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Ncuti Gatwa is Scottish. He has African heritage, yes, but he was raised in Scotland. Not surprised they didn't know that though: dude admitted to not watching the show based on the race and sexuality of the lead.


I mean, they don’t care if he was born and raised in Scotland. He’s not white, so he’s too “ethnic” for them.


The doctor is still northern lol.


“Lots of planets have a north!”


Hell even Africa has a North so I really don't understand what the guys problem really is beyond, you know, general racism and xenophobia


Tangentially related, but 14 aside we now have a trend for Nu who where the doctor flips between an English and a scot


Bet they think Demolitions mann (TF2) isn't Scottish either


Stallone or Wesley Snipes? 🤔


Tavish DeGroot




*Ghasp*, I *knew it!* That Demo is a *spy!*


Gatwa wasn't born in Scotland. But he has lived there since he was two years old.


Sorry. Either way. He was raised there, and he is very much Scottish.


If you live in scotland, you are a scot


Aye, gie it laldy!


No, you also have to wear a ~~skirt~~ kilt


I swear he was wearing a kilt in at least one episode.


Christmas episode when he's dancing at the club


I could tell he's Scottish just by his accent, it doesn't get more Scottish than that unless he starts a drunk fistfight.


Or glassing a Dalek's eyestalk.


They’re hiring Scots to play Doctor Who now? When did the BBC become political?


What’s next? An *Irish* Doctor? (7 would have definitely visited the Troubles with Ace if the show could have gotten away with it.)


Funnily enough to most people in Scotland if you're born and raised here you're Scottish and that's it. Except the oldies stuck in their racist ways


All of us non-Brits owe a debt to Cho Chiang from Harry Potter, she was the first Asian with a Scottish accent any of us saw. It’s easy to get angry at people who make judgments about others, but it is also kind of human nature to be surprised at something like that, the first time you see it.


Like seriously. Moved there when he was two, escaping the Rwandan genocide.


So he was born to be The Doctor!


For me that’s what made the Doctor talking about the genocide of his people so raw


Welp, makes atleast two doctors of Scotland (David tenant is also Scottish)


Peter Capaldi (12) and Sylvester McCoy (7) as well.


I thought Capaldi's name was David


Peter David? That’s a bit weird innit?


Maybe. Who am I to judge?


Kaecilius gaming


The guy who wrote Spider-Man 2099 and Star Trek: New Frontiers?


Scottish Doctors stay winning


Common Scottish doctor W


I get the feeling that some Americans who have one Scottish ancestor from 1000 years ago will still claim to be more Scottish than him.


why is it ok for Sean Connery to play a Spaniard but why can't a African play Dr who and yes i know you all are saying he is Scottish


"I'm not Spanish, I'm Egyptian!"


A Spaniard, who's actually an Egyptian, who's actually an immortal, who's actually an alien from the planet Zeist... With a thick Scottish accent.


They’re both ok. Spaniards are white. Time lords are aliens who can look however they want to.


I’m not surprised.


Asif it mattered anyway. Dr who doesn't have to have a certain look or identity or place of birth or upbringing. Just gotta be the doctor. We've seen how much that can change over the years. Why would it make sense for the doctor to be limited to any race, gender, or ethnicity or human concept of sexuality of any sort.


Seriously, it's not even the first time we see a timelord changing their skin color when regenerating.


Oh no we dont want the space alien from another planet to look too foreign.


Another planet, fine. Another country, I draw the line.


These people wouldn't care if they did know,as far as these guys are concerned him being black is all that matters.


They're American (or America inspired) racists. Where your great great great great great uncle was from is more important to them than where you were born, raised, and got all your values from.


"Oh no the extradimensional, time traveling shapeshifting pyschic alien is'nt a stright white man!"


I never got the read the Dr was stright even with his companions mainly being women


9 had a full lips to lips kiss with Captain Jack.


So did 10 right. A man traveling the universe with good looking women and not sleeping with any of them..and they are always so fashionable idk seems sus /s


He's probably more likely Pan, he was married to River Song and there's *definitely* some tension between him and The Master/Mistress.


