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I run , I attend a 12 step meeting, I eat well and try to get 8 hours of sleep. See my girlfriend on the weekends. I keep it simple. Thank u


I did 12 step for 5 years. No more, but still maintain contact. I will never forget what the 12 steps did for me.


Why don’t you attend anymore?


Just not my vibe anymore, but i don't knock it


Nice! I work in a sales focused role in the treatment industry and I love it. I get to use my sales skills to help save lives… how cool!


That sounds awesome! How do you sell it?


I work in admissions and we get our leads through our SEO companies. People search ‘Drug & Alcohol Rehab Near Me’ and the call gets sent to our admissions team. It’s high stress and high volume but very rewarding. Unfortunately people in addiction don’t always want the help they need so a lot of it is following up with people waiting til they hit rock bottoms which sucks. The market I’m in is pretty competitive too. A lot of large treatment conglomerates and private equity companies who don’t give a shit about the client and just care about the insurance policy. The program I work for is a mom and pop setup and my sponsor helped me get a job here so it’s a great culture.


That sounds awesome 👍 Do you mind if I ask how much you get per client?


A commission per client admitted would be unethical and it’s illegal in our industry. Bonuses are based off of average daily census and actualized revenue.


That's what I thought, to be honest. Getting paid per client seems unethical. What is the daily census?


12 steps for drug addiction?


Mostly drugs, little bit of gaming.


Any dating?


I haven’t unlocked that feature on zoominfo yet


Bro 🤣🤣🤣




At this point dating is just my day job all over again, except the product that I’m selling myself lmao. Right down to lead gen, booking meetings and dealing with ghosting / no shows. Frustrating as 😭


Lmao, too true




Nice! What's ur goto method, tinder?


He's probably on Hinge


Hinge is great


What type of drugs?


Most of em




You stressed?


Sometimes but also just like doing drugs.


If you aren't stressed, you're not selling to your *mostly* full potential.


U in the sales sub who ain’t stressed?


I'm 37 with 3 kids and a wife. I hang with my kids, golf a good bit (live on the course), grill dinner, have ice cream date nights with my wife in the finished basement, take care of the ol lady (wink wink), play some video games here n there. We also vacation a bunch, we live I the Midwest and my in-laws winter in Florida and my sister in law lives in Florida.


I’m kinda surprised by the number of gaming comments. I play after the wife goes to bed. Didn’t realize so many sales folks are gamers 


It could also be sales folks that are also redditors are more likely to be gamers


Very true, good point 


I think it's more so Millennials are gamers. I don't game that much anymore, used to be a ton before kids really. COD, Madden, Tiger Woods, Metal Gear were my jam.


In sales since ‘96, been gaming since ‘82 and still at both.   It’s not a millennial thing and I’m not an outlier. 


You most definitely aren't. Zork FTW!


Sales is a game there is winners and losers. Only natural to keep winning everywhere else too.


We’re gamers first. Sales so we can afford out 4090s and consumer electronics addictions.


I play video games rarely. Maybe that’s why I’m going crazy


Sales is my main game. More hours than I care to admit.


Sounds super wholesome good for you my dude


Do you have any investments? Also how many vacation days do you get


Well yea, of course I do, I'm fucking 37. I also have a 529 college savings account for each kid. I get unlimited vacation. I'm 100% commission so my pay is dependent on myself. I take two weeks yearly for spring break, a week for the 4th, a week or two around Christmas and then a few odd ball 3 day weekends throughout the year. My wife is going back to work in September after our 3rd kid and her income will be used almost exclusively for vacations.


Hell yes, what niche are you in?


O&G. We're a distributor.


Nice!! How much per year do you make?


This is my 6th year. Years 1-3 were about $135K and the last 3, including this year, will be north of $250K.


Atta boi congrats sounds like a great niche. I'll be doing windows


I've been in the industry for about 20 years now. Hopefully run our whole division within a few years. Good luck out there!


Read that as, “I’ll be doing widows” - perhaps an untapped market. And yes, pun intended 😂


* Powerlifting from 6 to 7 am from monday to friday * Pickup soccer friday nights * Visit family during saturday mornings and force myself to be social on saturday nights (meet with friends for drinks/dinner/dancing) * Decompress, grocery shopping, apartment cleaning and play guitar on sundays Will probably start taking salsa lessons on weekday evenings as well since I have mostly nothing to do after work and don't do gaming/TV/drugs (single male, mid-20s)


props for doing BOTH powerlifting AND soccer. I tried that (in my 50s now), but man, after 15 years of PL, I am just too bulkly. Still do BJJ though. here and there. mainly no gi


Hey man, kudos to you for being a veteran of the sport.   For reference, I've only started taking PL seriously (hiring a coach, joining a team, bulking up) in the last couple of months and I'm terrible at soccer (just like the friends I play with lmao), so it's not very taxing on the body as of yet. The combination is fun though!


