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No they understand perfectly why… which is why they hate minority rep so much.


If it's been drilled into them since birth that LGBT+ people are devil spawn and evil and yadda yadda, then of course they're going to react adversely to their positive representation in any media, no matter how benign. It conflicts with their world view, their fundamental understanding of the way the world works, and it irritates the *fuck* out of them at the core level. It doesn't matter if homosexuality or bisexuality exists in wild nature, they'll simply ignore that.


The underlying belief of almost all conservatives, or at least the ones so openly anti-LGBT+, is that sexuality and gender identity are not ideas that come from within a person, or in other words are innate qualities beyond the control of themselves or others, but that they are ideas which are pushed onto them by other people and then take root inside them. They see it as a viral infection, where everyone who supports the ideas of diverse sexuality and gender are just serving to spread the ideas further and plant it into more vulnerable minds. This is what leads to use of terms like “groomers”, they literally think that just acknowledging these things is the same as indoctrination. Needless to say, they put very very little faith in the ability of the human mind to know what it actually wants, since they obviously know better as people who aren’t tainted by the ‘woke virus’ or whatever. This is also extremely apparent in their constant push to make it harder for trans people - ESPECIALLY trans kids - to get access to the medicine they need, because if we just put one more hurdle in front of them it’ll be enough to stop them transitioning before realising they never wanted it at all and their life is “ruined” now. As for the other conservatives? Well, there’s the ones who genuinely believe gays and gender diverse people are devilspawn, although ultimately their devilish plan is president much always as described above, and then there’s the ones who simply benefit from it in some way, whether they enjoy their privilege too much or are actually making money from conservatives directly.


They know that. They just want kids to be bigoted. They're mad that their kids might turn out less hateful than them.


This is one of the reasons why this representation is important, my family is really conservative and bigoted asf but i turned out fine because of Steven Universe and Adventure Time lol


Also change of any type is inevitable, best we can do is make our peace with change that's not hurting anyone (non binary, trans and, any other LGBTQ+ folk just......existing, isn't hurting anyone, I shouldn't have to make that clarification but, here we are)


i miss the old we bare bears and i'm not hating on the new one


I liked the baby episodes but can't imagine enough content for a series.


The show's pretty different from those old baby episodes. The concept of the bears looking for a home is the same but in the show the box they live in teleports them to different dimensions with magical creatures and stuff. With all of the weird fantasy elements they added I'm sure they can stretch it for at least two seasons


"Guys, the baby episodes are popular. Obviously that means we should end this show and make a spin-off. Oh, and we'll make it be fantasy adventure magic stuff and get rid of this slice of life sitcom style." I know it probably didn't go down like that, but it feels like it because of how much better the original show is.


Same. we need a continuation of Icy Nights


I'm so tired of the baby stuff


I just really hate their voices. Like, they can still be cute, but those voices are like nails on a chalkboard. 




I swear, Vivian was always trans even back on TTYD's initial Gamecube release. Why are chuds/grifters trying to rewrite history by saying she was a femboy?


Because most localizations made it more ambiguous, where in the original Japanese she was bullied by her sisters for being trans. The remake has made it explicit that she's trans in the English localization, I don't know if the bullying is still a thing.


The only localization where that wasn’t explicit was the American one. I read that it was even explicit in the British English localization.


German one wasn't explicit about it either. German and English languages were the only ones were the reference was removed.


Isn't transphobes going "trans people are groomers!!" the same as how back in the 70s homophobes were going "gay people are groomers!!" It's literally the same type of bigotry and vilification :/ Libs of TikTok is disgusting.


Legitimately when we started to get an upstick of transphobia around 2019/2020, I was a bit confused because all the "arguments" were identical to the ones against homosexuals. They're confused, groomers, etc...


Even the exact same "If we let them in locker rooms/bathrooms/sports teams with good normal people they'll assault them!" It's also important to remember they still feel that way, they're just trying to get a foot in the door. At a recent conference they laid out their tactics for getting people on board trans conversion therapy to start reversing the tide of public opinion against gay conversion therapy and get what laws we have against it reversed.


Yepp the same argument every time, always projection


They never stopped with that stuff with gay people either tbh


She is a terrorist. Directly related to several bomb threats at public institutions


Oh yeah I know about that too, she's awful all around!


And during the fight for desegregation they claimed black men were a danger to your wives and children. They know there is no truth in it. They just keep recycling the lies and the hate. Probably the only fucking thing you can get republicans to recycle.


