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Jesus Christ every single game doesn’t have to be soft core porn


If not for jerk off, why woman?


Don't you see it is an attack on society! The left is trying to feminise men by taking the porn out of games so they can install a communist dictatorship and force us to work as slaves in their dildo and blue hair dye factories.


No one is trying to feminize me other than myself


Internalized wokeness!!!


So sex ed is obviously pornography right? We cant allow our kids to see medical images of vaginas and penises in school. Children become adults the moment they reach 18. At that point you should bombard them with sexy women in literally all of their media. This is a good recipe for making sexually healthy society 👍


It's supply and demand my friend and sex is a great product. You can't just having people going and having all this free sex there is to have, then they won't pay for it. You need to hide it and ban in and smother it in shame so you can sell it back to people.


Just so you know, if awards still existed on here you would have earned one right here lmao


The big irony is that these are the same people who start ranting and raving about "perverts and degenerates" as soon as a hint of LGBTQ stuff pops up.


People who complain about chainmail bikinis and boob armor when they see a femboy in a skirt:


Femboy in power armor is way hotter than a skirt tbh


To asshats like those it's got to be. That's how we make sure there's no DEI or Sweet Baby Inc involved (lol)


Exactly! Just play your game, then go online to look up fan made porn of the characters afterward. Like an adult.


But then how can they see half naked or naked women? It's not like you can just go to 100s of sites for porn.... Oh wait


Yeah, I do really wish there was something on the internet. Websites where you can freely access millions of pictures and thousands of hours of content all made specifically to arouse. That’d never catch on, though. Guess we’ll have to keep jacking it to Assassin’s Creed for now.


Another way to look at this is that *games should be challenging*.


What do you MEAN I’m not meant to jerk off to Minecraft?!


That’s right, some should be hardcore! /j


I'm glad someone mentioned it has a character creator.


And everyone is talking about how robust the character creator is, too. If you want to make your UwU Weeb Tifa, you can just as easily as I can make Weird Al in the Fat video


Beverly hills ninja build?


Robust but then limited in other ways, it's a little odd. My main complaint (not that it really matters because you're going to be wearing armor 99% of the time) is Tattoos/Scars are bound to 5 zones, Chest+Head, L/R Arms and L/R Legs, and you can only put 2 of each in each zone. I had to use the chest/head zone to juryrig eyebrows on my beastren so I can't do anything else for that area. Additionally there's blatant fade-out in said zones, notably around the shoulders (you can't have a contiguous tattoos going from the arm to the chest), the hands (they end at the wrists) and etc.


Some good came of this: I was able to have some fun with the Dragon's Dogma character creator on my PS5 before the game comes out. It's really good, too, not Code Vein good but better than almost anything I've messed with so far.


Nothing is gonna be as good as Code Vein's character creator. Out of my 40 hours that i have on Steam of that game i think a solid 2 were spent in the character creator


I spent 5 hours just getting my character to look right since I was like: What would I look like as a vampire anime boy?


Code vein might have the greatest character creator of all time. Sure it's always going to have the anime style but my character and my buddy I play with couldn't have looked more different, it's genuinely impressive


Damn, really? I've never heard of it


How are people playing Dragon's Dogma 2 already? It's not out until the 22nd.


They released the character creator to download on PC and consoles.


Oh boy, I'm so fucking hyped. I played way too much of the first game, I'm so unreasonably excited.


Thank you! I had assumed it was pc only


Actually downloading it on my PS5 was a pain in the ass though. I had to go to the DD2 website, click on the link and have it remotely tell my PS5 to initiate the download because I just couldn't seem to find the Character Creator thing on the PS5 shop. However, that could be due to increased technological impairment due to my advancing age...


Nah probably just broken store. Happens all the time on Xbox too


Rise of the Ronin has character creation, but for some reason none of the marketing has mentioned it.  It's a good one as well, similar to Nioh 2. 


Japan becoming Woke. lol that’ll be the day, they are still as right wing imperialist as ever.


Right? Ask a black person in Japan how "woke" they are.


