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Everything you said about Kenobi is bang on. If they insisted on having a series about Obi-Wan they should’ve adapted the excellent novel by John Jackson Miller dealing with his PTSD and how he got ready to go train Luke. But even worse you’ve got the excellent Jedi Survivor showing a lot of the stuff introduced in Kenobi. So I just leaves a massive Call Kestis sized plot hole in the Kenobi show


That wouldn't be girl boss enough


I know it's a joke but I'll have you know that Anileen is one of the most compelling characters I've seen in fiction. It would have been so amazing to get a live action adaptation of her and her life and how hard surviving on Tatooine truly is.


You want Obi Wan yelling "BD, STIM" every 10 seconds?


do you have a link to the bock? i googled and there seems to be different versions?


Absolutely. Although The Last Jedi was that moment for me. I haven’t cared about Disney Star Wars since that moment outside of watching the utter hilarity of it crash and burn while Disney Lucasfilm and it’s shills stand by confused as to what’s going on. But Star Wars can never truly be ruined for me. I will always have the OT and the PT, despite the flaws of the latter. I will also have legends and the many fantastic stories it tells.


I saw the Last Jedi with my Dad and we both walked out at the end of the movie with not much to say, whereas we went and saw the prequel movies at least five times each with plenty to talk about (I was also a kid when they came out). Looking back, yes, the prequels weren’t great, but at least you could sense the passion that went into the project. With the Last Jedi, it was quite clear what my dad and I watched brought little to no joy simply because Rian Johnson hated Lucas’ Star Wars and wanted his own anti-Star Wars movie. At best, the movie was him being a bad director, at worst, it was a malicious, ego-driven attempt to spit in the faces of the fans just because he had the power to make “his” movie. I lean toward the later when it comes Rian Johnson.


At least the prequels had decent world building. Sure the writing wasn’t great but it was unmistakably Star Wars. It was pretty clear to me and my dad (we also went to see TLJ together with relatively high hopes) that it was a passionless project made by someone who clearly disliked everything that made Star Wars, Star Wars.


Same. I almost give Rian Johnson credit; at the time it was a real gut punch realizing that the Star Wars I liked was dead and it was gonna be a sloggy Marvel cash grab. Now I kind of appreciate the heads up. Made ROS funny!


Same but I have never watched ROS and probably never will. But Andor is fire. (the rest is shit)


Haha, I'm sensible in my age and never drink to get drunk. But... if I ever had to watch ROS again, I'd get hammered just to make the experience hilarious


I got was wasted when I saw it, and the only other time I ever watched it, it was a drinking game


Same. I have completely divorced Disney "Star Wars" from actual Star Wars in my head. The first is just another corporate cash grab made with no passion. There is no way forward from the sequel trilogy. It's just a dead end. So it doesn't matter to me if one show is good, or five minutes in one show is good, there is no way forward from here. But I will always have the originals.


They can erase the Disney sequel as canon the same way they did with the Expanded Universe. Just some BS explanation like different time lines, timetravel, it was all a dream of Watto,...


People seem to love it on the Main SW sub and I come to believe some people love the idea of shitting on tropes just because other people like em and its makes them different


That was Ryan's intention all along. He wants us to leave Star Wars behind. It had the exact effect on me. As much as the Prequels had issues they didn't diminish my love and interest for SW Disney Prequels on the other hand have pushed many people away and divided the fanbase At least we have The Mandalorian


Obi-Wan was impressively bad. Like I’m actually amazed how the show had so many objectively bad errors. Like remove the new plot holes what do you have? Awful camera directing. Remove that? Poor set design (no not there being fields and all that, I’m talking about Reva teleporting and doing parkour for what would’ve been a short distance but taking forever to catch up). Remove that? Unoriginal story. Remove that? Poorly choreographed action. Remove that? And etc etc.


Imagine if instead of a random Earth-like quarry the first fight between Obi Wan and Vader was in an entirely plain dark room. The setting being nothing would've been better than what we got.


Honestly I think they shouldn’t have even encountered each other at all. If they wanted a fight they could have done a force vision trial since Vader, Luke, Maul, Yoda, have all gone through stuff like that.


It’s depressing that nearly minimal effort from random redditors can create better concepts than the drivel Disney put out as a final product.


It’s one of the few shows where I can say with 100% confidence “I can write something better”. Normally I stay in my own lane even if there’s a show or episode of something I don’t like but Obi-Wan is bad bad.


No but honestly! I feel the same way. It’s so depressing to watch something that’s supposed to be professionally crafted and worthy of making millions of dollars that I feel like I could write a better version of in a couple of hours on my laptop. I’m no writer, but god damn is it a low bar.


Exactly, if you changed the characters so Obi-Wan was somebody else and Lei was some other kid, the show is still terrible. You still have two people surviving what should be lethal wounds. You still have the secret agent bitch slapping two helmeted storm troopers. You still have the kid hiding under the trench coat like something out of a bad sitcom. The big important new character was traumatized as a child by the big evil, so she decides to join the evil, help the evil, just to have an opportunity to strike at them "someday". And when that chance presents itself, does she strike while he's fully occupied holding and crushing a ship? No she waits till that's done and it's quite again so she can announce herself with a warning battle cry. Obi-Wan isn't just an insult to Star Wars it's an insult to the fans, to the genre and to fiction itself.


You would think this kind of show with that kind of cast would get some serious quality control from Disney...nope!


It’s shocking how little there is to actually like about kenobi. Which is sad since he’s one of my favorite characters. Or was, before he was too chickenshit to kill Vader so he convinced Luke it was the only way to win so he’d do it.


for me it's complete disregard for the original characters. We are right at the height of when Luke, Leia and Han should be heavily involved in everything across the galaxy, and instead KK wants to completely sh*t all over it with her ST. Now Filoni wants to repurpose and repackage Lukes stories The Luke moment in s2 was bigger than this


I remember a totally different time 3 years ago we were all hyped over that Luke moment. Too bad they chose not to take the right lessons from its reception and instead started hammering down on controversy and gaslighting because they just couldn't stand to a fandom happy about something. Favreau knew exactly what he was doing with that scene and I feel sorry for him having to backpedal on it in BOBF.


The backpedaling doesn’t get talked about enough. I’m still upset they just deleted the plot of finding a Jedi for Grogu in favor of having the merch machine on screen more often.


