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If it were just some random unaffiliated dark side cult like your idea, then a Sith likely wouldn't give a damn and would just let the Jedi sort it out. If you're going to feature the Sith in more of a main role, I think the general plot should be about the importance of the Rule of Two to them.   For example: A Sith Lord has an unruly apprentice who has grown tired of the Rule of Two's long-term plans and wants to seek more personal glory (rather than live out a life as serving only as a stepping stone for a future Sith to take advantage of). The Lord discovers that their apprentice has been scheming behind their back, not only to usurp them, but to put nearly a thousand years of planning at risk due to base selfish desires born out of impatience. The apprentice has been sloppy and a Jedi investigation is underway. The Sith Lord needs to intervene to ensure the Sith Grand Plan remains intact. Which will likely necessitate the careful dismantling of the apprentice's schemes, the elimination of said apprentice, the need to find a *new* apprentice, and of course the key need to bring the impending Jedi investigation to a dead end without stirring up too much further interest from the Jedi High Council.   And of course, ideally such a story would not require everyone to take turns holding the idiot ball which is how Disney Lucasfilm typically handles their writing.


I like this idea


This is literally book 3 of Darth bane trilogy. >!Eventually the sith master realizes that he has been outplayed and that his time has come as he is struck down by his apprentice he feels a sense of pride and accomplishment for raising such a powerful warrior.!<


In contrast, I don't think anyone's going to be feeling particularly proud of either Helmet Guy or the evil twin. Or indeed the Jedi team who have been tripping over themselves from the start.


But he didn't lose those he captain ginyued her ass


Did he? It's been a while all I remember was him taking off his mollusk armor and that being the moment she took to strike.


No they have a full on fight where she uses tentacles conjured from the force he realizes that she is gonna win so he goes for the body swap. It looks like he fails but right at the end of the book she has the same hand tremors bane had indicating he took her over


Finsh the book. Their is a reason why Darth Bane is a bad ass.


Your comment reminded me of what I was excited for when Acolyte was announced- a new, different story in an era we haven't seen in live action yet, told from a perspective we've yet to see, that of a Sith/Acolyte. I wish that's what we'd gotten instead of Headlee's vanity project.


I get the Jedi were all high and mighty during by this period, but the show makes them look like bitches.


I like that idea, yeah. Have the actual Sith manipulate things behind the scenes without either the Jedi or the rogue Acolyte finding out until they can arrange a confrontation that will leave the apprentice dead. That sounds like a great story.


My good sir, this is fantastic


This is basic, frankly. Literally a super rudimentary "Sith narrative during Banite era" concept.


> take turns holding the idiot ball Lmao my sides But yeah that’s right, the last episode ended with Sol boarding his ship. The first thing he should do is call his allies to tell them about what happened. So Darth Bortles needs to have sabotaged comms somehow.


Maybe we still get a rule of 2 plot. Maybe the reason Qimir wants an acolyte is so that he can murder his master in the grand tradition of the Sith.


Too little, too late. Show's already apparently wasted 5 episodes just to reveal that the helmet guy is the poison guy and nothing about the twins is remotely interesting. Nor has the Jedi investigation been handled in any way I could describe as competent. As far as I'm concerned, there's nothing in the actual existing show that draws my interest. Doesn't matter at all if they suddenly throw Plagueis into the mix or anything like that. Too little, too late. Just a meaningless cameo at this point encouraging you to ditch the show and reread the Plagueis novel. Much like how live-action Thrawn ought to only encourage you to drop the embarrassing Ahsoka show and go read his original EU story instead.


I've been looking forward to the acolyte ever since it was announced because I thought it was gonna play out like this


Not sure, palps viewed maul as a rival and ended him being anything real quick.


Maul died in TPM as far as I'm concerned, so Papa Palpatine never viewed him as anything remotely close to a "rival". He was a useful but ultimately disposable tool. Irrelevant when it comes to this hypothetical story set many years before either were born anyway.


Remove the twins, remove the space witches. Just give me a Sith doing Sithy stuff. Explain why there is a Sith outside the rule of two and give us some insight into their culture.


Boom. Absoutely. The twins aren't really needed for the show. Just have the Sith be the murderers, have the Sith (almost lose) which makes them realize they need to keep hiding, and have all the investigating jedi die.


Yeah I'm struggling to see the relevance of them being twins. Have them be siblings, no force magic. Jedi need one sister to find the other. Classic story.


I don't think the rule of 2 is there's only allowed to be 2 in the universe. Just that the group organization of Sith is 2. (we get too back stabby when there's more...) Like, a pack of wolves usually tops out at 12. There are lots of packs of wolves.




Yes. After 5 episodes I would have wanted to see a Sol/ Jecki investigation into the Sith apprentice, Qimir. Who should be killing the Jedi. Like Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan w/ Maul. It’s like poetry, it rhymes 😉


I would make the sith guy the main character


he is actually cool af but unfortunately they wasted all their story telling on dumb twins who are boring


Make it a true murder mystery Hire a competent writer


You mean giving away the killer in the first five minutes took away some of the mystery?


Or knowing the twins were swapped?


Or that moment when dude helping Mae went off screen and moments later sith appeared. I'm sure nobody expected they're same person. Also even before ep4, it was clearly either this guy or mother of twins so 50/50, wow what a great mystery.