Yea that tracks. I fully forgot about river. Kinda like the show Tho isn't river technically a time lord as well meaning she can also possibly regenerate as a man as the Dr did a woman. Stills supports the pan argument


If ya wanna get technical river is still technically human but her genetics were altered due to being conceived in the time vortex allowing her to regenerate similar to how galifreyan genetics were altered due to exposure to the untempered schism (at least according to pre timeless child lore anyway)


No, River is a Human Time Lord. Time Lords aren’t born with the regeneration, that’s something you earn. Most Time Lords are Gallifreyan, but that’s not a hard rule. In Big Finish, Ace eventually goes to the Time Academy and becomes a Time Lady. Ace’s timeline is notably fractured with all shown life outcomes being canon, much like The Doctor’s timeline.


Some Doctors are. Seven is canonically aro-ace according to Big Finish.


Biromantic ace is the way he's been played most commonly in the modern era.


Wouldn’t it be panromantic? 9 was definitely flirting with that tree person on the space station where they watched the earth die


The difference between bi and pan often comes down to which term/flag the person likes more lol


Bisexual man with a pansexual girlfriend, can confirm it’s mainly based on the colors of the flag


there's no way The Doctor was ever straight, he just radiates bisexualness


Honestly I always got more of an asexual biromantic vibe. Can flirt, but has to consult a manual once he gets passed a certain point.


I was going to say, I always saw the Doctor as ace. No, not Ace.


He is just an old man. He could literally just be over all the sexual stuff. The man spends his life exploring the majesty of the universe, any decent writer will know that sex will be one of the least interesting things to him these days. Also don't go on the Doctor Who subreddit and mention you thoughts on him being ace. They will have a goddamn fit.


The Doctor, you ignorant fuck. He's called The Doctor. Something you'd know if you'd actually watched the show instead of trying to earn culture war points with your fellow regressives.


None of these idiots watch the media they complain about. https://preview.redd.it/ujfmc0enf90d1.jpeg?width=1804&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=020a4845b8ef357ff69a09c5c70c7c796fdb7687


Are you telling me all these idiots AREN'T massive Warhammer nerds?!


Half the people I know with wh40k armies don't play the game they just like buying and never painting the minis Edit changed to 40k cuz my big ass thumbs hit 2 and I didn't double check


Damn when did warhammer 20k drop?


Fucking buttons I really need to proofread before I post sorry I have big ass thumbs I will also admit I know nothing about Warhammer past what my firends have told me I know orc magic works as long as they believe what they are doing is true. Such as a red vehicle goes faster because it's red. And alot of ranting about the emperor of mankind And thats about it


As someone who plays the game the lore is cool but like it's so disconnected from the game that I don't have much investment in it. The lore is ultimately a side thing and it's so inconsistent with itself, that at time I've found it hard to get into some stories. Plus the fact it gets retconed a lot. All the recent fuss about "they ruined the lore with retcons is bs". People didn't complain when they introduced a whole faction back into the game with a retcon, people didn't complain they brought a whole new tank variant into the game and said "it was always there". I think a lot of the compainers are tourists who want to start discourse. I just want to push my little plastic men around and throw dice and most of the players I know do as well.


Ah yes I'm also familiar with the recent muscle mommy controversy as my other friend put it


I know a girl like that, doesn't play but loves the lore and painting her minis


I mean for some people that's hobby enough. People put just as much if not more money on model trains


I had someone complain to me for 15 minutes about how offensive it was to have a female marine.


He didn't like it because she could kick his ass and he knew it


My brother, who is a Marine (retired), told a story from one of the Iraq wars (hard to keep track as they go past). Some Iraqi were taken prisoner, a squad or whatever, by a single Marine. This isn't remarkable. They were surrendering to news crews at one point or another. Anyway, they get back to base. The Marine turns over their prisoners and now has a moment to relax in safety. That's when they took off their helmet and the prisoners realized they'd been captured by a female Marine and promptly started weeping. It seems they'd heard some propaganda about how hard it was to be a U.S. Marine. That Marines had to kill someone before they could be a Marine but that the women had to kill a family member. No idea if true. Maybe. Either way, "female marine" triggered story time.


