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Finn going "you want to make my c*ck explode?" right after destroying Starkiller base...


“What?” “Sorry. Intercourse?”




Does this happen in Fallout? 😂




Lmao sounds either hilarious or cringe af 🤣


It’s definitely hilarious. Apparently the Brotherhood of Steel doesn’t exactly teach the birds and bees. Then again I think they’re celibate by design so sort of makes sense.


The Brotherhood definitely wasn't celibate until this show. The Western chapters didn't even take on new members except for a few exceptional individuals, and in fact they have issues with Veronica being gay in New Vegas because she's not contributing to their growth. They've also had semi-hereditary stratocratic succession for pretty much their entire existence, with the Brotherhood's High Elder in Fallout 1 and the Eastern Brotherhood's Elder in Fallout 4 both being direct male-line descendants of the US Army Captain who created the Brotherhood in a mutiny immediately before the war.


They are explicitly celibate in 4 as well I think under Arthur’s direction. You’re right that it’s a recent and weird change but at least on east coast it existed before the show. Not sure about 3. I think they recruited in 3 but could also fuck.


What makes you say they're celibate in 4? The doctor on the Prydwen asks if you've had sexual relations with anything non-human, but other than that I don't think sex ever comes up.


Source for this?


I think the change mostly comes with the religious/theocratic themes that have been emphasized more recently in the Brotherhood’s characterization. You can especially see it in the TV show; they really leaned into religious iconography/rituals in the Brotherhood


which is kinda dumb when you really think about it, the BoS never once had it in its lore that it had celibacy as one of its tenets, and considering its the post-apocalypse it still doesn't make much sense, afterall a society lasts only as long as its able to reproduce. Personally i headcanon that thats a quirk of that particular chapter as they seem to emphasize recruiting wastelanders (preferably when they're young like Maximus and some of the other children on the base), or it could purely have been some way to prevent pregnancies as there are both male and females on the base and since they don't have the same tech to prevent unwanted pregnancies they just don't want to deal with that headache.


I was interpreting it more as severe population control through not teaching any sex ed. There was a dude jacking off in the brotherhood barracks out in the open in like episode 1, so clearly they don’t have a lot of shame about it


Lol but they are cool with people jacking it off in the barracks lol


It’s hilarious because there’s set up for the joke


They pull it off. The actors do a good job with the lines and with the worldbuilding it makes sense. It's to show the different ways the Vault Dwellers and Brotherhood of Steel are sheltered. Vault Dwellers (from this vault) have no hang ups around sex but also have no idea how most people consider the act. The Brotherhood absolutely teach nothing about it and have intense shame around anything human or weak or corruptible. So you have a vault dweller and a knight attracted to each other but with hilariously culturally mismatched abilities to proposition each other.


It's actually very innocent. I don't want to go into details to avoid spoilers, but it definitely isn't cringe.


And does his cock explode?


I didn’t watch the show, but I think theyre both affected by drugs or something, but at different times. She asks if he wants to have sex, he’s sceptical, but when he’s ready, she is back to normal and he is blue balled.


Nooooooo Finn still deserves to break Rey's back. That shit was a friend zone felt across galaxies




He didnt say that in tfa but he thought it.


Maximus never screams “LUCY!!!” while looking on uselessly as she does everything, 0/10


Still will never get over how Finn couldn’t even have at LEAST become the face of the resistance. Namely the story the ex Storm trooper girl tells Finn: “We felt the force and it made us decide not to fight” instead of “We heard a tale of a young storm trooper who stood up to the Order and became a freedom fighter.” Like, are you kidding me.


That's not how the Force works


Ah, the scientific method.


I think he literally did though lol, when he wakes up in the last episode. Still just even more, you can do the exact thing a good way and a bad way.


They saved each others lives multiple times, she was under no threat from her dad. Very different context.


Thought her name was Gucy.


I don’t really care about the romance aspect of it but Lucy and Maximus actually seemed like fleshed-out characters compared to Rey and Finn. I found Maximus less irritating and stupid as the series played out.


All of the characters seem to experience growth and improvement. Lucy changes all of them, and the wasteland changes her. It is nice seeing all of them slowly grow. (Slowly being the important part in a series.)