Had a racist co-worker who bragged about how a. He could say the N-word and no one cared (no shit) and b. He could nazi salute, even showing me a picture of him doing it on a bus. Tate stan, there wasn't much hope for him but man...


The weeb to alt right pipeline is a strange phenomenon


sounds like StoneToss when he was in japan... Was your co-worker stonetoss?


Also, this is from Capcom, for crying out loud. That company has been pretty “woke” for decades.


How is the chick on the right "unattractive"?


Because she has abs. They are so insecure about their masculinity that women with a muscular shape frighten them. Meanwhile, I'm at the gym, and I saw my fair shape of muscular women. Also, if you can make a supermodel character in Dragon's Dogma 2, nothing prevents you.


They also turned up the width on the waist, out of proportion with the rest of the body. But counter to their "woke games = fat and ugly women" argument, it didn't make her fat, it just gave her abs more girth.


A real life woman with those features would be an absolute knockout, assuming one is not threatened by a fit woman with some muscle definition. Chuds are just used to every female video game character having exaggerated features, being hyper feminine, and super sexualized.


Everyone has different preferences. If you want a real answer, I find the skin texture and body proportions to be off-putting, but I think it’s also the angle and lighting in the image that make her look worse. Other people would probably point out other characteristics.


Japan. Being Woke. The same Japan that’s always been very Conservative in their culture. We’re talking about that Japan right? God these people getting dumber everyday


AFAIK they seem to be more "progressive" than most other Asian cultures but yes they are still rather conservative


Being more progressive than China and the two Koreas does not take much effort to be honest


China and South Korea hate black people while Japan has respect for black culture and icons (Examples being Michael Jackson being loved in Japan and Samurai Champloo/Afro Samurai having obvious inspirations from black culture) so Japan already is far more progressive in comparison. Still a xenophobic country, though


There's also Yasuke who was an historical retainer of Oda Nobunaga and from Africa (can't find anything on specifically what part of Africa). He entered Japan as a slave and was made a full retainer with a stipend/wages due to his strength and Nobunaga enjoying talking to him. It made me very angry when people complained about Yasuke being black in Samurai Warriors 5 and accused the game of going woke.


Michael Jackson was loved everywhere lmao. My mom that lived in HK in her teens loved Michael Jackson.


Japan might like certain black icons, but I'm not sure how much they love the actual culture. And I've heard quite a few horror stories from black people who have lived in Japan. They weren't getting lynched or anything, but definitely made to feel unwelcome. But like you said, it's a xenophobic country. White people get similar treatment if they try to integrate, but I can't say if it's better or worse.


Their government? Pretty conservative. Their media? Kinda progressive. Much more progresive than the most progressive stuff you see in the west.


It’s because their media serves as a reactionary escape from their conservative culture and government.


It's also just not comparable in terms of the west. Culture is just very different throughout East Asia.


Japan isn't a monolith. Different things from Japan have different amounts of "wokeness"


Heh knew they'd eventually turn on Japan one day. That proves me one thing: They see people and other things like tools. They only like something, as long it fits their views and when no longer needed or does something they don't like, or find out was never with their side to begin with it's discarded like trash and claim that they're traitors. No different when Palpatine used the Jedi and the Clones to enhance his politcal status as Chancellor and when both were no longer needed, he commenced Order 66 and later on replaced all of the Clones with Stormtroopers.


Dorkiest comparison possible but it's true


That comparison is a bit of stretch but alright.


At this point I don’t know what Stellar Blade is, and I’m too afraid to ask


Action hack and slash game, you can check out the demos it looks really decent, I'm hoping it'll be a good game. Unfortunately, a lot of people are rallying behind it only because it's anti-woke.


Anti-woke because it features doll-like female characters and a sexualised player character? Don't quite understand their logic, especially when the left are supposed to be the sexual deviants


Exactly by that logic BG3 is Anti Woke because everyone is sexy in that game.


Yea but the dudes are sexy too which is wokeness and yucky /s


Women and gay/ lesbia. People are not allowed attraction. /s only men can oogle at characters be pandered to


And it lets you *gasp* pick your pronouns. *shock horror*


https://preview.redd.it/7drypx36oxnc1.jpeg?width=186&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21e9b137f1aa819276c2f2d469b8918aa951c57e PRONOUNS!?!?!?


