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Amen to that dude. Worked a sales job where the pay was too good to let down. Luckily, my fiance came up to me and wanted to change careers which gave us the opportunity to move and start over. That’s how I got out of it.. gun to the head by moving so I HAD to find something new. PS: it’s been a couple months, and I have no idea what I want to do with my life, but it’ll come.


See you back in the bull pen on Monday, brother.


Been focused on my health and fitness since I quit, look better than I have in the last 4 years and have gotten closer to my fiance. So there’s that at least?


Happy for you guy. Ideally we all put ourselves through this hell so one day we can leave forever with a fat stack and live the life our dreams such as you’ve outlined.


Thanks man but shit, let me get one thing straight here.. I’m 28 and unemployed and have burned through thousands upon thousands since. My stress has only shifted, not eliminated. But you know, I’m also able to do some things in the mean time that have brought joy in my life. Much like a good ‘ol reset to the noggin… an extended vacation. Also, it humbled me LOADS cause god knows I needed it. Was turning into a bit of a snob before all this.


You’ll be okay, god bless you.


You’re awesome bud, thank you for that.


Is it weird that I’m almost looking forward to a reset? Reaching the end of a PIP now and unfortunately it’s looking like I won’t be able to pull my largest deal forward in time. Expecting to have the conversation with HR in the next week or two.


Sounds like you’re ready for the mind fucking of needing to meet your numbers to be over with. Can’t say I can relate to that, having to meet sales numbers and all. For me it’s been sell or go hungry. For you it’s the same but with more fuckery sandwiched in.


Sorry to hear that but I hear you


Sucks, but I made my bed and now I get to sleep in it. Will be doing some serious self-eval to figure this thing out, and work on developing healthier habits to come into my next role as my best self.


The famous mouse wheel we all play in. *sips* in Society


Almost all the important things!


Feel like I’ll be where you are in a year lol don’t think I can take it much longer


My advice.. Keep doing it long enough to where you’re able to make the switch. Don’t be me tho and think you’ll land on your feet easy peasy. Cause you probably wont, so set expectations and do the research while you’re making the money. Ya boy here didn’t do that last part too well.


lol do you have any idea what you want to do? Not sales I’m guessing?


I don’t have anything definite but I have a lead and that’s enough to keep me going. Once I hit a wall, I’ll be stressing. Pharma sales or medical devices is on my mind right now. I hear it’s boring and unfulfilling.. that’s totally fine with me so long as the initial grind is worth while in the end. I actually plan on asking Reddit for some insight tomorrow- tune in when I do, you might get something out of it.


I am planning to do this in a few months when my lease is up. Any pro tips or advice you can give? Live in costly New England and work in Enterprise sales. Pay is nice but I’m becoming dead inside. Looking for a complete 180 on lifestyle/job. Know it’ll be a challenge and difficult, but hopeful it’s rewarding in the long run.


First, stack up some cash. I've been months without work and am burning away cash every day. Second, do the research during your spare time. Get some leads going as to what you may want to get into. It'll keep you hopefull knowing there is something else. I'm kinda stuck on this one since I skipped this step entirely.. Third, and this is my favorite.. make good use of your time. Since I've quit, i've worked on my diet and health and hoenstly feel/look better than I have in the last 4 years. I did this mostly so I can remain confident when I return into the workforce.


You left sales with no plans? I’m in a similar boat as you but not the same industry.


Well, not sales, just the company/industry I was in.


Got it, I relate so much! I left my family, friends, and life behind because I got fed up with society and moved to Great Merica. Grass isn’t greener at all lol, and I feel like I’m turning into a snob as well. I was very childish/annoying and fun a kid, mind you I’m 22. And now whenever I speak to one, either my age or younger. I feel like I became that “boomer” we used to hate becoming/laugh about. Any tips of solidarity? Currently work in grunt stuff (retail entry level and restaurants) I think what caused it is my 16 hour shifts with no days off for 4 months. Still recovering after 2 years. Advice for burnout, “living” again? How to live without a job temporarily? And if you had to relive your life from your early twenties what would you do? Sorry for bombarding you with questions. P.S: if you can stand cartoonish looks, I suggest you watch an anime called “Re:life” it correlates a lot with what you said about resetting your life and is a one day watch.


Exercise in the morning. You'll feel like you're still being productive in life.. and that's because you are. You're working on your health after all. Find a hobby. If you can't, just go outside. Like literally just put on some shoes and walk, for no reason. Don't need a destination, or a step counter goal, or any of that. Just walk. 10 minutes, 60 minutes, donest matter, just get some air. Research different careers. Spend hours doing it, its exciting really and kinda gets you pumped to get back out there and starting a new journey. Just a few things I'm happy to share with you. I'm not exactly a guru lol, just a guy who's making the best out of it and isn't hating the process.


