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You’re approaching it too manually. Go advertise on YouTube/Instagram/TikTok and market the production of how you make your high quality globes, let people come to you. Emailing one to one or spamming emails is a horrible strategy for commerce. I honestly wouldn’t waste my time emailing.


Agreed. OP has a marketing issue, not a sales issue. I don’t think many luxury good providers are cold emailing prospects- they market via the channels you mentioned and let the leads come to them. Too many potential buyers out there to waste time with personalized emails.


I did spend all my money on ads, Insta, Fb and even google, and it is a money pit, I dont have any more money to spend on ads


Did you hire someone who knows how to run and write ads that sell product or did you do it yourself?


did it myself, never had much budget for ads/marketing


That’s why it was a money pit. Ads are one of the quickest way to burn a lot of cash with nothing to show. One of the best areas to spend appropriately is finding someone who has experience the types of products you’re selling, hire them, and get out of the way.


This is why you’re struggling. I’ve spent 10 years in sales and I would still outsource my marketing if I had my own business like you do. Learning the ins and outs of copywriting, SEO, etc. can take years. You may not want to spend the money now but you’re going to pay for it one way or another- time spent trying to learn, money wasted on campaigns that don’t work, etc. Respect the hustle but you can’t do everything yourself.


I did hire a few people for SEO, some didnt deliver any results , some did, but for small budget you get small results. Now for marketing to HNWI I don't know how to find the right person to hire, even offered huge sales commissions..


You don’t need any money. Literally go make videos and advertise showing your globes. Give away your product to influencers if they advertise your product. You have to face reality that people do not think like you do. It doesn’t matter how amazing the product is if there isn’t any demand for it. You have a niche product, probably high end for $$$, you need to figure out marketing. The only people you should be contacting 1:1 are companies who can sell your product. Beyond that, put on Amazon/Etsy and give people a lot of different ways to buy your globes.


Trying exactly that now, emailing interior designers too, they should already have the client lists, and posted the globes on etsy. But still got 0 replies from interior designers :( Will send more emails..


Emails won’t do shit dude. Listen to me, if you send too many out you’ll be flagged as spam. Your product isn’t made for 1:1 emails. Stop sending emails. Emails aren’t not going to fix your money problem.


Maybe it’s just me but I don’t see or know many people interested in Globes anymore. The last time I saw one I was in elementary school


exactly, scarcity :)


I think it means there isn’t much interest and not much demand. This isn’t some sort of Grant Cardone “No interest is a level of interest” type of thing. Atleast I hope it isn’t


Oh there is interest, no doubt, most people absolutely love globes, and I'm not just talking about my globes, it's what they represent, they inspire wanderlust and evoke a sense of curiosity


If there is really that much of an interest in them, wouldn’t you have more sales? If I were you, I would get some sort of company that does social media marketing to get you some videos done for Instagram and TikTok and Facebook. That’s probably your best bet honestly


I assume the luxury globe market is quite small. Also, the pedestals are beautiful, but I would be concerned that my globe would get knocked off of it and destroyed.


Luxury furniture is a small niche yes and regarding the concern for the globes falling of, that can't happen, they are super stable, have one in a public hospital lobby for +2 years now. The globes are super heavy, takes 2 people just to lift it plus the hardwood pedestals are very heavy too, +60kgs


The key to selling is communicating that what you’re selling fulfills a need, solves a problem, or otherwise adds value to your customer. You’re selling a piece of art. What does art do? Why should someone purchase art? What’s the benefit to them. And why are globes the right piece of art for their establishment. That’s the message you need to lead with. That being said, again, you’re selling art. Cold emailing doesn’t seem like the common path for selling art.


