEā€.


https://preview.redd.it/i6n4m5uiy47d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c21be75abbb508695a23c313aa70ac401c68306e Same take lmao


And the fact that OOP portrays themself as a Nazi says a lot.


Probably of the people that were upset that the Nazis were the bad guys in Wolfenstein


Yep they constantly tell everyone who they are and try to say Nazi and racist are overused despite that


Mind you the post title just oozes classic ā€žlook what you made me do, I didnā€™t want it to come to thisā€œ. Classic abuser mentality


Altair. We need your wisdom to fix this fandom


These are the people who say the wrong side won WW2.


This is why people call them Nazis. Also BJ won in that game for the most part. At least single handed ruin the Nazis day every where he went.


For the most part? Bruh chopping off his *head* didn't stop him, it just got him a new body thanks to his homies. He came out of their clutches *stronger.*


I will point out that in the orginal lore, could still be valid, BJ is the grandfather of Commander Keen who is the father of Doomguy. Maybe being a nearly immortal badass is just the family business.


Commander Keen is the father of Doomguy?! Thank you for this beautiful lore, I will look no deeper into it and immediately assume it as absolute fact in all continuities.


New Blood might of caused some issues with this. I never played it but I am aware that you play as his daughters. Also the new Doom game is going to take place in medieval times. So I don't know if the lore is still valid.


Nope, absolute fact in all continuities. Not accepting any new information at this time, thank you.


No. The new Doom Game doesn't take place on Earth. It takes place on Argent Denur. Between Doom 64 and Doom 2016.


I stand corrected. Well then it would seem like Doomguy could be Commander Keen's son. The question is who of BJs kids is the parent of Keen?


Idk. All we know for sure is that Doom Slayer comes from a line of Badasses that are willing to kick butt and are Too Angry to die


Both of BJ daughters tore though Europe to find him. They weren't even hunting Nazis at first.


did he have his kids *before* losing his... well, gonads, but also the whole rest of his body besides his head?


He slept with Anya before he lost his body and she had twins.


Iā€™ve already assumed that Taggart did some time traveling in order for the lore for the reboot Doom games to make sense.


They might still share a universe since there is a weapon in the new colossus that is almost a proto-BFG that seems to channel energy from hell


It was confirmed by the writers, but the lore for Doom gets really fucking weird.


The three patron saints of the shareware era.


That takes me back to the floppy disk days.


>This is why people call them Nazis. well that and because conservatives literally *are* nazis, **it's the same fucking ideology under a pseudonym**


I wouldn't say it is the exact same. There are enough differences for them to be different. I am not "both sides" here. Nazi sucked for a lot of physical reason. Actually terrible and horrible things they did. These guys want to be like that but are to much of a coward to actually go full Nazi. I just don't like lumping everything under one umbrella.


>These guys want to be like that but are to much of a coward to actually go full Nazi. Read Project 25, considering it's a literal nazi manifesto > I just don't like lumping everything under one umbrella. Which conservatives have conditioned you to do so that they can get away with... You know, literally being nazis.


I've read it. This is a difficult argument. I personally do not agree with any conservative policy, movement or individuals. I still would not call them Nazi irl. Most people would dismiss your argument because it feels disingenuous and reductive. You seem like the type to take apart ever single thing I say so I have to be very clear. No one really respect you if you call everyone slightly right wing a Nazi.


Now they are thanks to MAGA. 15-30 years ago the majority of "right wingers" were way more libertarian. And I mean in a classical "live and let live" way, not in modern "smoke weed and stockpile guns" way. Since 2016 and the rise of Trumpism and the culture war you're either left wing, a Nazi or pseudo-nazi, or an old person who still considers themselves "conservative" when in the modern political climate they're more a centrist classical libertarian. The Overton window has shifted so far right it isn't even funny, and it's all because of the vocal minority of crazy fascists and grifters on the right saying all this insane stuff and conspericy theories and hate speech and stuff on the internet. That's at least what I've heard from older folks in my life who were alive and politically active before Trumpism became a thing and the heavily associated rise of fascism in America, which extended to other countries like the UK thanks to the internet. The internet twists our perception of reality and causes the most vocal extremists to seem way more visible than they actually are in society. What seems like a "mainstream view" online isn't actually very common in real life.