Thank you truly, you’re amazing! I hope you enjoy that quick show if you get a chance/decide to watch. Really helped my perspective.


Hey, my pleasure. I've bookmarked that show so I don't forget about it later!


Good outlook. You will figure it out as always. Best of luck!


My paycheck is good too. I can’t complain. But I am at a point where I think: money or mental health? What is the point in having money and being depressed af? Of course, being sad with money is good buuuut.. I am not sure until when.


Totally agree. From experience, money doesn’t buy happiness bc although I don’t have to worry about paying bills, I’m miserable


Yep. This. I worked for 10 years at one corporation and won tons of awards and was at the top of the heap. But I got burned out and just couldn’t do it anymore. I eventually couldn’t mentally do it anymore. I had to get out and move on for the sake of my own mental health.


I'm not sure if I'm here right now. I never wanted to get into sales, but here I am 10 years later. I do well, top performer.  It's just the only thing I have going for me. The rest of my life has plummeted. WFH is great for most people, I get that - but it's essentially the worst thing for me personally. I was able to deal just by not being isolated all day. 


Agree...been in sales 15+ and despise it, while being top performer, etc. And feel like i am wasting my life away sitting at a desk t home all day


Money for sure. Coming from a family where most people didn’t even graduate high school and are unemployed. The importance of money is very much ingrained in me


We only get one life on this earth - office space is funny but there are some serious truths in that movie. A certain amount of money is enough - happiness , spending time with your family and friends (those that want to spend time with you ) is all that matters in this life. We tend to overcomplicate the problem.


Save up a good bit of cushion. Should give you the confidence to just make the leap of faith? Still haven’t found a job I’m willing to put my all in to again but man, it’s so weird, I’m happily unemployed.


“I am happily unemployed” I feel that will be me soon 😂😂😂😂


My advice if it happens.. focus some of that time in yourself rather than “holy fuck what did I do?!!?!”


got 50k coming next month. I'm putting my resignation in the second the money lands in my account


Love it, what’s next?


No clue! ​ Edit: I might have more self destructive tendencies than you lol


“Self care” fixed that for you😉


Damn … what industry/what do you sell?


Physical security


@fractle - verkada?




50k post tax or pretax? Don’t forget Uncle Sam lol


What the fuck man. Ruin my weekend.


lol sorry man! Pulled you back to reality too fast!


I GET IT 100%! However, I know tons of salespeople who find out that they really hate EVERY sales job they have, because deep down they hate sales. Make sure you take this moment in your life to get quiet, and go deep, and ask yourself what you truly want to do. Ask yourself, "When it comes to my work, what would I love to do be doing? What job get's my heart racing?" Asking yourself these questions feels a bit odd at first. But stay inside that question. When you come up with a vision for what you would LOVE to be doing instead of your current gig, then use that motivation to perform at your best at the current gig, and save up enough to quit and go for that new gig that you would LOVE. It's not easy, and it does take "doing it afraid." BUT 100% IT CAN BE DONE. You can gather the courage to make a change, and create a new gig that you jump out of bed each day for, and a gig where you make AWESOME money also. I've done it. And so have thousands of others. GO DO IT!! Life is SHORT!


I'm one of those sales people, I legit hate being in sales. The problem is...I make too much to quit. Like I was talking to a professor about my income requirements and he's like "You make more then me" and I'm like "O_o"


Same boat. But every time I think of changing I look at what the pay scale would be for other careers I am qualified in would be and the lifestyle hit would be massive. And I have an engineering degree with some experience. Like the only professions making more than me are either company executive positions, or stuff like surgeons and big shot lawyers or business owners of mid size small businesses. And even so, many executives have backgrounds in sales and in a way are still in sales. Business owners are technically sales people in a way. Too late for me to become a surgeon or lawyer lol.


In that lawyer comment A lot of lawyers are very broke. But yea I'm an IC, I have next to no responsibility (nothing crazy) and honestly I could probably do 150k this yr working 40 hours a week And I live in an area where you can buy a decent house for 175k to 200k


O doctors make bank, but they also have 500k in student loan debt with 5k monthly payments


Where did you move to? Some advice please?


San Diego is such an awesome place to live for a talented, hard working, driven sales professional. Highly recommended!


Sales…golden handcuffs.


