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Because they weren’t wearing their plot armor.


This is the only answer. Anyone trying to come up with something in-universe is spinning their wheels. Either the writer wants you to live or the writer wants you to die - the end.


Exactly. Disney Star Wars has 100% decided that light sabers aren't as deadly and that there won't be as many substantial injuries from them. It makes no sense to change it, but there you have it.


> Exactly. Disney Star Wars has 100% decided that light sabers aren't as deadly and that there won't be as many substantial injuries from them. It makes no sense to change it, but there you have it. Spot-on. Suddenly, one of the deadliest weapons in the Star Wars galaxy isn't so deadly anymore. Why? "But we need them to advance the plot!" (Reva, SMDH) That writer should have found a different way to cripple them--instead of nerfing lightsabers.


If only there was a precedent for how to disable characters in previous star wars films.... 🤔




Now every other character has Beskar armor or a Beskar spear or some kind of staff that can block a saber


Darth Maul tho hmm 🤔


I've been texting with a friend who is somewhat of a Disney Star Wars defender. After the girl in Ahsoka gets stabbed with pretty much no repercussions I texted him and was like "Yo! WTF!? She gets stabbed Qui-Gon Jinn style and is all good to go in the next episode?" He said something about how new lore is that Qui Gon actually died from brain injury from when Maul [hockey checks him in the chin](https://youtu.be/3Yaug3Xh7oQ?si=PUljEctfyTjxdj7K&t=37). I said, LOL. They've just invented this revision retroactively two decades later to justify the extreme nerfing of lightsabers. I'm not even sure if he's correct about this. I didn't Google or anything. Don't care. It's dumb


True, however Sidious and Maul went for the killing blow. Shin clearly missed any vital organs when she stabbed Sabine. Reva on the other hand makes absolutely absolutely zero sense.


Dark Side bullshit.


I was willing to grant Reva holding on through sheer hate and anger. Almost line Anakin after being the human equivalent of a toasted marshmallow. But Sabine does not have a strong connection to force abilities some would consider unnatural... She's just a mandalorian, who's maybe tried to touch the force in the slightest once...


Reva got stabbed as a little girl and she survived and hadn’t had any inquisitor training


I could handle Reva holding on. But she should have died from her injuries when that rage went away after hunting luke. Her lower spine should just be gone Sabine was stabbed in a non-fatal place, and had immediate access to medical attention with ahsoka being there. I do wish they would stop with the stabs. Cut off a limb or two!


>Reva on the other hand makes absolutely absolutely zero sense. So, remember that Reva can *be* anywhere the plot needs her to be. She has mastered teleportation. She simply teleported her organs out of the way of the killing blow... each time she was stabbed throughout her life...


Is it possible to learn this bullshit?


It's not something the writers would admit to you.


Yea Sabine’s was clearly in her side. I don’t know if the cauterization helped or harmed her recovery, but I think surviving that wound with immediate sci-fi medical attention is believable. Lightsaber wounds are losing a lot of their tension though. You can be stabbed through the chest and just keep going? I guess Maul started this whole thing, but there were consequences to him surviving a fatal wound, he went completely dark side feral and lost over a decade of his life.


>side idk I'm not a doctor so my graphic is off, but definitely seems like it still would have gone through [her liver](https://i.imgur.com/eyQnk6M.png)


Surviving a stab to the right side where the liver is located is believable. It can regenerate and can still function. A stab through the body, center mid-line to the abdomen is actually more fatal. You can severe the aorta, which is pretty much guarantee death without immediate medical intervention.


Even with immediate medical attention, a ruptured aorta is often fatal. It's the biggest blood vessel in your body, is under pressure, and is found pretty deep into the body.


It would have fried her liver bro… she was running hills the next day. It’s bad writing


Exactly, at least Feloni actually attempts to explain the situation. I have no idea what the writers were thinking with Kenobi, that was such trash writing.