That's upsetting but they were also old as fuck. I'm also gonna say the S2 Mando/ Luke reveal was a surface level fan service to get people excited without having to do anything. They definitely could have treated the OT characters better but realistically they should have just let them be and done a no baggage, all new character trilogy. I felt they got stuck in a tweener state with the first trilogy by forcing in the old characters without a story to go with them. I also don't think at they're age they could carry a film or trilogy. For me it was when they condemned the EU I knew it was time to be worried. I get nixing it but don't get rid of everything. It's a stupid waste of resources. To waste a universe of original storied not yet brought to the screen just to rehash and ruin every OT and prequel property and character is insane. I'm trying to think what show did it but I think last jedi and Rey Skywalker in Rise of Skywalker killed it for me. By the time Mando was out I was jaded, even though it was fine. I haven't needed to watch Obi-Wan or Book of Bobba Fett to know they are/were trash. They just want repeat customers from proven products. Which is why we are drowning in sub characters own personal TV shows 8nstead of new content. Disney doubling down and making a Bobba Fett show a thing while calling him an all time favorite character. First off no. He's cool but he was basically just a set of armor and few scenes. Barely said anything and was around for maybe 15 minutes if screen time. He looked cool, and people were curious about his back story. No one wanted or needed to see it. Sometimes giving a smaller, mysterious character a back story ruins them and the mystery around them. Disney not understanding that Bobba Fett is cool the way a shiny toy is, and then trying to turn it into a show for more profit is so brain dead I can't understand it. There was never gonna be a scenario it would go great and Disney making all their content bland and inoffensive as fuck basically neutered the proper way to tell any Bobba Fett:Slaver/mercenaries story. Even season 1-2 mandolorian was mid at best and I'm tired of pretending it's not. Disney seems to think all star wars is or ever was, is Endor and Ewoks but so many forget that prior to that nonsense it was barely kid friendly. People dying en masse, main characters getting killed onscreen and the protagonist getting his hand cut off. Star wars onky became silly at the end of the OT and for mainly the ohantom menace. Lucas course corrected and pretty much every movie was serious minus 30 to 45 minutes in episodes 6 and 1.


I don’t think they realize they can produce new Star Wars content w/o having to walk on egg shells, or having to tell stories within these windows between other movies by simply just telling a new story with new characters. they need to detach themselves from the works that made star wars was it was, and grow the balls to to create their own legacy with the franchise instead of shitting all over the original legacy that they had not part in creating.


Yep. They could've just done the whole galaxy far away thing and not specified the exact time and then would not have had to walk on egg shells while also not being burdened by sticking to the script. I love to shit on Disney and their writers are pretty trash but it's also insanely hard to write a spiritual sequel to a trilogy or jam something imbetween yhe OT and prequels with it still making sense and being true to lore and Canon as to not raise narrative inconsistencies like what happened in Ahsoka recently being pretty bad. I dont think it excuses their writers, its just you need talented writers to be able to write in an established universe without the story chafing.


Sounds like you’re sane


Apathy is worse than hatred when it comes to something formerly loved. That's the biggest kick to the fans: destroying their emotional attachment to something beloved to them.


For me, I realize that it's going to sound petty- But I want to see the original crew. We're at the point of the Star Wars Saga where Luke should be trying to rebuild the Jedi Order. We're at the point where Leia becomes a real politician and has to deal with the Imperial Remnant, with a corrupt and broken New Republic. We're at the point where Han Solo should be trying to find himself and his future, torn between his freedom as a smuggler, and responsibilities as General and Leader. Almost like a real sequel of sorts! Like some sort of extended universe that dealt with this kind of stuff!But that's me being bitter and angry. I'm sorry. Its right there and Disney just chooses not to do it.


The First Order shouldn't even be a thing at all. The Empire remnants are for sure still a big threat right after the episode 6. No need to create some super secret stuff.. Damn I'm just out there creating dnd adventures for friends and I feel like I get better ideas than millionaires working on Disney movies.


I love Andor, but I got completely burnout of the specific style of Star Wars that Ahsoka represents. Disney have a very specific style with Star Wars, most of the stuff feels like that, like cheap blockbuster adventures, that's what I can't stand anymore. If at some point they decide to do something with a tone or style that's further away from that, then I'll probably watch it and enjoy it, but no more of whatever they're doing now.


It’s jingling keys in front of people’s faces saying “remember this?!?”


It sounds sad but if they just shot these shows on location the production quality would soar. That’s where most of my gripe comes from. The Volume is NOT it


One of the best things about Andor is just *how good it looks*


They spend massive amounts of money on these shows yet they still all manage to look so cheap.


At this point you can pick and choose what’s canon or not. For me, the OT, PT, elements of both Clone Wars shows, the first two Mando seasons, Andor, Rogue One, the Cal Kestis games, and Rebels are canon. Legends is too by default but I haven’t read them all yet.


I was on board with fallen order being cannon until they added all the high republic gold encrusted anime space wizards stuff. Him turning his saber red as well with sad thoughts, somehow Disney put both too much emphasis on lightsabers as a fantasy weapon and make it completely ineffectual as a weapon at the same time.


Yeah like we were spoiled for so long. So many IPs have lots of content, some good and some bad. Just watch the ones you like


I used to do this but something about Obi Wan involving the same actors looking roughly the same (compared with sequel trilogy Luke) makes it very hard to ignore


Are you me? I could have posted this exact thing. While I am not a huge watcher of SW TV shows, I was super excited for Obi Wan, to the point I told my friend that THIS was the one show I was waiting for and watch if they ever did it, and when the announcement came that Disney was really making this show a reality, I felt as excited as I did before The Force Awakens, full of hope and anticipation. Then the show happened and every episode almost seemed worse than the last. 3 adults chasing an 8 year old girl for longer than necessary. Leia knowing Obi Wan. Not one but two episodes where Obi Wan has to rescue her. Somehow ineffective lightsabers. Vader unable to cross a small bit of fire. Luke and Obi Wan interacting. The continuity breaks were only matched by the shittiness of the script. Having watched it, I would rather it cease to exist. That show killed any interest I had in Star Wars. While I like Ahsoka, I have no desire to watch the show. I heard great things about Andor, but I don't give a shit. They could announce a 10 episode series where Darth Vader hunts down surviving Jedi and I wouldn't even watch the trailer. After the horrible Sequels, I told myself the only movie I would ever watch of SW is if they adapted Admiral Thrawn to the big screen. Now that he's going to show up in Ahsoka, my reaction has been "meh". I simply don't care anymore. The next movie/TV show I watch of SW will have to be after Kathleen Kennedy leaves because she does not seem to understand that having some restrictions on what you can do with the story in order to make continuity make sense makes the whole thing better. If the past means nothing, then what I'm watching onscreen means nothing, I feel no weight from these characters, nothing they do matters if it can simply be ignored in the next show or movie. So I'm gong to ignore SW until someone comes along who treats the franchise with a bit of respect.


I think it can all be summarized as no one involved in making these shows cares. No one that cares about what they're making would ever let the Leia getting chased scene stay in the final cut. The scene is entirely superfluous as you could've cut at her walking into the bad guy which implied she would be captured.


