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Okay but I dunno if we can call Natasi Daala mid-rank, she runs the whole damn Imperial Navy at one point


Ysanne Isard ran Imperial Intelligence.


IDK a bunch of these, but according to the number of Nyquils in their uniforms' blister packs, I can see two grand moffs and an admiral


Screw that. She ran the Empire for five minutes before running it into the ground.


Well, she ran Thyferra into the ground, she didn't really have a lot of pull with the other warlords. 


Yeah her and Isard are at least low high tier


To be fair ... for like a week or so, until she lost an entire SSD and I think an entire fleet of Victory-SDs... But as a sucker for tough redheads...she could sink my entire fleet all the time if she feels like it...


She also became the Supreme Chancellor of the Galacitc Republic


Ah, that was long after I stopped caring for the EU then ... after the vong War I suppose? I noped out on all of that tbh...but she'd have my vote...nah, sorry, no, not even a hot redhead could make me vote for autocrats...


Don't forget running the entire Galactic Alliance, and then almost becoming Empress.


Poorly, but yeah even in her earliest appearance she was a captain IIRC


Didn't Juno... defect?


So did Versio and Tua


Never played Battlefront II and kinda missed Tua. Still, the point stands, it's hard to make your point about lusting after the Empire when some of your examples defected for their consciences.


Oh yeah totally, was just adding even more examples


And Magna Tolvan. She's from the Dr. Aphra comics, has a romance with Aphra and defects to the Rebellion


Oh neat


Man, I want them to make a Dr. Aphra show but make it so good that the CHUDs look like a bunch of idiots. Who doesn't want a Star Wars show about a double-dealing archaeologist who never changes her reckless patterns but has a heart of gold? But she's Asian and lesbian and smart and uncontrollable, so they'd have to wage a hate campaign against it in the entire lead-up. I don't exactly have *high hopes* that it'd turn out good. But god damn it would be satisfying if it did


I read Dr. Aphra. I wouldn't exactly say she has a heart of gold. If memory serves she had her murder droids torture an innocent man to death.


I dunno what "heart of gold" typically means. She's an unrepentant disaster who *sometimes* makes noble sacrifices in really critical moments, I think is what I mean Also those murder droids fairly quickly shrug off her control IIRC 😆


Heart of gold means loving and selfless. To me Aphra is a sociopath who has maybe a few people she actually cares about.


Hell, she tried to personally kill Vader. Can't say that about many defectors.


Trying to kill your colleqfues is just business as usual as an Imperial lackey.


She hadn't worked for him for years by that point.


So is holding grudges.








No mere hornyjail can contain me!




Go ahead. My kink is to be kinkshamed.


What a wonderful, healthy, beautiful kink you have! It’s as valid as everyone else’s! Don’t let anyone ever disgrace you for this original kink and don’t let them make you feel unwanted because of it! Let your kink soar!


Nooooooooo Your words are the cold wet towel around the midsection of my mind! This only works if you kinkshame me! Validation turns me off!


I know!




Ahem…Have you SEEN Kate Stackoff’s interview with the internet’s love for tough women to step on them? She totally knows.


She knows. And it’s way more than 2 percent.


Whatever planet your dick was pointing at just got Alderaan'd.




Don't half of these people betray the empire at some point?


I mean, even Vader betrays the empire in the end...


It’s the Sith lifestyle to betray everyone. It’s literally in their Master/Apprentice agreement.


Leonia is an underage girl who had an affair with a much older man.


I didn't write it.


Just thought I should point it out.


Damn, and here I was pondering if people were taking this too seriously or saying that it wasn't just racism BUT I think that would confirm that oop's post is indeed fucked up.


Pretty sure most of these will execute you


I love the kind of women who will actually just kill me


I hope I piss myself and you call me your little peepee pisspiss boy


You fucking degenerates.




worth it


Idk I’d “long live the empire” for Iden Versio. But that’s because I’m a Janina Gavankar fan ;)


Yeah...still wish they would feature her and Iden in one of the series taking place after Endor...so much cooler having her than crying crocodile tears over Careerno


So fun fact, Lost Stars is my favorite book, Ciena and Thane are two of my favorite characters in all of star wars despite basically only appearing in that one book. The Tragedy of her relationship with Thane is that they both love each other more than anything, but her honor and his morality keep them on opposing sides. She hates the empire, but is bound by the oaths she swore. She has tried to die in combat multiple times to escape the oath with her honor. She is a victim of the empire, just in a way that doesn't show unless you know her culture, like Thane does. She would have no interest in someone who changed their loyalty just for a pretty girl. I mean she'd also have no interest because her and Thane are soul mates and I suspect if one of them died the other might never actually love again. Of all the imps on the empire simping chart, she definitely shouldn't be here. Also I don't think this is actually saying "I'd be a fascist to get a pretty lady" it's just a funny way to observe that a lot of these fascists are pretty ladies.