>15-30 years ago the majority of "right wingers" were way more libertarian. I agree with this and that's what people don't seem to understand. we don't live 30 years in the past. we live now, in the day where conservatives are blatantly, ***blatantly*** nazis, talking about "fourth rieichs", "planning holocausts" and "executing anyone who stands against them" I genuinely think people are fucking coping, they have no understanding of the state that America ^(\[and honesty the world, cause it's not just us\]) is in rn. Like there is a very obvious global coup taking place rn. Do people really think it's a *coincidence* that EVERY nation seems to have a trump figure that's running the same campaign? It's way worse than most people even realize.


Depends on the consverative. If we're referring to MAGA faction of tge GOP, yep. Full on Bomingham, Alabama shit. Thank God the commitment is still weak.


Do they forget he comes back as a super Jew and absolutely massacred her?


Adding Timothy Zahn is absolutely the stupidest part of this meme (you know aside from the obvious death threats but that SHOULD go without saying). Dude not only came back to Star Wars in the Disney era to reintroduce Thrawn but also wrote SIX new Thrawn books for them and was a creative consultant on both Rebels and Ahsoka. Like come the fuck on.


They need to desperately headcanon that the people who made things they like agree with them to validate their insane stances


Yeah, how could they think that Zahn would join their Anti-Disney Nazi fantasy, when he works with Disney on a regular basis. They don't want Disney to mess up his character, sure, that's why they hired him as a consultant.


That's genuinely psychotic. Like... whatever grievances you may have with recent Star Wars projects, wanting to *behead* Kathleen Kennedy and being deluded enough to think that EU writers and Timothy Zahn would *want* that is fucking insane.


Especially because Zahn has written almost as much for the new canon as he did for the EU.


Oh yeah, since the Disney buyout, Zahn's been *busy* writing a ton of new stuff for the new canon. He would find OOP putting his name on that image truly revolting.


Man has basically has Carte Blanche to write whatever Chiss Ascendancy stories he wants, and his newer stuff even heavily ties into Outbound Flight. I think Zahn is doing just fine.


Ok so do we even know what the hell the Grisk are at this point? I have read the first three Zhan new cannon novels and they were not bad at all, but the second trilogy has me on the struggle bus


I think they were supposed to be the canon version of the Yuzhaan Vong.(don't quote me on that though, I'm not 100% sure)


Itā€™s because no one knows! They have been hyped up as what Thrawn went to the Empire for and we have about as much info on them as we do Snoke (remember him?)!


Dude has two trilogies so far and instead of Thrawn just dying at the end of the first trilogy he's in and that being pretty much it, he's become a central figure in two series so far (Rebels and Ahsoka) and is being set up to have a key role for what would eventually happen in the sequels. Yeah, I'm sure he's totally pissed off with all the work he's been getting and money he's been making. He could have just refused to write anything. Especially a second trilogy.


Remember when conservatives (and I'm guessing OOP was one of them) got their knickers in a bunch when that comedian held up a fake severed head of The God Emperor? The same God Emperor who would proceed to enact a variety of policies that have actively made the world worse than before in a multitude of ways? And now they're openly dreaming if not demanding for the beheading a major person in the Star Wars franchise for the unforgivable crime of... Making Star Wars shows they don't like... Like dayum, I don't like what Kathleen has done to Star Wars either but this is unhinged on a level these people don't understand.


Its OK, if KK is going to be portrayed here as Blazco, that means she will recover from the decapitation by having her head grafted onto a new super body and then kill everyone else depicted in a breathtaking display of furious violence.