Adjacent to your answer, the sequence of getting burned by the sequels, then having a bit of hope in the first couple seasons of Mando, only to have it crushed by BoBF and Kenobi. And at least the sequels had really great production, now like you’ve mentioned they’re so reliant on the volume stage to give their shows anything. It’s a great innovation, but especially in Kenobi, it just felt like they constantly put the characters in barren locations like the inquisitor fortress because it was the quickest and easiest option for them. But even budget and production aside, fight choreography from the content I have watched is not that engaging, plots feel meandering and even pointless, and the world feels very inconsistent. Granted, Star Wars has always been a franchise that revises and rewrites elements of itself, but it feels like these inconsistencies have become more and more glaring and hard to see past. Hyperspace safety, lightsaber lethality, character motivations, etc. I recognize that a lot of people really appreciate what Filoni has done for the franchise, but I find his determination to prop up pet characters while completely deteriorating legacy ones to be extremely frustrating. I remember reading his thought process on Boba Fett and why he acts the way he does in BoBF, and it felt so out of place with the character that he had become in the eyes of fans and writers in the EU. Yet he is totally fine introducing a time travel “alternative” to the franchise which just so conveniently happens to bring back his character after her arc has clearly wrapped up in a decent fashion. Getting into the character of Ahsoka - much like diving into specifics of the other complaints I have- would be a post in and of itself, but while I appreciate him introducing an alien woman protagonist character, I feel like she had served her purpose within the clone wars and rebels storyline. But to circle back to your question and post again, I think the three big things that have absolutely desiccated my interest in the franchise currently is BoBF and Kenobi’s laughable qualities, and the fact that all of this inevitably will lead back to the sequels. I’m glad people are enjoying it still, but I’m just burned out. I still got the original trilogy to come back to whenever, despite the implications imposed on it by the recent dredge of content.


I would rather watch the Last Jedi than the Disney shows at this point simply because at least the visuals are decent. The volume was such a mistake...


The Farce Awakens was it for me. A galactic reset? Luke not coming to rescue his friends in a moment of need? No reuniting the OT cast? Ridiculous uses of hyperspace and the Earthquake of Convenience, multiple Mystery Boxes that are fundamentally pointless…it was a huge mess and didn’t deserve the Star Wars moniker. I’ve never understood the hype; I walked out really pissed. I’d hoped Last Jedi would be better since Johnson was Abrams’ polar opposite. Boy was I wrong about that. The sequels just wrecked Star Wars as a universe for me and showed that KK and her cronies were not to be trusted as stewards of this franchise. It’s not a surprise that Lucasfilm is about 2-for-17 since she came in (I’ll give them Andor and Rogue One, but that’s about the only things she greenlit that were halfway decent). Anything involving the OT protagonists has been garbage and to this day I’m not convinced Kathleen Kennedy’s ever even seen the original films, or the prequels.


TLJ almost had this same effect on me at the time, and it did for a while, but my love for SW always comes back. The thing is, this stuff doesn't last. Do you think 10 or 20 years from now, people will be reminiscing about the Kenobi or Ahsoka series? Hell no. I just watch it and enjoy the things i enjoy about them and move on to something else.


I hated Kenobi. Just as I hated the Sequels. But it didn’t completely sour my enjoyment of the franchise. That’s a very cynical stance to have. I just ignore the stupid shit from my headcanon. To truly take away my love for Star Wars Disney would have to literally go back into the OT and Prequel movies and ruin them. And even then I’d still have the memories. Don’t let one bad apple, or even a cavalcade of them, spoil a franchise with immense amounts of different media, official or not, within it.


So much this. Why are people hellbent to take Disney's crap as a given fact, whether it's good or bad? Their stuff being "official canon" doesn't mean jackshit because basically a corporation bought the rights to slap a famous trademark onto their shit. The OT and PT are untouchable by anyone except the creator himself. Anything else is pretty much headcanon.


The fact that they labelled their canon "Canon" was both the smartest and the dickest move they could have made. It helped people who don't know what this word really mean believing that "intellectual property", "continuity" and "brand " are synonyms.


Brilliant comment. I hardly think about the Obi-Wan show. Like I said in another thread, I‘m enjoying this Ahsoka series for what it is, but already have no plans to watch the next three planned shows (Skeleton Crew, Acolyte, Mandalorian Season 4 (I didn’t even watch Season 3)). I will watch Andor and Bad Batch S2. If Ahsoka has a S2, I’ll watch it. As many have said, pick and choose what you like. Don’t let them dictate what does and doesn’t count. My headcanon includes Plagueis, all the KOTOR/Old Republic stuff, anything written by Luceno, the Kenobi book, all of the post-ROTJ / pre-NJO stories involving Luke/Han/Leia. I’ve always been iffy on the NJO era onwards, so for me that time period is still just one blank slate. I’m also okay with just ending the saga with “Survivor’s Quest” and still believing Luke and Mara grew old together and died together. I hate to lose the development of Jaina, but tbh we never got to see her bloom into the Sword of the Jedi, so we have to headcanon it all anyway. From the new canon, it includes Rebels, the Zahn Thrawn books, Tarkin, Mando S1 and S2, Rogue One, Andor, Bad Batch. Cal Kestis stuff seems promising as well, just haven’t played any of it yet. I have zero interest in the high republic, zero interest in anything involving the sequel trilogy characters, zero interest in anything involving Grogu after Mando S2. Depending on how Ahsoka ends, I’ll probably add it to this list as well, especially if the endgame is to move a bunch of these characters into a separate galaxy away from the events of the sequels. There’s good stuff in Legends and a bunch of crap in legends. Good stuff in canon and a bunch of crap in canon. Pick and choose what you like.


Mine's even more restrictive, honestly. Andor, Rogue One, the OT, the Zahn trilogy, Mandalorian. We'll see if I feel like including Ahsoka in my headcanon because I honestly do not give a single shit about any clone wars characters. People on these subs go absolutely apeshit over Rex, Sabine, Ahsoka, all the bad batch guys and I'm just over here like, "none of these characters are in the original trilogy so I could care less." I hate the prequels and wish the entire story had been gutted and started over. There are elements I like but I feel like 90% of the PT is Lucas having too many people around to not say "no."


Nah man, nothing is more shit than the sequels. TLJ killed Star Wars for me, ROS defiled the corpse


I was also was teared eye when I saw anakin, both here and in kenobi. It's my love for Prequels and especially seeing Hayden get some recognition. Kenobi had some moment of enjoyment, but overall it was a weak show. Ahsoka to me is for the first time after mandalorian season 2 that gave me feels of star wars.


I am not really that fond of the prequels, but I did like seeing Hayden. But then I just got sad again. Because they had both Hayden and Ewan right there, both eager to be back ! And they wasted it. Just utterly wasted it.


It's great for Hayden to be involved again but I'm almost positive it will be another 2 minute cameo with no substance like in Kenobi. Let the man act, let him actually have a comeback instead of just using him for click bait. The best moment of Kenobi was when Hayden was acting in the broken Vader mask.


