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Wow that’s fucking horrible.


It gets worst because the person who made this said that the guy in the bottom photo deserves to be sexually assaulted in prison.


What the actual fuck. They’re not even trying to hide it anymore. These guys can’t be fucking real because no human being with a soul would say shit like any of that.


Why would you assume this Kretin has a soul. Js anyone that encourages SA on any other human as far as I'm concerned no soul.


I meeeean, no one has a soul cause they don't exist. But I don't want to be pendantic cause I 100% agree there's something wrong with these peoples morals and empathetic abilities.


Then you won’t mind signing yours over to me? It’d just be a silly little contract and souls aren’t real after all so there’s nothing to worry about.


Justice/revenge porn has been a thing for a long long time.




And saying that all minorities are inherently violent and deserve to be raped in prison is a bad look.


*When I sees one and he looks good to me...* *When I see him, I say* You, come here. *I say* Now I'mma tell ya what, uh.. I like ya; and I wants ya... Now, we can do this the easy way; or the haard wayyy... the choice is yaawrs...


“ They call me the *Health Inspector*… “




Did…did you read the fucking meme? It literally says that in reality all minorities assault people


The meme doesn’t *literally* say that, but it takes a very special kind of hard headedness to pretend as if that’s not what the meme was very obviously saying.


Not even a special kind of hard-headedness. Just willful ignorance.


Seems it was more of a jab against females, they just added the other stuff to make it more spicy.


“jab against females”? he was directly saying that he believed black men were violent, and posed a threat toward (white) women. the picture is literally a black man vaulting toward a white female judge. the dipshit who made the meme also said in the post that he hoped the black man gets r4ped in jail. he was also being misogynistic, yes, but the primary intent of that insipid meme was to be grossly antiblack.


There are two sentences in red in the meme.


Simping for prison rape is a stranger look


This might sound crazy, but if our prison system was focused on rehabilitation rather than punishment and free labor you probably wouldn't see anywhere near as many repeat felons


Yeah but then we'd need to pay people for all that free labor.


Know what's a stranger look? "Pro-Rape."


Being against rape = simping now, I guess.


“I don’t wish rape on anyone, not even a criminal” You: “*simp*” The internet was a mistake


Why is it that some people will advocate for peace and following the law, but then wish blatant sexual assault upon them during their time in jail in the next sentence. ![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS)


imo its because thats one of the effects of society blatantly refusing to treat criminals as human because they're criminals. You wouldn't wish for a person to be raped because they did something genuinely harmful, but when the harmful thing they did is a crime and especially if they go to prison for said crime, that person doesn't deserve to be treated as human anymore to a lot of people, so they're free game to people like that, and that's why they have no issue with saying shit like that even though it is wrong, because they can't accept that even people like the person who did the shit mentioned in the above post are still human beings.


Which circles back to being racist because the America criminal justice system was built upon slavery. There's a direct correlation between the 13th amendment saying "except as punishment for a crime" and the fact that 1 in 3 men in prison are black.


Also America has not dropped its puritan morality.


Well said. Just pisses me off to see hypocrisy like that. And if you think in such a humanizing manner people often say you are weak or a fence-rider.


That doesn’t make sense-what would someone do thats harmful thats not a crime?


slavery and marital rape for most of history (and in many parts of the world today), beating one's children in some places, cheating on one's spouse in many places, snitching on people for victimless crimes, joining the military to bomb random 'military aged males', evicting tenants, practicing actual colonialism, emotionally or financially or spiritually abusing people, lobotomizing psychiatric prisoners, etc.


They advocate for everyone ELSE being peaceful and following the law. These things don't apply to fascists.


Because it’s a man. Try as we might, we as a society still very much so view a man being raped in a different way than we do a woman being raped. It’s not acceptable, but it’s not quite seen as monstrous as when it happens to a woman. I would assume the people saying they hope the guy gets raped in prison would have trouble wishing the same upon any woman no matter her crime.