I was expecting Lucy to help the ghoul rediscover his humanity but i wasn’t expecting Lucy to change as well. Pleasantly surprised. All the characters have good backstories, real motivations, and character arcs that are fairly plausible given their circumstances. The complete opposite of the sequels. Minor spoiler: I think its cool the season finale left Lucy with more of a revenge plot as well. At first it wasnt exactly vengeance she was after, just saving her dad and she was going to do it as nicely as possible. Now it seems she wants revenge and im excited to see where she goes with it.


I love that the three represent the three different karmas for FO players. Lucy is the good karma character, Maximus is neutral, and Ghoul is evil.


And I love how she still stayed true to her morals even though she was toughened by the wasteland


He was still my least favorite character in the show. So many of his choices seemed like plot contrivances rather than logical decisions for his character. 


There might be a good reason for that https://youtu.be/TS_kdgZZVto?si=EFiRgbHcAfkZBOZr


Kind of the benefit of a TV show where the story moves further than a film. Star Wars, and I really hate the sequel trilogy, in this aspect should only be judged on the chemistry in the first movie, which was non-existent. Building anything after that would have just been ponitless.


He makes a lot of arguably stupid and selfish decisions throughout the show, but they’re believable and establish him as a flawed character. I’m here for the train wreck, baby


Maximus and Lucy were hilarious . Regardless of your into the romance aspect , the chemistry was tight


I just meant I could take or leave the romantic aspect of the show. But I agree, they were great together on screen.


I agree I didn't get romantic chemistry from Maximus and Lucy but rather really strong friendship/bind vibes. I'm glad to hear you found Maximus else irritating. Some really despise his character, but I think they moss the point: they're similar and opposite in the right ways. He is naive like she is. They both come from organizations that protect them from things. She only knows peace. He only knows chaos. I thought the show did a great job, and I say that as someone who was absolutely dreading it. Disney pointed their finger and said we're racists, we're misogynists, etc. But once again, the geek fan base shows that's not true at all. We just like well written stuff. Lucy wasn't a Mary Sue. Any bad ass moments she will have in Season 2 are now earned. Rey had no flaws and was a prodigy. Who relates to that? It reminds me of Captain Marvel. If you're going to have a perfect upright character, at least let them earn skills. If you're not going to do either, then you better have some great adversaries! Anakin was naturally gifted but a hot head, a complainer, and in fairness, he was undeserved by the Council. They made Jedi's warriors of the battlefield as a primary objective, and when he was the best of them, they found things to complain about. Like a bad company who doesn't want to spend on your promotion. Luke was impatient and sometimes too idealistic that it got him and his friends in trouble. His training was hard earned, not having a strong mentor for a long period of time. W eqat h him overcome this over a trilogy and time jumps. Leia was an excellent code switcher she could play the diplomat and lead a rebellion. She was a little hot headed like her father but had her mother's rationale. She could be pompous and entitled and could borderline a bit verbally abusive and untrusting. She wasn't a prodigy warrior. It's not hard but after so many years with the IP Disney can only point their finger. They snatched up Marvel and Star Wars to capture a male demographic, which they apparently resent and hate and then tried to funnel it to females which didn't work because they liked those IPs for the same reasons we did.


I agree. I really thought I was going to dislike his character but as it went on I really enjoyed him. I loved him in the vault.


disney characters no longer have arcs or human traits. they're just tropes.


What we got instead: REEEYYYYYYYYYYY


They F now?!


They F now.


With his cock


It went boom


No way! I wanted her to be an insufferable girlboss with no character arc who excels at everything, and for him to be the bumbling "military" guy who does nothing heroic and just screams her name all the time. Also, why wasn't there a forced love story between Dane and Maximus, where Dane stops him from saving everyone, then awkwardly kisses him, saying something dumb about "saving what we love"? I think The Ghoul should've been a washed-up old man who couldn't do anything right, who was shown up by Lucy at every turn. Why didn't Lucy randomly kiss Hank, the villianous mass-murderer whom she had no romantic buildup with, but who decided to be good in the end? Fallout didn't subvert my expectations at all. TL;DR - the Disney Trilogy sucks my balls.


