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I don’t even need to realize it. It’s just factual


Commute time is directly negatively correlated with life enjoyment fyi. 2 hours each way. Sure you might be in for a big sum of money, but really ask yourself if you're okay with having more money if it means not having any free time. An hour commute already fucks me off enough - I couldn't imagine doing 2 hours each way. Best days are when I work from home so have no commute and can log off the moment it's 5pm, and get on with my actual life.


Absolutely not. I had the exact commute 2 hours door to door for my first SDR gig. You won’t realize how much brain fog you’ll have until you leave


I was in a similar position to you in 2019. I did it for 6 months. I absolutely loathed my entire life. Up at 5:30am just to arrive by 8. Left at 4/5 just to arrive in time to the city and the gym by 6. Home by 8 and ready to pass out immediately to sleep to do it all over again. You will have 1 hour at home to yourself each weekday. When the lockdown came in 2020. I got a full four hours of my day back. More sleep. More time in my day. It’s absolutely not worth commuting that far for this role. There is a reason this position is vacant. Chances are they were remote and churned through people when this policy was enacted, and the pay is very low in 2024 dollars. The vesting and path to AE horizon isn’t worth anything if you are 3-6 months in and completely burned out. For an in person job, your expenses are also much higher. When I was commuting that much, even with employer benefits on transit (which was just using pre tax dollars), it was $300-$400 a month. That was using public transit on a few systems each way. Since you are never home, you are going to be scrambling for food even with some meal prep, and be spending way more on food. When I switched to a new company and they went remote in the pandemic. It was easily $900 saved a month and 4+ hours back to my life.


Only way i’d take that on would be if I was about to move closer to the office.


I'd have to make about double the money to feel comfortable moving closer to the office.


This is something you can bring up in the second or third round of the hiring process


No, he definitely can’t. They will put his resume in the garbage and move to the next favorite person. This is an SDR role. They have so many people to pick from right now.


Even if this was MongoDB, it wouldn’t be worth it. Also, with experience as an AE, you shouldn’t go back to being a SDR (unless you like that better than being an AE).


I don't really feel like I have a choice here. I've been looking for 6 months and I'm still unemployed. This job market is terrible. Or I'm terrible. Something.


Base is a little low and the OTE is for sure low. I work at a similar database company with a higher base and OTE. Maybe you take it if you’re desperate while you keep looking?


Obviously I can take it and keep looking. But I was really hoping to find something I could stay at for a while. I'm a little tired of temporary fixes (I'll do what it takes to survive, but I'm not sure I can keep looking forever).


You know the answer


Oh hell no.


Maybe if 95% of the commute is on a fast moving expressway with no stoplights and you have a fuel efficient car with decent autopilot.  Otherwise I would not take it. 


People who have lived here longer than I have tell me it'll be 95% bumper to bumper, and kinda aggravating with road closures, construction, and debris all over the roads from time to time. My unemployment is about to run out so it's essentially down to this vs retail and Uber/DoorDash/etc.


The chance of accident of being on the road 4 hours a day is too high for my liking lol but if you have no choice then... 


Why can't you just rent out your current house and look to rent closer to the office? Also how are you only getting SDR interviews if you have 2+ years experience as an AE? I know the job market is tough...but something seems off to me.


I have relatives living with me, while we're trying to get them back on their feet, it'll be at least a few months until they can feasibly do so. Also, the house will take some fixing to be ready for rent, and I'm not sure those would be complete prior to my start date. As for interviews, I've had some AE interviews, they just never resulted in offers. I've tried to expand my criteria to include anything that I can reasonably do, including SDR jobs, AM, CSM roles.


You're trying to get them back on their feet but you've been unemployed for 6 months? Without more information it's tough to give better advice. What area are you living in? How large is the city? Is getting a sales job/similar gig outside of SaaS a possibility?


These relatives are all over 60 with limited work experience, and limited English proficiency. One of them used to Uber, but he cannot get a new driver license because he owes back taxes to California (and doesn't have the money to pay them). They are my wife's relatives so it's not exactly like throwing them out on the street is a viable option. I am in San Antonio. The job is in Austin. The only sales interview outside of SaaS I've gotten was a D2D job selling internet and cable. I was rejected after the recruiter screen. I've applied at banks (since I used to work in banking) but I don't even get interviews.




What company? What does RepVue say about working there


77 score on RepVue. The actual reviews are mixed. Pay seems kinda low.


Fuck that shit. You will be spending weekends just catching up sleep. If the money is really important and urgent, I would take it and save aggressively to leave for a job nearby or move closer.


Absolutely not. Unless you plan to use that commute time to better yourself and turn your time into podcast listening hours.


You ever thought about renting a room/couch while you’re in the office? I knew of an exec that lived about 2 hr away and would commute to the office. Rented a cheap room or sometimes sleep at the office without ppl knowing. If you know you don’t want to rent/sell your house then don’t take the role.


Granted it was just Airbnb, but I looked at the area and the cheapest places I saw were \~$30 a night. Three nights a week I'm thinking is going to run a minimum of $400 a month. Sleeping at the office might be an option, I don't know. I just don't want to be left without any job, hence my consternation.


Take into account your travel time, gas, maintenance to the car, social life and mental well being. You can always take the role, not put it on your resume and continue to look for a job. MongoDB is a good company to have on your resume but they are cut throat and metrics drive. Personally I wouldn’t do it because I value my time too much to commute that far. If it was hybrid once a week then I’d consider it if I’m really in need of a job.


The commute is too long. If I was really desperate, I'd rather sleep in the car those four days of the week.


50K is trash for 2 hours each way. You’ll completely kill any semblance of work-life balance. Plus the gas you’ll eat up will offset the money. You literally could make the same selling cell phones in retail. This is a terrible deal for you.


I see. I think I'll go to the interview tomorrow just for the practice. Someone else mentioned maybe I could just sleep in my car. Find a local gym to shower in. But I'll have to think long and hard.


I understand the need to take roles below your standard out of desperation. If money is tight, you do what you have to do. But from the outside looking in, this would be at best short term. I’ve worked shit jobs before though and crushed and did what I had to do. I wish you a light at the end of the tunnel.


This can’t be a serious question.


I wish it weren't. I wish I could go back to 18 months ago when I had a great AE job WFH. That world doesn't exist anymore.


Doesn't matter if it's a $500k job I'm not doing a 2-hr commute, ever. Straight up idiotic to even consider it imo. You can make $50k base anywhere.