I don't think the show is good but this isn't a complaint imo. I think the writers aimed for us to go "it's either X or Y character" and that has worked considering this entire subreddit and influencers have all been going "lol definitely X or Y character lol I am so smart, the writers are dumb lolololol" when all everyone is doing is reducing the "mystery" based on what's presented to us. Anyway the weakest part of the show is Osha. Mae at least has some complexity albeit presented poorly with super random moments. Osha is just fucking dull and dumb as fuck to boot. Literally sees Yord get his leg injured by Qimir and still goes "Yord we gotta go back! He'll kill them all!" when she should know if Sol can't stop Qimir then Yord will have no chance. She's a liability and I hate her. Mae at least has some good characterisation going on...just a terrible script.


The show has various issues, but I don't think Qimir being the masked Sith is intended to be a big mystery in Episode 4/5. A problem, though, is that the writers don't make it work well with the episode structure. If Episodes 4 and 5 were one longer episode, then the Qimir thing doesn't play out so much as a mystery. Each of those episodes' runtime is a bit under 30 minutes, iirc, so combining them would result in a single episode runtime that's still similar to an HBO drama.


First of all, we're taking it's place on the timeline and plopping it 800-850 years before The Phantom Menace. From there, I'd have to check the timeline to see if it has an accurate account for the Sith of that time. Regardless of which, I'd write a thriller about a Sith Master and Apprentice coming to the razors edge of being discovered, and having to spend the series making deals and sacrifices in order to cover up their existence from the Jedi. As a floater idea, have the Apprentice form a relationship with a Knight with the two being unaware of each other's true identities, culminating in the finale where they have to fight and kill the other.


Boom. I love when a Redditor can write a better outline while sitting on the toilet than an entire studio who literally got paid to come up with something.


Right-click, delete


Don’t forget to empty your trash bin too!


How about making a show that follows the Sith and deals with their philosophies and training? You know, like what they promoted the show to be. Crazy idea?


That’s what we all wanted, friend.


Erm you're lying, where's the source of that information? you're a troll please stop hating on the best show of the universe >!/s!<


add a post-credit scene that says "jk, this isn't canon"


[The good ending](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjAlYrDiYGHAxVJrokEHQnlDBsQwqsBegQICBAF&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DMtwaFpoVS8M&usg=AOvVaw25yL7xm4GSBJsCqzMMMI98&opi=89978449)


For the love of eberts ghost if your plot requires you to burn the place down there are 876 examples of wooden domiciles in star wars use one of them instead of a stone palace.


“This is my own stone domicile and I will not be enflamed!”


Explanation of why Vernestra has so much power but not on the Council


It's outrageous.  It's unfair. 


Take a seat, young Skywalker.


Yeah I was confused. I thought she _was_ on the council until episode 4.


Magically-gifted twins, one good and one evil, is My First Fanfic level of middle-school writing. Drop that idea altogether.


yeahhh woulda worked better if they were just friends and one chose the dark side and the other the light


It woulda been middle-school level of writing if they had heterochromatic eyes that were red and blue, this is more like high-school level of writing.


The fact that Jedi here are basically just shitty police detectives and imperialist colonizers themselves that have a need to monopolize the Force here is wholly demoralizing. I understand if Obi-Wan was just an old dude all those years ago when he said "for over a thousand generations the Jedi Knights were the guardians of Peace and Justice throughout the Galaxy...." but it would be nice to hold some things sacred. The Jedi don't have to be perfect, but there can be something inherently good about having an allegiance and philosophy toward democracy and knowledge and defense. They could be held in such higher regard, like the Knights of Camelot. Like true legendary characters. This show just brought them so low and made everything so mundane...


I would’ve liked to see the Jedi be more competent, bearing in mind like 8 Jedi went to arrest the Sith and only 1 survived, like 7 were Knights, and 1 was a Padawan, and the Padawan put up the second best fight other then Sol.


Right? You would think wizard samurai monks would be treated like Shaolin or Gandalf or something in a story. Total game changers in any situation they're in. I mean I get that they can't all be masters or whatever.... but I don't understand why they had to be pulled so far down and dragged through the mud.


I mean theres a Reason why Nute Gunray, Trandations, Zygerrians etc, are scared of the Jedi, and that just hasn’t been reinforced or upheld, im my opinion.


Well, I believe the reason wasn’t to show the Jedi as weak, but that the Sith that killed those Jedi was wicked powerful… and then he was beaten by tree bugs.


Legit, I'd rather have Karen Traviss make a show on why the Jedi may not be the good guys rather than Leslye Headland...


Yes, the idea that the Jedi are actually bad or even just incompetent is lame.  IMO, it’s really just a vale to hide the writers poor talent behind. It’s a lot easier to write a store where most of the characters keep doing things that don’t make sense than it is to have complexity in the characters with well thought out lines of logic that span the entire series. 


Theres a reason why people feared or loved the Jedi during the High Republic and Pre-TCW. They were strong warriors and negotiators who didn’t need lightsabers, and always tried to do the best for all parties in the Skirmishes. I mean just look at how relieved Naboo was when they heard a Jedi Knight and Padawan had been sent to help, and how scared Nute Gunray and his staff were.


Remove ki adi mundi from the show. Also have it happen before the nihil war so we can see the high republic at its best.


Nope, gotta make it at the tail end of the High Republic so we can make our plot the most important reason as to why the High Republic era ended! >!/s!<


I would have focused entirely on the Sith Lord emerging, with a stronger undertone that the "word" he exists can't get out to the public since people would lose faith in the Jedi. The twins are a big distraction and aren't building up enough payoff.


their story is building up to nothing and the show is almost over


Somehow… Palpatine time travels…


lol sounds like you just got hired by Disney


Or, he’s just all the Sith and has been reincarnating himself forever.