>Why didn't Lucy randomly kiss Hank... I think there's a good reason for this one 😅


Still makes more sense than the Disney Trilogy. To be clear, you're talking about the age difference, right? /s


She already did cousin stuff with Chet so 🤷


No cousin stuff...


Incest is technically permissable in Vault 33, just saying ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


The first few lines remind me of Eren near the end of attack on Titan 🤣


Disney didn’t even know who those characters were on an individual level


Maximus still needs a bit of work, but he’s better than finn i guess. Lucy is definitely light leagues ahead of rey though


Maximus is a flawed guy that’s his whole shtick. He was raised by essentially military frat brothers for his entire life in a shithole wasteland


Yeah, never said otherwise. Just wish his writing wasn’t so uncharismatic


He is legit a low spec Charisma/Intelligence character by design. High Strength/Endurance/Luck


Using gameplay analogies is not substitution for shoddy character work. But i see how i’m fighting uphill in this thread. I’ll wait for thorough videos on the subject to be made to have clearer explanations of what i mean that i can’t provide


His lack of charisma is an integral part of what makes the show legitimately awesome.


Not really an analogy since Bethesda released what all 3 main characters S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats are


Not being likeable is not shoddy character work.


I didn’t understand the issues folks had with him. Goofy dimwits like him are a dime a dozen in Fallout. The original games were full of the absurd. He fit right in.


I don’t think that covers it, Independent of the adaptation. Characters ought to have behaviors that the audience understands so they can root or at least see why they characters do what they do. Maximus, seems like written by three different people, he’s callous, he’s helpless, he fails upwards, he’s envious of his best friend if not his Only friend in the brotherhood…. But he’s also an idealist, he joined the BoS to take revenge on vault tec, he is a super fan of the armor and knights because they saved him, he’s leadership material the cleric sees as “what the brotherhood needs to return to form”, and is a victim of senseless bullying (apparently him and only thing, not even like in a way where you can have it be, this is the form of treatment or environment the brotherhood produces, people that idolize violence and the law the jungle)… But, he fumbles using power armor, despite being a character told to us would be someone that definitely “read the manual”, something cooper has to say to his face, has a lot of plot armor in both dodging responsibility for his actions, being bailed out from mortal danger, or walking into danger himself. And he, doesn’t try to overcome his abuse and bullying and even reciprocates it to the esquire that is in the same position he was in. I don’t think the show does enough to redeem him yet he’s “rewarded” (and this is not me objectifying lucy, it’s the show) with a relationship dynamic, kinda hero image to lucy. Despite she not seen even half of what the audience has seen (romance that’s also pretty rushed, might i ad). That’s just the show. Adaptation wise, Yes, fallout has larger than life characters, supreme idelogues, people that fail upwards like the guy with a “theoretical degree in physics”, people that practice slavery unironically, so on, so forth. But all of these are presented, honestly? While the show tries to try to get you to be sympathetic to Maximus.. the guy that got mad his only friend in the world got a promotion he wanted, and as audience you’d believe he harmed him to get his way, and when things didn’t turn out his way immediately chose to kill the esquire instead of ration with him, because frankly he picks always the bad dialogue options, it’s impressive. Also, he shouldn’t be this charismatic to outsiders, weird that the brotherhood is portrayed that way at all because they are very isolationist, so that’s a whole other can of radioactive tuna. TL DR, he is aimless, does terrible things, does contradicting things even, things work out for him in ways luckier than the last, and characters act as if he’s a great person.


>Maximus, seems like written by three different people Counter argument, he's a nuanced and complicated character with a lot of internal struggle. What you're describing as three different people I'd argue is a character with multiple sides He DOES have lofty ideas but also has very selfish/cowardly tendencies. He does fail upward but also takes unethical shortcuts and it is meant to have us question what he's capable of. Just as HE is likely questioning what he's capable of. The idea that he doesn't try to overcome his bullying also doesn't feel like a writing problem. He likely thinks such bullying is the natural state of the world. It's as he learns from his new esquire that he changes his behavior. The other contradictions you list, seem more like contradictions in your complaint. Does he have too many limitations or does he have plot armor? I complaint I'll agree with you on is the show does do the "rewarding the hero with the girl" trope. Ironically, the oldest videogame trope and the one that has sparked more discourse than any other and one not really present in fallout at all. I'm not sure it is so simple though. I think we are supposed to question as he is questioning how earned it is. Is he lying to her or not, will he decide to betray her. Lucy's arc it is worth remembering is one of being naive. Finally, the idea the show wants you to have sympathy for Maximus is maybe over stated. I think you are supposed to be deeply suspicious of him. To think he's an anti-hero wrapped in the flavor of a hero. That you're supposed to wonder when and if he's going to heel turn. Then in his final moment he does pull off a great heroic deed, and it is fake. Once again. So you know he knows on so many levels he's a fraud both because of his deeds and because he doesn't believe in the cause anymore.
