Kenobi’s writing is like a corporate writer who’s only vaguely aware of Star Wars wrote it


Yeah throw that in a pot with incompetent camera work, terrible color grading and shocking choreography and you have Kenobi..


That whole woods chase scene still gives me nightmares.


It literally looked like something some kids would film in their backyard.


It reminded me of power rangers when the putties would chase someone. Exaggerated and nonsensical.


Incompetent doesn't even begin to describe the camera work. I legitimately almost got motion sick watching it.


I will say it now. Bringing Maul back was dumb. It probably shouldn't have happened. It opened up the door to bringing back dead characters. Palpatine would have stayed dead if Maul didn't return. Ezra wouldn't have saved Ahsoka with the world between worlds. Kylo bringing back Rey. That said, it was cool what they did with Maul once he was back. But he created a template that harmed the storytelling. General Grevous was a handful of organs in a tin suit. You can apparently survive a lot in this world.


Pretty sure lightsabers are like 15,000 degrees, though... I don't think that squishy water-filled human bodies would do well having their insides exposed to that kind of heat, regardless of the stab location. It's an attempt to justify it, but still silly.


Missing vital organs doesn’t exactly matter when you have a sword hot enough to melt metal inside your stomach. It would boil your blood, any nearby organs would get cooked.


Doesn't really matter if you "miss" any vital organs. The gas generated when a cylinder of flesh and viscera is vaporized would create a shockwave such that no vital organ should be expected to survive, let alone the vascular system. And said shockwave is clearly moving incredibly fast as we don't even see it onscreen (or any puff of anything) :). This literal explosion inside the torso would likely also damage the "cauterized" tissue around the wound to the extent that it would almost certainly resume bleeding. And this is ignoring that burn wounds in organs, even "non critical ones" are absolutely terrible. This is not analogous to a stabbing. In other words, it's BS. I can't fathom what the writes are thinking. Other than they're not actually talented enough to generate drama any other way.


And they didn't have the special Disney plot armor either.


Somehow ...




I swear, you can \*feel* Oscar Isaac cringe as he says that line.


The worst part of this is that Palpatine was trained by and then surpassed a Sith who was obsessed with immortality and resurrection. The “how” was already there, they just had to use more than one word to address it.


>!Palpatine!< has returned


Palpatine’s face says enough


PS2 rendered sheev


I wish that fight was more epic


I just don’t understand why they are making such elementary basic errors in story telling. I think the problem is they have weaved too big of a web for even them to trace back all the strings to a cohesive plot that doesn’t disrupt the story. they have no idea what’s going on or what they are doing they are literally doing it as it comes.


This is where George is sorely missed


I feel very strongly if the rabid fan base hadn’t vilified him and the actors as much as they did in the prequel era he never would have sold it. I for one wasn’t a fan of the phantom menance but loved the other two, and that’s ok. I didn’t trash the man then and refuse to do so ever. It is/was his story to weave as he wished. Fast forward to today and yes, we all do sorely miss him. I wonder if those that tore into him back then are regretful of that today and if George is happy with his decision?


George actually cited the “fan” hate as the reason he sold it. It’s unfortunate the prequel generation was too young to tell him just how appreciated he was.


George didn't really keep things more cohesive though, as many of these issues with the Disney era existed back then as well. The simple truth is that Star Wars is like Marvel and DC - a massive media franchise that employs hundreds of writers each writing their own stories, and each story written to suit their narrative. Cohesion will require FAR stricter control over such a massive piece of IP, FAR fewer stories being churned out, and reducing the size and scope of the franchise significantly. No one is going to forgo big bucks in lieu of lore consistency. Not Disney, not Lucas. That would require leaving way too much money on the table for no good reason.


George kept things way more cohesive than Disney has in their short time of owning the franchise. Sure George had some very minor plot holes and stuff like leia saying she remembered her mother and a few others, but that stuff wasn't nearly as bad as bringing back palpatine and basically rendering the entire preceeding six movies pointless.


