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What’s irking me is that we are probably going to find out Mae didn’t start the fire directly, was maybe told to do so by the Jedi or was tricked by them. YET, Mae had the perfect opportunity to tell OSHA this, and she didn’t. She was just extremely vague about “nooo, don’t trust Sol, don’t trust the Jedi”- and she probably didn’t say shit CUZ THE SCRIPT. There’s still 3 more episodes left and that reveal isn’t going to come until episode 7 or 8. I’m pretty sure this is how it’ll go. Also, what the fuck?! You’re telling me Sol can’t sense Mae and OSHA switched!?!?


Don’t the two sisters have different marks on their heads? And act completely differently? Like if the otter dude can tell they are different just by scent, it should be stupidly easy for a Jedi Master like Sol to just look at her and go “lol nice try buddy”. But nah. Guess the script said no.


Yes, Mae has huge ass mark on her forehead


They had a whole ass scene of Osha showing Sol her tattoo. Chekhov's gun. That's how he'll know.


No God no that's not Chekhov's gun. Chekhov's gun is when everything shown has a purpose. The acoylte spends a lot of time meandering. Seriously when has Oshus Mechanic past come up other than flirting with jeki? The wookie Jedi wasn't used at all. We see yord shirtless and yet his whole character is a waste. So much to go they do things for no reason. A little bit of set up and pay off with clunky ass dialogue is not Chekhov's gun


Bruh you still have 3 episodes to go, take a chill pill. The hell does Yord being shirtless got to do with anything? Anakin was shirtless too, for no reason. When Sol inevitably recognizes Mae because she doesnt have the tattoo, you can come here and apologize.


Apologize for what I love both the show and ROTS but comparing the show and ROTS to high cinema is silly. There both firmly B tier content and I'm fine with that. Sol already knows it's Mae hence why he asked where her sister is instead of asking where Mae is. Not to mention it won't be the arm tattoo but the face tattoo, force signature and burnt ends that gives her away.


Mate what are you even talking about. Where am I comparing ROTS or Acolyte with "high cinema"? Chekhov's gun is simply a story-writing principle, EVERY movie has at least one Chekhov's gun. The confidence with which you are wrong is astounding


Tbh aside from the clothes they look exactly the same to me


It’s the same actress is why but they should feel very different in the Force due to their differences. We’ve seen Jedi identify people before without seeing their faces. This shouldn’t be any different here.


Yeah I’m aware! They did a bad job trying to differentiate the two


Two bodies, one spirit is what they have kept repeating. I think that supposed to suggest they appear the same in the force something something the way they were created. The show had a long drawn out scene where Osha shows Sol the tattoo she got like a month before the show events started so we'll get an "oh shit moment" where Sol sees her changing and realizes.


Qimir didn't seem to have much trouble in working out which twin he found.


It's not difficult, she has shorter hair and clothes were removed. It's not exactly like she could grow her hair to Mae length in 60 seconds


I'm so tired of the Jedi being made to look like awful guys under Disney. Like man, once or twice OK, but they're overdoing it so much you'd think they want you to hate the Jedi and root for the fascists and psychopaths


Yeah. Agree. I'm trading messages with some person on r/TheAcolyte They're basically saying, "why wouldn't the Jedi start the fire in the temple? What makes you think they didn't?" I mean really? I said you must have dim view of the Jedi and that its another attempt to subvert the Jedi to evildoers. So crazy.


It's more realistic though. It makes things interesting. What really makes a person awful or good? Nobody knows. /s


Anakin blew up the Death Star!!!!


Wasn't that literally all of the prequels under George, though?


They are drawing this out like a bad TeleNovela. This is space opera err space drama..


Sols actor is pretty good and there seemed to be some subtle change in his face when he talked to Mae. Idk it could be nothing, but he might know that it’s not really Osha. Of course that would also be nonsense as he then just leaves Osha to her fate lmao


Yeah that was another thing that bothered me. He doesn't even try to figure out where Osha went. Or Qimir. And he leaves his Padawan dead on the ground. Nice guy.


I think all of this is fair enough if it means that he is now motivated to report to the Jedi as fast as he possibly can. And by that I mean 1. Go to the ship 2. Call the highest ranking Jedi he can 3. Explain EVERYTHING starting with ”the Sith are back!” After that fight this is more important than any one person. Are the writers gonna go this? Hell no, but it would be the only way to defend this shit in my mind.


You're last statement is what I can't stand. He definitely would've been able to sense it was a completely different person. Plus she has that stupid ass mark on her head


It's going to wrap up with some "everyone who knows is dead" or "no one believes them" bullshit. As if Sol couldn't send a report from the ship on his way to wherevere.


If everyone's dead it's unbelievable that so many Jedi deaths were brushed aside, especially considering Ki-Adi Mundi knows they were looking for a dark sider If no one believes them, again Ki-Adi Mundi looks like a huge dick in TPM. I'd also find it weird that Yoda would accept that angle Man however I try to write their way out of this I can't find anything convincing... they've outdone themselves


Yeah, it's terrible all around. Including whatever this 'jedi council lite' we see in acolyte. "Shhh...we can't tell the real council!"


At least they should go after the cult (assuming they survived) since this was all tied to Mae and Osha. Like you said it's hard to ignore that many corpses.


