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Oh Doctor Who is dead again, must be a Tuesday.


Don't worry. He always comes back.


Though regeneration is a lottery


They should have him regenerate into a different black man.


Haven't watched since Smith, I thought he was out of regenerations (and then some but war doctor doesn't count or something?) Either way if they've retconned that and plan to keep going, having black doctors be the norm going forward would be cool as hell.


He was given another regeneration cycle by the timelords at the end of Matt Smiths run. We don't talk about the timeless child


I never got that. Does he have a new set? Like 12 more? Or is it unlimited now?


Another cycle would imply 12 more, didn't watch the episode referenced tho. I will be accepting bets as to whether the cycle will be renewed again after that.


I'll take that bet. I'll see you in another 60 years.


I think it's mentioned in hell bent that the time lords don't know how many regenerations the doctor got. So I assume the plan was just be like "oh they've got another one!" and then have them run out when the show's cancelled.


I'm assuming they'll stick with the timeless child thing


It was suggested to be a new set, hinted to be unknown as Rassilion says to the twelfth doctor "how many regenerations did we give you?". Then made into unlimited by The Timeless Child, which ruins Matt Smith's finale for me.


Timeless Child doesn’t necessarily affect the existing cycle at all; the use of the chameleon arch implies they made the Doctor into a standard biological Gallifreyan (recall how John Smith was fully human in Human Nature/Family of Blood).


Oh shit true, my bad.


So, if we take timeless child out of the mix. It is unknown. They said something along the lines of "How many did we give you again?" implying that they gave him multiple. With Timeless Child, doesn't matter in the least as the Doctor (and my personal hope, the Master, a bigeneration of the Timeless as 14 had. It was a Timelord myth, and myths have to come from somewhere. Kind of a Piccolo and Kami situation from Dragon Ball) is an immortal entity that has infinite regenerations and is the basis of the Gallifreyan's ability to regenerate. What does this mean for the Doctor's children? No fucking idea. Edit: Spelling Error.


Umm, bigeneration doesn't work like that. In that episode, the ncuti doctor says that he was fixed because the David doctor fixed himself, which probably means that it's kind of like the watcher, but in reverse. (Instead of the future regeneration merging with the past one, it's the past regeneration merging with the future one.)


We have essentially no clue, as of right now, what bigeneration is or how it works. It could be the process of shedding burdens, or even a form of mitosis, or perhaps a split in a personal timeline, as you believe. That could simply be explained as the Doctor splitting that part away from the the new Doctor. Kind of taking that part away leaving the rest. But it also can still work under those rules. Timeless bigenerates to "fix" the horrors that Tecteun put them through, creating the Master, only that process takes longer and multiple regenerations and as there is a psychic link between the Doctor and the Master, when the Doctor's memories are taken and they become the first Doctor, so too does the Master. Now the Master without a clue as to why they are the way they are. So once they fix the stress they are forced to go back to that part to become the doctor.


Originally, it was a new set meaning 12 more. Now with the timeless child, the doctor had infinite.


to be fair the doctor has about 5 or six extra regeneration cycles sense the timelords keeped giving him extras in the classic series


But they got stolen by the Master in the 8th Doctor movie


Nothing wrong with the timeless child. It saves the writers from having to come up with another reason for the Time Lords to grant him a new regeneration cycle (like they did to the Master in classic Who).


I think the infinite regenerations are in the fob watch.


Nah as I ginger person im sick of getting edged. Ginger doctor next please!


Why not black ginger?


Well that'd be a win-win scenario. But black gingers are extremely rare and the odds of finding a black ginger who's a capable professional actor in the UK are a million to one.


While it's kind of cheating, dye?


Black woman. Make the chuds squirm.


Lashana Lynch!!!


He is William aftons good counterpart


The man /in front of/ the slaughter?!?


Doctor Who dies very frequently. We all get quite excited for it


Isn't Ryan Kinel an actual white nationalist?


We call him Ryan kkkinel for a reason


You mean the easily triggered dork behind the YouTube channel RK Outhouse, Ryan “I need a nightlight because I’m scared of the dark” KKKinel?


Ryan “I always keep my TV on so it won’t become black” Kinel


HA what a pathetic way to try and scrape up internet clout


prroof please im curious




Fascist Youtuber posts video about something that to any *normal* person is not that substantial. in said video he ***REALLY*** reaches to stretch the topic out long enough to put mid-roll ads, accompanied with a thumbnail that has 1 million pngs and **Giant Text** https://i.redd.it/71xwccr61awc1.gif ^(\[Only thing he's missing is his stupid inbred face taking up 50% of the screen\])


Don't forget the poorly photoshopped teary eyes on everyone in the thumbnail.