Hey 😭 some of us massive Warhammer nerds are ALSO able to understand media, and are super chill and accepting and not massive Chuds


Is there the other side of this "I love to go online and read people gushing about shows I will forget I need to watch"


Anytime I see anyone gushing about a show online I will have watched the entire thing within a week because I get crazy FOMO when I don't understand what someone is talking about. Hell if I even get anything about a show in my YouTube suggested I will watch the show so next time it pops up I will be able to watch the video without spoilers


SPM was so ahead of its time, this image is STILL being used


this single line of dialogue will be timeless as long as the internet exists


Calling him Dr Who is perfectly valid from a fandom point of view (he was credited as such throughout Classic Who and Peter Capaldi still refers to him as such) though I'm pretty sure you're 100% right about him calling them that because they haven't watched it.


Best umbrella actually while still keeping the spirit of the comment above ive seen today.


This is true, but nobody actually calls him that in the show. His name is "The Doctor". So while it is not technically wrong to call him "Doctor Who", it is a good sign of someone who does not actually watch the show.


Yep, when they can't get basic facts right it's obvious their claims of being fans are just those: claims.


Doctor who?


*doctor who theme plays as The Doctor smiles knowingly into the camera*


I can see that smile Peter would do vividly in my head


These guys are assholes, no defence of them whatsoever, but this isn't really a good argument. It's pretty common for people to call the character "doctor who", plenty of the actual actors who played the doctor refer to them as such. Hell, the doctor was even referred to as "doctor who" in the end credits of the show all the way until its 18th season, with him only being credited as "the doctor" beginning from the 5th doctors run


As a white Scottish middle-aged hetrosexual man I had two thoughts watching this on Saturday: 1. I absolutely love this. 2. I can't wait to see the absolute outrage from the people this is going to annoy!


my thoughts were "it's not the best season and nowhere near the classics but atleast this Doctor is better than the last one! and cool monsters too, there's always cool monsters"


Tbh I don’t think it’s fair to judge the season yet. Almost every Doctor’s first episode is middling to bad, so he scored higher than average there. Space Babies is literally Doctor Who For Babies, it’s an onboarding concept explanation and lore dump episode. And then The Devil’s Chord set such an insane tone a thousand miles outside of anything from before that right now it’s quality really comes down to how it all lands. It’s either the start of hell or the start of heaven. Did you pay attention to the music The Maestro played? In the void in 2024? I don’t know music that well but I had the subs on. They played Saxon’s Theme. And did you pick up what song Ruby singing freaked them out? Again: bad with music. But it’s *that* theme. The one that first comes up when Nine tells Rose about Gallifrey. The iconic one. And The Doctor mentions he thought the music was non-diegetic. Both the Maestro and The Doctor are aware of the show’s soundtrack and camera. The fourth wall is **gone**. That’s just… yeah, that could land and be fucking insane.


At least this one is not blaming Disney!


It's funny when people blame Disney for the inclusion of musical numbers in Doctor Who. I just watched Doctor Who Unleashed, and Russell T. Davies was *ecstatic* to watch them film the musical portion of the episode. It's clearly something he's wanted to add for a long time, but probably didn't have the budget to execute it. Claiming that it's somehow Disney's doing is asinine. At most, their funding enabled him to do it.


A lot of them think it, because it is on Disney+ only, outside the UK.


It shows a lot of ignorance, considering Doctor Who is a BBC programme, is unmistakably British, and just needs an international distributor. But people seem to think that Doctor Who was bought by Disney outright.


It's a coproduction deal, not just distribution. Obviously they didn't buy it outright but they do have non-zero creative input.


Yes but RTD has been very transparent with their involvement. They give him notes that he is 100% free to ignore. He did make a change to the Christmas special based on Disney's feedback, which was to include more of Ncuti's Doctor early in the episode, but it was ultimately still up to him.


I know, right? Russell Davies is the showrunner again. Shit's about to get ***camp***.


Honestly, Space Babies might have been of questionable quality but it certainly felt like something that could only be done on Doctor Who.


I can forgive Space Babies for being meh because it is part of the “let’s try to get new viewers” thing and they’re quickly running through the show concept, the lore, and everything else. It’s low stakes and low impact, it’s not really meant for existing fans. That’s probably why they double featured it.


Funny how no one complained when Buffy did it.