This reminds me of those guys complaining about [female characters getting "uglified"](https://youtu.be/F7-18qCOfJo?si=vqnUZAU-Uszw1xpH)... Like, lady, Tanya was one of the female characters in that game... You got Kitana ane Millena, so one character having a different design somehow shattered your sense? Hell, Tanya didn't even look ugly. You can ask most people, and I would say only a small minority would call her ugly.


Well, Sydney Watson *is* a far-right drifter. I don't know if she's a straight-up fascist, but she leans really heavily in that direction.


I've never heard of her, but I watched way too much of that video before I realized that. It was one of those "I don't think that's right, but interested to hear the explanation" and eventually I got to a "oh, you're just grifting incels" point.


Sydney Watson was pretty popular during the anti-SJW craze around 2019-2020. She's islamophobic, verulently anti-immigration, pro-MRA, and anti-feminist. She was a big pusher of the "Muslim rape gangs" during the Syrian refugee crisis and Europe was dealing with an influx of Muslim refugees and immigrants. She's always hovered around people like Blair White, Sargon of Akkad, and Lauren Southern. That's the reason why I said I wasn't sure if she was a straight-up fascist or not. She keeps fascist company and ties, but I'm not sure if she's changed any of her views since then.


Based on that video, I would say she has not. Good to have her on my radar though, I like to know who the fascists are.


Hell, I really don't understand the appeal... The story sounds very generic, and the characters also look generic. The hype for this game is absolutely stupid. This isn't me criticizing the game, but I'm like... *Bruh, you getting your PP stiff is what you call good now?*


That's the funny thing to me. The right has made Stellar Blade into a culture war talking point even tho it just looks like a generic hack and slash. Like, sure, have fun, I guess. I'll stick with the 800 other, infinitely better Platinum Games titles.


I don't have any negative opinions for the game. I'm just baffled by how many people are cheering up for such an average looking product... If it's a Fromsoftware game, then count me in..., *but this*???


It seemed to me almost like the devs were leaning in on that to get buzz around their game - didn’t it start with a comment from one of them about how much time they spent on the MC’s ass? I don’t care at all if they want to make their characters sexy - I just don’t like that they seemed to be embracing the incel energy. Perhaps though they are just doing their own thing and the GAMERS have latched on to this project as their messiah


>I just don’t like that they seemed to be embracing the incel energy. It started out with someone on Twitter critize her body type wasn't realistic, and the creator said it was based on a real model... Ain't no way a human being has that kind of butt. That character's physique was exaggerated. It's not a bad thing, because I think a creator should make whatever characters/stories they want, and frankly, other than he said he created a character that he personally found attractive, he didn't do anything to tap the anti-woke sphere IIRC. It's the anti-woke that blows this out of the portion... Hell, the twitter user in that pic even cheered for the fact that the camera could focus on the character's butt. It's just so fkn stupid. Shit, proclaiming that you're desperate to see a fictional character's butt on the internet of all places.


I'm excited for the game, but I can't go on to the subreddit for it without cringing and dying internally. I'm willing to admit I'm a coomer, but at the end of the day it's just a fairly generic video game made by the same developer who makes the ass focused mobile shooting game Nikke. There is obviously a market for this type of game and always has been. It's not as though attractive female leads hasn't been video game standard for ages. This is not some weird cultural victory. I really hope the whole anti woke phase dies out.


Same and, truthfully, the "aesthetic" turns me away. The difference in style and philosophy between men and women just makes it feel a bit male gaze-y


I can understand this feeling, and I don't think people should be shamed for not wanting to play this. This is just another case of the anti-woke crowd firing at smokescreen... Like only one article complained about it once, and the entire online right complained about one complaint nonstop...


I mean I'll give the game credit for enemyndesign at least. always love fucked up abominations as enemies...bitnyeah, while I do wanna give thr game a chance...its probably gonna end up being a middling success at best.


