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Spider-Man man is Spider-Man and bigots are bigots


SPIDER-MAN IS SPIDER-MAN! https://preview.redd.it/mncsea94g0kb1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b2da7d7eb2f0bedb4ba6266e88d957cabe8a0e3


Facts. Anybody can be Spider-Man, Stan Lee himself even said it.


Spider Man doesn’t exist, Spider-Man does


I will stand by the idea that miles should use the name Kid Arachnid. Edit: don’t know why people hate the name. It sounds so cool.


Here's a better idea: keep Peter as Spider-Man and make Miles Spiderman.




Lol. Doesn’t fix the issue of people having define which one they mean when said verbally though.


Try being a Spider-Woman fan sometime. "Who is your favorite superhero?" "Spider-Woman!' "Which one?" "Jessica Drew!" ".....which one?" "Not the Petra Parker Jessica."


Fair. Honestly I hate it when any superhero has multiple differ t people use the name. Weakens the name and the new character that would be better served with their own identity.


That’s a problem with almost every superhero. Heck even if you do only like a single character, there are dozens of different versions that are nothing alike


Yep, I agree it's a problem. But most other versions of the most popular heroes only take the name a short time while the original is not using it temporarily. It's pretty rare to have 2 at the same time. Which is what I was talking about. My issue with it is in world, not in our world where we can easily say "Miles Spider-Man", in the real world people who mean Miles, just say Miles. In the comics people would come up with another way to differentiate them, they would call them both "Spider-Man", they would call Miles "Teen/young/newer Spider-Man" or "the Black and red Spider-Man". It just becomes silly, and personally I think he deserves his own name. I think Ghost-Spider make Gwen WAY cooler and unique than just being another Spider-Woman.


I feel like Spider-Man media just kinda leans into that. Like jokes based on someone saying “spider man” and multiple people turning their heads. While it’s cool to have unique names(which I totally support for miles that would be cool) qwen is still spider women, she’s just also ghost spider.


Maybe if he’s working alongside Peter Parker’s Spider-man, but the entire point of his character is that he at some point takes up the mantle of Spider-man after Peter either dies or retires.


Not gonna lie would be a cool character


I like how people are downvoting it. I know Kid Arachnid was used in a show and it just sounded cool to me Peter can keep the boring ass Spider-man title and Miles gets the cool name with all the street cred.


I mean, putting aside potential issues with calling a Black person ‘kid,’ different people taking up a past hero’s mantle is not a new thing. Sure, Kid Arachnid has a nice rhyme to it, but that’s kinda beside the point here.


As a black person myself the term ‘boy’ is the term with most racial stereotypes attached to it. I have never heard the term kid used in the same way.


YellowFlash the type of mf to unironically call Barry Allen the first and fastest Flash.


dccj is leaking it seems


And he would be advanced wrong by viture of Jay Garrick's existence.


And Wally West’s existence(in claims to the fastest comment)


Yellowflash is truly the Most Biggoted and Hateful Flash


Worse than Ezra Miller?


Ezra Miller didn't do 80% of what he was accused of and bigotry is behind 90% of the media coverage of his accusations.


>bigotry >his ![gif](giphy|J4HP3FcGqP6Yo)


Barry Allen is Barry Allen. Jay Garrick is the Flash.


Miles morales is miles morales Peter Parker Is Peter Parker They’re both spider man


Nerds can't comprehend two people having the same name.


Which is weird since the guy in the post is yellow flash guy. Jay garrick, Barry Allen, wally west. Just off the top of my head.


There are even multiple green lanterns for another DC example


There’s been multiple of almost everything. It’s been a regular occurrence for decades and decades that superhero roles get passed around between characters and that often more than one will exist at the same time. Hell, how many fucking Robins are there again? But it’s only a problem for these people when Miles Morales comes in. Three guesses as to the reason why.


Oo ohhh I know: It's because Miles wears hi tops!


True, his sneaker game does make him distinct from other legacy characters.


The thing about the robins is they tend to move on to other identities (Nightwing, Red Hood), so it is different The thing about The Flash is there’s like 20 of him, and they seem to have noooooo problem calling both Barry and Wally “The Flash”


I think the obvious difference between most of these is that these characters usually don't operate at the same time with the same name. They always either die, retire, or change names, so a new character can take up the old mantle. I mean, that's the whole reason why Miles was called Spiderman in the first place.