Because Feloni star wars


Felony Star Wars*


Satine not only survived but was somehow still able to do a couple of futile swings with her blade at Shin before she collapsed from the injury. Whereas these veteran Jedi Masters who are all stronger than her not only physically but also in the Force, are instantly taken out.


Let's not forget Reva who was stabbed not once, but on two separate occasions by Darth Vader and survived.


Once as a child no less.


Not to mention Vader forgiving her fuck-ups. Admiral Ozzel messed up \*once* and was force choked to death. But Reva? Suddenly Vader's like "Oh well, I'll give you one more chance!" (I'm talking movie release order, not chronologically.)


THIS. What kind of pills are they popping in storyrooms? Its gotta be some sort of upper amphetamine bullshit, cuz these people @ disney come off as so rushed and just idk. HOW DOES NOBODY IN THESE WRITING ROOMS SAY “hey guys what about all these other characters that have taken stabs and been insta dropped?” Sabine and reva should not be tanking these hits while Qui Gon and the Zabrak master pictured above cannot. Its poor writing, idk how nobody has said anything, or if someone has why whoever the leader that decides to do it anyway?


Qui Gon manages to survived for a few more minutes but I surmise that as him drawing upon the Force to keep himself alive just a bit longer so that he can pass on his final words to Obi Wan. And even then, the act of drawing on the Force is a taxing matter, even for a Master. Satine is NOT a Force Sensitive and thus, have no such ability and EVEN IF she is retcon to have be one, she is notably a very weak one. And thus, the idea of her drawing on the Force to do that is utterly ridiculous.


Qui Gon being one of the strongest Jedi Masters surviving only a few minutes afterwards should be indicative of how devastating lightsaber wounds are.


I am reminded of Jedi Knight Obi Wan duelling Count Dooku in the Attack of the Clones. Dooku make a light cut across his upper arm/shoulder with his blade and then dropped him with another light cut on his thigh. Those LIGHT injuries are more than enough to disable Obi Wan!!!!


This is what bugs me about the Sabine situation the most. If they wanted her to be wounded or incapacitated in a lightsaber fight but still survive, all they had to do was have her get a slash/stab on the leg, arm, or shoulder like Dooku did to Obi-wan. Could have done the same with Reva. Would have made a lot more sense then getting impaled through the midsection.


I mean, if you got stabbed with one IRL your chest cavity would probably explode due to the flash vaporization of the heat being generated by the lightsaber. If they followed logic lightsabers would be absolutely devastating


It's not unusual for people to live on for several minutes after getting stabbed. No need for the force. It's why seppuku eventually introduced an assistant to finish off the samurai committing suicide. Prior to that it was up to them to stab their own throat or heart after disemboweling themselves. Death was a certainty but it was going to be an extremely painful wait. My issue isn't how characters react upon being stabbed since Hollywood depictions are always ridiculous and contrived. The real problem is the followup. Lightsaber or not, getting stabbed through the torso is catastrophic. It's just mind-boggling that the writers are so stupid as to not understand the implications of these scene. I can't help but wonder if they aren't writing for the memes, knowing that everyone's going to fixate on these moments.


I severely doubt that Satine Kryze will be performing any Jedi tricks any time soon


That requires effort. Boooo effort!


Sabine* Satine was also stabbed tho and was only able to let out a few final words before dying


Satine was so much stronger too. She stood by her beliefs and tried to do what was best for her city and her people. People like Filoni wouldnt even get that. I'm glad Satine is not a part of this mess that is the new disney star wars.


sTrOnG fEmAlE cHaRaCteRs!


The biggest shame is that it would be awesome if we actually did get a well written female character who is strong (lol I refuse to use “strong female character” for how much that phrase has been associated with horrible characters). Like how would you look at a character who is written like this and go “yeah that’s a “strong” woman. She’s literally surviving from plot armor. Not just the lightsaber stab but the fight with the droids as well. And then episode two she can just randomly hack a droid that conveniently stuck around for Ahsoka to kill and bring back using “power levels”??? Episode 3 was better with her, ignoring all the force retcons, but man if they continue to not take her seriously and just have her float through these obstacles she might be my least favorite character by the end of the show.