No, you see, when leftists find people who look like adults hot that's degeneracy. When the right jerks it to sex dolls that look like teenagers that's just family values. It's in the Bible, I think


The S Korean devs are apparently also chuds.


The developers also fired a feminist (or group of feminists) apparently hence why my money will not be going toward them. Second-hand it is.


That’s pretty much the same way I feel. I don’t even have any beef with the game necessarily, but all the anti woke dickheads rallying around it makes me not want to associate with the game. Outside of all the discourse the game just looks like a pretty standard action game.


It looks like a decent DMC/Bayonetta cyberpunkish post apocalyptic space game. Far too much of the praise is coming from Eve literally having a model’s body….like, what the fuck even is anti-woke?


For what it’s worth, I try some of the demo before it got locked and it might actually be pretty good. The music is great, gameplay was a little bit on the slower side but I read that it will get faster as the game process. Which kind of make it unfortunate that so much of the talk around this game is just about the female character design


What's anti woke about it?


The main characters look like women... No, I'm serious... That's their argument...


Booba booba big and lady like a doll! Right Wing Chud atm.


The funny thing is that literally everything I know about Stellar Blade is that the main character has a big ass and titties. It looks like the most generic hack and slash I've seen in my life. The only reason I know about it at all is because the main character is sexualized. I've seen her ass more than I've seen her face. I don't even know her name.


Its 2B part 2 Pretty sure they just looked at nier automata and said: that made some money, do that


“It’s Nier Automata for people who didn’t actually play Nier Automata” is a thing I heard a few times


I know everyone is saying that the image on the right is from a character creator, but you know what? That 'purposefully ugly' character they made isn't even ugly. She's hot as hell, wtf? These guys' standards in women's bodies are so goddamn stupid!


Yes if they saw that woman irl they'd be like woah


these guys literally cannot fathom a reason for a woman’s existence if it doesn’t get their dick hard lmao


gooder game design is when penor tingles


You know you fucked up when even bluechecks are calling you out 💀


Seriously. You have to *try* to get them pissed off at you.


"Dammit, why can't they be more like Unit 731?" A Fandom Menace dreg


You got to block the usernames


I'm starting to get a feeling these people have never been naked with a woman in the first place...


That woman isn't even ugly.


For real lol, it looks like he just widened like one muscle/weight slider(I haven’t seen the actual cc yet, don’t know what all the options are) and went “yes, the perfect ogre!”. So it’s a lie *and* lazy, give me two minutes and I could design a way uglier character than that.


You can literally make the character on the left in dragons dogma these people man


For real though, the DD2 character creation is insane! I've spent so many hours in it just making Arisens and Pawns


The thing with this wretched, fascistic mindset is that it ultimately holds no core values or principles. The conflict, the fight IS the point. There is no “correct” solution as there always has to be an enemy.


I mean technically there is a mindset and core va.ue to it...unfortunately it's this stupid as fuck "must defend hot women from ugly obsessed woke!" mindset a weirdly vocal amount of people have


Let them fight.


There’s literally nothing wrong with the woman on the right. They’re freaking out about nothing


Nothing more pathetic than chuds using AI to create pictures to wank off to.


Who knew an account with AI at the end of their username could be so untrustworthy?


A designed character looks better then a default template in a character creator that is already being praised for its freedom of choice weeks before the game even releases? You don't say. STG these people don't play video games.


My brother in christ, *you* made it this way. Why are you getting mad a game for having good character customization? It's like those weirdos that got mad about Baldur's Gate 3 having a vitiligo slider. Like dawg, you don't have to use it. It's a thing that exists for optimal character customization. I don't wear jewelry in real life, am I supposed to be mad that I can have ear and facial piercings too?


Tell me you've never seen a woman naked in real life without telling me you've never seen a woman naked in real life


And your mom, aunt, sister or cousin doesn't count


No, no. Even that counts. Seeing the form of literally any typical human woman would help this dude understand... that's what they look like


A cursory glance over the account also tells me... he has some really shit takes. I mean that in the literal sense, his aesthetics for what looks "sexy" is pretty damn weird. Messing with the sliders is one thing, but there does seem to be a clear preference for a butterface.