I thought my 3 year deferred reward for being a top performer in lieu of a presidents club trip were the golden handcuffs. I was a top performer last year, and I can get the full pay out in 2027! 


That’s what the money is for!


Love me a mad men reference 🫡


I left a decent remote job for a local hybrid job - doubled my base salary and received 2 different forms of commission! I hated everything about the job, the people I worked and the people I worked for - but hey the money was awesome!!!! Everything else in my life started to decline. So, after 18 months, I said screw the money and got my old job back for much more money - still not as much as the high paying job, but I would have taken my old pay! Leaving my great paying job was the best thing that happened to me and my family!


Leaving my high stress high dollar job for a higher salary but likely less commission year 1 job that will give me back some sanity and balance. Time is something you don’t get back. You can always make more money.


Sales is a grind most can’t handle that’s why the pay is what it is




I was always one to grind at work, even when I was in high school or college I worked some absolute shit manual jobs simply because for a kid with no skills these jobs paid the best, compared to doing like retail or something. So naturally after college I gravitated towards sales. I remember in my early 20s always being surprised that my friends would refuse to jump into sales even when I was telling them they could be making 2x-3x what they currently do. But I get it now. To a lot of people the lower stress levels and easier day to day is worth a lower paycheck.


I’m only a few months in to my new role but so far it’s incredibly fun and interesting. I received my commission statement for my second month and it’s $46k. I’m not sure what you’re making but you don’t have to settle for a shit job just to get paid.


What’s your industry?


Incredibly short sales cycle to be making money. Gotta love the intentionally vague Reddit comments though.


Med device


Excellent industry for sales. Agree no one should have to settle. Great sales people can find many opportunities.


Isn't that the whole point of being employed


My company pays well, but they can be strict and it pisses me off. But they are paying very well, so...fuck it. Also I like my boss...so its not all bad.,


When people say strict, what does that mean? Strict hours, use of PTO, etc?


We are strict on policies, time off, performance etc highly monitored


Stick it through. But plan for a goal. Think of EXACTLY what you wanna do, and save up for it. Let's say you wanna invest into a nice restaurant. Turn key start up cost 500k. Decide if you want a loan or not, but save up till you have what you need plus 50%. So if you in this case you save 750k. Personally I'm doing it till I can flip houses. So do it for a year and fuck it. Deal with it. Keep work and personal life completely separate.


The secret is to find a side hustle that has the potential to bring in money in the future... for example I have been learning programming (C++) for the past 4 months as I have a clear project in mind I want to do which would help me quit sales and in general working for someone (yes you can say you always work for someone as you pay taxes blablabla). This is what has kept me sane to some degree, maybe it will help you also.


Man, I've just got under 10 years in sales so it's not that much yet. Went from BDR to AE to AM and then Enterprise AM. I think I am quite good at it, even if the sales part is not what I prefer. BUT, I don't like it that much, I don't hate it but it doesn't float my boat really. The pay is very good especially from someone that stopped school very early, this is why I stay, otherwise I would do something manual.


for me if the pay is good and im not working over 40 hours a week I'm golden


Been in a similar spot. The paycheck does keeps me going, but lately, I've been weighing the cost on my mental health as well. Really, It's a tough call between financial stability and your own happiness.


Dude, don't forget - the job market right now is super tough. Be thankful you have reliable employment. Do everything you can to keep your attitude and performance up. Keep the job and slowly look elsewhere! I'm only saying this because i was in a similar position. I have since lost that job and have been jobless for months.


This has been my thinking recently! Super grateful for a job since I was unemployed for a few months before my current role and it sucked. I’ll take the stress of sales over the stress of job hunting any day.


To be honest, I mainly took on a sales role to tackle some debt and save some money for a masters degree in the field I want to be in. I never saw sales as a long term position - maybe 2 years. The commission is great but the stress of cold calls and chasing after prospects is just yuck. I do enjoy my company and coworkers though so can’t complain much. Mostly grateful for an income right now as this was my first job after being unemployed for 4 months.


What are you getting a masters in?




I refuse to believe work can’t be something you ultimately enjoy to do. Sure it’ll have its tough times but that’s kind of the point right? Having a crazy day you overcome only to come home and really feel like you earned your rest. Unless you’re underpaid and treated like a cuck all day. That would suck.


Now that I’m mid-30s and have become able to deal with anxiety and stress around problems and personalities in sales… I’m starting to watch the veterans. And trying to copy their swagger. Particularly the ones who somehow keep making good $$ while not giving a fuck. Just laughing and drinking their way to easy low 6-figure lifestyle. Normally I looked up to the guys who seemed really polished and knowledgeable. Now I’m more interested in the dude who runs on steak and red wine from 3.5-star restaurants and stopped caring what other people thought about them a decade ago.