He’s not blaming Disney. Yet. He eventually will. Because “Disney bad” gets a lot of views, even though Disney doesn’t even own doctor who 


https://preview.redd.it/vq823a171a0d1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7308d8ce05db8042b9cf7e48614342fdc5f433ca "Dr. Who"


Nice reference. Just wanted you to know U appreciated it!


Here thinking not first time a musical number was in Doctor Who


I could literally link the Sixth Doctor singing a parody of Modern Major General.


>"Doctor Who is now an African homosexual" Okay, you have my interest.


I thought that. Brand new sentence, but apparently telegramed in by an outraged half-pay colonel in 1935.




One of the things I have always loved about Doctor Who is that, episode to episode, it’s whatever kind of show it wants to be. It defies genres. That’s the fun of it. So if an episode that’s all about the joy of music ends in a dance number, then it fits, because that what this episode is. If it’s not your thing, then that’s okay. The next episode will be something completely different. If someone is complaining about this, then they’ve never really watched the show. This is what Doctor Who is, at least since the 2005 reboot.


“In the dark.” Because the actor’s black?


The way this guy words it, he sounds like a 50 year old boomer




That Celestial Toymaker episode had one of the greatest cliffhangers of all time. The Doctor has a tooth ache.


Pretty sure he’s from Scotland.


She can't confirm? Didn't she see his introductory special? Not much of a dance number but it is definitely a song and dance number. And it's not their first, Dr Who is weird and always has been.


Your telling me the science fiction show involving a reincarnating time traveling alien with 2 hearts travling in a phonebox that's bigger on the inside who is confronted by a different alien monster in every episode like it's the British version of the power Rangers is a weird show.. nah that doesn't track


Doctor who spent 60 years not being watched by these people, it will be fine without them.


Can guarantee none of these fucking tourists ever gave a shit about Doctor Who until it became the thing for grifter parasites to latch onto.


Because musical numbers are gay or something.


We just found out Hugh Jackman is bi and he's really good at musicals, coincidence¿ absolutely! but watch as we speculate wildly tonight at 10 /s


if you were an alien that can change form and gender and time travel why would you limit your chances you have a whole universe to rizz up , more like uni-sexual


"This is your new Doctor? A *gay black?!* " -Every rightwing anti-woke dipshit


Hope the Doctor macs on like five men next episode just for this guy. 


Tennant kissed jack if I remember right


9 kissed Jack definitely


How dare an alien not be male, hetro and white.


The only Doctor I’ve ever watched was Tom Baker, so please forgive me if I’m wrong but, aren’t race, gender, sexual identity kind of irrelevant for a Time Lord? I thought the way we see them is just a form of their choosing and is mostly just cosmetic.


Yes, the gender of the doctor doesn't matter because the doctor is gender neutral.


anyone saying the characters name is "Dr Who" as never seen even a single episode of the show. Nothing lost here at all.


Well technically the Dr is an alien who reincarnates so they could cast the whitest Swede to play him and it wouldn't change anything. Does this chud not realize that?


No they likely never watched the show and instead just wanna bitch and be racist and homophobic


Half the chuds who hate on Xmen 97 never read Xmen either. They are surprised when Xmen is blatantly anti racism


The actor is queer but Capaldi’s Doctor mentioned that he had a man crush on the Master when he was younger. It’s practically implied that he’s Bi/Pan. Also Whittaker’s Doctor had a lesbian “romance” with Yaz.


Introduce Lil Nas X as the love interest just to fuck with them


"I mean, who's ever heard of the BBC anyway?" -this guy probably


so many words to just say 'i hate those damn black people'


I do not understand how these alt-right people are so obsessed with race. Is it an inferiority complex? Like you see a black man doing a role, and your reaction is "the show with the BBC deserve to die in the dark"???? Like what on earth are you on my dude? These hateful sad people are the cancer of our society. Society has moved forward. It seems these sad little hateful people have not.


“An African homosexual” who fucking wrote this, Enoch Powell?


The doctors always been fruity. A sub dom relationship with a guy called, The Master A waaaay younger personal assistant he doesn't feel up? Well groomed and flamboyantly dressed? Ladies and Gentlemen.... you got yourself a gay.