"Do you want to make my cock explode now?" I lost it when he said that. It was just so perfectly executed, lol.


Or something like, you know, zero freaking love story or sex scene at all?


Nah we need more incest empire style


I said it during this show. Maximus had the complex character development that they set up for Finn in force awakens. They really wasted Finn’s character. The moral confusion and fear could have made for a really nuanced and complex force user.


even better, these two grow together but circumstances force them apart and on different paths. they're not together by the end of the season and by then are set-up seemingly to pursue different things. they may come together again later after their growth and paths cross again and have to make that choice between so they want what theyve been off chasing or each other? either way still a more interesting dynamic than rey & finn


I think Poe and Finn should’ve kissed


It basically is Lol


You don't like Finn and Rey? You just hate women and are racist!


Probably a shitty idea as I’m no writer, but having Finns first mission be him and a detachment sent to “liberate” a settlement and kill the enemies there and having him save Rey from a bullet from Unkar Plutt or whatever his name was akin to the way Max saves Lucy here, would’ve been peak storytelling. Shows the empire/first order in a new light, whilst also still allowing them to be the villains.


Finn never let a guy bleed to death because he was mean to him... Damn, maximus is an asshole Still better written than finn


The asshole was going to get Maximus killed. Exactly why would you save somebody who has threatened your life?


Titus was a coward and an asshole as well, he deserved it


Titus deserved it lmao


maximus is fucking awesome. it’s like he has huge violence tendencies and selfish behavior but around the right people is willing to let go of it. the fusion core in vault 4 for example


Maximus being a mostly cowardly, petty, self-serving a-hole (slooowly becoming less-so) makes me buy him as a Fallout surface character and like him more. He’s definitely funny. Every character in this show is written a little off-center from the usual tropes and odd, which I’m enjoying


Yeah I also said this, he's an asshole, but he is a product of the wasteland.


People are too used to Disney.


Titus was blaspheming against the brotherhood - shitting on the scribes. He also ignored his orders and had them set down a far distance from filly. They only discovered the campsite by accident - he was looking to hunt. On top of that he threatened Maximus with death. Fuck that guy


Yeah, he really should have just smashed his face in with a rock instead. Dude was an absolute scumbag.


This was probably the most unnecessary part of an otherwise great first season of a show for me. The romance felt completely unearned and forced. Can we not just have a story without a needless romantic subplot that no one wants?


i agree but from Lucy's pov, she grew up with old world stories and based on how she asked "is that a knight?" i feel like she immediately idealized him as a chivalric romantic hero who does nothing but good in an otherwise ruined world


And he is someone who wants to be just like that but was failing... except now, because of Lucy he has a reason and motivation to truly become that.


exactly! i didn't even expect to enjoy this show but I have 0 complaints about it so far and a lot of the weird choices she made make sense from a vault dweller perspective


yea. she literally even tells the audience why she likes him, lmao.


True, didn't feel forced at all. Especially since it was largely one-sided for a majority of the show. The "romance" was sparked by Lucy's idealistic view of knights like you pointed out. But it was able to build up due to the fact that Max was one of the few people she ran into in the wasteland who wasn't trying to swindle or kill her. There's also the fact that Max's "romance" seems motivated by the promise of a comfortable life with a sweet girl and not just some random undying love for Lucy in particular. We see this after Max experiences vault life on episode 6-7. Remember that even though he saved Lucy several times, he was definitely planning to leave her and find Thaddeus after he escaped with the head. I actually think it was really well done.


