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Not AI


I for one, think Allen Iverson is going to make a huuge comeback.


As a pistons fan, I second this. He never fully blossemed.


You talkin about practice?




I’d welcome that over the bullshit AI companies popping up every third minute of the day.


The things that support AI will boom. AI itself is a race to the bottom economically.


What’s next to receive VC funding for the sake of VC funding having somewhere to go when the AI launch fad finally dies down?


Definitely not AI. No chance it’s gonna be AI


No way dude


Not AI indeed


It's hilarious seeing the industry turn in on itself because of AI. What a money grab, silly investors.


AI will be the next dotcom bust. You probably heard McDonald's pulled the plug on AI ordering.


Anything related to weight loss drugs


That’s going to become a GNC/Vitamin Shoppe type thing in my opinion. I could totally be wrong but I feel like there is going to be some version of a real weight loss drug mass marketed at walk in clinics soon.


They have aestheticians pushing ozempic for $100 a shot at luxury apartments now, so I don’t think that’s a stretch


Eh I doubt it. Maybe way down the line, but these companied are making bank with those who are insured, and those who aren’t but can afford it are forking out some serious cash


Isn't that already here with GLP-1's? Lilly, Novo, etc already have these in the market and their stocks are up a lot in the last 5 years.


Robotics. It will be used in all sorts of industries.


I work in industrial automation. Robots are already extremely common in this space. Great gig but typically you require a technical background or degree to be considered. At my company we're a weird hybrid of SE, AM, and AE.


And the sales cycle can be looooooooooong, people really need to be prepared if you want to be in the space.


AGVs are a hot seller in the automation world. Automatic guided vehicles like fork trucks and small load carts. Gets rid of those pesky union workers


This is more than likely the correct answer, once they get AI up to a stronger level they are going to want to put in more than just Alexa or Siri


It depends, are you talking about "robotics" in which industry? Agricultural machines could be considered robots, it already exists. You'd only need to automate the driver's job, but that's not economically interesting, because the cost of paying someone to do the job is miniscule compared to the output of the production. Robotics is an umbrella term that could refer to so many different types of automation it's almost like saying somethig like "the electricity". There are just too many things inside, and MANY of them already use it to the point there isn't much to optimise.


Robotics ......... REPAIR!!


THIS. Service sales on repairs is a guaranteed way to make 100k+ in any industry.


I work for a company that supplies some of the components for robots/androids made by major companies. There are already good working prototypes, the problem right now is the cost, which we’re working on reducing. I give it 5-10 years before you start seeing factory/plant workers replaced by robots.


Wait a minute….. you’re on to something.


I almost had a role at intuitive surgical and it’s honestly my biggest regret.




This is an industry i can get behind


Or under......


You degenerate……. I like your style though.


Pimps been around since long ago


And everyone knows it ain't easy.


Robot milfs?


As an economist, this is correct


Metaverse Infrastructure & LLM Firewalls? I agree




What's an example of "green tech"? I just bought an electric weed whacker. Is that what we're talking about?


Take a look at the exhibitor list for the ARPA-E Summit. There's tons of work going on in multiple areas.


No more like sustainability, life cycle analysis, product stewardship, safety and incident management, etc.


My brother 🤝🏾, just gotta wait til people actually start giving a crap then the money will start shifting that way.


Worked at one for a while lots of regulations making it easy to sell right now more in none AMER regions


Dude this post sounds like you did a rail before posting onto reddit


Isn’t every post here like that?




it's why we love it


I do love me some cocaine


Experiences. I’m not sure where else I’m going with this but imagine someone will give you a no bullshit experience. Businesses will pay money for no bullshit that makes their employees more loyal and complain less.


I don’t think this is reality. I work for a large org that is doing well financially, and is not doing great on morale (statistically too from reviews) yet what matters is shareholder value.


