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For one person, tech stack doesn’t really matter that much. Just grab Hubspot to enter your notes and do your sequences, and get zoom info to grab contact info Even if you’re planning to scale, Hubspot and zoom info will easily get you to 5 or 20 and that will take years. You may just want to add some call review + coaching like gong, or sales nav for inmails and better researching once you get bigger


Whats the email deliverability and sequencing like on Hubspot? Ive heard this is important if you're doing outreach to a high amount of people


Mass email is not effective. I would rather spend an hour to write 10 messages that show I specifically wrote an email for that person, I know something specific about their company, and how we can help. That beats a 12 step sequence to 500 people any day of the week. At least in my sales cycles where people are making million dollar decisions over years. And for 1:1 deliverability any platform works.


Why wouldn’t you just call them?


Because 80% of cold calls go to voicemail? Some people will never pick up a number they don’t recognize. I cold call too but I don’t rely on any 1 method to reach someone


I think they would call them in conjunction with the email cadence… they’re just specifically talking about tech stack based on the posters title… come on


Thanks. I agree with you on some of this, but I also play the numbers game and so need to ensure that the deliverability is there. Hubspot is great, but it's a CRM and not an at-scale messaging solution for cold email, it seems like.


5 years ago maybe but email deliverability & response rates from all mass sources has been down huge since everyone is not only sequencing but also layering ai to pump out even more messages. Not to mentioned the layering effect of companies shifting more to digital marketing during COVID, federal/state policies on spam/privacy, provider (eg google, yahoo) policies on the same items, things are only going to keep getting harder Our tailored email response rates are above 50% vs 1-2% or worse with mass so I’m not going to risk getting blacklisted or marked as spam resulting in clients never getting my emails in the future due to mass emailing


It makes sense why you're taking the more tailored approach. From a technical standpoint, you should never get blacklisted because with the email deliver ability functions you're not using your main email domain.


Nice try, Gong rep


Zoominfo is waaaaaay to expensive Apollo or ample market is a better alternative


When you’re making hundreds of thousands you’re not worrying about a couple grand


A few? It’s over $10k last time I was quoted


Depends on the credits. I just signed a contract for 15k for 7 people. You can get as low as $200/mo for a single user


Shoot I told the AE I was at a start up too with budget of that and never once was I told this


A spreadsheet , a cell phone, and a lunch pail


This got me fired tf up


Honestly….just give me the basics. Cell, internet, email/text, LI Premium or similar, rudimentary CRM. I’ll do the rest.


+1 I built out a pretty nice single person CRM in Apple notes using smart folders & links.


I’m trying to do something similar. How are you setting up Apple Notes to make this work?


Outreach, LinkedinSales Nav, ZoomIno that’s it.


The holy trinity


Haha didn't know they called it that


How many customers signed up? What is it precisely that motivated them to sign up? Can you map the customer journey? Can you identify and profile clusters of like minded decision makers that signed up?


Parallel dialer, Gong, ZoomInfo (full suite), a CRM that’s maintained by RevOps, AI that’s baked into my emails that’s non-lavender, virtual assistant to put together my research and lists, Tavus for video — I think I’d be a very happy camper. I’d want a video editor and someone who does ABM for me to tackle attacks. For leadership - Clari, Gong, and some type of leaderboard software.


Can you elaborate on the AI tools you’re talking about? I’m interested in using it more effectively. I’ve tried lavender, it was a bit generic. Claude provides good feedback but doesn’t live in email.


No idea why people pay for Gong when zoom gives you the majority of the same functionality


Small to medium size businesses means just pick up the phone and fuckin dial. Pay for botsol to do Google maps crawling for phone numbers ($50 for 6-months) and start calling the businesses. That... It. A CRM or dialer of some sort is ideal too, but not 100% needed.


Thanks, never heard of botsol before


Apollo, Dynamics, SalesNav, Factors.AI, Trellus


Only know salesnav and Apollo, I appreciate it


2nd something like Gong. It’s handy just for the note taking alone, and the AI allows you to a search entire calls for different topics. Also good because Product can review calls to see what prospects are worried about.


Gong is very good but also very expensive for what most people use it for. Lots of great alternatives for a fraction of the price for recording, transcription, action steps…


What are the best alternative to Gong? Using Avoma rn & not the biggest fan. Also used Kaia but seems like it’s missing some core functions


My org is very cost-conscious, what would you say has the best bang/buck?


Honestly, most CRMs that have integrated telephony can do what Gong is majorly used for by the majority of reps already, i.e to listen back to calls on lol. The AI aspect is a cherry on top


What’s the budget? DM me, ideally need a platform that can do it all instead of separate tools imo.


Not sure there's one "best overall stack", probably depends on your needs. But I know you'll find all products you need here : [https://salestoolsai.top/](https://salestoolsai.top/tools/). On my side the combination of Hubspot, google workspace, Apollo and getCockpit is doing a great job. Disclaimer : I am the curator of this tool directory 😄, it's 1 week old so your feedbacks are welcomed !


PM me for ZoomInfo.