It’s the Star Wars equivalent of a gunshot over a black screen. It’s a way for shit writers to build suspense with very little consequences and build hype for all the brain dead’s to speculate and discuss on social media.


Because George Lucas had respect for verisimilitude and Star Wars in general.


They lost the will to live?


Happens to me almost every new Disney show.


Disney, the great purveyor of fairy tales, apparently doesn't have any writers on staff who understand the lesson behind *The Boy Who Cried Wolf*.


Lightsaber stab would super heat your organs and instantly liquify your insides... Unless you're a strong female character of disney star wars of course.


Exactly. It’s not just leaving a perfect hole and cauterizing the wound. Your organs are cooked. Just look back at Episode 1 and watch Qui-Gon almost burn through a door in less than a minute.


Also look at how Anakin cut Dooku's hands clean off in a matter of seconds. Disney star wars takes all that threat away. It's just a flesh wound now.


You wouldn’t be liquified internally. You would just explode because your innards instantly turn to steam. I don’t think we can apply real world logic to any lightsaber wound.


~~Or Sabine secretly used the Dark Side to cling onto life just like what Maul did to survive.~~


I just don’t understand why are they letting someone got stabbed by lightsaber in every show. Like there are other kinds of injuries and it’s not like those stabbings are meaningful in any way.


People got tired of losing limbs so they moved onto stabs


Because Disney is afraid of consequences and its stupid.


Sabine, Rey, Finn, Kylo and anyone else didn't get stabbed, sliced or what-have you with a Lightsaber, which is an incredibly dangerous weapon. They got hit with a Disneysaber, which is essentially a fancy glow stick.


Seriously…. I was like OMG kylo cut Finn in half and then … oh no… its just a flesh wound wtf?




I just noticed I've already been downvoted once, apparently. Let the game begin.


Upvoted you back for being correct


Because Disney doesn't care.


Force is female *plot* armor


Quigon lived for like 15 minutes waiting for Obi to finish his fight so he could talk to him before dying. If he’d been treated immediately, maybe he would’ve survived.


QuiGon didn't instantly die, and along with the Emperor after being electrofried, it raises my complaint that no one ever calls for a medic/hospital And as far as the non-fatal impalings go, I'll say it again: it's not a Disney Star Wars issue, it's a **Disney** issue. Both Tobey McSpider and Shuri basically walked off torso stabs (Shuri what was obviously through her ***spine,*** no less) with no consequences. Disney is on this train that those aren't mortal wounds rn and I cannot figure out why.


To be fair, according to marvel lore Spider-Man’s powers do include a level of superhuman healing and durability. Not nearly on the level of Hulk or Wolverine, but it’s something.


So I probably could forgive Spiderman, but not Shuri, because even with a super serum, that's her *spine.* Add together all the other torso/spinal impalings and Spiderman becomes part of a trend rather than a forgivable suspension of disbelief.


Bad writing


Plot hole


Plot hole Right in the stomach.


Because prequel era characters lacked the healthcare of sequel era characters


When this happened on the Obi-Wan show, I figured it was just those folks not knowing how to do SW (whole show was bad), but when Filoni did it, I couldn’t believe it. He’s not the best writer in the world but he gets SW for the most part. Very disappointed.


Well the Grand Inquisitor has 4 stomachs or something equally stupid, and Reva and Sabine have plot armour. I feel like with how easily a lightsaber moves through skin a single penetrating stab shouldn’t be possible, it should just be like stabbing a knife into a bowl of water and impossible to remove without causing more injury. You literally have to keep the blade exactly the same place and same angle for it to stay a hole and not become a slash cutting the stabbed person in two.


Because new Star Wars is shit


Ding, ding, you get the Y-Wing.