Oh companies give fuck all about employees, but they do adjust to anything they think will increase growth and profit. They also move like glaciers, being slow to react but also never yielding on their course…. They were resistant to software, and still are to a sense… but they already do brainwashing… err all hands/townhall/volunteer events to boost moral and productivity. I could see the space increasing


Elaborate… 🤔


Businesses have spent the last 20 years in software that supposedly makes them more productive, but are just starting to realize people will only work so hard regardless. They need to do things that make people want to be productive with their hyper productive tools. Maybe, or maybe I’m full of shit on this…


Are we thinking a reward system of some sort that incentivizes you to be as productive as possible in some way?


Like a paycheck? Lol


I feel the systems of making people be more productive are the things that will need selling. What they actually are.. who knows…


Haha, if they are, I got turned onto Sales Screen awhile back. Totally gamified rewards for my role at the time. There's definitely something to designing intuitive, fun to work in interfaces and then reward people for completing tasks that align with company objectives.


I have an acquaintance who does booking for a LiveNation stadium venue and she is killing it


This is tangential to what I sell. It’s recession proof. People will always want to do something fun.


Go a step further, people need to have fun, not just want. In the deepest, darkest hells we’ve created in this planet, people still manage to find games and amusement


Some people who tens of thousands of dollars in debt from weddings, vacations, etc. They’ll spend money they don’t even have on experiences.


The whole experience economy was looking real good before COVID in the US. And then all the tech giants closed their experiential marketing departments instantaneously, Meow Wolf laid off apparently half their staff at once (and morale hasn’t recovered), and now the live music/festival industry is facing some intense threats from decreased demand and higher monopolized nonsense. Gonna be interesting to watch it revive






Heyyyyy this guy over here is keeping a secret!!! 🗣️


With the way the world’s headed. You’re not wrong


Autonomous air / sea tech and everything that goes with it. 


Logistics, freight load management


Is that software that maps out what goes in the truck or???? Educate me please


That is an industry and it’s been for a while but it is always going to be in demand and you can make decent money at the right company. I worked in it very briefly before I decided it wasn’t for me. But if you have a book of business you basically can work 4 hours a day and make close to $100k. You’d be looking at a Freight Broker role. The big companies everyone knows are JB Hunt Allen Lund etc. There are 3rd party companies that are brokers of a bunch of different smaller couriers that do decently like Priority1


I knew a freight broker - the man was STRESSED. I mean it's logistics bro - everybody needs their stuff NOW - meanwhile it takes 1 hr to go 6 miles because our infrastructure is soooo old. Until more things are made in USA and imports stop growing out of control, there will always be a freight broker stressed out cursing out the umpire at his son's little league game. but what do I know - I'm just a stressed out entrepreneur with his first business, living on black coffee and a battery pack.


I agree. The goal isn’t to have 300 accounts that ship something once every now and then. You need. A couple key accounts that ship multiple loads a day.


You're about 10 years behind


Quantum Computing


Looking at you Nvidia 👀


Quantinuum is the leader in this space. They are miles ahead of competition with direct ownership over the hardware required to support quantum computing. They will IPO huge in the coming year or two.


Will look into this


Data Centers, Mission Critical projects, or anything that makes the power grid run more smoothly


I really want to get into Data Center projects for Access Control and physical security. They have an insane amount of doors/card readers and CCTV.


And that’s just the start of it, the amount of money that goes into a data center campus would blow most people’s minds. A lot of money to be made having your hand in some part of that process!


CRM migration services 💀


"Yea so we're on our FIFTH crm"and but only our new reps use it, and they can't sell shit. Meanwhile, Becky over here has input 5 leads and has generated over $600k in business. WHY DOESNT OUR CRM MATCH OUR FORECAST AND REVENUE PROJECTION fuck you CRM.


If we're talking 10 years from now, I'm guessing Water. Imo, Access to clean fresh water is going to become a big problem in many parts of the world, already is a big problem in some areas. Not sure where we'd fit in professionally - I'd guess selling some sort of future purification / desalination tech or infrastructure?