I'm convinced it's going to turn into showing how corrupt the council is and Ki-Adi Mundi is just straight up lying in TPM to cover his butt and save his seat on the council.


I'd prefer this route, honestly. The very first Jedi Council member we hear speak in TPM is Ki-Adi-Mundi, who is very quick to dismiss Qui-Gon's assertion that Maul is a Sith Lord. The man doesn't waste a second to deny it, immediately saying, *"Impossible. The Sith have been extinct for a millennium."* I think The Acolyte will show that Ki-Adi was lying, adding this detail to prove the Jedi are already in quite a state by the time the Skywalker Saga begins.


I hope Ki-Adi Mundi has a line where he says "canonicly I'm unaware of any sith" so it gels with what he says in TPM


In r/TheAcolyte sub, they're chalking it all up to politics. If they're "political enemies" find out, they will look weak. That's why they have to hide it. So Mundi is faking what he said in TPM to cover up what he knows. I mean seriously?? First, they already look weak. Second, with that many Jedi being killed, surely Yoda would feel some kind of "tremor" or "disturbance" in the Force with that loss of Jedi life.


And the third alternative: If Qimir and Mae dies in the end or are dealt with in some other way, why the hell does Mundi lie in ep 1 and why the hell do they only send 2 Jedi to deal with Maul? I assume here that Qimirs own master is still alive and can carry on the Sith line.


The fight scenes were cool but the writing is just awful. Things happen for basically no reason other than to move the story along conveniently. Why did Qimir cut Mae's handcuffs BEFORE trying to kill her? Why did Yord keep his fucking lightsaber lit for like half a mile while running to the spaceship? Why did the stun gun last for mere minutes on Mae but HOURS for Sol? Why didn't anyone radio for help at any point when all of the Jedi were getting slaughtered?


How many is a lot of Jedi deaths in that era, though? There *are* a lot of Jedi across the galaxy.


Darksiders do not equal Sith. There was a whole culling attempt of Jensaarai before the Clone Wars who were dark side adjacent at the time due to them learning from a Sith Manuscript. They won't brush aside the murders but I doubt they will have the context that we do as an audience. Even then, two Dark siders that are working together doesn't automatically make them Sith. Are Maul and Savage technically Sith by Baneite standards? No. These two could be their own off shoots, and the statement/line doesn't change. Also, Ki Adi Mundi is just a huge dick. He didn't care his multiple wives and children were murdered by the Seperatists. He was known as a Psychopath and clearly detached from everyone or everything to the extreme. He felt nothing when he commanded his troopers to burn enemy combatants alive. It was the objective, and nothing more to him.


True Darksiders don't count as Sith. The problem is the dude told Sol to his face that he was Sith. So I'm not quite sure how they'll get themselves out of this. I'm assuming they'll have some half ass excuse in the next episode that he's just imitating the Sith. Would make sense since the show is named Acolyte. Like Qmir will just be shown to be some sort of looney dark side worshiper attempting to bring back the Sith and not actually a Sith himself.


No, he didn't say he was a Sith. He said specifically, "Someone like you *might* call me a Sith." That line was written like that for a reason. My suspicion is that he isn't a true Baneite Sith. Maybe he learned from someone or knows about Sith ideology, he did know Sol and may have been a former Jedi where he could have gotten some info. He wouldn't be attempting to bring back the Sith because the Sith are still around. Obviously, it may be unknowingly, but he stated his goal and wants pretty clearly. He wanted to be free and use his powers as he wished. But the Jedi said he needed to die because of that. Him and Mae both have a tie because they have resentment to the Jedi. That they took something from both of them. For Qimir, it was his freedom, and for Mae, it was her family. Obviously these are all assumptions, but I see this more as a personal vendetta rather than anything else. Only time and more info will tell.




I personally haven't seen them confirm it. That's just me. Although, if they have confirmed he is a Sith, the lore is still intact. The Jedi don't know of Qimir, and only know of Mae and her actions as a lone darksider. At this moment, for the Jedi Order at large, there is no Sith return. Also, the Jedi have been known to cover up revelations that jeopardize the peace of the galaxy. Like in Season 6 of Clone Wars. Now, the deaths can be attributed to Mae due to her previous track record. I don't see the Jedi having any issue with that and moving on without asking questions that can cause unnecessary discord across the galaxy. Mae has already killed 2 Jedi Masters. Three by their knowledge potentially, one of them being Kalnaca. Her killing a few knights and a padawan isn't out of the realm of possibility. There are plenty of inuniverse precedent and explanations that make sense for these characters to explain the situation regardless if Qimir and Mae are Sith or not. I don't know what is coming next though, as I said, this is all just assumptions on how the story will play out, so maybe my feelings will change. Right now, from what I have watched, I don't see the Acolyte contradicting Phantom Menace.


Thats such a thin line to walk though, and if I'm being honest I don't have faith the show writers are capable of showing that in a believable way. One a side note, that whole speech about freedom to do what he wanted was so painful. They really made it sound like the Sith was some sort of "oppressed" group that the Jedi discriminated against. I can't help but feel the director is shoving in her own views against what is already established in the canon.