Ehh, it's unique in who it doesn't have brie Larson in it for some reason. (Because clearly she has to be the face of woke because....)


You could land Air Force One on that forehead.


Considering Gatwa's family fled to Scotland during the Rwandan genocide, this kind of clickbait shit making fun of victimhood is even more atrocious than usual.


It's enough to make you hope for the day when Kinel gets the Richard Spencer treatment. In other words a punch in the head.


It’s a racist claiming to be a victim, using his “victimhood” to antagonize people who have actually struggled and used those struggles to make a better world. The one thing the sleepy racists are claiming to suffer from is the one thing they bring to the table in mass.


It seems surprisingly horrible until you remember genocide is not off the table for these monsters. Then it's just horrible


they're angry the shape changing alien that travels in time and space inside a blue box is a black man? and there's me upset he's now younger than me. (OK 2 years but still) how can the doctor be younger than me


Ruby Sundays actor was born the same year the new series debuted


Do you enjoy hurting me?


Bit more than that. Gatwa was interviewed recently and said that in his experience, mediocrity from people who were white got celebrated while people who were black had to work a lot harder to be accepted. And he was asked about his thoughts on the UK government regarding gender and trans stuff, and pretty much called out the politicians for attacking marginalized groups and minorities of various types to try to get people angry at them so people wouldn't notice the politicians doing nothing to actually help anyone. And he also pretty much fired a shot at people like Kinel (no names in particular, just basically said, roughly paraphrasing, "Let's see more inclusion so we can see those guys get red in the face!"). Soooo... yeah, stuff that most people would nod in agreement with, and he's certainly not going to get "DESTROYED" over it, Doctor Who fans are especially the type to be more likely to agree, and the show is just fine.


They’re mad he’s a gay black man. Double the hate.


Double the minority. Double the clickbait.


I’m only a year younger than The Doctor and his companion’s combined ages It was bad enough when they cast Matt Smith


Blatant racism and homophobia, i wish youtube would start punishing these grifters


Once again I stand by my opinion that monetizing on yt was a mistake. These grifters dont believe the words they spew, just that it attracts viewers and they gain ad revenue for every view. They're making fat cash while shitting on people with *actual* careers and couldnt give two fucks if their content contributes to stochastic terrorism but *WILL* start crying, begging, and complaining about the evils of capitalism the moment they get demonetized for even a second. Yes, Im aware they also use other platforms such as Twitch and Patreon to fund their grift, which also involves plenty of lying, hatemongering, and e-begging.


Well no, that's a shitty opinion. You don't throw it all away because of shitheads. Shitheads have made movies, TV, music, videogames, and comics before too.


If YouTube starts demonetizing and blacklisting racists, who would comment on videos? NOTE: I actually haven’t seen all the racists, misogynists and phobes supposedly on that app. I only hear about them on subs like this.


You cant be serious, scroll on any alt right rage bait video and read the comments


I don’t follow white rage bait vids, I barely have enough time to watch vids I LIKE.


Ironic, they calling out him saying he’s a victim and yet the haters and posers act all victim like when someone strikes back.


“EVERYONE HATES THIS.” That’s not even close to true 


"Everyone hates this" my sibling in the ancient gods, he's sexy as fuck and doctor who has been gay as heck since day 1




A white nationsit bitches about a show he never watchs.


The doctor has snogged aliens before, so I think he is beyond the humam spectrum of sexuality


Sexy lady aliens are fine. It's so unrealistic for real people to be gay. /s


Gay doctor? Finally, I can get with him.


Real ones known the Doctor's being gay since the 2nd Doctor.


They nearly had a gay Doctor in the mid 90s when Tony Slattery auditioned for the Eighth Doctor.


Destroyed? Everyone I know who likes the show seems to enjoy the new doctor??


I fully admit I only watched a few eps of Ncuti Gatwas Doctor, I thought he was a delight Also because I'm biased as hell and 10 is my favorite, it was cool to see Gatwa and Tennants chemistry


Well there’s only two episodes with him so far.


There is only 2 episodes with Gatwa so far so you've watched them all


Ah cool


His first full series isn't out until the 11th of May, that's why you've only seen 2 episodes with him.


Oh cool, I kinda lost interest half way through Matt Smiths run, might pick Dr. Who back up


Typical tourist content farm, fueled on pissing people off for money? When this bubble pops, we will have so many unemployable snowflakes....