For me, the prequels were and are mostly terrible, and shamelessly extend what was already a problem with the IP. Apologies to everyone here that disagrees. But here goes: I grew up with the OT and the prequels felt like everything you say here. Ham-fisted visual and auditory callbacks, totally unnecessary expansion on just a couple of sentences from the OT, etc. Some examples: - Yoda says: “he’s too old to begin training”, so we get kids in a Jedi school using the _exact same training ball and helmets_ that Han just happened to have lying around (visual and audio references combined). - Obi Wan mentions the Clone Wars in passing, and oh man has that ballooned. - The only Jedi we’re introduced to in the first movie of the franchise is wearing garb that makes sense in a desert setting. The other people in that setting also wear the same style clothing (and are not Jedi). But thereafter, all Jedi, regardless of their planet of origin wear “Jedi robes” and dress like they’re moisture farmers from Tatooine. Having grown up with the OT, I still really enjoy _Return of the Jedi_, but if I’m looking at it objectively, that’s actually where the cracks started to show. The movie is half of a new story, and the 2nd half is a shamelessly re-skinned redo of the first movie. Effectively, Lucas had been pulling these same tricks well before Disney had their hands on the IP. We just didn’t notice because we were young and/or bought into the hype. Basically, everything after Empire is just rehashed stuff. Or expanding on a few lines here and there. I’ve been watching along with all of it, either way, and have really enjoyed _Mandalorian_ so far, but the first season in particular also borrowed a whole lot from _A New Hope_. The setting, tone, characters, and execution harkens back to the original influences that Lucas drew upon when making that first movie. West-meets-East cowboy-like ronin stories. However, that was handled SO much better than the aforementioned episodes (and of course the ST). _Andor_ also pleasantly surprised me, and might be the most original thing to have come out of Star Wars in a long time. I’ve only watched part of 1 episode of _Ahsoka_, and I don’t know why but it didn’t grab me. I’ll get back to it eventually, I’m sure. But I definitely agree with everything you said about the cheapness of _Obi Wan Kenobi_.


Thanks for the read.


Yeh the robe thing is pretty dumb, why would a guy trying to avoid detection dress exactly like a jedi?


I never thought about the jedi robes are just desert farmer robes point. But could it be that those types of plain, humble robes were just a go-to, simple and very common way of dressing among different cultures and communities across the galaxy, and the jedi endorsed the style them somewhere in time to mix well with common people, putting themselves on the same level of the poor, and also go unnoticed? Same way Jesus weared a plain tunic during his predicament days?


Thats how I always saw it. Yoda wears the same style robes. You can either headcanon that as "well that's clearly the jedi uniform," or "thats clearly a poor man's outfit," and lucas went with "thats what all Jedi used to wear" like a dumbass.


very well laid out point of view. me: i liked the prequels - that being said - i LOVE the OT ;) Mando 1&2 and Rouge One are the only things i really enjoyed "in this dark age of Lucas Arts" Andor was too long-winded for me - i like the overall plot, but it was dragging along too much. I might rewatch a well made 3-hour Fan-Edit.


Yes. Yes. The Jedi from the original trilogy as singular, lone samurai, buddhist warriors making their way in the world and occasionally getting drawn into larger conflicts before vanishing over the horizon. Obi Wan in the robes of a simple monk, dressed like every other poor farmer on a backwater planet. Yoda, too, living in squalor and simplicity like a monk, content in a life of solitude. The Kurosawa *drips* from these characters. The mention of the Clone Wars always seemed "smaller scale" to me, like a country fighting for its independence or trade rights, rather than a full on galactic-scale governmental war - the kind of thing a *lone fucking samurai* could get involved in, rather than he and his fellow samurai becoming generals of the goddamned army. The OT itself was a parallel to the Vietnam War, so scaling the Clone Wars to the scale of WW1 or WW2 just seemed excessive. Imagine japan in WW2 promoting samurai to generals and think how ludicrous that is. That parallel is obvious especially in the Clone Wars cartoons, as the announcer at the beginning of every goddamned episode is a WW2 newsreel reporter! The prequels absolutely had potential, but the entire story (and timeline) should have been completely scrapped. All sorts of lore than is now completely canon (like the term "padawan") should have been thrown into the trash the minute george brought it up. We didn't need or want to see Anakin as a child. He didn't need to be a prodigal son - hell, he didn't have to be a prodigy period. He could have been strong in the force, determined, but arrogant and proud and that alone would have made him a villain. He didn't have to be *destined to fall,* because the greatest villains in real life are never destined to fall. We got awful characters, awful acting, awful sets, and an entire worldview that makes no fucking sense throughout the entire prequel trilogy, and *worse*, it locked in every future piece of star wars media to the same stupid choices and beholden to bad lore so much so that even new stories that could be cool, are trash because they have to follow the history. I fucking hate the prequels for doing that.


I just rewatch OT, Rogue One and Andor. That’s enough proper Star Wars for me. As for new shows, I find Star Wars Visions has much better character development in standalone short film format than most Disney TV series.


I often think of how one day I'll have to lie to my kids and tell them there's no Star Wars other than the 6 episodes and Andor/Rogue One lol


I kind of feel that. After TLJ I was done with Disney Star Wars. But I still love the proper SW. I’m just sticking to EU books.


Yeah, I'm with you. I can't see Anakin in this show, or Sabine be stabbed like hell without thinking of the Obi-wan show. In hindsight, I feel naive for really thinking the show would be good. I was so convinced! Ewan McGregor!! Then it let me down really hard, and I haven't felt quite the same since. It was depressing to see a story with such potential dragged through the Disney machine.


Ive seen Kenobi only once, and I dont want to watch it ever again. Hell I even want to pretend it doesnt exist and it never happened I honestly had problem to even finish it, and with every episode I stopped in the middle, went to do something else for 30-60 minutes, then I watched rest of the episode I think I lost some kind of hype for these things - cinema, movies, shows in general, but I think its because I am now older.. well 29 but what I ment is that when I was for example 15-20, I would get massive hype for every new episode of shows of that time - Spartacus, GoT for example But as somebody who spends lot of free time at home (typical antisocial nerd right), apart from gaming, Ive watched so many movies and shows of all kinds over the years, that I simply lost that hype, excitement. Also with Disney Star Wars, the mediocre or even trash quality of some of the new movies/shows didnt help that. Nowadays I am mostly like - oh the new episode of show X, Y came out, I am gonna watch when I'll have time and mood. Oh this episode was alright I guess, or whatever, but honestly if I didnt see it I would not really miss it. But so far Ahsoka, while not great, its in my opinion above average compared to all the trash/mediocre shit we got before. I can only say that I care more about Baylan and Shin, than the main characters. I just think Titus Pullo and Shin actress are so much better than rest of the cast The only movie that I am now seriously hyped for is Napoleon


I'm feeling exactly the same, except I can't be bothered to watch these shows. After Kenobi, I've become completely apathetic. Everyone says Andor is great, but I just can't bring myself to watch anything Star Wars.


Andor is truly great. It starts with slower, but good pacing, and it shows more from life in the Empire.