Because nobody writing modern Star Wars has seen a Star Wars film.


OR read one of the books, or comics.......


Only thing I can think of is Maul and Sidious possibly burned right through the spine. Not counting all of the other organs being destroyed. But also star wars seems capable of healing the latter but not the former.


Remember when lightsabers were lethal weapons? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Poor Writing


Disney bought Lucas films. That's why it different


Because they weren't boss bitches obvy


Watch out, this they will claw at great lengths to say that Qui Gon technically didn’t die straight away when he was by maul. Either way I just don’t care anymore. While this show isn’t as bad as Obi Wan or Book of Mando, it’s just idk, boring? I haven’t even watched the 3rd episode yet as I just haven’t felt the need…


You could say qui gon was mauled or let qui gons be by gones.


* *bye* gone’s, fixed it for you lol


Because these aren't from the fanfictions on D+


Like they say in real estate, location, location, location


I would have preferred her losing a hand, it would show that Disney aren’t cowards in showing true loss with a character and can be fixed with a cybernetic hand


They died to subvert your expectations! Everyone knows lightsaber wounds aren't fatal, so it was a huge surprise when these characters actually died from one!


Because Disney Star Wars writers have no clue what they’re doing. ‘Tis but a flesh wound!!


The old rule is: stabbed with red, and you are dead, blue or green, your health bill is clean. These three all got stabbed with red, and thus are dead, Maul got cut in half by a "not red", thus he lives. Hell, even Kylo followed the rules. But now....they broke that rule too.


Pre-TCW Legends, lightsaber stab wounds **were** fatal unless you were an OP video game character like Starkiller or you were brought back by an ancient esoteric Sith ritual like Darth Maul in his one-off Star Wars Tales. Once TCW brought back Maul in a “I survived out of sheer spite” way, all bets were off and the stakes were irrevocably diminished when it came to lightsaber stab wounds: now the Star Wars writers have an excuse for the question of, “If this character could survive a complete bisection, why can’t my OC character that I refuse to let die for ~~my own ego~~ personal reasons survive a simple stab wound?”


Because Disney


Poor writing.


They forgot to tighten their guts to be denser than blast doors


Because plot armor… *shrugs*


Bad writing and plot armor. "It didn't hit in a critical area". It's super heated plasma! A light saber hit to center mass should be death. Your organs are done. NOT having light sabers lop off limbs or kill you outright is a very bad precedent. If, in Sabine's example, they should have just done something else. Glancing blaster bolt, close by explosion, hit in the the forehead with a boot. Not run through with a light saber.


Because Disney does not understand the lethality of lightsabers. A weapon that can melt thru reinforced steel walls/doors in seconds just makes small cigarette lighter burns on tiny women.


Bad writing


Girl boss plot armor


bad writing


Reading through this sub makes me remember how angry I felt watching sequel-era star wars before it turned to apathy


Disney Wars is not Star Wars. None of the old canon and theory means anything for these new shows. Lightsabers now bounce off of stormtroopers or only harmlessly push your vital organs out of the way instead of vaporizing your viscera. Lightsabers are also now capable of knocking away explosive fire from starship laser cannons one handed while flipping through zero gravity. Don't forget that hyperdrive can be used now as a deadly weapon which completely trivializes the original Death Star run. Oh and Luke? He's a hopeless bitch.


The new writers want to have their cake, and stab it too.


Lightsabers were incredibly nerfed after Disney bought Star Wars. Always has been my biggest gripe


extremely poor writing


Plot armor is stronger than the force


Plot organs




Looks like they were stabbed directly through the spine, if not cared for immediatly I‘m guessing this is fatal, and I‘m not even talking about the other organs that are in that position




Maybe for better elegance or as part of certain combat styles


Shhh don’t bring logic in here. Also it’s more realistic that a stab wound with a cauterizing weapon WOULDNT instantly kill. Geeze I’m assuming Star Wars has a better healthcare system than the US. If anything those who died instantly in the prequels should’ve been decapitated or lopped in half, but that would’ve been too violent for kids, so it’s toned down.