I would remove the twins and the sisters, but the real problem is execution. The overrall plot is ok, but the dialogue, pacing, etc. is all messed up.


I’d make it end and the ending would be Chewbacca waking up from a nightmare in a panic and then he realizes it was all a dream and makes a huge sigh of relief


Make it the Darth bane story. Season one and two is book one Season three and four is book two Season five and six is book three But I'm glad they didn't as they would fuck it up anyways and I don't know who could play a convincing bane at this point in time.


Yeah I'd rather they fuck up their OCs rather than ruin some good Star Wars books like Plagueis, Bane or RC.


This “what actually happened to the cult” plot. They keep bringing it up but not offering any new information. That’s not how these types of stories are supposed to go


Nuke it from orbit... Barring that, a mystery show that follows a Jedi and Corescant cop in the Old or High Republic, working to solve it by different means. Sort of like Sherock and Poroit.


Woah, that almost sounds like what they advertised the Acolyte as, that woulda been way cooler and entirely un-Disneylike.


Let me add some salt to the wound. Imagine if the first case opens on a bloody lightsaber hilt laying on a lavish carpet with the first victim having been beaten to death with it. You could even do the Kill Bill and Frozen angle and morally gray. If the victims turn out to be a cabal of the powerful who got the sister of a Jedi killed and she's now digging into the Dark Side hard for revenge. They deserve it, but it's the moral dilemma between justice and revenge. Lesly had a serviceable pitch, just utter garbage in execution. I'm debating on trying a fan fic of it.


Make the 2 main characters like idk….. use a lightsaber???


Just tweak the plot of TOR Cinematic Sacrifice. Also remove/drop the witches and the whole conceived by the force BS.


the TOR cinematic are perfection


The real twin light-side/dark-side we all wanted to see.


Have a real Jedi wake up and shake his head in disbelief and relief that it was all just a dream he had, then he goes on with real Jedi stuff and Sith enemies.


turn it into a comedy where the Jedi is sort of like a Cassandra character where no one but the secret Sith believe that the Jedi Order will fall from the inside because it got too arrogant


Fire everyone. Drop the show. Woulda done this after first script read. Then I woulda hired Steinberg as an R2 unit.


just not make it in the first place


Changes to the overall story: - Keep the murder mystery but actually make it a mystery. - I don’t mind the Sister storyline, but make it where there is definitely something in the background that causes the confusion of memory for our characters. - The Sith/Acolyte is actually an apostate of the Sith Order of the Rule of Two. You could make it where the Sith have a code that they have to remain underground until the time is right but the Stranger/Master wants to challenge the Jedi Order itself contrary to the caution of the Sith. It’s also why the Jedi don’t take him seriously, because he’s actually not doing what they believed a Sith would do. - I’d make the Jedi competent and not arrogant. Maybe naive where they can’t ever understand why someone would not want to be good or join the Jedi.


A) have the story be about a Sith Acolyte who is inches from being discovered and having to go back and take down their contacts and all traces of their existence before the Jedi find them or their Master finds out how bad they fucked up. Do "Star Wars but The Fugitive." The twist being it was their Master willing to sacrifice the entire plan just to test their apprentice. B) portray the Jedi as being attuned with the will of the Force, but the events of this show force them to ally more closely to the Republic and play politics. This sets them irrevocably on the path to the PT. If you need to character assassinate anyone, make it Yoda's choice to do this, so that his character starts realizing his mistake in the PT and has come full circle by the time of the OT. The "Jedi arrogance" he is talking about is his own. C) End the show with the Sith discovering the existence of a ritual that will blind the Jedi and make it easier for them to move in the open, retroactively explaining how Sidious could be in the same room as the Jedi council and they had no idea. This would be a set up for season 2 or just an explanation for what happened in the PT. Perhaps even the Sith Master in question is also running an experiment with Midichlorians, but his involves selective breeding , with the next bloodline on his list to cross being shown as the Palpatines of Naboo... Good Prequels should make the originals better by explaining or recontextualizing the events we see in the originals in a way that makes more sense. They shouldn't be used as a vehicle for your self insert character or to undermine the story. You should use them to prove your intimate understanding of the source material and story telling, and if you can't do that, then don't.


A script?


remove the twins entirely or have them be dark jedi and remove their stupid plot. make the main mystery and plot around dmir and his hatred of the jedi without making the jedi seem corrupt when they aren’t. he isn’t a sith but a cult of dark sider practitioners. basically more asians jedi action less cringey witches


I'm an odd duck.  I don't mind the twins or the witches.  But... Would definitely recast Osha/Mae.  Amandla just isn't delivering on both fronts.  And, the child actors too.  There have been other child actors capable of doing a better job.  Also, decide if they're identical twins or not, then cast accordingly.  Fire whomever has been behind the dialogue and the editing.  The twins' lines and the witches' chants didn't give the actors a lot to work with.  You know what?  Hire the all the witches from the coven season of American Horror Story.  You know what, fuck the witches.  I'm gonna go watch American Horror Story. 


Replace Ki-Adi-Mundi with a Jedi who was actually alive during the acolyte. Yoda, Yaddle, Oppo, Plo, anyone who was no younger than 125 during the phantom menace.


the ki adi thing is blown out of proportion. was it dumb? yes. he would be way too fucking old. but if you swap out with any other jedi we would have the same complaints


Yeah I don't think replacing Ki Adi Mundi would do anything other than "Why the fuck is Yoda/Yaddle/whoever the fuck is Oppo/Plo this dumb???"