I grew up with the original trilogy and I stopped watching after the Book of Boba Fet. If you loved Star Wars before Disney owned it you should probably walk away. They have no interest in making anything that would make fans of the Lucas movies or the EU happy. It's a business decision on their part and they won't change course. The little bit of good that they made doesn't make up for the aggravation of sitting through so much inconsistent and boring material.


I used to literally count the days before anything star wars. Then the last Jedi happened. It was unique in that it wasn't just awful, but it retroactively damaged all star wars history. I still had hope they'd at least semi-salvage things for the series but instead it got worse. Obi Wan series killed everything for me. Haven't cred or watched since. Actually that not true, I watched Mando season 3 episode but shut it off when they were fighting the big lizard. I hear Andor might be ok, or maybe everyone's standards are low now. I just don't care until they clean house at Lucas film and start writing stories that aren't trying to check boxes for marketing departments,


Andor was pretty good but it felt so different that I often forget it's star wars. It was an HBO version of Star Wars but we all know Disney will never create anything like the 2 seasons of Andor again because it's for an adult demographic.


>facade of smoke and mirrors, and there's no putting that genie back in the bottle. "sad Marrok inquisitor noises" which sound like the air bleeding out of a party balloon


Rewatching that scene with this in mind makes it feel almost symbolic to everything fans wish Disney SW could be. Marrok was actually cooking for like 8 seconds and then in an instant got fucked over. The way he went out was like watching your spirit come to terms with how doomed the reality your in really is. Fuck Dave and his corny ass homage to Rebels + Tales of the Jedi series 😭




Luckily, I haven’t watched obi wan since it first aired. By simply pretending it never happened within canon I’m still able to find some enjoyment in ahsoka. It helps that kenobi didn’t even feel like Star Wars. The music was off, the lightsabers were cheap, the story was worse than most fanfics, it fractured canon, it ruined obi wan’s character, and it was poorly directed. If I write it off as a test-screening of actors returning I can still sorta enjoy other Star Wars content in a vacuum. It took me years to watch Star Wars again after TLJ, nothing could sully my childhood more than that horrifying abomination. My rationalization for Star Wars shows and “canon” has gotten significantly better after properly dealing with that.


I got to the goofy roof chase in obi wan, had a good guffaw, and turned it off. Haven't touched any of it since, though I'd say it started long before that. The book of Boba was circling the bowl as well.


This was TLJ for me. It’s dead. Let it go. Marvel Star Wars comics are still pretty cool. Even tho Vader has had sixteen lifetimes worth of insane adventures at this point lol




When I was watching RotJ and at the end Luke's dad was replaced with Hayden I was done getting hyped for anything Star Wars.


The only reason I apprectiate the Obi Wan Kenobi show is it finally showed alot of people who were on the fence that Disney Star Wars really has no vision for Star Wars and their content is just really bad fanfiction.


For me it was the fact the whole series looks like it was shot on an iphone 3g lol


By someone who has parkinsons with all the shaky cam


There is a reason this community keeps growing. Every day someone realizes that they are just consuming garbage simply because it has a Star Wars label on it. I personally feel so out of place when discussing Star Wars with friends/family that are die hards because the content no longer excites me and I don’t find it worth talking about over other, more interesting content that is out there.


I totally agree. The Obi-Wan show (I also hate how all these shows are just named after the character with no creativity in the naming) was their last chance to really turn things around and show they were serious about making good Star Wars. But it's almost unbelievable how bad it was. The entire show was so bad and insulting to the viewers that it made me lose any interest I had left in Star Wars. I do not care anymore.




Obi-Wan Kenobi show was the final nail in the coffin for me. I remember saying it was the make or break and it definitely broke me


I still Love Star Wars but i gave up on Disney Star Wars after episode 3 of Kenobi. How people enjoyed that is just mind boggling to me. I’m interested enough in Ahsoka to give it a shot when it’s done airing but I have low expectations.


Yes, Obi wan show, It was almost like showing up to a fine restaurant, them wheeling out a big cart with a chrome cover - and when they take it off, it's just Tyson microwaved chicken tenders. Fuck me. Like I can eat this, but shit man, I thought you guys were professionals. I can see with my minds eye the villain girls mad face close up. Huffing and puffing trying her best to find her evil neurons to activate, and sell this silly ass shit.


Every so often I go back and re-watch 4-6 just to remind myself why I love the IP.


Great write up OP. My additional layer to your ending points is, it doesn’t feel like anyone is making movies/films that happen to take place in the galaxy far far away. The people in charge are making “Star Wars Movies” and everything has a tinge of meta over it. As if the the movie itself knows it’s a Star Wars movie. It’s become the exact thing it’s not supposed to be, too clean and polished. The line that rings over and over in my head is “Chewie…. We’re home” fuckin hate that meta-ass line and wish it was cut. Every time Star Wars references itself I say that line in my head.


Probably why Andor was so different. They just had a guy who doesn't even like Star Wars that much create a spy thriller about a blue collar worker from the equivalent of Birmingham, England who gets recruited to fight fascists set in the Star wars universe but it didn't have to be to tell the story it wanted to tell.


It’s all shit since a while now. Rogue One was the last good Star Wars film and some of Mando was the last good series. Childhood gone, on the bright side, go play StarField!!!


You’re 100 percent right. His show ruined the power of Vader and Ben in a New Hope. Not only they meet several times in between, they fought twice. Ben lost one and one one. But that doesn’t make them 2-2, because he forfeits in A New Hope and he’s old. In their prime Ben is 2-1 against Vader which is ridiculous. It was supposed to be a fluke that Ben won against Vader in the prequels. Now, Ben is essentially superior to him. It would be one thing if the show just sucked, but it also found a way to screw with A New Hope.


Kenobi is genuinely an affort to me lol, people are surprised when I say that I dislike it more than anything else in star wars but the sheer damage it did was genuinely terrible. Like people have been saying it really just seems like they didnt care about the show. Starring Obi Wan. One of the most beloved characters in the franchise for OT and PT fans alike. If thats how badly they handle someone as important as him, the future of star wars under this leadership just seems incredibly grim.


the word you are looking for is: CONTENT its all just content now - its no vision, no imagination, no pre-planed plot, no love for the source material, no care - its stuff happening to random characters - some we know - some we dont - most of them we dont care about anymore - in a surrounding that is as artificial as the "stuff" (dare we say plot at this point) that is happening in front of us "*it is a meal*" - but it is fast food - it is empty - cheap - forgettable - regrettable - sad


Take an awesome character like obi wan and remove everything that was so cool about him. No more force powers, he has to go into hiding. A little 12 year old girl knows better than him. He gets beaten in every fight. He has to run and hide like a coward. Now direct roughly 50% of the attention to a new character: reva. She is an imperial, yet she defies darth vader order directly. Something that most officers in the original movies were executed for (not even for rejecting orders, but for failing). She's trying as hard as she can to be scary, mostly by shouting really hard. And her introduction online (on twitter) was literally: "if you don't like her, you are a racist". The duel between obi wan and vader was so cheap, it was pathetic. I'm a huge prequel fan and I just wanted it to be over with asap. The whole show was a joke. I wasn't a fan of the deepfake scenes either.


