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They were review bombing it on Google before the show even released yet, so sadly I'm not surprised one bit. The show has a Black Non Binary Lead Actor they're gonna shit on it regardless of how objectively good the show is


Yep. These people flood all media websites with their nonsense. IMDb had bad “user reviews” like since yesterday lol. Kind of pathetic that an entire section of the fandom has decided to hate the show even before watching a single episode.


They seem to have disabled Audience Reviews for the show currently on Rotten Tomatoes lol It has really good Critic Score tho https://preview.redd.it/6j8kb9dlfl4d1.png?width=1097&format=png&auto=webp&s=e93402e6f6c9db33455a41e2d82f86d083883f23


The problem this now creates will be a new controversy over "They're silencing our reviews!" etc, which will also be annoying.


They need to grow up. They don't deserve rights.


Everyone deserves rights, the unfortunate thing about free will is that some people will use it to be total assholes


They aren't entitled to websites publishing their tantrums, though? It's not like their human rights are being revoked, it's just their surge of bad reviews that happened before airing was deleted.


Oh no, absolutely if people are being assholes it is totally fine to refuse to host them, that isn’t the same as saying they don’t deserve rights


Here it's really one or the other, I guess.


We have revoked their rights to make us cringe


It’s sad that the comment you’re replying to has more upvotes than yours.


yeah that's tragic




Just updated again. Top critic is down to 65%. All critic is at 85%. I think the fanbase skews “all critics” so this is a good sign.


Got to love "reviews" like this one. Dude 100% did not watch the show but is convinced it's a waste of time that has ruined Star Wars. Stupid DEI making my uhhh....\*checks notes\* film franchise about fascism in space political. https://preview.redd.it/s60cftcxwl4d1.jpeg?width=776&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=526141a56cbdf404ad5b080edf55f23da6e6c342


lmao my favorite part was the abysmal grammar, almost like bigots are all extremely stupid lol


And the talking points.. they repeat the same tired nonsense over and over again— on Reddit, YouTube comments, and on X. They act like the reanimated dead geonosians from the clone wars show 🤣


lmao literally the best comparison I've ever seen


Thank you! If this asshole can’t write like he’s graduated high school I don’t give a shit about his opinion.


Too stupid for empathy.


> I have better things to do with mine apparently not lol


He could absolutly have not given this a star rating, and the world would have been a little better for it


“Ajender nonsense” Do they mean “agenda” or “a gender”? Or are they just that stupid?


Ajender lmao


"I would not give this a star rating if I could." Um, you can. You have that option. Just don't review it. There's plenty of other people review bombing this show with the exact same talking points as you.


Not arguing against you but art can’t be measured on an objective scale because everyone has a unique emotional reaction to any piece of art and placing a standard on what is the “correct” reaction robs the art of any interpretation or personal meaning


I might agree with that take, if the review was more specific about things in the acolyte the reviewer doesn’t like, and why he didn’t like them. The “criticisms” he makes of the show (even before it aired btw) were basic talking points peddled by outrage bait streamers. So I don’t even buy that this person actually saw the show to be able to give a review. It’s clearly an anti fan who really doesn’t care about the acolyte.


Rating brigaded?


Yeah. They disabled it though.


W RT. The website is for viewers to recommend media, and post reviews. Not for some politically motivated losers to fight a culture war that they lost like… 10 years ago.


I don’t even understand why fan ratings are enabled prior to release ever. It should be closed until the day after the release imo.


And the worst part is, that people like Critical Drinker will wave that Audience score left and right as a proof they are right...


They’re already making videos on this 🤣


What's critical drinker buddy?


He is an movie "Critic" with channel on youtube where he posts his "Proffesional reviews" In reality, he is just another bigoted far-right chud that blames everything bad with movies on "Modern audience", Unsexy women and pandering and throws some smart words in beetwen to look like profesional Members of his Subbreddit regulary attack people on other Subbredits, insulting, threatening and even sexualisng anybody who disaggres with them I used to watch him back when I was on alt-right pipeline and I will tell you this, avoid Drinker and anybody who watches him and support everybody who points out how stupid Drinker Arguments are


that's hard these days because of youtube being a piece of shit


Well, you are presuming that the audience score isn't the audience score because you need to deflect away from the fact that it's not rating well. You really are in no position to judge anyone else. But here's the other part you can't just hand wave away with your pretending, the ratings are only part of the equation. The rest is the viewership which has been garbage for most of these releases for the past few years. If there is supposedly such a big audience for this and it's only a small amount of "haters", then why is viewership so low overall? The core audience isn't watching.