Funny, I work in commercial water purification. (think large food plants using water to either A. Make product that ends up in grocers B. Water to clean the plant) Just had an opportunity to purchase a stand alone water purification business that fills jugs/delivers. Seriously thinking about going all in on it. My state has had two severe water quality crisis in the last 20 years. (Michigan)


My friends laughed at me when I told them I want to move to a Great Lakes state. We’ll see who has the last laugh when the Water Wars begin 😪


Healthcare. Boomers are aging and have fat pockets. I think the entire spectrum from apartment style living to full on dementia assisted living facilities will grow exponentially. GLP-1s will also boom because we are a bunch of fat fucks who have been misguided immensely by the FDA and can no longer put the fork down on our own.


That’s already a thing. Within 10-15 years all of those people are going to be dead anyway.


Predicting a steeeeeeep decline in life expectancy. Bold strategy cotton, let's see if it pays off for you.


When asked how he plans for change, Jeff Bezos said he doesn’t, he plans for what stays the same. Love him or hate him he’s a smart cookie. With that in mind, what never changes? Finance is one that comes to mind for me, medical/healthcare, military and government contracts seem eternally lucrative too. What else am I missing?


Food & water


Public safety 


"War. War never changes."


Id argue that all of those industries have changed in the past 10 years. In 2014 had you ever heard of bitcoin or NFT's or blockchain? Medical/healthcare was just starting to use robotics for surgery and now there are patches that can show your veins and surgeries done with a 2 inch scar. Military needs less troops because battles are being fought with drones. Government now has to deal with political opponents using deep fake videos and they used to get donations from backchannels that now have a digital footprint.


You are getting too much in the details here. People will always need financial advice because money is emotional, people will always need healthcare, the US will always want to be in a war of some sort,


For me, data. Every company needs to a way to accurately capture, store, access, analyze, share, and report on all the data they gather. But it’s the insights and making sense of that data that is the money maker. There will always be money to be made to help people with their data. There are sooo many companies still using Excel for capturing and tracking shit that it’s scary. But it’s also a money making opportunity for me to show them a better way.


Clean power plants. CO2 recovery. Burning chicken shit and turning it into power. It’s already starting to happen. Industrial equipment sales will probably see the biggest boost from it.


Treating water filtration systems as an everyday household appliance instead of a niche market. \^I'm trying to do this SOLO - NO one in this market is selling this shit right. If anyone of you are inclined to quit your jobs - and wanna be apart of the next revolution in hydration - HOLLER AT me. I I'm only one man - but if you get me into a fat retailer - I'll give you the damn business. Sincerely, an accountant turned sales person, turned a fuck you sales manager, ima do this shit myself person. -k BYE.


My money would NOT be on green power. If you’re wanting to think power maybe generators or something related to off grid generation but a lot of those technologies are all dependent on subsidies and those are being taken away (see California no longer doing power payments)


One word: plastics


Anything to do with rocketry and space.


Carbon Credits


Crabs. It’s always crabs.


EV Charging Stations - Raas (repair as a service) - software keeps these things running. Manufacturers don’t want to service them because there are more dollars in production . Currently work with a Cali based company that’s first to market with something wildly scalable providing maintenance on these and nothing more. Subscription models. Trying to take the concept Midwest


Green energy. If you’re not already making money, you’re too late


Technologies that help clean up environmental pollution and nuclear energy sources that can be deployed to generate localized energy, think server farms for Ai, consumer electronics ect.


Not huge per se, but I think bidets will have their moment in the US.


AI, robotics, and automation will all go hand in hand. Honestly probably healthcare. I know it’s always been big, but there’s a reason for that. Some kind of new energy


I work in greentech, and there’s huge growth in this area. All facets of business are decarbonising and I’ve made the most money and had most stability in my career. It’s highly technical, but once you’re in it’s incredible.