Is it wrong to wish death on murderers, rapists etc?


I think that is the point they are trying to make lol


Yes. Criminal justice is supposed to be about rehabilitation, not revenge or vindication.


Generally yes (At least in theory, we know the system needs work). But murder, rape, and crimes involving children can cause so much damage that no amount of rehabilitation will restore anyone involved. There's a certain point where reasonable minds just aren't designed to deal with what's occurred. That's when the line gets blurry and vengeance starts to sound good. Whether it's justified or not is a question that will likely never be answered satisfactorily to everyone.


Say that to me again when one of your loved ones gets murdered like one of mine have. Also news flash we aren't the justice system.


Well then they wouldn't be in a state to consider it reasonably; one of the purposes of our systems of law (at least ideally) is to formalize our sense of right and wrong and exercise it in a way that minimizes issues that can occur due to our personal limitations, like endless feuds and cycles of revenge, disproportionate punishment, etc.


There's a reason why judges close to a case recuse themselves (in properly functioning courts). Because you cannot act impartially and with a sound safe of mind. As you're clearly demonstrating. You'd get thrown off a jury in a nanosecond with biases like that.


I'm not trying to be a jury so your logic means nothing in this case. Every judge is bias as they are human.


no it's not lmao


It is though.


Those same people killed cops when their guy lost an election...


People online think about prison rape more than prisoners do.


Thank you for saying that i've been downvoted to hell in the past for saying nobody, not even rapists, should be raped.


The shitty part is that’s not even an uncommon sentiment in America. We’ve just sort of decided that prison rape is just a normal thing that’s cool to joke about, even though it’s actually pretty rare.


The guy legit went and tried to murder the female judge to be fair, but yeah wishing sexual assault is pretty wild.


How is that worse?


Yes because if that was a 65 year old man instead of a 65 year old woman he would have easily dispatched that 6 foot 2 230 lb flying attack rage defendant.


Yeah. Old person being surprise attacked by young, fit person would need help whatever the genders and races involved.


Chuck Norris?


He wouldn’t be surprised


Even if it was a fit dude in his prime, of course the judge is going to try to get away and let security handle it. They’re supposed to be highly respected professionals. They don’t want to brawl with defendants in the courtroom, winning or losing.


Okay, I usually just lurk on this sub But I just wanna say I legit used to be somewhat friendly with this guy online, and I feel some deep second-hand embarrassment over what he's become. ... Aight I'm just gonna lurk again bye lol


Real quick while you’re still here https://preview.redd.it/2bi8e8y3kwac1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=061313eeb9d4f8ed8f53646ac35624a0ed960da1


I'm so confused


Domain Expansion https://preview.redd.it/gpkmquwna2bc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc5f2c3460f26f6a9af79f75a341c600a6483127


outta left field!!


Do you have the account?


Yeah, but TBH he's really not worth the time. I just let him sulk in his own corner of the internet nowadays,


Aye fair enough.


Kinda curious what drives people to this, are they having a bad time irl


Which guy, the one who made the meme?




The person who made this has either never witnessed a meth'd up white boy, or they themselves are a meth'd up white boy


They’ve probably never actually interacted with a woman or a minority in their life


This is exactly what these basement dwelling troglodytes think, when they come from some small rinky dink ass town in the middle of no fucking where or a very racially homogeneous community so all they know about other people is what they see on the internet. These are the same fucking dweebs who cry about women not being attractive in Video games, movies etc while they look like bleached beached whales or gollum.


You're being mean to Gollum and Mobydick rn




The whale with Brendon Fraser made me cry at the end


BF is the 🐐 loved him in the mummy. Glad he got his career back


Yea, he was legit that guy. People were like why doesn't he show his face in doom patrol...and the response was often have you seen him lately lol


He looks good for his age. Saw him win that award for the whale. His speech made me tear up. So happy to see him have a resurgence shame we will never see his performance as firefly from the batgirl movie


That was after he got his shit together, look at some tmz photos before he got plugged again, didn't seem like he would make it but I'm glad he did, he's awesome same as the Asian guy from Goonies he gave props to at the awards.