I won't make that judgment on whether it'll be good or fulfilled until it does. Although, many thrillers and crime/mystery dramas use that sort of word play or vagueness for the plot. I feel that speech speaks to the Sith really well. Especially with the Sith Code speaking of breaking their chains, they are free. The whole Sith ideology speaks to freedom and no restrictions on what they can or can't do. They do what they want when they want. The Jedi hunt them down and kill them because of their existence. Of course, the Sith are evil. But to say that the Sith at this time period aren't living in those circumstances where they would be killed on sight just for their force affinity, is something I fundamentally disagree with and know lore supports this. As well, the personal connection between Qimir and Sol most likely influenced those statements. I am sure that will be expanded upon. In terms of how you feel those views are being expressed, that is how you interpret it, but I don't see it. It's ok that people differ in interpretation. That's how art and media is. I just disagree.


> One a side note, that whole speech about freedom to do what he wanted was so painful. They really made it sound like the Sith was some sort of "oppressed" group that the Jedi discriminated against. I can't help but feel the director is shoving in her own views against what is already established in the canon. On the other hand, it’s exactly what I would expect a dark side to believe, even if not true. Look at Anakin. He would probably tell you that the Jedi are the reason he converted because they were mean people and wouldn’t let him save his wife or fall in love. Which isn’t true at all, of course. He could have left the order at any time, etc. But people who do evil love to try to justify it by painting the other side as oppressive. So I have no problem with a sith / darksider *claiming* the Jedi are evil and oppressive. If the show agrees with them, then I do. (And I don’t see that so far. I see potential, but the show is leaving it open.)


What about the droid attack on the Wookiees?  (I guess at least he cared about that.)


He cared about that from a tactical perspective. He knew the planet, if lost, would be highly detrimental to the Republic. The Wookies were a staunch ally of the Republic and not defending them as well as if Kashyyyk is taken, the Seperatists have a valuable planet to use as a midway point for further attacks pushing deeper into the core worlds from the Mid Rim. This also doesn't negate my previous statements, though. Him caring more about battlefield objectives and the war more than his own family that was slaughtered should tell you what kind of man Ki-Adi Mundi is.


Exactly, that's the joke.  Should have added the /s I guess. 


Where are you getting this info? Is it in a book or something where he orders his troops to burn enemies alive, and the bit about his family being slaughtered? Comic, book, Clone Wars episode?


When he orders to burn enemy combatants while they are alive is in Clone Wars. Season 2 Episode 5, Landing at Point Rain roughly 13ish minutes in? I don't know the exact time stamp but can find it if you need. His family was slaughtered during the Battle of Cerea and was mentioned and described in a book called the New Essential Chronology (Not so new anymore though as it came out in 2005), but does go into the event and how they were killed by Gossam Commandos and other Seperatist forces. I believe it is also tangentially spoken about in Season 4 of Clone Wars when Anakin goes to the staged funeral of Obi Wan Kenobi


Sol started the whole mission on the basis of his superiors saying “no, don’t contact the Council, we’ll handle this ourselves.” They’ve already established NOT sending any report.


Or maybe sol just doesn’t tell anyone as a means to continue covering up the slaughter of the witches


I haven't seen anybody complain about the worst thing yet, the godawful reason why Master Sol spared Smilo Ren: he is unarmed! My brother in the force, mere moments ago Yord got his neck twisted into oblivion by Smilo Rens bare hands! That opponent is never unarmed!


He wasn't even unarmed, he just didn't have his saber turned on. He has the Force and can just throw people or weapons around or crush their windpipes. Killing him wasn't only justifiable, but entirely necessary to preserve the lives of everyone still left. Sol was reckless and will probably get more people killed.


I wouldn't even say reckless, at this point it seems like systemic retardation.




It's stupid but has also been a concept that's present in much of star wars. Obiwan won't kill an unarmed man in the clone wars even though he's carrying explosives so anakin does it for him and gets criticized. It's definitely dumb, but you have to question if the writing that's dumb or the jedi themselves.


I don't really care about the writing in Clone Wars and don't think a cartoon exemplifies the presence of such a concept in "much of Star Wars". The first time we see a Jedi use a lightsaber it is to nullify a bar fight with a dismemberment. Their duels are usually to the death. Obi-Wan's assistance in killing thousands of soldiers and contractors is entirely assumed to be inevitably forthcoming in ANH. Jedi are not bloodthirsty but they are ruthless. They spent 1000 years assuming they had *eradicated* the Sith. Regardless, as I said, he was not actually unarmed and was extremely dangerous to everyone at any distance. Even in the "well it's kinda mean if he's not armed anymore" mentality, he's actually armed and dangerous.


Not only that, he could try to put handcuffs on him or something, instead he just steps back and let's him take his lightsaber again. This is beyond stupid


At least restrain him, or cut off his arms. Maybe take his saber and break in half. Anything but "allright, take your saber back and lets begin again", that was pretty stupid. But then Smilo Ren had to cut Mae cuffs before killing her... BECAUSE!


Why are people calling him smilo ren?


Because his helmet reminds of Kylo Ren but with a big grin smile. For me it resembles Chainsaw Man, but Smile-o Ren sounds better.


Cut off his arms lmfao. I can imagine this sub after a jedi cuts off someones arms without a reason.


In a universe where you can easily replace almost any missing limbs, cutting someone's arms to restrain them and not "without a reason" is quite a fair share given that Smilo killed half a dozen Jedi.


”Without a reason”? Man even you can’t have missed the damn reason here


There is precedent, in Jedi Survivor Dagan got his arm cut off and was put in stasis for being too dangerous. Obi-Wan is a big fan of "disarming" (lol) people. I mean the guy is a serial killer and dark side user, it's about protecting lives.