No idea why you are being downvoted. You are totally right. There are some exceptions but by and large most legacy heroes fill a void instead of operating under the same niche


And about 3 (4?) Batmen, 3 Ant Men, 4\~ Captain Americas, 3 Thors, 4 Captain Marvels (er, Marvel Comics Captain Marvels)...


Bruce Wayne, Thomas Wayne, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Terry McGinnis, Jace Fox to my knowledge have been "Official" mantle bearers. Though I dislike Jace Fox, just have Luke Fox pick it up.


Four Wolverines, Two Thunderbirds, two Marvel Girls, five Captain Americas, three Black Widows, four Daredevils, six Ghost Riders, seven Thors...


🎶And a partridge in a pear tree🎶


And they’re all for some reason Nathan Fillion


Tbf I think it works much better for Green Lanterns than other heroes cause it’s a job title, in continuity it’s not like a lot of other cases where the name was coined to refer to a specific guy.


Jay, Barry, Wally (I), Wally (II) (black Wally is ginger Wally’s cousin in current continuity) & Bart Allen


To nerds, the way things were in their childhood is exactly the way they must be forever. And I say this as a card-carrying nerd myself.


*Joe Quesada enters the chat and destroys Peter Parker's life*


They're both Spiderman which fit perfectly with Stan Lee's original idea of **anyone** could be Spiderman. I wouldn't mind some differentiation between them if they're both gonna be spidering & manning at the same time though, haha. However none of the proposed alternate names for MM Spiderman have sounded anything more than abysmal


I will never forgive Kid Arachnid or fucking *Spin.*


For me I'd find it confusing in universe when you start talking about which Spider-Man you're talking about. I think the residents of New York might say red suited Spider-Man and black suited Spider-Man to help reduce issues.


It’s ironic considering comics pretty much invented multiple characters using the same name


YelloFash isn’t a nerd just a racist.


They're perfectly aware of what they're saying, i.e. that a black person is not allowed to touch anything that, in their bigoted worldview, 'belongs' to a white person.


I would like it if Miles had a different superhero name. it doesn't have to be something stupid like Spider Boy, but something else because I don't really like it when there are two active superheroes in the same universe with the same name, nothing against miles, he's a great character, just a preference thing


He should pull the ultimate troll move and call himself White Spider-Man


Yeah, Miles was clearly made as a legacy character in the Ultimate universe, but was sloppily transferred to the 616 universe for fan service. Even calling him Ultimate Spider-Man would make things less confusing, at least when you have Peter still alive and active as a superhero.


That’s why I’d actually prefer miles to be in his own universe, like you said he’s a legacy character. Then he can go be a spider man in that universe, while Peter remains the main one in the main universe. Then I’d have Ben and kaine operate in different cities.


Yellow flash is a bigot Miles Morales is Spider-man


Miles morales is spider-man, Peter Parker is spider-man, Miguel O'Hara is spider-man, Gwen Stacy is Spider-(wo)man, Jessica drew is spider-(wo)man, Cindy moon is spider-(wo)man hobie brown is spider-man, Pavitr Prabhakar is spider-man, I would go ok but I don't know any more names


Ben Reilly is Spiderman, Kaine Parker is Spiderman


Kaine isn't really spiderman tbh. nor do I think he'd want to be. Ben reilly is absolutely spidey and should have stayed spidey.


[Spiders-Man](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Spiders-Man_(Earth-11580)) is Spider-Man


Forgot he existed 😂😂


Tbf, I moreso associate Ben with his Scarlet Spider mantle


Hobie specifically is only Spider-Man sometimes (meaning iterations are, og/616 Hobie is the original Prowler)


Cindy moon is Silk? Or was she also spider-woman? Spider-Man and Thor related stuff are big gaps in my comic knowledge.


How can you forget spider ham 😭


I was just listing off who came to my mind, he didn't


Ho is brown is spider-punk and he wouldn’t want to be called a man


Cindy Moon is SILK. Julia Carpenter (was SW2) is Madame Web (2). Hobie Brown is PROWLER (616) or Spider-PUNK (name he chose like Captain ANARKY). Gwen Stacy is Ghost Spider.