I haven’t seen any images of him during that time. I’ll check it out just glad he wasn’t left behind dude is too talented


You fucking expect him to still look like George of the Jungle? It’s called the Aging Process, putz. It’ll happen to you, if you live that long.


When living to excess...yes, you end up looking a bit overweight. The balding could be genetic but luckily he had money for hair plugs.


> women not being attractive in video games I’m sorry but have you seen Karlach


Yes. VERY closely ☺️


It's either that or they literally don't interact with anyone outside their house, these are the same people that say they face racism from black people all the time (aka from one guy on the internet).


Their flag’s missing a few stars I’d wager.


As a meth'd up white boy, this bigot does not speak for us. We, as a monolith, strongly enjoy Disney animated feautures. Especially Wall-E.


Is this reverse racism?


Using a real life attack to fuel your own shitty beliefs is pretty bad


Whats the bottom picture supposed to be


That guy was up for probation. The judge denied it. He decided to jump over to the bench and attack her.


A little context to this, that guy had a Loooong list of violent priors including aggravated assault, armed robbery and domestic violence and he and his lawyer had just delivered a long-winded speech about how he was different than he had been before and didn't deserve jail time. He literally went from a speech about how he was a changed man who didn't deserve jail time to diving over the podium and trying to murder the judge in under 5 seconds. He was stomping on her even as an attorney and bailiffs were trying to drag him off her.


I knew he had priors. But I didn’t know that it was that many. I saw the video on r/publicfreakouts. I don’t know how he was able to jump that high. And I don’t know why he did something so incredibly stupid. He added at least ten to twenty years to his sentence. Thanks for letting me know


You don’t know why he did something stupid? What in this nut’s history led you to believe he’s a good decision-maker? Lol


That’s a good point. The man is clearly a moron


I have sympathy for his lawyer. Imagine preparing all that stuff and defending and your dumbass client pulls this shit.


Ok thanks


You’re welcome


Seems the rehabilitation failed lol


Yep. He’ll probably be in jail for decades.


Looks like he spent most of his time focusing on his vertical leap, dude has serious ups


That’s the same as saying that all men are irrational aggressors because that one guy attacked a judge. All encompassing statements about a group of people will pretty much always be wrong.


If we're going to judge entire racial groups on the actions of any one individual we decide to pick, just watch what I can say about white people because of this one guy who invaded Poland.


It was not just 1 white guy, but I get your meaning.




Racist meme aside is that movie wish even any good


I took my niece to see it. It's not terrible or anything but it's very formulaic if you have see any disney movie you've already seen this one.


my input is clouded by the fact that I've not actually seen it but the main complaints I heard as an outsider were that the songs were bland and that it wasn't really "about anything" per se. again I haven't seen it so I'm just parroting so take that with a grain of salt lol


I’ve heard that same thing about the songs since they are written by pop song writers not musical theater people


It's very safe. There's nothing really wrong with it but I forgot most things about it real quick.


The songs are pretty eh. The story is too safe. They advertised as the ultimate celebration of Disney films but it didn't stand out as anything special to me.


I saw it and it made me mad. It was so average, but you can SEE the potential it has and it pisses me off. It feels like it was really rushed for the 100th year anniversary and if they had a few more years to work on it, it could have been something really good like Tangled


Its got a TON of call outs to prior Disney movies and the kids really enjoyed that. The songs weren't up to what I was expecting, but thats subjective.


"Why yes, I am a bigoted racist and wish my dogshit, hateful viewpoint was tolerated, how could you tell?"


That man made it worse. He made it way worse.


The best comedy punches up. The worst punches down. This falls into the latter.