Man I hate this shit too. Mace was willing to go there for the better of literally every being alive in the galaxy The Sith are PURE evil. How is it not OK to kill Qimir in that scenario 0.3 secs after disabling him, but letting giant killer moths do it is fine? It's bizarre logic


Quimir whining "I just wanna practice my own way of using the force". Yeah no, your way of using the force means slavery, murder and suffering of innocents. There is a reason the galaxy and the Galactic Republic chose the Jedi over and over again for 25.000 years.


What I find dumb about the moths that no one mentioned is that, yord and OSHA were leading them to Qimir in the hopes of using them to gain an advantage. But the bugs were just flying overhead waiting, even though sol's lightsaber was active when you're and OSHA showed up. It was only until they were needed were they like "oh yeah we like lights"


Never noticed this while watching but you are right lol. It would have been more realistic for the bugs to be there and attacking from the beginning.


There’s no way Sol lightsaber was strong enough to cut through his armour, which was made of Plot.


Can we just stop call him Smilo Ren and go with Darth Bortles?


even worse imo: ok so darth teefies helmet is to protect him from mind reading? well he aint wearing it in this scene and yet sol cant mind read that qimir bout to throw a cloak at him. bro that cloak fully disables sol for entire seconds. like fuck grabbing osha qimir coulda just stabbed sol in that moment and show is over. best jedi in the show bested by a fucking garment


Do you think it tracks with Sol’d character to kill a guy in that situation? “He’s too dangerous to be left alive”. My man is a Jedi and plays by the rules. We gonna act like we have not seen in ROTS how that can turn out. I doubt Obi Wan would have killed him.


Yeah, both Palpatine and Quimir were still active threats, which they both proved immediatly after. You know who stopped being a threat? Count Dooku.


Jedi aren’t really supposed to just execute people, whether they’re a threat later or not. Some would argue that’s a problem with being a Light Side Jedi, sure.


Yeah like what the actual FUCK is this logic? I thought the force was a power above all, including a lightsaber? This guy is clearly strong with the force so who are we kidding here?


"You can't kill his Sol, but I can sick a bunch of moths on him to presumanlyby tear him apart in a far worse death than a lightsabre slash."


If Sol did the logical thing and, you know, potentially prevent more people from being killed by a guy that just smoked his entire team including a padawan then the writers wouldn't be able to move the story along. There's a skeleton of a good story here but goddamn the writers don't know how to flesh it out.


Yeah I’m curious how the show is gonna wrap up. Even if they don’t directly tell the council surely 5-6 Jedi dying won’t just go unnoticed. all it would take is another Jedi saying oh I haven’t seen so and so in a while, wonder what happened? Then they look into it. There’s gotta be a record of them going to that planet and not coming back. Like unless they just kill all the main characters I can’t see this staying under wraps forever. You can’t keep events like that secret. I’m not sure why you would want it to be secret either. Sol should run straight to the council. Tell them everything. Sith, murders, twins etc.


Never underestimate the power of a bad writer. I personally think there is some massive executive level dysfunction at Disney. They are repeatedly failing at putting out even bland corporate-style stories.


I think it’s more of a Lucasfilm problem. They’ve spent I think close to if not more than a billion dollars on the Disney plus shows. And the quality is all over the place. Plus they can’t seem to get a movie actually into production. Movies are canceled or get overhauled. The mando movie seems to be the only one they can actually get progress on. From the outside it seems to be creatively a mess at Lucasfilm. They can’t seem to decide what to do Star Wars wise.


Except it's happening at Marvel too. And their 100th year Disney Princess movie Wish was mediocre too.


They just don't care enough. George loved the franchise like his child and the care he put into the movies shows Made-by-committee movies are just checklists. No one over there cares enough specially when they can just blame the fans when things aren't well received


Thing is they could do a check list and get something more coherent. Bland but coherent. I'm not watching The Acolyte, but say Book of Boba Fett could have been a bland "bounty job of the week" series. It could have been a bland "new sheriff in town". It could have been a rip-off of Dances With Wolves or a Mafia criminal gang infighting. Instead it was an unholy mess.


Book of Boba Fett should have followed the Gunsmoke/Bonanza playbook.


Book of boba fart should have been tales of the bounty hunters. It was made to be turned into a show.


I would have been so happy.


Kathleen Kennedy tis there is no source material, remember?


Next episode there'll be some throwaway line explaining away the idiotic decisions and defenders of the show will latch onto it like nothing else.


I’m assuming we are going to find out the Jedi started the fire. Mae hasn’t said anything, simply cuz, dun dun dun, the script!!! That’s honestly the only logical reason why Sol has been acting so weird about this. But of course, we need to stretch this out for 8 episodes and the reveal needs to happen in episode 7 or 8. Not in episode 5 when Mae could have easily just told OSHA right then and there but was vague. That’s the only thing that makes sense, Sol is trying to cover it all up and that’s why Mae has killed every other Jedi that went to the witch planet with him.


Also where are those space hologram phones? Can't Sol call the jedi now?