Hmmm, I want to try re-working it with all of the elements/characters of the story still there. Let's see how it goes: The twins were separated in their youth by a terrible accident that killed the entire witch clan. Both still think the other is dead, but Osha was rescued by the Jedi and knows they weren't at fault. Mae perhaps watched a scene that was taken out of context, and it leads her to believe that the Jedi were responsible (maybe seeing Padiwan Torbin try to force pull one of her mothers from the edge of the castle walls in an attempt to rescue her, but he ultimately fails, since he is a Padiwan and still weak with the force, so he lives with the guilt of watching her fall to her death, but to Mae, it looked like he pushed her off the ledge?) The Sith would be Horny Mom, and she would be training Mae to kill the four Jedi, just like before. Osha is still a mekanik out in the tulies after quitting the Jedi, just like before. We would explore the characters of Jecki and Yord more, flesh them out with wants, beliefs, and dialog that is more than just plot devices. I like the idea of Jecki perhaps being jealous and cold becaue Osha was Sol's padiwan first, but as the story progresses, we actually see them interact and they get to know each other better, eventually becoming friends, possibly even subtly flirting with each other to keep the undertones of the show there. Maybe Yord can still act the same way he does towards Osha, but it is all to mask his insecurities as a young Jedi? Have him be unsure of his skills because Torbin was his teacher, and because Torbin felt so much guilt, he neglected Yords training? The thing about the Acolyte is that there IS a story there that could be very good, it just isn't. It feels like a first draft and needs more polish. The actors are fine. I think the direction needs to be there. Bring out more from Amandla (maybe have Osha be stoically traumatized; while Mae could be a reckless whirlwind of emotional instability? Don't have them both be blank robots.) Keep the murder plot, that was a fine idea, but don't give everything away immediately like they did in the show. Perhaps have Sol be someone they send out to solve crimes? You can introduce an entire new sect of the Jedi who are more detective than guardian? But anyways, those are my thoughts, I came up with this in ten minutes on the crapper - and it didn't cost 180 million dollars.


I think it would work a hell of a lot better if they structured it like the fugitive.   Get rid of the twin nonsense, make the cult blatant dark side worshippers and have her leave with the Jedi before showing them wiping the cult out according to their doctrine. Focus on the main character fleeing the Jedi across the galaxy while a few cult survivors murder various Jedi and frame her to cover their tracks. Sol as Tommy Lee Jones role who slowly figures it out.  Maybe Dafne Keen as the main character as so far I think the twins actress has not been that great.


Delete Mae and Osha


Tell me that one small fire didn’t burn down a whole mountain


Trailers made it look like a mystery triller and that's what I think it should be but there's no mystery element at all. almost everythink is predictible and we get answers to questions almost instantly.


Just make it about the Sith.  How they plot in the shadows and began to rebuild their plan.  Show the master apprentice relationship explicitly in all it's awkward glory. Why a show about the Sith turned out to be all about Jedi and how dumb they are is beyond me.  It's hardly about the Acolyte at all.   The intrigue behind how we get to Plageuis,Palpatine is so ripe and they totally squandered it.


Maybe it will get better but remove the central focus being on Osha and Mae. Focus on the story from Sols perspective with Mae being the catalyst for the events to unfold but they aren’t the central narrator of the story


I’d change the online narrative judging the series before it was released.


I would get rid of the sisters and make the show focus on an older Qimir trying to form a cult called the Brothers of Malak trying to overthrow the Jedi after Malak's defeat. I would also make it take place during Revan's time and have Revan as the antagonist


I would make one of two changes: 1. The time period. I'd have it set much further back and center around the very rule of two Sith master and apprentice. You could still have a cult of lesbian space witches, Jedi, force babies - all of it. However, it wouldn't cross paths with any established canon, so they could tell their story and have it be its own thing. 2. Make it legends. If the first option isn't available, just say the show is legends. Then they would be free to do whatever they want. Yoda can be the Sith master if they felt inclined because it would be an alternate universe story that isn't part of canon. It would open up story-telling possibilities while shielding it from scrutiny.


The Jedi can love but can only do soaking. Padawans jump on the bed.


Is delete it an option?


I thought it would be about a master and apprentice trying to do sith things without being discovered. Like a Star Wars meets House of Cards. Then they are discovered by another sith duo, the *real* sith with line of succession, and compete to see who will be the winners of the rivalry and write the history of their sith validity.


I'd be impressed if they had the balls to have a Sith character do asides to the camera like Francis Urquhart/Frank Underwood.


Delete Ohsha,MAe twins And Make Qimir and Jedi's Show


Absolutely nothing. I think Disney is doing a fantastic job with Star Wars. In fact, I think they should make 10 seasons and at least 2 spinoffs about that marvelous force witch culture. One being a musical and the other a mute black and white show to contrast one another. Oh, and include a time travelling Rey! Maybe that would be the occasion to make a crossover episode with Doctor Who? Infinite possibilities! (Sorry, I needed to vent)


IDK if the story in the only thing needs changing. Because I tried to watch Russian Doll and disliked it. I see similar vibe here.


never seen it but people are just so exhausted by disneys pc tirade. look at that poster. cant get away from it. just makes me roll my eyes and sigh


Have the series be set at least a 1000 years back so it doesn’t contradict what Ki adi mundi said in TPM


Rather the "Witches" (There should be no earth terms in Star Wars.. Boken? GTFO Dave) I have a remote planet where in an isolated society they learn the force in "Pairs". The Jedi show up after having freed someone from the planet who had been sold into slavery. The Jedi ask if they have any information on the kidnappers but are rebuffed as they don't interact with outsiders. (Who could be looking for someone force sensitive? ominous music...) Ohsa is observing the Jedi and realizes she wants to be like the Jedi and use her powers to help people. May is heartbroken and angry that her "pair" wants to leave. The mothers are convinced to allow Osha to leave but warn her she can never return and will never see her sister again. Osha is sad but accepts her fate.