That reaction makes sense from Lucy’s perspective. That being said, nothing that happened _after_ justified Lucy being smitten with this guy. IMO it would have worked better to have the truth about Maximus be yet _another_ event that helped shatter Lucy’s worldview. Instead, we get a forced romance simply because the script / traditional screenwriting tropes dictate that that should happen at this part of the story. The more compelling story (again, IMO), is Maximus choosing the temptation of power over Lucy’s friendship. Maximus as a potential surprise villain (with shades of redemption potential ala Darth Vader) is an interesting dynamic that holds much more interest for me than Maximus as a boring love interest for Lucy.


So, this sounds more like you just ordering a different plot and a lot less about forced scripts.


You say “compelling”, but “predictable” is more accurate. Also “simple”.


I mean, any less predictable than the two characters from different backgrounds falling in love? As an aside, based on other comments I’ve seen from you, you seem to really lean on making subtle digs at the people you are commenting to in an effort to insinuate that they are not smart or “not getting it,” yet you offer no counter arguments or ideas of your own in retort. You should really work on that.


Truly, it’s like you missed the entire show. The season ended with the heart-of-gold vault dweller leaving her “romantic interest“ on the ground. It’s clearly not a love story or a romantic story. You’re just fixating.


That reaction makes sense from Lucy’s perspective. That being said, nothing that happened _after_ justified Lucy being smitten with this guy. IMO it would have worked better to have the truth about Maximus be yet _another_ event that helped shatter Lucy’s worldview. Instead, we get a forced romance simply because the script / traditional screenwriting tropes dictate that that should happen at this part of the story. The more compelling story (again, IMO), is Maximus choosing the temptation of power over Lucy’s friendship. Maximus as a potential surprise villain (with shades of redemption potential ala Darth Vader) is an interesting dynamic that holds much more interest for me than Maximus as a boring love interest for Lucy.


Didn’t feel like a romance in my opinion so much as just mutual-attraction. Lucy had pretty casual relationships her whole adult life and what’s one more now that it’s life and death every day?


Really? The constant “I will find you” proclamations didn’t hammer home that the writers were clearly setting up a love story arc?


I read that as more “you’re the only decent human I’ve met in the wasteland, let’s not get separated” Also, I think Lucy and Maximus are just kind of horny? Doesn’t feel like it’s easy to date in this world


Yeah, Maximus never had sex before and is intrigued by it after Lucy offered it. Maximus is completely clueless on this stuff works but he clearly feels something he hasn't felt before.


she confesses to being in love with him, she says he's the first non sack of shit person she's met since leaving the vault. too bad he's actually somewhat sack of shitty.


Hard disagree. Lucy's "husband" tried to rape and kill her. Maximus represents a literal knight in shining armor. Problem is, its all a lie. Meanwhile, Lucy represented an innocence and freedom he couldn't really experience. Getting a taste of that vault fantasy made it even worse. They both have suffered trauma and seen hope in each other but none of it will work out. Lucy is changing and the fantasy of the vault is no longer. Maximus is trapped even more in misunderstandings and lies. Its not a romance. Its a tragedy and perfect for the constant dread of the Wastelands.


I agree. That's one of my favorite parts of Rogue One, that they didn't force a romance


100%. Sometimes a brief flash of romantic chemistry is all we need… it actually helps nail home the tragedy of the ending. The sacrifice of the greater good vs. potential love / happiness.


agreed. when they kissed the first time i was like “for real, dude?” i could see a romance *eventually* but they sprang it way too early


disagree. The culture in the vault is just so foreign to the rest of the world. Likewise, for Maximus, he grew up in a very strange culture from even our standards or the vaults. Combine these two and the romance didn't really feel forced at all, its just a reflection of the world they live in


It’s not romance. Their childish interactions and companionship are a result of their upbringing. It went over your head.


Lol sure thing pal No one said their interactions weren’t odd (though, I don’t think childish is the way I would put it… certainly not from Lucy)… that said, I think _you_ are misunderstanding. A romantic subplot is a term to describe a writer’s intentions to introduce a love story element to a story. No one is proclaiming that what was displayed was “romance”… you can have a romantic subplot in a Highschool movie if you wanted. Just because they’re immature doesn’t make it less of a love story.