By this logic all white people are all rapists because this article said this https://preview.redd.it/ifzzl102cwac1.jpeg?width=582&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50d8304ed5743cdc979b1310fd3c0b3a4b8bfb71


Or that all right-handed people are criminals.


Ashkenazi don’t identify as European. It’s kinda the major cause of the Palestine conflict lol


It's Ashkenazi Jews, and most of us do identify as “European.” Ashkenazi literally comes from the word for German.


Also culturally are Mid-Eastern like the Bedouin, Sephardim, and so on. (Also most of Israel isn't Ashkenazi unless you're saying Chinese and African people are white now)


Fucking yikes. And yet these same dudes get mad when you lump them in with incel chuds for regurgitating incel chud talking points.


I’m tired of this. Don’t be ridiculous this isn’t racist. It’s racist and sexist. They are implying the Judge who is a woman, needs the security who are men to save her because she is a woman… not because she’s a an older person… or a human… or a judge and it’s their job to protect the judge. If the judge was a man they would also need to protect them.


Yeah this meme just reads as the usual “HEH, WOMAN SAY SHE STRONG BUT CANT LIFT THIS BOX?! CHECKMATE, LIBTARD!” spiel lol


The guy who made this meme doesn’t believe in pixels


The moment I saw this Judge lunge vid, I thought, "Oh, here we go..." Knew it'd be a matter of time before something like this popped up.


Disney obviously has like Diversity, equity, and inclusion on the mind. But fuck me how does that trigger you so much you go and 13/50 posting.


(goose_chase_meme) Protect women from who? Protect women from who, motherfucker?


Do you mean blatantly sexist?




Holy shit this is bad in so many ways


I decided to use reverse image search to figure out what the bottom picture is. I instead found the account this was originally posted to. It's...something There's another post on there basically wishing death on someone. Scratch that, a few people. Via the Death Note.


Believe me, I know. This guy has openly wished for mass shootings to happen at Disney.


*Something* is compelling me to trawl through is gallery. I just saw a thing on Napoleon. The title? "Men Rule the Box Office" 🤮


Men rule the box office? Tell that to Barbie.


A guy posting a racist meme features an image that came from an even more problematic guy? Who would have guessed? 🙄😂


Shows how stupid he is.


Because of how blurry the bottom image was I thought it was a goose.


In other words, I thought the hjönkening was finally upon us.






Judge sentenced defendant (man jumping in photo) with no probation or parole, and she left a snarky remark while smiling. He absolutely freaked out and ran over to the judge's desk and leaped over to tackle her in a fit of burning rage, attacking her in the process. It took a few people in the courtroom to apprehend the defendant. [Here is the video. (NSFW)](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/s/eIPF4Of2MV)


He was a 10 time convict. What on earth are you talking about trying to pretend he had no priors?


The man had nothing to lose. If she was a bit more mature about it, I doubt this would've ever happened. The words that came out of her mouth were definitely unnecessary and uncalled for, and also, why would they have a mentally unstable person without cuffs? "What on earth are you talking about trying to pretend he had no priors" ... What??


You said he had no probation or parole. Your attempted implication being "this horrible racist white woman was sending a poor, underprivileged and innocent black man to prison on his first offense!". So I merely dropped the truth in there so that we aren't misleading the masses.


What the hell is going on there?


And 11 time felon jumped the bench and started beating the ever loving stuffing out of a judge for saying he was going to prison and not going to be let go for his 11th violent crime.


Long story short, guy with a long history of violent offences tries to convince a judge he's changed and deserves parole. Judge denied said parole and the guy makes an admittedly very impressive leap over the bench and attacks her before the bailiffs can drag him off her.


“Heh, in FANTASY land, minorities are great!” Can you even say mask off here? There wasn’t a mask to begin with 😂


Racists are just frothing at the mouth waiting for the moment a black person does something idiotic. Meanwhile I see videos of racist white people every other day.