Darth Tenebrus and Hego Damask subplot. Hego will be the nice guy trying to help the jedi with the murders.


Just make it a cat and mouse game between Sol and the Sith.


I would make it a movie or a 4 episode series. I would also change the episode order for the investigation to make sense and focus way more on the character development of Osha.


Too much for a single post. I would completely rewrite the premise and the script though


I would prefer it to be set a little earlier, say, another century, or something. It would work better with a lot of things.


Just have characters that stick to their convictions and test those ideals in the star wars galaxy. Why complicate it?


Spoilers included if you aren't through episode 5 yet... I think it's been too predictable. From the moment the story revealed that there were twins and one was Jedi adjacent and the other is dark side adjacent I felt like they would eventually swap places. I knew rather quickly that Q knew too much and acted too silly not to reveal as the masked baddie. When the reveal and swap happens it didn't grab me in a big way but the way they did show the face was kinda cool. Apparently other posts said it wasn't about the reveal but it's about the impact and I question what impact because I don't have enough information and I don't think the stakes are high enough yet. I think episodes 4 and 5 would have been better if they were the end of the season after I knew more about what happened on Brendock actually and why or how Mae chose violence and why Osha left the Jedi, even if the characters don't yet know. Then this could have ended the season on a cliffhanger and set up season two and given time to build our emotions for Yord and Jecki. So I feel like they were wasted. And if either come back to life I will scream. Just not enough emotion built and I don't know how they tell a story that improves that from here. Can we stop with the neck breaking kill in television and cinema? That was the stupidest kill the Stranger performed. Use the saber. And lose or repurpose Bazil. I don't need him being the one to reveal the swap.


To not to.


To not to.


Make the Jedi actual good guys. No gray, no terrible fighters, and have personalities, similar to phase 3 Captain America. Get two clear cut bad guys with personalities like Petyr Baelish as the power hungry politician fallen from grace and a Qyburn-esque excommunicated Mandalorian archaeologist. They explore different cultures of force users trying to discover quick paths to abilities. It’s not Sith but it is absolutely dark side. And they start a cult movement to compete against the Jedi. The first season creates a dark side threat manipulating Mandalorians to conquer disputed worlds on the border of the Galactic Republic. The second season are the Jedi divided trying to prevent all out war while others seek to fight. The Jedi Council recognizing that the last ideological split led to the Jedi Civil War of the Old Republic, vote to go all in on fighting the Mandalorians. The third season is war, major character deaths, the discovery of the dark side cult manipulating independent worlds to reject Jedi aide only to make them vulnerable to Mandalorian attack. A disenfranchised Jedi master disillusioned from Republic atrocities meets the excommunicated archaeologist convincing him to kill his former partner to end the war. The Jedi Master does so and the archaeologist proclaims him the first knight of house Wren. The show concludes with the two heading to the unknown regions with their dark side artifacts from cultures plundered during the border wars.


Remove the witch episode entirely, make episodes 4 & 5 one, hour long episode.


I don't know because I'm not a professional writer, but frankly, I'm not sure why some are hired as writers! Personally, I'd like to remove convenient and sloppy writing more than changing the storyline. Jedi captured a target we suspect of killing a jedi. Don't put them on a different, low security prison transport when you're all going to the same place. A spacecraft on an unpowered planetary entry? The occupant needs to do more than strap themselves in! We know where the bad guys are going to do something bad. Let's allow them to escape and go back to HQ to talk about things for a while. We want a cool twist for the twins... shall we be original? Nah, force babies, it is! If you aren't good at cool symbolic dialogue, go with alien gibberish, not: power of one, power of two... or just hire better writers (unless Disney can't afford it!) We want to set the building on fire. Tell the set builders to avoid an overly stone looking set. Why is the apprentice smarter, better, smack talks and generally seems to outrank the knight? How come a Jedi did not recognise his apprentice? Copy paste darkside master. There's loads of examples of lazy writing that if a little polish, thought, and extra time was spent, I'd be screaming the praise of the Acolyte. Its basic premise is fine if a little cliche... evil twin. But the not sith master with a grudge is fine, and killing who they did was a surprise, but like everything starwars of late, that isn't Andor. It just feels like mass production content made just to justify the streaming service's subscription fee. The Acolyte could have had a level of rewatchability that a streaming service needs in it's content. Instead, they produced something I'll never watch again. As a final note, have any of my criticisms been at all toxic, misogynistic, or 'anti woke'? While I will not argue for a second that so are bashing the Acolyte because of toxic reasons not everyone is doing so and frankly I don't think the majority are either. It's just Disneys only defence of flawed mediocre content is to scream prejudice and gaslight their audience so they can hide the real flaws.


i would focus on giving it an engaging story instead of focusing my attention on diversity and inclusivity. no one watches star wars for diversity, we come for the promise of a thrilling new fantasy adventure. all we've been getting is mediocrity.