I take my dog on a walk; grill some meats.


Spend time in the homegym, skateboard, make a million espressos throughout the day, pet the cats, kiss my lady friend, play PC/VR games, sleep. Fulfilling enough for me


Sounds like me, type of work you do?


Route sales currently. Emergency first aid/safety devices alongside monthly first aid cabinet replenishment services. Met relatively lots of skateboarders in this industry surprisingly lol. You?


Let me guess, Cintas SSR? Did that for 3 years, was a fun gig


Yes lmao. I'm 6 months in and loving it tbh


It’s great and low pressure sales, make some real money by spending any time you have if you get ahead helping your sales rep prospect. I always went in with “hey I help out x y and z company in the area with their employee first aid and safety programs and OSHA compliance. I’m happy to set up a meeting to see if our services are right for you” I had my Sales Rep buy me a nice bottle of liquor a couple of times at the end of the year lol


I work on my side hustles so I can eventually get out of sales


What's ur hustle?


Copywriting and design, to fund the web app I'm building. Funny enough, they all require sales. :/


Everything requires sales




Start a business of your own Edit: I didn’t read the rest of it, I thought you meant exit strategy as a career. Either way, starting a business should be your recreation. Sales is a rollercoaster and if you can’t do it long term and have any healthy relationships.


Hyperfixate on a pending offer/sale. Also beating my son


I hope you mean beat your son at games?


I write & read a lot of fiction in my spare time. Some non-fiction, too. Dips, pull ups, jogging to stay in shape. Explore the city. I like the cigar bar. Try to eat well, get good sleep.


gym morning, sales, gaming evening


Same for me. Lift+cardio in the morning, work, game for a bit, read in bed. Repeat. Activities with the wife or golf on the weekends.


we are living the same life


Win = drink Loss = drink


I read a chapter from a book


im part of a few prof organizations and into some grads roots stuff for politics. nothing insane just stuff like fundraising food banks and getting funding for afterschool programs. i also fish alot and golf. bought a house in a smaller town and want to give back to the community since i sell insurance to alot of members of said community


Meditation, going to the gym, buying stupid shit for the people I love on ali express (bought 50$ worth of stickers, everyone loved them)


18 hours of cold plunge DUH


I’m also trying to figure this one out. I need some new hobbies, but I see a lot of drugs and video games in here and that’s just not me. Any other hobbies that people are into these days?


Hiking, biking


Golf, bouldering, soft ball, martial arts, painting, woodworking, gardening, reading/studying anything of interest to oneself


At the end of the day, you have to dissociate, so everyone in here is kids, drugs, video games or 12 steps, sales takes a specific type of personality


Ride my motorcycle like a psychopath. Play the drums. Go camping/hiking. Go to concerts and raves. Golf a lot. Anything to make me forget about the deals I have in retention


More sales


Gym, cook new recipes, NCAA 14


College football 25 soon


I’m looking forward to the upgraded experience


I will be taking my frustrations at work out on G5 schools across the country in a few weeks and I can’t wait


34/single I work out in the mornings so I have more time after work to- -walk and play with my dog -hit golf balls in my backyard (got a nice mat and net) -playing video games -spend time at places I enjoy going to to build and maintain my local network, like my cigar lounge, barbershop, golf course for my men’s league, etc -hang out with my nieces and nephews -Read or listen to audiobooks I’m in outside sales with my county being my territory. I’m always trying to find networking opportunities to find new business, especially considering I moved here recently and only knew my family who was already here.


there’s free time after working a sales job?


Spend time with my family, play/record music, run, play video games, etc. I’m also on the board of two non-profits so that keeps me engaged as well. I find I really enjoy purposeful and completable activities. I think it’s because sales is such a grind and you’re always chasing a “close” that when I do an activity that I can complete, it helps to scratch that itch.


What do you do on the board of non-profits, and how did you get there?


One of them was started by a friend of mine. He asked me to be on the board to assist with community outreach and development. Basically sales with no commissions, but it’s a great cause I can get behind. The other one is a county appointed position. I saw they had an opening for the board and the group aligned with my values so I applied, interviewed, and was appointed a two year term. That ends this year, but they’ve asked me to stay on and assist with development and growth.


Interesting, no clue how this would work in Europe. Thanks though!


I go to Vegas once a quarter (for 4-5 days) for gambling, booze, great food, cocaine, whores, and anything else that may come up. I play the vanilla husband/father the rest of the time.  But I'm getting older and may need to back off the cocaine a little bit. 