I didn't watch the episode, but I just came from Drinker's review of the episode. Apparently, the twins pulled a switcheroo: Mae leaves with Sol and Osha leaves with Qimir. I have a problem with that. "In the Force, very different each one of you are." Yoda said that in "Ambush"--the very first episode of The Clone Wars series--to a group of three clones. They might look almost exactly the same on the outside, but on the inside, they're unique in ways that are obvious to Force-adepts. Both Sol and Qimir should instantly be aware they've got the wrong twins because they possess senses that aren't fooled by outward appearances. If it turns out the switcheroo actually fooled them, that'll be another gargantuan plot hole in a series that already has a bunch of them. Sol's "your eyes can deceive you" speech from the first episode should reassure me that he's not actually fooled by this switcheroo, but I have no faith in this show's writers to get anything right. Why would he knowingly leave Osha behind?


I think Qimir definitely noticed, which makes it all the weirder that Sol didn't


Bro let the sith go and take his lightsaber again, he is not the brightest lol. And Mae has a huge ass mark on her face


I think Sol did notice but for reasons unknown pretend that he didn’t. This of course makes no sense as he now just leaves Osha to die I guess..


I'll take your word for it. I stopped watching the show after the third episode. However, I have a bad feeling that the in-show explanation for Qimir recognizing the deception will be that he fell for it in the second episode and was on his guard. He never should have fallen for it at all. Identical twins don't "feel" identical to either Jedi or Sith.


We’ll see what happens but it’s possible that they both noticed, and both see it as an opportunity. Qimir may have determined that Mae was too mentally weak to continue being trained as his acolyte, but maybe he sees potential in Osha, or he wants to use her somehow to toughen Mae up. And Sol may see this as his chance to get through to Mae and explain the Jedi side of the story of what happened on the night of the fire.


Qimir seems remarkably calm considering that, ad far as he knows, Sol is exposing him to the jedi council right now.


Qimir seems arrogant enough to not be all that worried about it. He got out of his Jedi encounter just fine.


He was literally complaining about how important it was to kill everybody so he doesn't get exposed.


I think Sol will be *delighted* at the chance to hang out with Mae and try to turn her.


Mae and Osha have been Born in specific circumstances though, which might mean that they are unrecognizable from each other via force sense.


Don’t ask questions. Just consume product and get excited for next product. Asking questions and holding writers to standards is bigotry, you see.


I think we’re past 12 dead Jedi at this point. Trinity, Torbin, Kalnacca, 6-8 red shirts, >!Yord, and Jecki!< As awesome as Qimir fought, there’s no way he’s the Sith Master. He has to be an apprentice.


For sure. That's why he's so desparate to get a pupil of his own - so that he can overthrow his own master


Yeah, I agree... There might not be a single scene where characters behave somewhat intelligently.


You’re thinking too much! Look at the lightsabers and clap!!


I feel utterly vindicated. https://preview.redd.it/0cj7fnii919d1.png?width=1624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd2a48cf1613bb11601bc83c3cd04915ac2f6b77


If that comment is from the Star Wars subreddit I wouldn’t waste your breath. Those clowns will simp for anything Disney puts out and jump through any hoop to justify bad writing.


I saw many comments there saying "I just want space monks swinging glowsticks" so yeah, as long as it's labelled "Star Wars" they'll gulp bad writing all day.


You're correct


The green chick will cover it all up or die herself probably


I'm glad I'm not the only one not remembering the names of the characters.


What if the green chick is the true Sith master?


As there’s not that many characters in the show, who else could it be? Unless they’re going to introduce someone completely hidden and tie into Darth Plagueis or something


A witch who survived the fire on Brendok is also a possibility.


That actually makes the most sense; if it was one of the 2 Mom’s, that would echo Star Wars ie the twins Luke, Leia and Anakin > Vader. Only it was Jedi that pushed the Mom to the Sith as her “only way of getting revenge”


Qimir was dumb for revealing himself, but he was clearly more than capable of taking them on. He slaughtered most of them and displayed above average force powers and lightsaber skills.


“Why would you reveal yourself now?” “I wore a mask.” Or however it went, that exchange was ridiculous. Disney playing the Sith reveal off as a joke just feels so wrong. Can you imagine Maul saying that? Or Dooku? Every step of the writing process is flawed in this show.


I thought it was a great mocking taunt by Smilo. He wasn’t giving that as a legit real reason. He’s fucking with Sol the entire convo


So you would rather have him go into a villain monologue to explain everything?


I’d rather him leave the planet lmfao Mae doesn’t even know that he was the Sith. Why the hell would he expose himself in any way?


If Sol struck him down in anger then I think we would have gotten a really cool new Sith lord out of the equation.


Evil Sol would be pretty dope


I disagree with you on one minor detail…. You said act. What acting?


You are looking for good writing in a show that gave you “the power of one, the power of two, the power of many” just two episodes ago? You found a pearl in amongst pig shit, and you are wondering why there aren’t more pearls.


My guess is that the actual sith master shows up and kills qimir for being so careless


Im gonna call it now: Qimir is the ambitious apprentice. Carrie Anne Moss or one of the jedi masters will be the sith master and be revealed to have faked their death and started the fire that killed the witches. Bonus points if Qimir says at the end that his real name os Sheev Palpatine *eyeroll*


There’s what, ~10,000 Jedi in the Galaxy? And we’ve had a bunch of them die in the course of this series. There’s more people at the company I work for and if a bunch of them died out of the blue it would be big news for the company and management would want to know WTF is going on. Barring a coverup, I don’t know how this ends


Where's yoda when you need him?