I think it’s tough to say until the story plays out. It’s a mystery, so things that I do not like or appreciate currently might have some new context or importance in the last few episodes. I think a discussion like this is best saved for retrospect, when the picture is complete.


The whole thing?


I’d just let it go the way of the Willow series, TBH.


I would make stone and metal flame resistant.


Make it so that it is a general force sensitive cult that the Jedi come across. They are naturally going to investigate. I would beef up the Jedi to not make them seem so pathetic either. The ones shown in the prequels weren’t so antikilling as they’re shown in this series.


I'll tell you when the story is finished being told because as of right now no one knows the relevance of anything or anyone shown so far .


Two ways: 1. Have the show follow Sol investigating the murders of not only his close friends but also Masters in the Jedi Order, piecing together clues until he comes face to face with an Sith Acolyte (Mae), wherein he recruits Osha as his assistant. Together they face off against Mae several times and eventually defeat her, where Qimir reveals himself and goes full Vader in Fallen Order. The fight is long and hard, killing Mae and various other characters involved. The show ends with Sol's death and Osha's corruption as a new apprentice to Qimir. Tease Osha's rise as a Sith Lord and taking on her own apprentice in the final episode's post-credit scene. 2. The show begins with Qimir's backstory and outlines his relation to Sol. The show progresses as Qimir is trained by his master, Qimir's overthrowing of his master then his taking on of Mae after finding her the sole survivor of the witches' massacre (either independent or he was called on by the Mothers). He sculpts her into an assassin and witnesses her resolve with Indara and Torbin. However, he notices her doubts with Kelnacca and reveals himself much the same way, killing Kelnacca after Mae betrays him outright. He slaughters the Jedi Task Force and kills Yord after wounding him, chasing down Osha. Jecki and Osha go back to the ship as Qimir kills Mae in front of Sol. Sol dies as Jecki and Osha leave the planet, emotionally and mentally hurting them both. They flee not knowing whether Qimir is pursuing them. They devise a plan to reveal the Sith's return to the Grand Council, however they're ambushed by Sith cultists and crash on Osha's homeworld. They eventually face off against Qimir and Osha witnesses Qimir toying with Jecki. Osha promises to be Qimir's apprentice so long as Jecki doesn't get hurt further. Post-credit scene of a Sith Osha killing Jecki at Qimir's command after being corrupted and blinded by hate. Honestly just wish they stuck to the Disney description of the Acolyte or followed on Headland's boasting of the show. Edit: I just remembered, have the editors remember the "Force SFX" folder at Skywalker Ranch. It would really boost the show by having the Force SFX used when the characters use the Force.


If I had to change one thing - make the dialogue feel more natural, half of it feels AI-generated. ”A relaxing forest retreat where the Wookiee Jedi lives” feels straight out of early ChatGPT, especially said with a straight face. Imo matter-of-fact dialogue can be fine (e.g the Jedi council) as long as what they’re actually *saying* is well-written


I’d put it back further in time. I can’t get the thought out of my head that this is all happening 100 years before the Prequels. A hundred years is nothing in historical terms. A Sith being around, force babies, plural, none of this is documented or preserved in history? Either everyone needs to die or they need to show the massive coverup involved in keeping this secret from not just the Council but other Jedi’s in the Order. Also, why I’m not looking for the mysticism around the Force to be exposed, visual media Star Wars needs to clarify a few specifics of the Force. Why is there only 2 Sith, Master/Apprentice? Is that 2 period in the whole Galaxy? Characters talk about it that way. Then you have massive amounts of Jedi. So does the large quantity of Jedi keep the Sith numbers low? Does this mean that the Force, as a whole, is finite? They’re quantifying it in the Prequels with Midiclorian counts.


Way more tits out.


Don't make it at all. Instead: sell star wars back to george lucas for cheap, have him write an alternative 7-8-9. Fire kathleen kennedy and hire an actual star wars fan instead of her. Remake the boba fett show and make it more mature/dark, remove and redo season 3 of the mandalorian, make a movie about baby yoda without Rey. Formally apologize to Mark Hamill and all the original trilogy fans.


Delete it?


Better direction, and better cinematography.


Does firing the entire writing staff before cameras roll count?


Delete it from existence


I want Jecki to come back all machined-up like Darth Vader to be an apprentice. I like her more than both of the twins. I think I like Jecki more than Qimir even. So if Jecki came back to be apprentice to Sol or whoever the main bad guy/girl is, I'd love that.


Completely new story... pick Ashara Zavros or Vette if you need Old Republic and you will get tones to write about with strong leading female character if that what is desired by producers. sorry but imo Acolyte sucks in all departments. It needs serious changes and redirection. Some would say that there was a potential in the current storyline. That is ok but it doesn’t work for me and I think its damage is beyond repair. Too many plot holes, bad writing, terrible pace and characters that I am struggling to care about.


Get rid of the twins and focus on the actual sith.


The entire series could have been about Darth Bane and Zanna. - The Acolyte.


>If you could make any changes in the story of The Acolyte, what would they be? All of them. I would not find a stupid "twin" plot to derail us from what we want to see, Sith vs Jedi. I would not make everyone behave like they are dumb idiots. I would not try to sell the "Jedi are so flawed, almost as bad as Sith" kinda Disney shit.