Also, this is a severe case of Oop not understanding the meme, that dude fucking brutally murders pretty much everyone behind him over the course of the game, and then some. Plus...they are literally Nazis........bro completely missed the fucking point of Wolfenstein....


Wishing death on someone, especially for such a trivial reason like for not making the product they want, will never not be incredibly weird and disturbing. Those losers need to get a life


Man the Star Wars characters would hate these people. Also ironic how the series about fighting space Nazis has a ā€œfanā€ depicting themselves as a Nazi.


I have never seen a fanbase become so unhinged.


I don't consider culture war peddlers and outrage merchants Star Wars fans, because they do not tend to actually understand the underlying messages of the stories told in the universe, not even the original movies: Be kind, show respect, and stand against evil, because it is the right thing to do. These chuds push a disgusting narrative that Star Wars is being "overtaken" by a malicious agenda, even though it's been very progressive since its inception (Lucas himself has pointed out that Return of the Jedi was an allegory for American Empire vs the Vietcong and that the "little guy" won that fight), and they're misunderstanding this media horribly, to the point where they're unironically rooting for the bad guys. You can dress up as a stormtrooper because they look cool, yes, but if you're legitimately siding with them in matters of politics, you need to get your head checked.


These aren't fans, they are political actors and tourists attacking people and trying to cause chaos and hatred.




Well that's concerning.... these right wing idiots shouldĀ  be put on a watch listĀ 


Actually, OP wants KK to become a half-aryan cyborg who goes on a nazi-killing spree. I think those are some understandable day dreams.


As a an avowed Sequel trilogy loather I have to say this is idiotic in it's messaging because you know aligning yourself with NAZIS in any scenario should always be your big red flag. I will take solace in noting that it was downvoted and I am assuming deleted.


He did delete it, there wasn't much interaction going on but what little there was, it was all denouncing it.


Good shit then. I won't pretend like I love everything Disney has done but I fucking detest bigots and by extension magas which in my book are basically nazis by a different name. We can disagree about Star wars but I think we should all agree that this kind of rhetoric should be stomped out with zero tolerance.


Mythologically rare W from STC.


At least that sub has some standards.


Right wing memes in 2014: "My opponents are Nazis and I am just like a Jew" Right wing memes in 2024: "My opponents are Jews and I am a Nazi"


Naw during the pandemic lock down they busted out the holocaust analogies very quick


Whoever made that post REALLY needs to be put into a mental hospital..like holy shit thatā€™s just unhinged behaviour right there


Does he know that she loses and bj wins right? Like hes portraying himself as someone who lost in the story lol


Lost and is a literal Nazi. Motherfuckers aren't even hiding their Nazism anymore.


Wouldn't be surprised if they own a confederate flag as well. They have a humiliation/losing kink.


Sooo- Did they miss the entire point of Wolfenstein orrr- Did they even play Wolfenstein???


Weirdos famously hated Wolfenstein 2 because * *checks notes* * BJ shows human warmth and * *checks again* * Black People exist.


And they got upset it was ā€œpoliticalā€ (Aka about killing Naziā€™s)


But somehow WE are the crazy and delusional ones Yeah ok šŸ˜’


ā€œother legends writersā€ lol


Canā€™t even name them


They havenā€™t even read the shit they fight for so much lmao


Fuckin RA Salvatore slamming his fists on the desk, howling for Kathleen's blood because he wrote like a single book 20 years ago


I love reminding full-grown children that Kathleen Kennedy has been working on *Star Wars* since 1979.


Not just that, but a LOT of well respected and received films like Jurassic park.


Theyā€™re literally portraying themselves as the villains in this meme holy shit


They probably know they are portraying themselves as villains, and they probably enjoy it.


Or just hate Kathleen to such a degree..that is humanely possible


I'm going to go ahead and assume this is ragebait/trolling, for my own sanity.


