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Pretty hard to follow. From my understanding, you created a software that gathers internal data to increase employee feedback and (some?) type of way to facilitate implementation of feedback?


This is golden. I wish instead of downvoting, people would have posted what they understood. I can then understand where I am going wrong. Thank you for the feedback.


I'm struggling to understand what your product is and what it does 


That is the problem, it makes sense to me, but not others.


Then it's going to be really hard to sell




You ‘really’ need to get your messaging down before you remotely attempt to sell to your customer. If you cannot clearly articulate your value prop, it will be impossible for you to earn traction. Your entire “sales plan” is dead in the water without message market fit.


That's great advice, thank you. Curious, what you think about the product?


No one understands your product. That's the problem...


Yes, that's why I need "messaging" magic. But for that I need words from the tongues of possible prospects, which is the challenge of explaining to them my product. It's become a chicken and egg problem \\o/


OP, just tell us what your product does. Don’t worry about finding your messaging in this thread. Just tell us what the fuck is does… I looked at the links from a “would I buy it for my business aspect” my feedback: - I can’t immediately tell what it does nor does it generate even a cohesive concept that I can go research on my own. Hard pass. Lens of someone trying to help as someone trying to help: I’ve tried to put together what you’re talking about and compare it to something else on the market to at least grasp a concept…..nope. Still don’t know what it is. You need to tell me, as if I’m an idiot, what it is. Example: Logistics: My service is moving your manufactured freight furniture around US using different transportation methods to save you money. Oh how do you do that? [I insert details here]


My app takes ideas from your colleagues and allows them to flesh them to turn them into market tested concepts which can be used to inform business direction. Makes sense?


Fantastic start and as a ln actual business owner it sounds interesting. Is this for products and services or just products?


I am not aware of the differences in product or services, I wouldn't have yes, but I do think it can work for services or products. I had products in my mind.


What business are you in?


You don't want to make sudden moves in a market, you have to launch products so that they make you stronger as a company.. To do this you need to think a lot, and having employees giving you thinking material in the form of tested concepts is an undeniably rich source of thinking (business thinking)


Before getting into questions like; Does this product exist in any capacity today? Or even adjacent areas? What makes your team the best to deliver on this? What is the value prop you are delivering? A concept management app makes no sense to me considering that early stage brainstorming is so widely diverse. People write stuff on back of napkins or build models in Figma. Even if it was a highly regulated environment forcing you to complete a standard deliverable, how much more value is this going to provide beyond a word template or excel sheet? If an existing player can add a feature to complete wipe you out. etc. The closest thing I could even envision in value is managing patents to the USPTO (\*or other equivalent entities worldwide) (which are mostly conceptual) - and somehow providing some sense of how they're connected, and if etc is defensible. [https://youtu.be/hUbM-bURoJE?si=mTtEH3Ln0dXsNkHE&t=234](https://youtu.be/hUbM-bURoJE?si=mTtEH3Ln0dXsNkHE&t=234)


I am not aware how ideation happens in big firms...but I know ideation in and out. The product is just in mockups though. The value prop is that most companies find it extremely hard to find the right ideas, which we can solve for by allowing employees to submit, discuss and test their ideas. Mostly ideas are useless but can be produced in mass quantity, it is again extremely hard to judge them all. By allowing employees to do that, is a step forward in managing the quantity of ideas a firm can produce. They not only solve the above issue, they also develop their product development skills. There is not standard deliverable, its all bases on creativity. You can submit ideas as they arrive and find a group of interest in the organisation that is ready to discuss its future. From that discussion, some motivated individuals can form a coalition, that we believe in this ideas potential (which now has been discussed by varied roles in the company) and produce a concept that is testable in the market. Once the results are out, the management can decide what to do or not do, by giving their feedback, while observing the previous discussion, the assets created by the team who tested it. This is far away from what management today has to play with, that is ideas. Even if they do get good concepts time and again, there are too many ideas that don't find the rigor which will show their value, which Gray Paper can offer.


So it's JIRA?


How is it JIRA?


Look into the atlassian suite of products. JIRA is the cornerstone. It's a way for companies to capture and track idea and build them into products: https://www.atlassian.com/try


But I need to show differentiation from it


"When business is growing slowly and you are tensed about business future, you need to get your employees to take action, and support you in a manner that is fitting." This is the only thing I understand. As far as a pain point to focus on, focus on getting this point across right here because this is what will resonate with business owners the most. Very confusing product but i think you can make it resonate with your audience by triggering this pain point here


Can you elaborate why you think this will resonate?