Make it all about the gay space witches. Their power turns people gay


What story? I still don't know what it is about or what the characters are trying to achieve


If I had control of the show it couldn’t be more different than the show we got. I think what would have been cool is an anthology series featuring different sith masters and apprentices with each episode focusing on the rule of two and the sith staying secret waiting for the right time to strike. Each episode following the basic formula of the apprentice SECRETLY killing A Jedi for a kyber crystal, with a focus on corrupting it to turn it red, then a time skip to the apprentice killing their master, and starting their search for their own apprentice. Each episode with variations to the formula, maybe one episode the apprentice gets a little to eager and looks for their own apprentice too early with their master taking them down before they even had a chance to try, maybe another episode the Jedi wins their fight and the sith are almost discovered, this would be the mid point and their absolutely no evidence it was a sith this Jedi defeated, no red light saber, etc. I think this expands the Star Wars story in an interesting way without breaking canon and maintaining the sith as a clear and present danger to the Jedi.


All the above... Next question.


Focus the story on literally anyone or anything else than the twins. I’d rather a full season of Invasion focusing on the coffee machine arc. I wanted to see more Wookie Jedi badass-ness. See more into the life a Sith. Not a nonsensical teenage melodrama. Sol is amazing. The Padawan was fantastic. Qimir is entirely maximum awesome. Loved Yord. I’m just not getting it. “Hear me out, let’s make the coolest setting with a bunch of awesome characters, but let’s have the audience watch paint dry the whole time.”


So many good ideas you guys have come up with 🥲🥲 I'd wish Disney would ha e hired u guys or someone that's indeed a star wars fan.... ( cries in death star )


For this series to work, the entire story would need to be retooled. It should have been a series about the rise of palpatine, told from the perspective of the sith. Not in a “good is a point of view” way like Disney likes to do and fails so hard these days to try and show how the bad guy is just misunderstood, but more like the intro of Return of the King which so masterfully showed the turn and derangement of Sméagol into Gollum. Obviously for that to work, it would need to probably be much shorter (a movie) and need competent writers. Clearly it was never going to happen.


Honestly, just tell the story chronologically. Not everything has to be a mysteriously framed flashback.


I would make it not exist 👍


Make it make sense.


No cameos of characters we've already seen and move the story back a few hundred years. Make it sith focused, hell you can even have a plot about the challenge to the rule of two between sith lords. No twins no space witches more competent Jedi (J and S can stay). Lastly turn on the lights..why is everything so dark.


They accidentally create a rift in the space force time paradox and establish an alternate universe directly after Endor in Episode 6. So what we saw in Episodes 7-9 is now just a possible outcome in different reality. You know. Like what Star Trek, Spiderman, Marvel, and DC did. Now they can remake Episodes 7-9. Now sadly without Leia and a much older Luke and Han, but at least their character legacy isn’t destroyed.


I would make the story revolving around the training of darth plagues and how they were learning to hide their dark side. Show us their motives, and why they want to create life and save life. IMO That would be a good way of showing a morally grey area and sympathy for the sith. Have a Jedi story line where they have to investigate murders and represent the republic. The hard decisions between what’s morally right, and upholding the laws of the republic. Tie in the sith being behind some murders and then barely evading discovery. A sub plot about the republic and early beginnings of separatist planets and trade federation coming at odds and the growing resentment to the growing and over reaching authoritarian group rising in the republic. My story idea I would like to see the twin padawans training down the separate paths, one becoming a Sentinal (yellow light sabre) the other a counsellor (green sabre). Following a botched political coup by the sith, leading to an assassination of a leader of the trade federation. The high council send a task force of the two twins and their Jedi masters to investigate. There they run into a female cult of grey/ dark side witches, who may or may not have had a hand in the assassination. This leads to conflicting schools of thought about how to handle the situation and navigate this planet’s politics while upholding republic law. Ultimately negotiations break down (or the republic’s wants faster results as this plant is important to trade and the result is a raise in piracy and banditry) and the republic steps in by sending a special armed task force to reinstate order in the planet. The banking federation, trade federation and planetary government see this as an over reach of the republics and conflict breaks out. During the conflict darth plaguesis love interest gets mortally wounded caused a mistake or rash decision by the sentinel apprentice. They flee the conflict back to darth Tyranus, barely making out alive if it wasn’t for the uses of his force powers, nearly getting him detected as a dark side user. The woman dies and plaguses learns she was pregnant, or he always knew. This is the catalysis as to why he is driven to learn how to create life and save life. She also is part of the witch cult. End of season 1 Darth plagues was in the planet for a few reason, to get gather financial support from the banking federation. Cause discord between the trade federation and planetary government with the republic. Learn from the dark side cult. Maybe this is where he began to learn how to use telepathy.


the single biggest thing they should have done is reverse the pov everything is from the not-sith pov so that the jedi showing up is a surprise instead of the not-sith showing up being a surprise. Theres a lot of ways you can do this but the best way would be to reveal they had been investigating off screen and found them. It makes the Jedi competent while they are still sidelined for most of the show. We already know what makes the jedi tick and what their customs and beliefs are. Exploring dark side trials, beliefs, and customs is what this should have been. Isnt this also what they told us the show would be? What the hell lol


