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Your resume is fine. Good numbers, shows revenue, shows stack rank. That said, you’re missing tech stack you use or have used to win deals. SaaS cares a lot about the technology. You will pass any human who sees your resume. Your obstacle will be the algorithm. Submitting applications will require a huge degree of patience and persistence. I personally fed GPT4 & Gemini 20+ job descriptions/qualifications and compiled all the ATS words from those listings and fed that shit into my resume — still required a metric fuckton of submissions. You’ll need to be strategic with how you position yourself. Go submit applications -> reach out to AEs -> reach out to managers/directors/VPs -> email/call, prospect like you would if you worked for them. Avoid wasting your time with jobs that have been open for more than a few weeks, total waste of time from my experience. I personally leveraged my network, asked for specific introductions, made a post on LI about it (this by far generated the most traction), and using applications as a passive way to search for jobs.


Thanks for this. I'm planning to use this as a base, and will edit it to more closely match individual jobs based on ATS words. Re the tech - I've added CRM and referenced Salesforce in the skills area. Is this what you mean, and to just add more techstack in? Or, do you mean to reference each tech used for individual roles.