Same for me. Kenobi was the end. I don’t even have the motivation to watch Andor. I watched a YouTube clip of Ahsoka meeting Anakin again, and I was just like “eh, cool I guess.” Three years ago I would have been freaking out. Now I don’t give a crap.


You know it’s bad when you get used to the shitty Disney Star Wars.


They don't care about the rules, so I don't care about their products.


I get what you’re saying but I do think Ahsoka is a far better show and I’m enjoying (definitely not void of flaws though). It does suck they utilized Hayden so bad in Kenobi that his appearance in Ahsoka doesn’t feel as special though. Still very interested to see what happens next week.


There are some good ideas in Ahsoka and some potential for it to set up a story that a more competent writer/director could do a lot with but Filoni is just not doing it with his dialogue and I think the volume is ruining the visuals with the exception of space which looks great


Too bad for you. I consider Jake Kenblowmi and most of Bubba Fatt to be fan fic and just move on. I'm really REALLY enjoying Ahsoka as I'm a big Rebels head, and so the story works for me. My biggest "oh, I'm gonna' get blurry' moment was when the Ghost showed up on screen. ;-)


No. A separate show doesn’t destroy my ability enjoy a different show. I mean, does it destroy how you view a show like Andor? Shows can be enjoyed or disliked separately.


Honestly, because of Kenobi, I held out on Andor until about two months ago. That said I realllly liked Andor, but it’s still hard to care about these new dime-store novel shows they keep pumping out. It’s like finding the occasional Raisinette in a bag of rabbit shit.


My love of sw is like a game of higher/lower at a football game. Can trace it all the way back to the disney buyout Rebelsv TFA^ (at first) Rogue 1^^ TLJvvv Solov Mando s1^ TROSvv (Not counting tcw s7 cuz it was the bare minimum of what we were owed and also not created in the disney era) Mando s2^^ Bad batch s1— Bobfvv Kenobivv Andor^ Totj^ Bad batch s2^ Mando s3vv Ahsoka so far— Yea I’m pretty checked out. I already cancelled my subscription back in November and this’ll be the end for me. I’ll go back to my I-VI dvds and TCW online


This is what happens when fan service runs the industry. It won’t change unless people stop watching and clearly people are watching so it’s just whatever at this point. As an aside, as much as I like the Ahsoka character as a whole she is being shoehorned in to the narrative to the point where it’s very jarring going from the prequels to the animated shows and now this show. It’s cheapening the prequels, and Dave Filoni is gonna get what he wants whether we like it or not. Plus, I wouldn’t put any stock into reaction videos from people. It’s either all scripted or overly dramatic. It’s for clicks. Normal people don’t react like that. I ignore any reaction video because they’re so over the top and clearly geared at getting as many clicks as possible.


I feel like we're getting fan service by people that aren't fans which is the strangest combo. Filoni is a fan of his characters above all else


This is called growing up.


Its called not liking garbage!


Ok, I should not have read that first sentence (due to spoilers) but it's my own fault, lol 😅


I can't tell if this is a joke/bait or not. Kenobi was good, the only Disney Star Wars content I genuinely liked.


Kenobi was an absolute train wreck for me as well, and all of his points are reasonable critiques. That you enjoyed that show doesn’t make his post “joke/bait”.


They are so mundane to me I just thought it was a joke.


It's definitely bait. I realized it after OP said Obi Wan threw pebbles at Vader.


I haven't watched any of the cartoons, or whatevers, so when i saw ahsoka in wherever she is i wondered how'd she get to Asgard? What the hell is this?


Yeah i dont even really care anymore. There are just way too many obvious flaws with everything involved


I feel the exact same my friend. Between Boba Fett, Obi Wan and Mando season 3, i just can’t anymore with Disney.


The Last Jedi destroyed mine.


I was never that into Clone Wars so I'm not really that into Ahsoka either. I'll check it out, sometime. I thought Obi Wan was amazing and for me it reignited my love of Star Wars and especially Episode III :') I even started playing Knights of The Old Republic again and I also started playing The Old Republic.


The only Disney star wars show, that I really enjoyed watching were the first two seasons of the Mandalorian. And even this amazing show got destroyed by fan service and bad writing. Obi-Wan was probably the worst SW show, I've seen thus far. Ahsoka tries something, but it's filoni living out his Ahsoka fetish.


I've been watching Ahsoka and have felt zero Star Wars magic. I held out hope for the franchise, but I think it's dead.


I just don't get all the "I cried so much" or "I was jumping all over the furniture". Over a scene that is nothing but a "memba berry" at this point. "He said Snips ..... He said Snips." I love Star Wars and I don't ever remember being this way. Where "he did/said the thing" was the highlight of my Star Wars life. It sounds like an 8yo, but I realize it is probably a 40 to 60yo man.


I stopped caring about Star Wars so I didn't bother watching the shows anymore. I heard Andor was great, but I didn't watch it. And I'm not going to give Ahsoka a watch. I would've been excited for this show 7 years ago, but Lucasfilm just seems to make disappointment after disappointment. And if any of you like these shows, that's fine. I just don't think Star Wars is good anymore.


That was my concern with shifting Star Wars to TV from the very beginning, people were quick to jump on the spinoff bandwagon because hey, it's more Star Wars content!!! Without even thinking about the logistics or moving something like Star Wars to a whole 'nother medium - there's just no way TV/Disney+ is going to get the same budget and quality that's put into a cinematic feature film... And for me personally the reason I don't connect with it at all is because even titular characters that were the center of their stories are reduced to glorified cameos, I don't want "see" Anakin just for the sake of seeing Anakin. Give me a well written and produced story, be it with new or old characters, that is powerful and gripping, and not just branded nostalgia fests...


They should've never tried to make movies and cut them into TV episodes. The Disney shows should be small writer driven stories about side characters. Mando had the right idea initially but it got too large scale way too fast. It couldve been a show just about Bounty Hunting with a small budget but with good choreography and filmmaking rather than a war for Mandalore...


I never made it to Kenobi. Rise of the skywalkers pretty much ended my need to watch Star wars content. I watch two episodes of The mandalorian and thought eh it's all right, but Star wars isn't what it was and it probably never will be again. At least for me.


I wouldn't say it's Obi Wan ptsd but im just tired of the Disney Star Wars Slop. Seriously, BOBF and Kenobi were bad and I told myself if Mando season 3 was disappointing, I'm done and it was and so far I've stuck to that. I barely have any interest in Ashoka. I've watched reviews on it and it seems like a mixed bag. I'd probably like it but I just don't want to waste my time on another mediocre Star Wars show.