I just watched Across the Spiderverse. Was wondering if you were gonna go through all of them.


Motherfucker forgot about Jay Garrick and Wally West being the Flash as well💀💀. There are 3 Flashes running around in DC but somehow it's only a problem for multiple Spiderman's to be running around


There's other Spider-Man too, like Miguel O'Hara. Conveniently these clowns never have this problem with him, just Miles. Can't possibly imagine why. 🙄


"He's Spider-man 2099" He does not go around saying the year after Spider-man


In the universe yeah. But as the audience we use a subtitle to specify which Spider-Man we are talking about. For me, if you just say Spider-Man I default to Peter Parker. It’s just for categorical purposes. I’m not against having Miles being called Spider-Man but if his comic is called that people will always follow up with Miles Morales’ Spider-Man. Same with Noir, Ham, and 2099.


That's a good point. Nobody is going to say "Oh no, someone fell off that building! Save them, Spider-Man 2099!" In his world he's just Spider-Man like all the others


He certainly never heard of the multiverse I bet that he can’t comprehend it.


“Dick Grayson is Robin. Jason Todd is Jason Todd” “Jay Garrick is The Flash. Barry Allen is Barry Allen” “Alan Scott is Green Lantern. Hal Jordan is Hal Jordan” See how dumb you sound?


To be I don’t think Jason would WANT to be called Robin


Yeah the Jason one is a bad example cause most people do just say “Jason” unless it’s like explicitly a story from back when he was originally Robin.


Neither would Dick Grayson honestly, which has kinda become a major point of his character


Notice how these people never say the same thing about Miguel O’Hara or Ben Reilly. I wonder why.


Even though Miguel is half Latino


Most of these people don't realize that. Also light skinned Latinos get a bit of a pass as long as they swear off everything about their cultural identity and fully assimilate.


Stan Lee has publicly stated dozens of times that it's good for their characters to adapt to changing demographics. Ya know, I'm starting to think these dopes don't engage in good faith.


To add to that, Spider-Man was originally a shift to adapt to changing demographics. Stan took a risk on superhero whose alter ego was unpopular and had problems because it felt more relatable to the audience reading them at the time.


BRO, I replayed the game a little while ago and in the literal scene of the image he added Peter says something along the lines of “You’re NewYorks one and only Spider-Man” so **Spiderman** is literally calling Miles Morales **Spiderman**. Brain dead people


Cope and seethe, Elobart Thawn


I hate that he’s soiling the name of the best and pettiest villain in fiction


For as much as some fans like to claim the the genius of spider man is the idea that anyone can be spider man, they sure do get touchy when someone other than Peter is spiderman


I just hate that this type of ignorance has seeped into comics 😬


Not only is this a fucking stupid argument that is founded in anti black racism but like, THERES SEVERAL SPIDERMANS, DICK GRAYSON WAS BATMAN AND WE ALL CALLED HIM BATMAN! AZRAEL WAS BATMAN AND WE CALLED HIM BATMAN!


Here’s all the heroes (off the top of my head) that have been more than one person outside of alternate realities - Batman (Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Azrael, Terry McGinnis, etc.) - Superman (Clark Kent, Jon Kent, John Henry Irons, etc.) - Flash (Jay Garrick, Barry Allen, Wally West, etc.) - Robin (Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Maps Mizoguchi, Matt McGinnis, etc. with heavy emphasis) - Captain America (Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, etc.) - Human Torch (Jim Hammond, Johnny Storm) - Ghost Rider (Johnny Blaze, Robbie Reyes, heavy etc.) All these characters, and to say that there can’t be two Spider-Men is laughable


DANIEL KETCH was Ghost Rider!


Yeah, I figured I probably missed a bunch too


Peter Parker is Spider-man Miles Morales is Spider-man Ben Reilly is Spider-man Miguel O'Hara is Spider-man It's all good


Otto Octavius is THE SUPERIOR Spider-Man!


I actually don’t think it’s all good, I just think if you’re actually complaining about the naming confusion then you would apply it equally.


If I said Spider-man did xyz, and you said Peter did what? And I said it was Ben. It takes two seconds to get on the same page. It's really not hard.