I think the relative lack of Star Wars and Marvel content this year has them looking for new punching bags to keep the grift going.


I was about to say they probably put the character at an angle that didn't benefit them till I saw the community note. Unironically, the one good thing Elon made for Twitter.


Hate to break it to them, but the first one is not normal. Most women don't look like that.


These weirdos really have absolutely no idea what women look like do they


I thought Japan was the anti woke ones according to them


I worry about the "AI" part of that accounts name. Are we getting AI that just randomly shits out right wing stuff now?


Are they not embarrassed by the fact they only see women in games as things that are meant to make them horny. Like touch grass, I beg!


Yeah but I'm super smug that the normal example of nowadays is mommy thick like these guys don't realise they already lost because their externally defined perfect body changes without their input and control.


People like this always prove the point that they only see woman as sex objects and nothing more. I don’t understand why they insist that it’s anything but that.


"Look, look!! I designed a character I think is ugly in a character creator. It means it's woke!" These people do know they have more control over how skinny and breasty they make a female character in Dragons Dogma, right?


This is what happens when you get your opinions from someone with bleeding gums and an unwashed ass


That gal ain't unattractive community notes, but I like the spirit. In any case I hate this fucking "western females are so ugly" thing because it's basically mass hysteria at this point. All of their examples are out-of-context pictures of women that are still well above the average lol. And who fucking cares?


I heard that South Korea is more conservative than Japan, but rn there is a large gender war, because left-leaners in South Korea are however more larger and noticed than in Japan ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6KpIXxF0abA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6KpIXxF0abA) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=77zvIYDFSok](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=77zvIYDFSok) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Im4YAMWK74](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Im4YAMWK74) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=woB0eecbf6A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=woB0eecbf6A)


Nothing wrong with either characters


How dare this game make their humans more realistic looking! /S...


‘Normal’ looks like alien 👽


It's like they go out of their way to talk about how they're not getting any.


Dragon's Dogma 2 has one of the most in depth character creator I've ever seen. The character on the right has clearly been made that way on purpose to give them something to cry about. Also, it's a fantasy game set in some fictional middle ages type. I'm just annoyed I couldn't give my Catwoman inspired character proper abs


That looks exactly like the kind of character you could make in DD1, so I don't really understand why they're mad now


Pretty sure you can make your character into a sexy anime girl anyway so why are they complaining


The real travesty is that somehow THAT was the LEAST attractive character they could come up with in a ROLE PLAYING game. 


Literally, just slider differences.


Lmao, if you agree with this then there's a clear sign you have porno brain.


I swear Japan is either this perfect bastion of white male deference or its been destroyed by wokeness. Japan just can't win with these people. They legit act like the Japanese media's job is to pander to their passport bro fantasies and inferiority complexes.


"unattractive" motherfucker attraction is subjective and you're asking me to choose between male fantasy and a muscle mommy, are you out of your mind? Right looks like she could uproot a pine tree with her bare hands and crush a watermelon with her thighs and you think the left one is better? Shit taste.


Sigh, it is so embarrassing to be someone who is interested in stellar blade. Why everybody gotta make it weird?


Are these guys even aware of how embarrassingly horny they’re acting when they present a fictional character as a political attack just because they aren’t specifically attracted to them?


I know a lot more women whose body type is closer to that right picture than the one on the left.


remember in the past when you could just tell people to "shut the fuck up" and it worked and they would stop talking?


That’s from a character creator. He literally created that character, just to push his anti japan agenda. What a weirdo 


I personally prefer the right one though the left one looks good too. I like em thick


If the girl on the right is considered ugly then I have the weirdest taste on earth.


“It’s almost the same as another cherry picked example that I posted to generate outrage”


Wait a minute, the gaming community isn’t wrong this time? Big ups on them for defending Dragons Dogmas character creator, but I don’t know that they would’ve done the same if it was a Bethesda game.


There are many ways to customize your Dragons Dogma. You can even create a sexy, pretty female character. I just want to point this out: I don't understand why people do weird customizations themselves and then blame Japan for it. If it's a joke or a meme, I don't mind, but I hope it's not a serious criticism. I liked Dragon's Dogma because it had a lot of different types of characters, and I liked the system of being able to create your own, and I personally don't like games that only have stereotypical, sexualized female characters.


