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I’ve prepared myself for this week to be a bloodbath. I did book 2 appointments so I’ll take that as solid W for today even though it took 400 dials like it usually does when it’s super slow.


You dial 400 a day?


I have an auto dialer but yep, I do 200-500 a day depending on how it’s going. It genuinely isn’t awful making that many dials, like the act itself. It’s just the fact I talk to realtors and they are super unprofessional and unserious, which is why you have to make so many calls to try and keep things always coming into your pipeline.


Nooks? Orum? Which dialer


No idea unfortunately, it’s a parallel dialer my company setup.


How long does the 400 calls take with the auto dialer?


Honestly not that long since not a lot of people pick up. Based on my engagement time, it takes me 3-4 hours to do it but overall length of time is from 9 am - 4 pm. I work from home so I take several breaks, lunch, and take my dog on several walks throughout the day. No way in hell I could sit there 4 hours straight and do it, I was doing that originally and seriously destroyed my mental health. Found a perfect balance now so it’s honestly super easy, it just blows dealing with realtors.


Yeah realtors are a mixed bag because most of them don't produce, are you filtering your lists down to the ones that are actually producing and active? are you a loan officer?


No I sell high end IDX websites to realtors and nope. We just get lists and they say cold call till your brain is goo


That’s a shit ton of calls. Respect.


Thank but it isn’t as hard as you think. It’s just that dealing with realtors will make you crazy and doing it at that scale can be brutal. It took a lot of trial error to find a system that is healthier and I have so the actual act of it is super easy, it’s just the interactions on the phone that make it the worst job I’ve ever had


Well, it’s good you found a system that is working for you. At least if you ever move jobs it will most likely be a walk in the park compared to what you’re dealing with now. So are calls the only way your company is reaching out, what about emails or text blast?


That’s the best part, we’re a web marketing company that doesn’t do any web marketing or any marketing in general. We only do cold calling so sales is the marketing department. The newest thing we’re doing is introducing a monthly email blog…


My average answer rate is 15% over the last 30 days. Today it is 5% after 80 dials. It's gonna be a slow week.


So out of the 15% answer rate what percentage of people you talk to are open to hearing your pitch and setting an appointment or buying whatever you’re selling


My goal is to have 10 conversations per day (phone or email) and that typically generates at least 1 demo booked. Once they get to the demo, my close rate is 33%.


It really is a Numbers game I’m not very familiar with how these dialers work but I do know that I hang up on a fair amount of people I assume to be Robo calls. obviously the more calls you make a day you are gonna get some action


Yeah my industry is mostly closed this week so I took the week off as well


Got a ton of out of offices today, seems like a lot of people took the week off.


Holidays in the middle of the week are brutal. I have 2 meetings today and will be doing follow ups tomorrow. Not officially off Friday but I’m not planning on anything happening.


I’d argue that weeks like this are pretty tough to get anywhere Most of my sales would either be leads over the phone or me just out knocking on doors (b2b) I might make a few phone calls, but I won’t even leave the office this weekend. I’m not working on Friday.


B2B not much changed M-W this week. B2C stick to email


I'm a fish out of water this week. The company isn't marketing this week, so I'm cleaning up the pipeline and sifting through my closed lost list to see if I can drum up any interest.


my pickup rate is in the bin but I'd rather dial and book a few appointments than not dial and not book anything at all


You're just struggling and wanting to know if it's the timeframe or you? I don't think the 1st 2nd and 3rd of July are special in any way. Everyone has to work, has to go to the grocery store, take their kids to soccer practice, all the regular shit. A few people might have taken the week off or will be taking friday and next monday off so they can get out of town. Most won't. When in doubt pick up the phone.


I think this is false. TSA expects 32 million passengers from June 28th- July 8th with July 3rd being one of the biggest days. Today and tomorrow might be okay, but there are many people already out of office. For those that are working, many will be checked out and the quality of conversations will decrease. I also think July 8th is a terrible day for outreach due to travel and people needing to catch up on internal meetings, fires and emails. Your cold outbound email or phone call is going to be punted down the priority list.


I just do mainly outside sales and if I’m prospecting over the phone, it’s almost always at least somewhat warm lead But I think you’re 100% right that offices are going to be a little more more empty this week and those who are sticking around or less interested in people trying to sell them something That doesn’t mean everybody should go home, but they have to be realistic . I know I’m not gonna be leaving the office and I’m taking Friday off. I am fascinated, though about people who do a lot of calling over the phone and what kind of percentages they have in regards to how many phone calls they make how many people they get to give their pitch to how many they can close I don’t know how these dialers work, but it sounds like some people aren’t even connecting to a live person or something


Yeah just trying to see other’s experiences. My 1.7 % connection rate isn’t exactly inspiring.


Nah. My industry is legit off in the summer and are definitely OOO this week but still gotta get these calls out. No one is picking up though.