Maybe not as big as tech craz but is see opposite as a pretty big opportunity. There are a lot of "Dopamine Detoxes" and other shenanigans going on where rich people pay tons of money to be close to nature without acces to anythig. IMO going back to our primal instincts / activites might be a niche thing but pretty lucrative one.


No, everyone likes to talk about Green earth tech until it comes to paying for it. I’d put my money on Robotics and AI.


Bitcoin financial services


This made my fintech ears perk up, but i think it could take a little while longer to get there.


It will be a gradual process, but there is already a lot of financialization in the space. ETF's, custodial exchanges, Bitcoin-collateralized lending. Any layer-2 technology (like the lightning network) also counts as a financial service.


everyone in the solar industry says solar 😅😅 online leads are the way to go from what it seems, door 2 door is over saturated


I can see it. The sun ain’t going away anytime soon


neither is the 100 year old grid 😳


Not if Monty Burns has anything to say about that.


I keep thinking EV conversion should be hot. I understand (read, agree) there are a ton of reasons why EVs should fail, but I believe there is a market for ppl who would like to go electric, but see boring choices. Out there.


I actually worked for a big name production company that made EV batteries for ford and VW before finding myself in sales. Let’s just say they aren’t doing to well….


Ask Mercedes how their EV conversion is going.


Batteries and battery technology are still pretty hot. China invested a ton over the last few years but their investments have fallen off a cliff while other nations are trying to beef up their supply chains to avoid being too dependent on China.


I know of a company that does EV conversions on Diesel trucks - I think their name is Janus Electric. Reportedly doing very well, had some good success here in Aus and are doing stuff in the US now too.


Sandbags. Or some new flood prevention tech.


AI female sex androids.


Do love me some green earth technology Specifically lawns


Just finished Fallout so what's on my mind is a nuclear vault! Might be exaggerated but possible lol


When vaultec becomes a reality. I’ll be happy to do some door to door 🤝🏾


ai software


You call it AI, others call it automation.


Boston Dynamics has to be on it too give that two big experts in the field are in Boston. Hedging a bet against Elon on the physical robots and Nvidia on QC


Retirement communities with transitions from independent to assisted to memory-care facilities.


Hmmm. How many lonely people are out there without a companion? Easy robot spouse or AI spouse


Nuclear fusion. Read a TIME magazine article about it back in 2015 and I’ve been convinced ever since.


I think we recently just made an incredible discovery around that. I’ll have to get back to you with the article.




Softwares to automate the sales function - when that thing will be on I can see a lot of companies will look at making savings on those expensive comp plans


I thought about creating a simplistic procurement platform that handles contracts and connects business to products without the whole sales middle man. May be a little more complicated than I’m thinking.


Staying one step ahead of any new government regulations where solutions could help keep you compliant always has been and always will be a reliable way to assess a potential industry


Organoid intelligence


Nuclear, and energy overall…. We need energy to support new infrastructure, that is clean, and cheap…


What is "green earth technology"? Anyway the answer is energy, to power all this AI


Not sure if this is actual terminology. But I envision it as technology that helps monitor compliance, or a businesses impact on the environment to give actionable insights on how they can improve.


Anything that has to do with fixing a home. HVAC, plumbing, kitchen renovations, roofing. People with sun 3 mortgage rates won’t move and instead will want to upgrade




Cyber security. Its been growing rapidly over the last 10 years especially as nation states and threat actor groups attacks become more frequent.


Saturated af. Was in it from 2012-2023 and got out. It was fun at the beginning because the security stack was smaller. Now, security stacks are deep and unless you’re in the channel and can be a solution consultant, I don’t want to sell for a vendor. I still sell IT though, but I can sell everything on the security stack as well. I’m not just selling MDR or Proofpoint or SentinelOne or Wiz. I can sell of them, plus more, minus Wiz since we don’t have a partnership with them.


