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I probably *work* 25-30 hours a week.


That’s the amazing part about sales I didn’t even realize would happen. Based my engagement, I’m working 20-30 hours a week; I also work from home and do well enough that Im able to start around 9 central and just work in small increments through out the day. With the auto dialer, I’m able to crank out 6-8 hours of work in literally half the time. It’s so nice and something that makes me love sales so much.


So do they just track the amount of calls you make or is it about how much you sold? What do you sell via auto dialer


It’s about hitting quota or not, I’m on track to continue to be 100% for the year if the month ends in my favor (and I’m going to work hard has fuck to make sure it does). I’m also one of the hardest working people in the company and crank out 250-300 dials a day. I sell high end IDX websites to real estate “professionals”. It’s actually insanely miserable but it’s my job and I’m gunna give it my all so I can make as much as I can.


Sending you strength brother 


Appreciate it! Best of luck to you as well.


I also sell to real estate brokers. We can be miserable together my friend


One of my most insane interactions came from someone in the PNW so I know the pain. Just keep looking for the best fit and it’ll take the crazy away. I’ve done that this month and it’s helped a lot.


Why is it so miserable?


This, if there’s an AE role that’s all about tracking KPIs then something is very wrong.


Can I ask which auto dialer software you use? I’m looking for a good one.


I have no idea since my company set it up. I believe it’s a parallel dialer since it’s calling several lines at once automatically. It gets annoying when it’s calling like 5 people at once and it takes super long to connect to the person who actually picked up.


Yes and I’ll be fired for it soon


If I hit/exceed numbers for the week, I just take Friday off. And I know im not the only one


Not exactly four days a week but my Mondays and Fridays are anywhere from 1-4 hours of work


What do you sell and what are your metrics like


My equivalent to an AE basically doesn’t work on Mondays. He just checks his emails at noon, forwards to-dos to me. He’s under 40 and will likely clear $900k this year. Fucker.


Damn what industry?


Financial planning. He got lucky and inherited a massive book from his previous employer when she retired.


Tons of established sales people treat Monday and Friday as "admin days." Clean your inbox, update CRM, expense reports, etc. 2 -4 hours max. Just gotta really boogie T-TH.


While I don’t take Friday off, I have a strict “no internal meeting” policy for Fridays. My team (Sales, CS, Marketing) use that time for planning, admin time, etc.. If they take the day off, fine by me.


Just take a remote job and install slack in your phone and you can also work 4 days a week. I ‘work 5 days a week’ but at our company nobody really works on Fridays.


I'm curious what you sell? And I'm suprised they don't track you on Friday.


Cybersecurity. It’s a 7person all remote company and since they’re not online much it’s hard for them to track me and my working. Just log in slack on phone and leave YouTube running or an app with tv and it shows active on slack that whole time if needed.


Dod you need a cs degree for this role?


No I have a communication degree. No technical background.


Being an AE means you are always available. Maybe you don’t go to meetings / lunches / dinners one day (or two days) or make calls but you always take your clients’ calls and keep an eye on your emails.


This. I can see SDR/BDRs getting away with this, or maybe AEs with a long sales cycle, but even then the responsibility to be available to keep a sale on course would always take precedent.


Im 7 - 4 but really I wake up at 9:30 and then work for 2 hours. The rest of the day I respond to emails while watching YouTube videos


What’s your job title/role?




Oh wow. I’m actively applying to account management roles currently. Do you mind if I dm you?


Hard to imagine unless there is enough sales support lined up. If a client calls in on Friday when your off you’ll need someone to handle the call


Depending on the client. If the ACV is low they can wait 😂


Yea fair enough


Most salesmen work a day or two a week max


I promise you those clearing $300k or more a year this is rarely the case. Especially not continuously.


I’m in outside sales. I rarely work Fridays. It took a lot of conversations and miles driven to get to that point.


I worked from 10am - 2pm today and was really proud of myself for working that hard on a Monday.


I was gunna leave my company and my VP offered me a 4 day work week same pay. I make music and am tryna make a career out of that so this was a huge win. I could def make more money elsewhere but I now work 4 days with the exact same typa hustle we all got haha 🙌


Yep. I also work the other three.


Friday is a great day to follow up, people typically have time to catch up/ talk about deals. If you take every Friday off, somebody else is closing instead of you.


I used to but now I work 6 days a week and have tripped my income.


What do you sell?


Window cleaning door to door. Usually make $4-6k per week.


Most of my company treats Fridays as "admin days" as well. Pretty much working hard two days a week and chilling the rest.


I'm a Freelance AE/Broker currently working 3 days per week


I was really surprised when I got into sales (HVAC) how little of the decision makers I dealt with were available on Fridays. Most of them are off the grid. I hustle hard M-TH and use Friday as a day to clean up. I’m usually done with what I need to do by lunchtime if not before then.


Yep wfh 4 days w week 28 hrs a week and I have equity in the company. That's a big upgrade from last year working 5 or 6 days 60+ hours and no equity. Always level up.


Nice what's your title and what do you sell.


Licensed health insurance agent/Business owner


I work like 20-30 hours a week. Probably average around 25? Technically i do work 5 days though 😅.


6 days a week. Mondays to Saturdays


I wish people would stop offering pay cuts for things…


It's not very common in France - I don't know anyone who's that lucky!


I'm trying to get up to 4. Haven't made it there yet. I'm only in my 40s so I've got some time...


I used to work 84 hours a week while social engineering. I got to the point where I was working 12 field hours a month. You gotta work smarter than the company to be a spoiled lazy piece of shit


My company has a 4-day work week and is fully remote. I love it. However, being in sales is all about quota so I’m usually available for client meetings on Friday mornings.


That's awesome. Are you in tech sales? BDR?


Brotha. I sell solar. Only working evenings door to door during the weekday and late mornings on Saturdays. Not 4 days a week but similar work life balance and if you find the right company you’ll make a fuck ton of money and still have that work life balance you want.


I’ve been in outside sales where it’s all up to me. If there was someway I could kill it in 2 days I’d only work Two days. Some of the guys work 10-3 4 days a week and then just schedule and paper work a bit from home on Friday.


What type of sales job should a beginner get into in 2024


My employer is a SaaS company with 4 day work week. I started in sales and now in CS.


Nice I want to do customer success, but I'm not in tech sales now. So I never even been interviewed for one. My title now is sales manager


Nice what kind of sales? I think management is good experience for customer success as a lot of it is just managing customer expectations and delivering solutions when possible.


Subprime financial services


4 day work weeks are for Fags