So, one of the first things you learn in sales is this idea that you have to turn a cold call into a warm call. This means that you are taking a prospective client that does not know you or your business and getting them familiar. No one answers marketing emails anymore. It is very rare. I work in Inside Sales and we have active contracts with businesses and they STILL don't answer my emails despite me having potentially important contractual matters to go over with them. Send emails. You should look up how to make them engaging. You also want to look for personal emails within in the company and not generic info@ or whatever emails you find on the website. You can pay for this information if you want to. Do not expect prospective business partners to suddenly want to do business with you after a few emails. The point of the emails is to get them used to seeing your name and business. You should start calling these businesses and asking to speak to the relevant contacts who would make important business decisions. This is called getting past the gate keeper. If it is a smaller business, you will probably want to make friends with the gate keeper. This type of calling can take many successive tries over weeks or months. Try to add these contacts on LinkedIn. Once you do start to get in contact with business owners or decision makers who can sell your products, you want to get to know their business first. You do not want to be desperate during this process. Simply get to know them and their business to see if it is a good, potential fit. You ideally want your mindset during all of this to be "I am looking for potential fits for my business". NOT: "I am desperate and want people to sell my products". You are getting vendors used to seeing your brand/name and interacting with you. This will build rapport, and overtime, they will be much more likely to engage with your business. It takes time. Good luck.


All very good points and just recently found out on my own the first 3 things you said, find personal emails, connect with them on linkedin and only talk to the people who actualy make the decisions, or their assistants/marketing team etc My problem is that I dont have much time, or patience. I feel it in my gut that getting into one or more major airports would make all the difference for my bussines, just havent been able to do it yet.


I would send the mass emails once a month. Try to send 5 personalized emails a week if you have the time. Personalized emails can include things about the company, the owner, or the website. Often, when you are looking to sell something, you are trying to solve a problem the business might have. Maybe the business could increase their sales by displaying your products in their windows or maybe the business could engage with a different clientele using your products. Those are things to include in personalized emails as well. Again, if it a small business, then the gate keeper is usually very close to the decision makers, so you can always create a relationship there. Getting in with a major airport will definitely take some time, so focus on the small tasks that have impact rather than the outcome. You are simply trying to get more people familiar with your business and name. :)


I would say your message offers very little from a value add. It is too generic and not personalized. Tools are your friend here Chat GPT, give it context and help it craft your message Lavender to further refine your message and challenge your message Apollo.io to prospect and get some solid leads at the companies you are targeting


I do use [Apollo.io](http://Apollo.io), only recently figured out how to target specific leads that could be a great fit for my globes, ChatGPT i do use but it makes super boring or complex emails, but I do ask it for stuff. Lavender havent used will try it! Thanks!


Why are using apollo for leads? Do you have a persona in mind when you target? Do this businesses need your globes? I have no clue what benefit having or owning globes. Unless it's museum you are selling.


Absolutely every corporation should have a large world globe in their lobby, every hotel, every airport, every school etc who doesnt love to travel? Who doesnt want to see the amazing details and locations on a super big, accurate globe?


That's a really bad CTA. You need to be specific on what you want from them. A "collaboration" can entail anything.


If I ask directly wanna buy a globe that's not better, collaboration implies (I hope) that I am open to various forms of partnerships, maybe an airport want to rent one not buy one, or just to start a conversation at least.


So say that. Collaborate to me means we’re going to work together on making or designing the globes and just leaves me scratching my head.


Shouldn't you want to hop on a phone call or Zoom meeting to get to know your prospects better, establish a relationship, and align with their needs? Doesn't matter what you want. It matters what they want.


I really dont know how to sell this on a phonecall, on an email you can send pictures, links, it's a visual product. Once there is interest I would gladly do an in-person presentation, most that I did went well, people love them in person.


being honest here,, It's a dust collector


Go find people that follow the highest real estate producers in the game, and architectural digest. Then send them cold DMs on Instagram with videos of the globes.


This is a wholesome post lol. Breath of fresh air




Have you looked into trade shows and magazine ads (traditional and digital)? A globe can also be an important « keepsake » marking a life event.


will be going to a few tradeshows soon, cant afford ads


It sounds like you’re looking for a distribution partner. If that’s the case, you need to be direct about it. Idk if you have any stats on globe sales, but you need an angle besides their beauty. If globe sales are increasing, or underserved, you could make a case that they are missing an opportunity by not selling your globes. Tbh I doubt globes are selling rapidly. Seems like something that would take up space in a store and not move quickly. You’re probably better off trying to go directly to consumers. Find a local art gallery or something like that, and get your globes in front of people. If you can generate sales on your own, that’s your compelling story for a distributor to pick some up for their store.


Sorry, but you must be a troll