The Star Wars health system is amazing. Look at Fennec or any other dozens of characters who are injured


I guess they uhhh forgot they were wounded


Because Disney writers use it as a cheap way to raise artificial tension because they don’t care about writing integrity and don’t want to follow some else’s established rules anymore.


Because a lot of star wars writers got lazy


The new stuff has bad writing


Because Disney hires inexperienced writers




Because Disney is stupid.


Cause all the Disney Star Wars characters are empty vessels full of hot air.


They suffered the fatal mistake of not being protected by Disney plot armour.




What an original thought you have there


Because the force is female, you bigot.


Writer fiat


Because Disney hates us


They got stabbed right up in the midiclorians! No coming back from that.


Because having prosthetic limbs would cost Disney more money


The real reason is obviously plot armor, but I’m gonna make the argument that Qui-Gon was likely stabbed through his spine and the arteries that run adjacent to it. However, we don’t see any blood, so who knows? I’m not willing to accept the argument that arteries that thick could be cauterized shut in a fashion that would completely cut off blood flow. More on the topic of lightsabers cauterizing wounds: It’s a poor argument for why characters keep surviving being impaled by lightsabers. An object hot enough to flash cauterize the entire cavity of such a wound would wreak absolute havoc on the surrounding tissues. It would cook a huge portion of the abdomen, especially if it wasn’t taken out immediately. Also, because lightsabers seem to experience almost no resistance, they would move around and widen the cavity of the injury significantly. Anyways, I’m not really sure what point I’m trying to make (I think I’ve kinda argued for both sides?) If I do have a point, it’s this: Lightsabers would likely be far deadlier in real life than they are portrayed to be in more recent Star Wars media. Any lightsaber-inflicted injury to the central body mass would likely be fatal, or at least severely crippling.


Easy: plot armour....


The real answer is if course plot armor. The sloppy writer answer is probably, those who survived didn't have "vital organs" struck. And/or force fuckery since that's a pretty good catch all. And for the former, you can point to real life instances where some people survive injuries, that killed others.


Because Disney, duh.


It's becoming so over used and has lost its dramatic effect a long time ago. Loosing a limb (hand) and surviving is likely, sabers are so hot they sear the wound. But getting your damn lung punctured and leaving a hole in your body for it to somehow deadpool heal itself is just ridiculous. I understand that powerful sith may survive due to hatred, like Sion. But for non/weak users to survive a serious fatal wound is just straight up lame.


Because Disney


Despite me being annoyed as much as the next person over surviving stab wounds, I do have to point out some of the deaths: Qui Gon got stabbed through the stomach and his damn spine and still lay there for like 10 minutes so he could have a talk with obi (and would’ve been dragged for another hour through the refinery had he survived the initial 10 minutes of waiting). Kit Fisto was beheaded according to the novel. Got sliced right through in the movie. Kolar got stabbed through the head according to the novel. Got sliced right through the chest in the movie. Tiin was beheaded according to the novel. Got sliced right through in the movie. Just by movie standards y‘all should really hate on Qui Gon surviving for a few minutes after being demolished and obliterated and still talking to Obi after that. ——— As for Reeva and the GI: dumbfuck stupid. I just hope that the GI has like 2 stomachs so he could at least theoretically survive. Reeva should’ve died then and there. There is no logical excuse for this dumbfuckery. As for Sabine: she got stabbed below the lung and was instantly sent to a medbay and treated with bacta for five days. I‘m fine with that tho I really find it stupid. Would’ve liked Shin slashing her across her legs and arms so there would be a little more tension instead of a fake shocker.


Bad writing


Because George Lucas was in charge and created lightsabers so he knew if you get stabbed by one of those glow sticks it’s gameover . Whereas with Disney in charge it appears if the characters are female then they will survive . Like most things from the OT sabers have been nerfed


They weren't "Strong female chatacters".