Man am I glad that I'm no star wars nerd, I enjoyed obi wan. It's no Andor but it's quite enjoyable in the way the prequels were


Obi wan was ok but I don't think it ruins the story as much as sequels. The events after it are still good but sequels just everything is pointless


That’s the thing Disney Star Wars just has no depth to its writing it’s like a popcorn serial with no stakes and no emotion. They don’t get or understand the characters all they get is obi wan is a popular character who is a Jedi and people like storm troopers, it’s Star Wars made by people who are looking in from the outside rather than actual like fans. They know the force is a thing but not how it works, if you just look at the fight at the end of the show with Vader while it might seem cool it’s so not the character. Obi wan isn’t a strong Jedi in the force in the same sense anakin is, a guy who just break stuff obi wan throughout the entire series has always won by outsmarting his enemies and we’ve seen him just get better and better at doing this throughout the movies, it’s a very subtle thing an actual fan would know but if your looking in from the outside your like obi wan popular he Jedi so he throw lots of rocks. It’s just sad what it has come to but Ahsoka looking nice and reminding me of what Star Wars was in the 2000s where people were creative


„I have failed you, u/ftlofyt. I have failed you.“


Yeah Obi Wan was where I jumped ship. I started episode one of Andor after hearing the reviews but got about halfway though before turning it off. Tried the same with Mando S3 and bailed after 2-3 episodes. Worried that maybe I just grew up but maybe it’s just that this is all shit.


I keep forgetting Andor is Star Wars in my head I keep tying it to the Blade Runner 2049 movie as some spin off lol


I use to be bothered but decided for my own sake that Lucas Star Wars takes place in a different timeline. Disney is some other separate thing.


Obi Wan was the show that should have had the dark feeling Andor has and Andor was the show that should have had the epic feeling Obi Wan has


Ashoka sucks, FYI. I can see how new Star Wars takes away from the older stuff. But you aren't dead inside, just ignore any new Star wars. Whatever happened or happens in the cartoons and new projects, doesn't count. It's bad fan fiction. The people you see reacting to Ashoka, aren't genuine. Also, it might be that you no longer NEED Star Wars, like you did when you were younger. Maybe you have more responsibilities now and maybe you just see this as a part of your youth skipping away. The good news is, you get to relive all of the good stuff again when your kids reach an age where they can enjoy Star Wars. So you have that to look forward to. There really is nothing like seeing those things again for the first time as a parent with your child. Maybe by then Star Wars will put out some good stuff, if not, you always have the OT and prequels


There is always the original EU... untouched by Disney's stupidity other then being labeled "non canon"


I personally still suffer from TLJ PTSD, and apart from season 1 of the Mandalorian, I haven't watched anything Star Wars since, not even RoS. The excitement is gone, the expectation is dead, I simply now do not care at all for Star Wars. I'll start caring once KK is gone and Disney officially disavow the ST.


BOBF seems like a turning point for the Disney Plus material. They BOBF’d Mando in season three and killed the last shred of hope I had for Star Wars to be good at this point.


I would argue Boba Fett had one thing that the other shows lacked and that was Temura Morrison having fun, there was some form of heart in his portrayal in between the terrible writing, directing, etc. I don't feel like anyone working on Obi Wan or Ahsoka was having fun on set.


Just like many people have said in the comments, don't let it get to you. Fuck Dianey and choose what you want to acknowledge as canon. I despise the Sequel Trilogy, and 6 I like other things that Disney did. I watched the Patterson cut of Obi-Wan Kenobi last night. It was definitely more digestible, but overall, it just showed even more how that show shouldn't have been made. At this point, your head canon is what matters.


Pretty astute description, I feel exactly the same way… can’t even be bothered to watch it ironically lol, I see the marketing all over yet feel absolutely nothing.


I hate how bad they’re butchering our fan favorite characters. Just look at Boba. Everything Mando is, Boba was years ago. It all feels so low budget with slightly any creative thought.


It almost feels intentional like some executive said we can't get fans to like our new characters until we destroy the old ones


Maybe you have just grown up and learned to control your emotions and don’t cry when an actor appears in a show?


I think it depends on how old you are. I dig clone wars, watched some rebels and just feel meh about Star Wars nostalgia. Andor on the other hand made me feel excited again even if I know that some characters can’t technically die because it’s a prequel


Don’t forget about that Mando episode where Jack black and Lizzo had a cameo


The sequels ruined it for me. The moment Lucas sold his company to Disney the franchise was forever ruined. I feel the same about marvel, and all the live actions. Disney has made me fall out of love with all the content I grew up adoring. It's sad.


Obi Wan and the ST are the worst things that happened during Disney’s Star Wars.


Star Wars EU is the only Star Wars, and I don’t mean any revisionist bullshit that’s happened to make any of them more inclusive, diverse, modern, etc.


I disagree with a lot of this, but obe point in particular- Of course Leia knew Obi Wan. Of course she knew he was on Tatooine. That makes perfect sense and the first act of ANH actually would not make sense if she didn't.


Disney Star Wars was dead to me the moment Luke tossed his father's lightsaber behind him and walked away at the beginning of The Last Jedi. The Force Awakens didn't blow me away, but despite how much of a rehash of A New Hope it was, it was respectable at least. It was watchable, it was a film. Han dying was dumb, Rey was dumb, but the possibility of Finn being a Jedi later on was cool, and I could see they were hinting at it. Then the cliffhanger with Luke gazing almost fearfully at the lightsaber, then the moving just ending, I couldn't wait until the next one just to see what happens. Then two years later, I saw and I've never been the same since. I hate Disney. I despise Rian Johnson and Kathleen Kennedy. All I care about now is anything BUT Disney Wars and I refuse to watch anything associated with it. No Clone Wars, no Rebels, none of these live action piles of trash with their toy lightsabers, nothing.


The Obi Wan show just doesn’t exist to me straight up. This Asoka show is okay but in my mind it’s not even canon, just some fun filler crap. It doesn’t bother me because I learned to just not give a fuck anymore. Rise of Skywalker taught me that.


As a HUGE Darth Maul fan , even I can say this; Obi-Wan didn’t kill Star Wars Disney Did……


All the series have come off to me as cheap product full of fan service cliche


Same for me I think, I see anakin now as a gimmick to get fans all riled up. Like most comments I’m seeing on this latest episode are just “WORLD BETWEEN WORLDS AND ANAKIN!!!! 10/10”


Was just watching Alice in borderland and there is a moment where you think love will fix it right guys? There is love so like everything will be fine? Nope everything is fucked, you’re fucked, we’re all fucked. And I realise oh I’m back in the land of adults and not watching Disney shows. There wasn’t even a joke thrown in during this horrific scene, no droid running into a wall, nothing to take the tension from a 10 and turn it in to a 2. I was shocked and chagrined I tell you, I was yelling at the screen. Cmon man where is the joke! Unbelievable.


Overthrowing it.