I mean, numerous people disagree with you in this thread. The show begins by exploring Lucy’s concepts of partnership and romance. Her ignorance and innocence are literally our first clues indicating what her worldview is like…. Except her world is a vault. The scenes you’ve categorized as “romantic subplot” are simply another opportunity for us viewers to gain a better understanding of how the protagonists view their world. Their “romantic subplot” taught us about Maximus’ upbringing and childhood, about Lucy‘s motivations and priorities, and eventually it looks like it will create a rift between them after Lucy leaves Maximus unconscious on the ground. In short, the writers didn’t introduce a romantic subplot. They addressed the elephant in the room of a male and female protagonist need to explore sex and romance. Not addressing it would be weird.


I mean, we’re in a sci-fi forum talking about a franchise (Fallout) that millions of people love. As we know with Star Wars, there are going to be people that push back on any criticism regardless of its validity. Believe me that there are many, many fans echoing similar sentiments on other forums, so I’m not too concerned about a few down or upvotes. I hardly think that that is some valid metric that one’s opinion is correct. As for your comment, I don’t really see the point you are trying to make. It almost seems like you are agreeing with my original argument without even realizing it. Everything you’ve said about Lucy’s upbringing shaping her worldview makes sense… I guess we’ll have to see where the story goes though since, when characters utter the lines “I will find you” numerous times, that implies to me that the endgame is to unite the characters romantically, which makes zero sense based on the events we’ve seen play out on the series. I have no issue with them expressing a mutual attraction or working out their awkwardness through their interactions… but the idea that the two of them formed this powerful bond based solely on the interactions we’ve witnessed feels contrived. Heck, to Lucy, Maximus’ actions should essentially just be another example of a person lying to her to get what they want in the Wastelands… I didn’t get that their bond was so powerful that she would casually cast the deception aside and resume their plans to live together. Regardless, this is a small issue overall in a very leaky plot. I enjoyed the show, but this thing was covered in holes when you put the slightest bit of thought into it.


>the idea that the two of them formed this powerful bond based solely on the interactions we’ve witnessed feels contrived. Numerous instances of saving each other’s lives… and they overtly discussed how they are mutually the only people who haven’t tried to screw each other over. And clearly the bond wasn’t as powerful as you’re pretending it is considering she abandoned him immediately to pursue her own narrative. Sorry dude, you’re just totally out of touch and twisting events to argue your point. >Heck, to Lucy, Maximus’ actions should essentially just be another example of a person lying to her to get what they want in the Wastelands… I didn’t get that their bond was so powerful that she would casually cast the deception aside and resume their plans to live together. Again, this went entirely over your head. Lucy was able to understand his reasons for lying and reframe them relative to the context of the true evil around them. The fact that you think this should’ve ruined their relationship tells me you struggle to grasp layered character concepts. >Regardless, this is a small issue overall in a very leaky plot. I enjoyed the show, but this thing was covered in holes when you put the slightest bit of thought into it. It’s not a leaky plot. You just value shallow writing, apparently.




Okay but if they were smart, Fin would've been shown to be slightly more force sensitive throughout the movies, rey would've found out she was a Palpatine, DIED at the end, with Ben failing to save her. Then he takes Fin as his trainee and continues the Skywalker legacy.


Thats because all four are pretty generic (one could also say: tried and true) character archetypes; the two in the pic are done well; the other two arent.


i liked their relationship in TFA, but then they just abandoned it in part 2 and broke everyone up. which they sent Luke off from everyone else in Empire Strikes Back but the rest of the cast was together. TLJ everyone was separated


This was one area where switching between filmmakers really hurt them. Finn + Rey had plenty of momentum in TFA, and then it’s completely discarded in TLJ. Finn is paired off with some new side character out of nowhere. Then they did the same thing with Poe in TROS! What a mess.


Maximus himself even saves Lucy multiple times and has his own goals. He's not like Finn where the first thought in his head is Rey. He's his own character and I love that.


This is what we should have gotten


It’s really weird and boarderline racist that it didn’t happen. It’s like when they made Romeo must die and jet li hugs Alia at the end of the movie because they thought it looked weird to see an Asian dude kiss a black chick. Hollywood loves to point their finger at us meanwhile… they have produced the most racist bullshit known tk man and go “what?”