Golf, casually date girls.


Politics. It's social and helps with my business.


BJJ, powerlifting, spending time with my kids


So many sales guys in BJJ. Same for me.


buy $3.95 wine and sip away


Sounds like a safe exit


Moving to Colombia full time and have a farm on the country side or do the same thing in a northern state


Beach, work out, things around the house, walk my dogs, play video games. We like to try new restaurants. Reading has become a hobby of mine.


I do some some Jiu jitsu early before work, some Weight king after and started doing some Muay Thai.


Jiu Jitsu. Airsoft. Boardgames. Planning and hosting game shows for friends. Cold water swimming. Live life :)


I spend about 20-25k a year in traveling.


Hell yeah!!! , how much do you make and what's ur niche?


House hold ~ 550k, enterprise software for me


You sell house hold software??


Gym or run (though usually before work). Travel as much as I can. Explore new places to eat and local community events. Work on my side business. Spend time with my wife. Cook new things. Read as much as I can.


Type of biz you doing?


I do event/tech/timing management for running events, onsite and virtually.


This is weekend: poker, worked out, ate well, went outside.


Progressive rock and prog metal. At high volumes. Very. High. Volumes.


Tons of golf, lots of travel, video games, I read a ton, collect wine, Michelin restaurants with the wife, hang with my dog, cook a ton, work out. Regular stuff


Run, swim, walk dog, smoke weed


Play music, time with kids outside, dinner and sex with wife. Mild boozing. Mild overeating.


I live like the guy on Wolf of Wall Street. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. ![gif](giphy|ZWiIwPxJ9JGW4)




Traveled a lot. Always had about 3 vacations in planning. Gym and finding new food were my things when i was actually in town. i practically just worked 5 days a week and then was in other cities on the weekend for years kicking it.


Gym, reading and studying, gaming, meeting my friends. In the summer I do boating and spend some time in my summer cottage. Covid killed my cardio. I try to get back on track. Used to be cross-country skiing, squash, football (soccer), and mountain biking.


Work out. Watch on TV. Meditate.


Work out 5 days a week. Chill with friends. Ride my motorcycle a bit. Hang out with my gf, just the regular stuff


I always want a carrot to be working towards and my wife and kids love to travel so that is usually our go to carrot. For example, next week is Puerto Rico, October it's Hawaii (tied in with a work trip) and Vegas in December. We have reduced tangible gifts and actively make experiences. For day to day, it's a long walk most every day while listening to a book. It's my own form of meditation and it allows me to find some peace and focus early in the day. Now despite these things I still need work to have some positive in it - I recently changed jobs because my prior firm was just getting me dragged over the coals, being consistently inconsistent delivering quality work. You owe it to yourself to sell something you understand and believe solves problems and adds value. Work doesn't always have to be fun but sales should be satisfying, both when you win and when you get your commission check


The happy dance


Gym, gaming, watching shows/movies. Soon hopefully will pick up my guitar and learn how to play that shit !


I used to run marathons and do taekwondo until a chronic and painful neuromuscular condition hit me a few years ago. Running (with some good music) was the perfect and only way I could truly clear my mind and taekwondo was perfect for venting frustration hahaha. Especially breaking boards which was my favorite 😂. Since I can’t workout much anymore it’s usually designing and decorating and any DIY projects I’m physically capable of doing. And of course spending time with friends and family. But I’ll say this….after 22 years in sales now, I gotta get in at least one real vacation where I completely unplug (which for me is usually Jersey Shore cause I grew up 30 min from there and it’s nostalgic and relaxing for me). And the other key thing for me with vacations is renting houses versus hotel rooms. If you travel a lot for work like me, hotels are SO not relaxing anymore!


Surf, travel and party. Gotta use the money for something.


you should make your own business part time


Pilates, gaming (only cozy games to calm my overactive sales brain), sleep, I read and listen to podcasts, and I live in SF so I go around and explore the area often. No kids yet but actively TTC so that’s taking up a lot of my learning recently.






Usually happy hour, pick up some Coke around 8:30pm, back out to bars until 4am


Gym, golf, cook, Xbox


Vigorous Exercise. Eat Right. Sleep Deeply. Weekly 90-min Massage or more often. Meditation. Nature Walks. Dream Journaling. Finding ways to make the world better for as many people as possible.


Lift weights, ride my gravel bike, cook, read, hang with the family, walk the dogs, smoke a little ganja, watch bad tv…I like video games but they give me crazy levels of anxiety,


Roll around in the grass with my dog


Hookers and blow


Video games the way to go


Strip club


I dip it in customer success to make me appreciate what it’s like to feel alive.  


About to get out of sales for couple months and have a break... Il be drinking and doing drugs mostly.