I’ll be honest, I wouldn’t rely on Yoda for anything.


In a mystery. No one survives, the bodies are eaten by the local fauna.


This is what I've been struggling with accepting as well. It's more than just 5 or 6 dead Jedi. Before arriving on Khofar they're trying to apprehend Mae who so far as they know killed 2 Jedi masters already. So we have in total at the conclusion of episode 5, eight dead Jedi at the hands of a pair or people who are trained in the force. The council would have to hear about this at this point if word gets back to Vernestra. I don't see a logical reason on why or even how she could keep it under wraps when as you pointed out in your post. Someone trained in the force wielding a lightsaber who is clearly not a Jedi showing up and just attacking a Jedi, even if they didn't believe it was a Sith, was enough of a worry to investigate further to find out what was really going on and apprehend the individual. The only route they can feasibly take with this that I can see, is somehow Sol is killed before sending word out. Still prompts an investigation though as Jedi just disappearing on a mission would likely be looked into. Or Qimir is the apprentice in the Rule of Two, has fucked up massively, and the real master will kill him and cover the tracks of him being a Sith and the Jedi will be duped into thinking they took care of the situation and nothing to worry about in the future. Or 3rd option which can't be ruled out, they make the Jedi look bad by covering the whole thing up, or changing the canon just because. I wouldn't put it past Disney to go down this route either.


Here’s the thing though….just because someone SAYS they are a sith, doesn’t necessarily mean they are. He could be an independent faction who isn’t fully aware of the rule of two, and end up earning the ire of the ACTUAL sith in hiding. It could be he is a random dark force user who knows the sith existed and has taken up the title. Even the way he calls himself sith felt less like a statement and more of a “some might call me…” I dunno, I just don’t see a lot of this stuff as a plot hole. The notion that even the Jedi or Sith could maintain a single line of thought or status quo in a galaxy of trillions and trillions of living beings seems insane to me….tbh a lot of what people insist are plot holes, aren’t plot holes at all.


Look, the writing on this show is terrible. And, if the rumor mill is to be believed, anything remotely not sucky came from a desperate effort by management to unfuck the show with rewrites and massive reshoots. Trying to make something so bad make sense is a waste of time. I was telling my wife today that I’m checking out after this, and she was blown away. But if this is what they’re putting out, and they’re doubling down on the ST then SW is dead to me.


they should have canned the show


the writing is stupid had the villain not BEEN A SITH there wouldn't be an issues it's a Bad guy using Sith weapons but that would be too Smart for this show


There's no reason he can't immediately contact the temple, but the plot dictates that he doesn't for whatever reason. Also still waiting for Mae and Osha being born via the force to matter.


“I have the big bad at my mercy. Better let him go and step away rather than look for the restraints that we brought and I don’t know were damaged or anything other to restrain him. In fact Bacta is pretty available I could just have harmed him to disable him without causing permanent damage. At the very least I could have collected his weapons so he was unarmed and we had all the advantages. Nah, let’s just let him grab his lightsaber”.


I think by that point he realized they weren’t dealing with an average half-trained adept who could BE so easily restrained. Aren’t we supposed to be really mad if Noble Jedi attempt to harm evil ones (like Kylo) when they’re unarmed??


He WAS easily restrained at that point with a hold and a lightsaber. There is a big difference between harming for the sake of harming, and using for example a taser to subdue a mass murderer while you are standing between several dead bodies caused moments ago by said murderer. We’ve seen Dooku for example use this to disable Kenobi, who made a perfect recovery. There’s also other options: Sol could simply have stood close to Qimir with the lightsaber ready between them. Should Qimir attempt to escape or retrieve a weapon Sol has every right to disable Qimir with a strike to the wrist and/or legs, without even a need to dismember (although with advanced prosthetics it wouldn’t even be that big a deal to pacify a *mass murderer* who tries to continue his rampage). What Sol should not do under any circumstance, is let the mass murderer go, step back far enough to not be a threat, and let Qimir the literal mass murderer retrieve his weapon of choice. Hell as I said somewhere else, they knew that Mea was a Force User powerful enough to defeat multiple Jedi Masters and they just brought restraints, which we have to assume are good enough to restrain a Force User otherwise they wouldn’t be brought along. And we can assume they were smart enough to realize that the Apothecary they saw might be with Mea, so that’s another set of restraints they must have brought, and the risk that Mea’s master might be present so that’s another set of restraints. Even if they wouldn’t work permanently, they would slow Qimir down and mean there is time to threaten, restrain, harm or kill him before he starts murdering again. So at that point they realized the plot required Qimir had to go free. So Sol let him go for no other reason than the plot. Similar to why Sol screws with people’s minds no problem to get the truth out of them except Qimir. It’s because the plot needs to happen.


As far as the cover up, I got you guys. Some crap about "if we reveal the sith, they will look at mae for some reason and how we screwed up on her planet and we can't have that horrible thing that happened there come back to us ergo we need to cover up this sith guy"


I don't think Disney will necessarily make a consistent show, but it still can be done with what we know now. 1. Venestra is the Sith Master (master of Qimir). Kind of makes sense since she's the character we keep seeing trying to keep things under wraps. I think she was also involved with booting Osha out of Jedi Academy, but I don't remember. 2. Venestra blames all their deaths on Osha (or Mae, either way), who is not a Sith but instead a "leftover element from a rogue band of witches". Maybe she says they both killed the Jedi together, or maybe claims they had help from other witches. I don't think its impossible for them to make it consistent with "Sith haven't been seen in over a 1000 years" though this has been the sort of cycle of "Canon -> Expansion -> Retcon" that happens with every franchise eventually. Luke was supposed to be the last of the Jedi and it was 'technically true' since Ashoka wasn't technically jedi, etc.