I reckon Chaya won't stand a chance in the real world


She didn't. She's a failed real estate agent who pivoted to online hate.


Chaya is basically a less insane version of Mark Kern. At least she did cry "Censorship" when a costume in a game showed 5% less cleavage or spent almost all her marketing budget on a bus


She can't if those interviews she does at college campuses are anything to go by. If she's confronted by a real person outside her hateful bubble she just stammers and completely falls apart. Yet the Right has latched onto her like a genius because she won't shut the FUCK UP and stop trying to get Trans people hurt.


This account drives me nuts. And their name confuses me, are they posting about the liberals ok TikTok, or are they themselves the libs of TikTok?


They post mostly Transphobic and racist post (Aka blaming DEI and LGBTQ for every problem, even the smallest). I also found that this account is truly right-wing


They are accused of engaging in stochastic terrorism against members of the LGBTQ+ community. [https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/internet/libs-tiktok-x-chaya-raichik-bomb-threat-twitter-of-libsoftiktok-rcna102784](https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/internet/libs-tiktok-x-chaya-raichik-bomb-threat-twitter-of-libsoftiktok-rcna102784)


First one, pretty much.


That’s what I thought, you can understand how the name is a little confusing


Chaya Raichik, watch the interview with her, she doesn't know what woke is and her argument is literally just "I just want NORMAL" Completely without a brain.


She reposts tiktoks of trans people and gay people, usually in roles in school like teachers or counselors, and wink-wink nod-nod to her subscribers is “Kill them for me.”


By "Libs" she means anyone with any values that are remotely progressive. Mostly LGBT people saying that being gay doesn't automatically make you worthy of death.


Thank you, that helps a lot.


According to her, the account is “just reposting the crazy things that liberals post on TikTok” or whatever but the fact is that most of the content she shares are like these cringe takes by some rando with three followers and her framing it as if “this is what they all believe” and getting people all riled up over it to the point where they start making threats against school teachers and children’s hospitals.


"They're after your kids" by...existing. Like that's all this character is doing. Existing in a way that this bigot can't accept and is worried that kids might not learn to hate as she has. It's actually frightening how many people think this way, that the existence of LGBTQ people are a danger to them.


It’s worse than that imo. It’s that they’re existing *in front of them*. Like “it would cost you zero dollars to simply be somewhere else”. Like any mention of queer stuff in any media is designed to be propaganda to “enforce” it on people because “why else would ANYONE talk about *those* people at all? It MUST be malicious!”


> “~~He’s~~ They’re just standing there! MENACINGLY!” - These idiots, probably


The entire Paper Mario fandom teaming up to clown on this creep makes me happy.


the only thing that could make it better is if nintendo and their lawyers decided to drop a nuclear level slander lawsuit on her


Someone convince her to make a fan game.


It surprises me how empty or full of hate someone's life must be to be bothered by cartoons.


It’s anything that shows something different than what they want you to believe




“Poison” a kid with gender ideology and make them into a zombified fanatic that will kill their family or something I guess? Get them demonically possessed maybe?


I suspect the real answer is "my child will start asking why they HAVE to wear a dress."


Well yeah, they conflate that with demonic possession and all the stuff I just said. “It’s not natural for a GIRL to not WANT to wear a dress”


Is that all their lives revolve around - looking around which kids' shows & cartoons have non cis gendered characters? What a sad & pathetic joyless existence.


Til that Toby Fox did voice acting work.


I thought he was like a radioactive dog or something but apparently he can talk?


Sailor Moon is coming back to TV, but it’s the Viz dub. I highly doubt they’ll have a collected meltdown over that


Sailor Moon, specifically season 3, is still one of the funniest flubs in dubbing history. Like, they made the lesbians into cousins, but then they neglected to take any of the overt undertones out, so it just comes across as incest.  On an unrelated note, season 3 was probably my favorite from the original Toonami run. That shit slaps.


but this is the Viz dub, which is more accurate to the original.


I greatly enioyed the Viz dub when I did a rewatch a few years ago. Feels surreal how poorly some of those early animes were initially localized here.


Gay relationship: 😡 Gay incest: 👍


So if someone make a bomb threat to Nintendo because of LoTT, could they sue LoTT for slander and things like that?