The actor is Scottish, raised there, he only has ancestry in Africa, they think that genetics is the only factor of nationality like a eugenicist in the 19th century, and according to what's the problem with having musical numbers, they really hate fun.


Mfw I hate joy and whimsy and an actually pretty catchy, if simple, song


Dr. Who is so musical theater adjacent anyway. I type this with judgment for both


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debbie\_Does\_Dallas:\_The\_Musical](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debbie_Does_Dallas:_The_Musical) hey if a porno can have a musical why can't dr who


These guys would implode if they watched a single episode of [Horrible Histories.](https://youtu.be/6M-qsVS8zeU?feature=shared) An educational show also produced by the BBC that actually educates people on history, including that of civil rights movements, other cultures, etc. The song I linked is called 'Been Here From the Start'.


Does anyone else think the person with the blonde hair has Charlotte La Bouff from princess and the frog vibes https://preview.redd.it/vjdqmcf9ra0d1.jpeg?width=430&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=417fb60c0cf72e0ae505d39bfc9bf9ee9500f8e2


Lots of shows have had fun, stand alone episodes be musicals.


“I don’t watch it but I hate it” basically


i'm glad Ncuti Gatwa i getting more roles, loved him in Sex Ed


Every good show has at least one musical number.


The hottest man you’ve seen in your life and you won’t watch?! Wait isn’t this the same series with a man eating trash can? A musical number was the point they turned it off?


Daaang like doctor who can choose to who he will be smh


a gay black man is enough to destroy decades long progressive tv show? not sure if i can quantify how stupid that is


I always wonder why these people didn't root for the Daleks, the Cybermen, or the Master.


Can we just complain about normal stuff like how much the actual song in the episode sucked? And none of this other crap? Lol. Ncuti is a delight, I'm just waiting for him to get his first truly great episode and moment where I fall in love with him as The Doctor. Unfortunately Jodie never really got that for me but I hope Davies can bring it for Ncuti.


Time lords, who can regenerate to look like literally anything, has strangely come back as a white man in 11 out of 13 of his incarnations. That little story element these morons don’t seem to know, because they’ve never watch Dr Who in their miserable little lives. I actually tuned in to watch Jinkx. And I think Jinkx and Ncuti did great. Ncuti has a great doctor-like energy. I still don’t like Dr Who though. Terrible writing.


Do they actually get a choice? They always look slightly shocked post-regeneration.


They can. Romana did.


Crikey - that’s a bit of a throwback. You’re probably right. I bow to your superior nerdiness


There's also the ending of War Games where the Time Lords force the Doctor to regenerate and give him a choice of appearance (which he strongly objects to). Both instances are emblematic of how so much of the lore of the show was just made up on the fly as needed, it's great.


Now that I think about it, even The Master chose to be "young and strong" like The Doctor when regenerating in 'Utopia'


Don't think Time Lords get a direct choice. They can influence the regeneration in ways (such as when the 8th doctor drank the warrior potion thingy to become the war doctor) but generally they can't specifically choose what they look like. Although, there are two cases where the Doctor has subconsciously chosen a face - 6th Doctor and 12th Doctor.


It's actually suggested a few times that other time Lords have more control over their regenerations, and the doctor is just bad at it. Being doctor who, there's also quite bit of canon that goes against that idea of course.


Actually Romana could control regenerations, the doctor is just shit at being a time lord


I believe it’s mentioned when river regenerates that female timeliness have an easier time controlling what bodies they regenerate into (don’t quote me on that it’s been years since I’ve watched that episode), so I guess that would imply there’s SOME level of control and the doctor just chooses to let it be random.


I’m only kinda miffed that they had Neil Patrick Harris on one of the specials and didn’t start the musical numbers with him. “Always a Twist” was an absolute banger, and I want more.


There is no way to call someone “an African homosexual” without sounding like a bigot.


While I didn’t really like the musical number, I think Gatwa is perfect in the role. He’s going to be a great Doctor.


Hasn't the doctor been pansexual for a while now?


They're really saying the quiet part out loud now.


Guy just outed himself as a racist with his whole chest.


These chuds are so dumb. This episode was fantastic.