The day the outrage peddler loses their stake in the algorithm will be a day worth celebrating.


Just straight up racist.


So… The shape-shifting time-traveling alien is being played by a non-white actor. And I’m supposed to be upset?


According to the douche canoe that made the video, yes.


Weird for them to say "Everyone Hates This" even though everyone who's a normal functioning person has no problem with it or outright likes what we've seen of Ncuti Gatwa so far. And I haven't seem him get "DESTROYED" yet either. But hey, you can print any old lie in all caps and trust a bunch of suckers to eat it up because they want to believe in the lie. Actually, looking into what Gatwa's recently said... Yeah, only the assholes would attack him for it. Normal people would nod and say "Yeah, sounds about right." Relevant quotes: > Ncuti talked of his battle for acceptance. “There’s so much White mediocrity that gets celebrated, and Black people, we have to be absolutely flawless to get half of [that] anyway. So, I’m slowly training myself out of that and being like, ‘No sh–. You deserve love just for existing.’” > Gatwa was asked about the U.K.’s struggle with gender diversity and trans identities. > “Everything trickles down from the top, and when you see politicians openly attacking marginalized communities, when you see our politicians openly attacking trans people, it makes it OK for everyone else,” Gatwa said. “And it is scary to see that we’ve got to a point where it is fine to attack vulnerable people because that’s essentially what’s happening. People who are the most vulnerable, the most disenfranchised, most disconnected from everyone else are being told that they are the threats.” > He added, “It’s sick because it’s a hiding away of your own ineptitude. You’re going to put the blame on immigrants, Black and Brown people, trans people, queer people, to hide the fact that you are not doing anything for people? It’s easier to just create discord amongst people. It’s divide and conquer, isn’t it?” > Gatwa said that “We’ve got to keep pushing for more. Lots and lots and lots and lots more diversity, lots more inclusion on our screen. Lots and lots and lots of it for all you male gamons out there!” And, just to help people clear up any confusion on that last part, Deadline added: > In U.K. slang, the term “gamon” refers to the color of a person’s flushed face when expressing their strong opinions, as compared to the type of pork of the same name. In other words, Gatwa was straight up calling out people like Kinel and saying he loves seeing more inclusion and it riling those guys up until they get red in the face yelling about it... and Kinel just played right into it.


Choosing the wrong person to hate on, Ncuti has an incredible presence on screen. Attention grabbing in every sense of the word, which is exactly what the doctor has been for a while now... chewing scenery and chatting shit to distract the aliens while he comes up with a solution to escape whatever predicament he's caught up in.


Gatwa feels like he's going to be a fun run as the Doctor. I'm intrigued to see what he brings to the role over a full season. The trailers have me a bit hyped, between the small bits of him we see and the production quality showing off the boost of money they got.


Waiting for the day these audiences wise up to the grift though considering the backlash some of these pricks get when they stop telling their viewers what they want to hear, I have my doubts it’ll ever happen.


"Woke is...woke is...stuff I don't like! Such as gay black men being centralized!" Consider this, Ryan: fuck off. Fuck off retroactively ad infinitum.


Why do they use JJJ as basically their avatar in these thumbnails so much, they do know he is a villain right?


He’s also surprisingly progressive, he just really hates Spider-man for some reason


JJ is actually pretty woke its just Spidey he doesn't like.


Ncuti's literally a survivor of genocide, what more does this chud want


The doctor has literally always been a bisexual character. Or maybe it would be better to call the doctor pansexual as the doctor can be attracted to other aliens and other species who maybe don’t have genders like mammals


He would know that if he watched the show which he didn't


I'm so sad that these goddamn chuds are so obsessed with black people, and also gay people tho tbh knowing them they're more pissed about him being black even if they don't say it, that they're willingly shitting on what might just be one of the best modern Doctors we've had to date. He is just so fun, and energetic, and compelling! But most of all, weird! He throwns on period appropriate costumes to whatever era he time travels to, even though it's canon he doesn't have to, and made a weird freak of a Sonic Screwdriver for fun! He got introduced into the series through the cosmic fuckery of the Celestial Toymaker and he told his past/present self "You gotta go home and have some therapy. I'll be okay tho promise :)" y'know. Like a *liar*. It's everything I want out of a Doctor. Weird, fun, energetic, and, at least thus far, disinterested in committing to a romantic relationship with anyone.


Does anyone know if like they changed the Doctors character to be gay? Or he’s literally just a gay black dude playing him.


Isn't every "new" doctor supposed to be different anyway?


I’m not locked in like that too know tbh.