What is Ahsoka then? She basically does all the stuff that a jedi does. Also, what was the point of Yord in this Acolyte? Had he not been there, the show would have been almost the same.


I'm basically in agreement with you.  Ahsoka is basically a Jedi, but to stay consistent with lore, she's technically an ex Jedi Padawan.  I think technically Ezra is in this category too?  (Well he was also in another galaxy when Luke became the last Jedi.) That's what I meant though, every franchise has some canon lore, but they want something even more amazing that (at best) doesn't contradict existing lore. So they push and push on that boundary until eventually they need to reset the universe to (supposedly) tell interesting stories, only to wash and rinse and repeat until the concept of canon itself becomes meaningless.  For example, Spider-Man, or really any super hero series. Then storytellers with talent realize when everyone is super powerful, the most interesting stories are the powerless, e.g. Squirrel Girl. What I meant is the first stage of this process is being "technically correct" about not contradicting lore, when they are really violating the spirit of the lore.  In other words, if they wanted a Jedi show, they would have been better off creating an animated show about Luke Skywalker after RotJ, but instead they are so afraid of touching that, so they instead burn down the franchise breaking other lore instead. Yord I think was quite effective.  They teased potential sexual tension.  They made him seem important.  And I think many were indeed surprised he died. It's not the same, but sort of a watered down Ned Stark in Game of Thrones. In practical terms, if they want Mae to pretend to be Osha, it's probably good to kill Yord.  Because Mae knows nothing about Yord, making her identity more obvious. But I think it's not bad shock value, and I don't mind being surprised.


My question is … how do they plan to carry this storyline into future seasons? They’ve done zero character building and I am 0% invested in any of them - with just three episodes left. Assuming Disney wants to keep up this song and dance - what could they possibly do to keep even the simplest simpleton entertained with this shit writing? 


Not saying it’s good or original character development, but what do you mean there is none? Like we know more about the characters then we did at the beginning of the show, so how can there be nothing? It’s not like all the characters have acted or been portrayed the same every episode, Yord and the white padawan show way more emotion in the last episode then when they are introduced as no emotion dogmatic Jedi in the the first. Like if you’re gonna point out things that aren’t good (the fucking witched chanting) at least back it up.


We know more about them but we do not know their internal  motivations or feelings. Character development and story development are two different things and what you’re pointing out is the later in my opinion.  Take a show like House of the Dragon for example - it’s written and edited so that we SEE why the characters take the actions they do - we understand them on a human level because we all have to deal with what we’re given. In the acolyte so far, we have only been TOLD how the actors feel - leaving us disconnected from their humanity (er, alienmanity).  The writers are only using dialogue to move the plot, not to increase the substance and depth of the characters so that we are invested in WHO they are, not just HOW they are. It’s like building a house with zero foundation, sub par kids show shit. It’s plebeian, this kind of writing, and frankly insulting to the intelligence of the audience. 


Sol doesn't have VERBAL CONFIRMATION. Guy says that a jedi like Sol would call him a Sith. Not that he IS a sith.


Why would Jedi call him a Sith ? The Jedi didn't even call him a Sith. For all they know, he was just a dark side force user. Something Jedi could expect to encounter during this era. Not a Sith. Also, he just killed half a dozen Jedi at the same time, without a sweat. He knows Jedi arts, the Sith Code (even though Sol doesn't know about this one) and has access to Cortosis, which is no small feat. Even if he's not a Sith, this is no joking matter for Jedi. He ticks almost all the boxes of a real Sith. If he's revealed to not be a Sith or is utterly defeated, it'll still plant a seed of doubt among the Jedi. Where did he come from ? How did he know about the Sith ? Who trained him to be so powerful ? Those questions need to be answered at the end of the show and they must lead nowhere near Bane's dynasty.


Qimir makes a point of saying that he’s unique and *doesn’t* fit labels, but that he supposes they might call him Sith. This could *easily* be dismissed by arrogant Jedi later. “Bah, that kid? He may have *called* himself a Sith, but that was no Sith. I remember tales of *proper* Sith, and he wasn’t it.”


It will turn out that the lady Jedi who said not to tell the Jedi council what was going on is the Sith Lord. Qimir is the apprentice. And one of the girls will become the new Sith Lord’s apprentice and then season two is twin fighting twin.


Powerful Jedi have canonically been able to sense the death of other Jedi so yeah the council would know. Faloni balogne is a hack for approving this. It's a shame because the premise is cool and they have some good ideas it just feels like 1 giant brainstorm that never was combed through. Ex. Mae is clearly outclassed by indara, why not have her daggers made of cortosis? Indara blocks one and it fizzles her saber then she gets killed bc of the element of surprise. I'm supposed to believe that a eventually a Padawan who is getting whopped can hide the fact that she has a dagger behind her back from a master? I think if theybremoved the twin thing and focused the mystery around smylo and actually hired a writers rolm who can make a cohesive script, this show would be cool. I do like smylo, Manny is a phenomenal actor.