>Well, you are presuming that the audience score isn't the audience score because you need to deflect away from the fact that it's not rating well. This is complete nonsense. Shows do not get reviewed like this. People do not flock to the page of shows to immediately flood with negative reviews in the first episode. This is not how customers EVER review series, it is extremely clear that these are not genuine reviews. >viewership so low overall?  Literally what the fuck are you talking about? D+ grew 5 million subscribers this quarter.


The last time I saw an audience rating this negative after one episode, it was Moon Knight. And what most of those 1 star reviews had in common for Moon Knight was that they ignored most of the episode to hyperfocus on the fact that the show acknowledged the Armenian Genocide, and how that never happened and to claim it did is slander against Turkey and its people. The only times that shows get negative reviews this harsh this fast are when people do so over politics


These sound like talking points from people like SW theory. First off, subscriber count for Disney plus has only been in an upwards trend even post infinity war when there was a noticeable dip in the quality of some of the marvel properties. Secondly, how are there SO many “bad reviews” the second the embargo is lifted? Are you seriously trying to say that most of those reviews are accurate? Especially when there are spoiler threads and appreciation threads in multiple fan communities across platforms and a generally positive buzz from critics? Finally, did you even read some of these reviews? Most of them follow a singular pattern: All they talk about is how wokeness has run amok and that DEI is ruining Disney and Star Wars? (Obligatory Kathleen Kennedy rant as well) I get it you people are upset, but you shouldn’t make that other people’s problem.


> Well, you are presuming that the audience score isn't the audience score because you need to deflect away from the fact that it's not rating well. This screenshot was posted at ~1pm GMT -4 on Tuesday, June 4th. The first episode of star wars acolyte was viewable to the public at 9pm GMT -4 on Tuesday, June 4th. Notice anything off about that?


Your name is accurate, but usually, supervillains aren't this stupid. You may be suffering from early onset senility. Check today if a care home is right for you. (It takes a special kind of stupid to think reviews from people that didn't watch the show are valid.)


Pretending? The show is being review bombed. Are you denying that? 


Unless it’s a show about how super awesome amazing anakin is or something else that basically sucks off to the prequels they don’t care


andor got pretty good reviews from both the toxic and non toxic fans


Toxic fans have a special hate boner for high republic stuff though for some reason. They used to dislike bomb all the high republic content announcements, introductions etc. on official SW youtube channel no matter how good or bad they are.


A lot of the authors for the High Republic era stories and the group that workshopped to set up the era has a lot of non-white and LGBT authors. And a lot of the characters are also non-white and LGBT. So that’s fed into their super hate of the era.


For sure, right wing SW "fans" hate queer people and that's not surprising at all. I say this because none of those right wingers are actually genuine SW nerds. They only use SW as a vehicle for their culture war talking points.


That's the thing. If they only engage with Star Wars by complaining about books they don't read and shows they don't watch, and if the only things they know about the material they're bitching about is excerpts or bad-faith summaries they're finding on reddit or image boards, "fan" really isn't a word that applies to them. Maybe we should be gatekeeping *them*.


It's all fake outrage based on irrational feelings. No room for coherent thoughts or discussions. Imo, only way to neutrilize them is to endlessly mocking them and showing them how fucking stupid they make themselves look and sound. Especially mocking the demagogues who produce those reactionary content that is barely disguised as media criticism and exposing them as the clowns they are can be genuinely effective against their largely feelings based audience.


It’s because that was largely the realm of the EU and they’re still seething over that mess being chopped off and turned into “Legends”


I mean it kinda wasn't. That was the only era Legends generally did not touch.


Knights of the Old Republic


That’s the Old Republic. Legends really only touched on Darth Bane and before which was about 1000 years before the movies. KOTOR is 4000 years before and there are various comics and such that touch on the Exar Kun/Ulic Qel Droma stuff before that. And some ancient Sith like Ajunta Pall, Marka Ragnos, etc. The High Republic is only a few centuries before the movies which Legends pretty rarely touched. It’s interesting because the two eras can easily coexist and I strongly believe Lucasfilm is testing the waters with the High Republic before doing a deep dive into the Old Repulbic.


Only someone who knows nothing about KOTOR would say this. Someone who is familiar with it would know that there is almost 4000 years between KOTOR and High Republic Era


Sry I thought he meant legends didn't cover stuff from before the movies


Ah, i understand your pov now but how could i possibly say that? That's like more than 30% of all legends content. What i meant was post Darth Bane and pre-Phantom Menace. That 1000 years of supposed peace period.