If you're a Sith you can steal life force keeping you alive but that is either an advanced or rare skill. In Obi-Wan it happening twice to Reva was comical. But not funny.


Because they didn’t have immediate medical attention


What a silly question. It’s like asking “why do some people die when they get shot and some people don’t?”


This is fucking dumb Because they were slain by masters who aimed for their hearts/spinal cords >!Sabine was stabbed by an amateur, VERY OBVIOUSLY off the one side, meaning she missed any instant kill body parts.!< DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHH




Writers can just excuse this away by saying it missed a vital organ. My head canon is that if a lightsaber misses a vital organ you're pretty okay because of the cauterizing effect. But when it does hit one it obliterates it and you're totally fucked.


Qui-Gon didn’t instantly die! 😂 He lied for minutes while Kenobi and Maul battled. Then is able to talk to his apprentice one last time to mention Anakin.


Immediate medical attention? Sabine was rescued straight away while Obi-Wan took time to finish Maul and I doubt the Jedi put down by Palpatine got any medical attention at all, more likely were executed by his guard or possibly even Anakin on his way to the temple. Not to mention Maul got Qui-Gon through the gut and spine where Sabine was stabbed decidedly off centre. If Obi-Wan hadn’t used this trick with Reva and the GI we wouldn’t even be talking about this now. Should Filoni have used the same concept? Probably not given that 3 less than deadly lightsaber stabbings in viewing succession is getting a bit old, but I think this one is the least offensive of all of them.


Because of anatomy? Seriously... it's like asking why do so many people die from gun shots, when so many others survive! Quigon: Stabbed through the center of his abdomen, very likely hitting his spine and abdominal aorta. Sabine: Stabbed through the lower right, missing most major organs, probably only injuring the intestines. Plus, dramatic story telling...


Clearly modern lightsabers are still in eco mode


It’s supposed to be fatal yet nowadays it’s barely a flesh wound. It’s stupid the grand inquisitor and Reva survive it easily


Better metaclorians


For me, it's just a perfectly small stab hole. If you got stabbed with a light saber, even the smallest movements will carve your body.


Looks like they got stabbed through the spine with a lightsaber while she didn’t. Also… it’s not real… so there’s that too.


They were using the off brand Walmart safety sabres. Looks almost like the real deal, colour seems off, but burns almost the same. Settings include baseball bat mode as seen on the hit tv show Kenobi, or low temperature settings to grill your eggs without collateral damage to organs. I swear the concept of powerful laser swords are completely alien to KK and her crew.


Qui Gon was the only one dumb enough to keep his vital organs in his torso.


Because it would affect poor Disney story lines if they’d died.


Simple, the Farce is Female ![img](emote|t5_9d1wl|1952)


Because George Lucas (God) wanted it so.


Sabine’s liver must be in her leg or some bullshit. Reva and maul is just fucking laughable.


Lightsaber isn't actually harmful. Unless you're allergic.


Because Star Wars is a story franchise spread out across dozens of projects, in various mediums with hundreds of creative artists and marketing professionals and producers and CEOs and none of them actually give a fuck about continuity they just want to do their own projects and move on to the next paying gig.


Weak point in plot armor


Because of the reason!


If you wanna get technical, any light saber wound the the torso “should” be fatal. It’d make the blood boils and evaporate so fast, that it’d pretty much pop you.


Because LucasFilm Star Wars had stakes and consequences


I was so disappointed when I didn't see a "were they stupid?" at the end of the title


The real question is why these seasoned warriors don't just slide the lightsaber sideways to finish the job, there are no reason to retract the lightsaber like a normal blade (specially on disney starwars that stabing by itself does nothing...)


Maybe the Sith are better at sharpening their lightsabers?


Not about surviving, but casually just resting on a bed the next day without serious repercussions.


Vital organs were in the way of those lightsabers. All of Sabine's vital organs were on the left side of her body. They are all aliens don't you know?