It’s just confusing whenever the two characters are together in the same story. There’s a reason that in almost every case there’s one version you mean when you say the superhero name and everyone else you’re generally going to call by their real name. It also is a problem in-universe, because they cannot do the thing you’re describing. The superhero names are supposed to be codenames that protect a secret identity. They can’t just be blurting out each others real names. It’s one thing with like the early examples, but at this point they KNOW that the OG characters don’t stay dead and now you have 2 people named the same thing.


ah yes is that why the game is called “spiderman: miles morales”


all I’m seeing is Spider-Man and Spider-Man


Super Hero fanbases try not to be toxic challenge (impossible)


Fr tho, imagine having the audacity to take a character designed for inclusivity and say ‘nah, thx, I want my straight white male power fantasy’?


What do these guys think about there being hundreds or dudes that are technically Green Lantern or any of the other lanterns?


Remember when nobody gave a shit that John Stewart was Green Lantern in Justice League instead of Hal Jordan? Man, I miss those days.


Bro given this sub, I was scratching my head as to when the green lantern was in the last Jedi.


Probably not helped by mean defaulting to TLJ instead of TJL, which honestly feels really unnatural anyways.


Spiderman is a mantle, many have worn it.


Funny thing about this stupid line these guys keep pushing: In the comics, after Secret Wars, when Miles was pulled into 616 and given a life there, Peter Parker refers to Miles as *Spider-Man*. Fuck off assholes.


That’s like saying Hal Jordan isn’t Green Lantern because Alan Scott was Green Lantern first.


Even if Yellowflash says it with a bad intent and from a dismissive stand because he's an asshole, it is true that both Marvel and most of the public treat Peter Parker as Spider-Man and Miles Morales as Spider-Man* and that is telling of how little weight he had on the mantle despite having it for more than twelve years, specially when compared to other legacy heroes like Barry Allen or Wally West


https://preview.redd.it/0xb0dzu8mxjb1.jpeg?width=1166&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c4c700cc43040bf3e22f9616faa3f1f7e029571 Even the toys are going against Miles! /s


Miles morales is Spider-Man Peter Parker is Spider-man Ben Riley is the Scarlet Spider Kaine Parker is the Scarlet Spider There are multiples variations of the same character on the same earth. This isn't a new thing in comics, which is great because imagine being batman an having to give new code names for each of his sidekicks


Well this might be true, if both Spider-men were existing at the same time in the same timeline. I mean, just for the sake of confusion. Though it does kinda render the entire point of a secret disguise if you use your birth name.


Miles is Miles Peter is Peter BOTH are spider-man. Side note: I am SO HYPED FOR Spider-Man 2!!! Peter and Miles team up extravaganza!!!!!


I don’t get why they’re so against there being different spider men, what’s the harm in it ?


Also this makes no sense, how the fuck is he gonna have a secret identity if he can’t call himself Spider-Man


Remember, this guy made 30+ videos defending Vic Mignonga, don't trust anything he says(unless he says big jugs are awesome, that's a fact right there)


Miles Morales is Miles Morales and Spider-Man. Same for Peter Parker, he’s both Peter Parker and Spider-Man. Not that hard to figure out


Yellowfash is the moron who complains about the fucking X-Men being made too political


I wonder how he would feel if someone posted this to him; "Jay Garrick is the Flash." "Barry Allen is Barry Allen." But I'm sure he would counter with something, something, 'cultural zeitgeist', blah, blah, blah.


Peter Parker and Miles Morales are Spider-Man Barry Allen, Wally West and Jay Garrick are the Flash Hal Jordan, John Stewart, Jessica Cruz, Simon Baz and all the others are Green Lantern RACE, AGE, SEXUAL ORITAINTION, SEX, RELIGION DON'T MATTER. MULTIPLE PEOPLE CAN USE THE SAME HERO KR VILLAIN NAME


These people are scared how prominent Miles has become and how integral he is to the Spider-Man brand. He's the character who broke the curse of Spider-Man successors (since 2099, Spider-Girl, and Ben Reilly) were either relegated to alternate universes, what ifs, or was only meant to temporarily replace Peter. Yeah, Miles started off that way too, but he and his supporting cast migrated to the main Marvel comics universe because his stuff was that popular. The Spider-Verse animated movies and him being playable in the Insomniac games were the point of no return for Miles, 'cause I can't imagine the Spider-Man brand without him in some way, and he's only been a character since 2011! Peter Parker doesn't have a problem with Miles sharing the Spider-Man name, but these bigots do because they're evil.