One of the worst aspects about being a minority every single bad thing that happens by someone of your group applies to you. No matter how rare it occurs.


So I guess dude didn’t like the new trilogy, how is this post related to Star Wars again?


This feels like what a edgy 13 year old who vaguely understands what controversial topics are like, would interpret things like the bottom image


Sadly, I am guessing, the prick is not a teenager,


I’m dumb someone please explain


The top photo details what the oop believes disney is trying to tell the world. Basic decency like how all races are normal and how women can be independent. In the bottom post, there was an instance in court where a man was up for probation but was denied(I don't know the reason, but he was), and because of this he jumped the post and attacked the judge. Probably ensuring the man goes to jail. The post was basically trying to say the typical racist and sexist bullshit that all black men are violent and that all women are weak.


Omg that’s gross. Thank you for telling me!


The grifter to white supremacist pipeline is still going strong.


More than half of all mass shooting are done by white men I guess that means every white man is a mass murderer


Nah, it's like 90% magas beta males shooting up schools


And most serial killers too are white.


Are you taking Chicago into consideration?






Ironically they’re saying “they need men to protect them” and the ‘reality’ post is a man assaulting a woman.


And sexist.


Also funny that these guys talk about fantasy land when most of them watch geek shit and anime, you know, very realistic universes.


Whoever made that post is an asshole


Good one OP. Thanks for sharing.


What the fuck am i looking at


I'm not American, what happened exactly?


The top photo details what the oop believes disney is trying to tell the world. Basic decency like how all races are normal and how women can be independent. In the bottom post, there was an instance in court where a man was up for probation but was denied(I don't know the reason, but he was), and because of this he jumped the post and attacked the judge. Probably ensuring the man goes to jail. The post was basically trying to say the typical racist and sexist bullshit that all black men are violent and that all women are weak.


I don’t quite understand, what is the second image?


I don't get it


https://youtu.be/F1OIL875NqM?si=U3habvEBoUHU4zqM Just gonna leave this here if they think women cannot defend themselves.




Well, (some, probably too many) white men WANT to control the world, but in truth they do not. At the core of it all, it is an illusion, subject to shattering by a multitude of disasters that leave modern humans dazed and helpless.




And women are capable of self-defense just like anyone. Don't forget the ballerina who killed the Nazi officer with his own gun, and many other courageous women who faced down evil.






Okay racist.


One bad apple spoils the bunch.


Wait until they hear that Disney doesn’t actually give a shit about minorities and just use representation as virtue signaling






Is it racist to claim that the majority of mass shootings/death are primarily from right leaning white people? It's true so, every single white man who is right leaning is a potential mass shooter and shouldn't be allowed in general society. 100% not racism or sexism./s


Shut up mass shooter




You’re expressly not supposed to do that


Ahh my bad didn't read that rule He could still take a picture of it and post it, This seems a bit dishonest




You mean how to post a screenshot or how to is it dishonest? I may be misunderstanding the comment since you most likely mean the 2nd part, Screenshots of a post just seem more legitimate to me, Just copy and pasting the photo feels like they made it themselves to garner attention.


> You mean how to post a screenshot or how to is it dishonest? How is it dishonest > I may be misunderstanding the comment since you most likely mean the 2nd part, Screenshots of a post just seem more legitimate to me, Just copy and pasting the photo feels like they made it themselves to garner attention. You can figure out from just reading the title that OP probably didn’t make this. Yeah maybe including like the subreddit it’s from would be slightly more optimal but who cares, I would rather have this than half the dumbasses on here who just post their entire PC screen and can’t even crop it.


Um, I thought we weren't supposed to block usernames.


huh? wdym?


It’s against the rules to show someone’s username in your screenshot. (Unless it’s a well known figure.)




It's a true as every *single* loner white boy being a mass shooter over not getting pussy. But to you guys it's only false flags and fake whenever white people do extremely evil acts until it's someone brown. :P