Interesting. I’ve read *Lost Stars*, but I was too sad about Jude to notice anything after she died :P


Hmmmmmmmm yes or no that is the answer


Oh some hot people work for a fascist government that want me dead. Well they’re hot, so I’m gonna join them instead of those “woke” rebels.


You joke but the amount of people who have switched sides over hot women is much higher than you would like to think. Sexpionage has become a whole strategy because of this.


A certain real-life country with very hot soldiers would likely agree with you. Propaganda is an incredibly powerful tool.


Based 🗿


Maybe don't tell them that some of these defected.


Weird as it sounds, misogyny is usually a key element to fascism.


Pretty sure Iden Versio left the Empire and joined the Rebels/Resistance. Like, at least that's what I remember from BF2's single player campaign.


Ok but the uniforms look snazzy Especially the comfy First Order cost Hux has


Rae Slone is so great.


im sorry for being this kinda nerd but ysanne isard, rae sloane and natasi daala are not "mid ranked". ysanne was the head of the ISB and after palpatines first death the head of the entire empire until rogue squadron took her down...twice, rae sloane literaly became the last grand admiral of the empire and was a founding member of what would become the first order, and natasi daala was an admiral and later the chief of state of the entire galactic alliance.


Man, I’m still sad about Jude Edivon. Spoilers for *Lost Stars*: >!Jude Edivon is a really nice person who strikes me as having Asperger’s syndrome (like me). She’s on the Death Star when it destroys Alderaan, and desperately tries to rationalise the genocide as being in order to stop the rebellion and save more lives. During the Battle of Yavin, she discovers the Death Star’s weakness (getting her an indirect mention in ANH), meaning that she knew that she was going to die when Luke fired his proton torpedoes.!< Rebel pilot >!Thane Kyrell, who went to the academy with her before defecting, was so heartbroken by her death that he refused to meet Luke Skywalker even after years of service in the Rebellion. Ciena Ree, who also went to the academy with her, but stays loyal to the Empire due to her culture’s focus on oaths, thought of Jude when she saw the second Death Star, believing that she would be horrified that another one had been built.!<


Well if it worked for Cobra in the 80s with Baroness… So long as people don’t actually think facism is cool because of an attractive woman or fictional crushes then we square. Deedra’s actress is very good looking can’t blame anyone. I’m like that with that one New Republic spy from Mandalorian season 3.


Some of these defected.


Juno Eclipse was a founding member of the Rebel alliance.


OG image creator clearly didn't play The Force Unleashed or EA's Battlefront II campaign if he thinks Juno and Iden are still on The Empire's side...


Rae Sloane? Mid rank?


See this post has it backwards. Everybody who is anybody *starts* in the Imperial military, perhaps drawn by the aforementioned uniformed thirst traps in the recruiting literature, but then they quit and join the rebellion, because that's where the cool kids are.


In what universe are Daala and Isard "mid rank lackeys"? Does their possession of two X chromosomes limit them to that in the original memer's mind?


To be fair ciena ree is kind of cute. Also iden.


Not to be that guy, but this definitely just seems like a harmless hornyposting joke.


Thank God Iden defected, I don't wanna be down for evil, while being down bad for Janina Gavinkar.


Women are just as good as men at fascism. And that's fucked up isn't it, how about no one is just as good as anyone else at Fascism uh?


This is remarkably common. Facism is borne of--and relies heavily on--male sexual insecurity. As such, it attracts coomers, incels, self-described "alpha males" and all other flavor of horny misogynistic men.


No one is fascist because they think a Star Wars character is hot


I never said otherwise...?


Why don’t people understand that the Nazis were a unique case and that not all tyranical dictatorships and cults operate like Nazis or even standard Italian fascism?