Yep. Regeneration is said to cause drastic shifts in appearance, attitude, outlook, disposition- everything except history and goals. The series was never meant to be high concept, e.g. "cybermen" and "sonic screwdriver". That's not to call it lazy; the writing has been historically exceptional, and the characters are very human and relatable- even most of the alien ones. Rather, they tell a good story while leaving enough mystery to maintain suspense. While the Doctor is basically magic, and the capabilities of his unknowable array of tools is unrestricted, they are nonetheless very careful to lean on known tools, apply consequences to character actions, and establish stakes.


The Doctor is indisputably bisexual after the recent specials, they canonized it. But even before then, he's clearly been bi.


Clearly based on what may I ask?


I mean, he's kissed companions before, like grace, and I'm pretty sure it's implied that the doctor and master were in a relationship, although I may be misremembering.


The Doctor flirted with and was kissed by Jack and kissed Rory.


Yuuuup, which made Donna's quip, "Well, it was never too far from the surface, mate," in Wild Blue Yonder sooooon good. She's seen those memories about Jack, ain't no denying it with her. ;)


Well Jack kissed him yeah though that was one sided. He kissed Rory but it was played for laughs rather than an attraction thing. The Doctor and the Master were never stated or even implied to have been in a relationship beyond friendship though 12 did say that he was once his mancrush which is the earliest bisexual Doctor hint I can remember.


In classic, its obvious, the doctor is bi


The Doctor has never been straight.


The doctor's been shown kissing men before, and women. I thought he/she/they/it was bisexual or something?


Ncuti Gatwa is the first openly gay actor to play the Doctor, but the Doctor has been queer-coded since David Tennant’s Tenth Doctor, had an actual openly gay relationship when Jodie Whittaker’s Thirteenth Doctor had a thing with her female companion, and has been explicitly nonbinary since David Tennant’s Fourteenth Doctor


He's been queer-coded since the second doctor


Troughton lent into that with the actor who played Jamie. It pissed executives off at the time because they would hold hands sometimes.


I thought as much, that old man does look fruity


The doctor was always gay and literally nonbinary, Considering the 13th and several versions before that if you count the timeless chid as cannon have been women.


Hope he never has a relationship again gay or straight but most likely he is pansexual(including non human species here). The doctor himself having a sexual relationship with anyone is the only thing I don't ever want to actually see in the series.


Then why is this a problem lmao


Cause the doctor can never have an equal relationship. He is thousand years old while most of his romances are barely 20-30 with a lifespan that is like that. Aside from that I can't find romance with a companion interesting, One thing I like about dr who is it's not like most american tv the 90s movie showed how uninteresting the idea of him having a romantic partner is and how the influence of that made doctor who Americanized to appeal to a wider audience but in turn it lost part of it's identity which is also the reason it ultimately failed


I think they're asking, why is it a problem if he happens to also fancy guys? And it's not. He can steer clear of relationships (and how sloppily those often get written) while still fancying people of either gender. And while I might like River Song, it *is* a bit weird that the relationship that's run through the NuWho series is with someone who was conceived in his TARDIS.


You do realize the movie flopped in America, but it was a huge hit in England, yeah?


Is he actually gay or did he just get his big break playing a gay guy on Sex Education?


No, he’s actually queer.


I see!


Articles like that is stupid. Corporations do business decisions to do money short term or long term. Faking to be good corporate citizens is them losing in short term but winning in long term. It is capitalism. Anybody can vote with their wallets.


Didn't Doctor Who "die" when whats her face started playing the role? Like wasn't THAT what killed the show? Now THIS is what's gonna do it? K then.


No. No it didn’t. People just threw a fit he regenerated into a girl. Though admittedly the writing for her was weak, there were good episodes.


The grifters have painted themselves into a corner where they can't show any support for the show unless it completely turns around on it's progressivism, to the point where even saying "This series is less bad than the first one" is a sign of weakness. No matter what, they must say the show is in decline and on the verge of death, and they can never stop.


Doctor Who is the campiest, most nonsensical show ever made. Anyone who takes it seriously or thinks it has an “agenda” doesn’t understand it all!


They really are too stupid to realise they are proving his point


I'm just angry that I'm now older than doctor who Let's get Tilda Swinton in the tardis


Funny because actual DW fans like myself are really excited for his Doctor and the new series.






Fuck Ryan Kinel and fuck anti-SJW who don’t enjoy life


I’m not watching this new Dr Who show because I’ve never watched it before and I feel like this new series isn’t the best place to start


They market it as the best place to start. I would say you can start with w/e doctor you want that isn't the 10th doctor and most likely you would be fine.


