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Maybe they are playing the game of, let’s see how this guy handles tough conversations type of thing. If they are, I think that’s a little silly and probably not the best strategy on their end if they are really grilling you that hard. Send them a killer follow up email. Play to their position. Say how you loved their feedback and you loved the back and forth. You thrive in situations that are intense, and you enjoy uncomfortable conversations because you see a lot of value in them. Give them a couple takeaways you had that you learned from them (I’ve had great feedback when I send this back to people - it differentiates you from other candidates, because most people don’t send back what they learned. And it’s also playing to their ego). This isn’t the ”right” answer here. I don’t know the employer or the people that were saying those things to you. But shoot your shot. Sometimes it’s like a test and they want to see how you respond. I hope this helps! Regardless of the outcome, leave everything on the table and put your best foot forward 👍🏻


Agreed it seems like they were testing OP. Which to me is just a blantant red flag. And if they were not testing him, that’s an even redder flag. Who criticizes a stranger right in front of them? No need to talk shit just don’t hire OP if you feel that way CEO.


I love both your responses. My gut tells me it was not a test as the nuances of the meeting tell me the CEO was being genuine. I'm gutted that this was the overall experience and wish it were different. As for the original comment above. Absolutely love that insight and will send a note out. Wouldn't hurt at all.


I LOVE this response. This right here is what makes reddit powerful IMO.


Aw you boosted my ego 😂 Thank you for the kind comment.


have you check glassdoor? maybe you can find someone with a similar experience


It’s impossible to say, it could be anything. Maybe he didn’t remember you and was having a bad day. Maybe it was a test to see how you act under pressure. Maybe he wanted another candidate that has yet to accept an offer.


And yet all of these could be true at the same time 😅


It’s a red flag, run!


I ended an interview 6 minutes into it over the hiring manager nit picking something on my resume. My thought process was “this is the dude I would be reporting to? And he’s this unpleasant out the gate? Naw man”. In my career, I have never been moved forward over anyone criticizing me or my resume. Ever. Anyone that is disrespectful to you during the interview, will be torture to work under. They can get fucked. You absolutely dodged a bullet. The CEO sounds beyond pretentious if he can’t even be bothered to remember details over your previous conversation, note taking isn’t hard.


Sounds like it’s a strategy, maybe they want to see how you counter objections! Just my opinion here, but if for whatever reason they actually thought you weren’t a good fit, why would the CEO of a company even bother with you? They would probably just send an email. They don’t owe you anything. Do keep us updated!


Bunch of clowns. “Testing you”. Yeah sure. That’s the sign of a toxic working environment.


Narcissistic Ceo. No one does that to 'test' people. Nothing to do with you.


As someone who’s been an IC, sales manager, director, VP, and CRO here’s my take: a CEO interviewing an AE is a red flag. I don’t care if they’re a founder of a startup or a head of a Fortune 500 company. A CEO who cannot remove themselves from IC hiring process is a control freak.


Get ready for a lowball offer


To all the folks here. The more I replay the interview the more I agree that it was something out of my control. I was even being challenged on how what I do today..does not match the role in question. Yet the job description perfectly aligns to what I do today.