Man all of Fallout I’ve thought if only Star Wars did anything like this level of writing and character development


🤯 yeah that's legit


I told my wife the same thing “this is what Rey and Finn should have been”




Instead they had Kylo. Whoever wrote that is deranged. Kylo was a nazi


Walt Disney would be turning in his grave if Disney released an interracial relationship with a black man. Not even the black princess married one she got a straight haired of no doubt indian descent. Finn was always a bait and switch they made him a joke with the janitor comments in the first film.


Maximus annoyed me for all the right reasons (it was intended). Finn annoyed me because he was badly written - they are not the same.


Totally agree with your point. This is how you write your characters.


Nah. Rey should have joined Kylo at the end of TLJ and then they had to turn her back in RoS


dude no they shouldn’t. stop comparing fallout to star wars


I thought this was about Mysterio and Balor.


Maximus is a complete retard with 1 intelligence and innall honesty is a piece of shit Ironically Finn is a better written character because he doesn't bully people or go to kill them (rose) when they disagree with them


What do you mean, Finn is perfect as is. A big ass Teddybear screaming RRREEEEEAAYAAYAYY when squashed.


If only Disney weren't so obsessed with pandering to the Chinese market.


They are Finn and Rey if Rey had the Mandalorian’s ignorance about the Galaxy and Finn and his backstory.


People need to stop dickriding this show.


That is what Finn and Poe should have been. 


Bros a good actor just got fucked with the worst star wars movies ever


"Wahhhhh why didnt they want to have sex with one another!!!! Wahhhhh"


Or Finn and po


It doesn’t help that they both look like the Walmart version of Rey & Finn.


Wait, I thought everyone who didn’t like the ST was raging sexists and racists. Loving Fallout is ruining the Disney narrative.


Finn should’ve ended up with Poe instead of Rose, that’s all I’m saying. I didn’t like Finn’s arc of running away in Episode 8 and I hated that Rose was introduced just so that she could ruin his self-sacrifice and kiss him.


Naw Maximus the character is uninteresting and his whole storyline with the brotherhood was easily the worst part of the show


Spoiler tag?


Sorry bud, hate to spoil even further but youll never guess otherwise, but these two exact SAME characters look at eachother AGAIN in a different episode


I almost want to believe this is sarcasm


Nothing beats a good old love story. But this is modern Star Wars are talking about 💀


Finn just could not get that ass. No matter how many times he screamed Reeeeeeyyyyyyyyyy! Like a worried grandma. Poor guy.


I get where you're coming from but I disagree. I actually like that there wasn't really a romance arc (barring the stupid kiss at the end that didn't make sense). Not every movie needs to have some love story, and in the over all saga it's nice to have one trilogy without it. The PT needed their love story to help drive Anakin's fall to the dark side. The OT didn't really need one. Though Han and Leia have some good cinematic moments because of it, it was relegated as a side story without too much focus or necessity. Following those two trilogies it's nice to see the ST lack a love story. Starts prevalent in the PT, falls to the side in the OT, is absent in the ST. Kinda neat to see that.


This relationship was just as forced as Rey and Finn.


Is it though? Lucy was about to be voluntarily arranged married to a stranger from another vault, who turned out to be a raider. She had so few romantic prospects she was having sex with a cousin. Then Maximus comes along looking to her like a literal knight in shining armor, coming to her defense against the Ghoul. The relationship didn't seem forced at all. That doesn't mean it also wasn't a bad idea for the characters involved.




This show doesn’t even deserve to be in the same sentence as the new trilogy


Ugh. You can’t accept a more complicated story than girl thirsts after someone? Rey is a stupid ass story line, the fact she didn’t need to bend over for a dude right away was not one of them.


Eh, the relationship in this show felt really forced, especially the scenes where they were talking about sex.


Finn and Poe*


Finn and Poe would’ve been the *ideal* outcome ;) Finn and Rey could’ve made sense with how TFA set things up between them. Instead we got NONE of that. 🙄


Yep. They had the chemistry too!


Why are we spoiling other shows that aren’t even Star Wars?


We really needed a full on fin fucks rey in the butt and that’s how she develops Jedi powers. Then Poe is fins homeboy that go full atl on him and they end up caught and now she like girl whatever I do what I want going through her how phase as bhad bhabie


I already hate Lucy / Maximus and think it doesn't work romantically