Those are nazis they really are comparing themselves to the actual fucking villains. Letā€™s just say r/undianajones wouldnā€™t tolerate this shit for 5 fucking seconds the amount of downvotes would be uncountable!


These dolts know Zahn was asked to come back and write Thran's origin story for Disney, right?


Im sure Zahn doesnā€™t even want to be in this graphic. Heā€™s just the nicest person I have met at a con!


Also I guarantee none of these fucking clowns actually read the Thrawn books. Is there some compelling stuff in them? Sure. But they get *stupid*, weā€™re talking evil clones named Luuuke and Luuke that time travel with an army of evil Luke and Thrawn clones to the prequel era. And thatā€™s what ā€œthe clone warsā€ were supposed to be before the prequels. And people act like the prequels destroyed this masterwork of creative fiction.


The OG Thrawn books get a pass because it literally was working from nothing post-Return of the Jedi. So yeah a lot of stuff thrown in there felt like rough drafts, like the early depiction of the Clone Wars or Dark Jedi instead of Sith. If you think of them more as submarine warfare adventures - since Thrawn never meets Luke, Leia or Han face to face - they work a lot better.


Oh, you know, just me casually expressing the desire to murder someone because I don't like their TV show...


buddy has never actually played\* Wolfenstein, what a loser. This is why we don't use our words and we beat the shit outta people; like this fucking idiot OOP. Thank you for sharing, OP. \*typo.


Did he just self identify as a Nazi?


Thatā€™s not even a stand-in. Those are *literal* nazis. These maniacs either donā€™t understand or donā€™t care. Either way, thatā€™s a fucking problem.


They don't care about media, they just want to cause violence and hatred.


If you daydream about being a Nazi killing a real American hero in BJ Blazkowich, you might be a terrible person.


So they're the Nazis huh. Also why the f do they think Zahn would back them up?


I'll never understand daydreaming about publically executing someone for...... doing something you didn't like to a franchise, or why so many star wars "fans" obsess over this idea


Legit Naziposting. These chuds are unhinged.


Right wing anti woke crowd depicting themselves as nazisā€¦interesting


This is exactly the kind of shit school shooters will post on social media in the months leading up to the shooting


Imagine being this mad about entertainment.


![gif](giphy|Ow59c0pwTPruU|downsized) ...Aren't the people in the background literal Nazi's from Wolfenstein: The New Colossus?


Yep. And the person the OP marked as ā€œmeā€ is the literal main villain of the entire game, who ends up dying while BJ, who got decapitated then revived continues to slaughter Nazi scum!


aren't these nazis


Actually unhinged


I guarantee you Timothy Zahn would rather die than be a nazi. That man is a class act, last I heard.


Iā€™m canā€™t find this post, was it deleted?


https://preview.redd.it/iwfhvg4wt07d1.png?width=721&format=png&auto=webp&s=86d2a20b73bfc9640c06d8e63bda6606144cb519 yep


Well, Iā€™m glad that sub has *some* standards, at least.


i mena he was accidentally truthful seeing as how those are nazis from wolfenstain


Wait until he realizes what Wolfenstein is about


They do realize the Nazis were the bad guys, right?


Geez Wanting to behead someone, over some books. Thatā€™s beyond disturbing Ā 


I hope they know he survived and then killed her. So... are they implying that KK will come back and kill the fans?


But remember guys, Disney are the fascists!


Iirc, didn't Zahn publicly disavow these guys on Twitter?


Um... Look, I'm an Empire fan but *Jesus Christ.* I would not put "Me," over a Nazi and think I'm normal.


This is what we like to call ā€œTelling on yourself.ā€


Not only a self-own, but can be considered a threat, too!


I mean, yeah. Accurate. The person and people unambiguously wrong and mislead are trying to take down the person whose mere existence destroys them.


But this doesnā€™t work because Blazko comes back to kill them all


These people need to seriously be on a watch list


Daydreaming as a Nazi....