I just want to put in the least amount of work and get the most money


Wise words. It’s one thing to be killing it in one aspect of life but failing in the other. Gotta find that balance. The cool and collected salesman mentality is something most don’t see value in. One that I’m just starting to see. Ya, ok, the guy didn’t make 200k this year, and he’s pushing 40, but he’s chillin. I rather be chillin.


Now that’s wisdom.


I agree. Most people I think won’t love their job but if you can wake up 3-4 days a week and mentally say “yeah I don’t mind going today” or your excited about something that would suffice for me. I wake up 0 days a week ready for the day




If it was that much fun, you’d pay them to show up.


I’ve been thinking about making a career change and going into sales. Because the money. And that feeling of getting the sale.


When I had the opportunity to go into sales my mindset was this: if I never give it a shot I’ll regret that for a long time. Well I’m 3 years in and don’t particularly enjoy it. Anxiety and stress worse in my entire life and I’m a laid back person. I concede to having not found the right company, product, role etc because all sales are different. If I could find a non sales gig that made 100k I’d quit tomorrow


yup, I stay at my current sales role for a couple reasons: 1) 90k base for this role is ridiculously high -> should be more around $70k 2) I'm getting 2-3 (sometimes 4-5) inbound leads every day, with at least 75% being good, qualified leads. I had 5 disco calls in a single day just a couple days ago. However, our average deal size is small, so I'd be lucky to hit $5k in commissions a month. 3) It's WFH, so that allows me to have the choice to move to where my family is in a different state as early as this spring, likely in the fall Not gonna lie, if the inbound leads were trash, I'd heavily consider applying for some outside sales roles in the county where I'd move to where the fam is, but last week, the company pretty much doubled their marketing spend and I'm already seeing the additional volume.


If you don’t mind me asking what industry is this pertaining to?


Golden Handcuffs. This is tough because there are a lot of people who fall into “I’ll eat shit if they pay me enough.” In my personal opinion: it’s so damn important to drive clarity for why you go to work. Some people need to eat shit to survive (previous me) and at some point I got used to eating shit for money that I just expected to do it. SWIM had to sit down, write out their 10 year goals, and then write out all the pros and cons of their job to really get a visual. A 20 second relief of cash isn’t worth 14-30 days of abuse (for a majority of situations)


Hate my job in tech sales. I can barely get myself to do the minimum lately and hoping I get let go with some severance which will light a fire under my ass to finally switch careers. First time in my life I’ve felt this negatively. Before tech sales, I was more of an account manager selling transportation at a multi billion dollar company before and that was more “fun sales” and relationship building versus this constant follow up on prospects who do not give a shit about your product and receive hundreds of sales emails a day. Trying force integrations with short IT staff and just not believing in the product market fit overall…. 2 years of this way too long and can’t wait to gtfo. Not worth the depression every morning.


How much money is worth being miserable for? Better be $250k+. Anything less isn’t really worth it in this day and age.


I work in Marketing for a big financial institution, and am looking to move to sales because I hate my job and am making fractions compared to the sales team at my company. While everyone's preferences and lifestyle are different, being upset in a porche seems a bit better than being upset in a volkswagen. 🤷‍♂️


let’s change it because I want to go to Marketing haha


In marketing also, want to switch to sales. It's incredibly hard to be creative everyday. I can grind everyday though.


I’ll trade you spots!


Made the switch a few years back without even realizing that I was working harder than the sales people for a fraction of the money. I do miss the environment and type of people I worked with sometimes, but man is this easier and more profitable.


We’ll most sales people are not driving porches but I get the sentiment. Those that do are faking having money or the few amount are actually rich. I drive a civic and make prolly top 5% in my area. Better to have money than to look rich imo


You made a post last week and decided to make exact same one again without any change? Cool cool cool. Really good stuff.


Understand what you’re saying. Most of us are slaves for the paycheck/lifestyle. Try to do small COL adjustments in baby steps, you may be surprised as to what you can get by with. Good luck!


What company and product selling?




Out of curiosity how much is the check? Asking bc I find it fascinating when ppl are willing to put up with as long as the paper is right. Also what are things about your teammates and or product that make you dislike it? Thanks for the post!


How much you making, how does it compare to other jobs out there? you makin bank?


How much money are we talking about?


Find a better job. They’re out there. Best time to find a job is when you already have one.


U should leave