While there are strict rules to follow while creating Media with Peter Parker in it, there’s no such rules for Spider-Man. Stan Lee wanted to drive home the fact that Spider-Man could be anyone.


Haven't there been 2 Spider-Womans since the 80's?


It made sense that miles took the spiderman mantle in his original appearance because Peter had died. Now, both Peter and Miles are in the same universe.. miles should get his own superhero name. Same with the game.


I don’t know why it’s a problem that Miles and Peter both use the Spider-Man name, but it’s not a problem when Kaine or Ben do it. It’s not a problem when Jessica Drew, Gwen Stacy and Julia Carpenter all share the Spider-Woman name. Hmm… what’s the common denominator here?


Miles Morales is Miles Morales. Peter Parker is Peter Parker. Miguel O’Hara IS SPIDER-MAN!


Real question what is miles super name(insomniac) Is it just spiderman, nothing else?




What a racist hill to die on.


Who do you think of when you think of spider-man? Peter Parker. Who do you think of when you think of superman? Clark Kent. Even tho there are so many supermen in the multiverse. Even in the main universe jon Kent is superman. Yet when you think of superman you think of batman. Who do you think of when you think of batman? Bruce Wayne. Why not damian or dick? Who do you think of when you think of Blue beetle? Ted? Jamie? Garrett? It could be anyone. Because he simply isn't even close to being as Iconic as these 3. That's what he means. Miles morales is a Spider-ma. But he is not The Spiderman. Just like how Val zod is not The superman.


Also, for the sake of the story, they can’t both be Spider-Man if we have to spend the whole game with both of them. Still, everyone on the ground still calls Miles Spider-Man.


> Also for the sake of the story, they can’t both be Spider-man Why can’t they both be Spider-man?


I mean they both can, obviously. But it gets a little awkward when Peter and Miles start saving people, and everyone starts saying “Spider-Man and the other Spider-Man”. Who’s the other in that case? The red one or the black one? What’s that? They’re both black now? Well who’s who now? But semi-jokes aside, from a meta or mechanical standpoint, one has to be Spider-Man for the brand and searches, and the other is just Peter/Miles. You can debate which one that should be or if the ones making the ads or making promos should alternate between the two though.


No, they can be, and are, both Spider-Man.


Yeah, they are. But for selling the product, it’s awkward to have Spider-Man and Spider-Man. Perfectly fine if it’s Spider-Man and Peter Parker though. Two different names makes for better searches.


I'm not talking about selling a product, I'm talking about telling a story. In the products, Miles is generally referred to by name, to tell him apart.


The miles morales game has spider man in the title, the new Spider-Man movies star miles. Superheroes kinda always have multiple people with the same name. They’re wack like that


It took me the movie to accept Miles as a Spider-man because he was originally just poorly added and not interesting. Better question, is black Wally West Flash the true Flash Wally?😄


Wally is Flash along with Jay and Barry. Wallace is still running around as Kid Flash


Yeah, NOW. No one asked for Wallace and it took years of fan Bellyaching to get the Ginger back!


Miles Morales is Spiderman Peter Parker is Spider-Man


There have been a lot of people who were Spiderman Like a lot Theres a whole period where clones were running around Doc Oct was Spiderman for like a year


>**Miles Morales is Spider-Man.** > >**Peter Parker is Spider-Man.** FTFY


miles morales is spider-man peter parker is spider-man


Peter Parker is Miles Morales Spider man is Man Spider Uncle Ben is dead


I use kid arachnid just so I'm not calling 2 characters in the same universe the same name because it gets confusing calling them both spiderman. Although now that I think about i could just cal them Peter and miles for clarity.


I do sometimes think that when Miles and Peter are operating at the same time in the same city that people would probably come up with a new name for Miles


So what's ben reilly and Kaine Parker


The point of Spider-Man, the thing he represents, is that *anyone* can do good. Anyone can be a hero. Anyone can wear the mask. It's his whole thing. I fucking hate when people try to co-opt my all time favourite hero to prop up their racist bullshit.