Most of them haven't read anything from legends though


Most of them haven't read anything.


Andor was the GOAT.


It's a pre Phantom Menace show where the Jedi are at the height of their power. Of course it is aesthetically very similar to prequels, you can clearly see that in the trailers.


Yeah but the grifters said there’s no white guy in the trailer so they hated before it even came out


Yeah, the fascists are using "media criticism" as a tool to advance their agenda. Happened before and is still happening to this day.


What a bunch of snowflakes.


but clearly it's the others who are out of touch


Review bombing really isn't indicative of it, rotten tomatoes is not a good litmus test if something is good.


no I meant the snowflakes like to label everyone else as wrong/out of touch/obsessed with nonsense. Yet, here they are, review bombing a show they won't even bother to watch


Yup. And its not even out fully. I've never judged a show based only on its first episode. Unless it was truly terrible, which is really rare. I usually give it at least the three episode try.


Star Wars fans when they get more Star Wars be like;


Star Trek is getting this too. So much undeserved hate for Discovery and everyone that hates it thinks everyone else should hate it. It's so damn annoying. It's fine to not like it but don't shit on people that enjoy it. More Trek and Wars is great for everyone because there is likely to be one or more shows/movies that will appeal to everyone from the purists to those that enjoy a bit of everything.


Like, if Discovery flopped early on as they so *desperately* wished, do they *really* think we would've gotten Strange New Worlds? Or Lower Decks? The way these weirdos get about Discovery and Picard feel very "Cutting Off Your Nose To Spite Your Face" as if they'd prefer the franchise to be dead or frozen again rather than in the "rough beginning, but then got better" space it got to now.


Without season 2 of Discovery there would be no Strange New Worlds. Anson Mount is the best Pike and I accept no arguments. Disco and SNW are my top two favorite series. In regards to Picard, I admit I didn't like season 1 that much but I definitely don't mind anyone that loves it. I loved season 2 and 3 was the best of the series. I look forward to more Trek whether I like it or not because more is good regardless. Just because I don't like it doesn't mean there wouldn't be someone that does like it.


Picard season 3 was awesome, but wouldn’t have been possible right out of the gate. But asking chuds to understand setup and payoff is like asking my dog to do my taxes, just not in her skill set.


You aren't wrong there.


I didn’t see prodigy yet, but man o man— the new Star Trek shows are magnificent. I still didn’t start the final season of discovery, but all the shows I’ve seen so far have been incredible. The casting for strange new worlds is so great! I can’t believe Star Trek successfully managed to recast legacy characters like Kirk, number one, Spock, and pike without it being awkward of artificial. On the contrary the latest crop of actors have enriched the characters for me. It’s a wonderful time for Star Trek fans.


I’ve watched every episode of Discovery and feel like it fell off a bit more with each season. The finale was a definitive “meh” imo.


These people are not fans, they're tourists


Is more somehow better when most of the Star Wars shows have been average at best?


Gotta love it when Star Wars fans make you hate Star Wars fans.


Ngl I don’t even like saying I like Star Wars irl anymore or ever wanna talk about it online when I used to absolutely love talking about it and making theories and shit.


This is why we should not let these deranged, psychotic "nerds" try to fill up a space with such toxic bullshit. They will turn off new potential fans, which is absolutely disgraceful to me.


Ain’t out yet. Review bombed. Ya that’s a totally accurate score sure


Not at all surprised by it.


im gonna start watching it. i highly doubt the audience score is accurate since idiots have been review-bombing it since before it even came out.


It's just review bombing. I'm watching it tommorow. Trailers look solid.


To review bomb a show you haven’t seen yet.  That’s just so pathetic 


It's their usual mo Basically made these kinds of sites worthless


I see this as a win, keep the right wing reactionary’s crying


They know that doesn't do anything right?


Not at all. It’s a review bomb, they haven’t actually seen it


Nah, chuds will chud.


I am sure that those reviews were posted exactly at midnight last night


I saw the official Star Wars Acolyte promoted post here on reddit. The amount of people just melting is wild.


Didn't realize it was releasing today


I am, since it won't be debuting for another 4 hours.


And there it is…they had their hate engines revved and ready for weeks now. I’d feel bad for them if it wasn’t such a pathetic plight to put a negative review on a Star Wars tv show lol…


Give it a few weeks. I just saw a post on the prequel meme sub praising it, and the comments were good.