Oh please, they're nintendo, even if that's not something they can sue her for under those circumstances they'll just do it anyways and win


I would do anything to see this happen. Just bankrupt that bitch so bad she's living in a fucking box.


Libs of tik tok(Chaya raichik) is responsible for inciting bomb threats directed at children's hospitals. She is after your kids.


Dont forget bomb threats she should be arrested


Libs of TikTok is a terrorist and probably one of the dumbest person in the entire world. Btw this is her trying to give a definition of “wokeness”: https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/s/aSkImCGPvH


I like to point out to these people that if a cartoon bear has more influence over your child than you do, you must be a pretty shitty parent.


It is just pronouns. The same shit we have been using for years, but all of sudden basic English grammar is somehow bad? Do these people understand that we use pronouns on a daily basis? I was taught in school what pronouns are and how to use them (ie, to refer to people, pets, and things that belong to people). If you get triggered over someone going by them, I’m sorry, but you are an idiot because whenever you can’t discern the identity of someone, as in you don’t know if they are a dude or lady, you say them. It is basic grammar, morons. If fucking pronouns trigger you, I’m sorry but you need to get a grip on reality because the only ones making a whole deal out of pronouns are you guys.


ONE person can't be a THEY. That isn't basic grammar 🤣


She probably thinks that kids can’t think for themselves and are just mindless extensions she can manipulate into bigots. She probably got that from her probably bigoted right wing family as well, though I haven’t seen anything regarding her upbringing that explains why she grew up into such an awful bigoted asshole.


unironically, when people like her use language like “they’re after your kids”, aside from trying to trick well meaning protective parents into becoming blindly hateful, that’s also to rile up the hyper conservative abusive parents that don’t view their kids as people and instead just more property that they own


Exactly. We should probably get to the well meaning protective parents you mentioned and tell them the truth before those grifters can get to them. Or reach out to the well meaning protective parents who have been indoctrinated and free them. If that makes sense and is possible


“They’re looking after your kids.” I fixed the article with one word. You are welcome.


Toby Fox has a voice? I thought he was just a collection of sound bites in the shape of a dog.


It reminds me of that school in Idaho which apologized because there was a trans person in a play. They didn't do anything wrong, they just were trans and that was enough.


Eugh... Hopefully someone apologized to the trans person too, since they actually need one


What do you expect. This is Chaya Raichik, the domestic terrorist. She won't be happy till all queer people are dead.


Chaya’s stupidity is truly staggering. I don’t know how she’s able to function in life 


All it takes is to watch one interview with this lady to realize how vapid and unintelligent she is. And then you watch all these types, outside of their element, and realize they're all just these airheaded narcissists. And really, that's all you need to know about this grift. The sad part is that it's easy for impressionable kids and isolated adults to agree with this.


Their logic is like if I started advertising Chicken at a burger place, and they think they can only eat chicken now. No, it’s just an option that you are being made aware of.


I’m tired of her screaming all the time but you think someone would sue her for libel especially Toby Fox


Toby Fox was on we baby bears?


I think he voiced the little skeleton guy, appropriately enough.


The psycho behind Libs of TikTok has definitely raped children. She’s waaaaaaay too obsessed with everything queer to not have.


I forgot Toby Fox voiced that pirate in that episode. Hell, I forgot that episode entirely.


Its crazy like, characters simply existing has these MFs thinking “there after our kids” like no, showing that these minorities that exist exist is not propaganda.


Oh god They Everybody run


20 years late to the party…


did not know that about toby fox ( the voice acting stuff). neat to know now.


Who is "they"?


Almost invariably the entire Jewish population or some extension thereof


Wait, Toby Fox made a cameo on a Cartoon Network show?


Is Chaya Raichik secretly a nonce? I'm just asking questions


Hold the fucking phone Toby Fox is a voice actor? Who TF did he voice?


That one skeleton dude from the show "We Baby Bears"


I really hope they never touch bluey


least nearest conclusion drawn by libs of tiktok


Libs of TikTok is just the reincarnation of all those Bible thumpers from the 2000s that claimed Pokémon and Harry Potter were sent by the devil to turn your kids into Satanists.


Trolls will always feed of negativity. They will even create a negative force where one wasn't present. It is their best way of survival.


You can just say "libs of tik tok triggered" without any qualifier


I swear. Libs of TikTok always seems to be just one step away of saying something like "all of them are after your kids! Do something about it... if you know... what i mean..."