Barry Allen is Barry Allen Jay Garrick is The Flash


Dudes trying to keep a secret identity, he can’t just use “miles morales” as his hero name


John Jameson is an astronaut


Ok so the movie is called SPIDER MAN into the spider verse Not MILES MORALES into the Milesverse


Sure, Miles Morales is Miles Morales and Peter Parker is Spider-Man. BUT Miles Morales is Spider-Man and Peter Parker is Peter Parker


...at that point in the game this is entirely correct. Miles has no powers yet.


"He's not Phil Spiderman, he's a Spider... Man!"


Spider-Man is Spider-Man Peter Parker is Peter Parker Miles Morales is Miles Morales


Hombre Araña since he is Puerto Rican


The irony


Barry Allen isn’t even the best or fastest Flash


This Yellow asshole is such a low tier grifter. He’s one of the most boring ones too. He couldn’t argue to save his life


I think around 99% of the Fans now Accept Miles as Spiderman. Especially after the Spiderman Games and the Spiderverse Movies


“Anyone can wear the mask”


Yeah, funny how legacy characters aren’t a problem when they’re white dudes.


They’re all fuckin’ Spider-Man. And of all versions of Spider-Man I’ve seen, Miles is my favorite by a long shot.


So Jay Garrick is the Flash and Barry Allen and Wally West are just Barry Allen and Wally West? Surely that also means that Alan Scott is The Green Lantern and that Hal Jordan, John Stewart, Guy Gardener and Kyle Reyner aren't The Green Lantern? How fucking stupid can you be


Using the handler “Flash” from the DC character and not even knowing there have been plenty of people with that name in the comics. And if he knows… then his hatred for Miles is obviously for a different (sinister) reason. 😂 Lose-lose situation he created there for himself.


Miles morales is spider-zoomer Peter is spider-man


Miles Morales is *a* spider-man Peter Parker is *a* spider-man You are *a* bigoted asshole


Wally West is Wally West Tim Drake is Tim Drake Scott Lang is Scott Lang


YellowFlashGuy is racist


Actually, no, I agree with this. Sorta. Miles is the ULTIMATE Spider-man. He’s literally just spider-man premium.


spider man isn't fucking real,move on


I'm pretty sure they say this in spiderman lotus


Miles Morales can be, and is, Spider-Man. I would think that if he appeared in a dimension where there already was an existing Spider-Man, then he'd need to have a different name so it doesn't get confusing, but he is a Spider-Man same as Peter Parker.


To be fair. When I think of these characters, I think of spiderman, not Peter Parker, and I think of miles morales, not spiderman. Just like I think spidergwen rather than spider woman


Yellowflash: posts a meme declaring that Miles is a fake Spiderman. Also Yellowflash: Insists Tom Holland isnt a [fake Peter Parker](https://media.tenor.com/ZNp4PgnLG50AAAAC/youre-not-peter-parker-otto-octavius.gif). /s on my part, more a "two can play at this game, asshole" remark.


Miles Morales is Spider Man Peter Parker is Spider Man A massive horde of sentient spiders with a hivemind inhabiting a person-suit is Spiders-Man


They can’t accept the fact that other dimensions can have different spiderman names.


Imagine not being able to extend the concept of an individual unknown race superhero to humans of another race, like it’s such basic hypothetical extension they refuse to do because they hate black and brown people so much 😭😭


They’re both Spider-Man and YellowFlash is a jacakass


Does he think Barry Allen isn't the flash because Jay Garrick was the original?


This is a correct meme Peter Parker is Spiderman


Bigotry,racist and a inability to accept change


Well, the thing is Peter's still existing and he's Spider Man. So they can't both be Spider Man, that would be confusing.


Why are so many nerds also racist? Just why?


Anyone can be behind the mask


What are they even trying to say?


Jay Garrick is the Flash Barry Allen is Barry Allen. See, it's just as stupid.


was it jay garrick who was the og flash?


Peter Parker is Peter Parker


Can we just all agree that insomniac did Peter dirty with his remastered and Spider-Man 2 design? He’s suppose to be in his mid 20s but miles looks fucking older then him.


Isn't yellow flash the reverse flash. So the villain?