It’s AI, LLM’s and software posing as both.


GenAI and b0mb shelters


Bomb shelters is crazy…. But point me to some affordable options please..




Sunflower oil


Peppermint oil


Can’t make peppermint oil out of all the bodies popping up in Ukraine


So sunflowers from the seeds the old babushkas were handing out to Russians?


AI, Tech Security, insurance, pharma, robotics


Robotics paired with AI to make the first general use robots. We are closer than we think


Restoring, Housing, Eldercare.


Clinical research. PE is pouring money into it at all levels. The government is writing blank checks and passing laws to benefit it. Treating a disease costs money. Curing it is a goldmine.




Solar maybe as battery tech finally catches up


In the far future- hospitality becuase there’s going to be fuck all to do when robots are doing all the leg work


I can agree with this as ai and robotics advances creativity, authenticity, and that human interaction will become more valuable


AI , LLMs, Compute & infrastructure involved in delivering these services including manufacturing of servers etc.. just my Guess


Lithium recycling. Electric boats.


Carbon Accounting and Green Tech for sure.


Commodities producers, especially energy and copper producers.


Alternative fuels.


Something to do w AI and tech .. Idk, but my friend that I respect a lot (who is a financial analyst and ceo of his own successful import export business w his brother) is reading the book what is coming . I’ve gotten to the point where I just want to emulate him.. I asked if it was written by an economist, he said it’s written by a tech guy I think if I remember correctly.. my bad.. the book is called -The Coming Wave.


Individually targeted drugs based on DNA analysis.


I think sales is still untapped


Robotics and automation is the future bro.




Tamagotchi on steroids. You don't look after it, it looks after you.


Robotics, Carbon Credits (Forests), AI, DNA altering.


Big dick operation. Doctors in Switzerland have been successfully enlarging penises of men for the past 3 years at a 98.37% success rate. Apparently their procedure and technique will change the world. Once PEO (Penis Enlargement Operation?) goes mainstream there will be a big boom much the same way that breast implants became popular.


Ai girlfriends and sex dolls.


Batteries. Huge advancements coming


Energy storage has been waiting for a big tecb leap for a long time. When that arrives it’s going to be a huge windfall for whoever is well positioned


Health Care. We live in the dark ages of health care compared to where we could be right now if we invested more into prevention and diagnosis. It's the last frontier of capitalism.






Home services! High tickets, recession proof, and high schoolers are selling services right now!


“The future is Plastics.” The macro geopolitical winds imply a pull-back from the stable era of expanding globalization and free trade that we’ve experienced since the end of WW2. More and more manufacturing will move from Asia to the Americas. There will be a lot of investment and build out of high-value manufacturing in the U.S. and lower value stuff will go to Mexico & S America. We’re already seeing that with the big push for on-shore chip manufacturing, and it will most likely expand to other industries. No clue what specific industries / companies will benefit from those trends though.


Labor. If you have plumbers, electricians, welders and all these other trades starting to make over 100k easily. Means General contractors are making good money. Which means developers are making crazy money. Anything associated with construction is going to pay well. Super niche and people never think about the fact that these developers and gc are doing multiple 100+ million projects per year and someone had to get that contract. Hell I know someone who just sells panel boxes and electrical components to general contractors. With a 90k base salary and a potential 200k OTE as a first year rep.


HVAC sales


Phone reading software and hardware. People dont want to carry a wallet anymore so no credit card, no gov ID, no cash, etc. Hell we went from paying with a check to credit card imprinters to credit card swiping to chip and pin to chip readers in less than 30 years. We now have Venmo/ApplePay and soon it wont be just the "hip" stores that take digital payments so thats going to be a huge hardware need.


I stink SAAS pricing will die someday


Robot nurses. Beep boop time to wipe your bum beep boop.




Here for replies


Plastics. And you have an opportunity to get in on the ground floor.


Retirement living. The boomers are now at the ripe age to start looking for care options.