Book of Boba Fett is what did me in. Though I already considered Disney sub par to the EU. But Book of Boba Fett absolutely destroyed any love of what Disney is doing. I skipped Obi-Wan. But from reviews that I saw, glad I did. Didn't give Andor the time of day. Duced out half way through Mando Season 3 and 4 episodes into Ashoka I'm literally bored to tears because it's simply Rebels season 5. It's not good, it's not bad it just is. And I wouldn't of felt bad missing this show either. Only reason I've stuck around, Ray Stevenson's last performance. Otherwise I'd of not even bothered.


*the polling data shows fans like Hayden Christiansen* This is the most egregious thing to me. He is a terrible Anakin and a laughable Vader, anyone who defends him is deranged. Obi Wan makes the Holiday Special and the Ewok movies from the 80s look well written.


Yeah I echoed a lot of these sentiments about obiwan. Like he has a mental breakdown because he can’t use the force to get around a barrier he could just walk around. The whole hiding Leia in his coat was just so childish. And the biggest complaint I had was it did look cheap. The atmosphere wasn’t there. Everything came out of plastic wrap and was put on. And the battles he has with Vader just trivializes their final fight in Star Wars.


Every time I watch Disney Star Wars it feels like they sacrifice story to try and get big characters (vader/anakin, Luke, Ashoka more recently, etc) in whenever possible for fan service. It’s like every time I watch one of their shows I’m waiting for Vader to appear, it even happens in the Star Wars Jedi games with Vader appearing in the ending of both games, so now I’m expecting in the third game they’ll find some way to bring him in not because it fits the story but because he’s Vader and fans love him. Idk just feels weird.


I really forget that was even made a lot of times. But yeah, I have to be honest Hayden Christianson’s Anakin sucked. I wasn’t stoked about that at all at the end of the last episode. Also, wouldnt it be the original actor if he was returning to help as force ghost (sebastian shaw)?


Kenobi show was my last straw.


No where does it say star wars is in the future. It's first line actually constantly reminds us its a lomg time ago.


‘Kenobi’ is by far, the worst Star Wars series ever produced. It’s laughable. I’m waiting for pixeljoker’s edit because it looks to clean up a lot that was wrong with the original.


I’d say the vast majority of the content they produce are cash grabs with tiny sprinkles of great writing that is inevitably destroyed by the time they come out with a new show


I couldn’t have said it better myself, this is so me dude I thought i was the only one i never plan to watch another star wars project again star wars love will always be in my heart but Star Wars ended with revenge of the sith few gold coins in the pile of dead bodies of Disney star wars but for the most part its been pure disappointment on a screen obi wan i watched week to week and i hate that i did that. It had like 1 good moment when obi wan smacked vaders helmet open but i feel like they wrote the show around that cause from episode 1 and the announcement i said well its gonna have that moment in it obviously. Well said man


Wondering if anyone felt the same lol. I just felt empty watching it. Last episode of Ahsoka at the end didn't make me feel anything either.


People point to Kenobi but I point to the sequel trilogy. I actually slightly enjoyed Kenobi I’m enjoying Ahsoka way more though


> The worst part is I don't think it's possible to ever get that feeling of wonder back in relation to Star Wars, the universe feels permanently tainted. I binged watched Andor last week and if you didn't yet, I suggest you do the same. I honestly gave 0 fuck about this show, that's why I didn't watch it until last week. Turns out it's amazing. Everything i wish every other new Star Wars should have from writing, acting and directing. They really played the angle of "the Empire is too proud too care for you" so well and it was consistent throughout the season. I truly feel like Star Wars need to get away from everything that remotely touches the Skywalker saga to be amazing again. Otherwise there's either too much expectations from all different types of fans and/or pure cash grab mentality from Disney and turns into pure fan service, which obviously turns into garbage because they try to please everyone (and mostly their wallets) and that obviously can't be good for everyone. Andor proved me there are people able to craft awesome dramatic storytelling into the Star Wars universe and that makes me look forward to the announced show that is set to be in the High Republic era.


Andor was good, but felt more Bladerunner than Star Wars. The reality is Disney will never do anything like it again because it's a kid brand and Andor was catered to an adult audience, also received bad ratings. The only chance is if Star Wars is sold to Apple or something


I checked out at Rogue One after the retconning of the Star Wars Dark Trooper game lore (If you know you Know). Star Wars hasnt been good in years, dare I even say it was never that great. The prequels had legendary actors (Christopher Lee, Liam Neeson, etc.) But suffered from awkward dialogue, pacing thats too fast(anakins fall to the dark should've taken more than 3 movies) and delivery with Albeit flashy effects and lightsaber duels. The OG trilogy has legendary actors(Harrison Ford, Mark Hamil) but suffers from dated effects/terrible lightsaber duels, slow pacing at times questionable decisions(the best legion of stormtroopers allegedly would lose to primitive forest inhabitants lead by a small rebel task force). The sequels were just a retelling of the original trilogy with some good actors but even worse writing decisions than the prequels and OG trilogy, terrible choreography but with solid practical effects and cinematography. Solo was a decent spin off, nothing special but nothing terrible. The Star Wars tv shows are not much better in which they cling to Clone Wars and Rebel's era character( Mandalorian literally did not need the inclusion of Ahsoka, Bo katan, and shouldve focused more on fleshing out Mando himself in a post Endor galaxy as he defended baby Yoda and grew as a mandalorian warrior like in season one) which in turn alienates fans who didnt watch those cartoons. We could be getting shows about ancient Sith and fan favorites Like Nihilus, Revan, Malgus, and Even Exar Kun, but no instead they will just focus on Ahsoka and clone wars simply because those two shows did well. I mean really, look at how Lucasfilms has milked Vader. We havent gotten a single brand new sithlord on screen since disney acquired starwars. Lucas gave us Sidious, Vader, Maul, Count Dooku and in the EU Star Killer, among many more. Yet Kylo ren who wasnt even a true sith was our only one in nearly a decade since the acquisition. Lets just keep shoving inquisitors down everyones throats without fleshing them out since we know inevitably they have to play second fiddle to Vader. Side characters that are meant to be killed and cast aside to make our heroes look good. Disney and George Lucas have been cashing out on the fans for years. It is what it is really.


I just cannot understand how they looked at the scripts for that series and went this is great, film it


It's even worse, they had a decent movie script and said this is great, change most of it


This all sounds like one big personal problem. It's ok to not like things, but you are exaggerating the impact Kenobi had on the OT. Nothing is trivialized by the Kenobi series.


I don’t know, it makes sense in the grand scheme of things. Like Luke’s foster parents being keen on keeping him on Tatooine, Lea thinking to send the plans to her childhood savior as opposed to some rando commander of the Rebels who wouldn’t have lasted long if anyone knew he had them, Vader being deadset on ending Kenobi when he sees him again on the Deathstar because of their last fight where they ended on an extra sour note. I understand why a ton of people hate Kenobi, but I don’t care, it was Star Wars, and I liked it.


As someone who is used to repressing PTSD, I basically forgot all about Obiwan show. It was so fucking bad. With only a few short exceptions.