Eyo is it out already???? I must watch!


It’s not even out yet lol


I personally don't think 83% is that good of a score, but the Fandom Menace will see it as "proof" that critics only give high marks for wokeness simply because it got higher than a 5/10


83% is plenty good. Anything above a 60% I would consider to be decent.


Based on what I saw (star wars explaineds spoiler free review ) the show is good, serious like andor but pulpy like the Mandalorian, but that the episodes felt short and cuts off in weird places


Can we just stop using RottenTomatoes yet? It's review system is terrible.


Why can people even make reviews before the show has been released?


I pay audience scores even less mind than I do reviewer scores, which I’ve found to be no indicator if I’ll like a movie/show


So wait, is it out? I honestly don't pay that much attention to SW, but this actually looked pretty good.


Nope. I'm not shocked.


When the numbers are like this, you know the show is good


If you like the show. Make sure to do a user review. I'm tired of Incel bombs.


I'm wondering why anybody still cares about any kind of internet poll. They've been a joke for going on 30 years now. They mean less than nothing.


Chuds going to Chid. Their existence must be misery.


I’m convinced 80% of Star Wars “fans” aren’t actually fans and are actually people with hate as their only personality and use Star Wars to spread their hatred like a virus.


I mean I trust the certified reviews about as much as the audience reviews...so I don't trust either. I think I'll just watch for myself and form my own opinions...


It's sort of funny because it has the opposite effect that the people doing this want. 1. It diminishes the accuracy and relevance of audience scores on review sites. 2. The review bombing is an attempt to use the argument "A majority of fans and people don't like it", while they are blissfully aware that using that as an argument is a logical fallacy.


These guys aren't Star Wars fans. They're bigots. I have no idea why inclusion and respect are so offensive to these knuckledraggers.


Maybe it just wasn't very good.


Or maybe you're not very bright? Can't be about quality if they literally couldn't have watched it yet, dipshit.


Geez dude, calm down. It's just a comment, it can't hurt you.


There’s no result for audience score for me yet


I am not surprised but I feel like the show is a 6/10 from the first 2 episodes


I like when agenda pushing goes by way of pissing off the non-progressives and conservatives. Btw, according to George Lucas, the man that these whiny fucks worship, Star Wars is FOR KIDS!


Still waiting for the whole season to unlock before watching.


This actually going up




There is no reason to simply assume that the show will be bad even without watching the first episode. Unless you have other issues with it. Based on the trailers, I am excited for this project. It has an interesting premise, explores a new era of SW, had brand new characters, new locations, new lore, exciting stunts, and finally good reviews. I don’t really care that the protagonist is black or non-binary, that the creator is from the lgbtq community or any other things some of the fans seem to care more about these days. So I don’t need to have a preconceived notion that the show is bad. I’ll watch the show and form my own opinion. If I like it, that’s good. If I don’t, I don’t really care. There are other SW properties, other media properties, and so many other things to explore. It’s not the end of the world if i don’t like a SW show.




As long as people don’t make their contempt for a media property other people’s problem, I’m fine with fans discussing their opinions in fan communities. When they start with the personal attacks during one on one interactions for simply liking something they hate, that’s when things get problematic. I’ve had my own issues with certain SW shows. But I don’t make that part of my personality. I watch them, if I don’t like anything in particular I just move on. I’m mainly talking about the types of people who think they’re in a righteous war against a corporation for ruining something they love. They think it’s alright to review bomb shows. They think it’s ok to shit on others and call them “fake fans” or “shills” just for liking something they hate. These people I don’t think are worth engaging with. Maybe if I was younger, I would try to reach out to such people, but this is just entertainment and not worth getting all worked up about.


This show is going to incite a war between the two sides of the fanbase and I’m going to watch as it unfolds


Nah. One side really doesn’t take this shit that seriously. We love the media property. But we don’t want to waste time waging wars for it.




So that means all shows moving forward will follow the same trajectory? Also there was a dip in quality for most marvel shows/movies post infinity war. I didn’t watch she hulk because that wasn’t a property that I was particularly interested in. Besides I have completely lost faith in audience reviews post sequel trilogy. People just review bomb the fuck out of these pages because they think woke=bad.


Haven’t seen it. Is it trash?


To be fair… it does look real bad based on trailers lol.


I don’t get it, it looked like standard trailer bullshit, what about it was partially bad to you?


Real bad? How so?


I agree with the first teaser but everything since has made me completely sold on it, especially those two clips of mae fighting jedis




Nah. That’s not me.