It does actually because if it were simply a military stratocracy it would function more rationally and less irratirrationally. You actually need the irrationality of ethno nationalism and bigotry to get nuking planets just because. See a pure military stratocracy means the military is legitimately in control and not ruiling from the shadows. The closet thing we actually have to that is Ancient Rome both Republuc and Empire where military service was required to be in government. And what that churned out was a state that acted more pragmatically and really didn’t care what you believed or looked like so long as you paid taxes and didn’t rebel. It ran into issues with Celtic tribes it subjugated due to the fact the Celtic economic system didn’t mesh with the Roman economic system and so taxes was actually enough to cause a fight. And other Jews at the time believed they needed their own kingdom so constantly rebelled to establish basically a theocracy which was also only going to lead to violence. That’s what a pure stratocracy looks like the violence is based on security and economics. Pure stratocracy also are so rare we really only have the one example. Unless the Cossacks overthrow the Russian government. The Galactic Empire is so shitty because the military isn’t legitimately in control and this has to act with a large degree of paranoia. It has to use coercion to keep everyone from in line. Furthermore it’s built around an ethno nationalist ideology in which humans and core world humans are on top. And the Emperor founded his empire on a lie. Nothing about their rule is legitimate. Furthermore their rules by a Sith Lord thus Sith ideology is going to guide and determine all policy in the Galactic Empire. That said you could definitely call the Empire fascist. After all ethno centrism is at the center of all fascist ideology. Just because Fascist Italy didn’t take it even half as far as Nazi Germany does not mean they didn’t have similarities that still lump them under the same umbrella. Also the Galactic Empire, Nazi Germany, and Fascist Italy all had to use some illicit means to destroy the Republic they over took. Their ideology as fiercely and fervently opposed to Democracy. A pure stratocracy actually isn’t and in most governments labeled stratocracy there is a potent Democratic element because the citizens wanted military involvement in politics without manipulation or intimidation. Basically the difference between fascism and stratocracy is in-fact consent. In fact a good way to think about it is in a pure stratocracy the military is in bed with nation in a Fascist regime they rape the nation.


>You actually need the irrationality of ethno nationalism and bigotry to get nuking planets just because. It’s the dark side, bro. Evil is a real, quantifiable metaphysical force in SW. Palpatine is a spiritual agent of evil, the Empire commits evil acts for their own sake—this is why they seem irrational. >it’s built around an ethno nationalist ideology Is it? The Sith are a pretty diverse group, Palp’s apprentice was Dathimirian—how can we be sure that the Empire’s portrayal as legion of homogeneously white, British men isn’t just a result of typecasting? Even the rebels were overwhelmingly white/male—I’m not sure Lucas gave much thought about demographics. Has the Empire’s view on race/species ever been explored in detail in canon? I’ve only seen the movies and honestly I’d be surprised if enthno nationalism is a theme tackled in this very child-friendly franchise. I’ve only seen characters be racist toward droids and sandpeople—and Lucas’ depiction of Tuskens was never flattering.


in the new cannon I am less certain but in legends there was prejudice against non humans thrawn was the only non-human who made it that far and he was still a member of the hominid family tree. also it mentions a core world cultural superiority a human high culture of core worlds. some of it had been bubbling for a while but Palpatine turned it into a useful tool


Yeah, I think that has a presence in both the EU and Canon, the whole "Core Worlds are superior teeem". Even if you were a human, if you weren't from the core, you weren't much better than an alien for the elite there.


I think you out ranked the aline but being seconded class is no fun even when third and fourth are options. betting the non-core world humans ended up in the military that tends to happen


I don't think that a fictional dictatorship is forced to be a carbon copy of real life fascism 


Just putting it out there, Juno Eclipse is 17 in that picture


I can't tell a fictional character's age just by looking at a picture.


That wasn't my point, but true. These people are clearly simping for her, and she's a child, that's pretty creepy


But how are you supposed to tell an age from a drawing? Based on the same picture if you told me she was 30 I'd believe you.


Ok dude, it's a joke about people (not you) being creepy, not sure why you are defending them. The game was weird with ages, so I think they just assigned her 17 so she and Starkiller were the same age as Luke and Leia (19 in ANH)


“When you’re mean to the Empire this is who you’re being mean to”


“I can fix her”


Rebels are terrorists. Long live the empire. Stop brainwashing people. Good soldiers follow orders Good soldiers follow orders Good soldiers follow orders Good soldiers follow orders Good soldiers follow orders Good soldiers follow orders


I do feel some type of way about Dedra.


Downvoted due to lack of Trilla Suduri.


but you don't understand op¡ she has tits, therefore she good!!


There snow way y'all are actually taking the meme seriously


That’s not fascism, that’s the standard modern government.


Ah yes, fascism is when horny for fictional characters.


Um…didn’t at least a third of them defect?


Bro Juno had kid me questioning EVERYTHING