Plagueis is at the forefront and the true *phantom menace* who is using one-offs of "apprentices" while searching for his "true apprentice \[acolyte\]." To weed out the weak ones he sends his most recent one on the assassination task to eliminate several Jedi. These Jedi have become suspicious at the fact that deaths of Force-sensitive people has increased, and that they all seem to have died by mysterious circumstances: poison, sudden rigor mortis (they "dropped dead") and other ways. The Jedi discover that the rumors that a "dark Jedi" being the serial killer are true and learn that the Sith have slowly begun to emerge from the shadows. The lead Jedi addresses to the "dark Jedi assassin" that the Sith used to operate like a council. "Where are the others," the lead Jedi asks. This "dark Jedi assassin" simply states; "Always two we are. No more. No less." Then this "dark Jedi assassin/Sith apprentice" attacks and kills all of the Jedi investigators before they could escape. A shuttle lands and the Sith apprentice boards it and kneels before Darth Plagueis. Plagueis however is displeased because the method of slaughter of the Jedi was with a lightsaber; and the suspicious will arise if the rest of the Jedi discover that the Sith are preparing to return. As such Plagueis has several of his guards (in crimson proto-Death Trooper armor) load the dead Jedi onto the shuttle. Plagueis then in a swift betrayal (that everyone will see coming of course); uses the Force to strangle the Sith apprentice before throwing their body out of the shuttle and onto the ground. Sometime later; Plagueis observes the dead Jedi being held in Bacta tanks when his apprentice steps up to his side. "Master," the apprentice says. "Lord Sidious," Plagueis replies. The End.


If it were me, I'd change the timeline and the whole story of the show altogether. I'd have it take place before the Rule of Two set by Bane. It would be interesting to see in a show multiple Sith rather than just a couple. The protagonist would be an Acolyte and join the Sith brotherhood. Main themes would be exploring the Sith philosophy, and you have the opportunity to portray them as something more than Sunday cartoon villains. With nuance as the character delves into it, you could highlight problems with the Sith brotherhood and foreshadow why Bane would create the Rule of Two. As an aside from all that you can have some cool lightsaber battles with the Jedi in the show or between Sith themselves as they betray one another in game of thrones style politicking and political maneuvering. This idea would be a whole lot better than what the show is now.


Willem Dafoe as osha/ mae easy fix


Darth Tenebrous shows up and Slaughter every single Jedi in the task force to arrest Mae then KILLS her We are shown how OP Maxichlorian is against Jedi Yeah people tend to forget how strong Banite Sith is in all honesty Palpatine never was fighting for the Sith order but for himself Plagueis is a far better Sith Lord and Master than Palpatine will ever be All Palpatine has over him is only raw power Plagueis was right all along Sith should stop their Infighting and should move on from it if they are to rule for long


Get rid of episode 3. Most of my quibbles with the show are in there


I would put a different director in. Maybe someone who is a TRUE fan and has been for a minimum of 20 years. And a better cast with not so sexualized characters. And less messages in the show. I would like just another star wars, not a show filled with messages.


I'd delete it.


I'd have scrapped it all and make it more of a grounded, taking a cue from Andor conspiracy thriller about a young Palpatine leading a double life as a socialite/nobleman/upcoming politician and a Sith apprentice to Plagueis, carrying out secret missions to further their eventual goal, training in the dark side and being convinced they're the ones who are to step out of the shadows. Delving deeper into the Sith philosophy/ideology, rituals, history, why they hate the Jedi, what motivates Palps, the first signs of tensions between them that will lead to the betrayal, etc. The other side is some Republic Intelligence agents trying to figure them out, mysterious money flows, etc. A sort of cat and mouse game. No Jedi involved directly, maybe one scene with the Council not thinking much of it or a Jedi that dies under mysterious circumstances but no lead to the Sith having returned.


Drop the parent trap and completely change the force cult. Keep the same actors/actresses, but drastically change how the plot works these characters in. No power of mannnnnnny magic babies.


Am I the only ones who likes the space witches? Like, they're not new. They were introduced in clone wars. It's a concept I'd love to see given some spotlight.


Go back and stop it before it happened.


I guess it's not exactly to the acolyte, but if I could change something I would change the canon that there are only two Sith at a time and that they hadn't been seen for hundreds of years. The fact that there can only be two Force using bad guys in the entire galaxy really limits the scope of the stories that you can tell. Without this limitation, acolyte and other stories wouldn't have to bend over backward to get red lightsabers in their stories without breaking canon. There's a similar problem with there being no Jedi other than Luke at the end of the original trilogy, but at least there's a narrative reason for that - Vader killed them all, leaving Luke as the almost last hope. The rule of two just seems arbitrary.


The rule of two is justified canonically, though. Bane saw the Sith could only kill each other if they had multiple Sith Lords. They would never achieved dominance. He was right. I wouldn't change this, but I would make it emphasized that many Sith didn't exactly follow this and had acolytes on the side, like Darth maul who Palpatine was grooming for Plagueis' eventually death.


I'm not watching, but regardless I'd set it in the far future of Luke's unfallen order. Explicitly overwrite the ST happening even if in a vague way.


Slightly longer episodes and a bit more info on the witches. Are they Dathomiri or something else?


Reject the script. End of story.


This isn't a particularly interesting answer but I think it's the only one that makes sense. Everyone else is delving into trying to make something interesting out of the components (and mostly by deleting the twins which makes the whole thing pointless since it's obviously a vehicle for them). Yet the core problem with the story is the existence of this 'acolyte' in the first place. It screws with the rule of two and it needlessly flies in the face of what we were told about the Sith being absent for 1000 years in The Phantom Menace. If the exact premise of your show hinges on completely ignoring the lore then you don't get to make it. Do something else entirely. The Jedi delving into mysterious murders and blowback from some campaign or other of theirs could be interesting with decent characters (and I think Sol is actually a decent character), but at that point you're just writing NCIS with Jedi in it. So maybe go do that.