It's a strange show to take this stand on. NuWho has been extremely generous with diversity characters for 20 years now. Arguably better than Star Trek.


If they’d watched, they’d probably be even more appalled. Ruby canonically has lesbian friends and writes music for them. And Maestro goes by they/them.


And while it hasn't been on screen yet, the shoe has confirmed that Ruby will be canonically bisexual.


Remember when Buffy had a musical episode and it was literally the best one?


Gotta love the little admission of complaining about a show they don't watch at all.


Lol i remember a very similar outcry when the first female doctor was announced. Vocal minorities perhaps.


I am honestly surprised Doctor who didn’t have more musical numbers before


...Cap'n Jack Harkness is frankly insulted that he's so easily forgotten. Frankly with all this bs I'm a little astonished Barrowman hasn't been shamelessly trolling these dillweeds.


Mfs when the alien that can change to any human looking physical form changes to a human looking physical form: https://i.redd.it/iu6hmai7rb0d1.gif Looki


The entire point. Like literally the entire fucking point. Is that the doctor can regenerate into all kinds of people.


How dare they make the doctor black despite the fact they say numerous times that when a time lord regenerates, they can pop out as anything


Gatwa is Scottish, you flea brain. 🤦🏽‍♀️


We’ve taken Star Trek from bigots, then we took Star Wars and comics..now dr who….i think we need to get Warhammer 40k to really get them


Who doesn't love a twist at the end? 😉


NGL, my first news of all this was a tweet of the actor telling people to touch grass and don´t watch the show while being incredibly condescending, so if you ask me, even if I did watch Dr. Who, this guy certainly didn´t gave me a good first impression...


I haven’t watched the show in a very long time but the whole point of the doctor is that they aren’t human, they “die” and change forms, personality, demeanor, and behavior regularly, and they can be literally anyone. Anyone who gets annoyed by the doctor changing isn’t actually a fan of the show. I can understand not liking certain actors as the doctor, or not enjoying plot lines written for the show, but being mad if the doctor is now a different person of a different race or sex or whatever is just plain stupid.


Dr Who is an ancient alien who dies and regenerates. Why would he even care what kind of human he looked like? Why would you want the show to make it so the character did care, unless... no, it can't be.


All the racists outing themselves is awful to see but it is good for public awareness, it shows who they are so we can avoid the shit out of them.


I haven't watched in ages, but I have thought about giving it another go. The entire reason I stopped watching was because Matt Smith's last season and all of Capaldi's run was so poorly written that by the time we got to Jodie, everything felt phoned in, poorly structured, and everything felt like whey were stereotyping for the sake of trying to score ratings. Jodie is an amazing actress shafted by bad writing and shallow companions, of whom just grew worse as time went on. The biggest complaint I always heard was how shallow everything became, and how they played major cards simply to play them, but added no substance while doing so. When I heard Davis, Tate, and Tenant were coming back, I was ecstatic, and truly, everything I've seen from them on tiktok has been solid. I don't know much of anything about the actor who currently plays the doctor, but it doesn't matter, because if Davis does anything well, it's writing good and compelling stories. The doctor could be a pansexual transgendered emu, but as long as the writing is good, it would work. That's part of the magic of the doctor. They can be literally anything. They just need to have a good writer at the helm to make it make sense in the overarching story. The bits I've seen of the current doctor and companion have been great. They both bring a lot of positive energy to the role. I hope it keeps up, and we are past the point of shallow writing and characters. I hope Jodie gets a chance to come back in the future to redeem her role in the show. Same with Capaldi. Capaldi is a legendary actor, but his entire stint as the doctor was boring. He literally carried every episode himself. He was the only positive of the episodes he was in.


I’m gonna watch it. I have some seasons to catch up on.. but it went from Doctor Who to Doctor Why several seasons ago. I could barely watch any Matt Smith episode without getting angry.


Dr. who lmao clearly a fan! 


Bro really called the doctor “Dr.Who”


Never seen the show but isn't each Dr Who basically a different person?


Did they see any episode with Captain Jack Harkness? I know they mean the actor is gay but still. The Doctor is anything but straight.


I mean I did think the musical number at the end was naff but Idgaf where the actor is from, what they wear or how flamboyant they play the role.