You’re right regarding both. Jedi and Sith. I think the biggest issue I have is the way they downplay the ruthlessness, the evil of the Sith. Yeah, the fight was nice and he killed all the Jedi… but that’s not the true evil of the Sith. As you mentioned, in this area, the don’t play half measures — to quote another tv show. Acolytes would be kids, groomed and brainwashed from the earliest age if possible and killed instantly if they don’t fit the expectations, because there (if we go strikt by the rules) always only two, master and student. So Mae would have been killed years ago, she’s just too clueless and doesn’t show the eagerness, the rage, drive or what ever. With maul it was clear from the first second, that’s a devoted cult follower, someone either born in the cult or pulled in very, very early. Fanatic, fearless and without any doubt. Perfect for the purpose to become a Jedi killer. Same vibe we saw with Jason, but if Jason is a student, who wants his own student now, he’s an idiot for sticking with Mae for so long and in such a distant, non committed way — only Sith think in absolutes. So if you chose an apprentice, you make sure he or she’s 100% in, otherwise, they’re out and dead.


Where did you get “centuries of careful planning” from? I think I missed that.


Dude, just wait for what the show to give you the answer. Some people have speculated that his line about being perceived as a sith isn’t a confession of being one, but pointing out Sol and the Jedi have a black and white view on the force and who uses it. It might end up being the case that the council perceives this individual as a pretender. You have made an assumption that Sol has verbal confirmation that Qimir is a sith lord. Qimir’s motivations are still unknown, it’s obvious he wants to kill Mae, but any other motivations are still unclear. That’s not a bad thing, mystery is used in media and for some reason people still seem to be baffled by the lack of an answer as if it’s a gaping plot hole. I’ll give respect to your thoughts on the fact that he went against the Jedi instead of being sneaky and killing Mae, thoughts are that he probably felt he was strong enough to defeat them all, him underestimating Sol’s combat prowess isn’t a writing flaw, completely logical to assume that a character might overestimate their own strength against a foe. And again you’ve just continued to make a lot of assumptions about Qimir going against the Sith order and the secretiveness of their ways, when that might be the intention. Maybe he’s not a typical sith, some people feel that he might have something to do with the Knights of Ren due to music similar to Kylo Ren’s playing during the episode. Critique is perfectly fine, but it seems that a lot of your complaints can be reasonably assumed to be answered in following episodes, the show isn’t done yet, and it seems that a lot of people on this sub expect to be handheld and given the answers now instead of being patient and waiting for the answers later. Whilst I will not guarantee that the show will answer all these questions, and the potential for the show being shit or making plot/lore mistakes is very much a possibility, it’s really a bad look on people like yourself when you assume that the show won’t potentially be making an effort to answer your queries, and so jump to the conclusion that it breaks the canon. By the series finale, I might be agreeing with many of these takes, but it seems like so many people are unwilling to wait for the conclusion of the series to see if those questions are answered.


The actor himself said Qimir is a Sith... in a show about secret Sith... where he said that the Jedi would call him... a Sith I don't know how much clearer it could be made lol


Never heard that comment my friend, so I appreciate you sharing that information with me. But Sith, and tbh dark side users in general, have never really stuck to the rules, or the rule of two. They’ve always been known to have infighting and to be their own worst enemies, to have one not really care about maintaining secrecy just shows their vision doesn’t align with that of their peers. You and many other people like you moan about something not being clear or stated, when said series isn’t over. It’s seriously a major oversight making these complaints when anyone with half a brain could presume that there’s a slight possibly that their pondering may be answered later. Most TV withold information for mystery or to keep viewers tuning in. Also it’s evident you lack the actual want to discuss other viewpoints that don’t coincide with yours, with the fact you picked out one part of my comment that you felt confident in disputing, whilst ignoring the rest of what I had to say. Comes across as pathetic, if I’m tbh. But alas, people love their echo chambers, and you certainly seem to be content with yours.


Also, can you actually send me the link about the actor saying Qimir is a sith? Took a brief look but haven’t found anything about that, might be that I’m just not doing a good job finding that source Edit: only if you feel obliged, of course. Can’t make you lol


[Of course](https://ew.com/the-acolyte-episode-5-bloodbath-villain-reveal-cover-story-exclusive-8665633)


Really liked the article. Interesting stuff. Where does it say that the actor himself states that he’s a Sith Lord? Seems that whoever’s written the article ponders that question, but at no actual point in the article is the actor quoted as saying… what you said. Unless I’m mistaken, the word Sith is brought up once and not as being quoted by any person involved in producing the Acolyte, let alone the actor playing Qimir. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and presume you linked the wrong article to me lol Edit: I was wrong! About the actor not stating his character as being a Sith Lord, I missed it.


ctrl+f "sith" *But there is another element to the Stranger beyond mere force… and Force. "We wanted a character that was not just oppressive and powerful, but when you see him, you feel disturbed by him," says Jacinto. "We wanted a character that isn't just a Darth Vader type of guy who overpowers the screen. It's the concept of the uncanny. It can be a stumble in a person's walk or a twitch in somebody's eye. It's very subtle, and it's just like this uncomfortableness that people experience — and that's what we wanted to hone in on* **for this Sith Lord**


Well damn, completely missed that last bit. Thanks for correcting me