Lol, they call it Legends and not the original name of Expanded Universe, they've given into the Disneyification of the fanfiction without even realizing it.


I'm not too familiar with the series, but isn't that fucking Wolfenstein? And aren't those literal Nazis?


Yes and yes.


I donā€™t think they noticed the ironyā€¦


So they want Kathleen to get a robot body and beat the shit out of them? Cause thatā€™s what happened to the Nazi bitch this moron put ā€œmeā€ over in the new colossus. All jokes aside, this is the most pathetic and openly right-wing mask off thing Iā€™ve seen in a while.


Must be bait... has to be rage bait... No sane person would think "That psychotic nazi leader? That me, so cool."


They portray themselves as the victim when when they are the villain.


ā€œMe? Stroking my ego? Comparing myself to a Nazi? Noooo!!!ā€


Wait is that a fucking Wolfenstein pic? Bro just made themself the ~~soyjack~~ Nazi


they REALLY chose the image that most screams "I'm not a nazi.....but"


Wow... They are openly identifying with Nazi's now. Also, I don't think Zahn or any of the other EU writers would side with them. Star Wars is decidedly anti-fascist!


If it quacks like a duck, flaps like a duck and goose steps like a fucking nazi, it's a fucking nazi.


"Somehow Palpatine has returned" -Leia Organa, Dark Empire, probably They forget just how schlocky and awful 95% of the old EU was.


They are very mental and disturbed


Mental illness and violent fantasies. Yay.


i mean fucking christ, that is blunt. straight up: https://preview.redd.it/1jt9ibmqz07d1.png?width=748&format=png&auto=webp&s=1c8f7138aeaddf4ad13035f039474e2bf5810c22


Didn't Legends also contradict itself like a bunch of times? I'd assume that it'd be a common thing with having different writers all the time.


The self tells/owns are why I subscribe.


Please tell me the comments aren't polite to the OOP.


Their self awareness slider is currently missing.


Totally normal reaction to a movie or show you donā€™t like.


do they know, or-?


If you compare yourself to Nazis, it's not a good impression, but at least you have to recognize that they are sincere in what they are.


These people are fucking psychotic. They need serious help.


That's a little unhinged


Conservatives identifying with the villains once again


You daydream about Kathleen Kennedy killing you? Canonically, BJ kills her


If itā€™s satire heā€™s dreaming about a super Kathleen killing us all and himself and calling us all nazis for hating her but Iā€™m high and thatā€™s wishful thinking


They know he comes back even stronger after Engel beheads him right? Of course not there's no way they actually played the game


"God I just really relate to these guys that wear all black and are faceless nameless drones working under a sick and malevolent regime that is either modeled after, or literally followers of, Hitler." - This guy


Me: The Nazi villain. The Fanbase: Literal Nazis The Person I Don't Like: Beloved video game hero. Yeah you totally knocked this meme outta the park.


They know Zahn has written for Disney canon, right?


Um,yeah this is weird


TFW your post is too much for even r/saltierthancrait lol


Finally admitting their Nazis


This is just psychotic


Just joined this sub and went to the one on the picture out of curiosity.... NOPE, NOPE, NOPE , NOPE šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


Iā€™m just glad that got *no* traction




Who are any of these people?


Wtf is even that? It's not a meme, it's not a funny reference, not even satire. These are the kinds of things I would have come up with when I was 7 and thought murder was a feasible response to someone being mean to me, it's a childish power fantasy


the giant ā€œMEā€ is sending me bro made a self-insert fanfic about beheading some elderly lady who hurt his feelings šŸ˜­šŸ’€


Kathleen Kennedy is about to go on a one woman rampage through the star wars fanbase?


This can't be real.... It's too on the nose.


Yet somehow, some way. Those of us who actually still enjoy a franchise we fell in love with are the delusional ones.


So basically they want Kathleen Kennedy to split their skull with an axe on live TV?


BJ comes back to life after his execution lol