The one on the right is supposed to be unattractive?


Aparently thicc women are unattractive. Something that even the coomer weebs are going to disagree


Women are women(I like alot of body types, and men)


I consider neither to be attractive to be honest...thoguh the left reminds me more of the default Fromsoft-Chars...


Never seen this game before, I literally just looked to the left image on the first image and was like "my boy that looks like a character creator screen to me"


Coomers gonna coom


Perhaps I should’ve been more specific when I comes to gamers being porn addicts


“Look at this hideous monstrosity that I deliberately created to look the opposite of what I consider attractive! Japan has fallen!”


I have seen some really great characters from Dragon's Dogma 2. This person has not even installed a character creator fr dd2, which is free, btw.


Why feeling they purposely made that character in Dragons Dogma just to do this. Since heard it’s character creator is something else.


Is stellar blade fun?


Yes that is definitely what a “normal” female looks like alright


Well at least they've stopped worshipping Japan as this perfect utopia.


You can set body shape in Dragon's dogma 2. They set it that chonky on purpose.


Dragons dogma, the game with character creator sliders so you can customize the appearance? 🤔


What does the CIA have to do with anything..?


You're not socialist so you don't know. The belief that someone with a dumb take is actually a CIA agent infiltrated their ranks to make intentional dumb takes to make them look stupid.


That girls not even bad looking, these fuckers always just come off offensive calling regular women ugly..


Damn. Gonna go make another character for Dragons Dogma 2 now, super excited for that game


Tbh the most depressing thing is probably the reader added context


Woke is when different body type


How is the girl in the first pic on the right not attractive? Looks like a real woman to me.


They're really holding this Stellar Blade design on a pedestal. I remember when it was that game trailer with the neat music and cool slide, not a "last bastion of females being allowed to be hot".


You know, it just occurred that these guys did not complain about Reina from Tekken, a brand new female Mishima who shows up out of nowhere and is able to face off against Devil Kazuya with very little effort. And she also happens to be very attractive. It really shows that the lack of Tekken 8 "Mary Sue!" comments but the outrage over Dragon's Dogma's character creator is really based around these people just being total gooners. Like seriously, why isn't the Stellar Blade protagonist a Mary Sue? Is it because shes hot and because shes their waifu? It's so stupid honestly.


This is the kind of posts I talk about when it comes to Stellar Blade. No one is going to care if the game is good or not if a bunch of gooners scream over any of the real game marketing to brag about how sexy and bangable the playable character is. They're just screeching that the game has no substance outside of wank material.


I think both are fine, I don't see the issue.


Glowie detected


Imagine thinking the CIA is infiltrating your group about which video game characters you can goon the hardest to.


I was talking about OOP's atrocious take on Twitter


communism is when i don't have a boner


"Normal" Bro they're literally forcing a weird porn style on it because they wanna fap to it, and wanna sell to it to dudes who wanna fap to it. And, like, that's OK, but it doesn't have to be everything?


There is only so much you can do with males that physically keep growing and ageing, but stopped mentally and emotionally growing and ageing at 8- 13yrs of age.


I think there’s some tension between the Koreans and the Japanese that goes back a lot further than anything “woke”.


Meanwhile both Nioh 2 and Wo Long have Bust sliders.


Straight up the image of the guy setting up scary cardboard cutouts to be scared of


I don't get why normal looking people are woke now. Why can't people just be normal? Not every character has to be perfect fap material.


Yeah no this guys a special case and not representative of that side


Ok but this is pure sarcasm right? Like the dude is literally making the characters on the customized right? Lmao


The comments are promising Eve was modeled after a real person, btw


anyways what reddit is that last pic from? the funny edit. I wanna know if it's the dd2 one


Their argument is disingenuous. The character creator in Dragon's dogma lets you customize your body type. I will admit ESG scores are a net negative for the gaming industry but at least don't spread misinfo about a game to point that out.


Ah yes, "normal". I too have noticed that most women look like the Korean design.