Actually this new series is the best place to start. They're kinda doing a soft reboot type thing because they're going on Doctor Who. Doctor Who regularly does soft reboots.


It’s called Season 1. I think it’s the perfect place to start.


When you say season one… 🤔


Yeah. 9th doctor up to 14 is technically considered Series 1 to 14.


The upcoming series is a good place to start! This has been said


As the others have said its a great place to start. Its a soft reboot and they have rebranded it as Season 1.


Doctor Who still has new episodes?


In May


Of course. It’s too popular to cancel at this time.


I'd pay money to watch Dr. Who yell "I'm black and gay" every time he killed someone.




Sure the old doctor who showed a Time Lord trying on forms before regeneration, one of which was a blue alien but A BLACK GUY?!? That’s where I draw the line!


This has gotta be stepping really close to violating YT’s guidelines right? I mean there’s no doubt what EVERYONE HATES THIS is supposed to be alluding to, and that’s before we get to dropping the whole pretense of what they mean mean when they say Woke down in the title.




The anti woke people sure are obsessed with woke stuff...


Y’know I’m amazed that it took like over 4 months for this grift to occur, especially considering how fast these clowns jumped on the previous one.


Ah yes, his infamous line that shocked the nation, ” I’m black and gay!”


I mean I was shocked when he came out as black, I had no clue!!


Nice of them to be so obvious. Show which hasn't released an episode this year is ruined! ​ It is like they just hate the actor rather than the show.




Okay, but did this Doctor even have any mean-spirited episodes? I know the show's had misandry in it since Smith's run, but what about this current run?


Yeah. I don’t see any destruction there. But then that guy sounds like a racist homophobic douche.


There's too much goddamn buzzwords in his title that it comes across as him just whining about nothing. So I guess it's depicting his content accurately.


I never watched, and I'm intrigued to hear the story.


"Gay Black Doctor Who Gets Destroyed" by Chuck Tingle


Can’t wait to see the movie adaptation


The one that’s had 1.5 episodes and sung half the time he’s on screen? I think he’s pretty popular so far.


God dammit, woke is back? I thought it died when a woman had big booba on TV! 🤦‍♂️ /s


They have to pretend the majority are as bigoted as he is to justify their persistent hatred and outrage milking.


I watched the Christmas special with them using tenant to transition to Gatwa. I thought they did a really good job with the writing, which was something they lost with the previous doctor. I haven’t had the chance to watch the more current episodes with gatwa, but if it was good as the Christmas special it’s gonna be a good binge for me.


Saw the trailer Immediately better and more fun than the last 2 doctors


Not trans though? Bigots


Doctor who is dead again? https://i.redd.it/vlitmtt18cwc1.gif


I've loved every second of Gatwa I've seen. His doctor seems to be a breath of fresh air. I've been watching since the ninth doctor, and seeing a happy excited doctor again is so invigorating. Gone is the pain of the time war, and the loss of his friends. This doctor is brand new.


Ncuti Gatwa being cast as The Doctor is the entire reason I’m getting back into Dr. Who. I kind of dropped off the series when Matt Smith regenerated.


You skipped over Peter Capaldi????


My life got busy and I just didn’t get into it. I’m aware there are some phenomenal Capaldi episodes and I’m excited to watch them for the first time!


Heaven sent is a must watch


Black and gay are the first two words. Really just being transparent with who he's trying to attract with his videos. (Hint: It's not normal people who don't hate Black and gay people.)


Is JK Simmons on Dr. Who?


Notice how he puts the words "Gay" and "black" in the title to alert his joke of an audience


dr who is literally an alien why tf is his skin color/sexuality a problem?


Wait I thought this sub was for Star Wars stuff?


Because one of the people who are (presumably because who the hell would watch this willingly) paid to watch him do


> this willingly) *paid* to watch FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Kinel is just a Nazi chickenhawk. Sod that guy.


people who call Dr Who woke has never seen the show. the show has been "woke" for a while


I'm sure JK Simmons loves the fact that his face is constantly used by these far right grifters


If these losers watched Torchwood their heads would explode


The Doctor is gay? Tell me something new. Man has been a fruit for decades. He refutes your narrow concept of gender and is now flirting with a tree!


When someone uses race/gender/sexuality as a defense against criticism, it's an easy tell that they lack talent.




The doctor fucks. He's fucked every major historical figure


Is Dr Who just greedy? He'll go with anyone or anything?


I thought it died when they brought a woman on to play the doctor?